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The 8th Edition: 




Important Knowledge for Humanity for the Year 2000! 
And for a Meaningful Life Into the 21st Century 

„ 8 4 1985. 1986. 1987. 1990. 1995. 19 

^bwhon.'- 1 - 

ISBNi 0 f»«S 5 C.ulo e ueC.rd No, 89-9065, 

Library of Cong , for use in any revew, the 

,„rHTS RESERVED. E*«P k in whole or m part ,n 
ALL MGHTJ > ^r utilianon*® ^ or other means now 
reP T m“by any ^"^’ ndudS'ng xerography, photocopying 


Garamond on a 

TypeSe ' nhic EdSr * Evan R. Sonl6, Jr. in Garamond 
Comp “graph! ^ 00/Acce ] e rwriter 
Phme^nd -d Land Printing Company 
. of America 

Published and Distributed by. 
Joseph Westley Newman 
2050 Vineyard Drive 
Casde Rock, Colorado 80104 
Telephone: (303 ) 814-3403 

Edited by: 

Evan R. Soule, Jr. 

Post Office Box 57684 

New Orleans, Louisiana 70157-7684 

Email address: 

Those companies/individuals interested in the proprietary 
manufacture and distribution of Joseph Newmans Energy 
Machine should contact Joseph Newman at: 2050 Vineyard 
Drive, Casde Rock, Colorado 80104. 

Frontispiece quotation based on an original quotation from 
Victor Hugo: “No army can withstand the strength of an idea 
whose time has come “ 


. irh i D ut forth my 

. 'ancc if I by “I" ToTed'scirntific statements with 

T the reader, I apologize in » * numerous, present y ac 

concerning all ^^'fp^emscientific community is not ac ™ S ‘° h truly exists without any 

— ZCToLm anyone due to *'*£££& in advance to you. 
lellectual or artificial boundaries of any w iH serve a most beneficial 

ing anyone uuu - ■ • , . rcly apologize in ' 

« »««' "" a " ™ "7L «» " “““ » *■ 

tger even certain that protons, neutrons^and etec , P sin P u i arities which “haunt space, as waves or points without volume - mathemat g would ap p,y to the 

3ased on the present scientific understanding of matter, thts same 

ergy in the force fields of a magnet. ^wtmmaanetic energy and possess 

however, it would appear that the nuclear and oTthf troth of this 

rchanical-like characteristics which can be of w ork and research, 

tement lies within this Book which I have wrttten follow, ng 19 years of wo writings 

I open this scientific work with the same statement with which I end it a 
ted Friday, 9:00 p.m., April 19, 1968: 

"To all people whose brain burns and aches to accomplish great things and 
changes for the good, may God and/or the Goodness of the Universe be 
with you. For you are the Goodness of the Universe and do good for the 
people in spite of themselves. And I salute you!” 

—Joseph Westley Newman, 1984 



specific innovation is, m fac , accepted grammatical customs^! 

ZZ:2*Z^ what ts P—. ^ the mecha nica, narure of a 

"** greater stylistic coasts. 

derogatory implication to the reader. This is simp y my y presented in this Book. 

(carefully and systematically) — rather than only memorize P 

My unorthodox treatment of certain words and grammatical devices is intended to , part ^ 
balance the psychological effects of a teaching system which often rewards memorization a g 
penalizes a sincere, questioning attitude. 

I must stress that my purpose is not in any way to condemn or question the intellectual ability of the 
reader. My sincere purpose is to question and improve the operational nature of the educational system. 


EDITOR^SNOTE: chine may claim that its design 

Those who understand ^ All^eat^co^c^p^s and 6 ^^ ^^^^^^wheeUs^hhp'le and 

— -- — 

juestion quite elegantly: 

The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply. 

Morgenstcrn^anrf f hCS >° cxpress * lis 8 rat >tude to physicist Andrew J. Galambos for bringing to his attention the above quotation by Christian 
actually re mr«i orscnsillz|r >g him to the nature of innovation via a proper perspective for that which is "obvious. ' 1 Professor Galambos has 

£ r2h 8enS,ern S quotation: " The obvious is tha, which is n 

[Professor Galambos was originally informed of the Morgenstern 

s never understood until someone expresses it simply. 
n quotation by Mr. Jerome Smith.] 




To Mr Evan R Soule, Jr. - a talented teacher and drawings which are extremely 

„d respect. Mr. Soule has edited this Book and P re ^ ^ ^ He has put his ve ry Essence into the 
professionally executed. Mr. Soule haS ‘ P " ^ *' order to enable it to be as appealing as possible to the 
editing, preparation, and production of this Boo of unscrupu lous adversaries. He has 

reader. Mr. Soule has fought vigorously with is pen^ g ^ and members of the news media. Mr. 

the People. 

Oiapier S«u. •>» W *• Co .puk ou, oo m» boh.ll «"«" 

of these individuals are a compliment to the word “Scientist. 

My very special thanks to Dr. Robert Smith of NASA and Engineer Milton Everett, formerly with the 
Mississippi Department of Energy — who spoke out first. 

BETRAYED BY MOST! is exemplified to the extreme beginning on page 466. 

My sincere thanks and respect to Evan R. Soule, Jr., to Jim Benz, and to Darryl Bonz who have 
by me and Humanity up to this day. 

And above everything else, I give Acknowledgement to the Almighty God of us all who from my 

The Teachings presented in this Book have been given to me by God and such Teachings can carry All 
Humanity into the 21st Century. Please master these Teachings — they can mean the difference between 
extreme Unhappiness or HAPPINESS into the Year 2000 and beyond. 

Joseph West ley Newman 


Table of Contents 


1 . 

2 . 

3 . 

4 . 

5 . 

7 . 

8 . 

9 . 

10 . 
11 . 
12 . 

13 . 

14 . 

13 . 

16 . 

17 . 

18 . 

19 . 

20 . 
21 . 
22 . 

23 . 

24 . 

25 . 

26 . 

Historical Perspective 

The Proper 

Gyroscopic ActionSq. 

Technical Descrip i T _ rr7VTTTON] 





M For a Working Invention 

AN ° 900 LB ' UNITS ^ 

HASTINGS :::::::rrrz 2 

svs ™ 49 

eS" M°»* A® Dkussiom Or Com-it.k. Designs 
Quantum Mechanics 

Useful “Work, Force, And Power” Equations ... 

The Static Embodiment (Energy Machine) 

Effects Demonstrated By Particles g5 

Within Electromagnetic Fields 

The Gas Embodiment (Energy Machine) 



Heat And The Three Laws Of Thermodynamics 


Achievement Vs. Apathy 

The Proper Teaching System 

Recommended Proof Of God’s Existence 

The Merger Between Mechanization And Economics 253 

The Patent System 258 

The Judicial System 274 

The Pursuit Of Truth 280 

Appendix (Presented In Chronological Order) 

Additions To The Second Edition 283 

Additions To The Third Edition 296 

Additions To The Fourth Edition 297 

Additions To The Fifth Edition 329 

Additions To The Sixth Edition 350 

Additions To The Seventh Edition 445 

Additions To The Eighth Edition 466 

Bibliography 579 

Index 5gl 















intermediate space.” _ Michael 


I years, I have o ^ electrical engineering, and 

“fonW « we- no, in accord wi.h .he seen- 

I tific community s f t that during the last 

! The my livelihood solely 

f twenty-three y ^ pro f essi on that requires contin- 

! from inventing. w ,, d •why,” followed by 

concerning realistic improvements. 
I ^contrast the present teaching system from grammar 
. I f h r ough college is one of memorization. The 
more capable a student is in memorizing the textbooks 
used within educational institutions, the better grade he 
f or she receives. Moreover, the time allotted for learning 
the basics in college is very hurried. There is little or no 
time for deep, creative thinking as to “HOW and 
: “WHY. This system has been, and continues to be, 

very detrimental to the progress of science. 

The progress of our human species is dependent upon 
[ creativity undergoing a process of continuing physical 
\ expansion. All technically-oriented individuals have a 
; sensitive and moral obligation to encourage the creative 
individual, in whom lies the future improvement of the 
human race. In many instances, the technological reali- 
zation of a scientific concept will precede the scientific 
explanation or expectation by the scientific community 
or other technical individuals. 

The facts relative to the history of the advancement in 
every aspect of science — medicine, physics, chemistry, 
astronomy, geology, electrical engineering — clearly 
show that because a subject matter is taught in accord- 
ance with a given line of thought at that instant in time 
does not make it fact. 

However, even al this late date many individuals 
wnhin the scientific community and other technical in- 

lihr ' y ,aken the p0sition that anything 

taught in a given instant in time is fact. 

If there were any merit to such a blind 

the Earth wou'c, be natandu wou| d also 

If there were any merit to such a blind attitude, then 
of the I ™ d be nat and U would *<*> ^ the center 

teachings at thar Hm because < Prior to 1820 , the 

•‘on be,te”„ m neusm H ,h r there Was “nnec- 

- - — « 

pertinent is the fact h isls of particles with a 

S ” energy ,n a magnetic fie, * is 
frZZ7ch%he h en^ToZ^^^ 

direction at C, or the speed of light, and it must also 
spin at the speed of light. 

“The energy in a magnetic field is the 
energy which comprises the atoms of the 
material from which the energy comes and 
is literally Einstein s Equation of E = MC 2 .” 

I wish to pay tribute to Michael Faraday, whose work 
stimulated my search, and to James Clerk Maxwell. Both 
of these great scientists have seen even farther into the 
future in a way in which they have yet to receive full 
credit and recognition. 

The following facts concerning these prestigious men 
were discovered by me many years after I had originally 
begun my search: 

The following quotations are from a book entitled 
Michael Faraday by L. Pearce Williams [published by 
Chapman and Hall, Ltd., London, 1965]. Essentially, 
Michael Faraday understood the lines of force as real 
physical entities. His position was not shared by most 
other scientists of that time. This caused Faraday to 
remark on November 7, 1855: 

“ How few understand the physical lines of force! 

They will not see them, yet all the researches on the 
subject tend to confirm the views I put forth many 
years since. Thompson of Glasgow seems almost 
the only one who acknowledges them. He is 
pei haps the nearest to understanding what I 
meant. I am content to wait convinced as / am of 
the truth of my views. ' ' (page 507) 

lamlv r, reS i. P ? ndenCe between Michael Faradav and 
James Clerk Maxwell, Faraday disagreed ar one pent 


on P a 8 e 

a letter r< 

. ,,,0^’^Senaencyof 

f force, Maxwell 
« ncs °/ oiarce William 


pass i 
unit *rse 

did agree » ,tn 

„ „ would seen*' C 

f° rce ‘‘ id ^io 7 a<a<*<‘‘ nce 

,,hat Michael Faraday 

„ first hand. He combined the l aiVs f 
etism into a simple, lucid mat hema / e £c<r, 
vent - a set of famous relations kno w ‘ * 
WC U s equations. These provided the tb * ^ 
foundation of modern electromagnet^ 

J tbe basis of much, if not most, of 0ur £ - 

civilization." n ° l,J Hk al 

Maxwell states on pages 72 and 73: 

/ have hardly made a single experiment 
the limit of my design is to show bow *,’*** that 
application of the ideas and methods of r Strict 
the connection of very different orders of ^ 
nomena which he has discovered may hi Pbe ' 
placed before the mathematical mind " Clearl y 

s clearly show 

cental genius that the 

of force of >rnw« know how to 


therefore, it is obvious from the above that Michael 
Faraday would have eagerly endorsed a consistent, 
mechanical explanation of these particles comprising the 
lines of force within a magnet which would mechanical- 
ly explain why magnets and electrical charges attract and 
repel as well as why electric currents move in varying 
directions when a conductor moves relative to a given 
magnetic field. 

In my original Disclosure Document (which is legally a 
part of my Patent Application) along with my Patent Ap- 
plication, I mechanically explain in detail all of the 
above - in addition to previously unexplained scientific 
observations - via one, single mechanical explanation 
particl “ "^h comprise all matter 
“c S 1 1 TOe a " d generate ail ™gnetic/elec- 
meChaniCa ' des "‘P- 

Chapter Three. h ' S B °° k ’ bc 8 lnnin 8 with 

*™ f Z w ZZ 3, jZ T h r a book '"“‘icd 

1981. J 

Pages 2 and 4: 


From page 125: 

■ ■ This work is Maxwell 's crowning masterr, 

The theory I propose may called ath^ 
of the Electromagnetic Field because it ha 0 
with the space in the neighborhood of thTeil ^ 

Michael Faraday 

or magnetic bodies, and it may be cal l og a 
Dynamical Theory, because 
that space there is matter 
the observed electromagnetic phenomena area 
duced. ’ ” (Emphasis added.) ^ ro ‘ 

From page 125 continued: 

“ The storage of electromagnetic energy in the field 
is then discussed in terms which no longer re- 
quire the aether model. After writing down his 
final relations for the electromagnetic field 
(Maxwell's equations), he puts it this way: 

I have on a former occasion attempted to 
describe a particular kind of motion and a par- 
ticular kind of strain, so arranged as to account 
for the phenomena. In the present paper I avoid 
any hypothesis of this kind; and in using such 
words as electric momentum and electric elastic- 
ity in reference to the known phenomena of the 
induction of currents and the polarization of 
dielectrics, I wish merely to direct the mind of 
the reader to mechanical phenomena which will 
assist him in understanding the electrical ones. 
All such phrases in the present paper are to be 
considered as illustrative, not explanatory 

h i speaking of the Energy of the field, howe ver, 
jji fsh to be understood literally. All energy IS 
the same as mechanical energy, whether it ?- x ' sls 
in the form of motion or in that of elasticity, or 


theor y which 

Maxwell energy. „ 

ty called P° distance, 

certain effects a. a natu rc of ' P°«" 

[I will discuss ‘"‘po S ed°to 'kinetic energy 1 

Ur energy as oppos 

ntedtut” that Maxwell 


same " U d ^a“urof Faraday's 
[ Jei When I read and studie ed [hat a magnetic 

I Orator A, that ‘ that P°i*« s ' d some 
field was acti on which created the obseryed 

il” energy as oppo the most 

The above 

mi^'ho'd^ and ^ ^^d^scienPficahy'mi’^d^^y^^'miO' 

It is obvious that neit e ^ existence of these 
mechanically exp la, n or P f o B ook, nor did they 

particles, which 1 will discuss i ^ could oblain 
understand or openly pred tic field than the 

greater energy from a mas ^ t ^ ese grea t men instinc- 
energy put into the S J S C k of endorsement for anyone 

S“rS"i" " 

tromagnetism. understanding and much 

I have accomplished ^ is un and MaxW ell have ef- 

more. By their statements, Fara y - 

-ZZ <./«*/- — « ' — - 1 “'“'1 i_ cm J£. 

^ . . fo^tiTr#=*lv end< 

: e h c etc ~ f 

explanation for their statements. ^ , „^ rrri hnratioi 

rur imnortance, originality, ar 

prove that my Hypothesis was true at *at ■ the raci, even 

b e r - ;r > — 

harness their energy. I eagerly accepted this massive Disclosure will speak for itself, 

id for well over a decade I studied, ex- _ 7 

larness their energy. I eagerly accepted this massive Disclosure will speak for itselt. 

•hallenge and for well over a decade I studied, ex- 

jerimented, and put forth deep, creative thought which c I1R FLY I AM ENTITLED TO PIONEERING PATE1 ^ 

esulted in the (U S. Patent Office) Disclosure Document pROTE c Xl oN FOR THIS REVOLUTIONARY INVENTION 

if over 130 pages and the patent application Serial No. 

■'9,474*. This in turn resulted in my developing a 
enrv which was no longer only a 

. . This in turn resulted in my developing a 
lified Field Theory which was no longer only a theory 

a Technical Process which demonstrates and teaches 
nechanical disclosure of a new source of energy and 
disclosed in this Book. 

is historically apparent that because Faraday and 
veil could not prove or mechanically explain these 
>y particles, the present scientific community has 
[rasped the essence of Maxwell’s and Faraday’s in- 

This application is a continuation-in-part of the prior copending ap- 
plication Serial No. 110,834, filed January 9, 1980, which in turn is 
a continuation-in-part of prior patent application Serial No. 23,1.36, 
filed March 22, 1979, and Serial No. 25,907, filed April 2, 1979. 


Chapter 2 



, force in co-ordinating the phenomena ot electn, 
adeU seo.h,l'ne- E of hlgh order, and one from whom 
"The way Valuable and fertile methods. _ C|#f1l „ 

I - *»* 

“rS^on'ng of 0* su.iec, — -S 

^ your ead th e«-^— r 

concerning Faradays generate^) ^ with 

steps of my >™ t,al ^ question for yourself what 


The facts of Faraday’s Generator: 

1 . Push a conductor wire down and through a 
magnetic field at right angles to the lines of force and 
the electric current will flow to the left as drawn. 

may * ™cu,t r«r those 

thC V " y *** °f questioning eSoK^; , r h rA:r r diSC ° Ura ^ S 

* Flip over the magnet 180° and the direction of the 
electric current flow will be reversed from that of 
Figures 1 and 2 above, although the direction and mo- 
tion of the conductor remain the same (compare Figure 
3 to Figure 1 and observe opposite results). 

4. Push the conductor “down” or “up” in a motion 
parallel to, and through the magnetic lines of force: no 
electric current will flow despite a vigorous or ener- 
getic pushing effort. 

5. However, although the conductor can be very slo* 
ly pushed at right angles to the magnetic lines of force- 
the resulting electric current will move at the speed 0 * 

the energy machine 


6. The conductor can to the ammeter 
> -n/rer flipped over 180 , conductor through, 

I to repeat the same agnct ic lines of force (as m 

I a nd at right angles to the w 8 f ^ clcctrlc current 
I figures I -3) Identical resu thQUgh the conductor 

I flow will then be o se ^ Figures 5 and 6: the 

has been flipp'd fe < cn nippc d over .80- from 

[ identical.) 

*»ntinnal teachings would suggest that the 

7 . the cl ‘ nven ‘X ' c current flow was a result of 

tionless in a magnetic field. There is no merit » his 
position when one knows that one can vigorously 
move a conductor parallel to magnetic lines of force 
and no current flow will occur.] 

8. As I studied the above facts of Faraday’s Generator, 

I concluded that the conventional teachings of No. 7 
above were totally incorrect and that such a conclusion 
completely ignores the known facts presented by Fara- 
day’s Generator. 

9. Facts 1 -6 above clearly proved to me that a 
magnetic field consists of: 

A. particles which have mechanical characteristics. 1 
asked myself, “How else could these particles ‘know’ 
which way to travel and why else would the direction 
of current flow be so dependent upon the magnetic 
field and totally independent of the conductor itself?” 

B. particles moving at the speed of light within the 
magnetic field. The facts prove to me that one did not 
impart the velocity of light to electric current flow by 
moving a conductor slowly through a magnetic field. 
Kather, the facts demonstrated that the resulting elec- 
tric current flow consisted of an entity which already 
traveled at the speed of light . The slow movement of 

r™ u r, a ' rl8hl an * les 10 lhal emlty had simply 

mechanically deflected the particle from Its normal ' 

delV n't T IS Slmilar 10 ,hat llf a bullet being 
deflected by hitting a metal plate or body of water at 

, to the bullet being 

did the UP and down ™°> dltec tion deflection of ‘hi. 
ductor produce opposh , cle which moved at the 

mechanically-natured parti d( . nection rcv erse when 

speed of light? '»hy d over |80 „. And why, when 
the magnet was fltpp , , these mechanically 

the conductor moved para jt the spe ed of 

sssss. is r»»°» - 

force of the conductor. conductor was mo- 

Atso, I asked myself f ^ consisling of particles 
tionless in the m g • islics an d moving at the 

with mechanical chara now produced?’ 

speed of light), why* was P no proper 

L"7f the particles occurring in the mechanical 
position of the conductor. 

,0 Summation of my ehoughtsln the e_arly months 

yet, the facts clearly showed that the s y* te ™ “" slste 
of an orderly flow of Kinetic Energy. This Kinetic 
Energy consists of a mechanically-oriented particle 
which moves at the speed of light. Therefore 1 knew 
that in order to construct the proper technological 
mechanism which could utilize this energy, 1 must 
simply understand the essence of the entire system. 

In addition to making my living by other successful 
inventions, the next three years consisted of thousan s 
of hours of testing, studying, and thinking to search for 
the truth concerning the nature of this mechanically- 
oriented particle. During this time, the same question 
dominated my thoughts: How did the particles of a 
magnetic field “know” which way to travel? In retro- 
spect, the answer is extremely simple, but seemed very 
difficult to me at the time since I had never taken a 
physics course and had been teaching myself many 
varied subjects. 

At this time in my life, I began to work on another 
Invention consisting of a flywheel which acted as a 
“mechanical storage battery” for a bicycle. This 
flywheel caused the bicycle to automatically react as a 
“wheelie.” Such “stored mechanical energy” within 
the flywheel suggested to me the stabilizing influence 
of a gyroscope. I then became fascinated with under- 
standing the essence of the gyroscope and thereafter I 
learned the answer to the questions dominating my 
thoughts concerning the explicit, mechanical character 
istlcs of the particles comprising a magnetic field and 
traveling at the speed of light. 


Figure Apply a downward force to the axis of a spi n . 

1 1-A1 ning gyroscope and it will pivot at a right angi e 
to the force (in this case pivot left). Now i magin 
that this gyroscope has a forward direction at the 
speed of light. 

Figure Move the conductor “up” at right angles to the Figure Apply an upward force to the axis of the spin- 

1 1-B magnetic field and the current flows right and 1 1-B1 ning gyroscope and it will pivot at right angles 

opposite to Figure 11-A above. to the force. In this case, the gyroscope pivots 

right and opposite to Figure 11 -A1 above. Now 
imagine that this gyroscope has a forward direc- 
tion at the speed of light. 




Figure Flip the spinning gyroscope over 180°. Rep< 
the actions of Figure 11 -A1 above, the 
will pivot at right angles to the force, but u 
now pi vot right and opposite to that of Figi 
l-Al above, even though the force directio 
same Now imagine that this gyroscope 
orward direction at the speed of light. 

AGAIN, the ANALOCV or -r ° fWard direCti0n at the ®P«d of 




figu BE 11 ' 


t he actions of t lgur lhe force. but wi 

\ <00^0^1,^ F ;fm 

gh tt>ej u ' direction at tnc 

aGaI E aka^^_1_ 





11-El axis of the sp ^ *J? fnrce is applied, as Ion j 

axis of the spring _ gyroscop * s long as 

how energetically J fo gyroscope will 

z';z7,:~S%« .£—««“* 

the speed of light- 


“These particles consist °f a 
■gyroscopic mechanical «crto» ." 
can be operationally (mechanically) 
understood and predicted! 

F. The reason that a stationary conductor in a 
magnetic field (generated by and consisting of gyro- 
scopic particles spinning and moving at the speed o 
light) does not produce current flow is very simple. 

The fundamental Laws for the Mathematics of Proba- 
bility (Statistics of Large Numbers) states that as many 
of the gyroscopic particles will pivot left as pivot right 
due to the random motion of the atoms comprising 
the conductor. Such action causes a cancellation effect. 
The same is true if, from all directions, one randomly 
applies a force to the axis of a spinning gyroscope. It 
simply will not pivot if the random forces are fast. 

G. When one brings a ™" d “ C /Tthe random morion 
right angles to a ma ^ e "fff‘c doe s no t affect the 
Of the atoms within the COHd “ c ' ,, f direction of 
system because there K “f" lied t0 the gyroscopic 
the “up and down jorce yy effect is 

particles comprising a ma & ne, ' c J‘ e molecules in 
similar to an airflow consisting g possessing 

random motion within the airflow but also pos 
a general drift direction which will apply ■» force 

windmill, etc. If the airflow ceases hojeve r me 

windmill will not turn even though the 
oas — while still moving at high velocities 
nonetheless in a random motion which cancels 
force applied to all sides of the windmil 

The same effect is true if one applies a random 
force to the axis of a gyroscope. If the random Jotc e 
has a given drift direction of force, the gyroscope uH 
pivot at right angles to that drijt directional Jot ct. 




R rc , had assembled had 

SJSSZZZ M mechanically understood an 
predicted. mechanically explained 

«>• ** ^rr/had conceived regarding the 
Nonmagnetic held Questions such as, 

12. In the early part of 1965, I eagerly researched the 
known facts concerning the creation of a permanent 

1 w*w**v- v *. — i 

magnet. Because I instinctively knew that if the 
strength of a magnetic field was solely relative to the 
energ y input, then I would know I was incorrect. But if 
the strength of the magnetic field was independent of 
the energ y input, then 1 would be even more assured 
that I was correct. 

Upon examining the known facts concerning perma- 
nent magnets, I again knew I was correct and such 
facts are listed as follows: 

A. For a given energy input into varying materials of 
identical volume, the generated strength of the mag- 
netic field varies drastically! 

The same electrical energy input created extremely 
S field strengths- I therefore , ns, a „,| y kne » 
he strength of the magnetic field had to be a tcsu| 
the Sir s , rnmor sms thf 1 Of 

me nature of the atoms comprising the material an J,° 
not a result of the energy input 

« The facts further demonstrated that the strength 
the magnetic field was observed to increase as m “ r " D 
atoms within the material became aligned! 

Why. in a mechanical sense, does a magnet attract and 

repel other magnets? • charges attract 

Why. in a mechanical sense, do electric cna g 

Vh "s ^energy in a magnetic field and what is its 

Did the* energy used in creating a permanent magnet 
have any bearing upon the strength or energy 
contained within a magnetic field emitted from 
the permanent magnet once it was made? 

I F,£ 0 NET| c 



I ! 

f f 

tS ' \ \' 

^ □□□□□□□ 
FIGURE 12-B2 ^ □□□□□□□ 

. ( v 

\ \ v -' 



FACT B therefore further corroborated FACT 12-a 
above as being correct. 

c. The facts also taught that once the maximum 
StMfflSSm of a given material waslSf 
hen no amount of electrical input would continue to 

strength im^UcM^a'?' 111 * 10 ' 1 ' ha ' 
not relative to the Ln • , d f glven materi al was 

maximum atom a holm? f"" 87 input ' °"« the 

one could increase the ^ ° f 3 matenal was achieved, 
increase the energy input 1000 times and 

there would be no 

° h fthep ~nt 
rl2 C lorther corroborated 

increase in the strength of the 

xrf r ™ anem ma 8 net - Therefore, 
FACT 12-A above. 

LL h . e , facts a,s ° “ught that if one took a permanent 

magnet (such as in ri ° ne took a P erm an< 

stron g magnetic fielded h 2D ‘ be '° W) Which has ; 
*? Urie 'emp^raturfthe m-~- ated ‘ hC ma8nCt 10 

™ tE «ov MACH , NEOpjosEpH 

disappear! (See Figured wou ^ virtually 

- D2 below.) 



i \ 





-atoms unaligned 


Again it was obvious to me that the magnetic field 
disappeared in Figure 12-D2 because the heat input 
created a random atomic motion and non-alignment 
within the material. One can clearly see that in Figure 
12-D2 one is transferring energy into the system of 
the magnetic material, i.e., one is not taking energy 
from the magnetic material and yet the magnetic field 
virtually disappears. 

13 . The conclusions which I drew from the above 
FACTS 1 - 12D clearly proved to me the following: 

A. The energy in a magnetic field is the energy which 
comprises the component parts of the atoms from 
which the energy comes! 

B. The energy in a magnetic field is therefore literally 
Einstein’s Equation of F. = Mr 2 i 

C. The energy in a magnetic field must be moving in 
chrect'cm at the speed of light and must also have a 

meZ°X C J Pin 21 thC Speed ° f light: herein lies the 

mecbamcal essence of E = MC 2 ! 

the parUde^c of a movin g particle is '/ 2 MV 2 , If 

about it^r ,n ^ th SpeCd V and also r °tating 
is ‘/ 2 MV 2 (for for ’ thCn thC t0lal Kinetic Energy 


. — '"XSCip"™" 1 

e ^nfiouratioi 

D T he literal and meCh ^ C s u lt C of the summation of 
magnetic field .s generated. 

nagncuc - , 

why electric charges only sta te that 

repelled. (Conventional tea J ,. magn etic 

"like” magnetic poles «£'™.. 1|ke .. electrical 

poles attract- H is alsosa charges attract. 

Charges repel and The answe r to such at- 

This is a superficial a y ^ gyro scopic spin has a 

traction/repulsion is * P a the observed results 

and'can'be' mechanically understood and predicted. 

mechani^ e^J^anahon^concerrhng d^ctric charges 
was developed 1 'k years before I un d er *° 0< l t! C 
evroscopic composition of magnetic fields. In 
essence, ? I mechanically viewed the electric charges as 
rotating arrows QO 
of gear interaction*iWenabled me to easily envision 
and draw the mechanical effects of attraction an 
repulsion. However, I did not call this mechanical ef- 
fect of attraction and repulsion a gyroscopic effect 
since (at that time) I had still not studied gyroscopes. 
Upon understanding gyroscopes, I instantly under- 
stood that the mechanics I had originally drawn for 
electric charges was a gyroscopic action. The fact that 
the same mechanical explanation for gyroscopic ; 
tion explained both magnetism and electric charg 

the same mechanical explanation for gyroscopic ac- 
tion explained both magnetism and electric charges 
made me even more certain of the correctness of the 
hanirdl pxnlanarinn fF.lectric charses consi! 

maae me even muic t-cnam ui 

mechanical explanation. [Electric charges consist of 
millions (plus) of gyroscopic particles and such 
charees will be discussed in more detail in a late 

immune ui t 

charges will be discussed in more detail in a later 
chapter (Sections 29 A-M) discussing gravity.] At this 
point, you should first intellectually master tl 

point, you should first intellectually master the con- 
cept and mechanical nature of magnetism. 

The following two pages of drawings describe 
(as well as electrical repulsion and attraction), visually 
explaining the discussion in 13 A-E. These drawings have 
been unselfishly produced for me by Mr. Evan R. Soule'. 
Jr. (talented artist and teacher). See also the following 
pages presenting a Technical Description of the draw- 
ings. This Technical Description was also unselfishly 
written by Mr. Evan R. Soule’, Jr. from information 
developed by me, with the purpose being that if Mr. 
Soule’ could understand what I have taught, then as an 
experienced teacher he could put forth this information 
SO that you, the reader, would also understand 




Chapter 3 



Of Drawings 

•• It Is Impossible for anyone to begin to learn 
what he thinks he already knows." 

— Eplct»tu» 

D escribed above are 

aspect of Joseph Nervrn^tM^ ^ MAGNETIC 

_ magnetic fields in repul^_^ ^ baf magne[s 
FIELDS in attract io " jon surrounded and 

a three-dimensional con g particles, each of 

penetrated by circulating g> r .... (shells) of force 


that the central magnet is reversed ] nar ticles 

According to Mr. Newman, these gyroscopic par ucle 
are the smallest particles known and comprise all atoms 
within the universe. The technical drawings are 
qualitative in nature; quantitatively, there are trillions of 
such gyroscopic particles flowing in the described paths 
to generate the magnetic field. Although sub-atomic par- 
I tides will be shielded by lead, the effects of magnetic 
I fields can be observed through lead shielding. According 
to Mr. Newman, this is one proof that these particles are 
the most fundamental particles known. 

These drawings represent the first time in the history 
of physics that there is presented in an explicit pictorial 
fashion (via the concepts innovated by Mr. Newman) a 
precise, mechanical explanation of the phenomena of 
magnetism and the principle of “action at a distance.” 

In his researches on magnetism, James Clerk Maxwell (as 
well as Michael Faraday) explicitly described the lines of 
force surrounding a magnet as kinetic, mechanical 
energy. (Maxwell called electromagnetism “matter in 
motion. ) This description by Maxwell has been forgot- 
ten in the past 100 years. While Maxwell could not ex- 
plain in detail the action of a magnet, he did recognize 
that such action is mechanical in nature. 

As one passes a conductor wire in front of and across 

flnJT ° f 3 b3f magnet ’ ° ne wiil observe current to 
flow first in one direction, then become neutral, then 

occ^due^ ^ fl ° W ^ thC ° Ppos,te direction.’ This 
occurs due to the nature of the flow of the gyroscooic 

““ from each end of ,he STmagne, 

Z inan^ui 

the energy machine 

move “up” or “down” the conductor (at right angles t 0 
the direction that they first encounter the conductor) 

Mr Newman indicates that it is principally the S pi n 0 f 
the gyroscopic particle (and not the direction of flow f 0r 
the gyroscopic particles along the “lines of force”) t h at 
determines magnetic repulsion and attraction. The in- 
teraction of the peripheries of the particles actually ef- 
fects such repulsion and attraction (see PROOF A). 
Although the drawings depict space between the p ar . 
tides flowing in a given “line of force,” in actuality the 
particles are more like individual spirals upon a strand of 
beads in the shape of a helix which results in a gyro- 
scopic action — each particle “bumping against the 
next.” [According to Mr. Newman, between each parti- 
cle there is a very small amount of space created by the 
electromagnetic force surrounding each particle.] 

As the drawings depict, the actual “lines of force” are 
really shells of force which envelop the magnets as 
discrete shells of gyroscopic particles which lie concen- 
trically within other shells. These “lines of force” (as 
depicted in one plane on the drawings) or shells of force 
(in actuality) travel (rotate) in opposite directions relative 
to one another. The effect of such motion is to place the 
peripheries of respective gyroscopic particles (from one 
“line of force” to the next) at opposition (or repulsion) 
to one another and consequently keep each “line of 
force” separated from each adjoining (concentric) “line 
(shell) of force.” 

In addition, there are as many “lines of force” 
emanating from each end of the bar magnet as there are 
atoms aligned magnetically across the width and height 
of the N and S ends of the magnet. Because of the large 
size of iron filings relative to the sub-atomic size of the 
gyroscopic particles, the particles within the “line of 
force” congeal clumps of the filings into (via the naked 
eye) a relatively few number of such lines. With more 
finely-ground iron filings, more “lines of force” would 
become visible to the human eye. 

Each particle (M) travels along the “line (shell) of 
force at the speed of light (C) and also individually 
spins at the speed of light (C). Consequently, such mo- 
tion results in energy (E) since E = MC 2 . 

It should also be noted that, based on the theories of 
Mr. Newman, I constructed three-dimensional models of 
two bar magnets to study how the gyroscopic particles 
interact. Using simple styrofoam (for the bar magnet), 
wire (for the “lines of force”), and wooden beads (for 


■copic P a "'^ c technical d raw,n * S 0 « not state 

' ill0 r„s'.ruc.i°n Mr. Newman doe. # ^ 

- us f article spinning on spinning] m 

Figure 13 -G ) 

: Pa t:^^:s'wha.^ean t 

gltSSo? “spins a. the speed of light. 

o observation occurred following con- 
“ “nS study of these two models: while the N 
and^polefaces oftwo magnets (see Figure B-Hl) attract 

-O — 






N ' 

periphery repulsion 




, if one shifts the same 

when placed dj 

faces to the *' dc <£m notice that the P«'P“ ry Jj,, 

qualitative depiction 

Similarly, with two Uke poles (see Figure 1 ^HZJtaought 

Wher^when placed head on, the models appeared ! to in- 
dicate that th e magnets would attract each othe^wj^ 

This simple experiment to test the 

validity of an explanation for a previously 

unobserved (or if observed, then 
unexplained) magnetic phenomenon is a 
powerful corroboration for the rightness 
of Mr. Newman's theories. 

the ends are placed slightly side to side (alongside one 
another and overlapping in the same plane.) For this 
writer, the real test was whether actual magnets be- 
haved in this manner. In testing such magnets, I found 
that such side attraction (with N to N) and side repulsion 
(with N to S) was observed exactly as the mechanical 
descriptions of Mr. Newman would predict and indicate 
This simple experiment to test the validity of an explana- 
tion for a previously unobserved (or if observed, then 
unexplained) magnetic phenomena is a powerful cor- 
roboration for the rightness of Mr Newman's theories. 



Technically a river, Mr. ^ rncssln g the 

the mechanical £ capable f er ting it ® 

tively destgned 3 ^ tic energy a"° rod uced elec- 

ab ove-descr.bed <m*8 Therefore ^heP ^ com - 

useful electnca^ene g^ ^ gyroscope ^ is 
trical energ) f the magnet. A ® tJie ato tns of a 

prising the ato rjngs indicate) * to Mr. 

created (as th mc aligned. AcCO particles about 

given material tbe gyroscopic P net a re a 

Newman, the moti ,. surr0 unding a ction of 

their gyroscopic P ar [ ic ^ g wi]] they not eventually 

don of Mr. Newman mach Th e . g yeS( although 

Jose their mass complet > • hine operates at 

because Mr. Newman s e g> radiation, 

,00% conversion ^aency (.h« t >emg " 

near light, etc as ^because there 

aTSL”s plus gyroscopic a ‘° m ’ 

can>, measurable amount of mass loss within a magnet. 

It should be noted that Mr. Newman has worked on 
these ideas for 19 years. Mr. Newman submitted his 
theoretical discussion and proofs to the patent office 
several years before he constructed the actual working 
prototype of his energy machine. Mr. Newman was to- 
tally convinced of the rightness of his theories and did 
not need an operating machine to prove such rightness 
to himself. From his perspective, such a machine was 
leeded as proof to everyone else, 

It is Mr. Newman’s position that from his various 
heories (of which this discussion about the [magnetic- 
leld-creating] gyroscopic particles is only a single aspect 
f his theories) one should be able to understand that it 
r ould be possible to construct an energy machine that 
as capable of harnessing such (gyroscopic) energy if 
ie could visualize the proper configuration of the 
aterials necessary to effect such harnessing. Such con- 
[uration is the technical aspect of the Patent itself — 
:hnically independent of, but theoretically dependent 
on, understanding the nature of the gyroscopic parti- 
s and how they interact with one another, especially 
tfcles at ° mS 10 thC Universe are com Posed of such 
;lthoug h this would be a separate (but physically- 

,ed ,h , dlscussion ' Mr Newman has in- 
ned that gravitation is the observed effect of the 

, served electromagnetic fields ( COrTl . 
interaction of u«o rt , c les) surrounding bodies i n 

posed o f has theoretical concepts ap proprj 

ate* to this sub '.^ t s ] a , so indicate, positive and negative 
As the drawt^B dete rmined by the gyroscopic Spin 

electrical ch * r * jcleS) a nd such charges are repelled 0r 
of individual P er acC ording to periphery attrac- 

attracted to o»^ 

tion (see gyroscopic particle is, therefore , h 

The fU ? a c,ot ?ot''he nuclear, electric, magnetic, an*' 
unifying tacioi 

gravitational fields. 

Evan R. Soule', Jr. 

New Orleans, Louisiana 

( 1984 ) 

NOTE To date, over thirty individuals have signed 
Tmdavits attesting to the rightness of Mr. Newman 's 
invention. These individuals include electrical engi- 
neers physicists, inventors, scientists, and explicitly-. 
Mr Milton Everett (biomass energy specialist with the 
Mississippi Department of Energy), Dr. Roger Hastings 
(principal physicist for Sperry-Univac in St. Paul, Min- 
nesota), and Mr. Eike Mueller (West German scientist 
and European Space Agency mission coordinator with 
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration). 


trvPLANA' 11 ^ * ” 

ipter 4 

lanation For 

1 wU , now present an ^^^Jhin^agnetic 
-*• ' n which utilize th introduced into 

f ,!"S produces more Do no, at this 

system from an "‘““self and blindly state 
In, reflect P° or ' y , Uf ’° [ y pu ,, the technological pro- 
^Thich rwil^dlscusTco^nvens mass into energy on 

^ conversion process v,a E = MC . 

mnprative to reiterate that the 
14. I W“ eve “ I s ‘ etic field is the energy which com- 
energy in a o> m ™f s n '“ he atom and is literally Einstetn s 
poses the e ' cme " 2 c „eh energy in I^ JormoLsm- 

|Ua,l ° n ° L is 
-~ v ^ rt,cles - r ^- 

^^f^f^learly demonstrate a funda- 


embodiment of this Pioneering Invention can be 

A The prior teachings indicate that copper is non- 
magnetic and that the resulting magnetic field associ- 
ated with current flow in copper is the result of the 

B. Those teachings are totally wrong. Copper is ex- 
tremely magnetic! It is so magnetic that it deceives the 
observer. Example: 

wrrD1 W1MI 

•n Ficure 14-B1 and a magnetic 
Turn the current on as -n f g mrn th e current 

field will occur very q “^ d t L magnetic field very 
off as in Figure 14-B2 an m Qf the magnetic 

quickly disappears ’ with no ^ lf one then 

field observed in the copp it is no t observed 

By placing an iron core within a copper coil (as in 
Figure 14-B3) and turning the current on, a significantly 
stronger magnetic field will be generated than in Figure 
14-B1 [for the same energy input]. Now, turn off the 
current as in Figure 14-B4 and there will be a small, 
remnant magnetic field surrounding the iron core. If a 
magnet is placed near the iron core, the magnet will 
be visibly affected. However, one is easily deceived 
by these tests and can be mislead into believing that 
copper is non-magnetic. This is exactly what hap- 
pened to Hans Christian Oersted in 1820 when he First 
discovered that an electric current produced a 
magnetic field which would cause a magnet to align 
at right angles to the conducting wire. Oersted noted 
that the deflection of the magnet lasted only as long 
as the current was flowing through the conducting 
wire and hence, such magnetic action could not be 


imposes current into a ( pp wou Id b e returned 
conducting coil. (See Figures 14-C1 and 14 CZ.J 

., nB this simply means that the 
Physically spc ,‘ jfhjn the magnetic field — when 
energy c ontain ^ itiV e ( + ) current now in one direc- 
generated by P 0 * lhe collapsing magnetic field as 
tion - ^ retur " rent flow when the current flow 

negative (1 
reverses direction. 

14 ™ Prior Artolsojeoche s Kircbhoff's Law 

D. o f current placed into 

whichjta^ • p er conductor) for a given-instant Q f 

a system (a v amount of current flowing from 
time has i conductor) for the same given- 

"^&P, g u r e,4- D , 



E. The above FACTS of 14C and 14D totally con- 
tradict the prior teaching that the magnetic field 
generated by the current flowing in a (copper) con- 
ductor is solely a result of the current itself and that 
copper is non-magnetic. 

Look at the facts and open your mind! 

The facts demonstrate the following: 14C above 
shows that if one inputs a given amount of current (X) 
into a copper coil during a given-instant of time then, 
as described in 14D above, the same amount of cur- 
rent (X) outputs from the copper coil during the same 
instant of time. In addition, 14C above also shows that 
if the current is then cut off and the coil shorted with 
meters in the line, then the same amount of current 
(X) will now come from the copper coil. 

The facts therefore demonstrate: (X) current in and 
(X) current out plus (X) current out again when the 
(X) current input is stopped. These facts are therefore 
equivalent to 1 (X) amount of current into the coil 
(copper) and 2 (X) amount of current out of the (cop- 
per) coil. 

QUESTION: From where did the extra (X) amount of 
current coming from the copper coil emanate? 

A NSWER : By analogy, the Prior Teachings indicate that 
current is equivalent to the volume of water and that 



into o C ns P of current COME 




„ tha , the magnetic field produced Is 

orfl tf , ose who will blindly »«•»• •"« hydraulics. Such a statement Is 

the volume decreases .) - 

thereby 1,5 P ressu 

5 j£ definitely no, from d-l one ■■gallon" of 

or output cannot be seen or weighed because it is com 
posed of gyroscopic particles and is the mechanical 
essence of E = MC 2 .) 

F. The Prior Teachings distort the above facts and 
would indicate that the analogy of one “gallon” of 
current has no pressure when coming from the coil in 
Figure 14-El, and that one “gallon” of current has a 
pressure which is thereby equivalent to one “gallon” 
of current with the input pressure. Furthermore, such 
teachings would indicate that because of the resist- 
ance within the coil and other losses, not even the 
latter pressure will occur in reality. 

Even I was mislead by these teachings for many 
years, and I finally came to the realization that copper 
was highly magnetic by a completely different means 
than outlined above. These means included: (1) my 
general comprehension which originated with my re- 
cognition that the basic building block of all matter 
matter was the gyroscopic particle, and (2) a test I 
conducted using a single piece of copper wire 800 
eet long, which was doubled-back 400 feet to the 

starting pom. 
tery. (See Figures 14 F. 

and dry cell bat- 

— ~ ! i a pi has the parallel posi- 

The test shown in Figure - “Unobvious 

lions of the wire 10 feet the wire . The 

Force" between the paraltel^ ^ portions of 

test shown in Figure “Unobvious Force 

same current input for bot ^ “Work,” 

results I had recognized that the woros 
"Force ” and "Power” are implicit engineering 
statements and do not represent PJ^'Se, S ppn ce p tu ally 
terms based upon observational reality. ^ to 

altered such macroscopic, engineer ng , 

"Obvious work,” “Obvious Force, and Obvious 
Power." I would microscopically desert e ,, 

curs internally, within matter as "Unobvious Wo K 
"Unobvious Force,” and "Unobv.ous Power (I wtll 
explain these concepts later in this Book.) Such 
semantic clarification enabled me to know p 
completing the above tests in Figures 14-F1 and 1 
— that copper is extremely magnetic. 

G. Returning to the above test of Figure 14-El an 
14-E2: by my teaching, the facts clearly show that in 
the above analogy, one gallon of current matter 
(consisting of gyroscopic particles) was released from 
the atoms of the copper coil! This extra one gallon of 
current (gyroscopic particles) comes from the compo- 
nent parts of the atoms comprising the copper coil 
and simply utilizes Einstein’s Equation of E = MC*-. 

(I must stress that this is an analogy only. The volume 
or mass of matter via the gyroscopic particles 
represents the mechanics of E = MC 2 and such par- 
ticles cannot be seen or weighed by conventional 
means. Their existence can be inferred, however, 
based on their mechanical behavior combined with 
known, observational facts.) 


am*. 7 

ANSWER: The current Comprising the cop- 

align and unaiign extremely fast 
per coil - atoms whjch al ' g ti onaJ, magnetic 
compared to the ^^ vlnua ay immeasurable par- 
materials - thereby releasing the atoms of 

dons of the gyroscopic field. When 

the coil. This reIeas ^ gen d ff thc collapsing (gyroscopic 
the input current is turned o. resu]ts m the 

particles of the) magnetic field induct* tQ the atomS 
gyroscopic particles attemp g mechanical ac- 

from which they initially ema "* j trjk j n g other atoms 
tion results in the gyroscopic angle an d 

within the copper coil at some de « re f Q pic mo- 

moving at right angles to that force. This gyroscopic 

“Such mechanical action results in 
the gyroscopic particles striking other 
atoms within the copper coil at some degree 
of a right angle and moving at right angles 
to that force. ” 

tion explains the source for the additional “one gallon of 
current (gyroscopic particles) discussed in the above water 
analogy. Because of the “conversion efficiency” of this 
process via E = MC 2 , there will be no observable change in 
the mass of the copper coil even after decades of use. 

I should add that there is an important conceptual 
distinction between two meanings of the word “efficien- 
cy.” To state that a given invention is 8.2 efficient, i.e., it 
produces over eight times as much energy as it consumes, 

I is different from stating that the invention is 100 percent 
efficient, i.e., it completely converts the gyroscopic par- 
ticles within the magnet from “magnet mass” to electrical 
energy. The former process involves production efficien- 
cy and the latter process involves conversion efficiency. 

15. Now to discuss the practical usage for this new 
mechan/raf " g ° f 8yr0scopic P art Wes which are the 

She coZ nCC the eqUat ‘° n E = MC2 »<■ com- 
ter co^ COmponem P ans “f the atoms within all mat- 


for Sperry-Univac, for cafculafine iT’ SCni ° r Physicist 
mathematics the quantitativ^m V Conventi °nal 
following test which 1 had asurements for the 
exceptional scientist who had Dr H3StingS is an 

^sr a,f when -V 



a Take 40 -gauge copper wire which has a resist^,, 
of 1 049 Ohms for 1000 feet with a total w cight ( 
atoms composed of gyroscopic particle.) of a mere 
02 99 3 lbs., turning same into a coil with a l 0 -f Oot 
terior diameter and 8.32 feet in height. One would 
therefore have approximately a mere 31 .8 turns of 
copper wire (copper atoms, i.e., gyroscopic particl es) 
(See Figure 15-A.) 

N 1 ' V ' 

/ £ V- i ,,/ A 

i — t-' > i / n — 

^ / 


If 100 volts is connected to coil 15-A, then a current 
flow of approximately 95MA would occur with total 
power input of 9.5 watts and a resulting weak, mag- 
netic field of .012 Gauss or a mere .000014 Joules of 
energy stored in this weak, magnetic field. 

An insignificant current flow would now occur if 
the current input was stopped and coil 15-A was 
shorted-out to collapse a weak magnetic field and pro- 
vide an inductance of only .003 Henries. 


B. Now, conduct another test with 5-gauge copper 
wire which has a resistance of .3133 Ohms for 1000 
feet. However, to equal the same resistance as in 15-A 
above, one must now use 3,348,000 feet of 5-gauge 
wire with a massive, total weight (of atoms composed 
of gyroscopic particles moving and traveling at the 
speed of light, i.e., the mechanical essence of 
Einstein’s Equation E = MC 2 ) of 335,469.6 lbs. or 
m J 7 t0nS w * re * s turn ed into a coil with a 
10-foot interior diameter and 8.32-foot height. This 

on nn Ure W ° Uld h3Ve a PP r °ximately a phenomenal 
’ 00 turns 5-gauge (copper atoms). If 100 volts 
were now connected to coil 15-B (see drawing 
e ow), then a current flow of approximately 95MA 
cou occur with a total power input of 9 5 watts and 
a resu ting, phenomenally larger magnetic field of 25. n 
auss, or 1,905 times larger for coil 15-B than for coil 
i . ’ an ^. 1 *6 Joules of energy stored in the magnetic 
. ° igure 15-B below. This represents a phenom- 
4 , a more energy than in the 


cur if the current current flow would now oc- 

shorted-out as a result St ° Pped and coil 15 ‘ B was 
magnetic field of the 5 ca ^ C ° llapsin 8> much greater 
shorting would Jt j ^ in COil I5 ' B ' s “ch 

Henri ? indUCtance ^ 25,700 

l -^tq[the 40 -nan a,, l ? an ^Ulhontimes the indue- 

-CJsiu,., •» — IfJlZ < 

^ 'uh^h & H r D COmb ‘ ned with ,he above 
er sted'.s conclusion in 

this day): that the magnetic field came only from the 
current and not the conductor” to be totally false. 
[Although his conclusion is incorrect, I remain grateful 
to Hans Christian Oersted for being the first to notice 
and attempt to explain an observed connection be- 
tween an electric current and a magnetic field ] 

When coupled with FACTS 1 through 14, tests 1 S-A 
and 15-B clearly prove that the phenomenal difference 

sreat r diffr reSUlting magnetic tfmplving 

fern flow t nCeS ,' n ?‘° red energ >-) and additional cur- 
flow when the input current was stopped (indue- 





ss ^ e :: z^ s 

All of .He above FACTS Mtica , formulas 

establish the position hat tn within a 

employed in .He *f»;^ n T, h ?po K n.i.l 
mag netic field 0"^ ed )es in a magnetic field) 


sss»f=:rsf ■*'- 

T^llgc .!« potential " energy, 
as such does no. exist! All energy is kinetic in nature, 
sinee .he gyroscopic particles continue, under all con- 
ditions. to move and spin at the speed of light in ac- 

cordance with E = MC 2 . 

The above FACTS prove beyond question that the 
proper mathematical equation (concerning the 
"kinetic energy which makes up a magnetic field) 
must be relative to E = MC 2 . A proper mathematical 
equation would recognize //-?#/ “Unobvious 
Force " produced represents the Joules of the "Unob- 
vious Power activated at that instant-in-time and as 
so used would diminish the mass of the source of the 

Maxwell explicitly stated hts debt to Faraday, 

, are generally those suggested by lh , 

" The of reasoning which are found in , he K(f 0 
pr ° Ce Zs of Faraday, and which, though they h( 

TZ Interpreted mathematically by Prof Thomson 

bee n m / ^ generally supposed to be on 

^dePnite’and unmathematical character, when 9 « 
Zmbared with those employed by the professed 
ZatheZaticians. By the method which I adopt, / , 
n render it evident that I am not attempting to N 
establish any physical theory of a science in which 
lave hardly made a single experiment, and that the 
limit of my design is to shew how, by a strict ap- 
plication of the ideas and methods of Faraday, th 
connexion of the very different orders of phenomena 
which he has discovered may be clearly placed bef 0r 
mind. ’ * 

c. In 1979, I filed a patent for this Pioneering i nv 
tion of which several embodiments have been taueh 
and disclosed since that time. The use of a conductin 
coil is one of those embodiments and the original Pa 8 
ent and continuing patent applications were filed 1 
before any physical prototypes based on the Theory 
were built. The physical prototypes were thereafte/ 
built for the benefit of others, not for myself, since I 
knew such prototypes would operate as I had predict- 
ed. Scientifically, one should find pertinent the fact 
that when these prototypes were constructed, they 
performed exactly as I had conceptually predicted i n 
the patent applications for this Pioneering Invention 
See below picture 15-C1 featuring one of these early 
prototypes utilizing 5-gauge, insulated copper wire ’ 
with a total weight of approximately 4,200 lbs. of 
copper atoms (or over two tons), 300 lbs. of No. 30 

"... the magnetic field consists of gyroscopic-type particles which are the 
mechanical essence of E = MC 2 and represent an orderly flow of kinetic energy. ” 

magnetic field via a 100% utilization ( conversion 
ciency) of Einstein's Equation E = MC 2 , since the 
magnetic field consists of kinetic energy having a 
gyroscopic action which represents the mechanic 
essence of E = MC 2 

Faraday s mechanical and irnportancc of Michael 
Maxwell also recno a ^ xpenrnenta l abilities, 
instituted ^ mechanical aptic 

--hefoaticalZn™^ h s U na' nPUt ‘° ** h ‘ er 

of Force,' read before the Camh P H ° n Farada y’ s L 
Societyon December lS Phil °*>phical 

’ 8 5 5 and February 1 1 1 ]g< 

Gauge copper wire (atoms) wrapped over the outside 
of the 5-gauge wire (atoms), and a permanent magnet 
containing approximately 600 lbs. of atoms (or 
slightly less that Vs of a ton). [I am deliberately refer- 
ring to the wire as “atoms” and describing the magnet 
as 600 lbs. of atoms” in order to accustom the 
reader to a mechanical perspective concerning the 
nature of the action of the gyroscopic particles con- 
tained within all atoms.] 

The massive, permanent magnet had an approxi- 
mate 20-inch diameter and was slightly less than 4 feet 
ong. The large, conducting copper coil had an ap- 
proximate I D of 4 feet, was approximately 3 feet in 
ieig t, and was wrapped upon a large fiberglass tube. 
5 OOoTbs r ^ e s T stem was approximately 

5v£u anday - Chapma " a " d L,d 






The photographs shown in IV(.I simply represent 
a primitive, handmade prototype made (In the hack 
woods of Luecdale. Mississippi, hy me and my lovely, 
devoted wife) to prove to others that the Technical 
(Theoretical) Process which I originally developed and 
taught Is correct. / consider the tec hnica l Process to 
be 10,000 limes more important Hum the primitiiv, 
working prototypes 

With only l Vi watts Input, the back power (cm!) 
produced would generate a spark at the commutator 
ol such heat magnitude that the hack power would, In 
a short period ol time, explode and destroy a ceramic 
Insulator from a S watt resistor placed on the com- 
mutator at the point of current reversal. I)r. Roger 
Iteilnits estimated ihe back cmf to be In excess of 
80,000 watts. 

The rotating, handmade, 600 lb. (of atoms), -t foot 
m “ Rncl Permitted a slow ItPM At M) RPM It was cal 
b non n’ v °'!’ CrS " ,c ccmrif ‘'*'' '..rcc would be 

■wo lb*, of force attempting to pull the t 

u ma «|vc unit »n 

. (| | ,,y viewed the ‘ . Based on 

■ryonc w J;T t bcn «kcU .be necettatV 


o- ss 

“'""hsl* in c ° 0 P n c,,ncd no iron “re ( on 

he highly lne £ l £ ls cr , lining to the d , P cratc 

»■>*- 3- 

per a^omT.o clcc.rlcalandj^tabon^cn^g^ 

, 1( , stress ^t;, p w9my .cachings Is s,mply_ 


• magnet 

jiariii Irs) irilbi" H>i m 1 1 ,h u the external 

ene^g^outpuUs' greater than the external energy Input. 

1 will again turn to Dr. Roger Hastings h<- 
Physicist with Sperry-Unlvac) who has conducted 
more tests on different occasions upon my woik 8 
prototypes than anyone else. I r eemphasiz e, h P — 

, hat Dr. Hastings is an st Icnltsl who has 
courage ami the true scientific nutuulc As a result, lu 
came forth In mv behalf w hen many others were 
frightened or elosemlnded. 

The verification of the operation of the unit In 
1 s c 1 above, as well as other prototypes, and the 
qualitative scientific ability and fortitude of Dr. 

Hastings arc clearly demonstrated via the test de- 
scribed In Chapter Five. Such a healthy, scientific at- 
titude Is even more exemplified by the fact that Dr. 
Hastings went on record as having once had the at- 
titude that, before he traveled to Lucedale to meet 
me, to listen to my concepts, and to conduct tests, 
was of the belief that he would be confronting a 
’crack-pot inventor." Fortunately, Dr Hastings' skep 
tlclsm was tempered with genuine curiosity. I have 
discovered that without such curiosity, skepticism 
will rapidly decay Into cynicism. 





The Honorable Commissioner 

Tb L- patont. and Tr.den.ark. 

Washington, D. C. 20231 


This letter represents a disclosure of Investigations and 
experimentation which I have performed on Mr. Joseph Newman's 
energy generating machine (patent pending). The fact is that 
every experiment which I have performed shows that the energy 
output of the device is Indeed larger than the energy input. Some 
exanples are: 

1.) The electrical energy output is measured at more than 
four times the electrical energy lnout. These results may be 
verified by examining the oscillograph records taken by Dr. F. Neff 
Weber in December, 1 9 8 1 . 

2.) Acting as a motor Mr. Newman's device performed mechanical 
work In excess of ten times the electrical energy input. 

3-) Mr. Newman's device delivers over ten times the torque of 
a commercial D.C. permanent magnet motor rated at 80J efficiency. 

ever, during this test Mr. Newman's device is consuming only a 
fraction of the input power of the commercial motor. 

results must be taken seriously. Mr. Newman has made 
the^ observation that huge magnetic fields may be generated with 

LVlr" lnput ln 11 larce co11 wound wuh iarge * ire - 

3103 B Urge t0r ^ ue on * suitably large permanent 

E In operation, the batt^< 

Po-r and dl 8charge „ . ^ P ° WlB « ~ 

considerable m h Sl ° W Y<?t th<? motor dellvers 

mechanical and/or electrically generated power. 

tnat Hr. Newman has a" lved ** 

« - r * scin c g -- 6 " r ^ tneoreticai uor " 

thl s invention on th. ctronagne tlc energy 

y eirs ° r eXP ‘ rl ";;" a t ugh t > -1th no formal training In adva^ ^ 

Newman i» se e nt in his writings, 

inathematlcs or P— » of . no del of matter an 

— rlgoroeel, oonalete ^ ^ ^ wlth experlmentat o . 

energy* and assumptlo „ tha t matter la concentrated 

HU model la base ^ predJcts that this energy <E-MC 

electromagnetic ener., • experiments verify the 

b e released In a controlled way, and 

prediction. could bring to 

k an»nt Mr. Newman's device coui 

kl rr:::;: — — r 

r::. priced by the styde or claims of his writings. - 
patent application la In order and the stated results have > >• 
verified by experts. The harden la now upon you to act. 

Issuing the patent Immediately, or by first conducting your own 
measurements on hla device to verify the claim. 

The future of the human race nay be dramatically uplifted 
the large scale commercial development of this Invention. It Is 
Indeed painful to see It lying dormant. 

In hope that you will act soon, 

Waiver: I am acting on my own 

and an In no way representing 
Sperry Unlvac Corporation. 

Principal Physicist 
Sperry Unlvac Corporation 
Former Associate Professor of Physics 
North Dakota State University 
Author of Scientific Literature 

•— i 


April 26, 1982 

. ngppnRMANCE amx sis 91 m asm* m™ 

Tnl8 document compile, .nd an.lyten th. of e.v.r.l 

experiments performed on th. Newman Motor In 1981 and 82. Th. 
results of the experimental worK show that this motor operates 
with energy output far In excess of energy Input. This work 1, 
intended to characterise the motor, and to organise the experl- 
mental results. It Is hoped that the document will serve as a 
pulde In the development of the mathematical theory which explains 
the Newman Motor. 

I. Mechanical Energy Output 

A.) Test against a d.c. Permanent Magnet Motor/Rated 80* 

Date: 2-20-82 

In this experiment eight fresh 1.5 Volt alkaline batteries were 
connected to an 80* rated efficient d.c. motor. The motor turned 
an oil pump at about 1 Hz. The motor ran for 6 minutes, and the 
final battery voltage was about 60 % of the starting voltage. 

Alkaline batteries were used because battery performance 
curves were available from the manufacturer. One such chart is 
plotted In Pig. 1. The performance of the d.c. motor Is verified 
by the chart, which predicts that the batteries, when Initially 

drained at 2 amps, will last 6 min. The measured motor drain under 
load was near 2 amps. 

- above results allow us to estimate the power consumed by 
the oil pump . We find: 

ffitial pump output - power 

rHH 5 rt stferi^^ - 0.8 

pump output ■ o fl v o 

The same ^ ” V ° ltS ' » »««« 

— rotT; ‘ # ^ ^ P-anent 

- P-P - consuming t ; e P : P ^ 1 »• —ore. 

f cesh batteries were con amS P0W * r ^ eXperlment • E1 Sht 

ere connected to t-h*. M 

SS ln3t — ln Patent AppH catlon s ^ ^ 

ln P1 «- 6 and Stated m lst ’ N °- Illustrated 

by J08eph Hatley Nettman 0 ParaKraphs of Pa K e 3 of Declaration 

September 19, 198l.) Th e batteries 

TH8 8NBRGV machine OP 



cout 60, or their starting voltage after seven 
were drained to a currc nt to the Newman Motor followa 

e /i i t-houtrh the lnpu 

( 7 , hours. estimate the Initial average input 

a compllosted wavefo . . , Using 0.2 amps at 

curr ent from the performance curve (fig- 

12 volts we find: 

Initial Newman Motor Input - 2 • ^ 

Since the output Is consuming 19 Watts we have: 

Newman Motor Efficiency - ft * 100* - 800, 

„ this point we note that the intrinsic efficiency of the 
Newman Motor could be greatly Increased. As designed now the motor 
has a tremendous leakage flux, and extreme mechanical losses. An 
efficiently designed Newman Motor would certainly have three times 
the efficiency quoted above, and perhaps ten times (8000%!). 

B.) Static Torque Test Date: 2-20-82 

The output shafts of the d.c. motor and Newman Motor were connected 
In turn to a scale via a pulley and belt. The d.c. motor pulled 
a maximum of 1 . 5 lbs., while the Newman motor pulled 13 lbs. At 
maximum load the d.c. motor consumed about 24 Watts while the 
Newman Motor consumed only 2.4 Watts. 

Static Torque Ratio Newman motor . 13 a 8.7 

d.c. motor 1.5 

@ input energy ratio Newman Power _ q ^ 

d.c. motor power 

If we define a motor performance parameter under static loads by 
the ratio of maximum torque output to the input energy drain, we 

this number is 87 times larger for the Newman motor than 
for the d.c. permanent magnet motor! 

C.) Battery Lifetime Tests March/April, 1982 

It has become apparent that the batteries powering the Newman 
-tor outlive the expectations of the manufacturer. In this test 
old alkaline batteries were used to power the (90 lb. rotor) 
-or The batteries 2/3 Qf freah vaiue the 

‘ ° f the " - -und that the 90 lb. cylindrical 


, H, 1" 21 5e " “ he ,,5 V. « 70 V. 

1= UP "J, T„e von.. -- ^ ” v . w*en - 

-ZZ — — and ~ZZ l «- 

«h." *"* M ' te d . The minimum power su e rotor . 

THIS i s: 


, i i« Z/ ' 


" r * 

.. ,«2 * L 2 ) 

* . rotor mass - W **• 

„ * rotor radius « - 08 m. 

L « rotor length * .31 m * 

<red to keep the rotor spinning 

;r“:rrr ....... 

•* 6 HZ - ° f 13 . a separate estimate It was found 

, n /70 = 190 m amps. As a separate 

at least 13/ r p<?lstor drops the 

a. _t drain of 300 m amps, through 

that a constant drain oi hat terv charts 

_ nq v to 70 V. Consulting the battery 
battery voltage from 125 V to fu 

1 find that a fresh hatter, with a starting drain of 1 5 0 m amp 
(100 m amps, when V - 2/3 starting voltage) will drop from 2/3 
1/2 Of Its starting voltage In a few hours. If the batteries began 
at 2/3 of their fresh voltage under a drain of 250 m amps, they 

would be very dead In two hours . 

The Newman motor has been run for between one and four hours 
per day for a total of ten hours. The batteries began at 2/3 of 
their fresh voltage, and after the ten hours the voltage had not 
dropped perceptibly. Mr. Newman Intends to continue running the 
motor a few hours per day to test the limits of his motor. Here 
again the mechanical energy consumed by the spinning rotor Is far 
In excess of the maximum possible electrical energy which could be 
supplied by the batteries (according to the charts). An efficiency 
near 1000? is Indicated by the experiment to date. 


April 20, 1982. on this run a 1 l/ 2 V ‘ 8ma11 

„ . .. — 1 ; tB . . - 90 »• rotor l - 

fheV are connected 

"* „ , 5 H«. » — • - — : 

spun up to 

XX. Eleccriaax Bnar.y electrI cal energy by Induction. The 

«" ” 0t ° r T «„ documented — “* lndlCa " 

— - '-t::*;;: » - - • i — i “ i p °“ er - 

an efficiency of .to ^ Jp „ nloh mechanlc «l energy ««» 

Experiments nave since teen r^ at „„lch the motor rune 

measured via measurement o ^ Eleo trlcal energy was almultan- 

whlle delivering a measured t0rd “ and me chanlcal energy 

. a and the sum of exec** 

eously generated, obtalnad *„ only electrical energy 

was roughly twice accur ate measure of the Input 

- — : .ere u.ed - , «... 

ZTreTtllaTn the hatterles to a given voltage waa measured. Xt 
„as hoped that the battery charts could he used to estimate 
lnput power. The result was too close to 1001 efficiency to rely 
upon the accuracy of the charts. It should be noted that the measured 
output energy did not Include losses In the belt used to transmit 
torque. In addition, the whole measurement apparatus was set Into 
motion by the magnetic force during rotation. 

III. Static Measurements 

Mr. Newman has made measurements of the static torque generated 
by his 600# magnet at various voltages. These results agree with 
theoretical predictions based upon measurements of the magnetic 
moment of the magnet. The predicted torque is: 


7 * = ~M x ~H , 

and the maximum torque is MH . The static field generated by the 

coil is: 

H - N I 

N ■ # turns 
L - coil height 
I ■ coil current 

(Unit also designed as instructed in Patent Application, Serial 
No. 179,^74, illustrated in Pig. 6, and described in Exhibit A of 
laration by Joseph Westley Newman, September 19, 198l, except 
Magnet Rotary weighed approximately H00 pounds at that time.) 



ed at various 

the 600 # magnet was measu r (factory 



2.6 x 10 


(NI.) ft . lbs . , 

r m 

j m a m P s * 

L in ls , 69 m . and the number of turns 

n! lenet" of the motor co 

, 6 , 0 . Therefore 

i kc (I In amps ) • 

r - »•’ 1 ft ‘ 1 ; j torque and current are listed below: 

an . s measurements oi 

fjeurman s 














17 . 3/** 

average 8.2 

me value 8.2 Tor 7 * compares well with the predicted value of 
,.9 considering Inaccuracies In measuring devices. 

It has often been noted by Mr. Newman that for a fixed po 
input to a coil, the torque Increases with the moment of the magne 
lf the magnet is made infinitely magnetic the torque becomes inflnlt 
even lf the power to the coil is very small. 

IV. Dynamic Properties 
A.) Inductance 

To begin with, the inductance of the 6000 magnet motor coil 
may be predicted and taken from measurement. The predicted value 

L ‘A N 2 £ » 

A » coil area 
L - coil length 
N * 2630 

With a coil radius of 2.5 feet and 2.25 feet length we predict 
L = 23 henries . 



inputs a square wave — “ 

cycle. Since the coll resistance 
larger than one period, and we predict 

wave voltage for a 

,tlon the motor 


should be much larger 

is 13 /L , L/B sho 
a current rise of 




current rises 

From an osc 

lllograph photo with no load on the system, the coil 
es 0.5 amps in 0.1 sec. when 200 volts are switched across 

the coll. Thus: 

L = 200 (0.1) = H0 Henries 


The magnet Is turning during this measurement so the approximate 
agreement between theory and measurement Is reasonable. 

B.) Motor Frequency 

Under no load and assuming zero friction, the maximum theoretlcall 
possible frequency of the motor is determined by the condition that 

the induced voltage Is equal to (-) the input voltage. The Induced 
voltage is: 

Vind ¥ _ w Bmagnet 7T Ro 2 N , 

Bmag - magnetic Induction of rotating magnet 

coil radius 
2 T x frequency 

With Vind = 

= - V we find: 


^ T Ro^ M bmag 

Now Bma e « 2ir a 

' ma 6netic moment 

n ■ magnet volume 

the energy machine of 


. .01 

w (ft) J . 

m 2 

,)2 x 

4 . = 12.56 


M N Ro 2 


V (rpm) 

At tvv • 

. nslc efficiency (no losses), Is : 

" - 80. » rpm, about doubie the 600, observed motor frequency 

under no load. 

c .) Energy Input (Theoretical Estimate) 

Assuming that: 

1 . ) The voltage input and induced emf are 

out of phase. 

2. ) The voltage input varies sinusoidally. 

We have: 

(V - Vlnd ) e lwt - L dl ♦ IR 

x » y - Vlnd cos(wt - Q) 
R )l + (wL) ^ 

where t an(Q) = wL/R 

The average power consumed by the coil is then: 

p = 1 V (V - Vind) cos (Q) 

2 R / 1 + (wL) ? 


1 V (V - Vind) < _JL. -JL < v “ vlnd) 

2 R (1 + (wL) 2 ) 2 wL wL 

With W = n 40 = 4, L = 50, WL = 200, wL = 20 
R) R 

V = 200 Vind » 1 V * 100, 

P = 100 » 2.5 Watts 




at about ? we 
approximate s 

for the input power along w 
prediction of how Input P°« 
The plot la Shown In Fig. 2 

Of input pow* 
at about 5 Ws 

This number 

power along with the expres: 
how input power varies with 

„ 0 .« on for Vina auow a 

,g with the expression ror 

power varies with motor frequency and voltage 
.. 2 , and the prediction Is given below: 

Predicted Power Input 


input voltage (volts) 

f « motor frequency (rpm) 

This result was obtained by requiring the derived formula to match 
the experimental result that input power at 200 volts and 35.7 rpm. 
is 1.8 Watts. 

V. Predicted Output Power 

The output power is found by averaging the product of torque 
on the magnet and frequency over one cycle. The torque is given by 

r* - t 1 x 

and T = MH cos (wt) = MNI cos (wt) , 


Where the fact that maximum torque occurs in phase with maximum 

input voltage has been used. 

The output power is therefore: 

p (t) * MN (v. - Vind) 
L R 



cos (wt) cos (wt-Q) , 

and the average power is: 

Pout • i mn (v . 

to zero at the ™>‘- r - MUe " Cy <V ‘ Vlnd) ’ 
The output power goes to 

and also at zero frequency. 

"• ~ •••••• - ™- — 

= MN W X 100%, 

Predicted efficiency y MN/L - 9.9 ft. lbs. 

. oY .. e d its maximum vaiue. 

Where W cannot followln g expression for the predicted 

1 amp - 13 J./«P y leUS 

efficiency of the 600 pound Newman motor. 

Predicted efficiency - 1 • 11 £ * 100 *’ v In volts 

operating under no load, the above formula predicts a Newman motor 
efficiency of 2» <35 rpm at 200 volts). The theoretical maximum 
motor efficiency la obtained by using the maximum frequency of 80 
rpm at 200 V., yielding a 56* upper limit In the case that the motor 
has zero frictional losses. Working back through the equations It 
can be seen that the maximum predicted efficiency Is given purely 
in terms of geometrical factors (ratio of magnet volume to coll volume), 
and cannot exceed 100$. 

It is clear that measured efficiencies for the Newman motor are 
far in excess of predicted efficiencies. The predicted input power 
is in agreement with measured input. 

The measured output power exceeds the predicted output. For 
example, at 1.8 Watts input and 24$ efficiency we expect 0.4 Watts 
output from the Newman motor. In one experiment the motor generated 
5 Watts of output power with 1.8 Watts input drain. The discrepancies 
are far too large to be explained by experimental errors . 

VII. Unusual (Non Conventional) Behavior 

As seen above, a number of properties of the Newman motor 
follow conventional theory. In specific, the input power is as 
expected. The output power (in excess of input) is the non- 

conventional result- t„ . , 

• In my mind the most interesting motor measure- 
Hograph photos taken around the coil showing very 
T voltages. This photo also shows the (to me amazing) fact that 

the coil current i 

over three times the current at the battery 



; oarK ^ 

appl iec *’ My °P lnion is that an excess charge 

when the input voltage is cut off. At this point 

v-mee induced e.m.f. is created in the coil, 
and a nuK 

Thi s 1 

0 ltag e 
m c 

, e ars 

disappear quickly (showing up as a spike). However, 
remains, having the period of the moving magnet. 

vo ltag e ...... 

t ne nig a. the magnet is "pushing” an excess charge around 

., ca tes that 

Thi s in . . j a appears as excess current when contact is 

he coil, and this 

4 " blls hed with the battery. 

re -esta ^ ^ ^ issue of the "anomalous" current which appears 

There _ . unclear from the photos whether this current 

the spark. 

during lt has the proper sign and magnitude to 

appears In «*• ‘° U ’ 
dr ive the magnet. 

t7T Future Theoretical Research 

VI1 hal i pnee for this writer Is to explain the Newman 

The upcoming cnaixe . 6 

output mathematically. The purpose of the above documentation, 

”° { ° r ° , to isolate the origin of the excess energy. At that point 
for flic » 1® 

{ ls ukely that application of a unified theory of charge, matter, 

Mr . Newman's theory, will be required to mathematically 

and energy, e -S- 

describe the results. This mathematical explanation will also have o 
explain other various embodiments of the Newman Invention, which will 
obviously result from the Newman Disclosures. 

Waiver: I am acting on my own, 

and am in no way representing 
Sperry Univac Corporation. 


Chapter 6 


Roo ER h,st, NO s 

i S-C2 below) composed of 30-gauge, insulated, copper wire weioK- 
The following is a smaller unit (see P h °‘° g ”ff } g ^ °^f 14 lbs, (atoms). This portable unit, with very little cur^" 8 
approximately 145 lbs. (atoms) and havmj a ^ „ greater th an the external energy input. With 300 volts input o f 
(volume of gyroscopic particles) went into the copper coil (of atoms), which Is , * 

Photograph 15-C2. 

See below copy of a test conducted by ^ 

Roger Hastings utilizing the 15-C2 






June 17 , 1984 

16 and 17, 1984 I ran a series of tests on 

0n its lb. motor with 14 lb. rotary. These tests 

Jose ph Newman s 145 t£d by th . mo tor which greatly exceeds 

show that P° w results are summarized briefly 

the battery input power. 


Demonstration of Large Current Produced by the Motor 

A ' large (‘1 Amp, ^airoase current 

•kes of significant time duration, which were initiat 


portions of the circuit. A picture of this spike taken the 
c oil side of the commutator is attached. A block diagram 
circuit is shown below. 



B . Circuit Breaker Tests 

An ammeter which has a built in circuit breaker was placed 
in the circuit. When the meter was placed on the 100 ma scale, the 
breaker opened, both on the battery and coil side of the commutator. 



1111,1 placed on the one amp 

„«■ open when the meter was of more than 

The breaker di n ^ ve rified that a cur ^® the breaker, 

scale, ^ er ; ul \ scale deflection did not 

1# 5 times the 

'• rsrtSft- --I-:, 

_ h _ resistor was water pr mpter . a temperature rise 

thermos container with a ^ was obserV ed in a period of 

- * ::n: - ° ::r 

.!»»*.■ - 

of : 

: o.l Watts 

i i or v 4 19 J/cal 

p = 1 cal x 2lgmxlCx4.i 

— mST* 60 sec/m^n 

, . . bv the current flowing in the resistor 

Since the power current and R = 500 71 , it follows 

is i2r, where 1 * s 14 ma on the average must flow in the 

that a current of a veri(ied experimentally by supplying 

circuit. This resu battery and series resistors. 

« - “ the 500/1 '“Til the spikes (attached photo, is averaged 

t-f f hp current contained in P 

“rL cycle time, the result is consistent with an average 
current of 14 ma. 

2 . Demonstration that Large Current Spikes are not Produced by the 

A. Current Readings 

When a Simpson amp meter is placed in series with the 
batteries, a d.c. input current of 1.2 ma is registered. The 
battery input current is therefore 1.2 ma. 

B. Expected Input Current 

When the rotor is stopped, the input current from the 
batteries is measured to be 6 ma (this is in agreement with 304 
volts and 50 kA coil resistance). The coil inductance, as 
calculated from the number of wire turns and the geometry, is 
16,000 Henries. At the operating speed of 136 r.p.m., the 
inductive reactance of the coil is 230 K/^ , which is much larger 
than the coil resistance. The expected battery input current is 
304 V/230 K/^ = 1.3 ma, in good agreement with the measured input 
of 1.2 ma. 

c * Constant Battery Voltage 

During four hours of continuous running of the motor, the 
voltage remained constant at 304 volts. If the 15 ma average 
current contained in the spikes came from the batteries, they 
would drain down significantly in the four hour period. By 



• - no 14 ma from a fresh 9 volt transistor battery i-— 
tl^hose on the motor it was found that the 14 ma drain causes 
drop by 2% per hour. Thus if the 14 ma were 
:: b .«e ry a rbP .. 

volts in four hours. No drop was observed. 

D> r.a raer Current Spikes on C oil Side 

The current spikes, as recorded on the scope, were larger 
on the coil side of the commutator than on the battery side. This 
indicates that the spikes originate at the coil, with some loss 
occuring at the commutator. 

E . Negative Current 

A significant portion of the spike in the battery circuit 
is negative (opposing the battery voltage) . The battery cannot 
generate such a negative current. 

F . Dependence Upon Rotary Position 

The intensity of the spikes varies greatly with the placement 
of the rotary. For example, when the rotor is on the side (outside) 
of the coil the spikes are large. They virtually disappear when 
the rotary is placed on top of the coil. 

3. Power and Useful Output 
A. Output verses Input Power 

Since an average of 14 ma flows through the 50 K/L coil, the 
heat dissipated in the coil is ten watts. The battery input is 
1.2 ma times 304 volts, or 0.36 watts. The heat generated in the 
coil is 27 times the input power. Note that _if the ten watts 
were delivered by the batteries, they would drain down very quickly. 
These batteries have been used in frequent demonstrations for long 
durations by Mr. Newman over the past several months. As mentioned 
above, four hours of motor operation during these tests did not 
measureably lower the battery voltage. 

B . Useful Output 

Mr. Newman placed a 75 Watt, eight foot, flourescent tube 
across the motor coil, and the bulb lit to perhaps 10% of full 
brightness. Interestingly, when the bulb was inserted, the 
rotary gained speed, and the motor drew less current from the 
batteries! The lit 75 watt tube demonstrates useful output of 
several watts, with a fractional watt input power. 

I swear the above statements are true, 
best of my knowledge. 




< My Commission Expires M.n 19. 19885 

* </ V^^AAAAA'VyvA/\AAAV ■ 



Chapter 7 

additional affidavits 

Am mil signed Affidavit ,s well - ""I/""* 

indlk- physicists, a nuctar '' 'nK-chanlo.l 

engineers, aeronuu tied int |, v, t lu:ils. and others. 

ax^KKKsr «"' 1 - 

what they were saying 


Jerry A. Miller 
16675 Spruce Circle 
Fountain Valley. California 92708 
Profession. Electrical Engineer 

Henry T. Dart 

3636 Jena Street 

New Orleans, Louisiana 

Profession: Attorney (physics background) 

Marc Kahgan 
3014 South Prieur Street 
New Orleans, Louisiana 70125 
Profession: Physician (physics background) 
Director of Electronic Company 

Douglas R. Mapes 

2544 Robert E. Lee Boulevard 

Apartment 210 

New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 
Profession: Student (electronics background) 

Leslie D. Jensen 

14144 Woodland Ridge Avenue 
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 
Profession: Chemical Engineer 

Joseph Richard Trinko, Ph D. 
4635 Drvades Street 
New Orleans, Louisiana ”0115 
Profession. Nuclear Engineer 

Gary N. Krasnow 
955-B Louisiana Avenue 
New' Orleans, Louisiana 70115 
Profession: Architect (physics background) 

Bobby Matherne 
5901 Marcic Street 
Metairie. Louisiana 70005 
Profession: Physicist 

Arnold R. Smythe, Jr. 

2.5 4 Glendale Drive 

Metairie, Louisiana 70001 

Profession: Consulting Structural Engineer 

John P. Gi Mis 
4509 Tartan Drive 
Metairie. Louisiana 70003 

Profession: Dentist (physics background) 

HricJ S /.uter 
-501 Fdenborn *H(r 
Metairie, Louisiana ^OOOl 
Profession: Mechanical Engineer 

*■' an R. Soule 1 , Jr. 

* 155 Jackson Avenue. * 3 os 
^ cu 0 ,| eans. Louisiana ’’OHo 
rofc.ssio„: Lduc:ltio„;i| Conti-aelor (physics buck} 

James H. Wilson 
1701 Beltline Highway 
Mobile, Alabama 56609 
Profession. Civil Engineer 

Robert E. Melton 
401 Firestone Drive, East 
Mobile, Alabama 56601 
Profession: Electrical Engineer 

Roger Hastings, Ph D. 

1204 Circle Hyde Drive 
Burnsville, Minnesota 555.57 
Profession: Physicist 


MA( IIIN 'I- OF |OS|:i»|| \| \v MAN 


That! M Lee 

34 h-p "Alabama 36609 

fSSon: electronics Technician 

Hike J.W. Mueller 
Code JA1 1 

Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama 33812 
Profession: Aero-Space F.ngineer 

Patricia Wright 
4450 Armour Drive 


Elect r< >n its T echnicia n 

Joseph E. Bolger 
1404 Alegria 
Austin, Texas 78757 
Profession: Nuclear Engineer 

Wayne Powell 
4450 Armour Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36609 
Profession: Electronics Technician 

C Emmett Pugh 

1250 Povdras Street, Suite 2200 
New Orleans, Louisiana 701 12 
Profession: Patent Attorney/Engineer 

Gregory Tpchurch 

61 1 Olene Street 

St. Louis, Missouri 63101 

Profession. Patent Attornev 'Electrical Engineer 
Milton K Everette 

Mississippi State Department of Energy 
and Transportation 
Slo George Street 
Jackson, Mississippi 39202 
Profession: Mechanical Engineer 

Richard Vialton 

Education: M S., M l T . Electrical Engineering 
Profession: Engineer with major manufacturer 
of oscilloscopes 

Lawrence C. Gibbs 
5736 Citrus Blvd. 

Harahan. Louisiana 7012.3 
Profession: Building Engineer 

Mansur Nath(X). Ph D. 

4 Stream Close 
Noithwcxxl, Middlesex. England 
Profession: Solid State Physicist 

Thomas |. Herold 
121,7 Comanche Trail 
Huntsville, Alabama 36805 

fession. Ph D. Business Administration 

Ralph Hartwell 
WWI. T.V. 

New Orleans, Louisiana 
Profession: Electrical Engineer 

Ted Saari. Jr. 

WWI. T V. 

New Orleans. Louisiana 
Profession: Electrical Engineer 

Mort Zimmerman 
High Tech Company 
Dallas, Texas 

Profession: Electrical Engineer 

In tribute to the above-listed, caring and courageous, 
scientifically-minded individuals who spoke out on helvall 
of this technology and on behalf of humanity — and who 
deserve the respect of all who read this book — I insert 
several of the most recent proofs that they and the 
technology I teach is correct. 

|See the following pages for newspaper clippings con- 
cerning my automobile demonstration ! 

The facts of my automobile presentation echo and 
amplify the statement made by the Special Master who was 
chosen as an expert by a Federal District Court and who 
was nominated by the I S Patent Office. Special Master 
William F.. Schuyler. |r. stated that the facts were over 
whelming that my invention worked and that there was 
no contradictory factual evidence (See Section on 
page 2~-».) 

Schuyler's statements and the facts of this case pro\ ide 
the above-listed individuals the credit they are due The 
following pages (46. and 48) depict several ot the 
genuine tests conducted by these caring individuals who 
are a credit to the Scientific Method and to the principles 
relative to the advancement of the Human Race 



STlje (tflarum-ffrioer 


Lucedale inventor hits the road 

Joe Newman of Lucedale talks to reporters from behind the wheel drove the car a half mile down the Old Mobil- H,„k 
of his energy car during a demonstration Wednesday. Newman Rocky Creek community at about 4 mph ' he 

Success! Newman’s ‘gyro- power* car works 

5 frl V ^ Newman said his electronic Car. which ran at 4 fniintu 

^^S'c^Lr t . u N h ewman “ ld , his y e « ronic «r, which 

h LU< L E ? ALE ~ ,nvenl °r Joe Newmans red. brought his car to Jackson inDmmber for'aderrT 
iu wt^ C3r sputl . e [' ed ' then hlssed and whirred onstration, but that test was aborted he said be- 

way from Luce - 

Newman told a gaggle of reporte™and^photopa- his^ner^m^c^^ 1 ’^^ 6 Wa , nted l ° Sh ° W ° ff * " c ,,,v<:,uur ne,u U P a ’-iny l 5-volt battery tha 

scr de r^r H,ghway east ° f lu - p ™ ffi sa sssn? s he cia,ms 15 the force ^ the mach * ne 

\T the y can he done even in the backwoods of George 



If the scientific community is right, then there's 
no way that this battery will move this car 
There is no way that a zillion of them would even 
turn this thing over. Newman said before he start- 
ed the vehicle 

The inventor held up a liny 1 5-volt battery that 

See Newman, back page this section 

aimi iy 10 power the 1, BOO-pound car 
Newman claims to have used more 
than 170 pounds of the batteries, along 
with 200 pounds of copper wire, to har- 
ness the energy of tiny gyroscopic par- 
ticles contained within the electromag- 

"The energy comes from the atoms 
ner he C ^?d UCl ° r ' ^ al0mS of a ma «‘ 

JSSEZ**? l ° SUrt thc car 

witn the aid of a mechanic, he warned 

TC c r!hi gyouuphesaid 

rcE tol,feanda 

Gyro Power l,oh. k J per rcad 'ng 
man at the wheeHh!^ “ P W ‘ th New 
ward The rn»ml r e a Ut0heaved for- 
moving vehicle ii F0Ve s low- 

answering questions < * the llme 

ending alongside ?hen °hT, rep0rters 

ear off ‘"op he turned the 

Newman said the electronic car i 
travel about 4 mph and can go up sli 
inclines The inventor said he fi 
powered the car on Jan 30 befor 
small group of George Countians 
demonstration that reportedly Iasi 
30 minutes 

If the technology were stepped up. 
said, cars could be powered to a spe 
more practical, and even space trai 
could use the process 

"8 311 thus in the backwoc 
of Lucedale, Mississippi What do v 

SdTrs ,,b,g,nd "^ 8 

But industry hasn't supported tl 
idea and neither have the U S Bure. 

2o?n I dlhePalen,andT rad 

man f? r ! CC An application by Net 
Patent nil pa f ent ^as been rejecle 
prove the My hls th<w “* dor 
erev than i^ hmc produces more ei 
>-rgy man it consumes 

I support Joe Newman, said 
George County Chancery Clerk Jerry 
Harvey, among those watching the ex 
hibition Wednesday "The only thing I 
understand about electricity is if you 
stick your finger in a socket, vou'lfget 
it But Joe Newman is ethical ifhesavs 
it works, it works 

About $ 100.000 was spent developing 
the car. Newman said, and another 
*800.000 has been spent fighting the 
patent office 

But the money's not important he 

Judge Thomas P Jackson, the pre 
mg judge in the inventor s federal cc 
case in Washington. D C and Pres.d 

f R rn ag fk n for ' kee Pmg this invent 
from the public " 

A decision on his appeal ispendin, 

A sm a l! crew of Lucedale support 
gathered along the country road 
watch the display 

I take my son into the back yard, 
show him the stars, and tell him he will 
be using his father's technology to fly to 
other solar systems 20 years from 
now 1 . Newman said I wouldn't tell 
him that if I didn't believe it " 

•'< HIM OP |( 

I'll \|;\\ \, AN 

T,,K knrrc.v \| 

energy car 

Press Register Correspondent 

LUCEDALE, Miss. — Many scien- 
tists. engineers and even the U S. 
Patent Office said it couldn't be done 
But on Wednesday afternoon in 
Lucedale, Miss . Joseph Newman ran 
his unique automobile. 

The 1,800-pound car. which looks 
like a Corvette, was powered by a 
small, one and one-half volt tran- 
sistor battery’. according to Newman. 

••Physics books of today say this 
cannot be done." Newman said about 
hjs energy machine. "However, I 
have taken numerous one and one- 
half volt transistor batteries con- 
nected in a series-manner to provide 
high voltage, producing a low speed, 
and moved an 1,800 pound 

The bright red automobile was 
driven at approximately 10 mph over 
the Old Mobile Highway in the Rocky 
Creek community in Lucedale. 

Newman said the current from the 
small transistor battery should not 
have moved his car, much less run it, 

■ Please see Page 8, Col. 5 

Joseph Newman of Lucedale, Miss., tests his energy machine-powered 
sports car on Old Mobile Highway in Lucedale while supporters watch. 

The Thursday 

Mobile Register 


■ Continued From Page 1 

if the laws of science now 
taught concerning electro- 
magnetism were true. 

"For it having done so proves 
that the magnetic field must 
have come from the basic 
make-up of the more than 200 
pounds of atoms in the copper 
coil of the motor and the 200 
pounds of atoms in the perma- 
nent magnet of the motor," 
said Newman, adding that he 
has been trying to explain his 
theory for a decade 
Newman said the energy 
released from his machine 
more thoroughly employs 
Einstein's equation of E equals 
MC-squared than other 
energy-producing machines in 
use today. He said his machine 
produced more energy than it 
receives, and it does so without 
polluting the environment. 

Newman is still fighting an 
eight-year battle with the U S 
Patent Office to get a patent for 
his invention. 

After losing so many battles 
with the patent office, Newman 
decided he would take his In- 
vention to the best source: the 

"People are not stupid," he 

said. "They have common 
sense They won’t let some- 
thing like this be kept down for 
long. This is an invention that 
will change the environment, 
the economy and the standard 
of living. It will do away with 
poverty and really make it a 
world of growth." 

When Newman was asked 
why he thought the gov- 
ernment was fighting him. he 
said. "This is just history 
repeating itself. Men in power 
have always resisted change. 
There are billions and billions 
of dollars invested in the oil 
companies. Of course, they arq 
going to fight it. This new 
technology will change the 
whole economy of the count' 
try." He said men in powec 
seem afraid this invention will 
put people out of jobs. "But, on 
the contrary," he said, "for 
every job that's lost, a thou- 
sand will be bom." 

Newman said that in 20 years 
his newly discovered 
technology will make space 
travel as common as taking an 
airplane trip. He said the entire 
universe is electro-magnetic 
and that this energy has 
always been here. 

Hundreds of Lucedale resi- 
dents have been supporting 
Newman during his attempt to 
patent the device. 

4 *> 


page ten 

the energy machine 


.Mobile Reglatei 

F«b t, <»»? 


Newman merits 
more support 

Is Lucedale, Miss., the Kitty Hawk of this generation? 
Could be. 

It was in that nearby municipality that former Mobilian 
Joseph Newman on Wednesday afternoon drove a 1,800- 
pound car which he said was powered by a unique battery 
system — something which the experts said could not be 

They had said much the same thing about the Wright 
brothers’ flying machine before they got it into the air in 
1903. Where would we be today without the airplane? 

Although Newman’s sleek sports car moved at only a 
few miles per hour, we should remember that the flying 
machine devised by Orville and Wilbur Wright barely got 
airborne on that historic flight. 

The point is that American innovation is still alive and 
well today, just as it was nearly a century ago. 

Instead of denying Newman a patent — indeed, fighting 
him every step of the way — federal bureaucrats and the 
entire nation should give him full backing to determine if 
he has defied conventional theory and produced a new 
form of energy. We are not saying that Newman is right or 
wrong — simply that he should be given a chance to prove 
his point. 

“Physics books of today say this cannot be done,’’ 
Newman said of his energy machine. 

Newman said it proved that “the magnetic field must 
have come from the basic make-up of the more than 200 
pounds of atoms m the copper coil of the motor and the 200 
pounds of atoms in the permanent magnet of the motor.” 

Whatever that means, we are convinced that Newman 
deserves a better shake than he has received to date from 
the U.S. Patent Office and others. 

Alabama and Mississippi congressional delegations 
should add their influence to what amounts to a growing 
public outcry for Newman to get his patent and an oppor- 
tunity to usher in a new era of energy usage. 







~ ISO'S 




£>.+>! SBC. + 



I * VfeRY Uttcb. 

;°^X J eve** v 

r S£c r , CoHTRl&ltri6N 

^ JOW 

^ oe A^r 

m -n- \lnt-T 

^ A AMP 

PbziTive. Volt*4C 


is iu op omee.noA/ 



Poujae A/ Watts AS A Fumct/ok] <DF 77m e. 











-Lead we/e/s/- 



Ch3p tef 8 



tHE technical system 

'•A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing Its opponents and making them see the 
light, but rather because Its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up tnat is 
familiar with It." 

— Max Planck 

1 „ noW discuss in greater detail "how" and "why” 
* Wl Hnctine-coil-unit operates. 

% C °1^ U5 s ' udy another ana,ogy (see l6A and l6 ' B 


If 1 amp of current goes into Figure 16-A, a 
noticeably larger magnetic field occurs than in Figure 
16-B (for the same current input). 

If 1 amp of current goes into Figure 16-C, a noticeably 
smaller and weaker magnetic field occurs than in Figure 

16 -D 

QUESTION: Why the difference? 

QUESTION. Why the large difference in the strength of 
the magnetic field? 

Simple. We have already demonstrated that 
t e iron becomes magnetic due to atom alignment. 

ere ore ’ v ‘ a ^e small electrical input acting as a 
®7 sl ’ we h ave Slm ply caused more atoms to align in 
c arger mass of iron in Figure 16-A above than in the 
taller mass of iron in Figure 16-B. 

ANSWER: Simple. As we have already proven, we 
have more copper atoms to align in coil 16-D than in 
coil 16-C. 


E. All of the facts presented in Sections 1 - 16 clearly 
prove that the current (consisting of gyroscopic par- 
ticles in motion) put into a conductor simply acts as a 
catalyst in aligning the atoms of the conductor itself. 
This same catalytic effect is observed if a conductor is 



wrapped around Uron and 

T^Ze ca^mr Tire curren, input triggers 
not participate in the magnetic field release . 

If one places a piece of iron in a magnetic field and 
the source (magnet) is fixed to a pivot (see Figure 
16-F1 above), then, if the piece of iron is moved, the 
magnet will also attempt to move. It is mechanically 
obvious that there is a magnetic “coupling effect” 
generated by flowing “streams or shells” of gyroscopic 
particles comprising the magnetic field and originating 
from the atoms of the magnet. I originally asked 
myself: “How else could there be an action-reaction 
effect?” Any motion whatsoever on the part of the 
piece of iron will cause an attempted motion of the 
magnet itself. This action is the same type of effect as 
found in a hydraulic system. (See Figure 16-F2.) 

will also attempt to move. However, enough pressure 
can be imposed on piston 2, causing the gas mole- 
cules to compress into a smaller area within the pipe 
The same effect can be found in magnetics. 

G. The same type of hydraulic effect can be observed 
in' the electric current (gyroscopic particles) coming 
from a battery or generator and flowing into a con- 
ductor to align the atoms within the conductor. The 
atoms of the conductor are aligned due to the pres- 

“The current input triggers the 
atom alignment which results in energy 
(gyroscopic particles) released from the 
atoms aligned. However, the electrical 
current input does not participate in the 
magnetic field released. ” 

sure of the voltage from the battery or generator. The 
current (gyroscopic particles) that is derived from the 
atoms of the material within the battery or the atoms 
within the conductor and magnet of the generator is 
the energy which comprises the atoms of the material 
from which the current (gyroscopic particles) origi- 
nates. The gyroscopic particles actually create a 
hydraulic effect back to the atoms from which the 
gyroscopic particles come. This action is mechanically 
similar to any hydraulic pumping system. 


H. There is a most important distinction, however, 
between the power source of conventional hydraulic 
systems and that which I have discovered and devel- 
oped. The current (gyroscopic particles) which comes 
from a battery or generator is the energy which com- 
prises the atoms of the materials from which current 
(gyroscopic particles) comes. This action is literally the 
mechanical essence of Einstein’s Equation E = MC 2 . 

Therefore, a battery connected to the proper output 
system will be destroyed in accordance with E = MC 2 ! 
I am not referring to the present, inefficient chemical 
reaction within a battery, since present teachings state 
that all energy-producing devices (which use current) 
operate via the current input only. This is not true! 

Such present teachings have resulted in designs for in- 
efficient battery devices which are deliberately con- 
structed to use relatively high current. I teach the 



id devices to use as little 
OOt^ToracUcal in order ro restrict 
ompierm* the circuit and returntng 

t ' ,/, .’'! l irrent fr0 ' 1 ’ aerator. 


duction effect would have far greater power than that 
which originally came from battery 16-H1 on a chemical 
basis only. If you, the reader, have now mastered what 1 
have taught, you will quickly recognize that the action - 
reaction effect within coil 16-H2 and the hydraulic effec t 
of battery 16-H1 all operate in accordance with E = MC 2 . 

'One should build devices to use as little 
current as possible and practical ...” 

In effect, the current (consisting of flowing, gyroscopic 
particles) coming from the atoms of coil 16-H2 and bat- 
tery 16-H1 are the mechanical essence of E = MC 2 and, 
consequently, the mass of the entire system will be re- 

Re-examine the coil in Figure 15-B and then compare 
[ | t totfiatin 16-H1 and 16-H2 above. Envision that if coil 
6-H2 is composed of 5-gauge copper wire with such a 
ength that its resistance is 1,000,000 ohms and the bat- 

ofcunenf ° m 6 * H1 ‘ S 1000 VOltS ’ then onI V 1 milliamp 
the circuit tn “ d ° W thr ° Ugh COiI l6 ‘ H2 and com P let e 
the energy with tUm h t0 l6 ' HL If iS ° bvi ° US that 
be tremendous h e . magnetic field of coil 16-H2 woulc 
reversed by a fr, 30 ’ * ^ direction of the current was 
Position ft) ah ~ 0r ( ° r simiIar mechanism) at 
thr °ugh the coil rh the current of 1 M -A. passed 
hy chemical meL ^ decom Position of the battery 
occur • However ’ the 

have aireadv h ^ 1000 volts ff om battery 16 -H 1 
man V ^ atoms (C3ta,ytic effect ) and ali 8^d 

8 e nerate a tremen^us l6 ' H2 -, Such a ^ment woufd 

es h When the current™ 381 ^ 10 field gyroscopic parti- 
the Pressure of lonn reversed wit hin coil 16-H2 
f 1000 volts from battery 16-H1, the in- 

duced via E = MC 2 as energy is removed from the system. 
However, due to the high conversion efficiency within 
the process, it would actually require an extremely long 
period of time — measured in years — to significantly 
deplete the mass of the materials involved in the system. 

It should be obvious to you that the electric current 
(gyroscopic particles) which emanates from the elements 
of battery 16-H1 is not depleted in coil 16-H2. If permit- 
ted, not only would the battery input current align the 
atoms of coil 16-H2, but once the current returns to the 
battery, such current would, according to Faraday’s First 
Law, chemically decompose large quantities of matter 
compared to the minute size of the current (in the form 
of gyroscopic particles) which activates the undesirable 
chemical reaction. 

These gyroscopic particles obey the First Law of Ther- 
modynamics precisely: it appears they cannot be 
destroyed and it appears they possess a motion of 
infinite duration. 


one obtains greater energy from 17-B than from 
17-A. You should recognize this fact on a chemical 
basis. However, you should also see that this 
distinction between Figures 17-A and 17-B can also 
be visualized according to E = MC 2 if properly 
understood and utilized. 

Now examine Figures 17-C and 17-D: 

energy) (gyroscopic particles traveling through a 
conductor)*. If the technical system is properly 
utilized, one should not be surprised that an energy 
output can be achieved which is in excess of the 
external energy input. Consequently, one should 
instantly recognize that one can obtain greater 
energy from coil 17-D than from coil 17-C. 

300 lbs. of 40-gauge 
copper wire 

the energy machine op Joseph newman 

deKidn^ Clr "! B to as "electrical" or "magnetic" without un- 

n8 Tu C essential nature of such energy can be conceptually 
uvroscnr>£ * lere . exists °nly one (mechanical) concept of energy 
be obseT\rJ > \ art '\\ eS n, ° ,ion This single concept of energy can 
throu 0 h . n f l,y manifested m different forms.- when traveling 
monlv c illeH nd ^ Ct ° r (metal wire )- 'be gyroscopic particles are corn- 
space su'rmt. . e ectrical energy. When traveling throughout the 
perceived 1118 al ‘ Rncd a 'oms, the same gvroscopic particles are 

ca 35 magnetic" energy. 


If ° ne Figure 17-C, one find* resistance 

^ t0 b ?app^ately J, my prev ious 

l ' D r Note that this fact c contains 

o f ' .he conduct «< ' col , 17-C 

r D r Note that this fact co..^ con tains 

of 17-C- the conducting feting coil 17-C. 

jtatement atoms than desire d results, 

*££ »> d *sr^ ,n th r 

JT» «“ 15 : A _!" in l5-B is equal to .ha. of 

* unlever, tog 1 • . B you win 

n to tests 15-A and . 15 B is equal to that of 

phenomenal 110, 

wiic" “ linn U ncnui'M 


large reduction o . ner rentage of the alloy 

alloy and the , ref °" ^se some of their o'oo" 0 " 13 ^ 
a ‘° m Vne e rgy (gyroscopic particles) throughout the 
netic energ> tgy . . rrea ted. 

Mery,*** process ,soP_ 

ducting collie- 

i a in u ' ^ 

>n 7/ efficient conducting system design 

~ for a given current input th * ™° um f er ofato ms within a coil 

is one in which i ' he f r ff (gyroscopic part icle) input. 

are aligned by the given current <gv 

tUr, r^nrip temOSTUtUTS eff 

— . it sh ould be clear that for a given 

8. M " ,iSp °ZfisUng of gyroscopic particles) from 

urrenl "’P ul ( K the m0 st efficient conducting 

batter)' ■ 8 enera °„. whK h the greatest number of 
’ZSnZil are aligned by the given current 

r S *erXrobviou'?“hat a properly designed, 

" 15 h 7„rtine system would produce even greater 
£ C °"wdtin g , work is being performed by 
her scientists in an attempt to develop a super 
nducting material which can operate at temperatures 

,her than those previously developed. 

’ Let us examine super-conducting magnets in view 
f what I teach. In Figure 18-A, when a small, fish 
zed cylinder of niobium-tin alloy is placed in a flask 
r liquid helium having little or no current input, the 
binder becomes a formidable magnet of 24,000 
k AA-.,.rsrso\ mof^rioic h avp been developed tl 

posite to the Curie S uitmg inborn 

(energy) into a pe, J dom atom mo ,ion, and 

unalignment, magnet s field. (See Figure 

virtual disappearance of the magnet 

1 ^^the small? 

disappearance of the magnet's prior magnetic field 
Me gyroscopic particles which Piously com- 
posed the magnetic field have now re,u ™*™°** s 
original atoms from which they came. [These resul 
scientifically match those of test 12-D above.) 

der becomes a formidable magnet of 24,00U 
Additional materials have been developed that 
ipable of producing superior results. 


Small cylinder of niobium-tin alloy 




High atom alignment since heat 
(energy) is removed from the mass 


"... I stress that it is essential that 
one design and establish the correct 
geometric configuration. 

19. For optimal results, I stress that it is essential that 
one design and establish the correct geometric con- 
figuration! With such a correct configuration, the 
atoms of the substances involved will intersect the 
gyroscopic particles (composing the magnetic field of 
the system) at the proper angle. In some designs it may 
be desirable that those atoms within the system do not 
(or minimally) intersect the gyroscopic particles, i.e., in 
such instances, only gyroscopic particles should me- 
chanically interact with one another. 

“One must pay strict attention to 
the mechanical essence of the gyroscopic 
action of these particles ...” 

One must pay strict attention to the mechanical 
essence of the gyroscopic action of these particles 



When a conductor is physically moved down and across a magnetic f.eld as in F.gure 19-A, then the current wtll 
change direction twice. The same is true if the conductor is moved from the South end of a magnet to the North end of 
the magnet. Reason: the direction of gyroscopic action is changing throughout the “lines (shells) of force. ” However, if 
a small multi-looped, 38-gauge conducting-coil-wire [approximately 11/32-inch in diameter and 3/4-inch long] is 
moved across the end of a 6-inch diameter magnet, the current direction will alter four times. (See Figure 19-B.) 



e coil across the 

native ) It is ( gyroscopic par- 

£5i~ * »y 

* V '?h"e angular direction of me of th e magnet 
held, and to the 

'~ rt m one p * , , _ fh „ r came Diane. 

that t 

^continuously vary m tne - and observe 
n moment. Study W £ £ ., jnes (shells) of force 
r..iinr direction or u . maene t 

(gvrostup- r of the rnagi* cl1 '- 

ro the lef^ ' n ° n P sjde of that same plane 
rig'”- m the °PP? at at the points marked with a dot (•) 
Also observe that at tp curren , duced 

in Figure *»*%%£%* coil is never parallel 
even though the mo' g, Reason: This occurs 

With the ■ ''f^Xlon effec,. re. one side of the 
as a result of: c hin Qne plane of gyroscopic par- 

sma " C osses ing a given angular direction, while the 
tides possesst g 8 coil will be located in 

opposite st* i of *> jc partid es possessing a dif- 

another plane ^ £ he iden tical effect will be 

-tt small coil is moved from the North to 

^t^rsboM island that I did not observe 
The e.jitc hv accident. On the contrary >. / uti- 
ZdTsZ diameter cot, because / expected that it 
m wore effectively detect the varying angles of the 
ZlZZ^Zes Loved. The resutts / obtained 
^totally corroborated my expectations. It should now be 
Obvious to you that relative to a magnetic field, the 
angular directions of the gyroscopic particles are of 
extreme importance with respect to a substance 's given 
geometric design. 

I would anticipate that computer technology — 
which is pictorally capable of depicting the mechanical 
essence of the action/reaction, gyroscopic effect of 
energies — would be very helpful in predicting more 
efficient designs and in computing useful mathematical 


What should not be done is for one to simply “throw 
igether" some design concept and then place it in a 
lagnetic field without giving careful consideration to 
le mechanical essence of the energy of that magnetic 
dd, i.e., the mechanical essence of the energy (in the 
>rm of gyroscopic particles) comprising the atoms of 
e substance or substances of the design. Prior to my 
ork, a lack of mechanical thought has been the norm, 
id, as the reader is well aw^are, the progress of science 
id the human race has suffered 

. is similar to hydraulic pressure, and appears to 
e at l ^ e speed of light. In addition, such input cur- 
t behaves solely — - - * * 

-o- , input cur- 

<ts a catalyst in interacting with the 
ctromagnetic nature of the atoms comprising other 

c release a portion of 
materials and caused such atoms to ^ Qf a mag net* 

their electromagnetic energy i |es Such action in- 

field composed of RY«»cof P ^ for perfor 
creases the capacity of the ? Force , or Power. 

"Obvious” or “Uno J another magnetic force 

The system can then reac narlicles) 0 f that source to 
or the atoms (gyroscopi P even further, 

multiply this electromagnetic ettec 

20. Lei's examine .he facts which corrobora.e .he 
previous statement 

stress to you, the reader, that there are many designs 
ich will effectively release the energy in a magnetic 
d in accordance with the conversion of the mass 
rn which the magnetic field emanates via E = MC 2 . 
he electromagnetic composition of the atoms of 
terials which initiates an input current flow is con- 
11 » * s similar to hydraulic pressure, ; 

ve at thp 12 t . _ .... 

A. I have already proven .ha. .he greater the number 
of atoms aligned within a magnet. : g par[ides) 

release of the magnet s energy (gy figures 

in accordance with the equation E = MC . (bee g 
20-A1, 20-A2, and 20-A3 ) 




No Magnetic Field 


f , BCtQBiJ-ljQT N 

Magnetic Field 


/ / i ' v 'J-'L ' J Ml \ 

I v \ * * a 




,„- m r the areater will be the relea^r- , r 

; , »—• r”rusr.;'.‘ '* 

^O.B2. and20.B3^ 

20 , r. rhdf one should perceive the individual atoms (of Figures 20-A3 and 20-B3) as microsemv 

, C - ' have 3 Tin inZ cap Z eX^nno E = MC 2 . Realizing these facts, one then knows that the greatet , h ?' C 
” ojToZ ofJy substance which one activates in accordance with these teachings, then the greater , he 

Tfrb^o'Xur a e^5 e B e 'Xn page W) andtaagtae that Figure 20-B3 is of similar magnitude. Also, imagine Fig Ure 
20-A3 of proportional size and magnitude with Figure 20-B3. If these two systems (20-A3 and 20-B3) then react w ith 
one another, you will obtain the following. (See Figures 20-C1 and 20-C2.) 

, , n vision a conductor coil 2G-C1 be- 
Onc* « n / o a ;7domcd stadium, and a magnet 20-C2 
ing t,1t- stzC u . oimt redwood tree, 
being M er ®‘v be desirable to permit the gy- 

jn some ca. • lianat ing from magnet 20-C o c 
nxscopic P^nci« ^ ie mscopjc particles surround- 
cicntly interact wit CI> but , lo/ to interact with 

in g the conducting the conducting coil 20-C1 

the atoms conja.ned mcchanicaJ configuration uttltz- 
itseif '^partides, one would achieve max,- 

ing - P ^gnet 20-C2 without creating back- 

" ll f 'eduction into conducting coil 20-C 1 

f ,° r reader must also realize that there is a hydrau- 
T anefic-coupling effect" of the gyroscopic par- 
,ic '" mnr sing the magnetic fields - an effect 
tideS h C exTends back to the atoms of the material from 
tS the gyroscopic particles emanate. /Is « result, 
Tfrrtimedian -Laws of Leverage are enacted! 
Knowing these facts, one can easily see that in 
K m ri and 20-C2 there would be a phenome- 
^aftorque produced upon the masses of both 20-C1 
a^d zo-Cl^Tbis phenomenal torque is the result 
o/E = MC j ! 

n EXAMINE THESE FACTS: The massive number of 
atoms within conducting coil 20-C1 produce a phe- 
nomenal back-emf (power) which is greater than the 
external energy input (consisting of a catalytic effect 
only) or external power input. In addition, the 
massive number of atoms within magnet 20-C2 release 
via atom alignment a large quantity of kinetic energy 
(,n the form of a magnetic field) which interacts with 
another large quantity of kinetic energy (in the form 

„ . lh , 1V c were observed in the primi 

results described above w iS-Cl) except 

tive prototype (described m ^5 C ^ of aloms . 

that the generating coil had only •> should 

P„ r „K„c in.p-s.v-csuHs he prot 
have contained 4,200 lbs. or hoWCVCr , because 1 

limited the coil weight t ' ^ tbal 

the coil size became too great, nes p 
technical problems which can easily be solved by 

present technology h , 

The reader should clearly understand by now 'that 
the electric current which is initially reieased rom a 
battery is not permitted (by a ^ducting coil) to com 
plete the circuit within the coil itself, the 
electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic { 

tained within the conducting coil will perform exactly 
as I teach. Ideally, one should construct the en ^ r Sy 
machine to have voltage (hydraulic pressure), but the 
input current should (as much as practical) be pre- 
vented from returning to the battery, generator, etc. 
That current which flows from the conducting coi 
could indeed return to the battery and re-charge it. 

E. One could reduce the length of a conductor and 
still achieve the desired results by simply increasing 
the speed of the "on" and "off’ input current which 
behaves as a pulsating flow. The atoms of the conduc- 
tor will produce a back-emf flow as a result of the ex- 
panding and collapsing magnetic field (composed of 
gyroscopic particles). These atoms are triggered 
into this observable, back-emf flow via the catalytic 
action of the small, initial input current. 

“The greater the voltage (hydraulic pressure), then the 
greater the number of atoms of a conductor will be triggered into the desired action. 

of a magnetic field) within conducting coil 20-C1 . 

Such interactions result in a phenomenal torque effect 
and either 20-C1 or 20-C2 (or both) could rotate. 

Observe that the above mechanical configuration 
has multiplied the capacity of the system to perform 
' Obvious" or "Unobvious” Work, Force, or Power 
relative to the intial power input which acts only as 
a catalyst. 

Now, envision another conducting coil of propor- 
tional size which acts as a generator and is physically 
positioned to efficiently interact mechanically with 
20-0 and 20-C2. This configuration will increase the 
energy output even further. 

Such a configuration is exactly what I created with 
my primitive, handmade prototype. The prototype 
was not built for my benefit, but for the benefit of 
others who had been unjustly influenced by a teach- 
ing process which rewards memorization. It was also 
uilt for those who could not or would not recognize 
the validity of my Theoretical Process. (Again I refer 
to the discussion in 15-C and Figure 15 Cl .) All of the 

The greater the voltage (hydraulic pressure), then 
the greater the number of atoms of a conductor 
which will be triggered into the desired action. 
However, this statement should be qualified: the facts 
indicate that all atoms have a "threshold effect. If the 
"threshold effect” of the atoms (contained within a 
given diameter and length of a conductor) are ex- 
ceeded, then the atoms will emit some of their elec- 
tromagnetic composition (gyroscopic particles) in the 
form of heat with the result that the magnetic field 
would be greatly reduced. If this occurs, then one 
should simply increase the diameter of the conductor 
or increase the speed of the pulsating input current. 

Returning to the prototype in Figure 15-0: this 
massive 5-gauge coil had only eight (8) ohms of 
resistance, yet it produced a tremendous back-emf 
(power) which reduced current-flow-input from the 
battery pack. When the input power from the battery 
pack was interrupted, the back-emf then returned 
more power than the original power input from the 
battery pack. 


ill ask the ques- 

There are *'"' 7 £ aT”' 

fust as radil Y° S J Zc Figure 21-A.) 

generating power. ( 

I '''T’^y'zi - 

A. Envision that the above two magnets in Figure 
21-A have a strong, magnetic field that is capable of 
compressing the spring. One would not expect the 
spring to then recoil and push the two magnets apart. 
Reason: The gyroscopic particles emanating from the 
atoms of the two magnets are the mechanical essence 
of E = MC 2 and, consequently, such particles will keep 
the spring compressed. However, if one has a “trig- 
gering mechanism’’ or a catalytic effect that causes the 
atoms of one or both of the two magnets to align and 
unalign, then the spring would recoil, pushing the 
two masses apart. When the atoms are aligned, the 
spring would again be compressed via the generation 
of the magnetic field by the aligned atoms. This pro- 
cess would continue to repeat itself. 

B. A similar effect (created by the gyroscopic parti- 
cles via E = MC 2 ) is observed when the current is pro- 
hibited from returning to a conventional generator. If 
a mechanical means is constructed to “trap’’ the elec- 
tric current and prevent it from completing a circuit, 
then the gyroscopic particles of the current have a 
capacity for continuous work without the necessity 
to increase the power input from the generator sys- 

trier, u?r, Ver ' ' f ‘ he CifCUiI iS com P' ete and the elec- 

“' y ,he ' ^anicaT 

destroyed. This fact resuits 

tides having a "cumulative effect. " ( See Fi 

and Figure 21 -B2 .) c 2 » iq 

acts as a generator. In 21-B1, if the leads are shorted 
out with only 1 ohm of resistance in the generator’s 
conductor, there will be a resistive force equal to the 
pull-force that one exerts in pulling the pull-cord at- 
tached to the pulley on the motor (generator) shaft. 
Reason: The conductor cuts the magnetic field of the 
permanent magnets, thereby releasing gyroscopic par- 
ticles (current) from the magnetic field. These releas- 

“This successive number of gyroscopic- 
particle-releases is what creates the 
‘ cumulative effect.’” 

ed, gyroscopic particles which travel into the conduc- 
tor then have their spin at right angles to the balance 
of gyroscopic particles (spin) remaining in the 
magnetic field which in turn generates an opposing 
“ Obvious Force. ’’ These gyroscopic particles continue 
to move throughout the shorted conductor as the 
conductor continually moves through additional 
“lines (shells) of force’’ within the magnetic field 
which, in turn, results in even more gyroscopic par- 
ticles (current) being released within the conductor. 
This successive number of gyroscopic-particle- 
releases is what creates the "cumulative effect 




fact b 
that t 

2 l 









a n> 
a 1 





, „ 3SjJv prove this previous s 
° nC nlv conducting an experiment. Observe 
* bV Trdcr one pull, on the 'pull-cord'- (in Figure 

that the ~ the resistive force 

''.f/FrR-rlon.I force is additional.] 

P u " l? ' t v that one is producing no < 
MisitV thp svster 

ill equal your 
an therefore 

r » «/ic eri'C r- — 

eflS i Force or Power ’ outside the system. 

Forte . Figure 21-B in which five smaller, 
° bSer m magnet motors have been placed in series, 
permanent- g ^ puJJ . cord one finds that the re- 

Whe a energy is significantly less than in Figure 21-B1 
V u ‘ red r "n five additional motors will now be run- 
a ° Y one is now producing “ Obvious Work, Force, 
nl J Power" outside of the system and yet one is us- 
Lificantly less input power. Why the differ- 
ing \ Answer Injure 21-B1, one is producing high 
of gyroscopic particles which acts as 
brake' ) and virtually no hydraulic pressure 

c;m.rp 9 1 .R? nnp ic nrnr 


However, in Figure 21-B2, one is producing 

hiah hydraulic pressure (voltage) and low current 
/volume of gyroscopic particles completing the circuit), 
therefore, the “braking effect” is drastically reduced. 

Lenz’s Law states that "the current induced in a cir- 
cuit due to a change in the magnetic flux through it or 
to its motion in a magnetic field is so directed as to 
oppose the change in flux or to exert a mechanical 
force opposing the motion.” 

Lenz 's Law is simply an observation of this cumu- 
lative effect of the gyroscopic-particle-spin (compris- 
ing the current produced) being at right angles to the 
spin of the gyroscopic particles remaining in the 
magnetic field. Prior to my work, the true nature of 
the magnetic field has never been fully understood. 

Returning to the question, “Why can’t one simply 
feed the generated, output current back into itself?” I 
would answer. If one blindly (via mechanical im- 
plicitness) feeds the current produced from a 
system back into itself, then a “braking effect” 
will occur which will negate the desired results. 

It should be obvious to the reader that the prior 
teachings have indicated that all power produced 
from any type of conducting system was the result of 
current flow and was not from the conducting system 
itself. As a result of this view, all prior systems have 
been deliberately designed to utilize high current-flow 
to produce high power. 

If you have mastered my teachings up to this point, 
then you should be principally interested in the 
voltage (hydraulic pressure), since the current (gyro- 
scopic particles) simply acts as a catalyst for any 
system into which it flows. As I indicated above, the 
g> roscopic particle composition of the current cannot 
he depleted as it moves through the system. As a 
resu t the current completes the circuit to the genera- 
/° r . ai n * brakin 8-action” occurs to create the cumu- 
and J 6Ct If thC CUrrent WaS to com P ] ete the circuit 
arm h Urn t0 the battery ’ then su ch current would, 
ccordmg to Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis (which 
epends upon current flow [gyroscopic particles]), 

produce an undesired chemical action and destroy 
one s ability to utilize the elements of the battery in 
accordance with E = MC 2 . „ H - s 

The very electrolytic action described by araday 
Law is proof that the current within the system has 
not been depleted. With a correct technical system, 
such current could be harnessed for more productive 
purposes since the gyroscopic particles (which com- 
prise the current) have an infinite capacity for work. 

Via the proper design, it is obvious that one can feed 
the energy triggered and released from a system into a 
configuration which then operates itself and produces 
additional, excess energy in accordance with E = MC 2 
by converting the mass of the system involved. 

This is exactly what I have clearly demonstrated by 
utilizing the primitive, handmade prototypes already 
discussed. (See Figures 15-C1 and 15-C2.) There are 
many additional, technical designs possible which will 
be built by following my basic principles. 

22. I now wish to give you, the reader, a test. Have 
you understood literally what I have taught you? Or 
have you simply sought to memorize what I have writ- 
ten? I wish to stimulate you to understand the 
very “essence” of what I teach you! Only by doing 
so will you be able to “stand on my shoulders and see 
farther than I have.” * 

Question: How would you build a more efficient 
design than the primitive prototypes I have already 
demonstrated? What properties would you seek to 
perfect in your system? 

You should understand that if built structurally 
strong, even the 15-C1 and 15-C2 prototypes would 
produce an impressive power output if the hydraulic 
pressure (voltage) was increased. For example, in the 
smaller 15-C2 unit, I utilized only 300 volts of pressure 
due to the fact that as one increases the voltage (hy- 
draulic pressure) then the power produced becomes 
damaging to the primitive commutator which I built by 
hand. Utilizing these 300 volts, I had only 1.6 milliamps 
input and a 14 lb. magnet which rotated at approxi- 
mately 200 RPM. Now, if you add 100,000 volts (hy- 
draulic pressure) to a system structurally designed to 
withstand the voltage — which is 333 times the original 
voltage I utilized to demonstrate my correct principle 
— then one can expect the power output to be in thou- 
sands of watts with an input of only several hundred 
watts. With such a system, the 14 lb. magnet would 
rotate at more than 50,000 RPM! 

What I continually stress to you, the reader, is that 
the handmade prototypes were simply built to prove 
that the Technical Process which I teach is correct. 

/ consider the Technical (Theoretical) Process to he 
10,000 times more important than those primitive pro- 
totypes. If you have mastered what I teach, then the 
magnitude of this “Pioneering Invention” should be 
obvious to you. 

* Based upon the quotation from Isaac Newton: If I have seen farther 
than others, it is because 1 have stood on the shoulders of giants 



Explanation Of internal Action 

within my energy machine And 

Discussion Of Commutator Designs 

•■If you cannot make something simple in the 
you do not know what you are about." e entl 

- Dr. Edward de Bono 

“ OriFSTION: Do you understand the importance 
' oh^MjTdesigning a technical configuration 
which causes the current (consisting of gyroscopic par- 
tides) 1 tobe ' trapped within any system (including a 
conductor) utilizing the hydraulic pressure (voltage) of 
the input current and prohibiting such input current 
from detrimentally affecting the battery source of the 
input current? (If permitted (to a detrimental extent to 
return to the battery source, such input current will 
operationally invoke Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis and 
prevent the further utilization of the electrical energy 
(gyroscopic particles) within the battery in accordance 
with Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 .] 

B. QUESTION: Do you understand that the gyro- 
scopic particles (current) emanating from the materials 
of a battery literally represent the mechanical essence 
of Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 and constitute the 
basic entities comprising all component parts (other 

and larger sub-atomic particles e.g., electron, P rot 0 
neutron, meson, neutrino, quark, etc.) within the ^ 
atoms of the materials used in the construction of the 

If you do not instantly know the answers to q Ues 
tions 22-A and 22-B, then you have not “Mastered” 
what I have taught, and you must therefore re-read 
(and Master) the earlier sections of this Book before 
proceeding further. 

However, if you do know the answers to questions 
22-A and 22-B, then you should immediately under- 
stand why I designed (within the structure of my in- 
vention) a segmented commutator and brush system 
for the purpose of proving 1) my teachings are correct 
and 2) how quickly production units for practical use 
will result when my teachings are “Mastered" and 
not “Memorized. ’’ 


C. EXAMPLE: (See Figure 2-C1.) 


22 C2 

has 20 Current Input or Firing Positions 5/16" wide, 20 Blank Spots 3/16 wide. 
fndZOS Inert Ou> Positions 2/16" wide. 

Brush to Coil and Firing Position 

SH^ S r i lK Si H?o? f r, Commutator is connected with Firing Wires to the Hub on the opposite 
of the 180 Break. No Short Out Wire is needed on the reverse side. 




D. QUESTION: Wh y*°“*% C n™t brushes con- 

points Where it make consist of segments P 

nectcd ,o ,he »PP« " "“« c °,cd m the b„c- 

s"-- - - ° f “ pper) 

ANSWER : Simple, ij you have Mastered 

teachings to this point. mil make 

The brushes connected to the copp 
contact with the FIRING SEGMENT position on the 
commutator. At that precise moment, current (in tl 
form of gyroscopic particles) flows from the *oms :of 
the battery’s materials into the copper-coil conductor 
as a result of the ‘ hydraulic effect” [voltage]. As a 
“cataivtic effect, ” such current-flow from the battery 
causes some of the atoms (within the copper-coil con- 
ductor) to align and release a minute portion of their 
electromagnetic configuration (in the form of gyro- 
scopic particles) to generate an expanding magnetic 
field. As a result, some of these gyroscopic particles 
(within the expanding magnetic field) mechanically 
collide with a portion of the gyroscopic particles com- 
prising other atoms within the copper-coil conductor. 
Some of these gyroscopic particles collide at a right 
angle, and those that do subsequently move at a right 
angle to that right-angular force. Such right-angular 
motion results in electrical current (consisting of gyro- 

remaining within the atoms of the conductor r 
right-angular collision occurs in a direction 0 Fh ‘ S 
to the right-angular collision which origj na |, Pp °site 
curred when the magnetic field was ex panUi ° C ' 
result of the second collision, additional elea* As * 
rent (in the form of moving gyroscopic p arti f‘ Cal co- 
produced in the conductor. Such current i s C ** 
ing in the same direction as the original, “ c n ° W m °v- 
input current (gyroscopic particles) from the h C 
At the next instant in the rotation of the c batler V 
tor, the brushes that are connected to the c 0rnmuta - 
leave the BLANK SEGMENT and enter the SHor^ Coil 
rent (gyroscopic particles) produced by the coh CUr ' 
magnetic field to complete the copper-coil c * 3psin 8 
circuit, but prevents additional current inpu^f 1 * 1110101 

battery. Such electrical-circuit-completion with° m the 

copper-coil conductor works to maintain the m the 
field of the coil since the current (gyroscopic magnetic 
tides) circulation in the copper-coil conductor^' 
the same direction as the original, “catalytic” ' S l ° 
current from the battery source. Such “magnehcT 
maintenance” results in a continual force which " C d 
in the proper direction to affect the rotating maen^ 
adjacent to the copper-coil conductor, although th 
magnet and conductor are not limited to this no * 
or configuration. Furthermore, such a continual fo r ° n 

“The power produced from the conducting coil within the system 
becomes significantly greater than the initial ‘catalytic* power 
coming from the atoms of the materials comprising the external battery ” 

scopic particles) which moves in a direction opposite 
to the catalytic” imput current (gyroscopic particles 
from the battery source. The electrical current (gyro- 
scopic particles) generated by the above-mentioned, 
right-angular collisions essentially “traps” and 
prevents the battery current from completing the cir- 
cuit. [Note; This right-angular motion of the gyro- 

?;rj:T S 0 '? UrS 35 an " after ' the - fa «" reaction. 
re., the right-angular motion occurs after the gyro- 

blank segment (or -h- . GMENT and P ass onto the 
Position breaks the "hydraufee fecTr ^ ™ S 
from the battery and thereby caufes thl VOltage) 
copper-coil conductor to „Z l he aIoms of 'he 
“"alignment results in a collanf ° h atomic 
represents an attempt on [h ' PSmg - ma « n ettc field and 
Particles (comprising the ZZn °l ‘ he 8yrosc °Pic 
rhe atoms from which thev o ° etlC to return into 

^hen this occurs some of t he 8 ' na,ly emana * d - 

comprising the collapsing ma 0 nt 8y r OSC ° PiC par,icles 
a nghl an gle with some of h, ' f ‘ C d then co " id e 

° f ' the gyroscope particles 


the energy machine 

greatly reduces wasted energy (electrical sparking) at 
each current break in the commutator! 

Following the SHORTOUT SEGMENT position the 
brushes connected to the copper coil enter the firing 
SEGMENT position again, and the entire process is 
repeated twenty times per revolution of the rotating 
magnet since the commutator is attached to the shaft 
of the rotating magnet. 


E. The electrical activity as described in section 22-D 
appears on an oscilloscope as depicted in the drawing 
below. (See Figure 22-E.) 


spiral-helix path of gyroscopic particles (only a few depicted) 
which generate the magnetic field around the coil 

the coil 

input (catalytic) I 
current direction to I 
'initially align the atoms I 
_ within the copper coil I 

(When this happens, the I 

gyroscopic particles physically I 

"expand away from the atoms of the wire I 
Irom which the gyroscopic particles emanate.) I 


(expanding magnetic field) 


now the gyroscopic particle "collapses" to return to the atom from 
which It emanated — but now the lower periphery ol the gyroscopic 
particle first strikes the copper wire causing the gyroscopic particle 
to now travel in the ( + ) direction 

The process below is fully repeated with step(i)physically thrusting the expanding, 
magnetic field even further beyond the coil structure. [Tit's expansion and collapse 
of the coil's magnetic field mechanically interacts with the magnetic field 
(gyroscopic particles) of the cylindrical magnet to create a "push-pull" effect which 
causes the cylindrical magnet to rotate and also add some of its gyroscopic particles 
In interaction with the copper coil, thus adding further to the external output energy ] 

i „i coppef coll composed n 

I n°r P ,, Pef a,oms wl,h 'Elions 

1 of O/Kwcopic particles 

moment of b unk s egment on the commutator 

(collapsing magnetic field) 


(cancelling additional current from the battery) 

uilltalive depictions only 





, m the conducting coil within 
e r produced °fi C anth' greater than the 
^ g£» ^-° n Swe 8 r coming from the atoms of 
W * * * 5 .Cathie P° w ^ he eXt ernal battery. 

"’"iteria* comprising ed power or Energy 

d* nlJ rve that we no innovat ed releases 

Nothing ^e system atomic (gyr oscopic 

fron ’ or Energy fr °™ fche ato ms comprising all 
Pe* e , arrangement o t) in accordance 

P jrt, ;S(coiE ha«ery and magnj ^ 

JSJri E^ te “ 0 V* U conversion-efBcicnt basis. 

av stric , attention to the exacting Fact 
** one must pay str described by the above 
%e meehanicaT essence the me chanical 

£S* * ^Sn the atoms of the conduc- 
'caon " h ' ch M 0 “S„d one of the timing sequence 
tor coil should I Km p|ug nring within an 

,Mt occurs dur g ^ [he proper Iiming of such 

» u,om 0 b hi„ "he vehicle engine cannot be ignored or 
firing wlth,n ^ ed> neither can the gyroscopic particles 
taken for g r — — — ■ 

'Riming effect ' 1 have described 
is very critical. 

nrising and emanating from the atoms of the 
(C ,2" materials) be ignored or taken for granted m 

SV mTof their "firing' to generate the production of 

tC ,i energy output. When the sparking in piston 

firing is stopped, in the case of an automobile engine, 

S analogous to properly timing the rotating com- 
mutator to stop the firing of Production as the coil 
brushes physically enter the BLANK SEGMENT position. 

Anyone familiar with the conventional engine 
within an automobile knows that, if all pistons were 
"fired’’ simultaneously and continuously, there would 
be no rotational motion of the crankshaft. Under such 
circumstances, one would have only an “Unobvious 
Work, Force, or Power” produced in such an engine. 
The same effect is true (by what I have presented in 
the above discussion) when the atoms within the 
copper-coil conductor remain aligned at all times. 

Under such circumstances, there would be no rota- 
tional motion on the part of the commutator (via the 
revolving magnet), nor would additional, external, 
electrical current (gyroscopic particles) be produced 
once the magnetic field of the copper-coil conductor 
ceased to expand and collapse. In essence, there 
would be only an ‘‘Unobvious Work, Force, or 
Power” produced. 

In order to understand what I have written and to 
be able to physically construct those units capable of 
achieving what I have achieved, you must ‘‘Master” 
these teachings. The ‘‘timing effect” I have described 
* very critical This ‘‘timing effect” will vary from 
0ne P h y sical system to another. 

The voltage (hydraulic effect) input, and 
intensity of any interacting, additional magnetic 

field(s) will ail be critical considerations to the -timing 
effect” of any system's design. wri tten, you 

To properly understand what _ _ _ hanica iiy 
must -Master ' the fact that we are technically 
discussing the “Mechanical essence ot 

G. Return to Dr. Hasting s Affidavit of June 17 1984 
and study the oscillograph pictured on pag ■ 
oscillograph was produced via the utiliza 
lb. magnet adjacent to a copper coil (see Figur 
22-G1). The current spike in Figure 22-Gla w p 

nuwcvci, 11 Liu- n r ' ' ‘ 

above the copper coil (as in Figure 22-G2), then no 
current spike (see Figure 22-G2a) was produced from 
the coil. In the second position of the magnet in 
Figure 22-G2, there was a ‘‘cancellation effect.” The 
copper coil had only a 4-inch interior diameter and the 
cylindrical 14 lb. magnet had a 4-inch outside diameter. 
By placing the magnet above the coil (as in Figure 
22-G2), the magnet’s magnetic field would sweep 
across both sides of the copper coil in the same direc- 
tion as the magnet itself rotated. (See Figure 22-G3 ) 



COLLISION (cancellation effect) 

Consequently, some of the gyroscopic particles com- 
prising the magnetic field of the rotating magnet would 
collide with some of the gyroscopic particles compris- 
ing the atoms of the coil at a right angle and generally 



„ . offset" of the repetitive, mechani 

cause a ‘ cancelianon effect within the 

cause a 

caJ motions of the gyroscopic p 
magnetic field in conjunction w 
tides within the copper coil. Th 

.articles within the 
ith the gyroscopic par- 
s “cancellation effect 

-* ra "" ns magnet 

take anything for granted! 

“ even the slightest alteration in 
the configuration of a particular system’s 
design can effect a noticeable change 
in the observed results. ” 

L I will now describe a factual observation which 
should “open your mind” even further. I will refer to 
the commutator design already discussed and 
depicted above in Figures 22-C1 and 22-C2. 

The above-described commutator was affixed to the 
shaft of a rotating, 100 lb., solid magnet (6-inch 
diameter and 12-inch length). [The 400 lb. magnet 
depicted in Figure 15-C1 on page 21 was part of my 
largest prototype. J The 100 lb. magnet was placed in 
the center of a very large coil composed of 4,200 lbs. 
of copper atoms (5-gauge copper coil). In addition, 

300 lbs. of copper atoms (24- gauge copper coil) was 
wrapped around the larger, 4,200 lb. copper coil. The 
purpose of this configuration was to prove that most 
of the gyroscopic particles comprising the magnetic 
field emanating from the aligned atoms of the perma- 
nent, 100 lb. magnet would avoid collision with the 
gyroscopic particles comprising the atoms within the 
conducting coils. (See Figure 22-1 which is concep- 
tuaJly related to Figure 22- E above.) 



In addition, because of the spatial placement of the 
coil and magnet, most of the gyroscopic particles 
comprising the magnetic field generated by the con- 
ductor coil would also avoid collision with the g yro . 
scopic particles remaining within the atoms compri s . 
ing the 100 lb. magnet. However, the gyroscopic parti- 
les comprising the magnetic fields of both the 100 lb. 
rotating magnet and the 4,200 lb. coil would re^. 
with one another as desired and designed by • 

j! The results of a test utilizing the configuration of 
Figure 22-1 are described as follows: 

Two (2) 40- watt fluorescent bulbs were connected 
in series as a resistance load to 300 lbs. (atoms) of a 
24-gauge copper coil. A battery voltage (consisting of 
66 volts of ‘‘hydraulic pressure” equaling 31 milliamps 
or 2.04 watts) was then input into the motor coil con- 
sisting of 4,200 lbs. (atoms) of 5-gauge copper coil. 
When the 100 lb. magnet rotated at 48 RPM, the two 
bulbs were emitting useful light, but were not con- 
tinuously lit since they flickered at a rate consistent 
with each ‘‘break” in the current. 

Now to state the shocking fact to those only skilled 
in the old teachings: 

If the resistance load of the two (2) 40- watt fluores- 
cent bulbs connected in series was disconnected 
(open circuit) from the generator coil consisting of 
300 lbs. of atoms — and this was the only deliberate 
change made — then the 100 lb. rotating magnet would 
reduce its rotational rate within two minutes to 36 
RPM. At the same time, average “catalytic” current 
input from the battery increased to 2.57 watts 
(equivalent to 39 milliamps X 66 volts input into the 
4,200 lbs. (atoms) of 5-gauge, motor-coil conductor). 

In essence, you will note that by reducing the load 
on the generator coil of 300 lbs. (of copper atoms), 
then the motor coil of 4,200 lbs. (of copper atoms) 
drew more power and resulted in the 100 lb. magnet 
reducing its rotational rate. 

FIGURE 22-1 




THE energy machine OF JOSEPH IN 

- n \4 of the rotating magnet decreased 

effect, tbe dema „d increased by 25% 

,|| X t, ,he P ° removed from the generator! 

w fl^ ,oad 

' lhlSr “ U,IOCCUr? 

if yOU have Mastered my teachings. 

: Sim ? fe d that I theoretically predicted such 

I be "rieinal Patent Application long before I 

' es ^ s ,n he above-described prototypes.] I stated 

^ patent Application: as they aligned and 
l at oms (within the generator coil of my 
I malig^; Jd in deed have a "beneficial effect” 

} jt 0 totyP e > of the m otor coil in terms of the 

jp on t,ieat( j > ts T his "beneficial effect” would o, 

I j^cired r esU effect” and 

e to an 


would occur 
effect” and vice versa. 

due to 41 J ., aCti0 n/reaction effect” is what occurred in 
Sudl ^described test results. The proper timing of 
the abo^ n / rea ction effect” is essential to obtain the 

*5ired results. 

In the earlier test described above (in Section 22-C 
and pictured again in Figure 22-J2), the atoms of the 
motor coil are "fired” via the FIRING SEGMENT (releas- 
ing energy), followed by the BLANK SEGMENT (allowing 
the atoms to unalign [via the collapsing magnetic field] 
in the opposite direction to the energy of an expanding 
magnetic field), followed by the SHORTOUT SEGMENT 
(permitting the energy in the system to attempt to main- 
tain atom alignment until the next FIRING SEGMENT). 
This sequence permits the energy of the system to 
app!y a sustained force to keep the magnet rotating. 

One should clearly see that there is an extreme dif- 
ference in the energy-output-effects generated by dif- 
ferent mechanical configurations. 1 must again stress 
the importance of the "timing” factor! 

Actually, the reader should recognize that there are 
many different ways to design a system to replace the 
commutator circuitry described above. With addi- 
tional research, one could select magnetic, electronic, 
or light-sensitive circuitry — to mention only a few. 

When the load of the two (2) fluores- 
was connected into the circuit of the 
SlbT(awms) of the generator coil, then the atoms 
f the conductor coil would align and unalign proper- 
P However, when the circuit was broken by remov- 
■' the i 0 ad (light bulbs) and leaving the circuit open, 
the atoms of the conductor coil could not properly 
align and unalign. 

The proper timing relative to the segmented com- 
mutator (described in Figure 22-C1 and 22-C2) is very 
critical. For example: If the segmented commutator 
was simply flipped over 180° — enabling the coil- 
connected brushes to first make physical contact with 
then the FIRING SEGMENT (see Figure 22-J1) — the 
results would be that the light output of the two (2) 
fluorescent bulbs would be greatly reduced. 

“One should clearly see that there 
is an extreme difference in the 
energy-output-effects generated by 
different mechanical configurations. 


K. Let us now examine the effects of a similarly- 
designed, segmented commutator placed upon the 
shaft of a 14 lb. magnet adjacent to approximately 140 
lbs. of 30-gauge (copper) conductor coil. (See Figure 
22-K1.) [I must stress that my system is not limited to 
the use of copper as the conducting medium! There 
are other materials which — under certain circum- 
stances — would permit more efficient atom align- 
ment, e g . , super-cooled niobium tin. Atom unalign- 
ment (as it occurs in copper) will also have to occur 
within the system.] 

Such a reduced light output should be clear proof that 
nothing in this system I have described should be 
taken for granted! Why the resultant difference in 
'8 t output? It should be obvious. In Figure 22-11 the 

viaTVuo 116 ^ 6 ” firSt SHORTS OUT the motor coil 
break eff ° R -w UT SEGMENT (creating a “current- 
(nothino ^ ’ f0lJ ° Wed b V a BLANK SEGMENT 

2g se SSS 0 ’ and the unit "fta" via the 

G SEGMENT to align the atoms in the motor coil. 







2nd 3rd 



„ K , the FIRING SEGMENT on the 

in prototype 22-K . wjde the SHORTOUT 

commutator switch 3/8 (;Ap 5etwee n the FIR- 

SEGMENT is 1/8 a s is J/J6" wide. In the 

ING and SHORTOUT . h position of the 

(See Figure 22-K2.) 

In Figure 22-K2, each SHORTOUT SEGMENT is 

covered with a thin layer of regular Scotch 'magic 
tape. As the commutator revolves, such a tape covering 
has the following effect: first the coil brushes connect 
with the FIRING SEGMENT and atoms within the motor 
coil align to produce energy; then the coil brushes 
pass over the SHORTOUT SEGMENT covered with tape 
which causes the atoms to unalign and produce energy 
in the same direction (per the discussion in Section 
22- D). This energy traveling in the same direction 
causes a small spark to flash across the GAP between 
addition, there is a 76-watt, 8-foot, fluorescent bulb 
and three (3), 'A -watt fluorescent bulbs connected in 

“The most efficient system design is 
one in which the smallest amount of 
external current input will cause the 
greatest amount of atoms alignment and 
unalignment within the system. ” 

senes, but hooked parallel to the motor coil which in 
turn is connected to the rotating commutator. There 
of twen ‘y-eight (28) sequences consisting o 

XhJ per r0tation of the commutator. 

Uttltzmg 96° volts (hydraulic pressure) input (from 
tntnststor batteries, into 140 lbs. (atoms) of 30-^7 

ance o r n?h 3 C ° nd , UCt0 ; WiIh 50 ' 000 ot ™ s of resist ' 
into the sys,em.Ys 7‘h 8 ° ing 

flidke^during each sequen 
mutator. If the commuawr revolvin 8 c °m- 

Hickering would bemm, ? '° turn faster . <he 

■he brilliance of the lights m u d ^ noticeablc and 
den, rotational rite on ,h d mcreasc With a suffi- 
"« hts would achieve full brSua'r ° f commu “K>r, the 
emit light a, a steady rate s n' ” d would s «m to 
would occur faster than the h fllckenn 8 rate 

man the human eye could detect.) 

coil in Figure 


Can you predict what would occur if 
22-K1 was subjected to a cryog Cn i c 

ANSWER: The 50,000 ohm resistance in the coil 
wwjld^reatly decrease and the same voltage (hy* 
pressure) employed above would cause a greater K 
number of atoms to align in the 30-gauge coil. This 
would result in an increased energy release (via a 
magnetic field created by gyroscopic particles). Ato 
unalignment will have to occur in this system as it T 
in copper at normal room temperature. 

L. The most efficient system design is one in wh 
the smallest amount of external current input win 
cause the greatest amount of atom alignment and 
unalignment within the system. [This approach i s 
contrary to and more efficient (over 100% prpdu 
efficiency) than ah electrical systems designedbif^ n 
this time!] As necessary, one can then have the m ° re 
to unalign the atoms and also reduce the firing 

EXAMPLE: Even at room temperature, the power 
output of a 30-gauge motor coil is noticeably greater 
than the external power input from a battery source^ 
On an oscilloscope such power appears as described 
in Figure 22-L1: 


Scope leads connected to a 1 Ohm resistor. 
Current = 2 Amp. per centimeter X 4 or 
8 Amps, and Sweep Time in milliseconds 

FIRES = 28 times per revolution 
BREAK = 28 times per revolution 
SHORT = 28 times per revolution 

M. Imagine a friction-free” commutator (designed 
according to Figure 22-C above) which has a 5-foot 
built to the same dimensions as those in Figure 22-MI: 


the energy machine 


„ - .«-srsssr~3“ 

^ent/unaiignmen^ producing greater and 

‘ g r and faster rate. ther ^l catalytic” energy input 
“^energy for action with 

f m an external so (atoms) of a 

SS*- re f“r^in section L, and .he resu 

u lower resistance ion L and the resu 

3 Mauge coii as ^ sc ^ erg> , ou ,pu, will increase. i 
should be ob v '° u he * are ma ny physical variations 
AS slated earl'e^.^., ^ my tea chings are 

- s,JKd “e rlie ob vtous' a once my .cachings are 

Z^^ Memor<2ed 


» t othfr DESIGN: The commutators 

iEGMENT and a ^arrangement will create sparking 
i 0 We Tmat y) if it is no. properly designed. Such a 

ieC,ed ^^^^otoTcoU^df. 1 This would cause 

u^bufno' push current noticeably through the bulb 
r resistance toad. The electromotive force produced 
y the gyroscopic particles of the atoms within the 
jnducmr coil (as such atoms unalign to collapse the 
lagnetic field) - which occurs as the coil-connected 
-ush passes over the GAP - would then travel 
irough the bulb or resistance load because such 
sistance is less than that required to ionize the air at 
ie GAP. [It should also be understood that the 
echanically-designed commutator can be replaced by 
her switch technologies which are more efficient.] 

3. I shall now discuss the FIRING or “timing” se- 
uences in conjunction with the battery design, and 
le results that will be observed from such sequences, 
leview Sections 16-H1 and 16-H2.] 

Since the “action/reaction effect” described in Sec- 
on 22-J occurs too quickly, the standard amp and volt 
leters will not be able to monitor the results quickly 
lough for proper observation. Therefore, it is neces- 
iry to use an oscilloscope that can be calibrated to an 
ttremely fast “sweep-time” measured in millionths of 

A. The facts obtained by a thorough study of my 
energy machine prove that the most efficient battery 
design is one which functions both as a capacitor as 
well as a battery. 

When current is released from a conventional ca- 
pacitor, the voltage (hydraulic pressure) will quickly 
be reduced. I have already shown that in order to 
achieve the proper functioning of my energy machine, 
it is necessary to input a “catalytic” voltage (hydraulic 
pressure) which can be maintained as high as possible 

tn achieve maximum 
. th 

m alignment 

23 . . have Observed that the dry 

B. In my experience, certain mechanical 

cell battery already P°^“ y) demonstrate several 
characteristics which (accide yj ^ a capaC itor as 
of the requirements nec ' terist ics are even 

well as a battery. Such cha nted commutator 

noticeable when I utihzed h ^8.^ high spike s of 

design (described ab J atomS within the motor-coil 
current produced by led in the same direc- 

conductor. Such current tr from the bat tery. 

“° n " thC ' 2 Tb S'seen on an oscilloscope. This is 
(See Figure 23-B as seen w 

not drawn to scale.) 


percent" position, the oscilloscope^^ the cur- 

“catalytic” input current, then the spikes (^ \ — 
will travel off the screen (if the input current-* « shown). 

C Without careful consideration, you, the r ^ ac ^ r ’ 
^‘assume that the high spikes of current from the 
conducting coil would quickly destroy Y 

battery. The facts that I have observed in my ex 
oeriments prove that such is not the case. The follow 
fng mechanical examination of a dry cell batten < conv 
bined with what I teach will explain why such battery 

destruction does not occur. battery 

Examine the following drawing of a dry cell batte y 

in Figure 23-C: 



D. Study carefully w Jl a ' Wtially flows from 

the current (gyroscopic P^ cJor ^ and returns to 

the zinc (atoms) into the co /( should be ob- 

the carbon rod w.thm the ^ /ra „, zinc 

viotts that energy has oet ' d fTh is action then 

and has traveled to the f? ElectroI vsis.] The metallic 
invokes Faraday s Law , t rolyte; if this pro- 

— ~ until .he 

cess continues, the zinc 
cell would become useless. 

scopic particles) is released from the atoms 
ducting coil and flows into the carbon ’°^°^ shou,d 
easily see that there is an extreme mechanical 
distinction (from that which occurs via Faraday s 
Law of Electrolysis), because the ztnc releases no 
energy and the carbon rod has actually gained 
energy (gyroscopic particles). 

F. QUESTION: Why the difference in results obtained 
in Section 2 3-D compared to those of Section 23-E? 

ANSWER : In Section 23-D, the zinc atoms con- 
tained an excess of gyroscopic particles which would 
readily flow to the carbon rod. However, in Section 
23-E, the "mechanical” conditions have altered and 
the carbon rod now receives an excess of gyroscopic 
particles which mechanically cause the carbon to 
become more negative than the zinc. As this process 
occurs, a very sensitively-calibrated oscilloscope will 
depict the zinc as “positive” and the carbon rod as 

. .• vo7*us COp i 

cles) can destroy the desired results. Consequent’ 1 
amount of material (atoms) within the battery " ’ V " ’ h<: 
ly proportional to the quantity of energy j t Can d,rc a 
modate. [Other materials can be used for better 3 ^ 0 ^' 

G. As depicted on an oscilloscope calibrated i n 
millionths of a second, the voltage of a battery 
connected in series will show the following; [ N Pack 
A variety of voltages can be used. In my smalleT^ 
totype, I have used between 300 and 950 volts ] Pr °- 

When current (gyroscopic particles) “shoots” from 
the conducting coil (atoms) into the carbon rod the 
battery voltage will “shoot” sharply negative and then 
increase to an amount past the normal battery voltage 
This indicates a charging effect upon the zinc within 
the battery followed by the ‘‘action/reaction effect" 0 f 
additional discharges and charging action within the 
battery pack. 

“t have been discussing the utilization of the atoms within a battery and the 
utilization of the atoms within a conducting coil on a 100%, 
conversion-efficient process in accordance with E = MC 2 . ” 

negative.” With such polarization, the “mechanic 
action” (described in Section 23-D) will attempt to 
voke Faraday’s Law of Electrolysis and reverse this 

wfl7flnw C f SS ' At J hiS P ° int ’ the ^oscopic Particles 
will flow from the carbon rod (acting as a capacitor 

™ 0 m ‘ h V‘? C Wh , ich -c tons » be removed 
Thi efft, ° y ‘ e K and retUrn IO thc ** itself, 
rent cor!! probabl >' most efficient when the ct 
em continues to reverse back and forth rapidly 

ftu“er^ n r.r;i he zi r lons (which ar ^ in - 

sufficien, opp^tunt Sr?, W0Uld n °‘ a 
the electrolyte and would h ' d y bmd themselves wi 
"torn loose" m remTn m ,he ° re be morc easily 
to the voltage (hydraulic pressure) of m ^ 
higher than its initial voltage Mv 2mC rlsin 8 

cell batteries have demonstrated m,™ T”” a " d dr > 
although such results were nnr k ^ descnbed resu 
efficiency of operation [I en r bt31ned at the highes 

«udy, “Master/’ and "mnrn ^ the reader to 
d lm P rove upon my results!] 

THE energy machine 

24. In essence, I have been discussing the utilization 
of the atoms within a battery and the utilization of the 
atoms within a conduction coil on a 100%, conversion- 
efficient process in accordance with E = MC 2 . The same 
is true with the use of a permanent magnet. 

QUESTION: Have you “mastered” what I have taught 
you? [I must continue to ask you this question to ensure 
that you are simply not “memorizing” or “blindly 
accepting” what I am presenting in this Book.] What I 
ave discovered is basically “simple.” But remember, it 
is simple after-the-fact of its presentation! 

The perfection of production units for my Pioneering 
nvention must advance at a rapid pace with the sup- 
port o every caring scientist, business individual, 
s atesman, and human being upon this Earth. This 
nergy machine will have a most beneficial effect upon 
, Us be ec °nomic impact of this revolutionary in- 
ion upon the Earth will be discussed in Chapter 23 


Chap* er 




••We hope that the present fluctuations of thin e 7f h °n me mets o" form" las^whllh today 
beliefs which in the end will lead to something better than the mess 
surrounds our subject.” _ Erw|n Schrodlnger 

, h ,_ no jnt I have been discussing the 
25> UP ^ utilization of the basic building entity of all 
mechanical 1 copic . a ction-entity.” I will now con- 
matter „ relate the behavior of this “gyroscopic-action- 

••(1) Light and matter are ultimately composed of 
particles. Their wave properties derive from the 
group behavior of a large number of interacting 
particles. [This approach, it will be recalled was 
unsuccessfully adopted by Einstein in an attempt to 

I Will now be discussing other important con- 
^7<roncerning the nature of the gyroscopic particle. 
r"must add that there are those who may feel that I 
should have published these other concepts in a 
separate book rather than combine their exposition 
2h a presentation describing the nature of my energy 
machine I disagree with anyone who may feel this 
way The universal nature of the gyroscopic particles 
(more generally referred to as “gyroscopic-action- 
entities ") which I have discovered is of far greater 
significance than one, simple application of their 
utilization, i.e., my energy machine. By combining 
these two intellectual areas, I wish to stimulate the 
mind of the reader to think beyond the limitations of 
thought imposed by the study of one technical applica- 
tion. I would prefer that the reader give more careful 
consideration to understanding a universal principle: 
the principle inherent in the nature and action of the 
gyroscopic particle!] 


A. I will quote several passages from a well-written 
book entitled The Nature of Physics by Peter J. 
Brancazio of Brooklyn College, City University of 
New York [published by MacMillan Publishing Com- 
pany, Inc., New York, 1975]. From page 585: 

'The discovery that material particles exhibit 
wave characteristics adds a new dimension to the 
problem of wave-particle duality. The classical 
descriptions of light as a wave and matter as com- 
posed of solid particles no longer seem valid — for 
both matter and light have been found to display 
wave and particle characteristics. How can we pro- 
vide a coherent explanation for these extremely 
puzzling discoveries ? One way to resolve the prob- 
lem of wave-particle duality is to assume that one 
or the other is more fundamental. There are two 
possible alternatives: 

“ (2) Light and matter are ultimately composed of 
waves. The particle properties are then derivative. 

One could hypothesize that 'particles are really 
concentrations of waves or perhaps stable conden- 
sations in an underlying fluid or field. 

“ Unfortunately , neither of these alternative 
hypotheses has been developed with any great suc- 
cess. Most modern-day physicists generally believe 
that neither particles nor waves are more funda- 
mental, but rather that they are two manifestations 
of some as-yet-unidentified (and possibly uniden- 
tifiable) entity. 

"If the beginning student has trouble understand- 
ing how an entity can possess both wave and parti- 
cle attributes at the same time, he or she may be 
comforted to learn that most experienced physicists 
are just as disturbed by this problem. 

Quoting from The Nature of Physics, page 604: 

"Einstein firmly believed that underlying the 
quantum theory — perhaps on a subquantum 
level — there had to be fully deterministic laws. 

In a letter to Max Born written in 1926, Einstein 
summarized his position: 

‘Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an 

inner voice tells me that it is not the real thing. 

The theory has much to offer ... but I am convinced 

that God does not throw dice. ' 

"At the present time, nearly fifty years after the 
birth of quantum mechanics, the argument has not 
been settled. There is no evidence whatsoever that a 
deterministic subquantum level exists. Nor is there 
any convincing evidence to support the orthodox 



'rather Matt a group of particles. Although the or- 
thodox interpretation is S enera \ accep f d h ? 
remain a few who. like Einstem, believe that the 
mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics is 
not the final answer. This attitude has been most 
eloquently described by Erwin Schrodtngei 

Many maintain that no objective picture of reality 
is possible. However, the optimists among us (of 
whom I consider myself one) look upon this view 
as a philosophical extravagance born of despair. 
We hope that the present fluctuations of thinking 
are only indications of an upheaval of old beliefs 
which in the end will lead to something better 
than the mess of formulas which today surrounds 
our subject. 


B. My work pays tribute to those thinking individuals 
such as Einstein, Schrodinger, Faraday, Maxwell, 
Newton, and others. The sensitive and inquisitive 
mind will see that my work more accurately brings 
together the work of these impressive contributors for 
the advancement of the human species. The effect of 
such intellectual “bringing together’’ is to generate a 
new’ “oneness’’ which is more impressive and benefi- 
cial than the work of any single, great innovator alone. 

Let me begin by pointing out that the mathematical 
consequences of the Dirac equation stipulates that the 
energy terms applied to a fourth quantum number 
having two values, (+ Vt) and (- / 2 ), are identical to 
the spin-quantum-number M s which assigns to the 
electron an intrinsic spin and states that magnetism 
is a result of electron spin within the material On 

the o ther hand if has sm been 

Md contains no kinetic energy - on , y potentia T 
energy _ and that the "lines of force " surrounding a 
magnet are imaginary. [This erroneous concent has 8 

and Maxell” ^ ° f br " liam insi 8 hts of Faraday 

turn mechanics to the mechanical essenc 

consisting of the gyroscopic-action-entit J ° f al1 ntai, 

sent In this Book. y w| n< 1, | ' 1 

A gyroscopic action is the “mechanical" 
a “spin. ’’ I will now present many (seem ******* 
unrelated) scientific facts which 1 exami ' nRly '' 
for the purpose of testing the truth of K ' ar s ao, 
and ascertaining if my Hypothesis could 7 Myp ° ll H-% 
scientific observations for which there w * Plain ot^ 
“mechanical’’ understanding. as n ° 

D. If we do not have a unified, 

me chanical” 

understanding of the essence of all matter 
we physically “see’’ as an outsider to matter^ * h at 
very deceiving. 


(See Figure 25-D1.) 



Have an uneducated individual view a svrn, 
spinning in a clockwise direction as it faces ,h 
individual. Have that individual push down on 
axts of the gyroscope. Because the individual nh, 
that the gyroscope pivots to the left (with re™ 
the individual), the individual may 
pivotal motion ‘ ‘negative. ’ ’ y SUch 



While the same individual closes his eyes revetse 
the spm of the gyroscope in such a way that it now 
spins (see Figure 25-D2) in a counter-clockwise ditto 

— ^ w 1 in a counter-clockwi 

^ herm odynamU^^ar^ a N^So^’ G ™ Vity ’ Inertia > Planetary Motion, 
mechanically e x p, ained "Z ° 7 are all 

~~ °fa gyrosco pic, action-type particle. ’ 

w fil discover in th, c u„..,. .. 

that ,he ^ce of 

“on. Thermodynamics and T n T’ Planetar y 

and Matter are all mechanical S ° Urce of Energy 

, na[ure of a “gyroscopic a"ton , ** , « n * t b V 'he 

'ong after I had developed “ ^ ype ' partic ‘e. " It was 
discovered my "mechanic.^ C ° nce P ts tha ' I 
precisely with Dirac's concent^f 3 ™* 0 " corre lated 

tion a s it faces the same individual. Have the in- 
V| ua open his eyes and push down on the axis o 
nh« Samc gyroscope . Because the individual then 
inHi? r ^ eS t,lat gyroscope pivots to the right, the 
vi ua may arbitrarily call such pivotal motion 
Such subjective descriptions would app 

energy machine ofjoseph ne 

-uai rnay arbitrarily call such pivot 
tn inn 1VC Sucil su hjective descriptions would ap 
— —-—i£3te that there are two different gyroscopes 
Arman ^ y ,° U 3nd 1 know that this is not the case 
y> w at the individual believed to be two d 

and die same: a 

ocos»" ° d |n section 25-Din ^ ^ oc cas.on 

flC de *L, of all matter. cia | airline at 30,000 

“fig while Hying on a c to Washington, 

t&X ;^ r r^er patent appucatton: 

D C Wh ' C p ON THE realization of this 




n mv “humble” thought, I con- 
Extr apola.M“P£ n possibility that if you could ex- 
clu d e d: «nsrf er th n .P Qver this baslc gyroscope- 
er t enough forC ^ l80 °, then to an outside 

»cti o^^^to be an opposite. e,ec,r.c_ 

: „ inrc , his is true, then the basic mechanism of 

charge. e ingenious than I suspected 

natUrC ' S all mauer is composed of one type of gyro- 
because. Moreover, by mechanically 

«n°va?ying degree directions) the gyroscopic- 
S! such panicles are capableofexerting 
a force influence" upon one another. Such a force 

influence" causes the gyroscopic-action-particle to 

gyrate (relative to one another) and subsequen y, 

sue hinftnllelypossible-degree-gyration s form 

infinite types of matter. 

Such a perspective is consistent with all Mattel in 
the Universe being composed of the same entity hav- 
ing an attraction of one towards another. Mathemat- 
ically, this explains the consistency of the Laws oi 
Magnetism, Electrical Charge, and Gravity. 



Chapter 1 1 


.. , h _ nuanlum In 1900 drove a crack In the armor that still rrw- 

F. I will now demonstrate that the “ gyroscopic- 
action-particle'' which comprises ail matter will 
mechanically explain other scientific facts which have 
not been mechanically explained before this time. 

Consider that the existence of the ' ‘gyroscopic- 
action-particle’’ also explains the duality of the wave 
and particle theories of light. Light is electromagnetic 
in nature and consists of ' 'negative and 'positive 
(see discussion of "negative” and "positive in Sec- 
tion 25-D) gyroscopic particles traveling in the same 
direction and having opposite spins. When the axis 
of the gyroscopic particles are affected as they 
mechanically collide with different materials at vary- 
ing angles, the gyroscopic particles will therefore 
behave as particles or a wave. If one "hits” the axis of 
a gyroscope "head on," it will not pivot. 

The following information corroborates the prior 
information I have presented in this Book. I urge the 
reader to Master the Mechanical Essence of this 
material. The material demonstrates that one must pay 
strict attention to the sub-atomic composition (gyro- 

“ Light is electromagnetic in nature and 
consists of negative ’ and positive ’ 
gyroscopic particles traveling in the same 
direction and havi ng opposite spins. ” 

scopicspin) of all matter which js pertlnent to Ihosc 

of E Mr? niCa ! deS ' 8nS U “ lizing ElnsIein ’s equation 
fE MC on 3 l0 °% conversion-efficient basis 


?jJ 0 !'"° 3kon < En « l * “h chemist and physicist 

ol?'ZlZZZ when various 

peared in different r OS cope, such elements ap- 

always looked alike C T U ‘ ° f g ° ld 
alike, but crystals of oni, i , 3 PP er always looked 
like one another * and COppcr never '°°ked 

3 Sharp w«. easily 

not easily break the crystals at ml! P ° in ‘ S and wil1 
Considering the two nr, ,. ther P° int s. 
vious that the energy comprisin! U is ob ‘ 

representing different elements ha MerGnt cr y sl ^ 
throughoui ih, , s has an attract Lyn 


Figure Light is transmitted through crvstai ci„u L 
25-H, their crystalline axes oriented 
respect to one another. 

L , eS h S ligh ‘ is transm i ,, ed when one of the crystal 
25-H2 slabs ,s rotated to a 45 ° angle with respect to 
the other slab. F 10 

"f™ "° I ight is transmitted when one of the crystal 
25-H3 slabs ,s oriented at a 90 » angle with respect to 
the other slab. 

As the angular degree of the crystal (composed of 
electromagnetic energy in the form of gyroscopic par- 
ticles) varies, the amount of light (electromagnetic 
energy in the form of gyroscopic particles) also varies 
buch a variation indicates that the crystal is held 
together with greater electromagnetic force along cer- 
tain planes: the GYROSCOPIC PLANE! 


I. Sir David Brewster (Scottish physicist, 1781-1868) 
was the first to note that when light is incident at the 
p° arizing angle, then the reflected and refracted rays 
are exactly 90° apart. 

Notice that the 45° and 90° angles are significant in 
t e application of force to light (electromagnetic 
energy). This effect matches the 45° angles of prisms 
an pyramids as well as the 90° angle important to a 
conductor system. 


c PjC7 , jr e 25-] appear similar to the forces 
grated by an electric or magnetic field? Actually, 
Lure 25 -J represents a picture of a sheet of glass 
Seeing stress which causes the glass to doubly- 
refract If there was no physical (mechanical) strain 
upon the glass plate, the plate would have no effect 
upon the light passing through it. One may then con- 
clude that when placed under stress, the glass plate 
releases a glimpse of its “secret” concerning the plane 
of its electromagnetic composition. 

K. Certain materials (liquid mixtures) have the prop- 
erty of rotating the plane of light polarization by an 
amount directly proportional to the length of the light 
path in the sample. 

L. The He,, e.oheCon ’ W- 

dl5 cover«d by of , ight polarization 

Faraday discovered that the P aUowcd lo pass 
is rotated when polanzed ' iigh wit hi n a strong 

through an isotropic me ^ ^ direc tion parallel 

magnetic field if the hgl Thi observation 

to S>e direction of the J'tlpim comprising 

demonstrates the effect o gy soin-composition 

iight interacting with the 8Vr°scop‘ c '^h co P 
of matter and magnetic energy with aspect 
plane of gyroscopic spins of all interacts 

Lj P 

0 \E 





of applied 
magnetic field 

Rotation of the plane of polarization b, a magnetic held: 
Faraday effect. 

M. A related, magneto-optical effect to that of 
Faraday’s was discovered by John Kerr in • 
found that an isotropic, optical medium placed be- 
tween the plates of an electrical condenser became 
doubly refracting when the condenser is charged. 

1 . . rtrpspnce OI 

(1) Some materials cause a rotation that is clockwise 
when viewed towards the light source. 

(2) Some materials cause a rotation that is counter- 
clockwise when viewed towards the light source. 

(3) Observe that such rotations match my descrip- 
tion of “negative” and “positive” charges. These 
negative and positive charges compose all matter and 
represent the same gyroscopic entity seeming to spin 
in opposite directions (when viewed from the per- 
spective of an observer). 

(4) Observe that such rotations indicate that materi- 
als are either a little more negative or positive in 

c arge depending upon their electromagnetic com- 
position. Unless such is the case, why else would dif- 
nn g iquid solutions have reverse effects upon light 
(electromagnetic energy)? 

N. An effect similar to that of John Kerr’s was also 
discovered by A. A. Cotton and H. Mouton in 1907. 
They found that certain isotropic, optical media 
become doubly refracting when placed in a strong 
magnetic field. Such an observation again demon- 
strates the presence of the gyroscopic spin or plane. 



„« cs _ Which involve pro- 
O Ail Of the above proce maJ|y iS otropic 

forces. ca se. physical <" wch “’" '‘p 

2ZZZZZ&Z “ m ' d,um whl 

ing ly becomes anisotropic. 

u ,< a definite, scientific pattern 

Consequentiy, there observations: the gyro- 

scopic composition of matter reacts to a proper o 

(1) Observe that in aii cases a force is applied which 
causes the electromagnetic composition of the 
material to react. 

(2) Observe that in ail cases the presence of electro- 
magnetic energy is obvious. 

(3) Therefore, in aii cases the reactions weredue to 
the material composition (electromagnetic energy) 
ing affected by the mechanical action of such eiec- 
tromagnetic energy (consisting of gyroscopic particles). 
Such reactions demonstrate the “action/reaction effect 
created by the gyroscopic spin or plane which con- 
stitutes the basic mechanical structure of all matter. 


P. Such an "action/reaction effect’’ is observed in the 
following example: 

light (electromagnetic energy, l. e ., gyroscon* 
tides) “colliding" with a material ( a razor hi Par 
composed of electromagnetic energy, t e adc al V) 
particles) at an angle which graphically de ® yros t<, r , 1( 
the effect of the gyroscopic action and g Vrn 0nstr ates 
planes Observe that the light and dark li n SC ° P " 
surround the outer periphery of the razor 
the conventional patterns of electric or mao*^ f ° r hi 
“lines of force.” gnet 'c 

One should recognize that the light and d 
are explained by my description of "negativ ^ ' lnes 
“positive" charges which represent opp OS i t e and 
the gyroscopic-action-type-particle. The SP ‘ ns of 
terns in Figure 25-P will occur when such pa, ‘ 

particles travel in the same direction ( as lighn° SCOpic 
have their axes acted upon by a force which ^ 
them to move at right angles to the imposed 1USes 
well as to one another. [This explanation sati 355 
the wave and particle theories of light!] 1S ' es ^°th 
As described in Chapter Three, a magnetic F 
consists of "negative” and "positive" particle'^ 
same gyroscopic particle is described as being S ~~ ^ the 
“negative" or "positive" via the direction of it?^ 
with respect to the frame of reference of the o 
observer] — with opposite spins and traveling 
site directions like cars on one-way streets In d ^ Pp °' 
when a conductor wire is applied (as a mechanic 
force) at right angles to those "negative" and * 
"positive” particles, both "versions" of the single 
gyroscopic particle traveled down the conduoo?’ 
in the same direction. Wlre 

It should now become apparent how light can b 
produced from an electric current which consists of 
gyroscopic particles traveling in the same direction 
with opposite spins. 

When light strikes an object (as the razor blade in 
Figure 25-P) at the appropriate angle, the gyroscopic 
particles (having clockwise and counterclockwise spins 
comprising the light) travel in opposite directions or 
have some alteration of their original direction. This 
mechanical action creates the image of an electric or 
magnetic field via the observed "lines of force." Such 
action should clearly demonstrate the gyroscopic effect 
of matter. 

To summarize two important points: 

(1) A magnetic field mechanically consists of 
negative and ‘ ’positive ’ ’ gyroscopic particles 

having opposite spins and simultaneously traveling in 
opposite directions, e g., the concentric "shells of 
force surrounding a bar magnet. (Refer back to 
Chapter Three for a detailed analysis of this effect.) 

(2) An electric current mechanically consists of 
negative and positive ’ ’ gyroscopic particles haring 

opposite spins and traveling in the same direction 
conn a conductor wire — as does light traveling in 
space through a medium. 

the energy machine of Joseph 


magnetic field and electric current 

nflc field mechanically consists of "negative and 
A magnetic fie t icles having opposite spins and 

positive gy r ° sc °P e| P jn opposite directions, eg., the 
conSrfc Shells ol lorce' surrounding a bar magnet. 

An electric current mechanically con, slats of 
and ‘nositive” gyroscopic particles having opposite spins 
SS traveling in^the same direction down --duc^wrre 
_ as does light traveling in space through a medium. 

from original sketch by Robert J. Matherne 

Further evidence of the gyroscopic effect of 
niatter is demonstrated by the following: 

H) Every chemical element emits a characteristic 
spectral line when the atoms of the element are ex- 
cited in a flame, furnace, or in an electric discharge. 
This again demonstrates the varying electromagnetic 
composition of different materials. [Since all matter is 
composed of the same gyroscopic particle, the elec- 
tromagnetic composition of matter varies with the 
particular angle of incidence (plane of spin) for a given 
gyroscopic particle.] 

These spectral line variations are similar to the light 
and dark lines that become visible when materials are 
placed under physical (mechanical) stress. Both of 
these effects are a result of the electromagnetic com- 
position of all matter. 

(2) If the material comprising a prism is altered, the 
spectrographic lines will also change in their distance 
between one another. This effect corroborates my ex- 
planation that different materials are different elec- 
tromagnetically, i.e., their gyroscopic planes vary. 
Consequently, the degree of deflection of penetration 
of different materials by light traveling at a 45° angle 
will vary continuously as will light deflection. 

(3) Such action on the part of light is further 
evidenced by the Zeeman Effect. [Pieter Zeeman had 
searched for another magnetic effect upon light since 
he knew that Faraday had believed that another effect 

should exist ] The Zeeman Effect represents the split- 
ting of spectral lines into components of slightly d 
ferent frequencies when the light source is placed in a 
strong magnetic field. 

(4) In Sections 25-Q(2) and 25-Q(3) above, the 
described effects upon spectrographic lines are 
similar. Such lines are a characteristic of each 
element’s gyroscopic (electromagnetic) composition 
In (2) above, the spectrogr am’s lines vary when tra 

‘All of the above observation 
demonstrate tbe importance of the 
gyroscopic-action composition of all matter 
and demonstrate that even slight changes 
in the electromagnetic composition of 
materials can produce a noticeable 
difference in observed results. 

ing through different materials having different gyro- 
scopic (electromagnetic) composition. In (3) above, 
the spectrogram’s lines vary under the influence of an 
external, electromagnetic (gyroscopic) Field. 

All of the above observations demonstrate the im- 
portance of the gyroscopic-action composition of all 
matter and demonstrate that even slight changes (in 
materials via the gyroscopic angle of incidence) can 
produce a noticeable difference in observed results 



B. The 

(2) If one applies my description of “negative” and 
“positive” particles with opposite spins (gyroscopic 
action) to Figure 25-R, then the observed spectral 
results will be precisely explained: 

REASON. The gyroscopic particles comprising light 
have opposite spin directions. These gyroscopic par- 
ticles either collide with other gyroscopic particles 
comprising the atoms of the prism or they have an 
influence-force placed upon them by the gyroscopic 
particles comprising the atoms of the prism. This 
“collision” or “influence-force” mechanically occurs 
as a result of a close encounter between the loosely- 
bound gyroscopic particles within the light causing 
sue gyroscopic particles to move at right angles to 

bound^ CXmed UPO " them by thc morc tightly- 
bound gyroscopic particles within the prism 

scopic particle (having an onn , l d ^ ° ther 8yro ‘ 
w i" move “Wl" (a. some an^le 

THE energy machine 

Remember that light consists of gyroscopic particle* 
moving in the same direction, but with a (possibly) 

" , number of such particles spinning in one direc- 

tion and a (possibly) equal number of gyroscopic p ar . 
irles spinning in the other direction. All such g yro . 
scooic particles are interspersed throughout thc 
general flow direction of the light. 

In figure 25-R, the spectral lines travel to the left 
and to the right of the point where light (electromag- 
netic energy) first physically enters into surface AB at 

a 45° angle. 

If you imagine numerous surfaces parallel to surface 
AB and oriented throughout the prism (which is ac- 
tually a three-dimensional pyramid), then you will 
recognize that the gyroscopic particles of light vary 
continuously in their angular degree of penetration (of 
a 45° angle) as they pass through the material. 

The continuous variation in color hue is created by 
the continuous variation of “negative” or “positive” 
gyroscopic particles that exist in any one plane (sur- 
face) within the prism. [The electromagnetic function 
of the eye with respect to the brain is appropriate to 
how or what we visualize.] 

(3) The fact that infrared and ultraviolet light are 
located at opposite ends of the spectrum operationally 
means that one color “band” has more “negative” 
charges and the other “band” has more “positive” 
charges. Consequently, the two color “bands” repre- 
sent different types of matter! 

“In reality, each gyroscopic particle 
consists of identical gyroscopic-action- 
entities which demonstrate both “ negative ” 
and “positive” characteristics depending 
upon the gyroscopic orientation of the spin 
with respect to the outside observer. ” 

From the beginning of my research, I have endeav- 
ored to prove that all matter is composed of a varying 
amount of “negative” and “positive” gyroscopic par- 
ticles. In reality, each gyroscopic particle consists of 
identical gyroscopic-action-entities which demonstrate 
both “negative” and “positive” characteristics depen- 
ding upon the gyroscopic orientation of the spin with 
respect to the outside observer. Moreover, the ar- 
rangement of such gyroscopic-action-entities (via 
slight degree changes in their respective axes of rota- 
tion) can be infinite. Such infinity can generate infinite 
forms of matter. 

(4) Gyroscopic action also provides an explanation 
for the nature of X-rays which originate by separating 
electrical terminals while placed in a partial vacuum. 
Such a separation causes different amounts of 

negative and “positive” gyroscopic particles to be 
released, thereby forming another type of matter. 



w he beginning to understand how 
S. You may no* * gyroscopic particles pro- 

spU1 vpianation for all rays emitted by different 
vid es an exp ic act ion (“negative or 

maierialS ”Ws also verified by the fact that as certain 
■ positive ) is atso 0 f material, that same 

nyS ^ wTundergo decay into another form of mate- 
^^.efial is composed of a different quan- 

all rays have something in common: such rays are all 
electromagnetic energy and they are therefore con,- 

-e end^vored 

to prove that the wave motion of these rays ar 
by a variation in the number of “negative or 
“positive” gyroscopic particles composmg a »ven ray 
as well as the angular degree by which such rays 
emitted from their source. 

■The wave motion of these rays are 
caused by a variation in the number of 
■negative’ or positive’ gyroscopic particles 
composing a given ray as welt as the 
angular degree by which such rays are 
emitted from their source. ” 

tity of “negative” and “positive” gyroscopic particles. 

The opposite effect is also true: by bombarding 
uranium atoms with neutrons (which are agglutina- 
tions of gyroscopic particles) the uranium is 
transformed into the heavier element transuranium. 

The differing forms of matter which are continuously 
observed in cyclotrons are forms generated by the in- 
teraction of “negative” and “positive” gyroscopic 
particles. There are infinite, possible forms that such 
matter can assume. Such infinite forms are caused by 
high-velocity particles reacting with “negative” and 
positive” gyroscopic particles comprising (and 
traveling within) the tremendous electromagnetic 
fields generated by such units. 

Based upon the electromagnetic field experiments 
0 Michael Faraday, the electromagnetic theory of 
radiation was proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in 
and experimentally corroborated 20 years later 
•n Germany by Heinrich Hertz, 
t should be obvious from studying Figure 25-S that 

r OUESTION: Have you Mastered what was taught 
n Section _ 25 - above? If you have, then you must now 
•ealize the critical importance of understanding e 
necbanical, gyroscopic-action-entity comprising^ 

,toms of all materials. Many such materials will be used 
n energy machines designed for 100% 

:ient utilization of Einstein's equation of E = ML. Mien 
an understanding will also permit the creation of new 
mntrsrioic -ntrirh vcirvine electromagnetic characteristics. 

‘The behavior of the gyroscopic particle 
can still be mechanically understood 
and operationally predicted in accordance 
with Newtonian Mechanics. 

By studying what I have written, you have glimpsed 
the Mechanical Essence of Quantum Mechanics: the 
Gyroscopic-Action-Particle This gyroscopic 
action-particle” is the basic building block of all matter 
and is the mechanical essence of E = MC 2 . The behavior 
of the gyroscopic particle can still be mechan ically un- 
derstood and operationally predicted in accordance 
with Newtonian Mechanics. 

If you have Mastered what I have earnestly sought to 
teach you up to this point, then you should have no 
difficulty in understanding and Mastering the teachings 
which will follow. 



Useful Work. Force, And Power- Equations 

A. The mathematical equations involving Work ’ 
Force, and Power ' are engineering equations which 
satisfy the past and present-day industries of the 
world They are not appropriate to future industries. 
Such equations are not universal, scientific equations 
and they do not satisfy a rigorous scientific scrutiny. 
The equations which I will propose below scien- 
tific equations and do satisfy scientific scrutiny. In 
addition, these equations will fulfill the future engi- 
neering need of industry and will conceptually mesh 
with an understanding of the gyroscopic-action-entity 
which is the basic building block of all matter and 
represents the mechanical essence of E = MC 2 . 

under the mass to permit it to fall. (Had the man COn 
tinued to support the mass he would have become 
fatigued to the point of collapse and physical damage )•• 

WORK = FORCE X DISTANCE (by conventional 

According to this simple formula, the man in the 
above example did no work. 

POWER = WORK -i- TIME (by conventional 

According to this simple formula, the man in the 
above example exerted no power. 

I will now define a “Force” in accordance with 
Newton’s Laws: 


“A Force’ is any action capable of causing a 
reaction from an entity which is in or may enter 
the influence of that ‘Force’ I” 

To an observer, “Force” may be perceived as 
“Obvious” or “ Unobvious . "I mathematically 
distinguish between “Obvious” or “Unobvious” Force. 
One cannot have (Obvious or Unobvious) “Work . 
Force, or Power” occurring without energy participa - 
tion and transference . 

The consistent, semantic application of the terms 
OJbvious or Unobvious to “Work, Force, or Power” 
will accurately stimulate the mind of the thinking in- 
dividual which will further the progress of science 
and the improvement of the Human Race. 

FORCE = MASS X ACCELERATION (by conventional 

According to this simple formula, the man in the 
above example exerted no force. 

[I should point out that from the perspective of 
Statics, there is FORCE exerted but there is no 

Because the force of the man and the force of gravity 
upon the mass are equal and opposite, then conven- * 
tional mathematics would state that there is a net 
force of zero. 


C. I will now examine the internal actions of the man in 
Figure 26-B to determine if the predictions obtained via 
conventional mathematics correspond with the Facts. 

sciem f ° f ‘ he SCiemific method tha ‘ a 

saennfic theory should stand or fall with respect to 

whether tts predictions correspond with the Facts 

tMthemati'cal'form r "° W 3pply the 
a “ W ° rk ' P ° Wer ' F0r « « 

ders • UP ° n WS Sh ° U '' 

Pounds upon the man Thl P d ° Wn with 400 
Pounds of force on the UP With 400 

The Facts are as follows: During strenuous exercise 
or stress, the heart may pump eight times as much 
blood as in a period of relative relaxation, i.e., as 
many as 12 gallons a minute. All of the following con- 
ditions drastically increased while the man held the 
mass: the heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, oxygen 
flow, the electromagnetic stimulation of the brain and 
body cells, and the fermentation process to produce 
energy occurring within the muscle cells. 

Internally speaking, the man did produce Work and 
Power which resulted in the man producing a Force, 
nternally speaking, Potential Energy was converted 
to Kinetic Energy, it is important to note that the 
Potential Energy of the mass being supported by the 
man was a direct result of the internal, Kinetic Energy 
w it in the man. In essence, the presently-accepted, 
mathematical equations concerning Work, Power. 

Gn orce do not correspond with the facts. 

THE energy machine OF JOSEPH NEWMAN 

V ' 

\f^ rK 

„ „» - ■ a ss»wss=!= 

p”„er. and could not be zero - only the net movement was • 

■lit 'consequent • 1 1 _ „„ c ,„„v.aeeeDted. mathematical formulas . 

< PO^r. - net force could not uc 

r \ potential ' a5 HowS : 

•r hiL^ ll, r rill and iVI11 


ni 3t,ie 




OBVIOUS FO [macroscopically-observable MASS X ACCELERATION] 

_ T£ % w/ork = FORCE X TIME (Wu = FT) 




h nve mathematical formulas do correspond with 
rueabotem ^ prevjous requir ements as 

t ' 1C ,| ftC ‘the example of the man supporting a 400- 
” h mass The man did produce Unobvious Work, 
rThdous Power, Unobvious Force, and Unobvious 
Mic Energy, He did not produce Obvious Work, 
Obvious Power, Obvious Force, or Obvious Kinetic 

E, The L Pearce Williams biography on Michael Fara- 
day states that during the early years of Faraday’s in- 
tellectual development, Faraday was very impressed 
with a book written by Dr. Isaac Watts entitled, The 
Improvement of the Mind. As a disciple of John 
Locke, Dr. Watts continually emphasized the impor- 
tance of the observed fact and the dangers of im- 
precise language. In his book, The Improvement of 
the Mind [ published in London, 1809], Dr. Watt cau- 
tions the student to carefully distinguish between 
words and things lest he “feed upon husks instead of 
kernels.” Dr. Watt’s emphasis upon careful observa- 
tion and precisely described facts equipped Michael 
Faraday with a seemingly infallible guide, i.e., the 
essence of the scientific method. I wish to provide 
you, the reader, with the precise, mathematical equa- 
tions which I have presented above in order to permit 
3 better scientific understanding of matter. 


F- It can now be scientifically observed from the facts 
a t a l static forces and all potential energies exist as 
(Ve S f ! ^ ^ ^- uing ’ Unobvious Kinetic Energy. 
En/rr/ 1 * S faCt by observing the Unobvious Kinetic 
ne gy internally produced within the man as long as 
pported the 400-pound mass on his shoulders.) 

are additional observations which verify the 

existence of Unobvious Kinetic Energy, materials 
both fatigue and break/collapse from supporting a 
force. Gas molecules “heat up’’ when compressed by 
a force. Such observations prove that materials react 
with Internal, Unobvious Kinetic Energy when a static 
force or Potential Energy is exerted against them. 

G. To improve your understanding of my statements, 
consider Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 . The nature of 
the mass-energy relationship is such that the mass 
(and weight) changes associated with Potential Energy 
conversion into Unobvious Kin etic Energy (which oc 

“It can now be scientifically observed from 
the facts that all static forces and all 
potential energies exist as a result of 
continuing, Unobvious Kinetic Energy. 

curs internally within matter) is immeasurably small. 
Consider also that the gyroscopic-action-entity 
represents the Mechanical Essence of Einstein’s equa- 
tion of E = MC 2 and that the mathematical formulas I 
present properly account for the existence of the gy- 


Newton’s Third Law of Motion states: by the law of 
Action and Reaction, a Force must be resisted by an 
Equal and Opposite Force. 

What does the mathematical term “equal" really 
mean? It means “identical in mathematical value or 
logical denotation; equivalent." 


According (o Newton's Third Law. If I hold an iron 
material at a distance (see Figure 26-G) . from a strong, 
permanent magnet (causing me to rcsis a c . • 
attraction force of 200 lbs.) - what happens to me. I 
must use Unobvlous, Internal Kinetic Energy to con- 
tinually resist the attraction force of the permanent 
manget According to Newton's Third Law, tilt- 
magnet must also be utilizing Unobvlous, Internal 
Kinetic Energy to produce the constant attraction 
force, re . an ' equal'' action and reaction! 

If the magnet were not to react with Unobvlous, 
Internal Kinetic Energy, then Newton's Third Law 
would be defied. In resisting a continual, attraction 
force, I had to expend a constant, Unobvious, Internal 
Kinetic Energy. If the magnet produced a constant at- 
traction force and did not utilize any Unobvious, 
Internal Kinetic Energy, then such observed results 
would be "opposite' ' and not "equal.’’ Hence, such a 
conclusion would be obviously incorrect. 

The Facts clearly show that the atoms within myself, 
the magnet, the iron material, and the wall all pro- 
duced "Unobvious Work, Force, and Power." There 
was no "Obvious Work, Force, or Power” produced. 


H. I have presented more precise mathematical equa- 
tions which are conducive to an improved scientific 
comprehension of Matter in accordance with the 
Mechanical Essence of Einstein’s Equation of E = MC 2 . 
Such a mechanical essence is represented by the gyro- 
scopic-action-entity which is the basic building entity 
of ail matter. 


Consider once again the equations, Wu = FT 
(Pu = V), and Fu = [S]F. 

A permanent magnet " X '• that attracts an object 
V with a constant force of 200 lbs., twenty-four 

following^ f ° r 30 daVS haV<: P erformed "«-• 

Wa - (200) X (60 sec., X ,60 min.) X (24 hrs., X (30 days) 

w u - 518,400,000 lbs. -see. 

Pu - 200 lbs. constant 
Pu - 200 lbs. constant 

u h ' 0 ?r tic ndd 

Unobvious Force The nn ’ nobv,ous Power, and 
Potent iai Energy via the 

the energy MACHINE c 

Energy to accomplish this task. The mass loss is not 
easily measurable since we arc describing the effects 
that generate atomic energy. As you know, we are 
discussing E - MC 2 . The existence of the Gyroscopic- 
Action-Entity exactly fits the First Law of Thermody- 
namics since it appears this Entity cannot be created 
or destroyed. 

The present utilization of atomic reactors as a 
source of energy production is extremely inadequate 
for the demand. 

The energy machine I have innovated has no harm- 
ful side effects*, will cost little, and will be small | n 
size compared to a nuclear reactor. All that I have 
written has been based upon the concept of the gyro- 
scopic entity on which 1 started working in 1965. 

Since that time I have sought to prove or disprove 
this concept. The more I have learned, the more cer- 
tain I became of Its truth. 

If you have Mastered what I teach, then you must 
recognize the reality of my Pioneering Invention. 
However, the access to an unlimited source of energy 
is not by any means the ultimate discovery! 

The energy machine I have innovated simply uses 
Universal Energy (the gyroscopic-action-entity). Such 
utilization must occur if man is to end his stupidity, 
hunger, greed, and wars — and advance to other solar 
systems! Consider how long it took our Species to 
discover how to harness the motion of flowing water 
via a simple waterwheel. 

It has been obvious to me that what 1 have seen so 
clearly was unimaginable for most people. What I 
have seen is, at the very least, equal to the effect of 
Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 . It gives me much con- 
tentment If you now understand what I have presented. 
This is the purpose of my Book. 

’ A'o/c There are no harmful side effects because the size of the gyro 
scopic action entity is so small that it easily passes through the atom 
structure ol living tissue. In nuclear fission, the sub-atomic particles 
(representing agglutinations of gyroscopic particles) ate Jar larger 
and can do damage to the atomic structure of living tissue Hv 
analogy, ii one threw a dust particle at a large fishnet, the particle 
wouid easily pass through the net, However, if one attempted to pa 
a aige boulder (composed of millions of dust particles) through the 
same fishnet, it would cause damage to the net l$y another analog), 
my enetgy machine - in Its utilization of nuclear energy differs 
tom conventional nuclear energy sources in the following manner 
tau discovered a previously unknown source ol underground, 
unique running water. " I have therefore devised a waterwheel (tv 
cnug\ machine) to tap Into this exist ng energy ol unique running 
''■Hu (i ie continual motion of the gvroscoplc particles) The come 
"onai nuclear energy approach would be to secure a cup ol normal 
' 1,11 1 to "smash" the normal water with a hammer to 

^,;V' K I ' ,,.; Uomk ' ettcigv from the wain M\ process is 100”, . (con 
‘ L « , S Cl ? t " ,IK| lwm| t\ss (due to the minute size ol the gvro 

1 1 ", k '" s) (: ° ny entlonal nuclear fission is less than 1% effc 
UCnt Und hamiful Wue to the larger si/e ol the released panicles) 


(ptf u I-MBOOIMEN * i 1 

n|U :h iNE) 

Now and stilting things sis bsllttlad because It they am not bellllled, ths 
humlllntlng question arises Why then am you not taking part In them?" 

- H Q Wells 

T , i now become aware that 

' I'menis of my Pioneering Invcn- 
I ; , . ii ‘ tht . proper * * , atom- 

I '*"'*» 11 Irrvii'^ materials which have a pro- 

I *£•> "gpS .re plaeed within ihe 

M How does one explain die effect of 
1 j, ernes that "ilie current Induced In .r 
' ' Inge in the magnetic flux through It 

JlK* - 1 *■ K - 

as to 
a I force 

I magnetic Held Is so directed a 

I .< 115 ' , „ w< . in flux or to exert a mechanics 

| ^’t* motion." 

.. .... simple If a proper, atom-oriented material 

",l i r pmix-r atomic Igcomeirlc] design) was 
I luJa magnetic field of gyroscoplc-actlon- 

I '"C,-, (" mch move at C and spin at C) In a conllgura- 
I which caused current (gyroscopic particles) to flow, 
I !L „ would Ire necessary nr physically secure the pro- 
K , gom-otlented material within the Unobvlous 
L nrlk l ora- Field. If not secured, then the proper. 

oriented material would lx- physically repelled and 
ilu energy transfer of gyroscopic particles would cease, 

|i jrlicr m this Book, I have demonstrated that Lenz's 
Liw only an observtlon which In fact described 
thuse gvruscopic particles deflected from a magnetic 
field. Because such deflection occurs, it can be conclud- 
ed that the spin of such gyroscopic particles Is at right 
angles to the spin of the gyroscopic particles which re- 
main within and comprise the magnetic field itself.] 

Such physical repulsion of the proper, atom-oriented 
material is In accordance with Newton’s Law of Action 
and Reaction! 

' 1 u ' lcrm pmper," I am referring io u mechanical under- 

i r mmol hmh the motion of the gyroscopic particles comprising 
olihr n> rvUomj *K nc,, c held surrounding ,i magnet and the motion 
"huh n "" " , K * iarllc * cs vv * l ^* n hie atoms of the proper material) 
Hu eiii L? ,OCoi - 1s,r uct an energy machine designed for 
"‘lr.'MtiM!nQ ' l/ ;", ion ol ,hc maximum number of gyroscopic par- 
magnet „ kinSn-i " ’* 11 lnuract,n 8 systems, i e , the stationary 
hi addition il ma ^ lu,lc ,u 'k' ,liul the proper material 
thcnu'iiH i ,, U a *°mle structure (physical orientation) ol 

"ill diner r ''. nu,crlals such as the proper material 
-'ueh varvinu n, n ' l lemcnt or compounds In terms of how 
panicles) win | (1 ,*■ MrUl ,urcs (containing billions ol gyroscopic 
,l,r K'ru.Munii m !,V Ml ' rior KVroscopIc particles Impinging upon 
1 ls contained within such atomic structures. 

H. l have not physically constructed the STATIC 
i NERG\ MACHINE design Just described, but tins 
does not alter the fact that what 1 teach outlines the 
means for such construction. 


(1) l should recommend utilizing a uniform magnetic 
field as evidenced by that generated with a Strong, 
horseshoe magnet or other means. (See Figure 2^- IV) 

(2) The utilization of a proper, atom-oriented coll 
with the correct geometric design Is critical to the suc- 
cess of the system. It would be better to have only one 
side of the coil within that particular magnetic field to 
avoid the "cancellation effect." (See Figure 2 _? -B.) 
(There could be additional magnets placed in proper 
current polarity around the proper, atom-oriented coil.] 

(3) With respect to the question of producing the 
proper, atom-oriented material, it should be noted 
that when formed by conventional production tech- 
niques, the use ol heat, most materials appear to 
align their atoms in random directions. 



As Michael Faraday proved, neutrality to a magnetic 
field docs not exist ! All materials are aligned parallel 
or across lines of Unobvlous Force when such 
materials arc suspended within an extremely powerful 
magnetic field. It .» material undergoing atomic forma- 
tion is cooled within this powerful magnetic field. 




r k material will assume a particular 
then the atoms of the enI .direction of the 

alignment. The ^° h J g cd if the magnetic field was 
material could be ch « , degree /css 

aligned a. 90° ” “^^ced atom- 
than 90' to ' he . lloms (of a given 

alignment would resu ic . action -entities having 

the slightest degree alteration 

in atomic-axis-alignment can produce a 

signif icant change in results^ obtained. 

desired angle of arom alignment with respect to the 
proper material's length. Thus, such mater.^ would 
possibly become a proper, atom-oriented material. 

D. I again stress that nothing in the energy system s 
design can be taken for granted! Even the slightest 
degree alteration in atomic-axis-alignment can pro- 
duce a significant change in results obtained. Refer to 
Sections 25-F through 26, and you will observe visual 
facts which confirm the truth of this statement. 

E. However, merely having atom-alignment is insuffi- 
cient to produce the desired results. The utilized 
material (with its particular atom-alignment) should 
produce very little (if any) magnetic field (gyroscopic 
particles) in the surrounding area beyond the physical 
dimensions of the material itself. It is obvious from 
the facts of science that different materials produce 
results which vary significantly. (As proof of this, 
simply look at the wide diversity of conductors, semi- 
conductors, and non-conductors.) 

magnetic source) will move at right angle, 

"« proper Force, but all particles will move In the 
same direction. [It may be desirable to have fine COn . 
ducting wire impregnated within the proper material | 

G Ordinary materials may be possibly converted 
into proper, atom-oriented materials by subjecting the 
ordinary material to cryogenic temperatures. Such 
temperatures would reduce the random atomic mo- 
tion within the material and cause the atoms to move 
towards a general axial alignment. 

H. In addition to other methods, one can employ 
contained, high pressures (or stresses) to possibly pro . 
duce atom alignment. The atoms of all materials will 
react to a sufficient, external force. 

I. In effect, it will be essential to develop the correct 
techniques for the production of proper, atom-oriented 
materials which achieve an atom alignment possessing 
internally-contained force fields which can be coupled 
with the Proper Geometric Design of the system. Such 
a system will generate the controlled release of elec- 
trical energy from magnetic fields of Unobvious Force 
when the proper, atom-oriented material is physically 
secured within the lines of Unobvious Force compris- 
ing the External Magnetic Field. 

To create such a system will require standard test- 
ing as demonstrated in the 19 th Century by Thomas 
Edison’s perfection of the design for the light bulb. 


F. It is very likely that the proper, atom-oriented 
material will have a different atomic alignment than 
that of a conventional magnet containing atoms 
generally aligned along a certain axis which causes the 
release of an External Magnetic Field. In the proper, 
atom-oriented material, the magnetic energy (resulting 
from such atom orientation [alignment] will be primar- 
ily contained wi thin the physical boundaries of r hp 
a system is tQ have 

teef a awbh P lh PartideS ° f ‘ he Ma S netic F *'d 
meraq with the atoms comprisin g the proper, atom- 

, 7 " ,he t >ro t> er ’ atom-oriented material 
he magnetic energy (resulting from such 

p7mZl mtati ° nla,ignm ™* * 

Z n COntained w Hhin the physical 
boundaries of the material iLlf 

oriented materia). This will result in ,h 
being applied to the axis n 7h * proper Force 
being emitted from the external* 8yr0SC0 P ic Panicles 
When this occurs the evrn ’ ma ® net ' c source. 

gyroscopic particles (from the 

The atoms of a conductor align at right angles to the 
input current in a circular configuration within the conduc- 
tor. By the time this Book went to press, Mr. Newman had 
developed a detailed explanation of this process which 
will be presented in greater detail in the Second Edition. 



^monstwited BV P.tmcu* Within EtECTEOHAONETIc Fiends 

Th c following is 

s another EMBODIMENT of my Pioneering Invention 

, DE c ARATION by Dr. Roger Hastings (who deserves .he reader s respect,. 

DECLARATION Apr „ 29, ,982 

Mr J w Newman has sto*""' 'interesting property. Nearly 


on the surface. Viewed under the ““^In a vortex motion. Having believed that 
brilliant sparks of light-« ^ consldera ble surprise, and markedly 

lead is inert to water his ‘ demon tn t * graduate and post-doctoral training 

raised my opinion of Mr. Newm an d Hquids), and I am quite certain that 

wa s in the field I of condensed excitement in this community 

Mr , Newman s discovery wou g are very nkely to be forthcoming. (Mr. 

Newman has atea”ibed an application in his declarauon witnessed by his patent 
attorney, Mr. Pugh, on Aug. 1 , 1979.) ' ' 

Roger Hastings, Ph.D. 
Principal Physicist 
Shprrv Univac Corporation 


lam acting on my own in matters related to 
Mr. Newman 's inventions, and am in no way 
representing Sperry Univac Corporation. 

Roger Hastings, Ph D. 


My commitiion «xpir9i Fob. 27 , 1986 

B. The reader should realize that chronologically, the 
technological development of my Pioneering Invention 
occurred in the following sequence: 


(described in Section 28-F) 


(described in Section 27A-I) 

essence of the gyroscopic-action-entity (acting in ac- 
cordance with Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 ), the 
nature of matter, and the nature of a magnetic field 
than those who utilize concepts taught by the Prior 
Art. Such is true because the facts clearly verify the 
validity of the “Mechanical,” Technical Process which 
I teach — a process which adheres to the established 
Scientific Method. Let the facts verify my predictions; 
the result is a “Pioneering Invention.” 


(described in Sections 15-22) 

PMRnnu 01 thal 1 have develo P ed three different 
embodiments of my Pioneering Invention proves 
I have more clearly understood the "mechanical' 


C. 1 will now insert my technical papers referring to 
the process described by Dr. Roger Hastings in Section 
28-A. These papers were witnessed by Mr. Emmett 
Pugh (my Patent Attorney with a physics background) 
on August 1, 1979 and were forwarded by Mr. Pugh to 
the U.S. Patent Office. 




prototype PR ^UMmr S ol N BCBO FE NEBGV. 

PENDING on an 


r Patents Pending, there is a 

"nr fhat f have written. Pages 6 through 

t^e^her an!d an^t^and^epel/other matter eiectromag- 

ne pages 12 through 21 explain electric charge,^ ^ 


Unlimited Source of Energy can be released from elec 

'ThXtent^nhLThave recently turned down my 

Energy Patent Applications on the basis of wanting to 

see a working model. 

The following disclosure demonstrates this working 

model: .. . 

It is presently stated in physics that it is virtually im- 
possible to see any details of particles in suspension 
without an electron microscope. 

It is also presently stated the only movement observ- 
able of particles suspended in water is in accordance 
with Brownian Movement which uses microscope of 
500 to 1,000 times enlargement with drop of water on a 
slide, and any movement observed is so slight, it is 
doubted by some observers. 

As a result of my many years of work and in accor- 
dance with my Energy Patent Applications Pending, I 
concluded the following: 

I know the only way I was likely to easily and inex- 
pensively get material movement as a result of interaction 
with the gyroscopic particles moving in electromagnetic 
fields of force was to get particles of minute size. 

Thereby, when the proper material minute particles 
were struck by the gyroscopic particles moving in an 
electromagnetic field they would have an electric cur- 
rent induced into them; which would create an expand- 
ing magnetic field and as a result of the combination of 
this effect coupled with the gyroscopic particles of the 
electromagnetic field moving at right angles to any 

Noting CnC ° Un,er ** PartidCS Sh0Uld have a 

Accordingly, therefore, I did the following 

S ma,? D trtTcw a 'r diffe : em ^ ma ‘ e ™ ls off 

p r ic,es " 

structure on top of the war m 3 Ways for ming a crystal 
Aluminum, bZZ' l?'?' Sil ^ Gold, 

uminum, Bismuth, Iron Brass rn * 

1 °f )serv ed there werehmes when^"' ^ a " d Uad 
rotated above any of the ^ 3 magnet Was 

would become extremely ^ nal some of the particles 
lose this property I also nh« 3nd * Ust as quickly 

Z* ma *"« was s V ,ucf n the r c r T ^ °" e » d of 

particles floating, the w ‘ ' " e close » the metal 

™*ne, along , he curved toes o/f aWay from the 
Cs offeree which was in a 

straight line from the center of the end of magnet anu 
<60° .round the end of the magnet. I also found this 
effect could be neutralized after 3 or 4 dunkings of th 
magnet But could be reinacted if the magnet was 
rotated above the particles again 

These results gave me no doubt electromagnetic 
energy was being generated throughout the distill e<1 
water which is an extremely poor conducting medium 
I accordingly, took a flashlight with a magnifying g| ass 
for making a concentrated light beam and made the room 
dark. I found no obvious results with Gold, Silver, Cop- 
per, Zinc, Aluminum, Iron or Bismuth. However, with 
Brass and Lead I did find the results 1 had predicted ip m 
Energy Patent Applications and Scientific Document! ' 
From the metals of Brass and Lead I observed 
streamers coming from the floating metal particles on 
top of the water. The streamers consisted of a web ap- 
pearance dotted profusely with tiny metal microscopic 
particles or groups of atoms which came from the abo\- 
floating metal. 

I concluded that these groups of metal atoms were 
pulled out of the floating larger metal particles because 
the total electrical attraction of the water molecules 
were greater than the total electrical attraction the metal 
atoms had for each other in the small floating metal par 
tides. I verified this as fact by suspending a large piece 
of the metals of Brass and Lead; and this result was not 
observed, except when I put rough or sharp edges on 
the metals. (You will observe this result fits exactly as I 
predicted in pages 6 through 12 of the Scientific Docu- 
ment attached with the Energy Patent Applications) 

Of great scientific importance and scientific break- 
through is the observable fact that these minute metal 
particles attracted down into the water have an obvious 
energetic pivoting or flickering motion when observed 
by a flashlight beam. There are continuous convection 
currents also, but not near so exciting. This is exactly 
the results I had anticipated and built the prototype for! 
This also satisfied the exciting results I have predicted in 
my Energy Patent Application. 

To be sure this effect was not caused by light, photo- 
electric effect, I set up the prototype in the dark and let 
sit for one hour and when I turned on the flashlight the 
particles were all already pivoting even when light was 
swung through test. Even when light is not directly on 
metal atoms they can be seen pivoting with same enthu- 
siasm. The opposite was also done, the filings w T ere put 
under bright light and then placed in water while under 
light and then put up close to light source and let sit for 
one hour under light and results were still the same. 
Also knowing the mass of light is extremely hard to 
ctect, in past sensitive experiments designed just for 
such purpose. And knowing the atoms of the test are ex- 
\ leav y (Mass) inertia effect compared to mass 
” 3C ot inertia displacement ability of light (a thin 
. | 3 , lg Piece of tissue paper when suspended by a 
on in u ' 001 move w,len a strong light beam is shown 
ni10 „ . owever, in extreme contrast, the Earth's electro 
8( C K le ^ quickly align my large 90 pound 

t he energy machine of JOSE p H newman 

>n , in the metal parti- 

' 1 1 ’ hL ’ S vTes was n0t 3 "'^"observed there was no 
0 k-u' 1 P Jft ' a nd, in addition. of the metal par- 

l,tnl ^able difference in t ^^ P 0 f t)n e glass bowl 
n otic eab * < "° D i a ted on the wan „ r and zir 

tides deC r tr s 0 , P rnpressed that when PP oIysis effect 
'•ZXS' agus,ooKing substance 

tide''-- impresses-- an e ieccrui> — 

^ u,d f ooted for its chemtea. — 

JZ** “ l h /r n 0 PPe? and Zinc cannot be d-n^ 

S.»*< P° inI ° f “nd Zinc cannot be distin- 

arC the atoms of Copper and Z predicted, atom 

I Sed between. Which particles 

alignment of a net ic field reacting with the 


1 of irs '•^g^r ta , sr^s.^r««y *««>■ 

gyroscopic ”° , g have continuously predicted 

magnetic Held of sdenti f lc Document and 

they would . n e o " ca ,ions on Unlimited Source of Energy 
two Patent App force! This is also proved 

front electromagneuc Mdsof fom ^ ^ relative to 

by the electrical fie which are repelled when 

the filings noatl " g wa(er T h e se are also the results I 

a ma^etts stuck h ^ ( ^ ^ new scje „. 

brealdhrough prototype and was the exact reason I 
lent to small filings in that I had hypothesized from my 
many years of work that I should get particles of minute 
size !o easily and inexpensively see any obvious results 
from the effects of the continuous energy of electromag- 
netic fields of force. This prototype has proven the exact 
results I explained in my Patent Applications. 

The prototype also indicates the following basic 
possibility law: 

The maximum kinetic energy of each gyroscopic parti- 
te (due to its velocity) that is moving at C in the electro- 

I Ac r\f fr\rr*£> n f f hp Forth Hf QflV 

cJe (due to its velocity; mat is muviu 0 

magnetic fields of force of the Earth or any source is in 
dependent of the intensity of the electromagnetic field 
of force. And, therefore, the pivoting action of th< 

the intensity of tbe electromagne 
force. And, therefore, the pivoting action of the metal 
)ms in the test that are hit by the gyroscopic particles 
wing in an electromagnetic field are the result of the 
ys of a evrosrnnp mnvino at riohr cinolpc rn the force 

s of a gyroscope moving at right angles to the force 
ilied to it and in conjunction with the present laws ( 
rtromagnetic induction. The metal atoms consits of 
tromagnetic energy as does the electromagnetic 
is of force and they react to one another when they 
de, resulting in pivoting action of metal atoms in the 

'i Kyiuaeupic parucie moving lr 
magnetic field attempts to spin the metal atom it 
‘ es ’ which is resisted, therefore, results in the gyro- 
>ic particle moving at right angles to this resistive 

He which also pro—- riirrenl in ncignuw...-r. 

C when cieettic curtunUn ‘ „ cotlaps- 

KSC its in opposite 

ing and, thereby, induce part icles which attract, 

difection in neighboring tnetal^p^^ orlgina , posttlon. 

thereby, causing pivoti g hout t he entire pro- 

This effect is taking P lace ^ r ° | P back an d forth among 
totype and in addition is —d * ene rgeuc 

the minute meta, P- 

S throughout the is being produced 

Another fact that P ro ^ he g i ass bowl eventually 
is that the entire inner - > , with metal 
becomes lightly and 1 even V d P hen distmed water ts 
atoms after about 24 hours^C of Electrolysis: 

used.) Consider now Faraday s First ^ ^ cathod e 
The weight of any ™ , ' ortio nal to the quantity 

during electrolysis is d tree y P P ^ drcuit 
of electric charge pas \ t of a su bstance 

This law states that the g of electricity, 

deposited is proportiona doubt 1 have dis- 

All of the above proves explained 

closed a working prototype of my invertoon -P 

Si, Document wii. be 

mmTcenafnty entftled to'my firsnwtentC^a and »U 
other claims as 1 have shown a completely and totally 
new invention which will result in being the most ben^- 
ftcial invention ever put forth for this Earth before now! 
1 have accomplished all of this with dually 'no _saen 
tific equipment, it is obvious what can be no 
pushed with proper financing and scientific equtpmen 

Joseph Westley Newman 

This document was 

iving in an electromagnetic field are the result of the 
r s of a gyroscope moving at right angles to the force 
)lied to it and in conjunction with the present laws of 
tromagnetic induction. The metal i 


,u '-- icsumng in pivoting action of metal atoms in the 
totype. The gyroscopic particle moving in the elec- 
nagnetic field attempts to spin the metal atom i 



Chapter 1 5 

The Gas Embodiment 

D. My mechanical understanding of the gyroscopic 
action-entity” composition of all matter combined 
with mv natural curiosity regarding the nature of elec 
trical storms, led me to the development of the GAS 
EMBODIMENT for my Pioneering Invention. 

The following facts concerning electrical storms 
stimulated my thoughts: 

mosphere, the fields produced by the dynamo effect 
are several orders of magnitude less.] 

(3) In drier climates, dust storms produce surface 
electrical fields much greater than the normal field 
and are characteristically oriented in the opposite 
direction from the normal field. (Other examples of 
this opposite-direction-effect are snowstorms and 
smoke/steam blown from locomotives.) 

(1) Jupiter possesses a strong magnetic field. Power- 
ful, electrical disturbances occur within its atmosphere 
and intense bursts of radio waves are emitted from 
such disturbances. 

(2) The Earth also possesses electrical storms, but of 
less intensity than those on Jupiter. 

(3) I then asked myself: why the electrical-intensity 
| difference between the two planets? I also observed 
that both the gravitational (Unobvious Effects of Elec- 
tromagnetic Energy consisting of gyroscopic particles) 
and magnetic fields of Jupiter are substantially greater 
than those on Earth. In addition, both the atmospheric 
composition and pressure of the two planets differ. I 
then concluded that the two planets’ electrical storms 
differ in intensity and frequency as a result of differing 
Magnetic Fields, gases (atmospheres), gas pressures 
temperatures (possibly), and rotational speeds. 

E. 1 then studied the known facts concerning Earth 
electrical storms. Those facts which I found interest- 
ing include the following: 

Ula? Jm. nd h rSt0 ™ S arc the ,ar * esl and spectac- 

Field produces an Electric Field ^ * Magneti< 
(gases). Within the highly cond *7^ atmos P hcrt 
(ower ionosphere thfs Zn, d y ct,ng re 8 io ™ of tl 
e ^t” and U is responsible for i ^ ^ 
rents which are studied „ i gCr e,ectr ical cu 
means of the magr SUrfecc * 
currents produce. [However, within^o^lt 31 

the energy machine 

(4) All ions participate in random molecular motion 
When an electric field is created in the atmosphere ° 
the electric field superimposes (upon the random, at- 
mospheric motion) a ‘‘drift velocity” in the field's 
direction when the ion charge is “positive,” and 
opposite to the field's direction when the ion charge is 
“negative.” The actual conduction currents flnwi,-! , n 

the medium depend upon the established Eiectri7~F^ j^ 

(5) It has been determined that updrafts and 
downdrafts (high winds) in clouds and storms consist 
of separate electrical charges! By what I teach, this 
means that one draft consists of “ negative ” charges 
and the other draft consists of "positive" charges! 

One can understand why I was stimulated by Fact 
28-E(5), since it coincides precisely with my explana- 
tion of the behavior of gyroscopic particles (in a 
magnetic field) which travel in opposite directions 
“like cars on one-way streets.” Such mechanical 
behavior generates an effect which causes the outside 
observer to perceive a gyroscopic-action-entity as 
negative at one instant and “positive” at another 
instant in time. 

It was obvious to me that Fact 28-E(5) proved that 
the updrafts and downdrafts actually represented a 
circular motion. By placing electrically-sensitive instal- 
ments in the path of such activity, the circular motion 
would appear as “negative” or “positive” depending 
upon the frame of reference of the observer. 


F * Combining the knowledge I had acquired, 1 
applied for a Patent for the First (GAS) Embodiment of 
my Pioneering Invention in March, 1979. The follow- 
mg are drawings and instructions from my Patent Ap- 
plication 179-474 for my First Embodiment. 


one possible, exemplary embodiment using the 
0 L of the system of the present invention is 
schematically shown in .he generalized illustration of 

Xuiustra'ted in Figure 28-F1, there is provided an 
electrical current generator 100 comprising an outer 
keeper housing 1 15 and an inner, pressure-containing, 
dosed housing 116 supported therein by insulating 
supports 105. A vacuum exists in the area 106 be- 
tween the two housings 115, 116, which vacuum is 
regulated and induced by means of the vacuum line 
104 with its gauge 107 and its control valve 108. The 
outer housing 115 acts as a keeper for magnetic fields 
of force, and can be made, for example, of soft iron, 
while the vacuum in area 106 prevents the leakage or 
discharge of static electrical charges which might 
build up on the exterior of the inner housing 1 16. 

A gas or gas-liquid mixture 117 which may also in- 
clude solid particles such as, for example, lead or 
brass filings, is included within the inner housing 1 16 
surrounding a series of aligned magnets 120 carried by 
insulating braces or supports 121 and producing a 
high, combined electromagnetic field. The magnets 
120, which can for example be cryogenic magnets, 
ave their north and “south” poles aligned (as il- 
lustrated by the Ns and “Ss”) so that their magnetic 
helds reinforce one another. 

The level of the gas or gas-liquid mixture 1 17 in the 

housing 1 16 is regulated by means of the line 122 with 
its gauge 123 and control valve 124. Electric current 
output wires 119 are provided and extend down to 
electrically connect with a wire pick-up system 
(shown in close-up in Figure 28-F2), which can be for 
example in the form of very small wires forming a 
closely-spaced network or mesh or of a porous con- 
ducting metal body or sheet, located in and extended 
throughout the fluid 1 17 in the housing 1 16 . 

It is noted that a thimbleful of gas contains a fan- 
tastically large number of extremely tiny bodies which 
are in continuous, random motion moving at extreme- 
ly high speeds. Hence, the fluid 117 continuously ap- 
plies a force to the gyroscopic particles (comprising 
the magnetic field as described in Chapter Three) 
moving at the speed of light in the high electromag- 
netic field (produced by the magnets 120) as they con- 
tinuously collide with each other, which results in the 
fluid 117 becoming electrically charged. The charged 
fluid 117 discharges its electrical charge to the pick-up 
wire network 118 positioned in the fluid, and the elec- 
tric current so produced and generated is taken off for 
use via the electrical output wires 1 19. 

As an alternative to having internally-contained 
magnets 120, the electromagnetic field needed in the 
fluid 117 could be produced by a source located out- 
side of the confines of the fluid 117 as long as a 
significant field was produced within the fluid ll" 7 . 


\\ Ihrl lir.i I'MUnniMKhlT (din Ill'll In Hn llnn 

,'M I ) < .in l« ilrvelnpcil in prodlli r nlgull'li mil irnulln 
II,, n,,, m, () would In' in Miiinmn I .< drnlgn (al I' ^D 
Him i .ill mill Id im loon wlili li Imapahlr "< 
wlili',undli»K "liigli" mi‘l "low f xenniurn < >in 
dIioiiM uilll/r .1 nirntiH uiaglirlh llrhl(n) mu I lenl .1 
variety of prennurcn, malrila In, ganrn, II tilth, eli A 
moniUjrliiH nr viewing area would lx- Impoiiaiii in 
niudy III r Iniroial irai iinim Tlir lirlglil and lenglli "I 
ih r 1 miu ihiMi'Ui would permit obneivahle and linin' 
dlmlnt 1 1 in ulutlnii of the medium 

II. 1 mow refri hai k in ihr lead powdr, deirionilfff 
Mom dim unnrd In Iredo/m /H A and XM i , A 
ilr mount ration 1 ondut ml an I dm rihrd will provide 
1 hr rxm 1 n null'. ,r, <,1 rn In Mgiirr /Hit I ;hnrr vr I In 
remarkable imrinhlmii r In aniroriomli ,il phologiaphn 
wlili h drph 1 thorn i,i,n nytHrmn enveloped wlllilu a 
'<;nv fweh appearan< e) undergoing niellar I1I11I1 

I'AI I I'lgilie /M 1 1 In In Iw l ail anlniliomli al photo 
Hia|>li and yrl ////•- filtllliv n'/iiv^’iilt Ihr »*tni Inniui 
linn dill/ in Hon "in’ "'HI H'll'ii", ■ il'lnm 1 nnilm linn H„ 
in/iprliuimt tlvii rlhurl III Vei lion* JH A mill Hi • 1 

How iiiil<|iir II In dial II w< "open mu mliuln wr 
lanolMieivi In inlnlaliiir on r.aiili aprnmn 
wlili li prodtK rn a rrflei Hon of wliai ponmhly 01 1 110, 
on a nun It grander n< air In dir llnlvi me I Hud li very 
mill, nli 10 jiellrve dial mu li ion o in ik m null'; air 
" | Hi ft? roliii Idenrr," 

Ai lually, dionr who ohnerve diln n m I mm ohm* rn 
dualird, niiu r li In like e*pr Merit li ik die feeling mu 
rn|oyn upon viewing die nlty on a < leal nlghl 

II you, die reader, have Maniurd whal I have 
langlil, du n you ithoiild he liinplinl You nhould alno 
"peai rfully and irnponnlhly " ieingfil/,r iln 
nlgiilfli am 1 of whal you have Manlrn d I would now 
h i 1 iiniiu iul dial you "prepare yotu mind fin mure 


mi' rnuoy mm hwh v mwn jwwman 

Ch*P tef 


1 6 


/ triuui'- — 

fcfe — 

" * lnco " Ce '. V T* Z>< materia,, operate upon and aff ^ , e 

B '° Isaac 

present. . 


mwrty /0 we Th ^ another at a distance through av conveyed from one 

' n, ° " 


rr lifornia Press Los Angeles, 1934 , page 654 oj the Appen «. 

Z " ZX Unobvious Effects 

of Electromagnetic Energy. 

EXAMPLE If a s/ngte “negative” and a single 

charge are physically separated from one 
another p) P) , one could easily detect their ex- 
istence Jdecttol charges. However, if the two 
separate charges are (oined, then one would have a 
mass of © which neutralizes the Obvious elec- 
trical characteristics possessed by the charges when 
physically separated. 

Visualize two, separate masses of Qj-) and (Z) • 
Neither mass would demonstrate Obvious electrical 
characteristics. But consider what occurs (with respect 
to the attracting and repelling forces of those two 
physically separate masses) when they are brought 
close to one another: 

m Fimire 29-A the positive charge within each mass 

charge attracts the positive charge and repels the 
negative charge of the other mass. 

B. WRONGCONCLUSION from observing Figure 29-A 
The attraction and repulsion forces of the two, 
separate masses are equal; therefore, they would 
neither attract nor repel. 

r air.HT CONCLUSION: The unlike charges will seek 
lo obtain ihe least possible distance between them- 
selves with respect to the two, separate masses; and 
the like charges wilt seek to obtain the greatest possible 
distance between themselves with respect to the two, 
separate masses. [Remember that the charges being 
simultaneously repelled are also being simultaneously 
attracted and such charges cannot physically move tar 
from one another.] 

Consider the implication of the Inverse-square Law' 
with respect to the attracting or repelling force of 
charges. The most dominant forces are those between 
the charges existing within each separate mass. Conse- 
quently, the attraction force is greater than the repul- 
sion force between the two separate masses but (as 
an order of magnitude) this difference is unimaginably 
small. [A simple mathematical analogy demonstrates 

"..nimunl.vlM,. C.-Mrtll” r\ i f f A !•#» • If Wf* tO 




fremelv small percentage of such un.ty of 1 . e.g 

°" uc“° S °m ill difference is ctarly demonsrmed by 
the fact that the attraction force of Gravity (the ob 
served effect of the interaction of unobserved electro- 
magnetic fields comprising Matter) is extrer^lyje^ 
than the ("unity of 1") attraction/repulsion forces of 
O^votrs electrical charges as well as those same forces 
(gyroscopic-action-particles) which comprise magnet.c 

fields or Matter itself 

scopic-action-particlc) composition on Earth. 

F. One may ask. When they are both dropped f r „ n 
the same height, why doesn’t a heavy mass fall f asiCr 
than a light mass towards a significantly larger mass, 
e.g., the Earth?” 

ANSWER : Such masses fall at the same rate because 
the attraction force (due to the ” unequaling effe< , 
[Gravity]) will be only a small percentage of the ' unit 
force of 1” (in effect between all gyroscopic-action- V 

particles comprising all Matter) and will also be a con 
stant for a particularly large mass such as the Earth 
(See Figure 29-F.) 

“As a result of such Unequaling Forces, the 
attraction force is always minutely greater 
than the repulsion force. ” 

D. 1 hypothesize that the following represents the 
Law of Gravity with respect to the Inverse-square Law. 
The difference in the Unequaling Forces (in accord- 
ance with the law of distances sought between “like” 
and ’’unlike” gyroscopic-action-particles) of the two, 
above-mentioned masses causes a Force of Gravity to 
■ be a very small percentage (example only: .0001 of a 
I “unity of 1 ”) of the equally attracting and repulsion 
f forces having a “unity of I.” [Refer to Section 25-E.) 
Such equal forces (with a “unity of 1”) represent a 
balance of all the “negative” and “positive” gyro- 
scopic-action-particles comprising all Matter. [I remind 
the reader that such “negative” and “positive” gyro- 
scopic-action-particles are actually composed of only 
one type of gyroscopic-action-entity which appears to 
move in opposite directions depending upon the 
frame of reference of the observer.] 

As a result of such Unequaling Forces, the attraction 
force is always minutely greater than the repulsion 
force. Such an inequality of forces is still incredibly 
less than the attraction/repulsion forces of Obvious 
electric charges or magnetism which have a “unity 
(force) of 1.” 

NOJE: For the convenience of expression, I am arbi- 
trarily assigning this “unity (force) of 1” value to elec- 
tric charges and magnetism in order to provide the 
reader with some subjective means to distinguish such 
forces from the very weak gravitational force which 
would have - as an order of magnitude — a value of 
approximately .0001 based upon the above forces 
having a value of “ 1 .”] 

E. It should be dear that such Unequaling Forces 

a^raaion f fdleSS °‘ ° r number This minute 

attraction force cannot be neutralized by placing un- 

Charged or non-magnetic matter between die Ea^th 

wou“:l r ,° bieCt " tWS WCrc d0ne ' such 

effect" hT, part,c, P atc in the same "unequaling 
effect between its own "negative-positive • (gyro- 

G. The (attraction) “Force Factor” (with a magnitude 
on the order of .0001 of the “unity of 1” occurring 
between all “oppositely-charged” gyroscopic-action- 
particles) demonstrates that the speed of an object (as 
a result of that “Force Factor”) is independent of the 
number of gyroscopic-action-particles comprising that 
object. This is true because every gyroscopic-action- 
entity comprising that object has the same small at- 
traction “Force Factor” with respect to the Earth. As a 
result, the object cannot travel any faster (than the in- 
dependent speed of its basic composition) towards the 
major “Force Producer,” e g., the Earth. 

EXAMPLE: Observe the following simple analogy: 

In Figure 29-G, there are two auto drag strips label- 
ed 1 and 2. On drag strip 1 , there are ten identical 
automobiles which can each achieve a speed of 100 



in 2 there ar e f* vc 

14 fScnti'Jl to 8 th°se on drjg strip ^ jn , /4 

^ mobile can achieVe n draR strips 1 and 2 start 
' n Hc automobiles on d<- a g ^ the 10 -car 

rP^^' h ;/cffec./of 'unequal effects' between 
[he co mprising a II Matter. 

.h e Gravity Effect of various 
2 me bi ffere " ce ,he same reason that - like the two 
V^ZZ tomoblles - auch planets have different 

n ,isses.(Seen^Z 








Planet (1) 


FIGURE 29-H2 / j\\ 




Planet (2) 

If Planet 1 has twice the gravitational force of Planet 
2, then Planet 1 is twice a ‘‘major force producer” than 
Planet 2. Falling objects on Planet 1 would equally re- 
spond in accordance with the ‘‘major-force-producer 
effect” (Gravity) of Planet 1 . The same objects placed 
on Planet 2 would equally respond in accordance with 
the ‘‘major-force-producer effect” (Gravity) of Planet 2. 
However, the gravitational effect of Planet 2 would be 
half that of Planet 1 . 

I. Prior to my work, Matter has been thought to be 
equally composed of “negative” and “positive” 
charges. The Facts I have presented demonstrate that 
this is not true and that Matter is composed of immea- 
surable numbers of “negative” and “positive” gyro- 
scopic-action-particles. Moreover, the possible com- 

binations (Of such 

Matter to vary in gy r °^°P -negative" (gyroscopic 
which can be predom na ^ ly " g ic part icles). As 
particles) or “positive - and 'negative ' 

proof of these variances in 
charges within Matter, see Figure 29 

ELEC tromotive 

tiecii 3. 02 













Hydrogen (arbitrarily 


o volts reference) 


- 2.90 

- 1.67 
- 0.14 

+ 0.20 
+ 0.34 
+ 0.80 
+ 0.85 
+ 1.68 


(Conventional teachings depict these differences on 
an inefficient chemical basis. I teach these differ- 
ences also exist on a more significant and powerful 
E = MC 2 basis.) 

It is obvious that such variance in electrode poten- 
tial can only occur as a result of different electromag- 
netic composition between the various substances. It 
all Matter was simply composed of an equal number 
of “negative” and “positive” gyroscopic particles, 
then such electrode potential differences could not 
exist. (Because such differences are so slight com- 
pared to the immense quantity of “negative and 
“positive” gyroscopic particles, the differences are 
not Obvious in normal utilization of the substances.) 

J. Another Proof of such variance in quantity of 
“negative” and “positive” gyroscopic particles can be 
observed by the conventional facts of present teachings. 

A _ 

_ Z . 

\ 6b {5 ^ 

v n. ACC ’ RtIRRFR 


In observing Figure 29-J, it has been said that: 
“Rubber rods and glass rods can be made to have an 
electric charge by rubbing the rubber with fur or flan- 



. . «ilk Two electrified pieces of 
nel and the glass with to repc l each other as 

hard rubber rods r ° ds but an electrified hard 

will two electrified glas ’i ectr jfied glass rod. 

rubber rod will 29-J do no/ 

The experiments ^P« are compo sed of equal 

prove that different •positive'’ charges (gyro- 

numbers of negative opposite. If the 

scopic particles), but P^^^and 
materials were ei ? u * would obtain equal 


K I, is a known Fact that electrical charges (8y r °' 
s K copic particles, wil, 

surface unit is everywhere equal. 

Let’s examine what occurs when my teachings are 
applied to these observed results: 

I teach that when one rubs the glass and rubber 
rods together (both are good electrical insulators as in 
Figure 29-J, the "outer skin" surface of the material 
either loses or gains gyroscopic particles (electrica 

charge) demonstrating the "negative and positive 

composition of all Matter. [Remember, all gyroscopic 
particles are identical. Those that are "negative 
would — to an outside observer — appear to spin in a 
different direction from those that are "positive. But 
such "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic particles 
are rotated 180° with respect to one another.] 

In Figures K-l and K-2. the gyroscopic-action-paru^ 
soin on the glass rod is opposite to that on the rubber 
md One can see that the periphery interaction of t he 
evroscopic particles (spinning at the speed of light) on 
edge K-l(b) would easily "merge" (attract) with those 
periphery spins of the gyroscopic particles on edge 
K 2(a) [The same is true for edges K-2(b) and K-3(a).j 

Attraction would also occur if the glass rods were 
placed parallel to the rubber rods. However, by study- 
ing the above Figures, one should also observe how 
the edges of the two glass rods (or two rubber rods) 
placed end-to-end or side-to-side would repel one 
another, e g., edge K-3(b) placed against edge K-4(a). 
Such repulsion occurs because the periphery spins of 
the gyroscopic particles on edges K-3(b) and K-4(a) are 
in the same direction. [The periphery attraction/repul- 
sion of the gyroscopic particles occurs in the same 
manner as the periphery attraction/repulsion discussion 
in the Section on Magnetism (See Chapter Three).] 

In Figures K-5, K-6 and K-7, it should be apparent 
that the three rubber rods would repel one another 
since all their gyroscopic particles are spinning in the 
same direction causing all edges (and their respective 
gyroscopic particle peripheries) to repel one another 

L. QUESTION: What would occur if the rubber rod 
in Figure K-2 was flipped over 180°? 

WRONG ANSWER : The rubber rod in Figure K-2 
would now be repelled to the glass rods in above 
Figures K-l and K-3 as the gyroscopic particles of the 
rubber rod would now be flipped over 180° to repel 
the glass rods as shown in Figures L-l, L-2 and L-3 as 
depicted on the following page. 

\ K -’ K2 / K3 / \ K " 

(., \ |b) (.) / (b, (a) / (b) (•) \ b > 

9 o N o u , 

O 0 0 <t > 

K-5 / 

60 0 -0 


9009 9 00 9 e po N &9 


(L ogo 6- 00 6 6000 

FIGURES 29-K-1 through 29-K-7 



F , O 0«ES 

2J.L1 through 29 L 3 

s 19 the Incorrect answer!'' 

Ing numbers of gyroseopic partlcks the bjnatlons 

number of gyroscopic particles) arc ,nfmite_ 

between the mathematical laws » tM f” c ".f' C ' 
Charge, and Gravity. My comprehension of this 
mechanism generates In me a most humbhng 
periencc, which I feel even to this day. I hope you, 
the reader, also experience this feeling. 

1 will now present additional Facts for your c 
slderation and study. 

— , makcs n o difference if you Hip 

KI V"T*.- the rubber rod In Figure K-2. Regardless 
h) “ ,1 or turns rubber rod K-2, one would 
s pin direction for the gyroscopic 
"" 'o (electrical charge) comprising rubber rod K-2. 

would still he an attrac.lon force between the 
™Tand rubber rods regardless of Mr respective 
Mentations (See Figures L-4. I.-S and !.■('.) 

FIGURES 29 L-4 through 29-L-6 





“This Is the correct answer!" 

M. Once again I state my "humbling" feeling con- 
cerning the simple nature of this gyroscopic particle: 


Magnetic and Electric Fields arc Indeed equal. They 
arc one and the samel 

■in Vi* 1 mcc * lan * 8m °f nature Is Ingenious because 
• 'Matter is composed of one type of Gyroscoplc- 
sut ,;7' arllclc - IJ y traveling in varying directions, 
an i ‘ S CrCUte a forcc Influence upon one 
another T ng thcm U) «V ratc wllh respect to one 
s <t result, this mcehanlcal action and vary- 

Chapter 1 7 


•■Why should gravitation, of all the many forces In nature, be the only one to be so lntin,.,.. u 
related to Inertia, which Is supposed to be an Inherent property of bodies that Is Independent 
the nature of the force being exerted?" _ 

will begin the subject of inertia with a quotation* from the exceptionally well-written book entitled The Nature c 
ysics by Peter J. Brancazio. 

Physics by Peter J 
30. A. Quoting from pages 146 and 147 


One aspect of gravitation that may provide a clue as to its ultimate nature is the peculiar relationship between 
gravitation and inertia. This relationship is most pointedly illustrated when we re-examine in detail the 
derivation from Newtonian principles of the law of falling bodies. Newton derived the law by substituting the 
gravitational force between the earth and a falling body of mass m into the equation F = ma: 

r e 2 

“The next step is to cancel the m on both sides of the equation, with the result that the acceleration 
a = GM E /R E 2 is independent of the mass of the falling body. Herein lies the mystery. 

“The m that appears in the equation F = ma is a measure of the inertia of the body. It measures the resistance 
of a body to any force. Let us call this the inertial mass. The m that appears in the equation F = GMm/d 2 
determines the strength of a particular interaction involving the body — namely, the gravitational force. Let us 
call this the gravitational mass. The inertial and gravitational masses must be exactly equal; otherwise we could 
not cancel them in the above equation. If they did not cancel, we would arrive at the conclusion that the 
acceleration of a falling body does depend on its mass (either inertial or gravitational, or both), which is contrary 
to experience. The theory of gravitation would be incorrect. 

Therefore, we see that Newton did not really derive the law of falling bodies; rather, the law of falling bodies 
(an experimental result) forced him to assume that the inertial and gravitational masses must be equal. 

The equality of the inertial and gravitational masses is extremely puzzling to physicists. Why should 
° f 311 many forces in nature > be the only one to be so intimately related to inertia, which is 
conneJtiol 0 ! 5 ? 11 m Pr ° Perty ° f b ° dieS that is inde P end e™ of the nature of the force being exerted? This 
TTh 8r , aVity ~ tWO COmpletely differ ^ a " d otherwise unrelated properties of 
rnas^asTfunVamema , C Uded 3n e * pIanation “ In fact, Einstein looked on the equality of inertial and gravitational 
theory provided vet anoth ' ^ ^ ^ ^ USed “ 3S 3 St3rting P oint for the general theory of relativity. This 

summarize in a few sentenre^o^^ 3 n? T" ° f . 8ravity “ Einstein ’ s theory of gravitation is far too complex to 
the inertial and gravitational mass^isTlea^n dlSCUSS1 ° n f 11 Until a later cha P ter - In any case, the equality of 
inertia as well). This equalitv must he ev i Y c,ue as to the fundamental nature of gravitation (and 

and inertia is to be achieved P amed by future physicists if a deeper comprehension of gravitation 

Newton’s theory of gravitatfn^roMiH ^ nderstandin 8 of the nature of gravity, it seems remarkable that 
the universe. But this is characterise f rought about such an enormous advance in our understanding of 
gravity fully in order to have a successful therT^ whlch science progresses. It is not necessary to understand 
an axiom, we can account for a wide variety ^emin^ 31100 ' , Simply by acce P tin 8 the concept of gravitation as 
in view of its simplicity comnrehen • Y emin gly unrelated phenomena in relatively simple terms. Thus 
considered an outstanding theory. The n att VeneSS> “J P redicd ve power, the theory of gravitation must be 
the next state in man’s attemnt to nrnhe e emptS on r e P art °f some physicists to ‘understand’ gravity represent 
answers exist.” ™ Pt t0 Pf ° be ever more d ^ply until the ultimate answers are found - if, in fact, such 

Copyright © 1975 by p e terj. Brancazio' 1 ] 11111 Publlshing Com Pany from The Nature of Physics by Peter J. Brancazio. 



a .hat Gravity rcpre- 
■dv dcmo nstra ,, , (hc number of 


"^p'-«< ,ar8e 

‘ earning ,he her objects represents the 
' ; ir1 space) upon other 1^ ap e(fcct , s 

»*- W meC :r;; C re,ate Ct tc° he' 

" -dc, of gyroscope M ekc trlcal charges, 

the Unequaling Effcc e(fca „ ()f a particular 

„d the l ! " ob ;' 0 j; c u ch a description is the same for 
e^pt that gravity can be observed as etther 
•S2U-" or -Obviotta." 


* iim S ly rf the gyroscopic action of the basic building 
speed II matter the Gyroscopic Particle! 
-52£S one can easily mechanically under- 
S mertia and gravitational masses are equal, 
raev *or» represent one and the same gyroscoptc- 
Sentityfsee Section 30-AJ , which demonstrates 
hi mathematical ' oneness' ' of the two effects. 

The following quote is a tribute to Michael Faraday. 
Faraday, in his last years, tried to show experi- 
mentally a relation between gravity and electricity, 
concluding his paper with, ‘Here end my trials for 
the present. The results are negative; they do not 
shake my strong feeling of the existence of a relation 
between gravity and electricity, though they give no 
proof that it exists. 


D. To understand the relation between gravitation 
and inertia, one must first have the proper mental 
perspective. The effect of inertia is extremely small . 
Therefore, the mechanical essence of inertia can be 
very deceptive. 

magine a massive log lying on the Earth’s surface, 
one attempts to lift even the log’s end (see Figure 
). one would encounter great resistance due to 

„ , „ fT hl5 effect wa» originally cx- 

e- ' ■»« r/ t r; s : P To^ u rmi» «*« n ““ ,ve 

ZXZZcVSS. (See figure 30-Ej_ 

massive log. In Figure o > narallel to the 

relatively easy to move the massive log P»” lle ' l ° 

Ear^s surface, swinging end 2 around 180 

F. One can easily see that Figure 30-E demonstrates 

7i° Even when the ''gravity effect" was counter- 
equaled, there remained some type of resistance 
(Unobvious) force to the movement of that mass. Thi 
resistance (Unobvious) force is called inertia. 

(2) The Facts show that such “inertia — as a 
resistive (Unobvious) force - is extremely weak com- 
pared to electric or magnetic forces which have a 
“unity factor of 1 

G. One can conclude that this weak, “inertia-mass 
effect” is only some percentage of the “unity factor 
of i” and similar to the weak “gravity-mass effect. 

CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING . Einstein’s General 
Theory of Relativity has been criticized for its failure 
to explain the concept of inertia. In Newtonian 
mechanics, it is stated as a fundamental principle that 
bodies possess inertia, but it is not explained why 

H. Consider the following experiment: a two-foot 
diameter, fiberglass ball has a 10-pound, one-foot 
diameter gyroscope hidden inside (see Figure 30-H) 



, 1 ... u> 000 RI’M (perfectly 

Iwlmm'il) An uncitu* ^ |)( , Ml( |„ , i„- hull 1" »• 

.mil «i,ni' • • 11 * . | ||c | >l,n ic til mnIn "1 ||H 

Intermil M' "I" • , .,,11 lull in u direction 

'«■ , r , ^ici. «*• 

" lii* l> «PP ,,,H •' ,1 "" , . , mri |, u .iii’il man w* mill 1" 

ihc iiHcriwI J i^uij w ,mlil tlic’ii u-nIM him 

‘ ,,, 'i m . The PM 1 wot.kl -U.. . KVIMHMM In a 


iib/cvi ili.ii Imu >< 'varying Inert !*• 

tact la Mini" I 

,.| ,|„. n It can have no acceleration I mu, i 

u. r. U-i oil* »n llu- mas* "Imply has enryhiM »p, nl» 

ran eoncludr Iroili the luctu ih*i |„ y 

miMlwvliiH Npeod also has Inertia. 

K n one Ntnuiltuncnusly shoots .i bullet amt drop* 

, | H ,|| t ., (,.l equal mass to the Him luillrt) („„„ 

,| U . |>( m It Ion, they Will both collide wlih the 

1 ''a r( h ' s Mirface at the Name Instant. (See Figure Mi K , 
wunNi, < *»N< M'SIONi Hr* the giavliy elicit 
(1 )|,vIoun Four) cau»eil the two hulleiN with equul 
inuHM . h to Nlnutltaneously collide with the Faith's M „ 
i nr, li can hr concluded that the Inertia effect oi q u . 
two hul let i uunncn did m>t change at uny time, 

j” cionslder the following experiment which will 
demonstrate why the above conclusion In wrong 

Construct a configuration aN depleted In below In 

i iircause mutter If* principally • 'I 11 *' 1 ,M 11 ' 
nrjuulvr' uml •poNl.lvr * mc-chunloil c-ompo.sli U>n. 
Ir. II run,* h i* »»l the same, gyroscopic action rnl,,y 
spinning In opposite directions, one* may ui Ural he 
deceived and conclude i he* following 

Figure 30 l„ Place two bullet "traps" equidistant from 
the end ol the gun barrel. With the assistance of an 
electric eye (which can react fast enough) and an up- 
proprlate mechanical device, the two traveling bullets 
would he simultaneously deflected at a tight angle to 

w hi >\( , coni :|, UNION, Muller In principally "negailvr 
live--- uml "positive" In In* composition and i heir loir 
Ihrir would hr u "* anccllailon erred" wlih reaped u> 
■k .i pivoting motion when tin (( )bvlous) force tilted theli 

respective axes Therefore, ihr gyroscopic action 
entity cannot hr the cause of the "Inert In clfeel," 

their respective trajccturlca Into traps 3 or 4, In addi- 
tion, a pressure gauge could be connected to the me 
chanlcal device employed to deflect the bullets Into the 
two traps, The purpose of the* gauge Is to measure the 
exact (Obvious) "opposing" force required to deflect 
the two bullets of equal masses Into the two traps, 

It should be obvious that to deflect the two bullets 

J. Let's examine the CORRBCT _U>NCI.U||QNi 
Consider the fact that (Obvious) Force - Inertia 
Muaa X Acceleration, "Tile m that appear, s In ihc cqua 
lion V- nia In a measure of the Inertia of the body," 
(See section 30 A,) Therefore, In reality, I he Inertia ef 

will require considerably more (Obvious) force with 
respect to the mass of trap mechanism 3 than for the 
mass of trap mechanism 4, 

i v H!HSiiON; Why the difference In force? 


- _ _ _ 




"V ' 

u <□' 

WAP j 










Sp c ' tL 

,dd' [l 

of* e 

rces demonstrated 

nC e «n the f f rhe additional 

, ^;^^^r p3hasa 

I !S' er ,nC ' rtia C the additional speed is 

noF . When the a he two 

■ ^^-.rr^n^aefreccs. 

: ^:>^ em ° n5 (energy) is the 

act that motion t absence 


' ££jS* h» apparent absence 

I which mactoscopica y was mlC ro- 

Soaon. “^obvious mass would 

topically pl‘ cci o[ a || matter — the gyro- 

owne the Moving a. very high speech 

*W C fuerlia effect of an Obvious mass is 

The natura , . , ( ^ e gyroscopic-action- 

tbe reSU “ fdbis tbe basic building entity of all mass. 
P ar,iCle i l 1c” and "positive” charge composition 
The negative a P infinitely 

°':ZTo £ X S. Such charges on.y 
small- g) roscop P force ” which prevents 

^Obvious) mass from behaving as a single conven- 
[ tional gyroscope. Moreover, the speeds of those in- 
finitely small masses still exist and the existence of 
such speeds is proven via the observed, inertia effect 
[ of an (Obvious) mass. 

N. To further sensitize the reader to the fact that one 
cannot take the ingenious action of the gyroscopic- 
particle-composition of matter for granted, conduct 
the following test: (GYROSCOPIC PLANES shown below.) 

„ nc t t hen balance it on 
Spin a small, toy gyroscope (See Figure 30-N.) 

the end of a rounded pencil pomMS^ ^ (op end 

If one lightly holds the pen ( , n aM lateral direc- 

of the pencil will Pf^er £ ch conditions, one 
tions at a rapid pace. cha nging force which is 

would feel a continuously changing 
parallel to the Earths one would tend to 

in spii»- ^ 

gyroZ'pic^ZpaHicle^ichU the basic 
K building, entity of all mass. 

O. Mass consists of gyroscopic par 

the speed of Ugh! ‘"olid” mass would appear 

SeC ,h n t’he mis comprised of such gyroscopic par- 
“planes of spin. - 

FIGURE 30-0 


Qyrotcoplc P.rtlcl.. 

within th*t M*»» »t th» "Sp«*<l ol Light 

The speed and orientation of the Infinite 
number of gyroscopic particles are obviously 
not to be taken for granted! 

Figure 30-0 depicts a “solid" mass consisting of an 
incredible number of gyroscopic particles electromag- 
netically coupled and suspended within the space of 
this (Obvious) mass. 

P. An Obvious Force exerted upon a mass or spin- 
ning” mass does not create the inertia effect. It is t e 
resistance to that Obvious Force which is perceived 
as the inertia effect. 

EXAMPLE: If one tilts the plane of a spinning mass 
(gyroscope) to an angle equal to the gyroscope s 
original plane of orientation in space, one will ex- 
perience a right-angle resistance. The greater the 



If one pivots the gyroscopic plane of spin from 
point 1 to point 2, one will observe a noticeable 
resistance. Such resistance could be called an “inertia 
effect. " If one then stops the gyroscopic spin and 
repeats the same motion from point 1 to point 2, then 
one will notice very little resistance. 

QUESTION: Why the difference in resistance? 

ANSWER . Such a difference is a result of the speed of 
the mass, /. e. , the additional speed added to the speed 
of the gyroscopic spin comprising the mass. 


Q. If the results of the test in Figure 30-P are puzzling, 
repeat the same test but invision the internal motion 
of the particles comprising the “solid” mass. (See 
Figure 30-Q.) 

pivot the mass (composed of gyroscopic particl 
from point 1 to point 2 and the force required ^ 
deflect a bullet from its initial direction into a f l ° 
(Refer to Figure 30-L.) ra P 

In tests 30-L and 30-Q, the gyroscopic particles 
comprising the masses involved have been fo S 
pivot at right angles to their previous plane-in-s^ l ° 
direction. The resistance incurred is a direct res^ 
the speed of the particles involved. When the *** * 
the (Obvious) mass was removed, e g , when the 
was stopped, then the inertial effect was reduced 

in opposite di rec t i ons" ' C ° P ' c particJes tr avel 

Posite directions, one cant n maSS ,s rotated in op- 

spin direction causes onnn ■ ' ^ unc * erstanc * w hy the 
causes oppo stte results in terms of 

?' T „ gyrosc ° p,c (Obvious) mass as in Fi gure 
30-R1 , Which moves the plane of the spinning mat 
from point 1 to point 2 in a parallel position to the 
original plane of gyroscopic spin in space 
[Remember, mass consists of infinitely small gyroscnn 
tc particles spinning at the speed of Ugh, and movit 
at the speed of light.] lng 

In Figure 30-R1 , one will observe noticeably less 
resistance in moving the mass from point 1 to point 2 

Hg7e a 30 d Q° ‘ he rCS ‘ S,anCe WhiCh ‘ S ta 

QUESTION: Why the difference? 

^NSWER: There is an extreme mechanical difference 
between Figure 30-Q and Figure 30-R1. This dif- 
erence is a result of the fact that the particles com- 
prising the spinning mass in Figure 30-R1 have had 
their plane of spin moved parallel to their original 
plane in space. 

The mechanical difference is similar to the test in 
Figure 30-K ,n which the bullet mass was permitted to 
collide with the ground. If the bullet had continued 
rave mg in a straight line following impact with the 
tarth s surface, the bullet mass would have traveled in 
a irection parallel to its original instant direction. 
(See Figure 20-R2.) 

the energy ,\ 


- . 

■ , 

,.-si 1 R . in nc*ii ' 11 ■ . K niir •*" 



^^ ,U iV 0 fr<'«’ lu,loa,P .. 

CH hkeaTES JW*‘J*g£ ..'.'pnsiilnn In 

, H , circular i w )llon 

pace . <’ N -~*^**"^ 

F ,0U RE 3° S1 


■n ^^S^SSS plane' cUrct - ' 

X* .he speed of .he laicral dlrcc_ 

tion, one must impose additional energy to overcome 
the previously compounded motion (speed) of the 
particle in space. 

lh , w..oid 


, y nrtW*" .. thef ,,r 

II If M* OtlSflO ' / J>|» Hill* 1 


oticrRY ‘MM i, th,> theory lo,, \ 1 it „,(tlln 

runny < '""W' ,/.«■< *rv « ° n ^'‘J^ii!r 'JmittinH 

sense hy Kh • iwrll0 l»tu*» 

nu ts, roittottoo to t ey 

,,i „iaon>i»y concerning 

The prevloul ,{J’ ferine! mV jl 


any Pact by 

jhe gravity, inertia, and weight 
effects wilt all decrease or increase as 
oscopic particles (comprising all Mailer) 
ire physically removed or added to the 
mass in accordance with hinslein s 
equation of E = MC 2 ” 


T. It should be obvious from the above facts that, 
like the gravity effect, the inertia effect is very decep- 
tive. Both effects are a result of the gyroscopic parti- 
cle composition of all matter. 

The gravity, inertia, and weight effects will all 
decrease or increase as gyroscopic particles ( compris ■ 
infi all matter) are physically removed or added to 
the mass in accordance with Hinslein s equation of 
t = MC 2 . In addition, the gravity, inertia, and weight 
effects represent only a small percentage of the “unity 
factor of r (discussed in Sections 29-C and 29-D) 
characteristic of all gyroscopic particles comprising all 


Chapter 18 

Heat And The Three Laws Of Thermodynamics 

i have built my house on the foundation of your theory of Latent heat and ... | 0we a Ium 
of thinking on these subjects to you." way 

— Irom a letter by Jamee Watt to Joseph Black. December 13 ua2 

I wish to pay tribute to Joseph Black (1728-1799), 
Scottish chemist and physicist, who is one of the 
greatest scientists who ever lived. I have no doubt in my 
mind that had T visited Joseph Black in the 1760’s and 
had I informed him that E = MC 2 , he would have 
replied. "I believe what you have stated is very possible 
since my years of research have indicated to me that 
some immense energy does exist in mass or matter.” 

With Joseph Black's brilliant work and great insight, he 
would have had no difficulty or hesitation in accepting 
the validity of E = MC 2 . 

It is appropriate first to discuss chemistry and heat as a 
prelude to analyzing the Three Laws of Thermodynamics. 

A. Chemistry is the study of the composition of all 
forms of matter found in the Universe. I will demon- 
strate that chemistry is consistent with my single 
teachings concerning the nature of electromagnetic 

in chemistry it is presently stated that every bond- 
ing between atom and atom, as well as between 
molecule and molecule, represents potential energy 

Joseph Black 

Courtesy of Edgar Fahs Smith Collection. 
University of Pennsylvania 

About 1770, Joseph Black made some brilliant 
discoveries concerning heat. Black showed that heat 

‘ ..u- imrouuce tne lact that all chemical reaci 
d ffer > en inVO J * ,ectronia 8 neti c energy. It makes 
[when ?he WhCther the reactions are endothermic 
(when the reaction absorbs heat, light, or electric 

othefmi^r 1 f h fmS of eJectroma 8netic energy)] or e 
electric'^ W Cn tht * rcaction leases heat, light o 
lectrical energy]. Scientific conclusion all chem 

represented a quantity of something and that temper 
ature w as the degree of hotness. In effect, he had 
discovered that heat and temperature were not the 
same. Not one of Joseph Black's contemporaries had 
been able to establish a sharp distinction between 
heat and temperature. 

To the great surprise of Joseph Black’s colleagues, 
and even to us today, Black demonstrated that water 
continues to increase in temperature until it comes to 
a boil and then the termperature rise will stop and re- 
main the same until all the water is boiled away. Such 

made taS analy2c 3 Scrious «*»■ 

whether hea, was a7,an n f “£* dcba « 

or whether heat was slmni^ Cn " ,y callcd C 
stated by the critics of the Catorlc Th ° ‘ m °‘' 1 
■Ion concept of heat Is still h , Theor T Th < 

““ SUCh 3 ra "«P' W -o t he Kineu c°Theory S ' 

a constant temperature is observed even if extreme 
beat is employed. Moreover, the reverse is true when 
the vapor or steam condenses. 

Joseph Black also established that a mixture of ice 
an water remains at the same temperature — 
a t lough heat may be emitted or absorbed — until it 
is transformed entirely into ice or water. Black used 
tic term latent heat” to describe the process of heat 






pul oiio l'" '"' 


k lemurs Ml" ll " 


■" ; " 'T, 

■;!S'.*"'"-- , rSnMn* : 


.... . viTu. 

Si* ‘I' 1 ' 1 "* h 

lumechi llchuI 

h ”" kll ' a w ” T 

P„il„wi..« <i* k “' It ^^vcifMily wvoumcil 

« v< " ’ | ,. , rved ■ 

f<« »" P '^'!!",mcna »*""»'» " 

s;s& *•«*»» •'•'-"■v 

The following arc ihc cwcnllal P t w lu l 1,lc '' 

Caloric Theory ai cftabllahcd In 177 

II, caloric I. an daatlc fluid * l>»rll*lc. repel 

one another. 

( l) Calorlt particle* are .trongly ted by lhe 
particle, of other Matter, ami different kind, of 
Matter attrac t calorie with different •tmigth. 

($) Caloric I* Inde.tructlble and uiicrealahle. 

(4) Caloric can he either “sensible" or “latent,” l.r., 
either felt or .tored. l atent heat U “ chemically 
combined with particle* of Matter to chaise a 
.olid Into a liquid or a liquid Into a vapor. 

(5) Caloric doe. not have weight. |()fcour.e, heat 
doe. have weight according to I’ M< T.| 

The theory offered In opposition to the* < ialorlc 
Theory was never so direct and this opposition theory 
required a long time to evolve. Ah early an 1020, Sir 
I'rancls Bacon had said, “Ileal Itself, Its essence and 
quiddity, Is motion and nothing else," Tills line of 
thought was endorsed by many oilier scientists 
following Bacon's time, 

Ai tills point It Is Important to Indicate a s< Icnilflc 
1 during the time this Caloric Klncllt arguinenl 
was undergoing Intense debate, there was absolutely 
no s< Icntlfk ;k < epiaiu e that there was even a < < Mince 


^;;T, wl " 

r ne ,«r»» licnluml" 

■; Vhhi.'I.."'" 1 " 

,u,ni ' | ,, ivli)g tin' boilng " • OM'.vbrM/'/f b/c 

-- -;v; 

viibiilv "I lm " U" , TI,,. only point Humloul 
,. M( .’^bon’<’i !! |) ( ulng experiment Is 'bat 

wl.b ibis cannon boilng 
1 ££„*.• 


"" ,. 1(hCi )t i K |i prranurr •» u " < '‘ 

with metal • "id'ig o • • im . u ,| being cut su ‘ h 

p»» ‘'' mk ’\‘ r «r.>niK-'...-.i,uiiicuip<'»' r,>l 

high pressure Is a if 

the screw. (Ungbsh chemist, 

In 1700, sir Humphry I y * lo , uc U by rubbing 
,77H IHW) CWKC tw>, Hr , blmrd 

w “ Mlmply 

caused by motion. , lf lhe p cl ,t 


rrsr:::r::s=- :r 

s,on. |Ucmcmbcr that It 1 be 

Danish physicist ‘ ,N,t •’ dh J ovc ‘ ’ , lr( lll( |, y ,„al 

iwcen electricity and magnetism, iiwi.ilt. imny, 

magnetism arc all electr omagnetic encigy | 

beat release Is a result oj 
lhe compression oj atomic eulllies which 
comprise all Mailer. 

I, Cl’s examine several facts: Molecules consist of 
atoms, Atoms consist ol smaller entitles, 

Question, What comprises the smallei cnililcsf 
lU'inember, from the beginning ol this Ihiok. I have 
hypoiheslml that atoms anil all Mattel » onsist • »i elei 
tromagnctlc energy, / , gyroscoph i yp« l»*"tlr les 

The sclent llli' hypothesis com cinlng the Inieiltir 
slrudure of ib<- atom lias i bangeil continuously over 
lhe yeais, < )vn thirty fundamental atomli p.utt* les 
have been released front the nut lens ol an atom I h« 
more that Is known, the more the mystery deepens 
I'irr, cnily , iiliysh litbi aie no long* ■ 1 veil « < iialn 


III!' I'.NKItl.V MA( MINI- Ol' (OSl'I'll UI'WMAN 

protons, neutrons, fact. ^ P. 

r.S or^nTwiS.ou, volume" - ma.hema.lcal 

P-n““ .en t .«c und—g of 
Manor, this same description would app^y to d. 

netic energy and possess gyroscopic, 
characteristics which can be explained and Pr'd cted 
Such characteristics are also true for heat absorption 

Some scientific books presently teach that a com- 
pressed gas cools or loses heat when it expands (see 
Figure 31 -Cl), and that a gas gains heat when com- 
pressed (see Figure 31-C2). 


C. This is simply not true! What occurs is just the 
opposite! When the gas is compressed, the atoms 
within the molecules are pushed closer together, emit 
heat (electromagnetic energy comprising all atoms), 
and cool down. The gas feels hot “to the touch” for a 
given time because the atoms within the gas emit - 
not absorb - heat. [Such a process is analogous to 

QUESTION: What does the statement ' to ber 

ANSWER : It means to absorb heat. To “becom 
r^^Tto emit beat. When the gas expands qJ Co<j| 
absorb heat, i.e., "gyroscopic'' electromag netic ai0m s 
energy equal to that which the atoms originally i 
on being compressed. This is why the g as will -, 
cold to your hand since the gas absorbs heat f r 
your hand. When expanding, the gas molecules' 1 ! 
possess inertia as a result of producing a contin * S ° 
Unobvious Force when under pressure (similar 
ing on one end of a taut rope and having it Sna ° ^ 
reaction). The concept of “speed” is also a deter ^ 
factor — refer to the speed discussion in Section^ 08 

D. Examine several additional facts: 

1 . In the 17th century, Robert Boyle demonstra 
that for a fixed quantity of gas, the volume and ^ 
pressure are inversely proportional, i.e., halve th 
volume and double the pressure; double the voi C 
and halve the pressure. 

2. In the 18th century, Daniel Bernoulli demon- 
strated that by increasing the temperature of a gas 
one causes it to expand in a definite mathematical Pr 
portion, i.e., double the absolute temperature 0 f a 
under constant pressure and the gas volume doubles 

3. In 1787, Jacques Charles established that all gases 
held at constant pressure will expand in proportion to 
the amount of heat applied. 

4. John Dalton, English chemist and physicist 
(1776-1844), observed a 50°F. increase in the 
temperature of a gas when its volume was halved by 
rapid compression. 

QUESTION: What do these facts indicate? 

A^ SWER: Th e “gyroscopic” electromagnetic energy 
comprising atoms (which comprise molecules) has a 
particular “space area” necessary for any given 
substance. If one compresses the area demanded by 
this gyroscopic electromagnetic energy comprising 
atoms, such atoms will emit a definite, minute mathe- 

closer together emUheat'leU^^^^' *** atoms the molecules are pushed 

- <•"“> h^'lelearomagneuc mergy , comprising aU 'ad cool dome 

such Anger, causing 

Ceived as the sensaton “ "j" bC P "' 

matical portion of this electromagnetic energy ii. . 
form of heat, i.e., a random flow of gyroscopic pa 
tides. Such heat release permits a smaller demand 
for the balance of the remaining gyroscopic partic 
(electromagnetic energy) comprising the atoms un 
pressure. If heat is added to a given system, the 
demanded area is increased due to the minute gaii 
additional gyroscopic particles resulting in a pressi 
rise relative to heat input. 


L i' PROOF . ro the boiling P oint 

d s icmp erature wh j C h time heat 
l In «** a !Im * P» usc du hcd Without a further 

SSaVorni into a gas „ condc nsing. 

5? « 

55 ^^^-- iithcgMhas 

„_, n t he liquid is expanding 
P,ANAW3N; ,n P ^^rhe electromagnetic energy 

ESt^STequently. the el aloms ' demand- 


- ^electromagnetic energy W £re<J>P (2) , the 

SS » «P andi "VoTume consequently, the electro- 
i( . decreasing > n . a t 0 ms’ demanded 

tgnenc energy thcir dectromagn— 

is decreasing »■ the ato ms demand 

-rietic energy c°mpn s ' n 8 elec tromagnetic 

(3) *' hen 'dmpr When n .he pressure Is increased, 


phyS ^i^ e C nergy| Therefore, such atoms can and 
rSaddUiona, heal. As .his process occurs, ad- 
ditional gyroscopic particles are absorbed by ih 
atoms to maintain the expanding demanded area. 

atoms are absorbing heat, a lesser temperature wtU 
be required to cause the atoms to absorb heat. As a 

result, the boiling point is lowered. 

When the pressure on a liquid is increased, the gy 
roscopic” electromagnetic composition of the atoms 
demanded area has been decreased; consequently, 
such atoms will emit heat. If the atoms are attempting 
to emit heat, a greater temperature (or higher tempera- 
ture difference) will be required to cause the atoms to 
absorb heat. As a result, the boiling point of the liquid 
will be higher. 

31 E 

(4) To raise the temperature of a gram of water by 
1 °C. to its boiling point requires one calorie for each 
degree. However, when the 100°C. boiling point is 
reached, 540 calories are needed to boil the water away. 

QUESTION: What happened to this additional heat 

The heat input expands the demanded area 
°f the “gyroscopic” electromagnetic composition of 

PROOF Water expand more ^ resuU is « xac ^ 

;; s : p pb r BucT:nginuiiy P — d - 

as the brilliant Josep Theor v 

SC S°rcsoUbc Caloric me motive 

5k atoms of the demanded a agnctlc compos.- 

scopic-tyP e 'P arlic CS f .* acquired considerable m- 
,ion Within the atoms) ha q d , 50 0 times. Such 
erlia with the capab.luy o P rming obvtous 
expansion has the capaci V >| urblne . However, 

Work, It, pushing a P £S the va por under a 

pushing a piston ° £. sult of such pressure, 

^r:^-r position e 

atoms within the water molecule. 


Unuoushf instead of only during compression? 

A!® Once 

retention results in an Unobviou . When 

s- » * 

fSee “speed” discussion in Section 30-L.) 

Energy is internally used within the atoms ‘ ° f ' he (he 
gas antfwithin the atoms 

a ' AcmallTl'am amazed’that others have had difficulty 
in understanding what is so clear to me. The facts a 
there! In chemical reactions, there are many instances 
where large quantities of electromagnetic energy 
(heat) are emitted or absorbed. Yet the Matter resul 
ing from the reactions (supposedly) always weighs the 
same. EXAMPLE: In separating the hydrogen and 
oxygen molecules of water, large quantities of heat 
are required, i.e., 5,400°F. which is twice the melting 
point of iron. The resulting gas volumes of oxygen 
and hydrogen will weigh the same as the water did 
one strikes a match, the oxygen and hydrogen will 
unite back into water. Such water will weigh the same 
as before, but it will release all the energy (gyroscopic 
particles) originally acquired during the separation of 

t U /j nncoc 



QUESTION: Is heat nothing, and yet it is capable of 
causing extreme changes in Matter? 

ANSWER- No. Heat is electromagnetic energy (gyro- 
scopic particles spinning and moving at the speed of 
light) and such electromagnetic energy comprises all 
Matter In accordance with E = MC 2 , it simply requires 
vast quantities of gyroscopic particles to comprise a 
single speck of Matter. It would therefore require an 
incredibly sensitive scale to weigh the difference of 
release or absorption of Matter on an atomic basis. 

Such a scale presently does not exist. 

Lavoisier’s classic series of experiments — which 
had scientific inadequacies — were intended to prove 
that Matter did not lose weight when burned or altered 
in chemical reactions. His statements are based upon a 
scale be invented that could weigh by a water drop the 
differences in the weight of Matter. This scale was an 
accurate invention for weighing commonplace items. 
However, Lavoisier’s scale is totally inaccurate for 
weighing the loss of Matter in the form of gyroscopic- 
action-particles or electromagnetic energy in the form 
of heat, light, etc. Conclusion: Antoine Lavoisier 
invented an inadequate scale. 

heated it occupies a greater volume "B" ( cx 
scale). In physics, this fact is presently referred^' 1 
a thermal expansion phenomenon! 

This thermal expansion phenomenon is exm 
via my consistent Theory that heat is electrom" 1 ^ 
energy consisting of gyroscopic particles and th^'' 0 
such electromagnetic energy comprises all Matt ** 
Joseph Black also explained the thermal exp an ^ 
phenomenon in the 1760’s. The gyroscopic-ty D ' 0n 
particles that comprise all atoms in material 
physically have a preferred demand area with 
to the total electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic^^ 1 

Heat is electromagnetic energy (gy ros ' 
particles spinning and moving at the ^ 

of light) and such electromagnetic ener^ 
comprises all Matter. ” 

tides) within the material at the moment material 
occupies the space described in Figure 31-E (6) A 
[NOTE. A “demand area’’ is defined as that area 
physically required by the mechanical nature of 
particular number of gyroscopic particles ] 

QUESTION. Considering the validity of E = MC 2 , how 
much energy is contained within a drop of water? It 
should be obvious that such energy is vastly greater 
than any energy release occurring via Lavoisier’s 
restrictive experiments using an inadequate weight 
scale. [Remember, if totally converted into energy via 
E = MC 2 , the mass of a railroad ticket contains enough 
energy to run a large train around the world several 
times!] It is also very significant that Lavoisier as well 
as his scientific contemporaries had absolutely no con- 
ception that E = MC 2 . 


(6) It is a known fact that Matter undergoes a volume 
change when its temperature is raised. The volume 
expansion within solids is small, e.g., with a 10° rise 
in temperature the body of a bridge will expand ap- 
proximately .04 inches for every 33 feet of ire i.nmK 

e A - but after it has been 


m me moment material A expands to occupy 
space “B,” additional gyroscopic particles or electro 
magnetic energy (heat) have been absorbed by the 
atoms of the material. This changes the preferred de 
mand area of the gyroscopic-type-particles which 
comprise the atoms. In essence, the material absorbs 
heat by physically expanding to accommodate the 
resulting effects of the additional, quantitative input 
of gyroscopic particles. 


(7) Every gas has a “critical temperature" above 
which it cannot be liquefied. 

QUESTION: Why is this so? 

A NSWER : Different gases consist of different atoms 
which contain varying quantities of electromagnetic 
energy or gyroscopic-type-particles. Such atoms re- 
lease a minute portion of these gyroscopic particles in 
the form of heat. This heat is released in varying 
amounts before the particular demand area is suffi- 

In essence, the material absorbs heat 
by physically expanding to accommodate 
the resulting effects of the additional , 
quantitative input of gyroscopic particles. ” 

ciently reduced to permit the atoms to physically 
compress close enough to become a liquid. 
__ XAMPLE : Helium atoms have to release more gyro- 
scopic particles to become a liquid at - 452 °F. than 
carbon dioxide atoms release to become a solid at 
109 F. Here is an interesting fact: liquid helium re- 

rjbIV less gyroscopic ^‘ide or 


i sz&g&tes^<r 

„;:;!^ * £■_“££&• upo C^" 


of g y-o Pi c 

^ ,c :x^ cdifcerem 

rr rhat when atoms are sub- 

d^So^P^ 1 ' are subbed to expan- 

warm up T t itv of gyroscopic particles is 

^^ZC%ifexpan. If atoms have 
added to atoms, then Y ^ gyroscopic particles 

C, Z°M com P osit ‘ on ’ then SUCh 

^contraa,^ , conduction, etc. 

}l £ r cf dance when water becomes frozen it 

,9> « 1 betn exception to the above rule. How- 
appears to be a P u Because the atoms do 

**• rX^pec. to one anothet, as the mole- 
“derate and demand a definite area relative to ad- 
joining molecules, such action causes the molecules to 
ireate a solid form of water occupying a larger space 
than it does as a liquid due to empty space. 

See Figure 3 1-E (9)a. 

FIGURE 31 -E(9)« 

Since all molecules consist of atoms, the molecules 
react in accordance with the “instructions” of the 
atoms involved, i.e., the atoms of ice are compressed 
to their occupied area. 

Such compression is proven by observational results 
first brought to my attention by my lovely and devoted 
wife: when water is frozen in ice trays, the ice will at 
times form as shown in Figure 31-E (9)b. 

such formation can only oonu f ™ n«Ting pr°« ss 

wSb? fee -b-nd puf « ° has y „ frozen, 

JT-'SSS, and freezes very rapidly- 

(Vo> Let's now return " y^Td’ thetembbing 

wronged that 

hear release is the 

volved! The coefficient of f _ friction a nd pressure. 

— iction 

QUESTION . What does this really mean. 

FIGURE 31E(10) 

HASH,., to- 

B ^ 

1 1 

If material B is moved in tne oirauu.. u. - 
the the rough surface edges of matertals A and B are 
compressed in opposite directions! The rou gh ^ges 
of material A will tend to be ground forward in 'he 
direction of the arrow and the rough edges of material 
B will tend to be ground backward, or in the opposite 
direction of the arrow. 

CONCLUSION: All heat (electromagnetic energy) ^ 
released from Matter as a result of friction is in reality 
the result of two surfaces being compressed in opposite 
directions. Therefore, friction is compression in a 
lateral direction on the outer surfaces of matter as a 
result of mechanical conveyance of energy pressure. 

This can be simply proven by quickly rubbing the 
palms of your hands together. You will fed your hands 
release heat which comes from the atoms within your 
hands being compressed in a lateral direction. As soon 
as you stop rubbing your hands and hold them apart, 
you will feel the opposite results. Your hands will 
now feel cool for having released the heat, i.e.. the 
gyroscopic particles or electromagnetic composition 
of your hands. 



What is the conclusion of what I have shown with 

respect to heat? , . 

All heat emitted from Matter - whether a result of 
chemicaTreactionT mechanical compression react.on, 
conduction, etc. - is released as a result of the gyro- 
scopic-type, electromagnetic particles (which com- 
prise all atoms) being reduced past the point of their 
original demand area. As a result, such atoms will emit 
electromagnetic energy (heat) to adjust to the smaller , 
required demand area now occupied by the balance 
of the vast quantity of gyroscopic particles (electro- 
magnetic energy) remaining in the Matter. 

"All beat emitted from Matter is released 
as a result of the gy roscopic-type, 
electromagnetic particles (which comprise 
all atoms) being reduced past the point of 
their original, demanded area. ” 

All heat absorption from Matter — whether a result 
of chemical reaction, mechanical compression reaction, 
conduction, etc. — is absorbed as a result of the gyro- 
scopic-type, electromagnetic particles (which comprise 
all atoms) being expanded past the point of their 
original demand area. As a result, such atoms will ab- 
sorb electromagnetic energy (heat) to adjust to the in- 
creased required demand area of the total electromag- 
netic energy then in the Matter. 

It would therefore appear that energy tends to flow 
from a condition of higher mechanical pressure (within 
one atom) to a condition of lower mechanical pressure 
(within another atom). I must stress, however, that I 
do not wish this concept (or any of my other concepts) 
to be interpreted (by those who follow me) in such a 
manner that the interpretation stifles further questioning 
or curiosity by a young person learning this informa- 

“ Au beat absorption from Matter is 
absorbed as a result of tbe gyroscopic-type, 
electromagnetic particles (which comprise 
all atoms) being expanded past the point of 
their original demanded area. ” 

tion for the first time. The above statement may prove 
to be totally incorrect since I have obviously not seen 

zsszszsr* and a " poss ' b,t 

The critics of the Caloric 
we« w tha ' H h ' " S Simpl> thc result of mot ion. 
s.a.ed bv7h! 8 Hea ' “ ' he resul ' of ">°«on as 

magnetic energy) in Matter, heat does have motio 
you know from earlier Sections in this Book, o v ° As 
scopic particles move at the speed of light. Bcca u ° 
Joseph Black's work anticipated E = MC 2 , his brill'* 
insight was far in advance of his time W e ow e hi' 3 ' 1 ' 
recognition and respect for his accomplishment 
Section 31-B ) tS (St * 

Heat is electromagnetic energy (consisting of ay 
scopic particles). Gyroscopic particles (or electro^ 0 ’ 
netic energy) comprise all Matter. Alterations in th * 8 
beat (gyroscopic particles) of Matter cause a chan C 
the amount (gyroscopic particles) of Matter i n zee* 
dance with E = MC 2 . 

32. I shall now proceed to constructively refute th 
negative doctrines that are a result of the present C 
“Three Laws of Thermodynamics.” 


1 . The Three Laws of Thermody nami cs were con 
ceived without an understanding of the relationshi 
between heat (gyroscopic particles/electromagnetk 

energy) and Matter. 

2. The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were con- 
ceived without an understanding that there is an 
energy relationship other than the simplicity of Work 
= Force X Distance, Power = wr, and Force = Mass 
X Acceleration. 

3 The Three Laws of Thermodynamics w ere origi- 
nally conceived without any knowledge, understand- 
ing, or anticipation of Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 . 

4 The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were origi- 
nally conceived w ithout an understanding of Gravity, 
Electricity, Magnetism, Inertia, Matter, and Planetars 


B. QUESTION: If none of these things were under 
stood at the time that the Three Law's of Thermody- 
namics were conceived, how' can these three laws be 
so "all encompassing” as to be capable of predicting 
— on a seemingly “infallible” basis — the "Doom of 
the Universe” and the “Total Impossibility of 
Perpetual Motion?” Those who made such predictions 
must have understood the mechanical workings of 
the Entire Universe. 

QUESTION: Did they? 

“ The Three Laws of Thermodynamics 
were conceived uitbout an understanding 
of the relationship between beat 
(gyroscopic particles /electromagnetic 
energy) and Matter. ” 



|Thrfff i odyfl*"* 0, 

(jHW *»»‘ cl 

, flow la^ iiM- 

hr r ohV»U * ,hr V '' "'ut^d in 1HV> by 

>^*s£ «** !•_“ 

,,, 1 /in 1 

, lhu formo/ h * at 

nt I»M“ »'oM 

w r \"^c‘m^^ haul> ' 

' A , 1( .,nrrii* r 

•»«»< ' Z of »'*• UW 
ltlJ l tntem 

I I lor 

, lhl» l'* w * ay? 

mrntv, ihl* mean* 

, lir<a r.n»M | '"" ,, ' y u ' ^y* < *»*<*' on ‘' 

1 11 ; t ■■• 

' i lir Fa<»* h 0 f all Ma<«cr 

■ Inon of al« M«tw< 1 

' , Thrrntndynani 


■ ,twr rlic- c-c.-'KV i 


... |,r.( law 1,1 "" | -, w ,,l Thernindynantl, " 

" , l , w „i Thrrire,dyf«inh» 

1 "C; i 1 ” 1 

W .\’X, Then V"*' ™ y 



- : nw ,r**K. '* 

,y unaided hy any 

<, ronan |»'y | iiiu mat i''*’ • i'» 

y,,„( onvey heat I""" " 

.hi. heat will ;;;7 , | ';' W A " , ,=,««. «*»• 

heal a.-' >" ; * „r,l.|.w «-l« ""’"Te M </ 
!7,Ky|whh'’ ' rl “ c V i' , hl" unldlrc. 

";„7hV '7‘'7^ h 7sccohd l awol 

limit >« 11 'r, IK V Tiooth «.. heal death) 

idynamlt.. Impl wllh un- 

,1m ,r the fat t» now preaented In 

lonn.le.1 ''“'^''^indcd .tatement to he totally 
.1 letter prove "'I. • |cnir „, ha. been an ex- 

l„, orret ll Till, nega v< » „ of telenet- 

iron.- hlndrant e to the I k I , in<J ha , 

‘n^-< - v— — 


_ ^ ... .i.i. u, .u nernctually splfll 



I,,,, lien. man, It. many of the Ihlh- 

heal in he only Ih. n.nli 

,l„ I Matter IntoKyi,,,,,, It | .h 

cner K y (heal) a. Implied by 

lllant work of Jn.t-|ih Ilia, k Noi did ih, y 
,hM Uni (consisting of gyroscopic P ;,rll ‘ ln ’ 
magurili energy) was ( onvertlblc hilo Mailer. 
V rtr < omplelcly IkiioihiiI < onrrrnlnK •' M( 
i ignoramr, iliry would lr.iv<- nald • • » • <uiyoiir 
iy t tint h ,i Mairmrui w;u» Mupld, In my opinion, 
Mla< k would have readily a< < rplrd llic Implh a 
il I! - M(/ 

'i/Zt, Sadi (annul, published a papri rnllllcd 
< ilonn on llic Mollvr I'nwcr of I leal " ( -a mol 
Htovcrnl dial heal muni flow "downhill”) 
inti i ha nyr Irom lilyh lo low inupriaiiucs lo 
m w</d^ '.in li a i oik luwloii wait baser 


A ”V M; ‘" rl ' uy'fKytoM oph particle) 

credible clcctfOmannetU energy my 

C<> A chain°reactlon could be Induced within a 

-on within the |,hy»h al httundar c» of ll 

,i, aii lie u Im uvroscople pui’lh U s (c let 

nauge Willi lllgll lo low leiuperamM n iw 
uk, Sin li a > oik luslon was based upon llie 
i of pilmlilve Invcnilons and lias no real 

M P - /I | PI 1 1 1 1 pi I v ' II i v» III 

n with die ensenllal nature of heal oi 
oseph hla< k under 

uai ii. mu' • ii in .1' ' ii 

,.iei«iood the nature of heal 

1700 olliers did nol 

eon .Won within the phynh 1 

niaterlal.. All heat In gyrmcople punk It » < ,u< ' tt 
neth energy). All Matter I. gyrtmt t.ple partk e» (dc 

n, o|.lt- ttarllt le» In the lorm nl'licat, light, elet 
auortle lleltk. clcctrninagiicllc 

I/O 0 others did nol 

, li wa<, i Mill luded iliroiiglioul llie hi Iciilllle 
y dial i arnol's discovery ol a deflnlle dliec 


Wiivcit, ell 



particles In llie form ol m ai, ngm, « 

, Het iromagnellc fields, cIci troinagiKMU 

, Hcctromagnedc racllatUm, or In smalle. qu»n 

M ;, Its total physical form, However, It makes no 
ivnc e In whal form Matter Is released, since it Is 

always composed of gyroscopic particles (elcctromag' 

- a, so ^ -SSSyST 

(electromagnetic energy^ understanding of the 

physical Matter! Ha v mg ^ gyroscopic particle (elec- 

‘beat * • z ' £ ’ ro - 

“77be gyroscopic entity I have 
described in this Pooh perpetu^y spin 
and travels at the speed of tight <« 

accordance with E = MC 

One of Joseph Blacks important discoveries was 
that different substances have different cap iC^e 
absorbing or emitting heat (electromagnetic energy). 
EXAMPLE If 1 kg. of iron at 80 °C. is immersed in 
flfSVatct a. it. .hen the equilibrium tempera- 
ture is found to be 43.7°C. In other words, tbe s “™ e 
amount of beat (electromagnetic energy) has resulted 
in a much greater temperature change in the iron 
than in the water 

The same unfounded statement of the Second Law 
of Thermodynamics is also used in present physics to 
have stamped the final label of FUTILE on the quest 
for Perpetual Motion I would agree that Perpetual 
Motion would be futile as long as one accepts the 
validity of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as ex- 
plaining everything in the Universe for all time. 

However, I challenge such validity. It is easy to 
recognize that in this sense, the Second Law has oper- 
ationally been a deliberate attempt to close young 
minds who would be otherwise willing to question 
the finality" of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. 

I am sure that there are many who read this Book who 
have been so unjustly influenced. Please recognize that 
the conversion of physical Matter to electromagnetic 
energy (gyroscopic panicles) and from electromagnetic 
energy (gy roscopic panicles) back to physical Matter is 
ptetpetual throughout the Universe and this phenom- 
enal energy change can be conceptually understood 
and technologically harnessed in the immediate future 
for the incredible benefit of humanity'! 


E. The Third Law of Thermodvnamics (developed 
1888-1902): ^ 

In 1902, measurements of the heat reaction of 
vanou 5 substances were examined, and it was found 

MriZZr T Cfg,eS experienced >n increasingly small 
25 c _ he reaction approached absolute zero 

Kt-hln nrri°^ ,h ° Ugh ' was W,ia,ed in >848 bv Lord 

ont^e rm^ 0mS ° n ’ K " OWing ,hal " hen «**«« 

one degree from 0= 10 - I °c a gas loses 1/27* of 

'h Pr ,?l Ure Kd ' in rcasoned that at - 2^3 °c uas 
should have no pressure and he caUed - 2^3 ’(f^ 

absolute_zero. Scientists at the time further reasoned 
is simply the absence of "heat,” the,, 
there should be a point when there is absolutely n<) 
heat This reasoning demonstrates a complete | Jtk , , 
understanding that heat is actually electromagnetic 
energy (gyroscopic particles) which comprise all M a , 
ter and that E = MC 2 . [Kelvin's knowledge is valuable 
however, in terms of designing my Pioneering | nv<;n 
tion where atom unalignment is important since heat 
causes random motion and rapid atom unalig nmcnt . 

In accordance with the above concept regarding ,L 
absence of heat, the Third Law of Thermodynamics 
was proposed. It states that every substance known 
to man undergoes entropy, i.e., a measure of the 

proaches zero as the temperature approaches absolute 
zero (- 273- 16°C. or -459.69°F.). 

Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 and the work I have 
accomplished prove that this statement concerning 
entropy is totally incorrect. 

Kelvin’s results are explained by my prior discussion 
that heat (gyroscopic particles/electromagnetic energy) 
loss from Matter causes the atomic entities to demand a 
smaller area. This is why gases lose pressure at low 
temperatures since they are becoming a liquid state. 

The concept that cold is the absence of heat should 
be corrected as follows: Cold is simply a condition of 
less gyroscopic particles or electromagnetic energy 
(heat) in Matter. As long as one has Matter, one still 
has gyroscopic particles (electromagnetic energy or 
potential heat). Matter at - 459.69 °F still contains tre- 
mendous electromagnetic energy (or heat if properly- 
released) or vast quantities of gyroscopic particles 
spinning at the speed of light. Only when Matter is 
gone, is all potential heat gone. The mechanical 
essence of E = MC 2 is the gyroscopic-action-particle 
which is the basic building entity of all Matter 

“Matter at -459-69° F still contains 
tremendous electromagnetic energy. ” 


F. It is totally amazing to me that these three laws of 
thermodynamics have been so long accepted, know- 
ing that their total premise is one of negativism which 
completely stops the creative thinking processes of a 
student w ho is motivated to question or discover a 
method for a better energy invention that would 
ultimately be of service to humanity. However, in 
spite of the negative intentions of those who devel- 
oped it, the First Law of Thermodynamics proves just 
the opposite! It is a most positive, scientific statement 
Although this may appear superficially paradoxical. 

I w ill make the positive statement that there is no 
place m science that negatii ism should he allowed 
exist! The entire history of science has proven over 
and over again that, w henever it has been thought 
that something was not possible, it later turns out to 
be possible. Therefore, as the facts have proven. 



£%£«« f '""r;*o decade.,. I 

- ' 1,1 ‘ „ifie efforts of ne | .-scientific 

?r^-" s ' many J^S suchln|ustlcc 

J were and •*. huI . on the contra. 

are contrary. 


1 ,/nges to occur whW |fled questioning, 

juf - 1,1 • tll j S time — n<u advancement 

-■ and ^ 

’■ "'^’and the Human Ra c f danls will look 

discuss this educational prob- 

■n in greater detail- 



Chapter 19 


•■II certainly 
must |oln up 

join the Interstellar gas or they 

The following IS a very special tribule to Michael Faraday, whom I quote: 

Here end my trials for the preset,,. The results are negative; they do not shake my 
strZg feelings of the existence of a relation between gravtty and electricity, 
though they give no proof that it exist. 

[from Michael Faraday by L. Pearce Williams - originally from Experimental 
Researches in Electricity , paragraph (2717)] 

Throughout the prior work I have presented, I have proven Faraday’s brilliant insight correct. The following information 
further corroborates such insight. 

33. A. I wish to thank Dr. Robert Smith (Chief, Orbital Space Environment Branch, Space Sciences Laboratory. NASA. 
Huntsville, Alabama) and Dr. Ellsworth Huntington (now deceased) whose work Dr. Smith forwarded to me. Dr. Smith is a 
thinking, questioning scientist who spoke in my behalf when others would not. 

[Refer to Dr. Smith’s letter of June 22, 1976.] 

B. Dr. Smith discussed my work with others for several years. When Dr. Smith found that he w'as unable to encourage 
others to speak out regarding my work, he then wrote an even stronger letter in my behalf. [Refer to Dr. Smith’s letter of 
March 20, 1979 ] I hope the reader recognizes the scientific courage and intellectual honesty of Dr. Smith, since he had 
never seen a working Prototype of my Invention. 




,nalAofO niU, ' c * a d 
fW, “ ' Adm'f 1 ' s,rfl,ion 

, I IhHU <■ 


22, 197 6 


JOB9 ph W. Newman 

^i^r vood Drive, Sa.t 

SU.AL 3*618 

Dear Jo®-' 

_ , . u u vt*rv worthwh ile, 

oral ilmcut. bohova that n i* vc 1 

. ■» •••« irrrsr 

cussed about - information that supplements and complements 

" boSS which ay (a. rar as 

b^.btataed from th. Library oi Co, .gross. If those pages «• 
go^d examples, than tbs entire book would bo o£ groat value o you. 

, iniond to discuss your work with Dr. Willis Webb, an atmospheric 
scientist At the White Sands Missile Test Range, N. M. , ^is ^ h 

lie has a newly developed theory on the electrical structui 
I intend to give him a copy o£ your paper and aok him to contact you. 

1 have thought about your smoke experiment In the Jar and 1 believe 
that the particles that are suspended in the air are more than likely 
ionized and, therefore, should align themselves with the magnetic 
field lines. They probably stay ionized for long periods of time, 
because there aro not enough other particles in the jar to make them lose 
their charge through collisions - the way they would if they were outside 
the jar. 

In my opinion, the only way you can get the approval and widespread 
dissemination of your work that you want is through publication - 
preferably in n technical journal like the Journal of Geophysical 
Research, or the Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, 

1 would highly recommend the former and advise you to spend the 
time and offort required to got it accepted for publication. 



not as valuable as getting your 
•— “ ,h “ 

ctudy your work and I will provide you with 
I am going to continue to -h ^ J Uon as I find it. Once a^n, I 

»■ * appe a * u - 

results could be very bx gnihcariT: 

Please let me know if I can help you in any other way. 



Robert E. Smith 

Chief, Orbital & Space Environment Branch 
Aerospace Environment Division 
Space Sciences Laboratory 

"Earth &c Sun" 


33- B 

1Z5 Westbury 

Huntsville, AL> 

March 20, 1979 



^om » May COnCS corresponding about his 

. w Newman and 1 nave nee vera l years. 

haVt ', s and results aie corre , ,- h Joe conducted his 

rocedures d> If the manner in which - al or 

Robert E. Smith 



c. Earlier in this Book. I have demonstrated the 
Unobvious electromagnetic (gyroscopic particle) effect 
of Matter and its "unequaling effect" which has been 
popularly termed "gravity.” I have demonstrated the 
gyroscopic mechanical motion of electric charges and 
magnetic fields which attract and repel. 1 have 
demonstrated how electric current (consisting of gyro- 
scopic particles) is released from electromagnetic 
fields. I have demonstrated that the negative and 
positive charges moving in an electromagnetic field 
are in reality a gyroscopic-type-particle traveling in 
different directions, comprising all Matter, and 
creating the effect of inertia in Matter. I have shown 
that the gyroscopic-action-particle is literally the 
mechanical essence of Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 . 

I have also demonstrated to any individual with ade- 

“It is my Theory 

that a central electromagnetic field 
completely encompasses our Galaxy’s 
electromagnetic field and causes our 
Galaxy to align with and orbit this central 
electromagnetic field. ” 

quate powers of reasoning that a new source of 
energy can be released from gyroscopic fields of force 
which are comprised of gyroscopic particles in mo- 
tion. Considering these facts scientifically, one would 
surely conclude that the entire Universe is composed 
and controlled by these gyroscopic particles (electro- 
magnetic energy). 

Current astronomy books use words like ‘‘queer, 
odd, and peculiar” to describe many of the motions 
of planets and their satellites. Yet, such books provide 
no reason for these motions other than saying that 
“they just occur that way.” 

I will now explicitly apply the previous information 
presented in this Book to our Solar System, as well as 
the Universe, and I will demonstrate by using the laws 
of Magnetic and Electrical Forces that there is a par- 
ticular reason for all astronomical motions. 

The following information must all be Mastered 

t^e/food^H 031 CSSenCe iS ap P ,icab,e to space’ 

we knn Production, and the future safety of life as 
we know it on planet Earth. 


TT ry ' haI 3 Cenlra ' elK'romagnetic 


Kshiks? caus ” ^ » ■“*» 

magnetic field encompasses the s ‘ h ' S elcctro ' 
magnetic field. In turn the Sim SUn * ° Wn electro ' 

P ““ all of „s pianets and 

magnetic fields. Such planetary, electromagnet 
include the Earth's electromagnetic field whic^ f ' Clcls 
the Moon to align with and orbit the Earth sin CaUs ' :s 
Earth’s electromagnetic field encompasses the^ ^ 
electromagnetic field as do the other planets’ f - ° f>n s 
encompass their respective moons. In essence'^ 
everything in the Universe moves in alignment 
the gyroscopic-action-entity composition of res W ' th 
electromagnetic fields. The observed interacti PCClive 
these unobserved electromagnetic fields in sp° n ° f 
called "gravity.” In reality, gravity is the “uneau ?• 

effect” of the gyroscopic-action-entity comor^i, * ' ng 

all Matter. H ltl0n of 


E. In 1967 I wrote a 25-page document and sent • 
the physics and astronomy departments of fifty.® 10 
major universities in the United States. [These *■ 
sities are listed in a later chapter ] In this documemT 
made the following prediction: 

“ It is also stated that the Earth ’s magnetic North 
and the true North are different. However, / con 
tend that they are not different in the sense that 
is suggested. The magnetic North and the true 
North are one and the same, the difference being 
mathematical points of contact in reference to the 
Earth and its movements through and by electro- 
magnetic fields of force. ’ ’ 

I was very certain from my own simple experiments 
and the known laws of electromagnetic induction that 
the Earth’s magnetic field was being warped into 
Space as the Earth’s magnetic field merged with the 
Sun’s magnetic field. 


F. Present astronomy teachings state that the Earth’s 
magnetic axis makes an angle of approximately 11 % 0 
with respect to the Earth’s true axis and that the 
magnetic axis and true axis are different. This conclu- 

“In essence, everything in the 
Universe moves in alignment with the 
gyroscopic-action-entity > composition 
of their respective electromagnetic fields. " 

sion has been made because the point on the Earth's 
surface where a magnetic pointer will point straight 
down was found to be approximately 1500 miles from 
the Earth’s true axis of rotation. (See Figure 33-F.) 




. o rhe conclusion 

f ^^^-V d,obe ' nth ' 

^ krth's ^ € [he Earth s true axis. 

_ he a logical 

, would appea 

tS^lHhe Earth’s true axis? 

^ 11,0,10 would app« r to ^alogica' 

s cien' 1,lC c Experimentation warpe d when 

So -C So 10 Seld will alw ys ^ ^ , c fiel d. 
,nw" cr m f d " r ,1 k- influence of a ‘a 8 the 

tjrougl 1 ' ^^^jarger e * e ^ tr ^ m r^^sequ’ently. ■ was cer- 
^“electrotnagnotio _«* ' Held must be 

a St tfie Earth s electromagn^ ^ [|k Suns 

S the Moon’s and re5U |ted in the 

anil s elect ' 0111 8 ot jon and positlon in SpaceJ 

I 00 " 5 ° b i e Cr of t ears I diligently sought to • 

However, such an attempt on my 

G. The following data represents the very first infor- 
mation I assembled. I did not simply select these data 
figures from a large group of figures and then attempt 
to make them match. They are and were the only 
recorded figures available. I assembled this data and 
searched for a mathematical connection since all of 
my experiments and the known laws of electromag- 
netic induction convinced me beyond any doubt that 
there would be a connection. 

34. A. Since February, 1974, the amazing mathematical 
proof that I assembled represents the exact results I 
predicted from experiments in 1967! [Please observe 
that we will be discussing DEGREES X MINUTES. I con- 
servatively used 90° X 60’. However, the possible 
angles could have been anything within 360° X 60’. 
The conservative numbers I use are more than suffi- 
cient for the PROOF which I sought.] 


PROOF: The Earth’s magnetic axis at the Earth’s 
surface traces out” two circles every day, each circle 
aving an approximate 23°, 30’ cone that is equal to 
the radius of the circles having an approximate 23°, 

2r cone .raced cue by fbc Ear, b’ S . rue axl-vcry 

25,800 years. 

c. ’ 

QUESTION; Why isn’t the ^gree^ofangle^ ^ ^ 

the"Earth’s^rue axis and i 8 „ produ ces 

^^-^M-Pi g ure34,> 

34 ■ .us i have already stated that 

D. In Secuon 33-E, 1 ™ the Earth ’s true axis 

B- m 

Moreover* ^predicted that the b Ea "f s ™f™gnehc 
was being warped into Space y Earth's 

field and such warpage caused the effect 

"true axis.” 

F These mathematical Facts in Sections 34 -B and 
M-C are proof that my prediction ,s correct. (Sections 
34 -G and 34-H represent further proof.) 

r The angular degree of the cone traced by the 
Earth’s magnetic axis at the Earth’s surface (approx 
imatelv 23 0 30’) is equal to the angular degree 

Earth s ‘ frue^axis’ ’ to\e perpendicular of the p ane 

of its orbit around the Sun (approximately 23 , 27 ). 

(See Figure 34-J.) 

H. The mathematical odds of probability for these ^mea- 
surements happening by accident are also 29 , 160,000 
to 1, i.e., 5,400 degrees X 5,400 minutes. (Refer to the 
“QUESTION” in Secti on 34-C since it appheshereQ^^ 

“In 1967 , I predicted that the Earth s 
true axis and the Earth s magnetic axis 
were one and the same. 

I. Current astronomy teaches that a peculiarity of the 
of the Earth’s position in Space is its tilt with respect 
to the plane of its orbit around the Sun. The Earth is 
canted at a fixed angle of approximately 23 l /2 degrees. 
No further explanation is offered except to say it just 
exists this way.” 

j! The mathematical Facts in Sections 34-B and 34-C 
combined with those of Sections 34-G and 34-H are 
strong proof that the Earth’s true axis is the center of 
the cone traced by the Earth’s magnetic axis. The 
Earth is tilted from the perpendicular of its orbit 
around the Sun by the warpage of the Earth’s magnet- 
ic axis which aligns with the curvature of the Sun’s 
magnetic lines of force. (See Figure 34-J.) 



is P r0> 

, r the probability ‘>f 

ii. The nva'hcmauw* «^^ c ^ ia |iy>* eM^^ 1 ^ 
these stailsilcs being 400 x *>.400 X 
IS7.464.000 to 1, ’ 

r 1 ... '"''" ,n,y ^ h ' s ° ri ’" 

\£** I, ' n ) ld for -eh orbital incline 

£ *» Wliy " 7 
other ,wn 1967. 1 proposed 17 

p i '>'r"" < " ,y «» bol |' cs "'° VC m 

"" IVCr '‘ r any single body as UorbUe 

" M '' "" North or South past the 

degrees Noun •/,// />« 

.r Nnrth Or jwm |W 

MW° rmed 

ysmagneile or electrical field 

$ we orbiting body'' 

JJJ Tbedisirlbulio n of the orbiting body » ' 

?y ” ZvuTor *52S ^ area 0/ 

the body being orbit ul. 

E - " «SSrrSS Sc" W "wlaSver 

say |n g i„ Su«menOVu.» . ^ Eatth would 

a d r.h°e «C« onhe Moon w„h respect to the 
Moon s orbit both the Moon 's tilt and its or bit cn 
weed by their relation to the Earth * magnetic and 
electrical fields. ” 

F. In 1974, the following statistics arc the veiy first 1 
assembled from available astronomy data. 1 must 
stress that 1 did not select these statistics from a large 
group of statistics and then attempt to match them. 
These were the only quoted statistics regarding the 
position of the Moon with respect to the Earth. 


, Wc between the *oon> 

, why me : ..r <>v o'. 

iy lull * lnc „ . o .y, or 07 » ■ < 

tut the Earth’* orbit * oxlma tc n K urc which 
, dcarcc than the apt relationship* 


provides •• v 

(S cc «.»«»« > lc _ for the tUt of Ihr 

2 Why isn't U.c ««« plane of l» 


l'lgurc }4-J-) 

uurc ' . 

r .iiiilc between the Ear 

, why Isn't the degree of angi Qther than 

trn*xl, and -He 

this exacting Statistic ( * approximately U 

i! The mathematical fa “ S “of the Moon s 

35-G and i*H are «*°£g£fg <a the plane of Its 
tilt (of Hs axis to the P«P d n the Moon s or- 

orbit) and .he ln deed relative to the 

bit and the Earth s orbl ' „ cle s field of the 

electromagnetic (gyroscoplp^ ^ J the electromag- 

Moon Intertwining 1 . , of the Earth. As a 

netlc (gyroscopic 1^^) JLW lhe Earth and Moon 
crude analogy, one c ••invisible streams of gyro- 
surrounded by billions ^ light and 

scopic panicles" S p n; ^' cach gyroscopic 

traveling at the speed of light .. electro magnetlc 

particle within a given stteam has an , e t0 


knowledge In mind.) 

G. The degree of angle of the Moon’s orbital inclina- 
tion with respect to the Earth’s orbit (approximately 
S degrees, 9 minutes), plus the degree of angle ol the 
Moon’s axis-tilt with the perpendicular to its orbit 
around the Earth (approximately 6 degrees, 41 
minutes) is equal to the degree of angle of the Earth's 
magnetic axis with respect to that of the Earth’s true 
axis (approximately 11 degrees, 4S minutes). (Refer to 
Figure M-J.) 

sbms® 3 s 3» 

recorded astronomical statistics coincide a at O 
the prediction, /.<•.. the mathematics ot P^blllty 
indicate that the chances of the Facts occurring by 
accident" arc so unlikely as to be almost Impossible. 

36. Because they were unjustly taught In Astronomy 
to memorize the statement "the Sun's magnetic field 
reverses on a 22-year cycle," there arc those who will 
blindly state that all of the above Facts discussed m this 
Chapter are Incorrect. 



A The following represents my scientific reasoning 
— why The Sun's general magnetic field doc. 


not reverse 

B. Present scientific data states 

Sunspots fade in strength every eleven years This 
pattern is but a phase of a twenty-two year cycle 
in which the Sun 's magnetic field reverses itselj. 

■■ The eleven-year cycle of the number of sunspots 
doubles if the difference in magnetic polarity is 
taken into account. Information shows the polar- 
ity of the leading spot in a bipolar group during 
a cycle in one hemisphere have North polarity, 
while those in the other hemisphere have South 
polarity. As the cycle progresses, the spots 
appear, on the average, at lower latitudes. How- 
ever. the leading spots of the Northern hemi- 
sphere still have a North polarity and those of the 
Southern hemisphere a South polarity. During the 
next eleven-year cycle, the leading spots which 
appear at high latitudes of both hemispheres are 
of reversed polarity. Therefore, the real cycle of 
the sunspots is 23 years and not 11.5, which 
would be the length of the cycle if the spots were 
judged solely on their number. And that one major 
reversal of the Sun s magnetic field look place in 
1957-1958 when sunspot activity was at a max- 
imum, During this period, the North magnetic 
pole of the Sun became magnetically a weak 
South pole and the South pole became a weak 
North pole. 


C. Present scientific data also states: 

... hejw magnetic fields of the sunspots and of the 
Sun are studied by the Zeeman Effect (the U henom- 
enonof spectral lines splitting due to the jwe cm <• 
of a magnetic field of affluent intensity j and that 
it is not ea sy to measure solar magnetic fi elds of 
h undreds o f gauss. This raises the question doe, 
the Sun have a permanent, general magnetic field '? 

‘ If a permanent magnetic field were present it 
u ould he manifested as a widening of the spectral 
lines from any point on the photosphere and not 
ll^Jrcym th^urispoty Because the spectrum of 
the photosphere is often observed with extremely 
sensitive instruments, it can he stated with cer 
tainty that if such a general field exists, it must 
he extremely weak Its intensity cannot he greater 
than some tens of gauss (Emphasis added . 

36 7 

wnh my ron 0 w. 

From my original writings, the following j, 
tlon provides a description and drawing ,,| 
ment I conducted on Wednesday, lo j. M ' ' 
1968: (See Figure 36-D.) 


S Point B 

Point A 



90ff MAGNET 

*0ui H 


1 eel long 

' ■ — — * 

"Experiment Puzzling?" 

“When a large 90-pound magnet (previously J 
described) is laid down and two, smaller, I -inch 
diameter, 6-inch long magnets arc placed end to c 
and placed where they are attracted parallel to the 
90-pound magnet, they appear to have the same n, 
larity as the large magnet to which they are attracted 

“There should be a South pole at point B and a 
North pole at point C, but when the South pole of a 
smaller 'A -inch diameter, 1 -inch long magnet is p | accd 
at point A on the large, 90-pound magnet and is ai 
tracted, it should be repelled at point B on the 6-inch 
long magnet’s South pole. However, it is attracted 
there also, but if they are taken away from the 
90-pound magnet in the same position as when they 
were attracting, they then repel — ?" 

Only after I conducted further experiments did I 
understand what was happening and that there was a 
repelling of the South pole of the smaller magnet 
when placed at the very end of the South pole of the 
6-inch long magnet. 

"... whenever there is a stronger magnetic 
field merging with a weaker magnetic field, 
the true polarity of the weaker magnetic 
field should he slated with caution. " 


E. Scientifically, this experiment proves that whenever 
there is a stronger magnetic field merging with a 
weaker magnetic field, the true polarity of the weaker 
magnetic field should be stated with caution Similarly 
sunspots’ magnetic fields have been found to possess 
strengths of up to 500,000 gauss With a low strength 
of tens-of-gauss measured during sunspot activity the 
Sun’s general magnetic field should be stated with 
caution The Sun’s general magnetic field will hci" n 
siderably weaker than sunspot magnetic fields at 
one point However, because of the total size of the 
Sun’s general magnetic field, such a field ts immense) 
stronger than all the sunspot fields combined 


™* **fc*CY MACHINE Of 


at points 1 and 2 depending upon which magnetic 
field is strongest. If the poles reverse in polarity but 
maintain the strongest field, the weaker general field 
at points 1 and 2 will also reverse. If the polarity of 
the poles remain the same but the strength of the poles 
reverse in terms of which side is stronger, then the 
weaker general field at points 1 and 2 will also reverse. 


H- Therefore, I have presented a sound scientific and 
vtual argument that the polarity of the Sun’s general 
mi »gnetic field has not been studied by the Zeeman 

Effect, but the general Held of sunspot activity was 

SoesIiSn' H ave you, the reader. Mastered wh* I_ 
have taught* Do not blindly accept what 1 teach, bu 
question the -Facts" for yourself. Similarly do no. 
blindly accept what one was originally taught to 
“memorize’’ when one studied Astronomy. 

I have questioned previously accepted concepts and 
the “Facts” have clearly convinced me that what 1 
teach is indeed correct. Based upon these Facts 
combined with a ’’rigid format of Logic, you » must 
decide for yourself what is “true and what is false. 

As one who values scientific precision, 1 urge you to 
discard what is “false” and adhere to what is true . 

37> A . EXAMPLE: Consider the statement, “The Moon 

presently has no magnetic field, it is unlikely that 
Venus has a magnetic field, and Mars may have a very 
small magnetic field.” „ 

The above statement was proposed by scientifically- 
oriented individuals. As a scientist, I was astonished 
that anyone could seriously accept such a statement. I 
now understand that such individuals have been un- 
justly influenced by a teaching system which rewards 
memorization and penalizes serious questioning ot 
statements which may currently be accepted as true. 

B Well over 100 years ago, Michael Faraday clearly 
demonstrated that neutrality to a magnetic field does 
not exist! The Facts known prior to my teachings clear- 
ly demonstrate that the Laws of Electromagnetic Induc- 
tion apply to planets, stars, etc., if there were any 
magnetic fields involved. From my own experiments 
with magnets and the known Laws of Electromagnetic 
Induction, I was strongly predicting such astronomical 
results in 1967. 

C. In 1967, while I was predicting that the Moon 
would be found to have a magnetic field, everyone 
else (whose work I read) was saying that the Moon 
did not or would not be found to have any magnetic 
field of any consequence. For example, after an analy- 
sis of the Explorer 35’s results, it was concluded that 
if a permanent lunar field existed, its magnitude 
would be less than two gammas. The Moon was con- 
sidered magnetically dead by the scienti fic community. 

In contrast, I was so positive that the Moon would 
have a magnetic field — my attitude being based upon 
my experiments — that I wrote Dr. Robert R. Gilruth 
(the previous director of NASA) a letter on January 3. 
1969 still predicting that the Moon would be found to 
have a magnetic field when the astronauts made their 
first landing on the Moon. If my predicted results 
were not corroborated, then I would readily admit 
that my document of 1967 was wrong; but if 1 was 
correct, then my comments should be given immediate 
attention. (See copy of my letter [37-C1] to Dr. Gilruth 
dated January 3, 1969 and the copy of Dr. Gilruth s 
letter [37-C2] to me dated January 21, 1969 ) 




3062 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 
January 3, 1969 

Dear Dr. Gllruth: 

I have been advised by Mr. Ben James of Public Affairs that 
you could assist me in my endeavor. 

Two years have passed since X wrote a Scientific Document on 
How Bodies Move in the Universe, and I have been unable to 
get any other scientist to prove or disprove my document! 

Enclosed please find a list of fifty-six colleges that re- 
ceived a copy of my document at their Department Head of 
Physics and Department Head of Astronomy, where applicable. 
Very few even offered the courtesy of acknowledging that 
they had received my document, and even fewer made comment. 
(Please see attached) 

Also enclosed you will note a copy of a letter from Hunts- 
ville Space Administration and National Science Foundation 
to which there has been no follow-up correspondence. 

Also please note the enclosed copy of my Scientific Document 
and a scientific article which I had printed in the Mobile 
Press, December 22, 1968, at a cost of $650.00. 

On or about February of 1967, my patent attorney, Harold 
J. Birch, with the firm of Irons, Birch, Swindler, and McKie 
in Washington, D. C. arranged an appointment for me and ap- 
proximately six (6) scientists at Houston Space Center for 
the purpose of expressing an opinion on my document. Unfor- 
unately, I have since lost the names of these gentlemen. 

' — — - ^ vywv, uuinco ui oiieou gtrn citrnitrn. 

hey we re quite courteous but did not contribute a definite 
t v,? 4 . ei ?u nt t. eX j ep ^ say I may or may not be correct and 

t f,, bu r d f n of P ro °f was on me. One of the scientists, 



-rt O 

„t n. cn ruth 

Dr. *»%, 1969 
Fag c * 

(TC a 

s»rs ss »" r«.s”'.»S“» E i p r-s; 

K rs&ssiS® “ “ 8 ‘”” 

„ „ folio... 

My prediction for pr locat ed within 12 of Its 

I.. s^yxs? *»> sn »:°«rsu 


1 18 particular magnetic i ^-; onger 

ve^lts^pol'arlty changed lf ^f^i°£er is used as a compass 

SH^aSS^iS arr&K s& 

gnctlc role. 

ignctlc role. 

[irJoclTn reffreScf “S^eUSt^^ sclentlftc 
MTimcnts would be welcomed! 


ouu w. nuwinaii 

3062 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 




national aeronautics and space administration 

Houston. Texas 77Q&8 

JAN ii 1 W6.9 


Mr. Joe W. Newman 
3002 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 3G005 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

Thank you for your interesting document on the space program. 

The magnetic field of the moon is an area we have worked on some 
in tlie past. The U. S, satellite, Explorer XXXV, as you probably 
know, went into orbit around the moon carrying a magnetometer. 

This instrument, as well as a similar instrument on the Russian 
lunar lander, Luna 9, showed that the magnetic field of the moon 
is very small. It is less than one thousandth of the earth's magnetic 
field and may be zero. Even if the field of the moon were zero, in 
a short time it would have collected a small magnetic field which 
would be transported from the sun via the solar wind. We think 
probably this is the nature of the present magnetic field of the moon 
based on the experiments which have been carried out so far. 

We currently have plans for placing a very sensitive magnetometer 
on the surface of the moon in the second lunar landing. The payload 
for the first lunar landing has already been determined. The magne- 
tometer will try to study the field of the moon in more detail and for 
a longer period of time in order to determine whether it is, as we 
suspect, controlled by the sun. The result of this experiment will 
be published in the scientific literature made available to the press 
as soon as it is available. 

Thank you very much for your interest. 


Robert R, Gilruth 


■dered magnetically 

th c Moon^ ^ding o» 

S V" 

l ... rrv a "' 0 -' 

; aSgHSs; 

* A polI<> H H ,03 gammas at t east of 

inoU 1 ’ ” ,| () 15 crew meas in April, 197 

ft Ihr 'j’. K-.r landing site Singly high mag- 
here- “landing she. The 

.1* Vr d o< >» el T a „, carry a magnetometer 

[> oTE ,0- ' oersted ] ents obtained at the 

«* Moon is mag- 

'* A ^tM'' isi,edregi0nS 

acted these results before the first 
i I strong P r ^£‘ u , ere not me results pre- 

J2££5 jW* com«n«<ry *b» *•/** 

/ M «ar landing 

««* "byTatuuer S o m P e sciemisis have 
^red the hypothesis that the Moon’s permanent 
field is only localized. scientific conclusion. 

' d \ n °Lr~ t c “d“ ^scled “like .he 
EVt nr mL ofa snad ' and its intensity varies greatly 
dWefen. mineral deposit areas. My experiment* 
have scientifically demonstrated the complications of 
S strength and polarity of a weak magnetic 
field at a distance from its source, as did the Russian 
Luna 10 and the U.S. Explorer 35 experiments con- 
ducted before the first manned Moon landing. The 
reader may find it interesting that after the 
measurements of the Moon’s magnetic field were 
recorded, a new article stated: “No one predicted the 
magnitude of the Moon’s magnetic field.’’ I brought 
this news statement to the attention of one physicist 
and my original, strong prediction before-the-fact, and 
the physicist’s reply was that “1 had a 50-50 chance of 
guessing this Fact.’’ QUESTION: Do you, the reader, 
believe that the Facts indicate I was only guessing? 


O. From my experiments, the laws of magnetic and 
electric fields, and the “Facts,” I am certain that the 
Moon has a general magnetic field which is consider- 
ably weaker than the Earth’s field. I am also certain 
that a magnetic field will be found at any other manned 
landings made on the Moon, Venus, or Mars. 

S. The mathematical — " 

such statistics seven years u/tc-r my 
original prediction. 

3 8. A. ut’s examine other current ^ 

tronomy. The folio Frontiers of Astronomy by 
two books, Astro ”° ^ d Hoy ie. [Astronomy is published 
eminent astronomer Fred J ndon , 1962; Frontiers of 
by Rathbone Books. Ltd,. Amcrlcan Library, New 


nlgh,^ky L are onfy Uw nearby atarsTnsit^ ^ 

neti^^eld iTtTstrongly 1 '^^ 


The faci that the Earth anti Sun have magnetic fields^, 
well known. However, quoting from Fred Hoy _ ■ 

frontiers of Astronomy, page 10& “ I he problems of the 
Sun's Held is not as simple as that oi an ordinary magnet 
Figure 38-A1, “shows the pattern in which iron filings 
arrange themselves around an ordinary magnet. 



From Frontiers of Astronomy, page 1 10. 

fhe polar plumes of the corona suggests that the lines of force emerging from the n , t 
"... a careful exammat.on of the poi F p e 3g . A2 The | ine s offeree apparently make a bee-line dead aw aw Cs 
of the Sun show the behavior > e lhefC seems to be that they are ever going to curve round and 

the Sun. and the farther they go tne u// , ^ //wcJ of force go to? This question raises a p U zzu IO ' n 

up with the lines of force from the otner f ■ t(J 

dead a 

0 --.. 0 — vC round and . 
question raises a puzzle I *" 

UlUJ cr w 

l T o swoons™ .he observe of Sec, Ion 38-A. ■ conduced ,he ■bitow.n, .esc 

-/ S'~' f ' Perpen 

:.i -:V: 

• _ \ V ' " - - 



'■y> >/i'w ?;.y ... 

I scratched the drawing in Figure 38-B on a clear plastic rectangular pan (10'/2 ” wide by 17” long) and filled in the 
scratches with red paint so the image could be easily seen. Then I taped a small magnet (3/4” long by 1/16” diamet 
under the plastic pan as shown. I sprinkled the plastic pan with iron filings. When the plastic was physically tapped 
the iron filings arranged themselves as shown. The iron filings not in the immediate vicinity of the scratched draw 
in g were not aligned by the small magnet. It is easily seen that the magnetic lines of flux in Figure 38-B align as thev 
do in Fred Hoyle’s Figure 38-A1, but not as shown in Fred Hoyle’s Figure 38-A2. 

C. However, when the Figure 38-B experiment is physically moved to the vicinity of the equator of a large, 90-lb 
magnet, the results are as follows. 

/ / / / / 
/ / rrrr 

FIGURE 38-C / // / / / 

' ' / ' /// 
1 ' ! ' 'hU 

i'll l/i/^ 

EARTH’S ORBIT ^ / / / / // jEARTH 

/ 1 / t ^ t ! / / / AROUND THE SUN 

t t 1 / '[■ ] 

' 1 ' 1 1 1 ' 

URGE MAGNETIC FIELD/ / / / // /// 

iii / 'n iliii >> 

/ // / 1 1 , fiyr,??// , 

W"!' ! ! ' 

,t , / / / / Earth’s True Axis is now In the center 

,11 1 i of the Earth's warped Magnetic Axis! 

///// 1 1 1 1 
'll I' 1 II 
1 / - / / / / / 



, . ...» olwerve t 

(I) gruvlty 

ol ,l„. c lcftroin»»g , ' c, * t ' * 

.flcMUepICcd'nF'gurc.^ • • 

;;; ■ '^iy*" rped , , 

».rji‘ hc ^ d "^. s me mugnc.- 
N ,„ih •"' ll s,u !J C ( rhls elicit varies 

risss^ «*•“• 


Ti# w" - ,H - C ” 

, , ,hc magnetic lines of Hux In 

W ,.M «*' ‘ l, ’'f.h"yd,,lnFrciM | oyksHgulc- 

l K m. ,?,hown In I*'rc<.l Hoyle s Figure 

«»■•» ihcl^movc directly eitniy from the .miall 

• « “lit question raised by the 

I l lc *' 1 .i . pi»ih uhi.wn In 

n»a8 nrl 

Sc ilckl Shown in Fred 

w ,hc . S “ n , * rZ K <8-A2 - upon which mere 

*' weed answer Is now answered 

. „,jv was “i* — ..,n t (he Sun’s 

prC '!^H!i J rxocrlmcnt demonstrates 
M) s " n| 1 (1 .i'i ,-onnccts will, a far larger magnetic 
US Shown In Fred 

Hoyle's Figure 3«-A. 

n The irue depletion of our Sun's magnetic field 
Lid he shown as In Figure AH-A of our Galaxy s 

Held Thepoli lines ' “use 

apAarir >«gurt >8 K1 simply becaus 

„ arca ol the Sun has the st magnetic lines ol 

f orcc which contain strengths that dominate the Sun s 
polar plumes. Examine the two, top and bottom 
center arrows of Figure 3H-A and compare those to 
the ones in Figure 3H-A2. You will sec that such ef- 
fects arc a duplicate of one another. (Sec Figure 3B-1X) 

i lie results of Figure 3H-A combined with my 
teachings and the known Laws of Electromagnetic In* 
,l '" 111,11 1 learly demonstrate that our Sun and .hi <«i its 
panels arc affected and governed by the clcctromau 
nctlc effect since: 

• con»po»cd of 

i In ilir l»#8lr 

( 2 ) «» 

il»C HU) 

building entity of 

i-v Ions lor other astro* 

39 . Let s examine my c xpianatu 

inimical statements; 

A- Asi n »m .my caches that “h* ' s 'mu \ yJndsp^c-ri- 

,ton and that ai all times It keeps the same 
turned towards Earth. 

B. Pi 1 J"Lhcd^oUhc'L» 

Moon rotated more rapidly, but tin d«. g 
Induced within Its once plastic body by the more 
massive Earth, robbed the Moon ol ll " "P . 
r Earth's gravlvailonal pull upon -r m»l M# on 
title the Mill'll fcuinn tbc Harm Is probably 

for U» comlnually facing .he Eatdv 

c On August 4, 1971, a scientific finding was 

Lushed L, .he IS lopsided wUb .he on 

its backside. (This contradicts the hypothetical 
“popular statement.") ^ 

/ therefore concluded the Moon 
keeps the some face towards the Earth 
because the Moon Is close to the Earth ant 
the magnetic and electrical alignment of 
the Moon s and Earth s I leitis of lone ate 
stronger than the cc ntrlfugal /orce 

i>. From experiments l conduced in I'uu* ^ n *' 
small magnets covered will, varying amounts of clay 
and fixed where they could orbit around a large, 
magnet - 1 observed the following results: 

The smaller magnet was observed to make an c lip- 
ileal orbit; It was observed to spin In the dhcctlo 
was traveling; and It was observed that when the or- 
bital path of the smaller magnet around the la.gct 
magnet reduced, the speed of Its motion around the 
larger magnet Increased. It was also observed that 
when the smaller magnet approached the larger 
magnet, It would begin to maintain the same ja i c 
towards the larger magnet. This result would cease it 
the orbit became extremely elliptical which causec 
the smaller magnet to spin erratically. 

ii. i therefore concluded that the Moon keeps the 
same face towards the Earth because the Moon Is 
close to the Earth and the magnetic and electrical 
alignment of the Moon's and Earth’s Fields ol Force 
are stronger than the centrifugal Joree (If the Moon 
moved farther from the Earth, then the Moon would 
start spinning.) 



siatemenr in 1967. 

,L afflux with fin- magnetic Hues afflux of the 
sun result, the orbiting body's degree of angle, 
speed, elliptical orbit, and the rotation on its <txis 
Zlivary as the distance varies between the orbiting 
body and the Sun. 

B. In October, 1970, I read the following scientific 

• Analysis of data by Stoyka at Paris Observatory 
has ret ealed accelerations and retardations of the 
Earth ’s rotation over the very short period of 
about one year. 

• The last word has not yet been said on this matter 
and there is still much to be done. Astronomers, 
though, justifiably worry about it. ’ ' 

C. This is precisely what I predicted in 1967 via state- 
ment 40- A: "... and rotation on its axis will vary ...’’ 

D. In the December 13, 1968 issue of Time Magazine, 
page 54, I read the following scientific information: 

Instead of spinning smoothly, the Earth wobbles 
on its axis. By sighting telescopes on distant fixed 
stars and carefully measuring their apparent 
movement, scientists have determined that the 
North and South poles — the points at which the 
imaginary axis of rotation Pierces the Earth ’s 
surface — are continually on the move. Over the 
course of a year, they wander about the polar 
regions in roughly circular paths about 50 ft. in 
diameter. The cause of the erratic wobbling motion 
has long been a geop hysical mystery ' ' 

E. Again, this Is exactly what I predicted in 1967 via 
statement 40-A: "... degree of angle ... will vary . .." 


E. I also read this scientific Information: 

" P °‘ eS Wm “ er ’ ■ tx-oved also In 

1912 in the South Pole by observations of several 

/<ZlZT^ ereaa,ong ,he arc 

There was no 

reason or explanation provided for 


biting the Sun A - a body o 

* U " " (wlll) - continuously try to align 

magnetic lines of flux with the magnetic lines of n 
of the Sun.” 

H. These scientific observations which I read and 
comments in Sections 40-A through 40-G coincide 
actly with the results described in Figure 34-j al C Cx ' 
with the mathematical proofs in Sections 34.3 ° n>< 
through 34-H that the Earth's true axis is generated w 
the Earth s magnetic axis. The scientific observau by 
of Section 40-D and Section 40-F demonstrate tha 0 ^ 
Earth’s true axis traces a small circle which is the * lhc 
result of the larger circle traced by the Earth's ma 
netic axis in the period of one year! 

I. It is doubtful that the circles described in Sect' 
40-D or Section 40-F will be closed circles. Such ° n 
circles would be open because the motions of the S 
as it orbits within our Galaxy — combined with the^ 
forward motion of our Galaxy — prevents the Earth 
from tracing the exact same orbit as the previous ve 
(See Figure 40-1.) Therefore, by conducting measure^ 
ments on distant stars one will observe similar circles 
as described in Section 40-D and Section 40-F 

41. A. Astronomy teaches that the planet Pluto has 
the greatest inclination of any planetary orbit. All other 
planets move in orbits that are only slightly inclined to 
the ecliptic, i.e., the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. The 
exception to the rule is Pluto which lies on a plane 
about 17 degrees with the ecliptic. (See Figure 41-A.) 


Popular explanation for Pluto’s inclination: Pluto 

may be a lost satellite of Neptune.” 

C. My experiments have shown me that the further 
from the source of a magnetic and electrical field of 
force — when that source is engrossed in a larger 
magnetic and electrical field of force — the greater the 
warpage of the lines of forces of that source 


D * This warpage is generated by the inertia of the 
source wanting to carry that source in a straight line 
as it orbits another source. 



E Pluto is 3,670,000,000 miles from the Sun (the 
source) or 39.5 times the distance of the Earth from 
the Sun. Therefore, due to the inertia of the Sun, the 
Sun's magnetic and electrical fields of force begin to 
warp as they continuously try to align with our 
Galaxy's magnetic and electrical fields of force. 

F. Because of confidence in the veracity of my exper- 
iments, I searched years ago for mathematical proof 
that Pluto’s magnetic and electricai fields of force do 
in fact align with the Sun’s magnetic and electrical 
fields of force. 

G. An additional mathematical argument is now 
presented! The degree of angle of Pluto’s orbit to the 
true axis of the Sun (approximately 65 °, 51 ’) closely 
equals the degree of angle of the Earth’s orbit to its 
true axis (approximately 66 °, 53 ’)• 

The following results were observed from the expert 
ment pictured In Figure 42-A: 

B. When the small magnet was maintained in a Hat 
position In the small dish, It would always travel to 
the magnetic equator of the larger magnet regardlcg 
of where the small magnet was originally placed | n 
pan of water. 


c. When the small magnet was tilted a small amo 
with one end upward, the small magnet would tra °i 
slightly North or South of the large magnetic cquat 
depending upon which end of the small magnet w- ^’ 
actually tilted. 

D, When the small magnet was tilted even more ' 
would travel even further North or South of the 1 ' 
magnetic equator. 

H. The mathematical odds of the probability of these 
figures "happening by accident” are 29,160,000 to 1, 
i.e., 5,400X 5,400. 

I. I have already presented strong proof that the 
Earth’s orbit and true axis are the result of the Earth’s 
magnetic axis aligning with the curvature of the Sun’s 
magnetic and electrical fields of force. 

E. When the plastic pan of water was lowered too 
close to the large magnet, the small magnet would 
start to tilt at an extreme angle and would move f Ur 
ther North or South of the large magnet’s equator " 
This process would continue until the small magnet 
was pulled under the water which would cause the 
small dish to sink. 



J. The same mathematical relationship has occurred 
again! This indicates to me that the same mathematical 
relationship operates throughout the Solar System! 
Such is the case because every smaller body aligns 
with the larger curvature of the magnetic and elec- 
trical lines of force of the larger body which the 
smaller body orbits. 

F. As a result, this experiment explains why all the 
planets orbit in the vicinity of the Sun’s magnetic 
equator in varying degrees of angle due to electrons 
netic alignment and the warpage of the Sun's electro- 8 
magnetic field. This experiment also explains why 
most stars orbit in a galactic plane. [I also predict that 
galaxies also orbit within the plane of their respective 
Central Entity. (See Section 52-M.)] 






why they are seldom found more than 40° North or 
South of the equator. Like the small magnet in experi- 
ment 42- A, the sunspots are probably pulled under 
the Sun s surface if they travel too close to the 
magnetic poles of the Sun. 

43. A. Astronomy teaches that seven of the planets 
orbiting the Sun have particular tilts to the perpen- 
dicular of their orbits, and two of the planets' tilts are 
unknown. (See Figure 43-A.) 

The tilts of the planets and their distances from the 
Sun are as follows. 

1 MERCURY, tilt unknown 

36 mill ion miles from the Sun 

2. VENUS, tilt 25° 

67 million miles from the Sun 

3 EARTH, tilt 23% ° 

93 milli on miles from the Sun 

4 MARS, tilt 25° 

142 million miles from the Sun 

5 JUPITER, tilt 3° 

484 million miles from the Sun 

6 SATURN, tilt 27° 

887 million miles from the Sun 
7. URANUS, tUt 82 0 

1,78-7 million miles from the Sun 
8 NEPTUNE, tilt 29° 

2,797 million miles from the Sun 
9. PLUTO, tilt unknown 

3,670 million miles from the Sun 

H. It is obvious that each of the following P |. 

Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune — ls n . C,s 
its true axis (which is the result of its magnetic 

the curvature of the Sun’s magnetic and eleetr ^ J u ‘ 
lines of force. (See Figure 43-A.) 

I. 3 It is also obvious that the degree of planetar 
tilt becomes progressively greater as the distan 

the Sun becomes greater. Venus is an except^ fr ° m 
therefore deserves verification due to its conti ° * nd 
cloud covering. Jupiter is an exception and is d U ° Us 
cussed next. 

J. Jupiter is so voluminous — it could accom 
all the other planets within its perimeter — and'h^ 
such a powerful magnetic and electrical field of f 
that it nearly cuts the curvature of the Sun’s li n f ° rCe ’ 
force into a straight line. (See Figure 43-Jl.) CS 0f 

The average distance of ]„ ni , , 

most remote satellir. rs 
23,660,000 miles. Th cre fo r V is 
tilt of Jupiter’s axis *0^2“* 
dicular of its orbit i s n n ? en ' 
degrees. A smaller electron^ 5 
field would cause Jupiter 
more, as it does with the si ' 1 
planets. (See Figure 43-J2 ) ^ er 


K. Uranus is diamagnetic in nature and aligns pern 
dicular to the Sun’s magnetic and electrical lines 0 f 
force. (The nature of diamagnetic materials was 
originally proven by Michael Faraday.) 


B. No reason is provided by currently accepted 
teaching which explains the above statistics other 
than the statement that “it just exists this way.” 


c. All the proof that I have presented to this point in- 
dicates to me that all planetary motion in our Solar 
System is controlled by the Sun’s magnetic and elec- 
trical fields of force. ,, T. 

43 — all planetary motion in our Solar 

Dm Fi 8 ure 43-A and the earlier Figure 34-j represent System is controlled by the Sun’s magnetic 

additional proof that planetary motion is controlled and electrical fields of force. ” 

by the Sun s magnetic and electrical fields of force. 


L. Astronomy teaches that all of the planets are above 
the Sun’s equator on one side of their respective or- 
bits and below the Sun’s equator on the other side of 
their respective orbits. 


M. There is no reason provided in current astronomy 
teachings except to say that “it just exists this way.’ 


of»:^r,sr ss,ve ir a greater differcn « 

‘ton 43-A), .he”urvat I f P ' a ? C ‘ (refcr to Sec ' 
Will have greater and greater arc!"" ' * ° f f ° rCe 


N. Figure 43-A shows the planets above the Sun’s 
equator; the planets hold their same tilts when they 
travel to the other side of the Sun, but are then below 
the Sun’s equator. 


O. The reason for such “tilt maintenance’’ is the 
same reason provided for the Moon’s tilt in its orbital 
relation to the Earth’s equator. (See Figure 34-J.) 


P. Examine my Theory of the Universe as I stated in 
Section 33-D. If you consider all the factual informa- 
tion that I have presented throughout this entire 
Book, the Facts verify my Theory! 


, <IM vc P^ urren , 
. ' f l‘ s ci^' nf,ca " r S ° U 1ha( "all bodies in ‘ h 

• ""TJSn* which say .? Lhlts. and dl 

sented are cer- 

, ”“ rC tST*** Sa V orb S and distances 
11 K ' :,C nfrticular angles, orb . ^ that 

••-53k in " l t1 a 

f‘-"" °J t one time. , understood. It should 

vt ‘ .,h was not clearty reoreS ents the 

icilon-endty) composition of all 

oetie (g> r 

. V 0 T u Vand "Mastered" 

44 ’rh Chief, Orbital ^ nd r S i^ Alabama, for having the 
2£,hall Sp»« F " 8h ‘ cognize a correlation between my 
^"""nmfwork accomplished by Ellsworth Hunt- 

- r roverflhyl«« a8 ° 

44 72 1976 (see Section 33-A), Dr. Smith 

B On June 22 Huntingt on’s work to me 

^rSlen^at “it supplements and comple- 
ments your work.” 

44 wr hour Dr Smith’s scientific insight, I am very 
C S toU would have ever known of this informa- 
nt appears that Ellsworth Huntington s work 

“ ot *“ ined fr ° m thC Ubrary ° f C ° n8reSS ' 

n After reading Huntington's work, I was ama “ d 
that it had lain dormant for all these years (except for 
the recognition of its significance by such insightful 
individuals as Dr. Smith), and I was very excited be- 
cause the reader will see that Ellsworth Huntington s 
work complements my work exactly. However, after 
pondering the results of my and Huntington’s work, 
as well as conducting additional experiments, the 
scientific results I have obtained give me reason to 
have concern since it appears that a possible catastro- 
phe may lie in the Earth's immediate future. [But / 
must stress that there is no problem which cannot be 
solved if the essence of the problem is properly 

E. The dedicated scientific work of Ellsworth Hunt- 
ington proves that sunspot activity is principally 
caused by the planets. The question asked by Hunt- 
ington was whether such sunspot activity was caused 
by a gravitational, electrical, or some other effect. 
Huntington believed that it was probably an electrical 
effect. (See pages 244, 245, and 284 of Earth and Sun 
by Ellsworth Huntington.) 

F- I will proceed to combine Huntington’s scientific 
indings with mine: Sections 33 through 43-P of this 
hook provide exacting, scientific evidence that the 

planets' tilts and orbits arc governed by electromag- 
netic fields of force. 

44 f 244 and the top of page 

G. On the bottom °f page stateS that so me- 

245 of Earth and Sun Hu i 8 upon sunspo t 

times the planets have a neg effect This was 

activity and at othe [ luntingt ^ n sinC e there was no 

very perplexing to “^b^xplalned by a gravitational 
way such results coul y be explained by 

effect. But such sunspot effects may o w 
an electrical hypothesis. 

H. in accord with such an electrical hypothesis, 1 

conducted tne rum 

coll of copper wire 1 


Magnet Q 


N 1 
/ [] Magnet 

FIGURE 44-h 

galvanometer / — t ^ 1 

m If the magnets were singly moved, a given cur- 
rent was recorded on the galvanometer. 

(2) A considerably smaller current was recorded on 
the galvanometer when the magnets were moved 
simultaneously at the same speed In different 
directions as shown In Figure 44-H. (Current Is 
now being Induced In two different directions 
and tends to cancel the net effect.) 

R) This simple experiment satisfies Huntington s 
concern re sunspots described In Section 44-G, 
since this concern can be duplicated with the 
Laws of Electromagnetic Induction. 

I. Throughout his book Earth and Sun, Huntington 
indicates that when the planets of our Solar System 
are in alignment with one another, they increase the 
quantity of sunspots. As a result of this observation, 
I conducted the following experiment: 



n j The greater the number of magnets aligned as 
shown in Figure 44-1, the greater the *moun o 
current that was recorded on the galvonome r 
when the magnets were moved as shown, When 
the magnets reached the second arrow and con- 
tinued on, the current reversed. 

(2) If the largest magnet moved alone, then less 
current was generated than if one additional 
magnet was moved in alignment with it. 

(3) This experiment satisfies Huntington s obser 
vation in Section 44-1 since that observation Is 
also duplicated by the Laws of Electromagnetic 

j. On pages 278-281 of Earth and Sun, Huntington 
states that another observed relationship which puzzled 
him was that sunspot activity varied as a planet was 
North or South of the Sun s equator. This observation 
is also explained by my experiments in Section 44-H 
and 44-1. Every time the direction of movement or po- 
larity direction changes, an electromagnetic induction 
change can be expected in accordance with the Laws 
of Electromagnetic Induction. (See Section 44-M.) 

K. On page 225, bottom of page 245, and pages 246 
and 247 of Earth and Sun, Huntington indicates that 
there is a relationship of sunspot activity to a planet’s 
eccentricity of orbit. 


(1) I then simply applied Kepler’s Second Law of 
Planetary Motion which states that “the radius 
vector would cover equal areas in equal time.’’ 

(2) Consequently, the difference In the rate of speed 
Of orbit velocity for all the planets varies con- 
tinuously. (See Figure 44-K.) 

(3) In accordance with the Laws of Electromagnetic 
be e“ pe° c ; d a COm ‘ nU0US * n ‘"“““‘o" “* 

W However, remember that both the direction of 
movement and polarity being moved through 
pertinent In terms of whether the change Is 

In harmony (giving a total Increase | n 
or not In harmony (tending to . atl ( , / 
sunspots). [Refer to my expcrlm c . nt , ’ 

44-H, 44-1, and Figure 44-M.) 

L. The average sunspot cycle is 1 1 . 13 years 
However, as Huntington states in Earth ana 
(page 253), sunspot maxima had ranged frorn ^ 

17.1 years. 7 3 to 

M. With respect to the Laws of Electronic 
Induction, it is an intriguing test of logic to 
the resulting force (or effect) of a planet (and* 01 '^* 1 ' 
panying electromagnetic field) moving through aCco,1 i- 
Sun’s electromagnetic field in a complicated lhe 

CQ m ann er 


(1) The planet moves in an opposite direct! 

through the Sun’s electromagnetic 0^^°" 
the planet is on one side of the Sun i n 
when the planet is on the other side to 

44 -M e °f the Sun 

(2) While on one side of the Sun, the planet 
down from the North pole to the South m ° VCS 
the other side of the Sun, the planet moy 0 ^ ° n 
from the South pole to the North pole.Yn 
cases, the planet goes into oop osit^^p^ 
polarity each time this occursT ThT^^ 
every 28 days sweeping this changing indu!!? 
effect Into the Earth and the other planets ^ 


(3) The planet also changes its speed through the 
Sun’s electromagnetic field when the planet is 
its farthest and closest points from the Sun ** 


(4) Each planet crosses the Sun’s equator twice and 

reaches two different extreme distances from 

the Sun during one planetary orbit of the Sun. 
(See Figure 44-M.) 

Therefore, considering Section 44-K (4) and Section 
44-M (l)-(3) and then applying the electromagnetic in- 
duction effect, one would consider these four point> 
[44-M (l)-(4)] the most important for determining th f 
average net effect. 



of Earth and Sun, 

. ,„ c l»»° m ° f ,K no. implying >ha. 

n 1 m ' ,,utes that he is H< . rive d from the 
H n HOgt° n d m su nspots 1 talyst to cause 

, agree " ,tn 

/electromagnetic energy), and 

rhe Sun is MattCf slv converted into electro- 
de Matter is fo rm or another. When 

tn«"« ,c '""“ induction, die Sun 
...ggcrcd by ?„ c oaverslon of Manor 

m.o^ > <’““ gI,c,lc c " erg> <S " Flg “ re ^ 

0) Electromagnetic 


^ • n force is above or below the Sun s 

dOC a.or As the planets continuously vary in 
their alignment, it is obvious that the resultant, 
dominating, electromagnetic induct.on force 
will also vary as it occurs throughout the 
observed sunspot cycle. 

O. Observe Figures 44-Oa and 44-Ob which are 
depicted below: 

(t” In Figure 44-Oa, the electromagnetic output of 
the Sun appears orderly. 

(2° In Figure 44-Ob, the electromagnetic output of 
the Sun appears explosive and, therefore, poten- 
tially hazardous with corresponding effects In- 

duced Into the orbiting planets. Imagine this 
effect greatly Increased. 

(3) ration r --7 0 rrr:r 

« their cioses. respcc- 

tive points to the Sun? 

located at other points upon the Earth. 

QUESTION : What eventfs) caused these c ange 

? 5 ) All the evidence I have gathered “ 

the Earth’s magnetic field reversed, the Earth 
would then try to turn upside-down to again 
align with the Sun’s field. Such an even. would 
cause earthquakes, volcanic erupt, ons, tidal 
waves, and atmospheric storms that would be dis- 
astrous to most life on Earth. Even lesser stresses 
placed upon the Earth can be dangerous. 

p As the planets affect the Sun (and the Sun affects 
the planets), so does the Sun and other stars in our 
Galaxy affect the energy force around which they orbit 
Moreover, this central galactic energy source also affects 
the Sun and other stars in our Galaxy. Fortunately, 
because there are so many stars in our Galaxy, the 
mathematical odds against a dangerous stellar align- 
ment are in our favor. However, the evidence 
presented does warrant an immediate and extensive 
investigation to ensure that such an alignment will 
not surprise us! The Universe does not “owe us an 
advance warning of such potentially catastrophic 
stellar alignment. It is up to us to use our intellectual 
abilities to determine accurately if such a threat may 
exist and to take appropriate measures to ensure the 
durable survival of our Species. 



1 C ZT\ y, 18 ' 1901 ' n,ar «' m lnlr 

sunspot minimum with short polar brushe 

sunspot activity. Characteristic 
long equatorial streamers. 

2. Corona, Aug. 30, 1905, near time ot maximum sunspot activity. The circular cor- 
ona characteristic of a sunspot-maximum period and the long equatorial 
streamers which give It Its typical form are here visible. 



45. The result of the Pioneer 10 passage by Jupiter is 
stated to have shown that the polarity of Jupiter's 
magnetic fieid in relation to axis spin is opposite to that 
of Earth's. 

A. / strongly challenge this statement. Jupiter has 13 
orbiting moons, and their magnetic poles will be op- 
posite to Jupiter 's and to the Earth s. 

B. The orbital period of these moons varies from 12 
hours to 2 years. The four largest moons (which rival 
Mercury and Mars in size), all orbit Jupiter in a short 
period of time.- 

Jupiter's Moon 





Orbit Time 

1.7691 days 
3.5512 days 
7. 1 546 days 
16.6890 days 

Average Distance 
From Jupiter 

422.000 miles 

671.000 miles 

1.100.000 miles 

1.880.000 miles 

C. Other results of the Pioneer 10 voyage state that 
the planet Jupiter generates a powerful and complex 
magnetic field. 


D. Jupiter’s magnetic field is complex since all of its 
moons have magnetic fields which are the reverse of 
Jupiter's magnetic field. These reverse lunar magnetic 

lions, ror cAdinpiv., uwn. piuucs encounter 
electrons of Jovian origin which were as rri RlJS| 1 
million miles from the planet. Jupiter gene ^ as 1 V 
powerful magnetic field which occasionall^ 1 ^ a 
ates particles to almost the speed of light / ? CCc k r . 

• squirts'' such particles great distances int^ thcn 
solar system. [My comparison: This sameef!^ ir >n Cr 
observed from solar flares associated with tfCCt is 
except greatly multiplied.] SUns Pot s 


H. The electromagnetic induction effect 

moons upon Jupiter is further evidenced h ^ 
that spots appear and disappear on Jupiter^ ^ faci 
the space of a few days or months. [My Co l SUrfjc « in 
This same description describes sunspots mparis °n : 
and disappearing.] a PPeari n g 

I. Jupiter’s Red Spot also shows a variance 

in color from an intense brick-red to a faint U Varies 
times it has lost all color and has become 0 ^ At 
is very likely that electromagnetic indue tionT^' U 
Jupiter’s moons also affects the Red Spot r ° m 


J. Other results from Pioneer 10 and 11 stat 
Jupiter is enveloped in a huge, quivering m a ! n . 
bubble at least ten million miles in diameter ^ 
magnetic force or movement of its magnetosnh t0tal 
been estimated to be about 20,000 times that of T has 
or Earth’s. 

‘‘Jupiter’s magnetic field is even more complex because its moons 
have a similar electromagnetic induction effect upon Jupiter 
as (I have shoum) the planets have upon the Sun. ” 

fields were encountered during the passage of Pioneer 
10 as evidenced by the findings of Section 45-E below. 


E. As Pioneer 10 and 1 1 crossed the orbits of the 
major Jovian moons, their equipment detected an in- 
teresting phenomenon: there was a distinct drop in 
particle flux at each orbital crossing. It appears that 
the large satellites literally “carve holes’’ in the 

bdIS by absorbin « ^"Cities 

* , ° n dunn 8 evef y ten-hour rotation of Jupiter 
f Jupiter s field lines on which the particles 

zs b b : c 0 k h and for,b " is “ 

caused bv ?h T ‘° ‘ be rCader that such results are 

fidd ‘ S eVen more corn Plex 
duciion effect upon ^un t Slmilar e,ectr °magnetic in- 
P-anets haveipTZZ" " « ^ Sh ° W ") 

evidenced by ^ 'the'stMem e< ' C I" dUCtion effecI is 
made findings that have r^sed^^TandVaffling ques- 

K. Considering FACT 45-J, it would be a complete 
violation of the proven Laws of Electromagnetic Indue 
tion for Jupiter’s magnetic field polarity to be the 
reverse of Earth’s. I have presented sound scientific 
evidence that Jupiter (as well as the other planets) has 
an electromagnetic field which merges with the Sun's 
and that all planets will take the path of least resistance. 
Such a path would be one which is aligned with the 
Sun s field and not one which generates opposing 
fields of force. Because of the great diameter of 
Jupiter s electromagnetic field, there would be a torque 
placed at both ends of Jupiter’s axis that should be 
phenomenal. Such a force would cause Jupiter to turn 
upside-down or move away from the Sun. Jupiter be- 
haves like a gyroscope, and with such a force imposed 
upon its axis it would most certainly move at right 
angles to that force. Each time that Jupiter travels from 
the North of the Sun’s equator to the South of the 
Sun s equator, the torque would be applied differently 
I have absolutely no doubt that I am correct and that 
Jupiter s electromagnetic field has the same polarity as 
Earth s relative to axial spin; moreover, the magnetic 
axis of Jupiter and the magnetic axis of the Earth are 
opposite to the magnetic axis of the Sun! 



l * ' the triggering 

I P r< in n u ' Ut /i /c also tftu , • • r»lcc- 

I tit' 1 - inUuction f " c d uw of Motion. To 


„ v , h e weather on all the planets is 

-^nS^ bySUnSPO ' 

cCflJ fternlno tll< 

| the MJH » 

46 , thr?l , brings to mind the finding that 

: C ; M ' Kagnettc lines of force have been 

P the Sun's surface and traveling into Space. 

‘ S'S nnr “ .ha, the drawn* depleted In Section 
w matches the description provided here cone* n >- 
I tm the Sun. Such lines of force are traveling 
| same point In our Galaxy 's magnetic field. 

D Therefore, the weather is probably affected (to 
some degree) if, because of the electromagnetic induc- 
tion effect, the planets arc struck by these "loops” as 
the Sun rotates. 

E. To those scientists who have had the Insight to 
recognize a relation between sunspot activity and the 
Earth's weather — and who have endeavored to con- 
vince "closed minds" of this fact — all of my com- 
bined findings arc scientific proof that your convictions 
are correct. 

47. Dr. Robert Smith recommended that my hypothe- 
sis should be capable of explaining the years 1645-1715 
(Maunder Minimum) when there was little or no sun- 
spoi activity. |For further information on this subject, 
see the article entitled "When The Sun Went Strangely 
Quiet, pages 154-156 In the March 6, 1976 Issue of 
Science News. ] 

A. Previous findings have demonstrated that the trig- 
ging of sunspot activity Is principally influenced by 
the planets. 

B. The evidence conversion 

electromagnetic energy. 

C. Therefore, when the the Sun's 

sunspot activity, this wou 1 h ad weakened, 

total Matter conversion processes hao 

[he sun However. 1 suspect other causes. 
r There is also the possibility that the satellites ° f 

= 11 = 33 . 

Sites remain aligned for only a short 

4 H Consider the negative and positive effects that the 
° n “ rlgg bring the induction of sunspot «• 

f Why ,, then seems .oglca. that star a.lgnmen. 

have an even greater negative and positive effect upon 

Uic total processes of the Sunl 

X. It is estimated that It takes 200 million years for 
the Sun to make one orbit of our Galaxy. There are 
also an estimated 100 billion other stars orbiting 
Galaxy - some requiring longer and oth “* a shotte 
period of time to make one orbit of our Galaxy. As a 
result, many con|unctions of other stars and the ce 
tral force of our Galaxy will occur. 

B. Re-examine Figure 38-A. It should become ob- 
vious that the Sun - in its orbit around the central 
force of our Galaxy - will come into conjunction with 
many other stars as well as the central force. It is also 

varying star alignments will 
induce some type of sunspot activity in 
the central force of our Galaxy. 

obvious that these conjunctions will vary greatly in 
terms of the number of stars In conjunction at any one 
time. Considering the previous findings which l have 
presented In this Book, It should be apparent that these 
varying star alignments will Induce some type of 
sunspot activity In the central force of our Galaxy. The 
electromagnetic output of this central force will vary 
ac cording to such varying stat alignments, and such 
varying output will affect the Sun's rate of total conver- 
sion of Matter Into electromagnetic energy. 




C. Our Sun and other stars will be above ^nd the 
the equator of the central force of out 
polarity of sunspot-type activity wi There will 

fhrre will reverse as it does within our Sun. There * m 
L times when our Sun is in electromagnenc harmony 
with this sunspot-type activity of the central ° 

our Galaxy, and there will be other times when our 
Sun is not in electromagnetic harmony. (Refer to 

"This harmonic variance will affect 
the total conversion of the Sun ’s Matter 
into electromagnetic energy. 

Figures 38- A and 44- M.) This harmonic variance will 
affect the total conversion of the Sun’s Matter into 
electromagnetic energy. [Such an effect is similar to 
how sunspot activity affects the Earth s meteorology, 
earthquakes, and the "Devil’s Sea’ /“ Bermuda Triangle 
areas; I will discuss these two geographical areas in 
Section 49. By combining the information in Sections 
46-C and 49-1, I will demonstrate a correlation of elec- 
tromagnetic loops for these areas and electromagnetic 
loops of the Sun.] 


D. The above findings provide a scientific explana- 
tion for large solar flares which occur when sunspot 
activity is at a minimum. Because sunspot-type activity 
of the central force of our Galaxy affects the electro- 
magnetic loops of the Sun (as I have already explained 
for the Earth), such activity will also affect the conver- 
sion in certain areas of the Sun’s Matter into electro- 
magnetic energy. 


E. Because of stellar alignment within our Galaxy, 

there have been periods of time when the total con- 
version processes of the Sun were weakened to the 
point that the planets did not trigger sunspot activity, 
t e., the Maunder minimum. Considering this point it 
should be logical that the reverse will also be true fin 
addition, one must also consider inter-galactic align- 

orto ™V eSpeCt c ‘° the Cent ^l Entity which galaxies 
orbit. See Section 52-M.) 


therein h wilhi " °ur Galaxy, 

here wtll be periods of time when the total conver- 

ticuiar orbhs are^immemV^h ta their ^ 

or even millions of years to thousands 

alignment which wo^ld dire , 3 P artlcu,a r stellar 

convinced that LT as the n V *“« OUr Su "' 1 a " 
vice versa), so do the stars hi ‘ he Sun (and 
central force of our Galaxy land ' ^ affcct the 
Galaxies affect the Central^? V ' C ,f. VerSa) and so tf >e 
(and vice versa). ^ which they orbit 


G. The scientific facts of history verify tha 

past the Earth has experienced extreme cat* ’ n "" 

It is a reasonable prediction that such catas^ 0 *^ 
will be experienced in the future unless w e r ° Plv 
such catastrophes via a “Mastering” «,( Uk . ‘ 
nature of astronomical activity. Simply fec CSSCn 'ia| ^ I 
human species exists upon the planet lh ‘ e 

“automatically immunize us” from further cat* 

H. However, / have absolutely no doubt th 

a logical solution to whatever problems w ‘ here <s 
counter in the future! Do not listen to "do 6 ^ etl 
who “spout” only negative statements. 
uals cannot speak for the creativity of other lndiv *d- 
willing to face any problem ‘ ‘ head on ’ ’ Wh ° «r e 

4 . an “*°tve, l i 

I. Earlier in this Book, I have shown the 

source of unlimited power. Those thinkine ^ 3 ne * 
who have “Mastered” what I have taught 8 mdiv ‘ du als 
plish any task. Conducting grids can be con * aCCOtn - 
Space which will encompass the entire Earth T UCted m 
electromagnetic fields of any intend ty .^ ' ^ a r esm t 
to neutralize or harmonize 
magnetic induction from Sha^~w7^ ^f^^ o- 
tion the Earth 's weather can 

and directed! c£reate^ 


J. If the scientific community assumes a firm 
and presents exacting scientific evidence that ^ 
vinces the general public to take the necessary 0 * 
capable of saving life and property, then this wiiiK° n 
one of the most beneficial and predicted event C 
history of science for inducing the general ouhi* the 
rally 100% behind the efforts of sci™ ££* 
geographical areas of the Earth may be advantage! 
for conducting scientific experiments.] 

‘Electromagnetic fields of any Intensity 
can be released to neutralize or harmonize 
with incoming electromagnetic induction 
from Space. With such construction 
the Earth’s weather can be controlled, 
created, and directed !” 

K. For additional, factual, and independent verifi- 
cation of the sunspot/earthquake connection and ex- 
planation which I have presented in this Book, refer 
to the article entitled “Seismicity in sync with the 
sun? in the April 27, 1985 issue of Science News. 
While the article discusses a correlation between 
sunspot activity and Parkfield, CA earthquakes, 
neither the article’s author nor the scientific com- 
munity present an explanation for such correlation as 
I have done in this Book even before this fact. 


la Tria n 8* e 

.resented by the New 
inform ation W3S n .f the Unexplained, 

" " lg he investigation of th g of 

M :SW=5Si- » 

f jnd o ftierS ' 

eng«' lL • 

tfl*' . andotnc- 

^^^ BermudaTriang ' e! 

simile *- 

u , fhere appear to be unex- 
« va5 also foMd oc cur within ten, equally 
e " ' Openings wl ' ,< *.°^ eas arc spaced at exactly 
pl f/d areal on Earth- Su in the Northern Hemt- 

^-,;ra-.n the Southern Hemisphere. 

,,^re and it' c 

formation quite thought- 

l , found the ab °7 s ' a n re n ot located more than 40° 
provoking ^ hc Earth's equator and they appea 
SJorth or South fhe Northern Hemisphere 

* have an alignm Hemisphere areas. I could see 

are* " ilh ,he ^phical positioning coincided with the 
that such 8«8 ™P^ s c P ncerned with the posmomng 
o^Tupon the Sum (Such sunspot postponing 
was discussed in Section 36-B.) 

*’ , „ found it very interesting that there are two 

» ' n he Ear h where the compass needle points 
plaC 't No * and not to magnetic North- One of these 
t0 n rh e area of the Bermuda Triangle and the 
p,aceSlS he area 0 f the Devil’s Sea. In addition, 
cCTneedles have been known to continually spin 
in these areas. 

i . north’s ceneral electro- 

Space at a region where t ^ * electromagnetic 

magnetic field merges Earth’s surface such as 

field. Specific regions upo diffcr ently from 

the Bermuda Triangle, et face in which the elec- 
th e remainder of ^.^“^towatds the North 

uomagnettc hnes o c (see Figure 49-1 and 

E I also find it interesting that a large percentage 
of unexplained happenings occur in JuneJuly and 
December January. 

F. These two periods represent the time of the year 
when the Earth is farthest or closest to the Sun and 
when the Earth makes a sharper curve through the 
Sun’s electromagnetic field. 

K. The greatest noticeable effect in these areas 
should be when sunspot activity is either decreasing 
or increasing. This would be true because as an elec- 
tric current increases or decreases in a wire coil, the 
current creates an expanding and collapsing magnetic 
field and thus induces another current into a separate 
conducting coil of wire. 


G. This Book has already presented exacting scien- 
tific evidence for the relationship between the Earth’s 
true and magnetic axes. 


H. Combining all of my previous scientific findings 
with the above information, I made the following 


1 1 have hypothesized that at certain times the Ber- 
muda Triangle, Devil’s Sea, and probably several 
other areas on Earth (in each Hemisphere) have elec- 
tromagnetic lines of force (consisting of gyroscopic 
Particles/kinetic energy) which leave the Earth’s sur- 
ace at these geographical areas and extend into 

L. If the reports regarding the Bermuda Triangle and 
the Devil’s Sea are true, then it is apparent to me that 
these areas can possibly be the greatest “natural scien- 
tific laboratories on Earth for learning more about the 
nature of electromagnetic energy. Matter may well be 
formed or converted into Energy in these areas. 


M. Any scientific experimentation in these areas 
should be conducted wisely. It is obvious that electro- 
magnetic occurrences do not happen all the time and 
that they vary in intensity. It is also very likely that a 
human being would be in grave danger if Matter is 
strongly affected during periods of peak electromag- 
netic activity. 



N. M . history ^ 

surrounding the Burmuds Tr ance, on ln . 

50(1 pages of recorded, unusual phenomena and 

of these documented facts of nature is an electro 

m Xoughorn the history of science, it has ^ ten b ^" 
the anomalies in nature which have provided \ Jen 
soil- for new discoveries and such anomalies have 
often been a source of curiosity stimulation to 
enhance our understanding of the diverse. 

"This basic gyroscopic-action-entity 

prevails throughout our entire Universe 
and, in a mechanical sense, it 
electromagnetically couples the 
Universe into a single entity or 
universal energy mach ine!” 

50. All natural motion (of planets, asteroids, stars, 
galaxies, etc.) in the Universe is the result of the move- 
ment of the basic gyroscopic-action-entity which com- 
prises all Matter. This basic gyroscopic-action-entity 
prevails throughout our entire Universe and, in a me- 
chanical sense, this gyroscopic-action-enlity electro- 
magnetically couples the Universe into a single entity 
or ' universal energy machine ’ '! 

The basic gyroscopic-action-entity comprises all 
Matter, from the atom to the molecule to the everyday 
materials which surround us. 


A. Examine the schematic diagram of our Galaxy 
taken from the book Astronomy by Fred Hoyle. 
However, study Figure 50-A in view of the material I 
have taught you. 

(T) Well over IOO years ago, Michael Faraday 
proved that neutrality to a magnetic field d 
not exist- 

(2) I have taught and mechanically expl a i ncd . 
••oneness” of the mechanical essence </ hc 

scoplc-actlon-entlty) of Gravity, Electric * if*' 0 " 
Magnetism, Inertia, Matter, Light, l| cat ~ ap H«. 
Mechanics, and Universal Motion. Ua " ,u 'n 

B. QUESTION: Do I have to teach you mor e > Th 
answer is probably “yes” for those who have i„ 
unjustly taught to memorize statements presently" 
taught in Astronomy. 

31. EXAMPLE: Presently, it is debated as to wheth 
or noTthe Universe is contracting or expanding b ** 
upon Red Shift observations, it is generally agreed?^ 
the galaxies are receding in a straight line. 


A. However, I do not consider this exacting scien 
evidence. Example: (See Figure 51 -A.) Ur ' c 

Draw ten concentric circles in which each circle’s 
radius is one mile shorter than the next, i.e , the 
largest circle with a 100-mile radius and the smallest 
circle with a 91 -mile radius. On the perimeter of each 
concentric circle, measure a 100-yard distance from a 
point on which to start running a race. If one con- 
siders only those 100 yards on each circle with one 
man running in each lane, it would appear that the ten 
men would all be running In straight lines for the brief 
period of their 100-yard race. If they continued to 
run, they would appear to recede from the viewer in a 
straight line if the viewer only occasionally checked 
their positions. 


B. The distances of the elliptical orbits of the galaxies 
are such that even a distance of 100 million miles 
could be considered at any one moment on those or- 
bits and it would appear that the galaxies were all 
receding in a straight line. 



„ cneeds of galaxies 
reader that the ^ ^ relatiV e to an 

1 T n % ost difficu,t posi T 

I C . who is ' n 3 measurements. A 

1 ■' rI cl astronomical m miles per 

I $ 

I f: 

^eed in its orb-t , jke to a t- 

I $' V ^oVa h "csp n inni^ 

I rempt " , 7t .d in SeCt apparatus which has the 

f Jl '“ n'plex mechanical PP and Ga , axy have at 

-' ht “c) [The reader may find .. 

(See FW“« 51 C i the difficulty of re- 
6* , that in 1967 I taugn „ s of com . 

^^a^- hiChISentt0fifty ' S,X 

D. Considering these complex astronomical motions 
combined with my previous scientific findings, I stand 
with my Theory (teachings) stated in Section 3 3-D 
which 1 repeat: 

E. It is my Theory (teachings) that a central electro- 
magnetic field completely pervades our Galaxy’s elec- 
tromagnetic field and causes our Galaxy to align with 
and orbit it. Moreover, our Galaxy’s electromagnetic 
field causes the Sun to align with and orbit within our 
Galaxy, since the Galaxy’s field pervades the Sun’s 
electromagnetic field. The Sun’s electromagnetic field 
causes all the planets in our Solar System to align with 
and orbit the Sun since the Sun’s electromagnetic field 
pervades all of its planets and their respective electro- 
magnetic fields. The Earth’s electromagnetic field per- 
vades the Moon’s electromagnetic field and causes the 
Moon to align with and orbit the Earth, just as the 
electromagnetic fields of the other planets pervade the 
e ectromagnetic fields of their respective moons. 

ius one has a graded" series of mechanical mo- 
tons which are physically integrated with one 
not ier via the nature and essence of the gyroscopic 

panicle - the basic cnli ^ h °^“ Uprises all electro- 
Universe and the entity universe. In essence, 

magnetic fields througio s jn a ii gn ment with 

everything in the compo sition of respective 

the gyroscopic-action- y an P effeCt co mmonly 

magnetic and electric already state d, gravity is in 

reality the^ Unequaling Effect” of the gyroscopic- 
action-entity composition of Matter. 

F. At this point one tnav the ££wjng^ ^ 

question: Does the Central En t y o^t ^ ^ in 

orbit some other entity or does h ^ ^ ^ ^ 

be orbiting an even larger entity? 

52. Further observational proof that my teaching : are 

Magazine , page 57. 

A The article states that an astronomical test was 
conducted by the use of 27 radio telescopes placed 
across 21 miles of the New Mexico desert at a cost of 
$78.3 million. 

B. It is obvious to me that the scientists involved in 
the project were trying to be honest and dedicated in 
dividuals. However, judging by their conclusions, it is 
clearly demonstrated to me that such scientists have 
been “unjustly influenced’’ by our teaching system 
which actually rewards memorization and penalizes or 
ignores curiosity. 

C. The Time Magazine article states that the scien- 
tists observed a “spectacular feature that has never 
before been closely observed: a band of gas 10 to 20 
light-years thick, seemingly composed of lacy 
filaments, stretching up to 600 light-years above the 
plane of the Milky Way.” (See Figure 52-C.) 


center of our galaxy 

Filaments 50 - 100 
light-years from the- 
center of our galaxy 



C c £ 



The article inclined. I»M * 


mentor feature" 

.,1 rhe* article adds: 

pl„ nt is plum- with i<“«|><‘ m<» i 
0 f ou , sun (Sec Figure •» A A ) 

‘ In irtnii.,. 

indent. //,• 

"* tbnedistvvwrs 

,rfused to aoept their own .finding 

others are now leaning toward the ptjsem e<>f 
a pouerfut and mysterious magneth field as 
most plausible cause 

The magnetic field, t f it exists, defies 
notions about praper celestial behavior lethal* 
turn more hqff/tng to astronomers, the hell of 
R „s rises up u, a ri M hl onyie to the plane oj the 
Milky W ay " (Emphasis added.) 

So far the strange arc has raised only questions, 
not answers Once gravity was thought to he the 
sole f an e shaping the large st ale of the galaxy, 
Mow it has lost some more of its supremacy to 
whatever molded the giant ribbon Of gas, 

“Perhaps even more bqffMng 
to astronomers, the belt of gas 
rises up ut u right angle to the plane 
of the Milky Way ... ” 

E. Ai this point, I will simply draw a figure of what 
these astronomers have discovered and compare the 
results with my teachings. 

cl. The rent lei should return to I'm! ||,, V |,. . 
ment (lu section w A) which he made nu,u v \ M 
.inti which clearly demonstrates the ob N ci Vt ll " >*, 
In Figures ^2-C and 521- 

... alt galaxies m bit a Central 
and are not traveling, expancHna * V 
contracting to some unkmaea p 

In a straight tine. ’* '° h 

it. Return also to my statement In Section ah 
which I described a "duplicate effect" ot u, r s * 111 
polar plumes (featured In Figure .5B-A2) and u, "" s 
and bottom arrows of the galactic magnetic in l" * 1 ' 
Fred Moyle’s Figure \h a. The reader can caallv ln 
the exact same results of our Galaxy’s plun^ ^ 
("filaments") as they mirror the "electromagnet! • 
coupling cffcci of our Galaxy to the Central rJ. 
orbited by our Galaxy and other detectable galaxi^ 

l. It Is obvious that our Galaxy has the same re ton 
ship to the Central Entity (which the galaxies t) rhin ° 

i have demonstrated that the Earth has to ,| lc s , 
Moon has to the Earth (see Set tion J i \ through Se " 
Hon .15 I). the planets have to the Sun, and the stint 
our Galaxy. 

« j 

J ■ Such observations enable me to conclude that all 
galaxies orbit a Central Entity and arc not traveling, ex 


h y "'<• JTovidcd 

" bmcn " ardl ’« 'he ,'orc of ..ur'culaxy. 

F. Observe In Figure c , „ 

re,pCt ' 10 “* 

'“in. ncu jor Dciicr| lot 

one complete orbit around its ( 

M*CHWIUi|. jo* 

QUESTION: Does the Central Entity orbit some other, even larger, “Super-Central-Entity”? 

L. As the facts of universal motion would indicate — planets to the Sun, stars to our Galaxy, and our a ax> to i 
Central Entity — all orbit in a plane (see Section 42-A) which is at right angles to the axis of the electromagnet c 
field of the entity being orbited. (Field warpage will affect such angles.) 

Such right angular motion clearly and consistently demonstrates the nature of the basic gyroscopic-action-entit\ 
composition of all Matter and Energy of the Universe, since, when any force (i.e., attraction, repulsion, centrifugal, 
etc.) acts upon this basic gyroscopic-action-entity, then that entity moves at right angles to that force resulting in a 
rotational motion of one entity around another. The basic gyroscopic-action-entity mechanically unifies the 
arious fields observed within the Universe. 




53. Additional proof that my teachings are correct is 
afforded by the scientific facts regarding 'natural 
disasters. '' Because of Dr. Huntington s work, as well 
as my own, I searched for such additional proof. I in- 
itially attempted to locate the statistics concerning the 
exact dates for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and 
storms, but the exact dates were unavailable. Knowing 
that historians generally record the exact dates for such 
events which cost lives or cause great financial damage, 
I went to the library to search further. In the World 
Book Encyclopedia (published by World Books Inc., 
Chicago, Illinois, 1980 Edition) under the section 
"Disasters of the World,’’ I did find the precise dates 
I had expected. 

A. The reader should be aware that there was no 
orderly listing of the "natural disasters” for which I 
was searching. Therefore, I simply listed such events 
under Months-of-the-Year. The "Earthquake and 
Volcanic Eruption Disasters” and the “Tornado and 
Hurricane Disasters” were arranged in separate 
12-month periods. Reason: The Earth’s mass (inertia 
effect) of solid material is far more resistant to change 
than the mass (inertia effect) of gas molecules in the 
Earth’s atmosphere. I therefore expected an “accumu- 
lation effect” for the Earth’s solid material and a more 
“instantaneous effect” for the atmosphere (gases) of 
the Earth. 1 was also certain that these natural events 
would occur in accordance with the Laws of Electro- 
magnetic Induction. I also knew 1) the speed of the 
Earth, 2) the Earth’s tilt with respect to the Sun, 3) 
when the Earth crossed the Sun’s equator into op- 
posite sunspot polarity, 4) the direction of the Earth 
relative to sunspots varied from month to month, and 
I was certain that these facts would prove the ex- 
istence of the electromagnetic effect. 


B. See the “Disasters of the World” Chart 53-B ar- 
ranged by months and observe that many of these 
disasters occur very close to the same day under a 
given month even though such events occur hundreds 
of years apart from one another. Observe that there 
is an “order” and “mechanical nature” (the electro- 
magnetic effect) to these events. 

c. Because Chart 53-B contains a random selection of 

of n^h C h e , VemS ° n £anh < Disaste «>. mathematics 

ablv chan V r S k I ha ‘ ‘ hCSe reSU,ts wi " n °< notice- 
ably change tf the exact dates for all earthquakes 

eruptions, and storms were included, re. where loss 
of life and property damage were not significant 


s^ate 'tow the T ine Cha " 53 8 and 1 wi " d emon. 


E. The reader may find It Interesting that p| KU 

was published approximately on a full page of^ 3 ^ 
Mobile Press Register newspaper on June 29 ujo 
Section B. 1 had been informed that there Would ' 
planetary “alignment” in 1982 and I predicted * 
unusual storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquak- 
from 1980 through 1985 when the planets would ’ 
be in greater unalignment. Independently Q f m ° thcn 
work, the national news media has since featured 
documentaries which have discussed unusual v 
conditions around the world during this time ^ eathcr 
conditions cannot be explained by conventional 1 ^ 
wisdom. QUESTION: Do you the reader believe 
only “guessed” this result? that • 


F. As it turned out, the action-reaction effect of 
storms, etc., was not as great as I had expected s 
searched further into the facts and found that t ’her 
was no planetary “ alignment , ” but only a general 
area-positioning of the planets similar to a shotgun 
blast upon a target. 


G. In my scientific document of 1976, I initially 
predicted catastrophes whenever planetary “alig n . 
ment" occurred. Other individuals informed me that 
such “alignment” has already been predicted in a 
book entitled The fupiter Effect. 


H. The facts have clearly shown that there was NO 
“alignment,” but only a very general, shotgun-blast- 
type alignment in 1982. What the world has encoun- 
tered from just that very slight "alignment'' via 
earthquakes, storms, eruptions, etc., is only a 
preview of what will occur. It is possible that far 
greater " alignment ” will occur in May of the year 
2000. (As of the time of writing this Book, I have 
received conflicting reports regarding such align- 
ment.) I urge the reader to Master what I teach. We 
have several years to prepare for effects that will 
occur several years before and after that date, if 
true alignment does occur. 

54. A. Return to Chart 53-B. Observe that a large 
number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (as Mt. 
St. Helens) began on March 21 when the Earth crossed 
the Sun’s equator and entered opposite sunspot polar- 
ity. This caused an opposite electromagnetic induc- 
tion effect into the Earth (i.e., the Sun rotates every 
28 days and sweeps sunspot induction into the Earth) 
as the Earth travels into a cumulative “action-reaction 
effect” since the greatest number of sunspots occur 
18 to 20 degrees from the Sun’s equator. The Earth is 
more likely to be affected by the sunspots in April and 
May due to the position of the Earth relative to the 
Sun. As a result, this cumulative “action-reaction 
effect” peaks upon the Earth in April and May. 

B. The reader should note that for four sequential 
years, Mt. St. Helens — which is in the Earth’s North- 




'I! Awards the Sun 

and earthquakes peaking In I December andjanuary. 
|arfhS“ve ,o the Sun begins to reverse 
on December 21 

> .,.6 V ‘"gJSe * unSP °' farthest 
lie Eaflr tB> , B speed 

r. - _-ihasr eC1 . rvinvir 

- ^ Hereto^ 

:71lSP f rune, the reader 

c tfonth of J un ;. Urltv affect- 

C- V'-' f ;u - ■ d has * “ ,. r [Moving a 

^copper "*^1 that 
£ 0 m the ourcc 

^ ? tdar.d *ȣ* speed of ^fletromaf 

^£-HSr ar " n 

,’. „ t0 rrrattef W «» °PP°' 

'' ,. e Earth «"“'°. exami ne Sections 

V*#?%0** ,0 the electromagnetic 

ittf-f 0 " ^ch dan0 -Teunspot reduction 
rot '’"l.-ecuon chang'JJ field which m turn 
t .-.'da-; 7 ;.,.- eiecnomagn ffect such an 

orbital year, the oth p which in turn causes 

increase d/^ dec r eas<fd sunspot activity^ Such ™Mpot : «c- 

tlVi d and^ollaps^This'^^^f^omplicated by the 
pand and collapse . n a "sweep- 

cumulative ■ action-react.oh .effect J uto to 


-of - eleciromagncuc i an 

-^clecnon^^^e Earth * 
** ‘ -d B W f'° IS00-* «hlch are r 

, 5 . A. Examine Chart ™ 

^Sr^eTlectroUgnetlc induction^ 

' -d by sunspu^ ^ 

— Aim* nnstra te the cumulative 

■' ^‘^uvid'ioteijVc 

s also an increase in ear 

„ upon the Earth. 

rj= 3 =a=as==* 

21 the Earth again crosses the 

Lam under the influence of 
quawr and is again m ^ e Earth is 

lumbers of sunspots. Ho*e e . ^ 



and the Earth is most apt to be affecte 
mspots in October and November However, 
i enough, the cumulative effect lags behind 
■i£ Spring. (See Section 54- A.) This lag is c\ i- 
ace the cumulative action-reaction effect 
r. December and January The difference in 
; ray be a resuli of the Earth s speed i.e. T on 
ice 21 the Earth is closest to the Sun (three 
Q zues cioser than on June 21) and the Earth s 
oaeases by 1800 miles per hour compared to 
sc oc June 21 . This greater proximity and speed 
86 magnify the electromagnetic induction effect 
• into the Sun triggering effect ) and vice 
the Sun into the Earth which results in the 
^ cumuiauve effect of volcanic eruptions 

UliU 1U1 

s. Th.™w««'*"s;riss«'S 


upon the Earth s atmosphere (gases). 

Examine the foflowing facts 

ft Spring is noted for tornadoes, 
ft Fall is noted for hurricanes. 

K*-) ~ 

ft on March 21 the Earth «os^e Sun ^quato 

«> PO*o« 

towards the Sun. 

5VB . , . the Earth crosses the Sun s 

( 4 y On September 21 dqw travC ling in an op- 

equator. but the Earth ^ SuD (a nd to that 
posite direction relative to 

direction of March 21 ), an Kt this time the 

opposite to point 

Earth’s Northern Hemisphere begms 

away from the Sun. 

C. Compare the facts in Section 55-B with the Storm 
Chart in Section 53-B: 

m Six out of nine tornadoes occurred within 30 
days of March 21 - the date the Earth crosses 
the SunTs equator into opposite sunspot polarity. 

(2) Two qf the nine tornadoes occured on March 2 1 . 

(3) Approximately Vi of the tornadoes occurred on 
March 21. 


(1 )* Realizing that there are 9 tornadoes occurring 
within 365 days, then the mathematical odds are 
40.5 to 1 against a tornado occurring on March 21. 


(2) Realizing that 2 of the 9 tornadoes occurred on 
March 21, then the mathematical odds are 1,640 
to 1 against two tornadoes occurring on the same 
date that the Earth crosses the Sun's equator. 

(3) The fact that I did not specifically select these 
tornadoes from a large number of tornadoes ( i.e . 
these were the only tornadoes listed under the 
“Disaster” section) provides sound scientific 
evidence that my teachings are correct. 

E. Compare the Storm Chart 53-B concerning hurri- 
canes to statement 55-B: 


(1) Twenty-five of 36 hurricanes (69%) occurred 
within 41 days of September 21 — the day the 
Earth crosses the Sun’s equator into opposite 
sunspot polarity. 


(2) Nine out of 36 hurricanes (25%) occurred within 
6 days of September 21. 


( 3 ) Four of the 36 hurricanes (11%) were formed 
within 1 day of September 21. 


( 4 ) Two of the 36 hurricanes were formed on 
September 21. The mathematical odds against 
such an occurence is 102 to 1 . 

( 5 ) Storm Char, 53-B demonstrates tha, tornadoes 

art = concentrated in the Spring when the Eanh 

*^unl P H 0 ‘ m “ S NOrU,ern Hemis P"-e towards 
ect upon the land surfaces of the Earth. 

(6) &:r„re h E urr :r* are 

Northern H^misnh b ' g ‘" S *° PO*»« Its 

causes H i em,s P hcrc away from the Sun and 


ration effect and the eletiro maRnt . (lt 
effect combine to produce hurricane, l,idu <- ' , 

F. In the Fall (September 21), the Earth a D n 
Sun and Increases its orbital speed around the lh < 


— * "‘wuna the c 

This causes the electromagnetic induction to , ^ Urv 

and can result in greater air masses, i 

• hurri ( 


G. The variability of the following factors 
why hurricanes and tornadoes do not occ CXplains 
certain times, but vary from year to year ^ ° nly at 
decade, and century to century: ’ ecade to 

(1) the “action-reaction effect” caused b 

magnetic Induction as a result of Increa ^ lcctr °- 
creasing sunspot activity triggered bv , /de " 
configuration y plan «Ury 


(2) the “sweeping action” of changing elect 
netic induction effects generated by 

day rotation Un ' s 28 


( 3 ) the orbital speed of the Earth 


( 4 ) proximity of the Earth and Sun 


( 5 ) the Earth’s Northern Hemispheric degree 
with respect to the Sun 

of tilt 


H. If tornadoes and hurricanes formed only as a 
result of interacting cold and warm air masses then 
those storms could be very accurately predicted Bur 
the facts prove the opposite: 


(1) Cold and warm fronts often meet and there are 
no hurricanes or tornadoes produced. 


(2) Hurricanes or tornadoes are often produced 
when they are not expected by meteorologists. 
This is why planes are flown into potential hur 
ricane disturbances to physically detect and 
observe the storm’s nature. 

( 3 ) Totally unexpected, clear-weather tornadoes 
have been documented. [See Handbook of 
Unusual Natural Phenomena.] 


( 4 ) Electrical and magnetic disturbances associated 
with tornadoes have been clearly documented. 
[For such documentation, I recommend reading 
pages 342 through 366 of the Handbook of 
Unusual Natural Phenomena by William Corliss.) 


, ( v „, »w“ ri ” wre "' 6:10 mar Jt 

qucn vkiv°eq” 1,K 
»? ul ?'l7muchl 

the Earth- n the midst of pines, dogwoo . occurring In varying outdoor 

gu-f 5 tnep&edlp’o^ 

as one wouid normaUy Peat from an e - 

*°°*hng ^ ron J onc W f ^atwut°WO 


eyes rather than coming throug ^ Qf the doors 1 

' w from which 1 riirectlv to our house and completely engulfed it. One^o ^ e^ ^ 

]. These observations, those of others, and my Y ea r s 
of work, totally convince me that a tornado principal y 
results from differences in the electromagnetic induc- 
tion potential between a cloud or air (gas) areas and a 
particular ground area. 

K. The constant “zapping” noise we heard was com- 
ing from pointed limbs of trees, leaves, bushes, etc., 
discharging electrical charge from the Earth to the ap- 
proaching cloud or vice versa. Such “zapping” ceased 
when the cloud was directly overhead. 

5 ) 

L. This does not mean that other mechanical factors 
such as jet streams and intersecting warm/cold fronts 
do not play an important role, although such activity 
can also be electromagnetically motivated. This action 
is called the “ thermocoupling effect" when two dif- 
ferent, hot and cold conducting materials are con- 

nected and produce ***** 

greater the difference in temperature, B 

current produced. 

M It is my opinion that tornadoes and hurricanes 

form more easily over flat Without 

stronger electromagnetic difference will exist (witho^ 
quickly dissipating) between t he Earth an * 
(atmosphere and clouds) above the Earth. This same 
electromagnetic mechanical effect is observed 
respect to lightning. Lightning rods will reduce or 
eliminate the damaging effects of lightning. 

The very fact that a tornado will often slowly ex- 
tend from a cloud towards the ground but fail to 
touch the ground, or may touch the ground and then 
lift again (and repeat this procedure many times) 
clearly demonstrates this electromagnetic effect, (bee 
Figure 55-M on the next page.) 


FUNNEL (negatively-charged) 

. invisible, positively-charged funnel 

(This positive and negative charge effect can be reversed.) 

EARTH 4- + + 

+ + + + + + 

The EARTH Is a positively-charged surface In that area where the charged funnel 
cannot easily leak away. 

Therefore, a tornado has an invisible, positively- 
charged funnel which rises from the ground and 
meets the negatively-charged cloud funnel. [I have 
already demonstrated that charges are composed of an 
infinite number of gyroscopic particles. Consequently, 
the spinning funnel is to be expected.] 

The funnel will lift again as the clcud becomes 
more neutrally charged. Lightning represents the same 
mechanical, electromagnetic effect. However, in a tor- 
nado, the funnel can maintain a more direct and 
shorter distance of charge flow from the cloud or gas 
(clear atmosphere) and the Earth. The funnel lifts and 
drops according to the “charge differential.” For the 
same reason, a funnel will start from the ground and 
rise into the air (gas). 

N. A Kansas farmer, Will Keller, once saw what I 
have described. On June 22, 1928, while standing in 
the cyclone-celler door, Keller looked directly up and 
into the center of a tornado passing over his head. On 
page 132 of the Time-Life book entitled Storm, Will 
Keller states: 

• . the walls of this opening were of rotating 
clouds and the whole was made brilliantly visible 
by constant flashes of lightning which zigzagged 
from side to side. 

' Around the lower rim of the great vortex, 
small tornadoes were constantly forming and 
breaking away. These looked like tails as they 
writhed their way around the end of the funnel 

hauheT ‘ ha ‘ ^ lhC htSS ‘ ng n0ise ' "°"« d 
that the direction and rotation of the great whir! 

ITth wavT ’ bW We Sma “ ,WiSters > 

both ways - some one way and some another • ' 

This eye-witness description most definitely 
describes a charged funnel I 


O. Quoting from the Handbook of Unusual Natural 
Phenomena by William Corliss, page 342: ° 

” ... conventional wisdom also has trouble dealing, 
with forked waterspouts [Figure 55-Oa], water- 
spouts stretching between clouds [Figure 55-Ob] 
and waterspouts with two concentric tubes 
[Figure 55-Oc], ” 

^uuiinciii: 1 nose waiciapuui - 

clearly a description of electric charge (electromag- 
netism). This same effect is observed in connection 
with lightning. 


<ioi‘” 0 lP( icl ind ,cate r m n ;t be postulated to 

lliL °' rhe existen ce °f hout 10 minutes pro- 

^-<‘ ,a ' i0 T,n”weral hundred isolated 

TJ^^ ac,ives<m 

J,’ There are ^ ^ZrTphenomend which 
Handbook oj V nusu . and nature of tor- 

"rifr ■* observation in Sect, on 

nadoes or watersp electromagnetic intensity f 

to verifies the my teachings of in- 

t^eJZg 'lie induction from sunspots 

and/or the Sun. 

55 u hnve facts still necessitate a thorough 
mechanical understanding oftta I 

, n „s, — - «r 

alignment with the Earth and ot i^P i980 & 

same side of the sun. H ° ionS erU ptions. etc., 

'l98V unusual weather minor planetary 

during this period. 

,„« n f this writing that it 
r. Although 1 am not ^^‘tentially important 
is true (but 1 do consld P k) i have been informed 
enough to include In pla „eiary "aUgm 
that there will be a far m exce pt that the Earth 

ment - (similar to Fi f^ C the Sun from the other 

will be on the oppose *std* ^ aUgnment by Tom 
planets 1 was informed ^ entUled Life and Death 
Valentine - autho : c > nQt read) — who had 

o/ Plane, ^ hwe9tem University compute 

an astronomer at According to the 

alignment degree and da ^ ^ ^ (Q a slra ,ght- 
astronomer, there during, the month of May 

line , planetary’ a Itg nn al$o indica ted a similar 

2000. (Some individual ^ wh ile other in- 
planetary alignment fo * P would b e not true 

dividuals have However, it is 

would occur.) 

S. of, his , an, 

QUESTION: What do you expect will occur on Earth 
when all of the planets align in a direct line on one 
side of the Sun ? What would occur upon the Earth if 
the planetary alignment was continuous except that 
the Earth was on one side of the Sun by itself? 

ebanical preparation is not undertaken [ • 

that the effect of such alignment upon the Earth > 
be influenced by the number of planets aligned, their 
actual degree of alignment, the planets’ orbital posi- 
tion/speed with respect to the Sun at the time ot such 



of stellar alignment during this time.] 

alignment, and the effect of any degree 

56. I no- offer the following positive and creative concepts: 

I have taught the safe tneans for an enortnous release of energy via E - MC». 

■ t that if excess electromagnetic induction causes any type of havoc upon the Earth (i n ». 

ofa't <*»»*» f ° *- mus ' produce an *—■«*««* 

°_ and such havoc will not occur! a »o« 

or at any time in uic iuiu.w. 

or control mechanism and such havoc will not occur. 

Z For example, consider a potentially dangerous storm which is capable of producing tornadoes. (See Fi 8Ure 
B. Instead of the meteorological formation in Figure 56-A, . propose the following 

/at ‘o n 


56- B 

(3) The most efficient design would be to utilize the energy source I have innovated and couple it with strong laser 
beams, X-rays, etc., to ionize the air throughout the cloud and to produce a good conducting connection be- 
tween the Earth and the cloud as well as within the cloud itself. (See Figure 56-B2.) 



r‘' r '^r»«P onr, lS«d energy. 

• £sb 5E5 s=s» 

H i ' I ha vC P r 

H,hat testing begin in earnest 

„ recommend tha universit ies - 


rod** ce (W — 


Edition* on, can test ^charge the charge 

5 , ww -» <**": ‘X^felc Cb onew oulaPa^bat 

per temperature diff environment within 

P ibepl>y s ' cal sp,m 'JtJe same results produced by 

* ** " '''^ZZ Zartbi tornadoes and 

;Sl;rwhen perfected, .his would be a good 
test for Sky lab. 

,6 . . wait . a nd-see ' ’ ^” wor b<? 

E. i< /»»«*■ ““nrooerlv understand and prepare 
" W l«»PTh. ultimate goal is to stop all 
,bt Z‘l Z ^magnetic induction into the Earth s 

undesirable eie » wiU ultimately 

cnable^m'stop^such 1 undesirable electromagnetic in- 
duction in outer Space. This is why we must first 
perfect the technology on a small scale with Earth 
weather, and then apply such technolop to outer 

space inter, ibis occurs, we will be able to pioduce 
and direct our weather at will ! 

F. All of these "action-reaction, electromagnetic in- 
duction effects” can be duplicated in a laboratory (see 
Section 56-C) and a mechanical means can be 
developed to intercept and redirect or cancel 
undesirable electromagnetic induction. 

57. Such undesirable effects constitute a problem fac- 
ed by the entire world. The entire world should and 
must unify as an entity of one ! The potential problem 
posed by planetary alignment can be converted into a 
positive tool for the benefit of all humanity. As 1 have 
already stated, the solution will allow the world to pro- 
duce and direct its weather at will. 

’a i am very hopeful that Wg* 1 ; Instead be 

catastrophe (if » ' “Jflt to encourage d, 

Ure'world to'diinfc^ahd work as a family of on 

B. If the world can ““"C’w « “ S amily 

%ZTwXn7oJeaU problems. 

c. u .ms 

then it is possible that leakaRe from nuclear reac 

compounded *«££££U****- ^ °° ' 

~ u,d possiblv mgB 

nuclear weaponry, etc. 

r^ibt'and P unscie«if.c behavior on my part. 
i These 

problems have not bce " are made in a most 
positive manner 0 fr is my sole purpose lo contribute 

' well being of all human, ly. 

s* What I teach is the means ™ a Control, and 
energy (gyroscopic P wti f ^'“f^'toduce, control, 
predict future disasters a We “ u , hav e the ability to con- 
and direct our weathe . We to conv ert salt 

vert deserts into oasea ' ire va i ua ble minerals in 
water to fresh water andacqu. environmcntal pollu- 

the process. Energy av travel will become 

com ^on^lnfact, innumerable scientif.c doors will 
be opened. 

A. These many pages are the results of my sincere 
efforts to seek "TRUTH. 

B. Observe that 1 have presented a single, scientific, 

mechanical explanation that has ^ n . C °“^ scusse <i 
throughout my teachings, even thoug Consi der 

many diverse scientific effects and sublets. Consider 
the fact that up to this time, no one hss offered a 
single mechanical explanation for phenomena that 
we observe in the Universe. 

Surely, he who "Masters ’ what 1 have written wiU 
understand the order of - TRUTH ' in what 1 have aughu 
1 wish to pay "tribute” to Michael Faraday who was 
olerh rnrrprt and whose work inspired my search. 



Chapter 20 

Achievement vs. Apathy 

"Men of great learning and retirement often contribute little or nothing to the proor B « . 
Improvement. They spend their time In learning and admiring the Inventions of others, without! ° 
proposing a new thought of their own, or ever discovering one useful power In nature." 8V8r 



A. All of the many preceding pages of my teachings mean absolutely 
nothing if the major deficiencies of world society — fear, greed, intellec- 
tual dishonesty, and a lack of curiosity/intellectual aspiration — are not 
supplanted with superior attitudes. 

I ask you — who I seek to inspire — to please "Master” my teachings 
which can correct such deficiencies. It is you who must apply what I teach 
to the world. With such application, I will predict the possibility of world 
peace as well as a productive and meaningful life for all individuals. 


B. It is only fair that I justify my sincerity and dedication to this desirable 
goal. Consequently, 1 will begin by providing you with a history of my ef- 
forts in the development of all that I have already taught. 


C. The following represents a very small sample of my voluminous cor- 
respondence with scientific agencies, universities, individuals, and 
elected officials. It is my hope that such correspondence will convince 
you of my dedication to what I teach. 

,,_ n B. Johnson 
resident Lyndon 

The White House 

Washington, D. C. 

r# president: 

... re ceive this during troubled times and I 
1 k ;;TJ ose upon you except that it be imperative that 

:;i „«u.. * «— ~ “■** 

be first to benefit by it. 

x have not written, expecting that you prognosticate whether 
or not the attached information is of value; but to convince 
y0 u of my sincerity; whereby, you will use your influence to 
insure that the attached scientific document is given all 
available screntifxc consideration with the greatest expedi- 

ency . 

I make my living inventing better machines. I do not allow 
myself the luxury of a mistake. With the funds derived from 
inventing, I do scientific research alone. I do this re- 
search not for money but because I am mentally compelled to 
do so. If i had all the money in the world, I would still do 
and get more pleasure out of research than anything man has 
to offer. 



I am appalled at i 
made myself a vow 

t man's neglect for his fellow man. i have 
ow that I will not mentally be satisfied with 

myself until I have produced a machine and the method; where- 
by, the basic problems of mankind are a thing of the past. 
This attached document is a step in that direction. if j Can 
get recognition for the information disclosed in this attach- 
ed document, this recognition should enable me to get a grant 
from some source to build a prototype of the above mentioned 
machine, which I have already designed. I will also finish 
a document on the merger of economics and mechanization, as 
the method I mentioned above. 

I respectfully await your earliest possible reply. 


Joe W. Newman 





Kerch 9 > 197^ 

15^1 liracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 77055 

„ >cId ent Menard K. 

S5“w.ite «•“»< ■ 

ia»binS ton » '' 
presiJ^ nt ‘ 

pl , a3C find attached a cover letter and scientific 
nt j an sending out to the scientific community. 

r have not written asking you to give an opinion, hut 
* 't- T have written is correct; you would have the l.ioi c nt 

tv > information on the last page is also correct, 
certain an unlimited source of energy i" 
one year 

_ I a:.. 

possibly obtainable within 

t ine . 

kith the understanding of the importance of this possibility, 
j ry'-uest you have qualified opinions be given you. 

Mr. President, I am correct! 





December 30 , 197*4 

1521 Deerwood Drive, 
Mobile, Alabama- 36618 
Phone: 205-3*4*4-9767 

President Gerald Ford 
Washington, D. C. 

Dear Mr. President: 

I doubt seriously that this letter will ever be brought t 
your attention, but the immense importance of this subject matter ° 
compels me to try. 

Since 1967, I have diligently sought specific scientific 
argument against scientific material I have written. When I have 
personally approached Physics Professors they said I should get the 
opinion of Astronomy Professors and the Astronomy Professors would 
say I should get the opinion of the Physics Professors. 

Through persistence, I have received correspondence from 
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Atomic F.nergv Commit 
and National Science Foundation. “ ' Oi, " 0n 

Of all the comments received from the scientific community 
none have given specific scientific argument which has given me an ,/ ’ 
doubt concerning my hypothesis. Any arguments first presented dis- 
qualify themselves after I Dresent my arguments. 

A11 three of these National Departments er.d up suggesting 
n : ‘ at 1 ? et a sclentiflc Journal to publish my hypothesis. My Scien-ifir 
Document and copies of all correspondence mentioned are attached 
including scientific Journals. ’ 

hv-othpH.'md ° f thC sclentlflc community I forwarded a copy of my 
r. /notnesls made no comments. J 

my hypo-he-*^ ° f the 3clentlf ic community to take a stand on 

Witt the 'nace^clinr^n 81 ^ by my corres P on dence with Dr. Dessler 
A f te" read - J “ Department of Rice University in Houston, Texan. 

Quote: would 1 ’ he called m - v b y P b °ne and give me his opinion, 

you probably could be^ne^r h° debate wlth vou what you have written, 
ever lived! However ? of , thc Sroatest theoretical thinkers that has 
response from other 'oihnM d- 8 ? 1 " 6 y ° U are havin S difficulty settlor 
arguments in tbp nt^oto because you have not presented your 

World. I would advI-P L d 3C - entlric form expected by the Scientific 
your arguments in thp l a yOU , back to college to learn how to present 
m the accepted form.” Unquote: 

How ironic t- v q < r 

than the hint of tngh .. or:n anc credentials are of more Importance 
tru.h to tne sciantific community. 




rr J * w0 

herald Ford 

p, l? 7 " 

19 f H 

„ Should oe apparent that ’ 

^ore/i ^ 5 ^r^/,%0- -1 

f.r. „„ ia „ ,„ „.. »" i",n:r'p«« 

« «> « no! rSTtrSF^ tr.dontl.U. lf !J 

u important neic, right to expect the scie 

iat .fforts have earned me ^ d [^ ree ^ ^ uneertaln terms. 

> •«-» t0 8RreC ““ — " ^ f lanKthv experiments , study 

The conclusion of my nin « ***” J^£uSted Source of Energy 

n fce e released°from Magnet ic^and^Elec trie ^Fl^e Ids of^orce^ this ^result 

^reinvestment of V200 000 and within one Stance , T 
rrMl^rdra^ 8 io S^.nt attorney or any investor. 

I await your earlier, t possible reply . 

Mr. President, 

I am correct! 

Respectfully , 


Joseph West ley Newman 





August 28, 197^ 

1521 Deerwood Drive, Ea«-v 
Mobile, Alabama 36618 
Phone: 205 - 3^-9767 

Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller 
ATTN: Mr. Frank Pa^notta 

Washington, D. C. 

Dear Mr. Vice-President: 

I talked with Mr. Lacey by phone on the night of August 26 
19 75, while you and he were in Mobile, Alabama. Mr. Lacey advised 
ne to send this letter and the enclosed material to Mr. Pagnotta Q 
and that he would personally see to it that you received this im- 
mensely important material. 

Please find enclosed a copy of my scientific document a coi 
of Dr. Edward Leverne Moragne’s letter dated August 7, 1975* con- y 
cernlng my document and a separate page showing Dr. Moragne’% 
scientific accomplishments, a copy of a letter to President John*^ 
dated July 31, 1967, a copy of a letter to President Nixon dated 

30^1974. 97 ' Snd 3 C ° ?y ° f 3 lettSr t0 Presldent Pord da ted December 

For ten years now I have studied, thought, exoerlmented and 
durini^th ?^ s ° lutely alon f • 1 have Purchased $2,000. worth of books 

conoernlns severa l fields ; Astronomy, Physics 

to most scientists? 11 1 * th 4 Nhat 1 see so olearl y is unimaginable 

since that time.’ °D?ring 1 thl? r tlme 1 i' 7 h ’ We haVe talked frequently 
proof Of my work on sevfr»i 41 f 1 have forwarded him additional 
brought about Dr. Soragn^s The result3 of our talks 

ls in front of mv 1975 d rt «,,n, le Z ter 4 2 pages of this recent informatioi 
drawing is 12 feet, 11 inches^ong^^** 0 '* 8 are not enc i° se d, Neptune 

in a position where ter Dr * Mora ^ ne has written puts him 

re 6 has nothln * to gain and everything to lose. 



u1e0 t B ocKefel ler 

> :::: ,c 

9$ r^*Sse^ re Hr?e?ter;dat;d ^T/rpoIe IVI^Z_ 

January ^(, u J . 

tn«?f rl cd to *Ij my document to J c “ ' you a n correspondence I 

Si 1 .",}" " ; rh.'% “« ««• •**•—•• 

sa»®' pre sld cnt savinp I can release 

" *. ^J^LS/ES* to nl end 

dvan ce 

11 be the greauea^ ^ w “l* 


fcler f rt t °ta r th e h mathematlcal °^d8 of me being eorreet j^P^ 

iffiggSi &S£ £. «o experiment 

ild pet UP nt 

Pr ::i; found no one in the solentifi^co^unity who could plve^ 
.•ting scientific W « J n ‘ aMlltJ that agrees with my 

l-^and has C obtalned°the interest of his colleagues . 

HP. Vice-President, I know that I have^an ability that canine 
,e ":eri m ent m heip n m; to^eip^he government and the world? 

earch £5 

sible reply concerning this most important matter. 

Respectfully , 

Joseph Westley Newraan 







February 19, 1976 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

This will acknowledge your letter to the 
Vice President regarding your interest and scientific 
proposal in the field of electro magnetic energy and 
request for financial assistance to enable you to 
further research your project. 

The Vice President appreciates your interest 
and hss instructed that your correspondence be for- 
warded to Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Administrator of the 
Energy Research and Development Administration, where 
it v.'ill be further reviewed and given appropriate 

The Vice President thanks you for bringing 
this matter to his attention. 

Sincerely , 


Frank R. Pagn/tta 

!■-■■■ i r:tonl l', > },r- 7 i ior ;n t. 

for Administration 

Hr. Joseph Westley Newman 
*521 Deerwood Drive, East 
— le, Alabama 3661$ 


ink kSKHGY MAf.MIN k OF )< jSkl'II NF.WMAN 

March 12, 1979 

1521 Doerwood Drive, Eaub 
Mobile, Alabama 3661 3 

['huno: (2Q r j) '3 ^ l k - 9 7 67 




.cid^ Ho use 

%. c. 

J^ton, u * 

^ president: 

r •• • written with the experienced knowledge 

, letter is v c nQ responsible, exacting action:: 

1 prOhO^ly or? T nm cj H<=»t'far»m3nr-*ri 

t H,t ! fto this request • 

^ ause 1 

15ti However,’ as I am a determined 
have absolutely no doubt that I am 

P' I , p ersevere ‘ 

co rr: ’ c ’ -v,. -nerrv problem as a result of 14 years 

I can G °!mentin^ and "deep creative thought 1 . I have 
, . tudy . experl !tplv as an Inventor for the last 18 years. 

U «1 ^u^hfve been my major Interest for the last 14 

Science ana 

tn „ credibility: Find enclosed 5 letters 

f f °Iv n inventive ability (one of which is from the Governor 
^a- y Fob James , Jr.). 

' Jl ' : C 0 ; 7 U m p"^Ro bfe )t E. Smith , Chief, Orbital and Space 
letters are 1 *„ Sciences laboratory of NASA at .huntsvlli > 

' :7 , lr#n '" en D r SmUh's recen? letter of February 26 , 1979 , describing 

unexpected problem of getting exacting debate o m y work ot 

U years from some of his colleagues, outlines exactly, , tn 
scientific rhetoric I have received from the fneral soientiflc 
community for the last 12 years. (Studied and experimented 
two years prior to seeking scientific debate). 

Kind enclosed copies of letters to Presidents. of 197 4 , 

President Johnson, July 31, 1967, President Nixon, & Rockefeller, 
■Miter.t Ford, December 30, 1974 , and to Vice-President Ro-Korei 
August 28, 1975. These letters explain in detail my 



President Carter 
Page two 
March 12, 1979 

As a result of these letters find enclosed copies of 
letters from National Science Foundation, Atomic Energy Comml 33 i 0n 
ERDA, other Department Heads of NASA, all saying they are n > 

unqualified to debate with me in an exacting, scientific manner on 
my scientific efforts. My letter of January 27, 1975 to Dr. 

Stever, (tnen) Director of National Science Foundation, explain- 
my honest feelings of their scientific rhetoric. 

In conclusion, I earnestly, again, ask the President of 
the United States to help me, help the people of my country 
and the people of all the world. 

I can solve the energy problem! Find enclosed my scientifi 
document that now consist of 92 pages of exacting, scientific C 
statements, these statements are stated simply and clearly. There 
are no highly complicated mathematics or scientific rhetoric. I 
have studied, experimented and spent numerous hours in deep creative 
thinking during the last 1^ years in compiling these scientific 
findings . 

I earnestly request for you, President Carter, to demand 
the Federal Scientific Department Heads to all group together and 
agree or disagree in writing in an exacting, scientific manner 
to my 92 page scientific document. If all of these people are 
unqualified , as they say they are, to debate with me, then all of 
t.ic major Universities in the U.S. be asked to prove me wrong. 
i also request for a board of individuals with high powers of 
reasoning be set up to review their written comments and my 
written comments in defense of my document. 

. , ^ these people still claim they are unqualified to 

exac ting, scientific statements made simply, against v;hat 
.iv.y nave been taught, then it proves they do not truely understand 
what tney have been taught. 

Accordingly, President Carter. I 

n ^ f ^ 1 J « j . . ~ . 

t-n-.i- n i - r 177 -«■* *^* » x ask that you then recognize 

. j sel. is justification to give a Federal Grant to me so 
h nay °° m Plete my scientific efforts of lit years (which I 
Fn r “5 ance S, solel y alor - e) and release an Unlimited Source of 
energy from electromagnetic Fields of Force. I have read that you, 
‘ •''resident, are of scientific credibility. Please be advised 

simolv y thflt entlfi ° docu - T,ent ls written so exacting, clearly and 
simply that you can read and understand what I have written. 



ree sl « ot WrtCr 

V, -t and credible scientists In 
I Know *5 # '! u S , .S°Dr'! Smith), but regrettably, 
ry science f g®tlon°rather than the rule, 
that is the CXl ' t ' . - thls world and possibly 

The future generations f scientific rhetoric and 

ct-r^bn^ Interest^I^bave^encountered -may .still 

encounter In e “ n f h ^ and all other generations. 

^ vears :,have stood alone, against great odds. 

HUSt 1 "Tlirappreclate the earliest possible responslbl. 


Sincerely , 

mi/ CD 




November 17, 1983 

Route 1, Box 52 
Lucedale, Mississippi 
Phone: (601) 947-7147 


President Ronald Reagan 
The White House 
Washington, D. C. 20025 

Dear Mr. President: 

This letter 
knowledge that I 
actions relative 

is written with literally 
will probably receive no 
to this request. 

years of experienced 
responsible, exacting 

You will be the fifth President I have written reoarH- 
New Source of Energy and the fifth President which I a 

world fP mC hClP th ° pe ° pl ° ° f LhiS COUntr y the people of^o 

• j j° r over years I have stood alone ac 
minded scientific community and great odds. 


My Government 
contrary, has stood 
the level of the U. 

has given me absolutely no helc 
in my way and still continues' 
S. Patent Office. 

/ but to the 
to do so at 

I now have several workinq 
Invention i ^ 



this New Energy 

Please find enclosed copy 
Johnson, dated July 31, 1967. 



letter I 

sent to President 

Mr. Paul°Gomory Y (Expert e Adv^' dated JUlY 30 ' 1982 ' 1 sent t0 
Committee of the Concresci 1S ? r ° n Patent Law for the Judiciarj 
my letter which he s^nt to Mr LtTS* S ^ t0 

Criminal Law Subcommitt^? &JS2 T the^S?^ ' ’ 

Also find enclosed 
Section of who's Who In 
copies of letters from 

copy of my listing in the Phy sics 
e c "°logy, 1980 Edition, and numerous 
ere lble Scientific Individuals concerning 



_ i (j Reagan 

preS1 aent 

17, l? 83 


Novem^r * 7 ' 1 these pro totypes , and 

~ ,sas 

"Jitters f^ n = r lnven tive ability. -r,aes 

an d inte? r enclosed 

y°and inventive abin y news coverages 

1 ~ Mr Gariana ws coverages — , n _ te a himseit xn 

r " a<3e ns There are eig Robinette has c which he has 

Orleans, on this tape. Mr ve to the facts ked out all 

coverage s f ic manner re qranted , but 4-his matter, 

u&gx#z % ra gf;fi!3 = srr* 

^ it doing equally a the peoples of the d that you view 

^^ - r-^- rSSr “ 

code SO, - 5 S1- 2 S at Area code 301 -320-4327 . 

Mr . Paul Gomory can ^ ^ Code 504-529-6300 . 

Hr . Robinette can be reac deli berately 

Patent on a Mew Eneigy patents to have to explain^ 

! wish for^the Co^issioner^ with me pre sent, in front of 

the Judiciary Committee or the President. 

I ask that you, Mr. President, have someone 

check out these facts in an exacting, scientir 
enact responsible actions according y. 

I still stand alone, no doubt I will ^efforts. How 

so, until all is accomplished as a result y ti and the world 

sad that millions of others suffer in the mean time 
stands on the threshold of total destruction. 



President Ronald Reagan 
Page three 
November 17, 1983 

This invention will be the cause of the Industrial 
Revolution all over again, except at a greatly accelerat 
and will do more to reduce the possibility of war than ^ rate , 
all other means existing at this time, space travel will^ anc ^ 
a true reality, and will touch and excite all aspects of q Come 
and will open many doors to the mind that have been r l o ^ cie nce 
this time. s ed bef 0re 

Sincerely , 






the white house 

Karch 21, 


ear Mr. Newman: thank yo u £or yo ur 

l1fo£ president Reagan, I want 
etter and enclosures. have taken to bring 

h. President^apP r ®^ a ^®^ e ^^on^ ITie How e ve r ^^ a ^norry 

his musfbe a disappointing response^ ^ is not 

kbiftrcoSr y StS I-pe you will understand 

the President's best wishes. 


Anne Higgins 

Special Assistant to the president 
and Director of Correspondence 

Hr. Joseph Westley Newman 
Route 1, Box 52 
Lucedale , MS 39452 




Date Received by the White House: //- *>2/ ^ ^ _ 



S umma ry : 

■ - - 

°7 ^ 

Yi^2* — ^ 

CO uJ L TV- cW V 



If nothing unusual send directly to Lilie Bell, Room 58. Make 
a copy for JCD's file. 

Special cases to Chuck Donovan, Room 94. 

Problems, i.e. threats etc. send to Secret Service Room 45 via 
Bob Gallagher. 

Keep original form with video. 

Anything intended as a gift, i 
Bible tapes, send directly to 

.e. a professional production, 
the Gift Unit, Room 457. 




pear Sl rs: 

joe Mewroan the Man 

Pr ° h a arenablea 


' Slr " is manufacturing and diatr lhu yeap3 

buclnet- 1- uslnec5 for t 5 of people. 

pitUt use. w « rk wlth many r.roup . lBBr inatlon, 

;o stud. pro duced someone • f j eV elope 

Before rf^t^ceVnd determination 

.nuity* a <? ite 

, i. pi paw*- 

’^‘/and marketable Item 

u5 „, vll » r e Of knowlnr. 

I »ave «d the prlvlle. 

;e vcral men who are e 

. ve „ a „ the pr lviJ -^'; t mventoro. Mr. ' e> '£urinr, this 

:s " * p ““‘ c «- - "3$su 

*»*?" - 

according to nis theori i/,^<ntecl to t.i" 

I an convinced he ^^^iAeraSS^ any individual can Give, 
aims and Is worthy of all e „ because 1 

^vss r^g^gxs^- 

^^ ears 1 i,ave knwn 

M y 

_inccrely , 

X, 7 /]<un-< 

f^jUrw^ u ' 

Dennis A. Moore 


S (205; 457-5382 

o* * *>» 

f 171 /I gf 


July 13, 1979 

To Whom It May Concern: 

I have had a business and personal relationship with Joe Newman for 
the past two years. 

As a businessman, I can attest to his honesty and complete fairness 
in all of his business dealings. 

From a standpoint of our personal relationship, I find him to be a 
very warm and considerate person of extreme honesty. 

My overall opinion of Joe is that he has an extremely keen mind. 

Any subject or matter that he becomes interested in he will devote untold 
hours of study and research in his quest for the truth. 

As an example, I know that he has spent years in his research to 
produce a source of unlimited energy. I personally believe that there is 
great merit to his findings. I only regret that I am not in a position to 
join him in the development of his research. 



July ’979 

u M 

Ccnc&* n: 


, &&&*&** ' 

;••>;:;» U *Siiom- „ th<u Joe h<u beer. iwolvtd 

K' 11 -,. hi * 1 kl tuuttve. yz°- n - i 1 felt0 , , ...limiUil enengif.. 

1,1 ihd P* i;t f e " lei co»c^«X«g a *»a*cc » d ^ tkeo<u.e* 

i« e*e*«^»9 

{j#*t coc«b^ng. 



M MOBILE inhalation therapy 

^ .STOff- SC, 6 7 ' 2 y J, b'i t E !" a IASAMA S* 

October 6, 1977 


xt for the past eleven years. During 

thi^time^e have developed a trusted business and personal 

As a result of this relationship, X have been privileged to 
sfe him encounter numerous mechanical and scientific problems. 
Usina his own creative ability he has developed solutions to 
each of these problems. More frequently than not, so quickly 
and simply that is has not only amazed me, but others who were 
specilists in the respective fields, including a number of 
individuals holding Masters, and P.H.D. degrees in engineering, 
science and mathematics. 

With reference to Mr. Newmans character, from my own personal 
observations and others with whom we both have had contact, 

I find his honesty and integrity to be impeccable. 

Most sincerely. 



Ralston C. Reynolds 
President and General Manager 





4 , 


r 0 e Newman 

2 ;, 

'"ijpast we, the p.oplj^t h”.s ‘ been'in 

«?»:£ ^ a 0 ^”^. 

“e» through y» ur ‘"'f" IS , made’me confident enough (as 

» - ir,:;::.::;;: t0 ’sca P a » h.i P ..i« ^ ***« 

?at k ”eli separation at each edge of the 

. Qraca have your name on file 

1 rwiU e be h co t ntacting P y° U on any future mechanical pro- 
bJems. Thanks again for your help. 

Best personal regards, 



Pete A. Rodriguez 

PAR: scm 




ified B pr< 


September 29, 1977 

* v *«u* 


(305) 7^. 900l 

products corporate 



I have known Joe Newman personally for 15 years during which 
til he has worked for us on numerous occasions as a trouble 
shooter of mechanical problems dealing with machinery and 
equipment from conceptual, design and production standpoints. 
Joe is the best I have ever seen in this regard with tremen- 
dous creative and inventive abilities. 

Joe Newman is a man of integrity and complete honesty. I 
recommend him highly to find solutions for the tough and 
unusual mechanical problems of any nature. 



World's Largest Transmission Specialists 

2525 FOWLER 

STREET, FT. MYERS, FLORIDA 33901 • (813) 334-7776 

stober 3, 1977 


have known Joe Newman, f i ^ 1 ^°thls 1 perlod ^ I have 

sr sarsi «. 

““ T,v. .«!•«; 

-5S.S “ “ 10 

has . 

C 1 

Lindsey BuAans , President 

Scientific Document to 

all the 56 following 

and Physics 

ics Departments: 

dept, head of 


dept, head of 




Stanford University 
Stanford, California 

Cniversitv of California i 

Los Angeles, California 

California Institute of Technology- 

1201 Sast Calif.. Street x 

Paseder.a 4, California 

University of Southern California ^ 

Los Angeles 7, California 

University of Colorada ^ 

Boulder, Colorada 

University of Connecticut 
Storrs, Connecticut 

Yale University 

New Haver., Connecticut 1 

Catholic University of America 1 

Washington 17, D.C. 

Georgetown University 

Washington 7, D.C. 1 

Florida State University 

Tallahassee, Florida 1 

University of Florida 

Gainesville, Florida 1 

Georgia Institute of Technology 

Atlanta 13, Georgia 1 

Illinois Institute of Technology 

Chicago 16, Illinois 1 

Northwestern University 

Evanston and Chicago, Illinois 1 

University of Chicago 

Chicago 37, Illinois 1 





t " , r» aie 

510 , i«ereW 

40 India** 


• Notre 




diversity o 
St* te , Technology 

c e a* d 

’ iova 

c-itv of Iowa 



, lty of ^ r ‘ saS 

U' 7e ‘ 

1 State University 

icisiaw * 

, Rouge 

3 Louis iana 

Baton 1 

, krs Hopkins University 

furore If, ***** 

Hrlierslty ef Maryland 
Park, Maryland 


DePVfi rd University 

JSridge 3«, Massachusetts 

,-jetts Institute of Technology 
Cambridge 39, Massachusetts 

Radcliffe College 

Cambridge 3 8, Massachusetts 

Michigan State University 
last Lansing, v ichigar. 

University of Michigan 
*•••• Arbor, Michigan 

•diversity of Minnesota 
"Irj.c-ajrolis, Minnesota 

feshi~gto a 

“° uis 30, Missouri 










Princeton University 
Princeton, New Jersey 

Putters - The State University 
New~Brur.swick, New Jersey 

Columbia University 
New York 27, New York 

Cornell University 
Ithaca, New York 

New York University 
New York 3, New York 

University of Rochester 
Rochester 20, New York 

Duke University 
Durham, North Carolina 

University of North Carolina 
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 

Case Institute of Technology 
Cleveland 6, Ohio 

Ohio State University 
Columbus 10, Ohio 

Carnegie Institute of Technology 
Pittsburg 13, Pennsylvania 

Pennsylvania State University 
University Park, Pennsylvania 

University of Pennsylvania 
- hiladelphia 4, Pennsylvania 

University of Pittsburg 
Pittsburg 21, Pennsylvania 

3rown University 12, P.hode Island 

University of 
Knoxville 16, 



Pice University 
Houston 1 Texas 
























dept. HEAD o? 


c oll2& 

ay TexaS 

r6 ity ° f U i 2 utah 

city 12- 

/. Virgi n ^- a 

*gS«£ vWnis 

, t7 of Washing* 0 " 

gfs! Washington 

<ty of Wisconsin 
fT*!! Wisconsin 

DEPT, head of 




national aeronautics and space administration 





August 31, 1967 

Mr. Joe W. Newman 
3062 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

Thank you for providing us with the opportunity of examining your 
communication concerning various scientific matters. In reading 
your document, we found it interesting and thought provoking. 

With respect to your request for specific information about space 
rockets that have veered off course, please let me say that this 
information is not available at the Marshall Center. More than 600 
space vehicles have been launched to date. Some of these launchings 
were conducted by civilian agencies and others by military organi- 

as well as by the United States. So I am sure you can readily under- 
stand why the information you requested is not kept locally. 

zations. Some were launched by Russia, France, England and Italy 

In the paper you forwarded to us you 

us you discuss a wide range of subjects, 

relativity, friction, celestial 

to achieve perpetual motion. In an 

competent advice in the variety of areas 

because we do not have experts in all of 

you may wish to contact a special group 
s established to receive and evaluate new 


to space research. It is the: 

Washington, D. C. 20546 




olad that you are interested in our 
Agai „. U. you, Kindness in first — 

6p :rx-*° us - 

l° e wish y°“ rouch Buccess in y ° Ur 8tudieS ' 

Sincerely yours, 

Foster Haley 

Deputy Chief of Public Affair. 







August 14, 1967 



Mr. Joe W. Newman 
3062 Pickell Driv ® 605 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

I have read the document which you sent to the Physics 

Department . 

It shows a great deal of imagination but also shows that 
you are unffmiliar with a vast amount of work which has 
been done and is being done in the fields of electro- 
dynamics and mechanics. I would strongly suggest that _ 
you read some standard texts in electricity and magnetism 
and Lorrain. 

If you could then relate your work to the standard body 
of accepted and well tested physical theory it would 
have a much better chance of being heeded. 

EAD : pw 

Sincerely , 

Edward A. Desloge 
Associate Professor 

/-?&/- 3 #$~ 3 oil 



NATIONAL science foundation 


August 10, 19^7 

Joe W. Newman 
%62 Pickell Driv S 6o5 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 

pear Mr. Newman: 

Viac -referred your letter of July 31, 19 7 

president Johnson Foundation for re ply. The Foundation 

to the National whose principal mission is support of 
is a Federal agency elation in the sciences. I would like to 
basic research h ali . of the President for bringing your thoughts 
on"tinc matters to the attention of the Government. 

, _pf er red your paper to the Physics Section of our 
1 ^ «^1 and Physical Sciences Division for further 

may S^ect to hear from them after they have 

had an opportunity to study it. 

Sincerely yours, 


Randal M. Robertson 
Associate Director (Research) 






Physical Review ^ 

The Physical Review 

S.A. GOUDSMIT, Editor 
G.L. TRIGG, Editor 
M.j. FLEMING, Publicat, 

A. HERSCHMAN, Editor (on leave) 
A.W.K. METZNER. Acting Editor 
J.C. F/NEMAN, Assistant to the Editors 

18 April 1967 

Dr. Joe W. Newman 
General Delivery 
Webster, Texas 

Dear Dr. Newman: 

We regret to inform you that your manuscript " The 
Universe" is not considered suitable for publication in 
The Physical Review. We are therefore returning it here- 

Yours sincerely, 



S. Pasternack 



Joe W. 


f 0 62 Flo^n Drive 

Mobil 0 . 
Dear Mr 

Newman : 


. 1 v a note to acknowledge receipt of your 

^Le^rTgarding the laws of electricity and 


+V10 ffloultv has given it a critical 
Thus far no °" e desira ble to communicate further 

~£™u you iyte assured that we will do so upon 
toe earliest occasion of interest. 

Sincerely yours 

Burton J. Moyer 




department of astronomy 

harvard university 

7 August 1967 

Mr. Joe E. Newman 
3062 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

This is in regard to the Scientific Document which 
we received from you today along with your request for 

Unfortunately your request has come at a very bad 
time of the year and I am sorry to say that the members 
of our staff who could review your document are not 
generally available during the summer months. I am there- 
fore returning your paper with the hope that you will be 
able to find someone who could give more prompt attention 
to your request. 

P. S. Since Radcliffe College does not have a separate 
astronomy department, the document which you sent 
them has been forwarded to us, and is also enclosed. 

Sincerely yours, 

RM: sw 

Ruth Mandalian 
Administrative Secretary 






August 8, 19^)7 

Mr. J° e 


3062 Pickell Drive 
Mob ile, Alabama 


Dear Mr. Newman: 

_ a rfm ,„i 0 f Phyalcs and Astrophysics receive 
We in the Depa hlet8 . and books that It is impossible 

so many letters, pa P one individually. 1 therefore 

" r»" jsx*. 




Weeley E. Brittin 




northwestern university 


August 14, 1967 

department of physics 

Mr. Joe W. Newman 
3062 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

I have just received your 25 page Scientific Document which 
you sent me August 3 , 19 & 7 • I will try to see if anyone here is 
interested in your work and will send any comments to you. 

Sincerely yours. 

Arthur J. Freeman 


THE energy machine OF JOSEPH 




October 11, 1967 

w Newman 

Mr- JoB uL ll Drive 
3062 36605 


Newman i 

Dea r Mr ' . lrtn _ dG i av in responding to your request for 

T apologize for the lo 8 to che laws OF MAGNETISM AND EEEC- 

Lion on y° ur ^MOVEMENT OF BODIES IN THE UNIVERSE. Since my area 
ay GOVERNING THE theory, I must disqualify myself as an 

TRlCl ^ialty is electromagnetic the. ory^ ^ ^ more appropriace i£ 

of S l\ in astrophysics, an gg^ area. Perhaps someone in the 

eXpe «ould consult a spec f s th Alabama would be willing 

.00, .» »i>h — h “ 

vacuum. various space probes, 

heen evident m 

11 f .lprp laws are only models which we use to 
In any event, all o nature but they don't tell us why 

attempt to explain what happens in nature, yQU use the terms, 

these things happen. For exa p , of y force " many times to explain the 
"magnetic flux" and "magnetic lu £ fo ^ agree , there is no 

actions of bodies in motion. As th ^ s be i ng simply a model vhich 

such thing as a magnetic line of f • h ns . The key question, 

is used to attempt to explain some thig "magnetic 

It seems to me, is why do we have this relative to one another, 
force" when two charged P art ^“ h as this that present us with 

of inquiry. 

Again, thank you for letting me read ^“^which you feel you 

t do not feel qualified to comment on the points at whi 
are in disagreement with existing theory. 

Sincerely yours, 

VJ. Edward Lear 


cc: Mr. John Tyson 




atomic energy commission 


JAN 2 1 1353 

Mr. Joe W. Newman 
3062 Pickell Drive 
Mobile, Alabama 36605 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

It was nice to talk with you 
the phone and to receive your 
attachments, namely: 

and Mr. Giddens a few days ago on 
letter of January 7 and its two 

Article from Mobile Press Register, "What is Gravity?" 

Manuscript, "For the sake of mankind and in the interest of science. 

When I got the material I sent it to members of our scientific 
staff for review. They examined it and returned it promptly to 
me without making any substantive comments. They did point out 
so far as the Atomic Energy Commission is concerned the documents 
discuss matters outside our purview. 

The impression I have from ray examination is that your material, 
while interesting to read, is based on a general philosophical 
approach to the universe rather than on a detailed account of nature 
and its interrelationships. 

You told me on the phone that you were having difficulty finding 
someone to publish your material. This is not surprising for really 
there are very few philanthropic individuals or organizations set up 
to finance the cost of publishing documents such as yours. Many 
scientific societies (for example the American Physical Society) 
even assess page charges to the authors of papers published in their 
journals. They are even highly selective in the actual documents in 
their journals because the members of the societies have their own 
ideas on what they want to preserve by publication. 

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to examine the enclosed docu- 
ments. I hope you find my remarks helpful, that certainly is my 
n ent. Please give my very best regards to Mr. Giddens. 

Paul W. McDaniel, Director 
Division of Research 

Enclosures : 

Two documents noted above. 





November 9» 1970 

Dear Joe: 

Please mail a copy of your Moon article to 
Velikovsky. 78 Hartley Avenue, Princeton, 
New Jersey 08540. Thought it might interest him 

Hope your affairs are going well. 

Mr. F. J. Newman, Jr. 
1454 Government Street 
Mobile, Alabama 



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/8" H AKTLh. 



August 5, 1974 

R . Giddens, Director 

m - : g B of Awe +?on Agency 
VO c C lnf° rroa n C. 20547 

Jjasli ingt ° n ’ D - 

pea r Ken ’ r personal letter of July 9 , I 

ReferrinS t0 1 y that Mr. Newman has achieved any 
* do not ^notable experimental results nor 
r eal -Lights or n ld withstand detailed 

his conclusions have been i rrej . ul . au 

nrnnedure for scientif 

-vKi “s°s ssi tSfsr. r.r„ s. 

;tabUS standard procedure for scientific 

Of course, the stand hi ^ first send ing his paper 

iblication w0U * d _J; aoD ropriate scientific journal. 

Jb ihe editor “ hit the paper might have any sub- 



» — s M £■? * 

,ld out no hope that his iae 
nbody anything publishable. 




Mr. Kenneth R. 
August 5, 1974 
Page Two 

Giddens, Director 

Woods Hole does have its advantages over Wash- 
ington , whether one is vacationing or working here, 
or 7 as I am, doing both. Do come this way and try 
it out. 

With best regards. 

Sincerely yours, 





NATIONAL science foundation 


Mr joe W. Newman 


D „, Mr. „ tonol.sloo 

s« gSSs sis 

5" wS..i~ «; S/K’”S,; l KS...i." of for 

S.SrSo'of «h. «-««. Journals. 

Incidentally. » «—«« ““ 

0 L .^<-;<Q^>-zW' 

Albert Bridgewater 
Staff Assistant 
Physics Section 



June 18, 1974 

Mr. Joe W. Newman 
1541 Bracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 77055 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

Your letter to the President concerning magnetic and 
electrical fields has been referred to my office for reply. 

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in supporting 
the National energy program, welcomes the opportunity to con- 
sider recommendations which may lead to the early and effective 
application of additional energy sources. Your letter has been 
passed to our technical staff for consideration. Should 
additional information be desired you will be contacted 

Thank you for your interest and your effort in this vital 



Tarrison H. Schmitt 
Assi.^tant Administrator for 
Energy Programs 

nNAUTICS and space administration 



April Sh, 19T 1 * 


Mr. Joe W. Newman 
15^1 Bracher Drive 
Houston, TX 77055 

The kids had a lot of fun. 

^^teTw^'t-co^f--. Ha! 

Your plans «»«■«£” shu£t™!^nr w rdon'f plw'tfcW^ 

our exeroise g machine for this flighty for space 

-- « « use « on shuttle 


A copy of your continuation of ^^"ideas so that 

comments. I hope you can expand your "scientifically 

25*5 and^proven^ theories" of magnetism and gravity. 

Best personal regards till we meet again. 


Ronald E. Evans 
Captain, USN 
NASA Astronaut 





Mr. Joe W. _ Newman 
I 5 I 1 I Bracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 77055 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

Thank you for your letter of March 8, 197U, concerning articles 
you plan to send to the scientific community. 

The Atomic Energy Commission does not undertake any direct 
evaluation of independent scientific treatises because the vast 
number of such independent researches carried out in the world 
today has made it necessary for all fundamental scientific work 
to undergo an evaluation by the scientific community. 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. We wish you success 
in your future publication efforts. 


D. R. Miller, Deputy Director 
Division of Physical Research 

P.S. You may be interested to learn that since 

your last correspondence, Dr. P. W. McDaniel 
has retired from the AEC . 





united states 
energy commission 

iS „,NGTON. O.C. 205.5 

MAY 2 1 1974 

joe W. Newman 

a Sr.ct|« 

Dear Mr. Newman: letter 

x - rt a ar - sr 

ir^-nfs^s ana — * ' 

nOChinS * stence is understandable, °o« 

your P e 5 sis j scientific community of ^ ed y0 ur ideas 

convincing utre s it. Have you ln which 

with workin^scientists specialising m 

you are concerned? 

7 ).$. ^ 

D. R- Miller, Deputy Ol«ctot 
Division of Physical Resea 



federal energy office 


MAY 2 0 1974 

Mr . joe W. Newman 
^\r C ^as ri 770S5 
Dear Mr. Newman: 

cent letter to President Nixon 
Thank you for your and development that has been 

«»• p°— 1 to contribute to an 

easing of the energy situation. 

i Aeronautics and Space Administration 
Because the /^Sis ^tter. 5 am forwarding 

“ ‘SS2 S'SS consideration. 

For your information, I am enclosing an energy research 
and development fact sheet, an energy definitions li t 
that appeared in the congressional Record, and an enumeration 
of energy research and development budget recommendations for 
fiscal year 1975 that may be of interest to you. 


Assistant Administrator 
Energy Resource Development 


Save Energy and You Serve America! 



national science foundation 


MAY 1 £ 1974 

Mr Joe W. Newman 
1541 Bracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 77055 

Dear Mr. Newman: President Richard M. 


April 30, 1974, is transmitted herewith. 

Edward P. Todd 
Deputy Assistant Director 
for Research 




national science 



z. 20550 

April 30, 1974 

Mr. Joe W. Newman 
1541 Bracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 77055 

Dear Mr. Newman. ig74> since we have no record 

Thank you for your Witter. I will only comment on 

the^mater1al C 1ncluded U 1n^pages 1*7-22 of your document. 

tn challenge the validity of calculations 
Your theory does not appear to h ” ? ore , the test of your theory 
based on the accepted theories. undete cted phenomena. The hypo- 

is whether It P re ? lc ^ H nosltlvelv charged energy particles would 
theslzed negatively and positive e particles have not been observed in 
satisfy this "IteMon, but the p h ed particle detectors have 
any of the many experiments in h " ause alternative explanations are 
been placed in magnetic • d toward your finger is not 

sis;"::™.' vs: sss 

Jn^ conclusion, yo u r_ theory r etormu late s_butnots u p p 1 a nt s e x 1 s t i n g 


Sincerely yours, 

CX 3 

Albert Bridgewater 
Staff Assistant 
Physics Section 



TfVAS 770 jO 

March 13, 1974 


u. Newman 



Mr ' manuscript. "Magnetic and Electrical f^ond^f^ 

ifJefHsTanrthus i ..... ~>i • 

f ounuj----^^ am unaDic w 

Of sending t h e :r scri fs to^f 

.us I have taken^ ^ UniverS ity of Toronto 
Specialist in magnetics. 

urs truly. 

/Richard /• Williams 

TN7:RJW11Hams:ceh: 3/1 3/74 

/u, o»o ,m.«f re6««W 

Prof. P«^c.e 



national aeronautics and space admin, stration 

Houston. Texas 77058 

reply to 


APR 1 7 1374 


Mr. Joe W. Newman 
1541 Bracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 77055 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

In reply to your letter of April 8, 1974, I have discussed your 
paper with Dr. Brett. It is my understanding that he is forwarding 
a reply to you recommending that you contact the Journal of Geo- 
physical Research. I believe that since this Center really does not 
have the specialists in those fields that would be appropriate to 
evaluate your hypothesis, it would be better to forward your paper 
to them for possible review and publication. 






, U .U.».» ■* T-. «—«=»“ < “ OPHY * ,C ^ U, ‘" >N 

D eolTOB 

” 7 

rf- ir 



23 , 19 T 1 * 

Toe W- Nevmian 
Mr- Joe .y-pr Drive 
jSston? ^xas 77055 


the ran f i Research • We are restricted essentially^ ^ ch , mist ry 
Geophysical R and theoretical stu * ie ® can not handle papers 

1 HlSsT -“*« S» "* 

With best wishes. 



George C- 




THE physical review review letters 

— ■=S r “*-'— 

Th# Ph,i,c 0 | *«,„ w 

»-Jasth NaCk 


Phyiicol Ul| , r| 


GEORGE l T*,go 

Publication M onoo „ 


24 April 1974 

Dr. Joe W. Newman 
1541 Bracher Drive 
Houston, Texas 7705b 

Dear Dr. Newman, 

we regret to in*°™ 0 £° j u et S the°Word a Grlvit? , are 9 Key 


Review. We are therefore returning it herewitn. 

Yours sincerely, 

e % w v 

C. Lewis Snead, Jr. 

Enc . 



national science foundation 



January 2,4, 197 5 

rth We stley Newman 
Mr. J° se P j Drive, East 

near Mr ■ Newman 1974 which y ou sent to 

We have ««^ e „^ding“n r ii-i«d 

3^'”? “S3:r u ms= = “ 

Foundation . that the answers 

.. «• •“ 01 

u,„» .0 

During May and ^a’ fascination °* r ^ t ^°es“ts Tn 


D J-.^rr £ %“ previous correspondence. 

is provided and toncentrate p P iled disC ussions to re 

oent of the experimental data, an 

divergent viewpoints. information. 

free and open exchange of scie re asonably 

We strongly support the f scientific foundation, I 

If your documenc has the nec * /L be a ma jor obstacle, 
confident that publication would not 

TM EXtaov mc«M of X*m« *™*» 

January 27, 1975 

1521 Deerwood Drive, East 
Mobile, Alabama 36618 
Phone: 20 5- 3 MU -97 6 7 

Mr. H. Cuyford Stever, Director 
Washington, D. C. 20550 

Dear Mr. Stever: 

Reference vour letter of January 24, 1975 . It was not my 
intention that the National Science Foundation receive my letter, 
documents and correspondence forwarded to President Ford. 

Your response is exactly what I would have expected, had 
I sent it to your department. 

Dr. Bridgewater's correspondence was polite, but not exactin g 
scientific argument. And contrary to what you and Dr. Bridgewater & 
suggest, publication in a reputable Journal is a major problem. This 
is even admitted by Mr. Reid of the Journal of Geophysical Research 
in his letter of May 23, 197^ , of which you have a copy. 

The scientific community ij3 now and has always been made up 
majorly of individuals who have memorized the works of great men before 
them and therefore, claim to be true scientists. Their claim is 
ridiculous and their close-mindedness is despicable. 

I do not make this comment based off my experiences with the 
so called scientific community. History is full of the disheartening 
experience, of great men who were ridiculed by the scientific community 
5" t £ elr tlme and even thelr colleagues. Robert Goddard is an example. 
inr^ ma Sf were amazed at the American Government’s lack of interest 
S L L WOr , k, M }Ie dled ln 1945 • Tt was not until I960 that the 
to his estatl for the contr ^ lon wlth an award of one million dollars 
he was dead! 0f hls patents - That was a great help after 

to say, ,, rook S what 1 we d h»vf e a tiflC co ™ unlt y of the U.S. Is now quick 

vision like Goddard and Von^raun 3 ^" 1 m6n to . the moon -" Only men of 
moon. ^ on ® raun have caused men t;o be sent to the 

argument on what^^eve^r-ltte^ a !} d Politely to get exacting scientific 
wr °ng, it should beT iI ; ' ; t 1 * ave not received It. If I am 
W hi h a11 lts kn °wledgeab l^s clentlst a ° I 'f t ^ e National Science Foundation, 
able to do so shows the lack of Ibd?; prove me wron 8- Not to be 
lack of ability to creatively think! 




1 9>' e $ t*°2h 1975 

f^r y , inP r is Simple. There is no such thing as a 

c X am S ^Avity. There is only the observance of Electrical 
W , caU ed °r Force. I challenge anyone to quote factual exp- 

.;S y of F orce. 

ir d ^ lel ^ wrong. 

quote factual exp- 

wrong ‘ 

--d n - to h one t here with the power of reasoning to prove 

there X s n ° f is reason for your department to send it to 
that in ltS fhat your department request one of the reputable 
r0 nf!> c an; or J article for the purpose of having it reputed. 

I pubii^ 

J C! 

, rlc community Is like a boxer or athlete who 
sC ientii^ st ^ but wlll not compete. 

The * b g greatest 

cial" 5 CU 



, e r7 

, no warm and satisfying feeling from writing 
have *50**?"; vou be honest with yourself for a moment. 

1 gsk tnai/ y . _ . . nn/) V> fwl a/l QQ T hauf 

ask lf vou were me and had tried as I have 

have wlttei, ' h the finish? 

!.«* ^“someone to debate with you to the finish? 

Regrettably , 


Joseph Westley Newman 



national science foundation 


APR 8 1975 

Mr. Joseph Westley Newman 
1521 Deen^ood Drive, East 
Mobile, Alabama 36618 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

We have enjoyed corresponding with you during these past few 
months but our advice is still the same. The proper place 
for your ideas to be exposed and to obtain reactions from 
your colleagues is for you to publish them in a reputable 
periodical. If your ideas are as sound as you profess, 
these periodicals would welcome your document, and publication 
would stimulate discussion throughout the scientific community. 

I feel that this is the most effective step for you to take 
and recommend that your energies be focused in that direction. 

Sincerely yours, 


Office of Public 
Technology Projects 
Research Applications 



moragne RESEARCH * development CO. 

6230 Evergreen Suite E 
Houston, Texas 77036 
71 3 - 772-4668 

August 7 , 1075 

^ Joseoh Westley Newman 

reading your report, drawings and scientific 

Z%r ? t — ^e^etiEie cteetive^iUty rn 

^science of physics and -^^^e opened an area in^tre- 

2sz?£&^~ ,‘irr^ 

now the »°f^“^“"V“ther m after you set up your research program. 

This, we wiU ex P xu 

X do believe with proper 

financed) , the results would ^ ° n ^ velopment s that will be practical 
-rb^JcI^uTa^iranrdevelop a new step in science. 

As a matter of fact, X, and other witl^mor^than willing 

£ ~ with Par " 
ticular emphasis on this unlimited source of ene gy 

Please let me know if I can be of any service to you. 

Sincerely yours. 


^ ^ 37</ 



Honorable Robert C. Seamans, Jr., Administrator 
Energy Research and Development Administration 
20 Massachusetts Avenue 
Washing: on, D. C. 20 545 

Dear Doctor Seamans: 

I am enclosing herewith some correspondence and newspaper 
clippings relating to a development in the energy field by Mr. 

Joseph W. Newman, 1521 Deerwood Drive, East, Mobile, Alabama 

It appears from the file that several experts feel that his 
report, drawings and calculations have considerable scientific 
promise, and I am writing this to recommend very strongly that 
he be considered for an energy research grant by ERDA. 

I realize that you will need the specifics of his proposal in 
order to give the matter proper consideration. I am sure you can 
obtain these by contacting Mr. Newman at the address given above. 

Your early attention to this will be appreciated. 


J CSrkls 

Enclosures: a/s 

United States Senator 

Honorable John C. Stennis 
United States Senate 

Dear Senator Stennis: 

has asked me to reply to your letter of August 23, 

Dr . Seamans ha Joae ph W. Newman. 

1976, concerning Mr. Josepn 

. Mr Newman dating back to 19b9, 

He have had correspondence with “ hls HO rk in a reputable 

and we have suggested that * dence forwarded with your 

technical journal. 1 "^ e * sa me recommendation, affirm- 

SiiS 1 ^"cation is the appropriate nert 
step for Mr. Newman. 

! „ish that we could be more helpful in this matter. 


Janes S. Kane, Director 
Division of Physical Research 



'TMCnileb J£>l<x{e& Senate 


October 28, 1976 

Mr. Joseph W. Newman 
1521 Deerwood Drive, East 
Mobile, Alabama 36618 

Dear Joseph: 

I have your letter of October 23rd and have read it with 
a great deal of interest. I shall certainly give the points you 
raise my attention. 

In the meantime, I urge you to persist in this matter, I 
again express my regrets that the contacts I made on your 
behalf were not more productive. 

With warm personal regards, I am 

United States Senator 




Mr. Joe Newman 
1521 Derwood Drive E 
Mobile, Ala. 36618 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

Tn a recent telephone conversation, Capt. Ronald Evans 
, thlllou have in work, a new energy concept that 
:" f h 7be useful in this Country's present problem and wished 
to 8 know a forum where this concept might be introduced. 

The Department of Commerce has just such a forum for 
new inventors, the Office of Energy Related Inventions. 

It is my recommendation that you describe your invention 

in a letter to: 

Mr. George P. Lewett 

Chief, Office of Energy Related Inventions 
National Bureau of Standards 
U.S. Department of Commerce 
Washington, D.C. 20234 

This office will assist you in evaluating your ideas. 


' SWtGERX/Jr. 
/ ^Executive Director 



December 20, 1975 

1521 Deerwood Drive, p B ,, 
Mobile, Alabama 36618 3t 
Phone: 205 - 344-976y 

Mr. George P. Lewett 

Chief, Office of Energy-Related Inventions 
National Bureau of Standards 
Washington, D. C. 20234 

Dear Mr. Lewett: 

Today I received your letter of December 16, 1975. 

While your comments are disappointing, they are not 
surprising to me at all. They conform exactly with the attitude 
of the correspondence that I have previously received from the 
National Science Foundation, Atomic Energy Commission, National 
Aeronautics and Space Administration, as well as others. 

Truth is of great importance to me as a man and a 
scientist. The results of my scientific efforts for the last 
10 years are as follows: 

1. Reputable Scientific Journals only print the 
hypothesis of elite scientifically rocognized physicists and 
etc . 

2. Of all the correspondence I have received from vour 
department, as well as those scientific departments listed abov<* 
none have the ability to give exacting scientific argument against 
the scientific findings I have put forth in my document. asalnst 

,, 3 ; How can th is be? The scientific statements made In 

is no scle^tlflc^het 1 "/ ™ 0St ^ finlte scientific manner, there 
should be easy^t o r disprove°if & they U are ^ 0 “^ ^ ’ theref °~- 

I have spent Um^wnh^Ln™^ r fP U ^ le s cientific individuals 
scientific ability. cognize that I may have a most unusual 

Moragne , of 1 which e you e hLe y a t copy? tter fr ° n Dr * Edward Leverne 

(Director ^Department* conmen ts made by Mr. David J. 

Tirri, (Schuyler, Birch Svinrnf^ ^2 m !!!? rce * to my patent attorney 
and talking with me in Vashi^t 1 ' * M £ Kle and Beckett), after meeting 
scientific document. Wa 3 hln g*on, D. C. and then reading my 


' e of researcn Unquote. 

.1= ri n fit‘those laws exa met hlns gravely wrong 

forth * 1 certainly something 6 have 

COn °ent Solent If lo c— icatlon system for 

rith the results . alleviate 

— ter W s tola -at y -r of 8 sclent? f lc Unowlelge . 

Ms - efflClenC ; ln of Mr Atwe ll, (Deputy CMef^f Operations 

5SS 1 : S-gx.ssfflLtS!..- ; 

n BS) for analysis an p scientific 


I .. certain *» * cl *;“"5„S‘llU B ”n*« 1 * nan'clul to 

I await your earliest reply. 

Sincerely , 

Joseph Westley Hewman 




Mr. Joseph W. Newman 
1521 Deerwood Drive, East 
Mobile, Alabama 36618 

Dear Mr. Newman: 

We wish to acknowledge your letter of 
this office to submit your scientific 
scientific journal for publication. 

December 20, 1975, requesting 
findings to a reputable 

It is unfortunate that you have had difficulty in getting your 
material published in a scientific journal. However, this office 
cannot comply with your request to use its influence to get your 
ideas published. We are not in a position to endorse or repute 
your findings, since, as stated in our previous letter, it is not 
our function "to make judgments about new theoretical propositions 
which challenge accepted theory. 

Since you have had considerable dialogue about your findings 
with the several scientists you mention in your letters, perhaps 
they could assist you in this matter. 

Chief, Office of Energy-Related Inventions 

rice university 

7700 1 



September 7 , 1976 

T-.pnh W. Neman 

1 S21^Deerwood Drive East 
Mobile , Alabama 36618 

or Mr. Neman: 

I have looked over your ^^us^hys Icai 1 features 


^^e a iUus°trarwith one specific example. 

On page 14 you mention an ;?*g” standard' electro - 

f^the^M where the magnet is brought^ear ?redi 
pendulum. The presently accept . will occur only 

that a decrease in tbe^ncul . £ onducting material. That 
when the pendulum a %ffect if the pendulum bob 

is, the magnet would have ? material such as glass 
were conoosed of a nonconducting t { this, 

or teflon. If your results are d “j e ^ would have a 
Maxwell's theory would be upset, * I " t j 0 ry However, you 
firm building block to advance your therefore, 

simply state your results vSu/result against standard 

no chance for anyone to check y rc nsons such as this 

electromagnetic theory. It is .' ion not be under- 

that your manuscript would, ln 1 t addre ss. 

stood by the audience you arc trying t 

To write up your pendulum experiment properly 



2 -Mr. Joseph Neuman 

9 / 7/76 

i m.hi iration would require an understand- 

scientific journal pub ^ vcctor form. If you can show, ln S 

if Maxwell s esuati^ Q f the audience with whom 

t Maxwell's equation?; are 

of Maxwexi language of the 

while speaking t ica t e , that Maxwell's equation 

>’ ou would have a chance to push forward your new 

invalid, you r do not believe you will have an 

theory • ovov . can communicate with the 

physic ists^and astronomers of the world in their own 
language . 

Once again, I would urge that you consider obt.^ 
a formal education in physics so that you can present your 
results in accepted mathematical form and scientific 
notation . The rules of the game are fair, and they arc 
clearly defined. If you want to play, you must follow the 
rules Alternately, your work has no doubt been of great 
personal satisfaction, and you might cons ider being 
satisfied with that and give up the idea of communicating 
with physicists (who will insist you speak their language). 


Should you decide to obtain a formal education in 
physics, please do not hesitate to contact me regarding 
advice on this move. 

Hood luck in your endeavors. 

Yours truly 

J. Dossier 



8S as.^E«« 

Hr Joseph Westley Newman 

gj,sr^ 36618 

Tpeesident Carter was referred to the Depart^ of 
letter to rr<=3 

am enclosing ® tells you how to apply* s The Department s 

Proposals, wh ich t d 0 and how you plan to do ■ ro j ec t plan 

tell what you want to « ana that supporting your pr j be 

3;i ; r - 

able to ask tor supy . haDoy to comment 

j rejia^ss*- iss r,ris » — - °“ ,r 

wavs to look at them. 

. n that the man holding up 

moved - formula is invalid. One cou a y descript ion. All 
S a -^d wlth'much^uallficatlo- and reservation. 




In your case of way to look 9 at 

thereby proving di sappearance „ m =f Pr ial is gone and so is the 
that case is — effect 'there is nothing to suggest that 

"aggregate" 9 rav ' ta ‘’°"f*"„ot affected by gravity. It is crucial 
tt^““.'t e “.1?s r such as the above because they are premises for 
your conclusions. 

r u a r, r .Hai/ PXDeriment be carried out under conditions of 
" : ^htJe«nMSf d ' (p 9) --Your connection between "weight" and 

"electromagnetism ^is couched in a statement which ignores the 

"mass" deposited. . . 

Certainly a few comments cannot cover the very extensive work that 
you have done. I do hope that they raise classes of questions which 
you may consider. 


UJ . M 

James W. Mayo 
Scientific Advisor 
Office of the Assistant Secretary 
for Energy Technology 




August 27 , 



mseph Newman 

Mr. n e rwood Drive, 

366 ‘“ 

D " r JOe ' lm ost as frustrated as you. I £v. ^“"oTare 

arri ved at tn it stands now. 

ir^they'cln be pubUshed in a technical journal. 

Good luck, 


Alabama 35802 

Robert E. Smith 
125 Westbury Drive 



State of Alabama 

governor's office 


March 12, 1979 

Mr. Joe Newman 

1521 Deerwood Drive, East 

Mobile, Alabama 36618 

Dear Joe: 

I appreciate your letter of February 4, and 
allow me this opportunity to express ray gratitude for 
your support during the campaign. I will do my best to 
do a job that will make you proud. Have been tied down 
about 16 hours a day since taking office but hope things 
will ease up a little next week and give me time to act 
on your letter. 

I remember very well our conversation and 
experiences regarding the scientific community and will 
act accordingly. Joe, if energy could be released from 
electromagnetic fields of force, it would be a godsend 
to this country. 

Hope to see you soon. 


FJ : ew 



Who’s Who 


Technology Today 




Nelson, Donald F. 

Member of Technical Staff 

Presently associated with: Bell Telephone Labora- 
tories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ. 
07974. Started in 1966 and is now serving in above 
capacity. Received the Doctorate Degree (Techni- 
cal) in 1956 from the University of Michigan. Ac- 
cumulated 21 years of professional experience. 
Holds 6 U.S. Patents. Author of 1 technical book 
and 80 articles. Also active in the field of Optics. 
Principal expertise involves: 

Crystal Physics, Lasers. Ultrasonics 

Nesterczuk, George 

Consulting Scientist 

Presently associated with: EG & G/WASCI, 6801 
Kenilworth Avenue, Riverdale, MD. 20840. Started 
in 1977 and is now serving in above capacity. Re- 
ceived a Masters Degree (Technical) in 1971 from 
the University of Maryland. Accumulated 8 years of 
professional, and 6 years of managerial experi- 
ence. Author of 20 technical articles. Served as 
Corporate Director and Officer. Technical involve- 
ment includes experience in Oceanography. Princi- 
pal expertise involves: 

Remote Sensing and Satellite Systems 

Newell, Philip B. 

Senior Engineering Specialist 

Presently associated with: GTE Sylvania, 100 
Endicott Street. Danvers, MA. 01923. Started in 
1076 and is now serving in above capacity. Re- 
ceived the Doctorate Degree (Technical) in 1969 
from Boston University. Accumulated 19 years of 
professional, and 5 years of managerial experi- 
ence. Holds 1 U.S. Patent. Author of 6 technical 

ar.icles Also active in the field of Optics. PrincipaU 
expertise involves: 

Applications and Design Xe Flashlamps/ 

Newman, Joseph W. 

Scientist; Invenlor 

^il Employod as Scientist; Invontor since 196 

WHs 7 t c e y6a ' S p,0,essional exponenc 
Holds 7 U.S Patents, and has experiences in tf 

evaluation ol Patent Oldce actions Author ol 

technical articles. Also active in the field ol Ad- 
vanced Technology. Principal expertise involves. 
Unified Theory of All Physical Phenomena 

Nisenoff, Martin 

Research Physicist 

Presently associated with: Naval Research Labora- 
tory, 4555 Overlook Road South West, Washing- 
ton, DC. 20375. Started in 1972 and is now serving 
in above capacity. Received the Doctorate Degree 
(Technical) in 1960 from Purdue University. Ac- 
cumulated 19 years of profassional, and 8 years of 
managerial experience. Has acted as a consultant 
relating to Patent disclosures. Author of 50 techni- 
cal articles. Technical involvement includes experi- 
ence in Electronics. Principal expertise involves 
Superconductive Electronics 

Nygaard, Kaare J. 


Presently associated with: University of Missouri at 
Rolla, Rolla, MO. 65401. Started in 1968 and is 
now serving in above capacity. Received the Doc- 
torate Degree (Technical) in 1964 from the Norwe- 
gian Institute of Technology (Norway). Accumu- 
lated 15 years of professional, and 8 years of 
managerial experience. Author of 99 technical arti- 
cles. Technical involvement includes experience in 
Electronics. Principal expertise involves: 
Ionization Laser Kinetics Education 

NG, Yee S. 

Research Assistant 

Presently associated with: Pennsylvania State Uni- 
versity, Physics Department, 104 Davoy Labora- 
tory, University Park, PA. 16802. Started in 1976 
and is now serving in above capacity. Received a 
Maslurs Doyroe (Technical) in 1077 from Punnnyl- 
vania Stale University. Accumulated 5 years of pro- 
fessional experience. Author of 7 technical articles. 
Also active in the field of Metallurgy. Principal ex- 
pertise involves: 

Atom-Probe FIM, Surface Segregation 






17, 1984 

— — — ° £ le 
to Einstexn s (E in this equatio ThuS> for example, 

* COne 5 P tn"^ P0tent131 ’ and 1 ” « weigh less after combining 

3 combine and give off ^ the U ght energy. ~ 5 

‘' hen before, and the difference rs accou and energy consists 

"Iluon of these Einsteins reiation to a process 

of elementary spinning P«tic U. ^ ^ ^ example bot h the atoms a 

of counting el ^ n ”^ h rll e mentary "gyroscopic" P“*^ eS ' ‘ ^Tg to Einstein's 

::: :rri: - ~ ~ 

theory, and Newman's interprets ^ ^ ^ energy . statement 

must necessarily involve a co energy. This statement is 

is equally true for any system h e ^ , and does not 

als0 perfectly consistent with the 

violate the second law. narticles in Newman’s theory 

™ - “* - “• = >— ■" 

, qualiuti.® ‘ » 

Newman conceived the theory originally fields> cons ist of gyroscopic 

Thus, electric and magnetic fields, inclu mg field requir es a corresponding 

particles moving at the speed of light Creation ^ motor 

mass loss, or loss of gyroscopic particles, from syst ^ ^ ^ ^ 
concept provides a means for trapping gyroscopic par {orm 

Of wire, Which catalyzes the release of particles from the wire i ^ 

of very large magnetic fields. It must he considered ^ 

conceived of the theory of operation of his motor bc_ore - 

«... .„««« n -y »• «*««■ *“• «“ “ ,„ d 

.1 ... tw.i “ 

mt- n to cyerform such 

relativity, however we cannot expect or require •/" J> > 

a feat. 



LANA 0. Pr.TEI.J £ 

tv. )TA Cv jNTY * 


C 1 My Com, :issi-.i Expires Msr. 19. 

* AWWM v'.wanmv 'aaaaaaa 

1988 ? 

fer Hastings, 




f so4^ 831-7504 

October 19, 1984 


o-f rucedale, Mississippi, is attempting to 
Mr. Joseph Newman ,_ or on an ener gy producing device devel- 

oped ie by him“ a and Sn ?he underlying scientific principles dis- 

covered by him. 

. here are in response to the Report of the 

SpIciarMaster", Civil Action 83-0001, dated September 28, 1984. 

The statements of the Special Master indicate that he believes 
there is adequate evidence of the validity of Mr. Newman s device 
and that it performs as Mr. Newman claims. The Special Master, 
however, rejects Mr. Newman's explanation of the unique physical 
phenomena which cause the device to function. I consider this ap- 
parent rejection to be contradictory and intellectually inconsis- 
tent. Please note that Mr. Newman divulged his theories of con- 
version of mass into energy prior to the construction of his first 
prototype device. The successful operation of this first prototype 
confirmed the rightness of his theories. 

In my opinion, the correct application of the Scientific Method 
must conclude that there is adequate evidence to allow the issuance 
of a Pioneering Patent to Mr. Newman. My opinion is based on my 
observations of the prototype device and the underlying theory as 
propounded by Mr. Newman. These observations were made during two 
presentations by Mr. Newman before groups of engineers, and during 
two private all-day sessions with Mr. Newman at Lucedale. 


Arnold R. Smythe, Jr. 

Consulting Structural 




Fvan Q (Soule' Jr- 


Ne„ Orleans. louisiana 70 
(■504) 624-3063. 866-, 636 

siA te or ^^ANA 

parish oh obihans 


. 28 4984 for civil Action 83-0001 

, E; Report Of the Special Master dated Sep _ M , ster totall^J^^ 

. x Master t^t^-^ 

--^ twost _nts fro. ttcBeport of t h e special Ma 

e foll° wing huilt and tested 

another: - Q " has bul1 

two staw— 

V> ilt 3 X 1(1 tCStC Cl 

. t #9 . "Evidence- "thfoutput energy exceeds 

P01 S^railnpu? energy." 


the^xternal input energy." theory-' 

. n0 evid ence corroborating 

• t #io: "There is no 

Point * . -t-vi-id Question: 

,mP ° int#10: < s work I must ask this question 

scientist ft-iU- ** “ f his scie ntif ic theory . 

‘ L be tter q ualified to 

:han the i"'' ent ° r gpecial^ster) that the machine wor s 

, the words of the bpeci* ._j_4-„rw» has 

1 the . .. vn,,-; 1 1 this work 

Swords of the Special Master, that prototype b^ 

sslble for him . , ..... that totally corroborator 

JiiTn ^° F1 ^ I1 ^ kn0W ~ th t totally corroborates 

, n ergy machine prototype is — ** t0taUy 
ih Newman’s scientific theory. _ C\ 


X<?-u 4 Ip 

SWOFF ^ s»ns C PT:.u.:r. . inia J 

C c .77 (l 

- L K. - ,\ 7 . , jv 



£ ■ . 7 / / O t W 

iR J 

tOV/AilO J. NC'^OM/OU. 


- is 


5037 Veterans Memorial Blvd. 
Dental-Medical Plaza 
Metairie, Louisiana 70003 

October 21, 1984- 



Ref: Report of the Special Master dated September 28, 1984 

for Civil Action 83-0001. 

With all due respect for the conclusions of the report by the 
Special Master, it is quite clear that there is a contradiction 
in the implied argument that Newman's prototype is not corrobor- 
ation of his scientific theory. 

As is well known, in this area of research, the existence of su v 
atomic phenomena such as Newman's hypothesized gyroscopic 
particles is theoretical and not directly observable. The 
standard corroborative mechanism for research in this domain 
involves predicting energy transformations that can be observed 
as a result of manipulation of the hypothesized subatomic 

Newman has clearly met these criteria for corroboration of his 
scientific theory. Newman hypothesized the existence of gyro- 
scopic subatomic phenomena initially, and then followed the 
standard corroborative procedure by predicting energy trans- 
formations that could be observed experimentally. Newman then 
designed and built an experimental device, the prototype of 
his invention, which enabled him to observe the predicted energy 
transformations of the gyroscopic phenomena described in his 
scientific theory. 

,!y commission is f or | ife 

the energy 




,So. J- 


state or WUXSXANA 


AFFIDAV IT 1 Q84 for_ Civxl 

JTfprP september__£^» — i— 

i££i ^ £eS1 „ Jose ph Newman is being denied a paten. 

It is « - d - S :rhis 9 inv:nti^ *« the following reason: 
on the concep ta C( ~i e ntific t* 

sgS-ir ■sur-: 2 »» * “ 

suggest to the Special Master that very Jew, patent 

plication Perfe in the Newman patent *PP of his 

- - 

invention. Inaeeu, j 

jasic concepts because. Court is 

..Evidence before the Pate ^ s ^ ^^tested 1 a" prototype of his 
overwhelming that Newman has built a external input 

*“•" RE: Item 

submit that since the pr ^t y pe d^onstr^lV^ 0 ^ more^energv output^ 
han energy input, he should e gra postulated by the Special 

ithout regard to imperfections m theo y * ims prove correct, he is 
aster. To the extent that his °^inal £uture studies prove 

ntitled to patent protection. To the exten lized . justice is 

hat they are false, neither he nor others ' ‘ „ P his original concepts 

est served, therefore, by granting him a .f-® assure d by denying him 
s claimed. A gross and grievous injustice ^ assures 
atent protection on concepts which prove to be correct. 


^Joseph Richard Trinko, Jr., Ph.D. 
185 Walnut St., Unit 3 
New Orleans, LA 70118 

Sv forn to and subscribed before me this date. 

// ~ ( r (J /f f/- 





RE: Report of the Special Master dated September 28,_ 1984 for Civil 

Mr. Newman developed his scientific theory involving gyroscopic type enerpv 
particles some ten to fifteen vears prior to his building of an apparatus . Hi 
discover/ in theory, indeed, predicted that such an apparatus could be built 
He then built the apparatus. Mr. William E. Schuyler Jr. , Special Master, has 
stated that the evidence is overwhelming that Newman has built and tested a 
prototype of his invention in which the output energy exceeds the external in D1 1 
energy. In other words Mr. Schuvler states that Mr. Newmans apparatus cortobo 
his theory. But, then Mr. Schuvler goes on to state . that there is no evidence^ 8 
corroborating Newmans theory. It is a total contradiction to sav in one breath 
that the theory is overwhelmingly corroborated and in another that there i s no 
evidence of corroboration. This implies to me that Mr. Schuvler has not mastered 
Newmans theory. 

Haller's Air Conditionii 
and Engineering Service 

Vice President/General Manager 
Haller's Air Conditioning Maintenance 

Sworn to and Subscribed before me 
this day of /j/i 1994 

l-'&t 1984 . 



state OF x>oulsi ftNA 


RE: ^ OT-0001 

rivil ActiorL_§3 Hours studying 

~~\\, ave spent many h ° ur5 

«' P ° St *Z studying the0ry ' 1 " h 

Mr. Newman r ' otor ^ the more significant ° £ 4 * 

convinced that his theor ^ ^ dev eloped from the 

two inventions and that^m ^ ^ ^ ^ statements 

theory. Thus, i £ the mo theory must therefore 

and .9 of special Master,, 
be of greater vaiue than the motor. 

couid huiid a Newman mot ^ ^ skilled person 

patent , however theory once or twice and 

PerS °" TiHuch a" device . This may he possihie for 

lear " “ 2 skilled persons, however, and thereupon 

certain highly skiiie f y 

tionale for granting Mr. Newman's theory 
U es the rationale 9 without such protection, 

pioneering invention status. w the 

the theory of Mr. Newman's may never 

puhiic for lack of protection for its closure - 
theory, so contrary to the established laws of electro 
magnetics that 1 was taught during my under, raduat 
curricula in physics, will reguire deep and prolonged 
study by scientists who are willing to consider the 
possibilities of a com E letel L ne 1L sc^^ 

The process of forming a new scientific paradigm 
fraught with problems as described in Thomas Kuhn's 
"The Structure cf Scientific Revolutions” published by 
... . f rhicaoo Press in 1962. On page 151 




Kuhn quotes Max Planck: "a new scientific truth does not 
triumph by convinciny its opponents and making them see 
the light, but rather because its opponents eventually 
die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." 

A scientific theory is a simplified model of how 
the universe works. Models can be used to explain why 
certain known phenomena occur and. to explain how to produce 
hitherto unknown phenomena. Mr. Newman's theory qualifies 
on both counts : 

1) The theory explains why electric and 
magnetic fields are perpendicular to each other. 
Everybody knows this is so and uses this know- 
ledge, but no one has ever produced a model to 
explain why up until now. Mr. Newman's theory 
of gyroscopic particles explains why. in 
essence these particles, spinning like minature 
gyroscopes, produce perpendicular forces when 
deflected exactly as gyrscopes do. Mr. Newman 
has created a theory that predicts an underlying 
unity of spinning masses and electromagnetic 

2) The theory explains how to produce more 
energy from a device than is put into it 
(obviously a hitherto unknown phenomena) . The 
prototype demonstrates this to be a fact on 
the basis of overwhelming evidence (Statement #9). 

Isaac Newton ' s theory In the I7th Century made it 
possible to predict exactly the orbits of planetary 
bodies, but it wasn't until Halley's Comet arrived right 
the date predicted that Newton's work was corroborated. 
Albert Einstein's theory required an experiment be 



. „ . to t.l eclipse in order to corroborate 

performeddurijl confirmed a theory 

“• nuclear power a reality in our time, 

which ha enabled M r . Newman, 

- i>b riri: Tt thL — - 

who un T *« —— — ute of natter in 

trolled manner • This can be considered as nuclear 
Ihout the destructive side ejects of bombs and 

radioactivity. o£ Plaintiffs System 

'tHlearly conflict with recognized scientific 
See “ ples relating to thermodynamics and conservation 

Xn the Presence of a conflict. a true scientist 

ill either disregard the conflict as a spurious ano y 

“as the Patent Office has done with Mr. Newman's theory 

£or many years, or the scientist will Produce a new 

theory which will explain aU currently understood 

phenomena £lus the anomalous phenomena. This is precise y 

wh at Mr. Newman's thecry dees. Mr. Newman's theory may 

lack the precision of exposition of an academically trained 

scientist , but what trained scientist would ever spend 

time investigating a process he had been taught was clearly 

impossible? Undoubtedly trained scientists will welcome 

the opportunity to add mathematic precision to Mr. Newman's 

theory and the decision to give them access to this material 

must include full protection under law for Mr. Newman s 

innovative concepts as embodied in his pioneering inventions. 

OCTOBER 21, 1984 


/v v: h 

* iV ) 

S' *0 *u 

A;Cr/'' y /< /‘t/v 



Clmplcr L I 

I 'm ri<( >r I K l 'l‘ A( I IIN( > System 

"H«oun in hit inthuoilon l#n« 
jnilioio mor«ly, noi ■•III* •l ,, ‘ , ' M 
U»lhom ami prOdlUOM " { 

i (I mi Iho ■olonlllli) aludant ouQhl nov lo im „» 
who «pln» Irom h#r hnwala, but lathai nn „, 0 • •">. who 

who both 

T, ftiet* of history clearly Illustrate the InjutHir oi 
Hir promt teav lilng system, One has only loolwm 
rth li separate aspect "I m Inur phy«l»’«. astronomy, 
i lirmlsin . medicine. etc lo see iluil the > ommon 
ilni.unliMioi Is i he fact Hun. during their Instant <>< dine 
in hlstoi \ , those creative Individuals who made the 
UK MUM pvisltlvc > ontrlbllllona were generally pei m - 
, iiied oi i It Ik tiled hy (hell colleagues Many Mich eon 
trlhutors were ncvei recognized during iheli lifetimes 
It ti iheli ,n hlrvenients As u mallei ol Itiei, such reevignl- 
lit in (\' hen given at all) was generally noi forthcoming 
until a < enitu y oi more after t heir deaths 

nri MioN w in i thould the greatest contributors In 
history he >o treated? 

With small children, one can observe that they me 
e\« iietl, stimulated and mystified by observing and cn 
perleuclng new Information I he child does not become 
angry or intimidated hy new Information or discovery 
l he history ol science clearly demonstrates that the 
so < ailed "conventional scientists" of a given age uvtv 
Intimidated, angeied, or even fell threatened by new 
and beneficial sv (entitle contributions from content 
porary v restive Individuals, 

Ovei the veats, I have personally seen and experienced 
this same response from many conventionally educated 
and sclcntlticalh trained Individuals concerning my 
"oik I have often stated that the problem I was having 
with these Individuals was a "psychological problem" 
and not a "true scientific problem" I 

heianse I am a human bring, I have at times become 
angn with such Individuals when I observed that tltcv 
did not w ish to think, question, oi search foi "Absolute 
I ouh Miky I am a fait person, however, I can hottest 
h Mate to m\ sell, "I know their negative actions arc no 
i ><'lr fault Such Individuals ate only acting as the pres 
nit teaching svstettt has taught them to respond since 
they entered the first grade, 

' ' "iH'lmlc (It, it tlu-w Intllvliluuls Iwvr Iwi 

Sjf?''' 111 MMnn 

mat Mas v \lsled toi , cntui les 

“ w *" ivr «•„, 
, " 1 " 1 1 OrulHl SyiHlromc- mis iih .uimI, „ „ 

From adolescence to maturity, an Individual Is t 
struct cel to memoriae, mimic, and not question q° 
challenge what Is taught. Then the Individual is J 
formed that some of what he/shc has learned is w 
and must now question It, Because that Individual^ 
been "un|ustly taught," vme can easily understand Ilf 
that Individual would feel threatened by such an " ^ 
proaeh and would psychologically respond by “denvi 
what Is proposed, Hou< sad Is this fact for bmnanitv ^ 

At four years of age. such an Individual would not 
have responded so negatively and thus denied herself/ 
himself the excitement of understanding new dls - C 
which stimulates and Invigorates the questioning^]]? 

The following fact should cause the reader to think 
One can acquire numerous Ph.D.'s during vine's ||f clln 
hui In so doing one has only learned to mimic various*’ 
"crafts, " ( )ne Is only a scientist when one questions' 
am! challenges what is belli# taught, A four-year-old 
human being has scientific Instincts, hut ironically most 
Ph D. Individuals who have been "unjustly Influenced' 
by the present teaching system do not t scientist is 
simply tin individual who socks "Absolute hvtb 
above all else/ 

The following Is a very Important QlT STION 

How Is It possible for me, living in the backwoods of 
Mississippi with limited money and limited conventional 
training education, to have achieved the Innovation of j 
totally new energy source, plus much more? 

Also, consider the fact that the conventionally taught, 
scientific community has bad over 30 years, thousands 
of conventionally trained '’scientists," and billions of 
dollars tv' create a more efficient means of mechanically 
converting mass intvi energy in accordance w ith Einstein's 
t quatlon Ot I Mt ' (rather than the inefficient conven- 
tional. nuclear reactor, mechanical method which was 
Initially prompted by an accidental discovery of the 
tlsslon of heavy nuclei hy two chemists in Germany 
Otto Hahn anvl l.ise Meitner), 

Despite the above facts, such conventionally trainevi 
scientists have tailed tv' achieve any practical o» >^ nil Ituptv'v cnicnt In energv conversion and produviiv'ii 
efficiency In lieu oi such failure, why have I succeeds 

answ i i\ rhe conventionally trained selenite** I** 

4 AM 

Utl I Nil Kv,\ MVv MINI- v'l tv 'Mi'll \IW W\\ 

„,ional teaching system 
"''lit* “ ca 'j£i formulae fo' ^'iy shocked! My 

;r k_AgE2j — 

, ancestors were taught in such 
" MyPar TJ,Z natural curiosity with which 

a manner that M m , y slif , ed . whereas 

they were ^"*J a man ner that our natural 

„ , . ^lieve that future generations will actually 
in effect, I bene If y0 u have grown chil- 

eel sorry for t ei jj the excitement of mental 

*»• Pefh S a m rotd in their eyes when they 

>“ s and their birthright zt 

/erC f f L the wind ” If you now examine the 
, as "as free as lh * ™* \ ou wlU not find the spark 

S such a ioss of curiosity was bequeathed to them 
rjth the best of intentions. 

Let me give you another example of this loss, 
imagine if you will, a highly creative individual from 
mother Solar system visiting the planet Earth and con 

acting the following simple experiment: 

The interstellar visitor initially conducts the experiment 
i an Earthling who is four years of age. The “test ex- 
:riment” is measured and graded on a scale of 0 to 100 
ith respect to the innate curiosity of the young Earth- 
ig. From one’s observational experience with young 
lildren, it is very likely that the young Earthling would 
:hieve a "curiosity score” of perhaps 80 to 90 out of 
)0. After scoring, the visitor unobtrusively tags the 
)ung Earthling for future identification and then pro- 
:eds to leave the Earth. Twenty years later, the inter- 
ellar visitor returns. The tagged Earthling is now 
/enty-four years old and the same ‘‘curiosity test” is 
;ain conducted by the visitor on the same Earthling. In 
lalyzing the new results, the interstellar visitor would 
: shocked. With a maximum “curiosity score” of 5 to 

. . Hucover that the Earth- 
— tragedy could 

The visitor would then Earl hllng during the 

possibly have happened fo be informed of 

ItK Mture oft the Barth s present tMchmgJV^ tragcdv 

matmeTesled^hTng had endured during the pas. 

twenty years. , is awa re that all young 

1 am certain that the reader Howe ver, because 

children possess immense curtojj^ ^ and tend to 
children are so perceptive, they ^ especially lhe ir 

strive for the approval of / heir P t _ ntions it is ironic that 
loved ones. As a result of good “ “ ra t blrth . 

these children are Poured ° th e grade,' 

right of curiosity and only stri “ A 

i.e.. to obtain the learn that the name 

Being perceptive, c ^ r '"\ jkc \ parrot, the more 
of the game is memoriza ■ mimic what is “taught, 
precisely the child can q the greater the ap- 

the better the grade obtain espe cially loved ones. 

sometimes even from her/his teac s lh e child 

As a result of this hon-educauonal pro^ ^ birlh . 
strives only to"maketheA f tion wh at is 

Erg'hha^ thne, 'subtly iosls a beaut, fui, ghmmer- 
ing light from her/his eyes. 


jects. Moreover, the more they learn, the mor 
they can question! 

(D « is most 

and highly commend o ne should hot question for 

TXeTLn questions tfa sattsfac- 
tory answer is not provided by others. 

rn instruct your children to honestly q“ eslion 

;r and light 

‘n their eyes to reflect their intelligent, question- 
ing mind. 

(4) Teach your children to strive to understand the 

essence of all that they experience. Teach them to 



be "humble" and sensitive to the fact that the 
more they learn, the more they become aware < 
how much there is to know. Therefore, teach 
them to continuously learn and question. 


I am certain of the following: If all children were 
taught as I have described, then dictators and crooked 
politicians could not exist and continue to perpetrate 


Questioning individuals would maintain an account of 
the promises of politicians and also have the means to 
maintain a permanent record of elected politicians per- 
formances. If they discovered that the politician lied to 
them, such questioning individuals would quickly in- 
itiate a petition of such magnitude that they would recall 
and evict the lying politician from office. The same pro- 

“Subconsciously, you already know 
that these material items 
are replaceable, but the memories 
you cherish are not replaceable. ” 

moment the events that have occurred in y 0ur , 
search your mind for those events that general - ■ a,,<1 
and tender feeling within yourself 

I can predict the nature of your memories •(» 
consist of thoughts concerning your mother f J! V ' v ' 11 
brothers, sisters, grandmother, grandfather <„u ' 

relatives, friends, or even an animal — thought ^ 
ing your efforts to contribute to the wcll-bcin ** ' nv<, * v 
another, and their efforts to contribute to y ( ,J| ° f 
being. Although you may not have reflected onTh" 
meaningful memories for years, you ncvcrthcl • lhCSc 
pcricncc the inner warmth of those memories*** f* 
now tears may come to your eyes. 

Please observe that it is not the memory of 
objects that you recall — you are not remembe^* 1 
first bicycle, skates, automobile, house, boat nn8 
that you received. Subconsciously, you alread f |f* anc 
that these material items are replaceable, but th • 0 ° W 
memories you cherish are not replaceable C 
What is the "Truth” of which I speak? 

As you will find, my interests go far beyond th * 
energy machine I have innovated. I wish to striv^ 
improvement of all humanity in a very fundam^ ° F tllc 
manner. ental 


cedure would apply to inept elected judges. Where the 
judges are appointed, then the politicians who ap- 
pointed them would be held accountable. 

Honest and questioning individuals will question all 
I subjects and problems they encounter; more importantly, 
they will earnestly seek to efficiently solve such prob- 
lems. As a result, such educated inhabitants of a planet 
would have very few difficulties since encountered 
problems would be quickly solved. 

in essence, it is my purpose to teach all inhabitants of 
this Earth to " THINK The balance of this Book will so 
verify this fact. 

It is imperative that the present teaching system 
change to a format consisting of honest, questioning in- 
dividuals devoted to discovering "Truth" above all else. 
World Peace can result from the efforts of the planetary 
inhabitants so taught. 

Continue to read this Book and please open your 
mind for the purpose of seeking the "Absolute Truth." 
Please do not blindly accept what 1 teach, but, on the 

vnnT y 7 questi0n what 1 teach and question what 
you do V ,h fn augh ' hy 0Ihers 1 «P ecifl “lly ask .hat 
d scaZTo ,* fT® Tru ‘bjully question everythin*, 
?ZZ g h “‘ Wh,ch “ Take" while adhering to and 
teaching your children whai Is " true " 

The Formula for Happiness 

aau,7::V,t b ^h i n n,en,i0nS ' “ * ‘hat 

the view that th!^ , Sy,tem in ’“ in in chlldre. 
iai wealth (money or Ita eauf “ qul,lt, °“ of mat. 

Such a teaching is totally false! i ^ 

this falsehood to yourself. 'corKiderTor /pleasurablT 

i ne rouowmg is a song I 

„ i wrote several years a or. ^ 
cerning this "Truth”: |Even if you do not apprecl 
song, or find it "trite," please sing this song to vou , 
children. They will appreciate it. ) 

Oh, Subconscious mind, tell me the truth 
Where does it lie, the truth of life that / seek 
Even as a child receiving toys 
And as an adult receiving ever more expensive tovs 
/ have anticipated them all with great joy 
But perpetually, once received, the joy has always 
disappeared from me 

Oh, subconscious mind, where do the memories lie 
so dear to me 

Always it has been a close and personal tie 
Relative, friend or other, where we have always been 
of benefit 
to one another 

Oh, subconscious mind, tell me the truth 
Where does it lie, the truth of life that / seek 

Personal gain, is well and good, so long as it is shared 
as it should 

This is how, 1 shall live my life, for it will end much of 
my inner strife 

Oh, subconscious mind, where do the memories lie, 
so dear to me 

Sing this song, so others may know 
Where the truth of life belongs, that they should surely seek 
And may these thoughts make them smile, and feel 
good Inside, 

Por all of life's while 

( )h, subconscious mind, subconscious mind, if / pay attention 
You can he so kind 

Joseph Westley Newman 

Written by: Joseph Westley Newman 

© Copyrighted, 1979, February 25, 
by Joseph W. Newman 



r-rurred in the 1960‘s 

cs^t%^ tc ° nCCr0ing thC ™l no 

, c xa"" furtnei p* 

LT [ , n min) ,es . . „ hpean appearing 

^ , ,peaK pie communiti occ urrence 

c ^ S ^ofthecou«^ s o (to , 
pa"' , seven 1 ' - ir rhesign t f icantj were 

"’"1^' *'£*o/£se »<PP« 

<*•> f«,iwf aml 

^^■HS^ dt en had pare- ^ 
’ flw Z'nJn .OO busy “ °* r *' d material goods as 

h ,dren from affluent families 

W X '°'‘n,?Zn % without the material 
,,ive simply a" 

.^r j< od vju “ ^ ffpr them tne ‘• ww _ 

3n r l often too busy ‘° d instead material goods as 
«t«> d and were offe b ^ children recognized 

dren r e£ l fof "Change and therefore rejected 

£■ -^oHove. in fJ therefore rejected 

< •ya'^be theirs for -he askmg^ (h knew that 

l0 ' e essence, those brings hap- 

„ "Inching u hich st*e^ “therefore sought happiness 
* c c is a. falsehood. The} mater ial wealth. 

^fpiacc essentially ejevot in mate rial wealth but 

, is ir°" ic Te offen leave such love when they 
Ji in> .ove °^ ot ' e [heir live5 to th e acquisition 
hpcome adults and c h occurs because these children 
0 f material weaJth . ^ C r ial wealth would (magically) 
hat e been taught f because they may have 

make them haPPT, of which , writCj su ch wealthy 
forsaken the families become very unhappy. Sub 

children from P f ^ they have spen t their lives 

“Only caring and sharing 
human beings can bring happiness! 

thereof) which 1 observe 

‘ n These^facts le.l melha, then 

ed to reduce the drudgery _ u members decrcas 

love and happiness betwee^ ^ ' Q vio late common 

This alarming wend would PP ly realize that 

sense. A questioning mmd w^ u;rong . 
something in this formu -material wealth 

What is wrong is the teac 8 is not true! Only car- 
will make one happy can bnng happiness! The 

ing and sharing human bmngs c ^ sought only as 

achievement of mater, al veahh sh ^ and share 
a means to accentuate one s ab. y We of reducing 

with others. Matertal S 00< *” , 0 ( ed ones. But in 
life-s drudgery for you * abso lutely nothing to 
themselves, material goods do 
bring forth happiness. 

never see her or his parents again. 

■ou will find that the young child will alarming y 
>am that he/she “chooses the parents. It is in- 

ng that the loved child knows the Truth of 
1 1 write. This is because the young child has not 
aught to accept the falsehood that material wealth 
I (magically) bring happiness, 
following proof is based on my observations of 
irs. This proof gives me great concern since I do 
:sire to contribute to the unhappy trend which I 

d consider poor by today’s standards. I have 
1, however, that the love, devotion, and happi- 
lin the poor families was considerably greater 

/ever, tnat tne tovc, ucvuuuu, any. 
hin the poor families was considerably greater 
love, devotion, and happiness (or absence 

EXAMPLE: , ete with material wealth a 

Place within a mansio P , or . « U ke’ ’ one 

married couple who f s nd most of their time 

« ~~ ■ 

“Uke” one another within minimum 

zzzzjzz woman ' 

'Truth' of which l 

wish you to understand! energy 

After years of defeated effon on rny^P ^ 

machine that I have inn f al , humanity. 

>t serves <0 “ZZ 1 write in order 

Please recognize the ^ waste, 

that I not view my life . wort « ,*2 ^ ^ ^ 
With these same thoughts in 

ment on Marriage. Kerause children who 

whichThav^referredro 6 A solid foundation for a mean- 
ingful marriage is simple. 



- was a boy, most families were financially what 
d consider poor by today’s standards. I have 

» L. „ * t-U/r IcM.n /-l£kir/-vfirvr> onH hoHDl 

If a girl is considering would 

question about his prospective bride: 
boy, would 1 like him as a friend. 

You need only consider the true, close Jrtena y 

life to realize what this means. Please note that a true 
friend has things in common with you and both of V 
are sensitive to one another s problems. . 

If potential spouses have common likes and 

“dislikes,” then they will be sensitive to one = 
needs and endeavor as much as possible to p P 
together in many different activities 

Regrettably, many marriages are based not on toxc 
but rather "infatuation ' Within such a marriage, a co 
pie may initially perceive themselves to b e j n love even 
though they do not know or understand one another 
"true" likes and dislikes. After the flame ^ such in f 
fatuation” diminishes, the true li es an 
each become clearly kno wn to one another. Such a cou 

“True love represents, in essence, 
an accumulation of many small things 
over a ‘long time span . 

pie may unfortunately discover that they do not even 
like one another. Either divorce or an unhappy marriage 
will then ensue. . 

Ironically, such an unhappy marriage is not really tne 
couple’s fault, since they have not been taught the 
“Truth” of what represents the basic and solid founda- 
tion of a good marriage. Spouses must have things in 
common. If they share in these and other things, then 
the Jove will grow throughout their lives. 

True love — between a mother, daughter, son or 
father, man or woman, brother, sister, or grandparents 
— represents in essence an accumulation of many 
small things over a ‘ ‘long time span. ’ 

The following is a song I wrote several years ago con- 
cerning this "Truth” of which I write: [Again, even if 
you do not appreciate this song, please sing it to your 
children. They will value the song and the fact that you 
are singing it to them.] 


Lasting Love, is not a flash in the pan 

Lasting Love, is holding your hand 

Lasting Love, is sharing, unspoken words 

Lasting Love, is accumulation, of many small things, 

over a long time span 

Lasting Love, is not a flash in the pan 

Lasting Love, is sticking together through thick and thin 

Lasting Love, is pulling together, until we win 

Lasting Love, is accumulation, of many small things, 

over a long time span 

Lasting Love, is not a flash in the pan 

Lasting Love, is caring and sharing 

Lasting Love, is forgiving, when we misunderstand 

Lasting Love, is accumulation, of many small things 

over a long time span 

Lasting Love, is not a flash in the pan 
Lasting Love, is doing together all we can 
Lasting Love, makes friends, of each other 

^oZlme%Z Ula,i0n ‘ ° Jmany sma " ,hin * 

Joseph Westley Newman 

Written by.- Joseph Westley Newman 

© Copyrighted, 1980, May 22 
by Joseph W. Newman 

I ask that you teach your children the following l( 
enable them to become content within themselves 

one of the most important accomplishments i n 
their lives is to be able to provide a positive and 
favorable response to the question: "What d 0 , 
really think of myself?” 

Everyone in the world can tell you that y 0u a 
great, but if you fail to experience within yours^ 
wholeness, inner happiness, contentment, pea 6 1 f 
love and the knowledge that you are doing yo C ’ 
best to contribute to the future advancement 0 / 
humanity, then you will still be unhappy. 

However, if you experience a positive feelino 
within yourself with respect to these qualities 8 
then you can endure the whole world thinking 
negatively about you. This occurs because you 
have a positive opinion of yourself. Moreover 
you know that you are right and that the rest of 
the world is wrong. 

(2) The only elements in life continuously experi- 
enced on a daily basis which do not become bor 
ing are ‘‘true love” and Constructive Accomplish. 

“Therefore, dedicate yourself to pursuing the 
quality of life and not the quantity ofiif e r 

ment or effort. These are the essences of life 
which are capable of fulfilling your being! 

All other pursuits of a more egotistical or selfish 
nature become boring when done on a continu- 
ous, day-by-day, month-by-month, or year-by- 
year basis: sitting on a yacht, fishing, hunting, 
skiing, swimming, eating, receiving material gifts, 
sex, etc. 

(3) Those things in life which you find exciting or 
fun mean so much more when shared with some- 
one you love and who loves you in return: 
a beautiful sunset or sunrise, stars in the night 
sky, beautiful mountains and valleys, forests and 
flowers, rivers and oceans, or entertainment and 

Therefore, dedicate yourself to pursuing the quality 
of life and not the quantity of life. The former fulfills 
your inner being and the latter deceives and leaves your 
inner being unfulfilled. 




, and question wha. 1 write. 

^ ^ OC * ^ eCaU,C ‘ 

^ and as the £*, being was 

h0 rod The major reason. y and injustice 

®SS°l»m into m |Ser ^ . .. [f , hur , so deeply in- 

^^"^'G^who wouid be infinitely more 
Jc, how could a God^wn permit such mer- 

mpathetic to such suffe : ^ [o flnd a satisfac- 

Jless injustice que5tion . consequently, as 

tory answer to y c(J tQ believe in God. I did not 

the years passed- 1 and j djd not wish to hold a 

desire a P' e in ’ ose was to do good, and I had 

false belief. M> 'sdP^ P^ nQt be conten t until 1 had 
vowed to my * ' mproV ement for humanity. [Refer 

TpSint Johnson in 1967 at the beginn- 
t0 my letter thc timc> i also continued to ques- 

Tand toCit p oof or disproof of God's existence - 
„on and to se» F questioning 

stdli^ated'met^writeT discussion on the "Soul,” dated 

May 16, 1978: 


1 The soft mass of the adult brain is perfectly motion- 
less It does not contract, divide or grow - yet it con- 
sumes up to 25% of the body’s oxygen supply and 
20% of the body’s blood supply - while it comprises 
only 2% of the body’s weight. Evidently, great 
amounts of energy are consumed in the production ot 
mental life, but exactly how is not known! 

2. All material parts of the body can be efficiently af- 
fected by touching an electrode in a limited portion of 
the brain — such as sight, sound, thirst, hunger, sex 
drive, fear, anger, body movements, etc. 

2A . However, 

pointed or efficiently affect Experiments 

trode in a limited P° rt, °" 0 rats tha t were previously 
have even been inducted then systematically 

taught to go throuaM^^e brain - the rats would 
" lhC COrrCCt 

S? °r conSion 

implies rha. .he bra.n m the func.ions 

acquiring meaningful knowic g 
of the material body. 

3. I, therefore .exclude . that 

material body tha t are t d a body tempera- 

brain. I have personally exp creative 

ture drop on many occasions when m a 


4. This is, indeed, ^^^^"n^talnlng 
knowfedgefor* better protection of *e material body 
or for some other unobvious body better 

Stis a .s tdt whfch is superior to such a I*** 

4c nCti L°ooking around lhe world, i. is very obvious .ha. 
there arc many animals faster and suohger . 

of knowledge and. therefore, stlmu he bo V 

iSCKSK stsesst 


knowledge for the betterment of their ^‘es. 

5A. Thi is very curious because it is very obv^ou 
from all of the vast evidence P^ented in life that 
material things or possessions, such * s f °°^ C ’ he 
planes, boats, houses, fame, sex, etc., do not make the 
human brain content very long or give it a feeling o 
tranquility for any length of time. 

5B. It is also very obvious from all of the vast 
evidence presented in life that ^ ean,n ^ U '^ s ° t ^ i S v : e 
such as love deep creative thinking and constructive 
religion does make the human brain content and gwes 
it a feeling of tranquility for infinite time, so long a 
these thoughts are uppermost in the brain. 

5C. Scientifically, this is very interesting! It appears 
that the human brain is only truly satisfied in those 
thoughts that are beneficial for a lasting time to more 
than one brain! Does this mean that the brain seeks 
produce - invent - goodness and then multiply or 
reinforce this goodness with the merging wit ot er 
sources of goodness — knowing that the desired feel- 
ing is increased? 

5D. Looking at these facts, I draw the conclusion 
that if there were made available an energy source 
that would eliminate the need for the human mind to 
feel the necessity of spending the largest portion of its 
time working for material gain, there would be a 
resulting increase in desire for the human mind to 
produce those creative thoughts most conducive to a 
lasting feeling of tranquility, if given the proper 

6. It has been my own personal observation of myself 
that when the brain is learning knowledge — study, ex- 
perience, etc. — the brain absorbs this knowledge 
without a "High Elated Feeling,” at this point it has a 
more computerized attitude. 

6A. However, when the brain then takes this 
knowledge and strives to be creative, thereby entering 
into deep thought — the brain then experiences a 
"High Elated Feeling.” I have experienced this feeling 
to such a high extent that I have described it to others 
as a feeling completely separate and independent from 
earthly substance. I have never experienced this com- 
pletely satisfying feeling in any other experience in 
my life, not sex, dining, athletic accomplishments, 
receipt of monetary value or any other. This feeling is 
more closely related to love or constructive religious 
thoughts, but to me, has been even 
higher because the feeling has been so completely 
pure — there are no doubts that cross the mind, there 
is only the feeling of completeness, an absolute 
unawareness of earthly substance 
6B From 469 - 399 B.C., there was a truth-seeking 
individual named Socrates. On the day he was to be 

wit'hso' !l r h j S bdiCfS ' he carricd on a discussion 
with some of his followers as to whether the body 

had a Soul. This discussion was based on logic deduc- 

tionsoT IT. 1 "* SdemifiC information a "d observa- 
tions of that time. 

6C. The paragraph that follows is a statement 
Truth made by Socrates on that day which has ' 
spired me greatly, as the statement is still Ab S( .' n ' 

Truth to this day: 

• 'And thought is best when the mind is gather 
herself and none of these things trouble her _ ' >Ufj 
sounds nor sights nor pain nor any pleasure ] 

she takes leave of the body, and has as litti e a Whetl I 
ble to do with it, when she has no bodily S en s * t> ° Ssi ' 
desire, but is aspiring after true being. ” S<? 0r 

6D. Prior to reading this statement, I had stat 
others I doubted that I had a Soul, because I ^ t0 
mentally aware of my Soul, nor could I scientif 5 001 
point out its separation from the material bodv'^ 
included the mind. Immediately upon reading 7 ’ Which ! 
Socrates’ statement, I related to my own person 
periences and statements concerning deep creay ^ 
thought. I then quickly questioned, does this thlT 
mean that I have been aware of my “Soul Entity’ 0 
without realizing it? 

6E. In 1968, at a time when I felt that I did not h 
a Soul, I wrote this statement that I derived from 
creative thought as to all matter and the Human Mi^ 
“It does not seem improbable to me that the Hum'^ 
Mind is capable of feats that have not been imagined 
Coupling this statement with my present statements 
now realize that I had concluded the possibility that 
the Human Mind may create its "Soul.” 

6F. This raises the question, When does the Soul 
enter the mind of a human? Religion teaches the 
"Soul” is made Good or Bad by what you think 
Therefore, if this is a true statement — the scientific 
conclusion is that the mind surely develops the 
"Soul,” probably not unlike the process that the 
physical body develops, but taking much longer for 
real development as to being a Good or Evil "Soul’’ 

— and being in a state of limbo until such thinking 
processes are established. 

6G. Therefore, the scientific conclusion I draw from 
these thoughts is that if the "Soul” is developed by 
the mind at a time later and independent of the 
material body, then it would possibly continue to live 
for a period of time after the death of the physical 

7. As a Scientist who searches for Absolute Truth in All 
Things, it pleases me to state that the True Scientific 
Facts of life relative to the Human Existence indicate 
that there is a development in the human mind — 
when pointed in the right direction — which causes the 
human mind to strive to obtain a mental state of ex- 
istence separate and independent of the material func- 
tions and needs of the Human Body, which is not 
unlike the Entity named the "Soul” of religion. 

Joseph Westlev Newman 

May 16, 1978 


’■ v ' , . commutti'X “ bo . - s published work 

.. !,oM“J or " ®„ Should be hislorlcally 

App roximateh on f he soul, * lh-5““ . 

else, and I , fe „ it would not demonstrate 

over a year s passage^ only onc e or twice. 

r * — iog and to 

remember it- business transactions and other 

T! «C .o arrive consistently at a 



oendentlv witnessed several significant events con- 
nate for me on the 14th day of the month. [I must 
stress that I did not influence or plan these events in any 
way. Such events were planned by others at their own 

The mathematical probability odds of these events 
consistently occurring on the 14th day of the month 
over a seven-year period on a coincidental basis are stag- 
gering. There exists a complete and recorded log of all 
such occurrences. 

1 must also stress to you that I sincerely doubt any 
human being would have convinced me that God exists. 
However, because of these and many other related 
actually-recorded events, I must follow the dictum of 
ihakespeare when he said: 

‘To thine own self be true , 

And it must follow as the night the day, 

Thou can’st not then be false to any man. ” 

Because of this attitude I now know there is a God and 
hat God has been kind to me in my stubborness to seek 

•Absolute Truth ' ^ rthe^clentinc manner 

AS a truthful scientist, my l ° ? , ne mselves. Like a 

circumstances that my scientific mind 

to the pertinent, 
matter. * human being. 1 most 

ce!, a aX y ke k ep U with mV Supreme Beingl know ,. 

I now pray the following Ood; ® Qf tWs Earlh lo 
;rand d n“ “t one. no, not the first one, away 

f T,rb= g lnnin g . God 

humans ," but did .»“«>« .^n an d seek >° 
mental ability/desire to q use the div ine 

SSTor—r^dTou wm benefit bo* 
yourself and °*ers. ion wit h respect to the 

C ° nC rnnno«nt tn^viduals throughout our history 
on this planet: Such ^ “huma^ Ah problems 

work to seek a solution >°/he Proble ° if lhey 

'T Ure 'd OV Ihe n y mSs be oS and performed via 
are forced - they must* unde rstand God 

sonaliy, . o s^d a Je 

upon someone, then is & ' F ,-pif Moreover, 

our mind to.” If misery exists upon this planet, 
have only ourselves to blame, not God. _ 

The greatest gift God has gi«nusis°urM, : 
for even the mind is the essence of the boui. 

[he “Soul” is good or bad depends solely upon the 

Tciod gave us such a powerful tool as a “M'hd, then 
it should be obvious that God expects us to 
“Mind” for good, not evil, and that one s Mind 
should not be complacent, unthinking, or unques^ 
ing. With such a powerful God-g.ven g.ft as the « 
we must place the blame for the misery throughout the 
world upon ourselves, not God. 

It is evident to me that we must have Free W 11 How 
else co uld we demonstrate pure and voluntary love 

♦I have an extensive log book c °" ta ‘™ n 2 ^e events IwWd^number over 
the number “ 14. " 1 am not including these event. [ 
fifty] in this Book, since 1 believe most peopk would, ml" 
events as extraordinary coincidences. Th B proposed 

will follow later in this Chapter. 


God? If we were fashioned by God as misery 

were fully programmed to do good and be 

from the Earth, then not only would our 
meaningless but our very existence would be equally 

TaTyou- "Would you wish to replace your loved 
ones with robots?"" Of course not. The difference n 

mental significance between " "loved ones and 

Is phenomenal. The " pure love"' within our loved 
ones'" touches our Inner being; the intelligence o a 
robot is only a result of given materials which may be 
easily replaced. A robot may even be programmed to 
"love"" and " care"' for you. However, you would know 
that such robotic actions are false and do not represent 
"pure love.'" Your inner being would not be content 
with a "loving” robot since the essence of such an ar- 
rangement would be false 

If one seeks Absolute Truth via a questioning attitude, 
then one should clearly understand and be sensitive to 
why God provided us with a "Free Will. In striving for 
Absolute Truth, one should possess the intellectual 
honesty to recognize that the responsibility for the 
human misery upon this Earth lies with us — not God. 

I am totally certain that if we apply our minds to 
understanding nature, we can solve any problem upon 
this Earth. Do not belittle yourself and blindly say, "No, 
such cannot be accomplished.” Such an attitude is but 
an unknowing rejection of the unjust teaching system in- 

Thlnk for a moment and question y OUr „ W| 
concerning the Truth of what I have Just wrm' 
skier also the fact that insurance statistics pr<)V " ( '■*. 

, id< nts are preventabU and reprt s< nt tht ,. 
unthinking, unquestioning, and complacent "> 

Free Will. ” 

Carefully question and consider the above M 
let’s proceed to seek Absolute Truth ' aiCn *nt v 

God has provided us with "‘Free Will” as w . 
powerful MIND, and God expects us to utilize aS a 
u ithout complacency or evasion of responabito MlN|) I 
cidental deaths as a result of fire, collisions, 8to y f ° r »c- 
earthquakes, guns, floods, disease, etc. Such is ^ 
because we are responsible for understanding 1 ^ 1 
mutating the Laws of Nature. Moreover, the hist^ f ° r 
science demonstrates that we can solve any proh^ ° f 
which we address our minds. Crr| to j 

QUESTION : If we care so little about ourselves — 

demonstrates a lack of self-respect, a lack of th I 

sible application of "‘Free Will,” and an inse n sltw? P0B ‘ 
the precious gift of a powerful mind — then by / *° 
logic can we expect God to be responsible forou r at 
incompetence? 0Wn 

If we seek Absolute Truth, then we must place th 
blame solely where it belongs: upon ourselves * 

If one wishes to solve a problem, then one must fir 
admit that there is a problem. One must then pinpoint 1 
the problem and solve it by asking, "How, What and 

“/ am totally certain that if we apply our minds to understanding nature 
we can solve any problem upon this Earth. ’ ’ 

herited from the past. 

I urge you to have the intellectual honesty to admit to 
yourself that God has provided you with a powerful and 
leveraged entity, the MIND. God expects you to utilize 
such a MIND for beneficial purposes and to demonstrate 
pure love on the basis of your ‘"Free Will.” Such “Free 
Will” represents Absolute Truth. When such occurs, wc 
will have shown that we are able to be with God 
Anything less than such demonstrable actions is false 
and constitutes a lie. 

smnga : Why docs a loved one, who may be a good 
WMcTdo^mf 31 " T Cnly and uncx P ectc dly die? 


— you would be killed. C Fdr morc ,lkcl y 

Certainly we would not use our "p™- w/nm 
form such an obviously foolish acilnn ^ t0 pcr 
our intent. However, if wc we r e“o Z so 5 “ lck,c ls 
expect God to stop us. do °’ we w °uld not 

the energy 


machine t 

Why,” via God’s precious gift to us: our Mind. 

With regard to the implications of self-responsibility 
for the use of our Mind, let’s discuss different religions. 

EXAMPLE: In previous years, many religious doctrines 
taught that the Earth was flat, that the Earth was the 
center of the Universe, was orbited by the Sun, planets, 
etc., and that all celestial objects were “perfect 
spheres.” Religious doctrine also taught that plagues, 
storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. were acts 
of God, representing retribution for our sins. We were 
also told that “if God wanted man to fly, God would 
have given him wings like the birds.” We were in- 
structed not to question anything taught by the various 

It Is true that the above teachings are and were totally 
false. The facts demonstrate that God did not say these 
teachings. The question is then raised, “Who did say 
che8c Statements?” I he truthful answer 'Man! 

1 here are many different religions with separate teach* 

'"^ s throughout the world and dozens of orders, congR 

gallons, and sects even within a single denomination 
fACj: God’s word is pure and represents Truth 

QUESTION: In an effort to justify the confusing result of 
so many religious teachings, who has said that God has 
stated so many varying pronouncements? 


*" ' .^written the scriptures of the 

, N who n»» 

. - tvllg'° nV 


'"' K preach us to b»c and «« 

>s ivies Gou 

f£* K . and ton 

, , >\ l N* ~ ' 

| K Nv ;,.«rificatlOl 

\n> xv > K .,,..,q the justification 


aIK t revcn? 0 

''"'Goins Truth and God Jtas questioning'- The 

Truth can only he aehtt <- • u mental acceptance 

IZ, 1. nondntcllectual A 

of .caching or dogma from ^ bom of .he biased, 

result in .he« wom en 

preiudiced attitudes of mere^ ^ ^ ^ jnd women of 
. write and speak to teach one 10 

the ?" r ' J . 'll! oor^lIvThhifebV honesi questioning 



tuihwiui « «nctr 1 «n only a nice 

non -i" statements • « ' ^ shouId)< th en you 

However- « V^ h ^ lv question what you have been per- 

should a* 8 ® m , n or woman 

sonaUj wtf* 1 ot ' im love for Absolute Truth. 

I " " 2“ ^ 1 L, being has always, yes, always, 

" rtW)fS, "“' 


' The blind, non-intellectual , 


believe in God no. because of the wood of any man 
volun hu, because 1 sough, Absolute Tn„b and 1 
. comnuued «o follow the .rail of such AbsouU 
U' to us end. regardless of whether such a trail pn 
x disproved the existence of God. 
lv ven essence said to me that it God does exist, the 
j * Truth and such a God could endure subiectwji to 
honest question 1 ask in obtaining Absolute 7 » uth 
r norms m\ King to be able to inform von Unit God 
mtb Uonveer such a God can withstand any 
test question. 

question . 

a mere nun or woman is capable of hiding in the 
>f darkness and despises serious questioning ot 
sed and prejudiced untrue rhetoric which flow s 
er or his mouth 

er or his mouth 

exemplifies confidence and Absolute Truth via 
y essence of my own being 1 realize that God has 
ed upon me a questioning mind and a bulldog 
unation to pursue and find the Truth . To those 
dieve in God. it should be obvious that l have 
this precious God-given gift of a 


ccious ciou-givcu gm ui * questioning mind 
God gave it to me because God expects me to 

exemplifies his confidence and Absolute Truth 


e all healthy young children have the precious 

" i rt-ich to share with the reader a proof 

At this point. 1 wish to snare -God, if You 

exbt° enaW^me'to Itnow Relative to the mind You 

have given me. God-respecting business 

Several years ago. a sincere^ ^ it He 

associate advised me to a B.We^ ^ Qf 

claimed that by so l ' 0,n ^ ested , and as 1 read the 

God's existence. I did a. - ^ statements. (I will 
Bible. I discovered many co <- , ' n o construc- 

not discuss these statements, since tt 

Bible. . feit deer mv 

wanted to believe m God s existe. c ^ ^ tonv 
endless desire for Absolut. ’ " • thought 

placet, iv and blindly accept -ha^.^d O. ^ ^ 

» «<** ««« “ d “ G ^ CUnS 

statements if it truly represented the erf lding 


world 1 rigorously researched the essenat ot reltg.c 

clear, and unquestioning Truth which made itscll -‘I _ 

parent to the purity of my rigv'ntus questioning mu 
'^und always searching for Absolute Tnttb The Truth 

discovered is the following: ... , hr 

\ny conflicting statement or falsehood wi 
Bible, teachings, or doctrine of any religious sect, 
represents the mistake of MAN. not GOD. 

History demonstrates that anything touched b> 
mere man or woman is contaminated by their own 


biases and prejudices. Bibles a ^ n °"orrcc° statements, 
rule Like textbooks which co the Book 

I do not recommend that one a. pie' The same is true 
There are valuable Truths in th u houl t he world, 

for the various bibles of religi° ; 8 d reta in what is 

you should only dismiss what ****** 

True. Teach such TYuth to y°^ n fj^ lrelig ioos in the 
The following is the true essence 

WO £^. mmgcaamxmUs. care for others, an* 

do not steal, kill, etc. ‘reaching of 

This basic common dfflOOUnax* o he t«cn. 
Goodness' ' which i found cv.dcn.inall rchg ^ Such 
represemed a tcII-taJe sign 10 J 7 ^ d accidental To 

a common denominator^ 0 f Goodness" had 

mv questioning mind, this teacn g h hi ~ es 

a pur/tv that was majestic and from .the biases 
and prejudices of mere man or woman. Such a cotlsis 
tenev of " Goodness ' is what I would expect from God, 
who I know is merciful " . f 

I thus perceived a logical reason for the existence o 
different religions throughout the world. At different 
times. God had instructed special individuals to teach 
the essence of God’s Jove, as well as to Jive and maintain 
such Jove on a consistent basis. 

History had demonstrated that God’s Word was not 
quickly taught throughout the world. Consequently, 

God commissioned individuals familiar with their 
respective customs in different parts of the world to 
teach the essence of God’s love to people with varying 
ethnic and cultural backgrounds. 

QUESTION What would you do if you hired someone 
to perform a particular task and you found they were 
unable to maintain or complete the total task as required? 

ANSWER . If you believed that the individual was 
providing her/his best effort, you would very likely 
secure additional assistance to complete the job. In ef- 
fect, one would have separate contracts with various in- 
dividuals to effect the same task. One would expect that 
each individual would honor the terms of their respec- 
tive contract. 

Q UESTION : Does it not seem reasonable that God would 
acun some fashion if a lask God sought to achieve was 
not being accomplished? 


01 - a doctrine whose message is 

Goodness wilh tht . following intended result 

P^«^ y ° nd a " Ctan *' Offering, i, „ 

y. supreme joy, unspeakable bliss. ’ ' 

&> onh *r*“ ge LS a,S ° 

Krishna, who says * mCarnate 

the prayer . * >d * Worsh, P*. «t is I who answc 


ISLAM — a doctrine whose message ls 
Goodness and a belief in one God The* 
•ALLAH” is used by Muslims and Christ^' 

(4) JUDAISM — a doctrine whose messaw. 

Goodness and a belief in one God. ' S a|< 

(5) CHRISTIANITY — a doctrine whose m es 

Goodness and a belief in one God. U Jlv 

I will take the liberty of quoting the Bibli c 
chief of the twelve apostles, and Jesus, whe/ PciCr 
the true message of God: 

• Then Peter opened his mouth, and said 
truth I perceive that God is no respecter of ° f a 
But in every nation he that feareth him, and^* 0 ”* 
righteousness, is accepted with him.’ " Wor1c cth 
[ACTS 10:34,35] 

And Jesus himself said: 

“Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall 
see God.” 

[MATTHEW 5:8] 

Once again I repeat my constant prayer: 

’ God, dive me the knowledge and wisdom t 0 ' 
all people of this Earth to you and not the first <> * \ 

no not the first one, from you. ” 

The evidence has proven to me that at various ti mes 
and places God has ordained and chosen Special Good I 
Individuals by endowing them with the Spirit of God for I 
the purpose of teaching “God’s Goodness” to all God’s 
people on this Earth. However, none of these chosen w | 
dividuals were or are superior or equal to God. God | 
is Goodness, Supreme, and represents the purity of 
Absolute Truth. 

Those who have been chosen by God to teach God’s | 
word have admitted that they are neither equal nor 
superior to God. As an example of this fact, I quote Jesus I 

"Believesl thou not that / am in the Father, and tht I 
Father in me? The words that l speak unto you I speak * 
not nj myself hut the l ather that dwelleth in me he 
doeth the works. " (Emphasis added.) [Quotation from 
ST.JOHN, Chapter 14, verse 10. The number “14" as I 
have discussed is very significant to me but not necessar 
ily to anyone else. This quote was brought to my alien 
lion after I noted the significance of the number N I 
The following quotation is from ST MATTHEW, 
Chapter 27, verse 46 (similar to a quote from ST MAW j 
Chapter 15, verse 34): 

And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried with a l° u 
voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' that is to 

say, My ( , ()d X1y u hy h(lsl tbou fonai*» " ' 

(Bmpha H added ) 

THE energy mac 




sp^ dW<! — 

S ,hat 6 ° d l„6od- , indiv'idu 

hosenb yGodwere 

,!*< c '° C lp0 ,i God , individuals ch act from t he 
#» J T < «"> s ™ n on«s mirror r c a t Sat « cod «®» 

AW ‘ tl f God s Go demon strat jsl with God. 

no- ntitroroo. f'°-^ od „, sts 

to t t« hich ever re ‘ 8 ^ . j ^ the 

,ey teach „ chosen by 

■o ^ lie ; h C whichever ^ 

& on*** 

°"° ,l0,i tsus and the apostle Peter, Who 

dui mcssage, Jesus satdt 

e rSt0 ° . /•„» s 


Pe ,er opened bis ^ 


^oZZs, is accepted ioiibbim. 


sfrwcterf fey sanctioned by God, who 

0 /onc d«o^cr is * f| . Qn? aNS WER. “Man! 


ZZTZZ'aZ Share their tone utith non- 

^xz^:X e ^os e 

individuals who have ever expenenced 
concerning God’s existence. Such attitud 

t of worldly experiences. , . 

.ears of study, thought, and questions during 
.ness search for Absolute Truth, I asked myself . 

;ly God realizes the imperfections of mere ma 
ian and surely God has developed a pure and 
proof of God’s existence totally independent 
ie contaminating influence of mere man or 

invinced that such a factual proof must exist 
would 1 find such a “pure proof?” At that 

„f e a "comfortable and knowing" 

in con- 

fident concerning (Languages) such ac- 

ing in Unknown TonB p . si church. Motnove^ ^ 

or practiced been counten To ngues 

UOn W h“ have never spoken in Unk ( lor to 

Church. 1 hay Mve , eve r had the (Language s). 

(Languages), “Unknown To g v lh eless 

this time) to speak rn ^ ^ experience I neve^ of 

of suchworshgx c ^ th1aNS , chaEterii. 

'(Emphasis added.) ntion of the number "14" had 

In this instance, the though not necessarily 

double significancefor^mel feferences lo factual exper^ 

anyone else): (1) tet j for me on the 1 

e n Ices which had consulted fo for # proof 

m V e « 0-P« " 

C — e N i6 

odds are l6 to 1 against 1 * me Howe ver, when 

would be of unusual Stgmto ^ additio nal events in 
such odds are multiplied by h know that my 

my hfe relating t° "^ ing m Unknown Tongues 

~ r:tr to any man or 
Although IT1 never humble ^ my .. W , U to 

woman upon this Earth g .. G J odnes s" that God 

the "Purity of God” and the 

represents. „. dritpr 14 verse 22, states: 

FIRST CORINTHIANS, Chapt 1 • no , to th em that 

Wherefore tongues ar ' but prophesying 

Other Tongues, by John US , , fot Gods e x- 

1 perceived the Truth o P an activ Uy as 

istence via "Unknown Tongue • „ independent 

■ Speaking in ^ZlZTa oc woman Examine the 
of contamination by . t u; s j S true, 

following facts to u nders “? 6 a significant impact of the 
(1) Between 1926 and 195 H ’ it h - unknown Tongues 


tup rMCDr.V V 

h'Ki of their mu*l n 
iwn million nicinlM in » , mini n 

hip ttu 

*h Ip IncrcHwtl i up2ft4.7% 

PI rnconTAf MjMMnuwi 1() UI 7(K1 
( inmi ii « >• 


u« i*» •••» * <lc-Ht ilhnl carlit i , 

... a loinlly dllTcreni appro;- 1 - 

i •' 1 1 . . . , i it i. i... 1. 1 

tunc In obvkiun to 


, r, u >y S/nuik With Other 

|,siuiIniIi‘* from pun* 


..r-MK ,«!.» I"" 2,,; 1.y 

, cm ill of ill*' phcnontf mil ... ,| ( ;|„,irh 

Pc-niri oni.ilt, ni-ii'y lm|>"'"" ' l *^ 1 qll() ,ed as 
h '» ik ’" M " rll'infCm-c via Hi-' ""'V s l' ,r " 

ICI ounl/lng God * 11,11,1 . m,.., iviucn 

>/««* r«f hl . uncomiori 

I '•i'" 11 "" ' 1 ‘ l ""‘ *" |,, u(t |n ,il ilrnliuwi™ 


^.,.0 ' ,t u «' -K'n 

while- loudly blubbering In u m'fHy unlnii lllglb k 

fiMhion As .. ycuiiiH boy. my immediate reaction was to 

l, mull so Hindi NO I hut my yOUHK Irlciul also hrg; ' to 

laugh, even ilmugh It occurred In his own church. I he 

a {lulls sliiliiH In our vicinity begun to siernly hush us. 

I i icvci relumed lo lliut l»enteco«ll church, Sin’ll 
si range helwvlor was totully foreign lo the strict uiul 
rigid HapilNi posture where oiic’n parents would ud 
monish one m "he itlll" If one twisted or squirmed In 
the pew; one wun ulio forbidden lo speak during the 
( .'liurch .Services, 

However, l can now comprehend Internally what dial 
hoy o! eight only visualized externally. Such Is the case 
he» .uise I now have "l ire Will." I recognize (lie Clod 
given power ol the mind, and I seek Absolute Truth, 
li Is true dial members of traditional < 'lunches have 
nioly received reports of those Individuals who "speak 
In unknown longues (languages)" and physically act 
foolishly and degradingly by lumping, shouting, rolling 
mi the Moor, etc However, In one sense, such 
"degrading" actions are "heuutlfur because they 
itabllih .i purity t lot 1 1 u < ly t . > have bt en < ontrlved by 
he eomamlnutlon of man, i ionversely, such /unity does 
ndrrd dcmonstraie < lod’s spirit, 

I -"ii fully aware that the reader will be tempted to 
"tally dismiss what I now write as foolish, ridiculous 
nd Irrational, However, I Implore you to utilize von, 
""‘'Honing mind and recognize the t ruth of what clod 

rrT ,u 'l' y ' i *h»hi 

m. n h ,1 ' V H, V- .i IXKly If only il„- 

' noil il»' xiihsluniv ,,| ilio ",so Ul , | | U | m „. IHsiIu . 

( i 1 1 ( nil il I" 

dc cniiiieti "The Sc lentlfle I'.vidc 
which I n'« u " 

" Ii K.-|, , 

of III,. V l( 

y »»«. 

or Abuolutu 
state that the i 4,l> 1 

,. Ak jclentlNt who »cs 
; ill ililngN Ii pleaNCN ir», 

Hl’le fiicts of life relative 
dteatcsihtttihrre h a , development In t hc , r >’> 
w " i" the right dlrei tlon whi, 

lh( . human mind to solve lo obtain a menial ' " ,s ’a 
,.i. . seoaeaie and Independent 1 1 < u. ' "I 

exlNteni'e separate anil inoepenilent 1,« the ,,, , " 
dilu tions ami needs ol the human body, w|„ (1 11,1 

unlike the entity named the Soul’ of rel|g|, m ..' Is ""t 
(Kmphasla added.) 

One should recognize the fact that the Mlnd(s, 
demonstrates an existence separate and independe 

Horn the human body via lire unorthodox actions , 
divlduals who "speak In unknown tongues (lim Uu .,° in 
Hxamlne die scientific significance of this rccum*^'" 
ed proof of Clod's existence, begin with an Indlvi^’ V 
who Is taught to have sell respet t, proceeds to - SDe :! 
unknown tongues" and, as a result, totally belittles a t 
degrades the Importance of one’s physical body 
one's unintelligible actions, Alter exhibiting such 
behavior, one would expect that the Individual would 
be ashamed, embarrassed, and sad for behaving so 
before others. 

However, the facts, consistently demonstrate that 
those Individuals wlm truthfully "speak In unknown 
tongues" feel blessed, close to God and arc grateful for 
the experience , Many such Individuals have reported 
feeling within themselves a new source of energy which ; 
lasts for months, 

Such psychological results are totally opposite to what f 
one would expect. 

II one could "bottle" the end result of mass anil market 
It, there would be a stampede to purchase such an dlxlr, 
Dope anil alcohol would instantly be forgotten} 

Ii Is my Intent to use my God-given gift and prove 
God s existence by tape recording those who "speak In % 
unknown tongues (languages)" and convert such sounds I 
Into electromagnetic impulses which can lx* observed on i 
an oscilloscope. With the assistance of linguistic experts, ! 
I would endeavor to identify the audio and conceptual 
order of the sounds produced by those who "speak In 
unknown tongues (languages)," I believe Instinctively 
that t lod has provided such an order capable "I being 
detected by the Truthful, questioning mind for purposes , 
of providing an Absolute Proof to those who disbelieve 
the existence of God’s presence within our lives 
In pursuit ol scientific Truth, author John Sherrill at 
ranged a meeting at the ( olumbia University 1 uulM 
< lub, and had ms linguists listen to an approximate y 
one hour tape recording which featured Individuals 
were "speaking In unknown tongues (languages) I * 

to page* 100 103 of Tbiy Sp**M WifoOtbtt Tow* 

Although the linguists were unable to identih an 


n the recordings, Sherrill writes that 
„K I.rngua8« £ n ' med ,a„ gmge paHerns on 

[ ^ mjJ lreq ucntl ^ foo | the linguists, John 

^ in an ^ .forded two deceptive sound 
,,H ' Tlr.d intentionally ret s TheS e sequences 

under quality of an indi- 

^“ inte"^ ‘° 'Taking in unknown tongues ' 

“nual **° ” a K S nntvefsity meeting, the six lingutsts 
»~SSSSZZ sound sequences. Accord- 

flUI * |ohn Sherrill: | ansu age, the variety of sound 

m The shape “ f “ ® nc y of repetition, and so 

" n,bina ' vtualh imPO“ iblc ' s ° ,hCy ( ‘ hC lin8 “ iS,S) 
forth, is «"»J> b r; deliberate effort, 
said, to fsp^uc= b r therc wcre ove r 2,800 known 
The linguists ah^e throughout the world to- 

against the recognition of a parttcular 

language ” er ' ^^"recommended proof of God s 
e JsSc C e «n bfaccomphshed and dectromMhe^ 

^ 2S!!!! S7ecommend that all churches and religions 
' War holi he world encourage the "speaking In 
‘ h r„ 8 wn longues (languages) " in a purposeful manner 
unknoun to 8 J s ^ f of our God-given mind, 

T hlC , were P to imroduce scientific technology into this 
irocess ihen one could simply construct "seat-belted 
chairs which would automatically restrain an individua 
£ with .he Spirit of God. Such a mechanism would 
improve personal safety, improve posture, and would 
restrain chose physical movements which distract from 
the phenomenal experience. 

With such physical restraint, those who are not 
filled" with the Holy Spirit may then observe the 
physical manifestations reflecting the inner being (Soul) 
of the individual who "speaks in unknown tongues” 
(languages) without distraction from physical body 
superficialities. Such superficialities do not reflect the 
substance of the "Soul.” 

1 am confident that good design engineers could con- 
struct a proper restraining seat; moreover, with the in- 
troduction of visual dramatics to enhance the effects of 
the experience, such engineers could utilize a discrete 
electrical and/or hydraulic system to enable the restrain- 
ing seat to physically rise several feet above the floor. By 
surrounding this seat with “white veils, etc.” one could 
metaphorically represent the “Purity” of God’s Spirit 
which resides within us all. Such an arrangement would 
permit all observers — as well as the person “speaking 
in unknown tongues (languages)” — to participate in the 
splendor of the moment. 

To avoid deception by mere man or woman, NASA- 
developed, heat-sensing and pulse/blood pressure 
monitoring devices could be installed within the special 
seats. The seat would not mechanically rise unless all 
pre-programmed instruments psysicologically indicated 
that the experience was genuine (from God) and not in- 
duced by mere man or woman. A pre-programmed com- 
puter integrated with an oscilloscope and EEG machine 


exoeriences at the same Church. 

The good woman informed me that she had prayed m 
the following manner to God. "While I do not un er 
stand the nature of one who ‘speaks in unknow 
tongues,’ if it is real then I wish to share the 
experience.” Within a short time, according to the goo 
woman, she experienced the "speaking in unknown 
tongues (languages)” on a number of occasions. 

I asked her the following question: After such an ex 

perience, what was the intensity of your ‘closeness to 
God? Was the intensity the same, slightly greater, 
significantly greater, or tremendously greater? Without 
any hesitation, she vigorously stated that she had felt 
"tremendously closer to God!” 

She added that her son — a man in his early twenties 
— had recently told her that "he could never return to 
the Baptist Church because it simply did not provide 
him with what he needed.” I am convinced that their 
respective responses would have been identical had they 
originally belonged to any other traditional Church. (I 
do not write this to derogate other traditional Churches, 
but rather to encourage them to honestly and sincerely 
examine the phenomena of those who speak in 

unknown tongues (languages).”] 

I am convinced that it is necessary to scientifically cor- 
roborate the unique nature of those who "speak in 
unknown tongues (languages).” In the above discussion, 

I have offered a technique to accomplshi such corrobo- 
ration. While personal opinion and experience is valu- 
able it is still necessary to subject the "speaking in 
unknown tongues (languages)” phenomena to the rigors 
of the scientific method. It is my hope that the discus- 
sion on this subject within the context of this Book will 
encourage honest, scientific investigation of this 

It is true that I have never spoken in unknown 
tongues (languages). Although I sincerely advise others 
to attend the religious institutions of their choice, I 
should state that I do not physically attend any par- 
ticular church. In this sense, my personal approach is 
perhaps similar to that of Thomas Paine who once 
wrote: “My own mind is my own church. 

However, I am certain that God has provided me with 
the gift of a questioning mind. The facts that I have 
discovered and my awareness of God s existence con- 
vince me that the good woman speaks the Truth 
To quote once again from They Speak With Other 
Tongues, pages 65 and 66 : 

“Father Daniel J. O’Hanlon, Professor of Theology 
at Alma College, Los Gatos, California, wrote an arti- 
cle for America, the national Catholic weekly, in 
which he said: 



•Few Catholics regard Pentecostais with > ' more 

than amusement, if they take notice ofth ^ 
istence at all. Even most rote C h r j St ians and 

distance from these unconventional Christ. ^ 
find it difficult to say anything good £ sta i 

Nevertheless the «P ^ordinary 

aTeanthas foTthe kind of people to whom our 
Lord especially addressed Himself, the • PO^ 
dispossessed, should warn us to pu 
squeamish bourgeois prejudices and take long, 
hard look at it. ” 

The evidence before me indicates ^tnotohly'S ,he 
unbeliever converted into a belief in God I after th 
speaking in tongues' experience. u 

tional believers in God greatly benefit by such i an ex- 
perience. Such conventional believers are drawn closer 
to God and experience an intimate feeling concern! g 

G Quoting l from page 140 of They Speak With Other 

“Not long ago. I talked with Dr. John Alexander 
MacKav, President-Emeritus of Princeton Seminary 
and one of the country’s leading theologians. 

If it is a choice,' he told me, ‘between the uncouth 
life of the Pentecostais and the aesthetic death of the 
older Churches, I for one choose uncouth life. ’ 

“But what if there need not be this choice? What if 
there can be a synthesis on a higher plane than either, 
so that in our Churches we have form and life grow- 
ing Godward together? What if Pentecost comes to 
the Church today?” 

If you are utilizing the precious, God-given gift of the 
powerful questioning Mind to seek Absolute Truth, then 
I need say no more. However, if you are not and will 
not pursue such Truth with your Mind, then it would be 
a mutual waste of time for me to say more to you on 
this subject. 

I do, however, perceive the following Truth from 
God. People of even 7 religious denomination/persuasion 
throughout the world who worship/pray to God or to 
God s Essence should respect one another, love one 
another, care for one another, and, as a Unitv of One. 
pray to God for one another. 

Throughou. .he world, God-loving individuals who 

f'™ ‘ he f SelV “ ° n,y Serve 10 P'°vide evidenc. 
.o non-believers that God does not exist. Peace between 
such individuals should provide evidence to the non 
believers that God is real 


to God s Channel" will oneTcave^od^ °” * a " Uned 
Even with a normal TV or radio onecan onb^receive 

a broadcast if one is properly tuned to that f reci , 

Of course, it is technologically possible f Qr 
individuals to do so simultaneously. 

When one prays and is tuned into “God's Ch- 
then one is transmitting a message. However o^ 1 
reaches “God's Channel” by being sincere. o" e 0r »y 
consider “God’s Channel” to be a "pay . TV 
the sense that the "payment” God expects i s t h p el " in 
and consistent utilization of your honest and Ql Mncct c 
Mind. Sti °nirig 

tr is a recognized fact that one’s brainj^ ^ 
a transmitter and a receiver of electro^n g^^both 
is also known that the electromagnetiTwavT^!^ Il 


“ D2ttp * 

vary according to one's thoughts. When an assent 

fas in a Church'! beean in n«;«. ^ly 0 f 

individuals (as in a Church) began in unison t 0 D V 
“transmit” on the same “channel,” such activity ^ 
a powerful transmitter to and receiver from God ^ 88 
/ have no doubt that our scientific capability 
less than barbaric by comparison to God’s scienur ^ 
capability ! 

We are all composed of the same type of gy rosc 
particles that exist throughout the Universe. Such^ 
tides can certainly be mechanically foreseen and iTh 
stood by God. n er ‘ 

Based on the concepts I have expressed in this B 
the time is long overdue for wise men and women and 
heads of religions and nations to join together to pro 
duce a Doctrine capable of providing the people of the 
world with enduring Peace, Love, and Happiness 
By the grace of God, I have developed an innovation 
capable of uniting the world mechanically and 
technologically. But without the proper conceptual 
teachings, such an innovation means nothing. God has 
provided us with ‘‘Free Will” and a powerful question- 
ing brain. If we utilize such a brain properly, we can 
achieve the goal of pleasing God and ourselves. 

There are those who will read what I have written on 
the “subject of God” and be convinced of its Truth. I 
fully realize that there will be those who will be skep- 
tical, unconvinced, or only convinced that I am a 
“religious nut.” Some will perhaps be of the 
“charitable” opinion that I am a sincere “religious nut.' 

I am well aware of the possibility of such reactions. 

I stress to the reader, however, that I am not writing 
this Book only for present audiences, but rather for 
those who will be our distant descendants. Consider the 
many occasions in history when someone was branded a 
“nut” by his contemporaries, only to be proven correct 
and insightful in later times. 

My purpose in presenting the “speaking in unknown 
tongues (languages)” subject within the context of a 
scientific treatise is to encourage the sincere and scien- 
tific investigation of this phenomena. Only by the 
honest inquiry of our minds w ill we ever be capable o 
unlocking the seeming secrets of the Universe 
With such an open, questioning, and truthful mind, 
wdsh to discuss another subject of vital importance to 
this worthy goal: ECONOMICS. 



. flt ctronRly demonstrates the 

£ mics is a s u b) eCt of the brainsoiling * 

C ° n °and detrimental r * teaching system. 

“f' Scd by our P'« en ‘P r ““ mlcs in the tradi- 

cSege du^g mV Junior year. 

‘ a | colleg e a" d dU , one of the first sublets 
an adult. Econom cs is o Even as a young 

""validity 1 strongly cMltengn for human|ty ran 

^ an h0 nest and canng^ touchcd by the 5ub - 

d «p »itW" my ^oause I knew that it affected the phys- 
ic, of Eo° no "”“^ ' , ati00 upon this planet. 

U ^ n ®. “equired considerable thought to properly 

Originally- 9 scie ntific thinking which I have 
ana!y ze l ""^ ok However, when I proceeded to 
discussed ^ B , was shocke d by “accepted teachings 
^ch mTiing, caring, and questioning mind 

- found that 


man aleck and told me that if I was so smart 1 should 
■ get up and teach the class.” I responded by proceeding 

t0 As°a result of my delivery to that Economics class, I 
successfully stimulated the thinking processes of every 
young man and woman in the room. My delivery 
prompted my fellow students to eagerly begin to think 
and question. 

At this point, I wish to pay tribute to my exceptional 
Economics teacher — Mr. Paul R. Cooper — who was 
not offended by my response to his challenge of me and 
from that point continued to encourage my questions. I 
immediately sensed that Mr. Cooper was an exceptional 
teacher. Prior to that time, I would ask questions and 
would always be told by my teachers: ‘‘Joe, you are 
holding up the class.” I do not even recall the names of 
such teachers. 

In 1961, 1 wrote to President John Kennedy because I 

*lt is more semantically precise and descriptive to use the term brainsoiling 
rather than brainwashing, since “washing’’ implies a purification process; 
soiling" implies just the opposite. This semantic distinction was first 
developed and employed for such usage by Evan R. Soule’, Jr. in 1981 

was very concerned 

failed to offer a so “" d ^“ ve(J in Economics. One of 
problems repeatedly assistants (whose name 1 

President Kennedy’s i special as fey mail by 
have unfortunately ^orgo K P enned y' S Congres- 
stonaUewmmendation entitled: How to Add Moment 

turn Back to tbe - Mr. 

his classes. 

At the end of the semester, Mr. Cooper took me aside 
"^^^ anold man,a nd 

dent can take since it affects " f an ° behave 

years, however, stude "^ ^^nemted mote en- 
dryly and unresponsively. You na g 
thusiasm and participation from ^syea d 

students than all of my pr.or years of teaching acn 

I simply wanted to thank you, Joe. n | e asure to 

, warmly replied, “Mr. Cooper, tt was my q P” “ 
be your student and attend your class. 1 often think 
of Mr Cooper with great warmth even though 1 have 
not seen him since 1 left college as a young man. Mr 
Cooper was truly a teacher! 1 sincerely r«ommard ' hat 
any teacher who wishes to be warmly ^mbered by 
her/his students should so conduct herself/himsel . y 
such actions, the teacher will do her/his students and 
herself/himself honor, justice, and stimi ulate = P r ^ res ^ 

I humbly pray that 1 can use my talents to stimulate 
you and the world to question, think, and become 
excited about Economics and the future of our world. 
Read again in Chapter 20 my 1967 letter to President 
Johnson in which I predicted ‘‘An Energy Innovation 
and a Merger between Mechanization and Economics. 

Just as I was “shocked” as a young man. 1 will now 
attempt to “shock” you. There is an old saying — A 
picture is worth a thousand words The following 
graph is far more valuable than a million words 




■ MMMfA ■ „ '• w xl'WSm 
? \4im? ’*£ -m 




W*» l,»w 



Wi'.MliAUf ri/r.i Wa , 

*'» v. Wl 

i , .., 

Amarlcnn bualnoaa nctlvlly. 
nhown In ■olid blnch and Indl- 
cnlad by tho ncnlo ni tho loll, 
him boon ■ubjoct lo wldo lluclu 
nlloim from lb# lonfl'lWjfl 
bond. Changes In whol»**l* 
commodlly prlota «<“ ,u ° 
gootod by Iho dn»h#d Hn« 
Rtprlnltd from "An economy 
Hlatory ot tho Unltod 
Ullboil C Hto and Jim I 
liuiion, Houghton Ml film Co 


text entitled 
. basic economics tex 

js from n1 > ‘ united States 

. hl> jsr-'P 11 . History of th a giv en cc 

< n i-,r«nwg ‘ for your ass production 

' r y° fth Moa e given company’s 

'-"“!l^nV»h«e.n^ewor 1 d 

W your ****££& 

' |,K'tioil demonstrates . _ — it works for 

i^ ,H " "TpentbiHty and a week, breaks down, 

l-s down, wor - „^mrmnv’s produc- 

^,ki«n. W ori«<o»-- any . s p r oduc. 


e" ^ch * l* r f“ r " h „ hlc h depicts 
*>" Moronic i> is ,M ' 'ffecfand Control the entire 
BUI r’f,effie' enc5 ' d ° CS as well as its assembly lines. 
^<cussed company in the early .980 

aW'i , was clearly d . ° ,„hemistically called a 

<acTS e |car[ Y was euphemistically called! 

• -^whlch P«"^ fa hear, breaking ex- _ 

uanies •»* p , was a heartbreaking ex- 
sTrecent D c P rcS5 '? dependable employees of such 
* ie«e to watch the &P™ the sincer e managements 
P"*" M lose their iobs an ur€ Company 

^ « lose their jobs and " — Company 

3SS. Yfrd\heyS« created nor knew 


: o w to fight tne — - 

Depression (te *. economic events? 1 was 

Are you shocke ^ ^ J ^ ^ ^ simply could not 

Treyou Tsimpiy could not 

md i re"** £ oc * world tha , would blindly repeat 
dieve that I lived m and damaging to human 

be same mistakes - ^ oyer again what i have 

fc and happm eme|y inefficie nt economic 

ZZ P »Z creT.S such human misery apparently 

mSKSU, p« iods ° f p rosperi . ty and 

5 „ have succeeded one another at irregular tn- 

S m the United States, Great Britain, and other ,n- 
tstrial nations throughout the world. 

„ is currently taught that the essence of economics is 
apply and demand.' This teaching is totally false . As 
now exists and has existed in the past, the essence of 
onomics is “Fear” and Greed 

"reasonable" prices. At 

have extensive inventories as a resu 

increased their production capacip G f economics 

Such facts clearly prov • a(l at t he point of 
is not "supply and demand. * abundant ■ supply" of in- 
maximum inflation, th “* ■ demand" for such 

ventory and a strong consume consu mer simp- 

goods/services. The P r oblemis that t^ which 

fy refuses to purchase the „ 

are" unreasonable and whi P at t he com- 

Such "Greed" results in factories who 

panies who supply raw mate pS ychologi- 

manufacture the products^ ^ ^ Such ‘‘Fear" 
cal factor of "Fear becomes manrf ^ 1<Depression ." on 
precipitates a sharp decline t , eDe atedly follow the 

the graph above immediately 

inflationary cycles. [They ' beg* and fall to 

following the height of the [Zllclcio line.] 
the lowest point on th ^"° d ensive unemployment oc- 
It is ironic that the mitia (“Greed”), initiates 

curring at the height of the Inflatmn ( 
a negative chain reaction by instilling a 

which results in a De P reS "^ not to purchase goods/ 
Such “Fear” causes consumers not p * depres . 

services even when prices are g gQ unsold , 

sionary cycle. When goo s g ig well acquainted 

unemployment increases. E J OCC urs durin g a 

with the extensive human misery 

lomics is rear anu 

irge the reader not to blindly accept what 1 teach, 
he contrary, you should honestly question both 
1 1 teach and what you have learned from the past, 
nply examine the graph depicted above and prove 
ourself that “Fear” and “Greed” are the true 
lomic culprits of our present civilization. On the 
h, all nodes located above the zero line represent in- 
)nary action. Inflation occurs because of “Greed, 
problem will only be solved if Absolute Truth is 
iistently taught to the entire world, 
the height of an inflationary cycle (the highest point 
lie nodes above the zero line), the “Greed” Factor 
'mes so outrageous that consumers begin to refuse 
irchase commodities or services. Even though the 

rcnase commodities or services, bven 
Jmer still desires goods/services, the consumer 

PS tn rmrrhoc^ nnrl pnrlpotrnrc tr\ n/oit 


s to purchase and endeavors to wait for “fair” and 

Depression (“Fear ). "nresent” Economics is 

I repeat that the essence of presem , f „ 

“Supply and Demand. that 

Economics is Feat and "Greed” do not 

the reader recognizes that ^ ^ ^ a - th inking, ques- 
represent the essence o ,, ..p .. an d “Greed” 

tioning, and truth-seeking min _ factors for the 

are totally beings. 

eS ^Pres°«(*econOTnic™is indeed “/subject that 

demonstrates the '“niust' and demmenta res ^ 

brainsoiling effect generated by our prese p 
"plore you not to close your mind. To do this 

would only endorse a continuattonofhumanmisery. 

The facts demonstrated by the above Graph prove 
that /speak the Truth. Such facts clearly Prov= that 
"present” economic dislocations result from the 
repetitive cycles of hope (Greed) and misery (Fea ■ Jh s 
economic system is highly inefficient and demonsu 
an unwillingness to sincerely question the observed P 
UeZ and seek Absolute Truth with respect to a reahsttc 

“ wish to focus on the presentation of a rPos^ 
solution rather than discuss the "Negattve nature of he 

problem. 1 seek to inspire and excite you as to the so 
tion for our economic problems. Such a s ° lb ''° “ 

replace the "Old" with the "New” and will be extremely 
efficient. This solution will offer the human population 
of our planet a continuous enjoyment of physical well- 
being rather than intersperse such enjoyment with 


" GrCC<i ' hircwlti^ou how i P wcelve the Absolute 
7>iSfor the essence of Economics. 

c /c «>«/>/)’ * 'thought tool' with respect 
'we°e%?£‘ u,tHzA'ion of human power via 
mechanical devices! 

We cannot 

m°ot°vat, n ng force' wi thin the truly creative Individual. _ 

■ Economics is simply a thought tool 
with respect to the efficient utilization 
of human power via mechanical devices! 

While he was President of the National Academy of 
Science. Frederick Seitz eloquently stated it this way. 

■ Regardless of the diversity of nationalities, per- 
sonalities, and specialties, scientists everywhere — in- 
tentionally or not - are bound together by a common 
purpose: the advancement of human capabilities. 

I might add that this fact is true for any creative in- 
dividual. I have classified a Scientist as anyone who 
honestly questions what they are taught and then 
sincerely and diligently seeks a correct answer to their 
original question(s). Furthermore, they then seek to im- 
prove upon what they have been taught. 

Such an attitude is exemplified by the Pioneering Elec- 
tromagnetic Energy Invention which I have innovated 
during twenty years of dedicated effort. 

EXAMPLE : Several years from now, imagine that my in- 
novation is in full production for any type of device 
necessary to perform a given task. 

At this point — according to the old (and incorrect) 
economic teachings — the management of all manufac- 
turing/production companies will decide to mechanize 
and replace all human operations with robotics. The 
management will conclude that by firing most of their 
employees they can increase profits for their company. 
Such "Greed” — or lack of concern for human welfare 
— will engulf companies throughout the world as they 
endorse the same selfish idea. 

1 agree that any routine task performed by a human 

being can be more efficiently accomplished by a 

mechanized device. However, the results obtained via 

‘ Greed ' ’ or such a selfish and ' 'unthinking ' ' resfion se 
on the part of a company will be opposite to manage- 
ment s expectations! If all companies fire most of their 
workers, this would not only drastically reduce the 
work force but would also drastically reduce the pur- 
chasmg power of the consumer - a consumer readily 
desired and needed by all companies to provide an 

ofsucl! ^°. r manufaclured P roc lucts. The economic resul 
^f such diminished purchasing power is a “Depression 
Products and services would simply go unsold" 

the ••unemployed” consumer would lack the av ai |. 
financial resources. 

It should be obvious that both the potential Con 
sumers (who are generally employees) and co mpa _ 
management do not desire the negative results () f " 1 * * * V 

1 sincerely urge both "Labor” and “Managemen 
question, think and seek Absolute Truth — 0nly . u » 
will both sides recognize that the facts of ccono m t 
with respect to an Efficient Economic Program pro' 
that "Labor” and "Management” are not enemies o 
the contrary: Neither can exist without the other! p 
one side to truly function efficiently, so must the oth 

It is therefore only pure economic sense for each 7 
to be concerned about the prosperity of the other sid 
The facts clearly demonstrate that as one side cffi c i c 
functions, so does the other. 

As a scientist who always searches for Absolute Tr 
I find this "Fact” of efficient economics very pleasin' 
This fact proves that in order to achieve an Efficient 
Economic Program, we must care for one another's 
economic well-being. Such a true concern for one 
another contributes toward national and "world peace •• 
Once again, I recognize the same common denominator 
I had discussed in my earlier chapter on God: Goodness' 

I now wish to specifically present the positive 
perspective: permit me to excite, stimulate, and "open 
your mind” to the magnificence of the future which can 
begin with positive, thinking action 

I ask that company- management/owners consider the 
following positive economic results of my invention 
rather than the above-described negative economic 

Consider what would occur if all companies, instead 
of firing workers as mechanization proceeds, simply 
have such employees work less hours for the same 

Your first unthinking reaction to such a proposal 
would be to say "Such a proposal is ridiculous!” My 
response: NOT SO! Examine the whole picture and not 
simply a microscopic portion of the whole picture. 

If the workers utilize the benefits of Mechanized Pro- 

“ Examine the whole picture and not simply 
a microscopic portion of the whole picture. ” 

duction, then such workers can produce more products 
in less time and at less cost. 

Now you, the “worker/employee”, must also think. 
You must not continually strive to raise your salary. 
Your first unthinking reaction to such a proposal would 
be to say, “Such a proposal is ridiculous!" My response: 
NOT SO! Examine the whole picture and not simply a 
microscopic portion of the whole picture. 

If all workers produce more products at reduced 
costs, then the consumer — you — will have more pm 
ucts available at reduced cost. In effect, this decrease 
product cost to the consumer represents a continuous 
salary increase without the “negative" results affect ng 




lhc wcU-bcing 

. , ^ - . — * • — — ■ m '“Z * - 

Th cpo^ aC "° n . if worker employment is high, then there 

‘° ._~ - company must no, proceed ro irrespon- 

«'° rK _ /-r>SI 


;^r i f 5 -'" man a g emen t . .*>*«, ^ ^ 

k ^ce ^‘^Ihe^ters - £ bribed «i*// occur. r^nfemg, ’ Questioning, and 


!« tbereait^ ’ 

■ ■ „;iii Qic pr^ ll,tinnarv Energy ^ nv e 
ZTZTe *« ^onom.cAa.onrha;^ corn^u ^ ^ win enabU ^™tZ< 

10 which I have devoied many V“ rs of mV spc aking of the beginning of positive hjsto rical facts 

me an efficient and exciting reality. I am also spe g .. moo , hC r road through life- 

« children and those future generations who look tc > us tor Act ” 

e that in Economics we most definitely r ^P * js uired is that we truthfully * Q“ esUon ’ funclton al essence 
tat which Is required is actually quite simple another which is th miestioning 

achievement of what 1 have described also requires that ‘twinkling eyes of our everjesuonmg 

oodness Moreover, the simplicity of what is required is ™ rr ^ ed ‘ , of Q ur own Questioning Mind, 

Iren Such simplicity only demands that we creatively B,rl » 

:h has previously remained as a Sleeping, Majestic hion , ( beneficially f 

arge this Majestic Lion” to awaken! And the world wt e ancJ constructive change for the bene i 

lie following Chapter will discuss an area requiring urgent at e 
People ’ 

Chapter 24 

The Patent System 

"Justice delayed, is justice denied." 

- William E. Gladstone 

JL he sole purpose of any Patent Office throughout 
the world is to stimulate the creativity of the people 
in all countries. Such action generates benefits for all 
inhabitants of the planet. 

This discussion of the patent system will begin with 
a quote from an article in U.S. News and World Report, 
1981, February 2, pages 45 and 461, entitled “Patent 
System ... A Drag on Innovation.” The article quotes 
Donald W. Banner, former Commissioner of the U.S. 
Patent and Trademark Office, who says: 

“A U.S. Patent has become a cruel hoax, providing 
neither protection nor incentive for development of 

When inventors and their inventions suffer at the 
hands of Patent Office Officials, then the people of 
all nations suffer. This is so because such inventions 
which could bring to all people prosperity and hap- 
piness are stifled, restricted, suppressed, and/or 
interminably delayed to the point of extinguishing 
creativity and hope. 

The total injustice which I have been forced to 
endure for years from the U.S. Patent and Trademark 
Office with respect to my Pioneering Energy Invention 
clearly illustrates and confirms the truth of the above 
quotation by Donald W. Banner. Due to lack of space 
I will not present all the shocking details of the very 
~ fl,e < over ' 50 ° P a 8«> concerning the injustice 

Off « I wTh^ y ‘ he U S Pa,ent and T “>demark 
niI " I h owever, quote several sections from the 
P bhc records of the Washington, D.C. Federal District 

th° U U S Paten°, 8 h°t 01 COncernln 8 my lawsuit against 
tne U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. 

For years I have carefully and factually documented 

SLn t ome r T C ' '° b ° ,h the a «‘™ °f 'he U S 
Pa ent Office and the Federal District Court Such 

I do nor documentation ls being accumulated because 

outnioT:iizz: r z ng ’ ,hc foiiowing is a Mef 

1. My Constitutional Rights were and are being 
deliberately violated. 

A. I was originally told in January 1982 by Patent E 
aminer Donovan F. Duggan that he didn’t think he* 
would ever be able to give me a Patent “no matter 
what evidence I presented to him.” 

[On September 12, 1983, a Federal District Court in 
Texas found that Donovan F. Duggan’s “Knowledge of 
electrical theory may have been inadequate for his 
responsibilities.” (See Lindsey v. United States Civ Ac 
tion Nos. TX-79-60-CA, TX-81-39-CA.) This Texas case 
involved the same Examiner Duggan and another in- 
ventor, Ralph Lindsey. The Federal District Court in 
Texas also found that Examiner Duggan rejected the 
patent application of Ralph Lindsey because he (Dug- 
gan) “misunderstood” the nature of the device and 
therefore “carelessly and incorrectly perceived” it to 
be a “perpetual motion machine.” The Court found 
that Duggan summarily rejected the Lindsey application 
with a “cryptic comment” failing to provide “such 
clear and full disclosure of reasons for rejection as re- 
quired by the regulations.” The Court found that once 
Duggan was “convinced” it was “a perpetual motion 
machine,” he “seemed unable to consider the design 
on its own merits.” The Texas Court concluded that, as 
a result of Duggan’s negligence, Lindsey failed to 
receive a patent that was later issued instead to a Mr. 
Davis for a similar device.] 

B. My legal rights to a Pioneering Patent have been 
unscrupulously delayed for over five years. 

2. There has been and still is a deliberate violation of 
U.S. Patent Law. 

A. I was informed by a U.S. Patent Office Examiner 
that he had not read my extensive, 133-page Disclosure 

B. The Patent Examiner refused to clearly define his 
objection to my Disclosure Document. 

C. The Patent Examiner refuses to accept the Affidavits 
attesting to my energy machine’s operability. These Af- 
fidavits have been provided by more than thirty in- 
dependent, competent, scientifically-educated in- 
dividuals who include nuclear physicists, electrical 
engineers, electrical technicians, etc. 


«cistently. deliberately, 
Office isre pr^n ted and distorted the 

haV e falsely stated that I 
c emP*°> reC . S s " -perpetual motion 

°K ^machine .s a P 

i^vees have implied that I 
ffic e emplo> other Patent 

' ^> f C " lovees doubted that my 


; rue 

ihat “ me 
«*« p°* ibul,y that the - 

unsd factually tested my energy 

W ?rHavit questioning the operability 

i Affidavit q r that 

Machine- de false statements to the effect 

E The Patent indent scientists who had endorsed 
hSd “ imere5t m my 

tendon. distortions too numerous to 

f n Z sook Such distortions are contained in the 
m m ^ records and available documentation. 

Th, r S Patent Office has consistently acted as a 
^ adversary” towards the development of my 


solely as an adversary came to my house to question 
testimony submitted by two competent scientists - 
testimony which was provided in Depositions verifying 
the operability of my Pioneering Invention. At the same 

“The U.S. Patent Office has 
consistently acted as a ' hostile adversary 
towards the development of 
my Pioneering Energy Invention. ” 

visit, however, the Patent Office refused to furnish 
anyone to physically test my energy machine despite 
the fact that my attorney had repeatedly asked that 
such testing be arranged before the Patent Office 
representative traveled by plane from Washington, 

D C - flew to New Orleans, and rented an automobile 
or an approximately 130-mile drive to my home in 
ucedale, Mississippi. After the patent office represen- 
tative arrived at my home, he informed me that he was 
Una le 10 conduct testing on my energy machine since 

he was not technically qualified. MY QUESTION If such 
an individual admitted that he was technically un- 
qualified, then how could he be qualified to judge the 
capability of the technically qualified individuals who 
had tested the energy machine? 

B The Patent Office falsely implied that 1 and the 
more than thirty scientifically-educated individuals who 
had attested in Affidavits to the validity of my Pioneer- 
ing Invention were all incompetent. 

C. Major William Schuyler, Jr., a former Commissioner 
of the U.S. Patent Office, was nominated by the Patent 
Office and appointed by the Federal District Court to 
evaluate the validity of my energy machine. Both the 
Patent Office and the Federal Judge expressed the fact 
that they were very impressed with Mr. Schuyler’s 
superb technical qualifications. (See a further discussion 
of this subject in the following Chapter.) 

After evaluating my energy machine, Mr. Schuyler 
wrote in his Report of the Special Master , dated 
September 28, 1984: 


(2) The Patent Office has presented “no contradictory 
factual evidence.” 

(3) There was ample evidence that one skilled in the 
art could construct or utilize the energy machine. 

(4) The Patent Office did not examine the petitioner s 
(Mr. Newman’s) application “on its merits in accor- 
dance with usual practices.” 

(5) The Patent Office Board of Appeals’ finding rejec- 
ting such a machine as “impossible” was “clearly er- 

(6) Petitioner Newman “is entitled to a patent. 

The legal counsel for the Patent Office had originally 
vouched for the superb credentials of former Com- 
missioner Schuyler at the time Mi. Schuyler was 
nominated for Special Master to the Federa Court 
After the Report of the Special Master was tssued, the 
same legal counsel vilified former Commissioner 
Schuyler and advised the Court to 'exercise some 
common sense and refrain from joining those who P 

narentlv still believe in the tooth fairy. The *'8* 

cotmsel was, however, incapable of spedfl^Y ' 
ing the Court as to why the findings of the former Pa 
tent Office Commissioner were incorrect. 

D. All of the above, 1 through 3F. 

S As a result of the Injustices described above (and 
Inany others not included in this have 

been forced to write this Book and fully disclose ® 
nature of my Pioneering Invention without i*effil ^ 
benefit of Pioneering Patent protection to 
entitled by law. 



, _ , f he II S. Patent 

6. The injustices Inflicted upon me J2Q0 00 o. 0 0 ln 

Office have cost me ( rtantly> have cost the 

iegal expenses and,mo the opportunity to en- 

^r^&voiutionary energy <— 

beyond myself. If b P e assured tha. 

Unue without re P* ' co „„„ u e to suffer such in- 

other creative indnidu increase with time. 


p“"' ina ‘ e 

examine the m any existing innovations w 

•/ especially fight for those cr ' atlve 
individuals whose sensitive ^positions 
can be shattere d by such injustice 

the drudgery from your life. What is the source of all 
these beneficial inventions? 

ANSWER: Such beneficial inventions were innovated by 
creative individuals at a moment in time when such 
dividuals envisioned something “new” that had not 
been previously understood. These beneficial inventions 
were not created by Kings, Queens, Presidents, pohti- 
1 dans, etc. , but were developed by creative individuals. 
Simply examine the previous several thousand years 
of human history and ask, “Why have there been so 
many significant material improvements?” The facts 
prove that: the Jewels of our civilization are our 
Creative Individuals! 

Is it not logical that we should at least protect, nur- 
ture, and inspire our Creative Individuals with the same 
diligence and protection provided in Nature by a produc- 
tive “worker bee” to a “Queen bee” within the hive? 

The Constitution of the United States directs that we 
behave in such a fashion. Moreover, the sole purpose of 
the U.S. Patent Office is to afford such protection. 

The facts prove, however, that the Patent Office is 
failing to do its job. It is obvious that proper legal ac- 
tions must be initiated to guarantee that the Patent Of- 
fice properly performs its very important function. 

I urge the reader to contact your elected officials and 
demand that your “Queen bee” — the Creative Individual 
(by which you and your future descendants will con- 
tinuously benefit) — be protected such that creativity is 
stimulated and not stifled. 

At this point, I wish to pay tribute to the News Media. 
In many instances, the News Media are the “lubricant" 
which “ unclogs ” the wheels of our Democracy! 

I urge the News Media to vigorously investigate the 
Facts concerning the behavior of the U.S. Patent Office 
and to maintain such an investigation until the U.S. 

Patent Office is operating efficiently and legal, y . 

This point forward, the People and the News M e U >» 
should closely and continually monitor the p Crfo * 
of the U S. Patent Office, f warranted, the pub Uc ^ ft 
be advised by the News Med.a when action is ncc . "‘ Ul « 1 

such action should then be taken immediately lo ' ^ 
vent further stifling by the Patent Office of indiv£. 
itiative and creativity. 31 >n- 

While most members of the News Media have f a , 
and accurately reported my case to the public, lh e v 
have been several news stones that did a disservi Ce 
the news reporting profession. In each case, these f a „ 
ly inaccurate news stories were written anonymously f 1 
requires no personal courage to attack the potential 
rightness of an individual from a protective cloak of 
anonymity. Being unwilling to assume explicit credit a ' 
reputational risk for what was written is a form of d j j 

One of these inaccurate, misleading, and ano nymou 
articles appeared in DISCOVER magazine. This reputed S 
scientific magazine hired the services of a magician i n an i 
attempt to discredit what I have accomplished. If a h 0ax I 
was really feared, then a more scientific approach would 
have been to send someone having technical and scien- 1 
tific credentials to accompany the magician in the event f 
my work appeared to indeed be genuine. This was not 
to be, however. By indicating that he was an “inves- 
tigative consultant,” the magician did not truthfully 
represent himself to me on the telephone, and implied 
that he possessed the requisite scientific credentials 
Also, the “investigative consultant” promised to confer 
with me following his investigations and before he sub- 
mitted his findings to the magazine. This he failed to do. 

The article that finally appeared in DISCOVER maga- 
zine was replete with factual inaccuracies. However, 
since the “investigative consultant” is a professional 
magician, I would say that he is eminently qualified to 
investigate the illusions which appear to exist within the 
mind of the individual who fabricated the article in 
DISCOVER magazine. 

A second inaccurate, misleading, and anonymous article 
appeared in the New York Times entitled “Perpetual In- 
vention.” In this article, the writer describes my energy 
machine as a “perpetual motion machine.” I have 
repeatedly stated that my machine is not a “perpetual 
motion machine.” Such an unscientific attitude on the 
part of the writer indicates an unwillingness to examine 
an innovation which requires new thought processes. 
Labeling an invention a “perpetual motion machine 
relieves the writer of the responsibility of seriously an 
scientifically considering my theories and innovations 

The New York Times anonymous writer specifically 
wrote: “Mr. Newman calls his device an ‘energy genera 
tion system having higher energy output than input ~ 
an electric motor that gets something for nothing 
statement is totally false! 

I have very specifically described my energy mac ' n 
as a device generating “greater external energy outp ut 

than external energy input.” This statement 

is totally 


rk has already 

something for nothing " The : depth "^^ls^ho make such unth 
n CK- ■£ “££%« Irresponsible ac.ion oT rbo ^ ^ c „ conlinue ro serv 

presented js . „. c «nnsiblv. accurately and Y office. 

ci> P reSC H l for what k is- d responsibly, accurately and f a ir s ly patent office^ 

' ^ pOSC t the News Media has i act^ ^ un)ust act ions of — Fe deral District Court 

I - manner by a eM “ offlce which I P'« e "“h ,‘htd originally suggested 

, n„nrt I submit the 

- :: z rrs— 

foUowing Eichabats A, 

in July, 1982, as a ^ 

Senator Stennls' " pltent Office. X was given ^ 

resulting treatment by th o£fic e. Mr. Oman rs Sta 

— “ - 

,ndiciary, United States Senate. 

After diSCUSS ^ 9 y stated he wished me to talk with and 
period of time, Mr. Oman stat ^ he advis ed me was 

expalin myself to Lmittee on Patent Matters 

an Expert Advisor to the J moiy by phone and I talked with 

r;z; r 0 ; r z z - — - 

next morning for about one hour. 

I returned home that day and within the we * lt “' 

Oomory a frve page letter explaining - ^ern . which ^ 
attached as Exhibit C, and also forwarded a copy 
which is attached as Exhibit B. 

Said five page letter prompted Mr. Gomory in writing , a 
most positive letter in my behalf to Mr. Oman and is attach 
as Exhibit A. (Information concerning Mr. Gomory is a 
as Exhibit Al.) Especially see the first one and ^ one 
sentences of paragraph 4 of first page. Quote. _ 

strongly, very strongly, the situ ation that Joe is expene nc a 



his is nnt the wav to treat our inventors . mnM , 
Manifest “ “ . . . » Unquote: (Etnphasis Added) 

locc their inventions 

of page one ; Quote: . h 

subscribe to Joe's letter in general. I have experien^ 
his experiences, especially as related m each of the paragraph 
especially beginning with paragraph 4 and 5 on page 2 to the end 
of his letter including his excellent suggestions which take into 
consideration the nature of the human being." Unquote. 

I have not received or been told any information by these 
individuals which have stated or implied contradiction to the 
above facts. 

Leaving one to conclude others of prominate, pertinent 
position feel my complaints are justified. 

The undersigned declares further that all statements made 
herein of the undersigned's own knowledge are true and that all 
statements made on information and belief are believed to be 
true; and, further that these statements were made with the 
knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made 
are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 
1001 Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful 
false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application 
or document or any registration issued thereon. 


County of George 

S» -rr. to ar.1 $,:b:crl!;ed tcfcrc me. this the 

— IbiILd* Ctu ^. ttSi. 

, Chancery Oert 

ftr rift; 6 — -^ D.C 



l8t M °zday h 1$88 
- 2 - 

W 1 ** 2g?sl0ti« ^ si£t8nt 

Zf t or -‘ c ' " 

- “L-. - isc 

sw?A-srs s»-r^»s‘ s ssrss^, 

^q-onsive ™ ' r * to bre 0k the - L “'*''": ' -, „ j oe Newman 

aoMwhst -* 

encountered. Iy .. x have heard from th 

■x-k “ st"~ r* 

%r*els ’indicated at the time. 

i indicotea ^ gre all 

, neD sfc -° :Uion - 

which I belong. 

Just tills coming I hove ^^a^cocy. Ky comments on 
^ ^r^e^.e^ e ”^bfb t ri^f U be 8 0 3U £ ^you should already have it. 

4 - _ v the situation that toe is 

I feel strongly, very strongly,^ tQ treat our 

Tienclng, hanifestly, this i , . u they should be 

:™t%cn less of the system 

>ursf ed to disclose reopor.s- ' , d to as being our 

!h you know I have frequently ref livlviia: ,:.v XNNOVaTx.CN 
xNf'tY 'A' CiOoUlx., H’i-1 ■ j -‘ - have used in testi ying 

(i<l . This name for our system, whicn ; ' . or describes tnat 
are the several houses °f Congress, •*j£ 1 S volunt ory" disclosure 
re shall be incentive sufficient permits, when the 

Lnventione. ^uch disclosure • licant for patent sees 

ant has issued, or earlier wnen the 1 ^ ^ i£Gued| that others 
t he nee adequate protection in a \ to design eround the 

the field nay begin to build on or f^f^ 3 ;° nsive \ 0 the 
ention, the disclosure haying ee * - ection" 3, Clause 3. ^'hie 
titutional provision of Article I, ' . 

ndeed . . to promote ... the useful arts . 

ixperiences, especially 05 rela ' ^ . „. e 2 to the end 

iially beginning with paragraphs 4 end 5 o r - trke into 

.e letter including his excellent suggestions 
.deration the nature of the human being. 


Halpfc Omen 

A ^euot 2 

• 1982 

I now look forward to 
vou would like to hove with me 
. . _ fldvieed d©» 



meeting which you have said 
will weit for you to set the 

.. 'indent regards, 

320 - 4>?7 

cc Joe Newron 

the energy 




d in several 

PAOl ,oci5GOHORv. s --^r^ 

• traveled xn Hungary, Austria, England an , e 


ch ett ^ s * lc institute * a member of th customs and 

££e« ^‘’strt/^U^d federal courts. 

SH; C «f; o usher of lower stare --> . r for about « 

^ ' Paul was ~ 

ss,£ - r>?rc^- ~ "• — “ d 

. tor ^tou office --r^ruriT 

Paul 13 He’his served Phillips for °^ e d to the abatement of 

Patent “^iriagegedVI^eral eodeavors related^to^ ^ feder al 

gsKss. _«. 

iKSs? ”£ SS ; T “.rrsrsj^s -s. ^ 

? rs-rs sss^-iiSK i-"-" -• - - 

posture." His concern with 1 ?%,^ . 

concern for the we rare - ^ one 0 f several on 

The recently enacted on it and others onbeh^ 

which he has worted asaidoo^l^ ^c of Invention and J^vati'n ^ 

of the Association tor . avrcber ° £ n blllS 0 f ^r«entatives , 

end on his own beh • M v ell as in Che House . iaCion bill 

an^has^ecure? the * introduction of "JS ° £ - S « 1 ~ l 

Presented to the 94th Congress. He is of. e 

S of Patent law Associations. ^ 

Paul has chaired a 

Association, the District of Colu *“£* ®® have be en related to various 
Patent Law Association. These C ° . ,, relations and public informa ‘ 
legislation activities including public r ^ C ^ soclacio n, Patent, Trademark 
5e has acted as liaison beeween che D.C. Bar Association and was 

and Copyright Section of che Distric trade Regulation Committee o 

for cany years a aerber of the Antitrust and Trade ^ g ^ on Divestiture 

the Coaler of Coerce of the Cmted States . He has wo rked with 

which he conceived and formation o. wiuch MAPI, AIA, etc. 

a large number of other associations including SAM, CMA, 

- - ' - 


. *j„ n ’=nr of A 2 1 2 , he has represented the associar 
A Director an H±11 and elsewhere in the private sector ana ° n 

in legislative niters and sente d testimonies on the Hill where 

in government -He has pr P printed records. 

Paul has worked with a large number of Persons and organizations 
„ and informally, on subjects of interest to him He works l n ' 

J imfnrmallv on subjects or lmeicsi- «-w uxm. He works i n 
close "touch "as advisor to ’ Intellectual Property Owners. He worked with the 
Business Round Table for several years. 

Paul has spoken and continues to speak on various subjects include 
political, legal and technical subjects. He has addressed the Metropolis 
Washington Board of Trade, Sertoma, Lions, Oldest Inhabitants of Washington 
D.C. Society and other groups including political and civic action orgni 2at | 

He has been invited speaker to the Practicing Law Institute in New York City 8 ’ 
and has spoken at a number of technical and legal conferences and conventions 

Paul has authored a number of legal briefs for the United States 
Supreme Court, as well as articles on political and legal subjects, includi 
Trade Secret Law, Freedom of Information Act, Intellectual Property Law and 08 
Government Patent Policy. 





Paul is married to Margaret Burke and says that much of what he i s 
and may have accomplished he owes to her aid and encouragement. 

The Gomorys' daughter is now Mrs. Nanette Lunde. She and her 
husband Ivar, who is from Oslo, Norway, teach at the University of Wisconsi 
Eau Claire (Fine Arts Center). Paul, Jr. was for several years a Staff " 
Assistant to the President in the White House. During part of this time he 
was Executive Assistant to Mr. Peter Peterson, later Secretary of Commerce 
He is now with Korn-Ferry International, executive management specialists 
(Formerly Chairman of the Board of Bell and Howell.) 

leading t-n In hlS ta ^ S t0 various § rou PS, Paul has sought to impart information 

than sLw T e 5 fectlve citizenship for those of us who want to do more 
than simply vote and pay our taxes. 

Paul has asked me to state that he 
opportunity which has been afforded to him tc 

appreciates particularly the 
appear here today. 



»ir Ralph Oman 


ir.M" < 1 *" j,;djeir.ry 

' Sms'****** 

i^i Mr., r* 


e to 

i* to- ay 

,r "' , ,. „ ™.«n, ...» -. 

orelcsed * «*;? • 

r^r^” - u fM 

aid be the Patent Office! 

be the Patent orrxoe. ^ ^ * ee for 

. -« «..»>» .-mMg^syyHIIU smt 

in «*• ••*• w,y - 

.^ariliTpSrneipw* xn .... - — „ m aivays 

I deepiae rhetofio and aiw.*^ * 


Sincere thanks end regards. 

Joseph V.etley L/ N« wman 






July 30, 1982 

Route 1, Sox 52 

Lucedale, Mississippi 39^52 
PifiOne : (601 j 9^7~ TL*^7 

>30,-3*°’ y^7 

»*«. Paul L. Goi/iory 
5609 Ogden Road 
Washington,. D. C. 20816 

Dear Paul . 

It was enjoyable .resting end talking with you this week In 

Washington, D. C. 

Please find enclosed the Materials you lent me to make copies 


have carefully considered the words of cur conversation. 

I an sure you are correct, that I am my cwn worst enemy, 
when making point" to individuals who are effected or reflected on 
by the points which I make in accordance with my own rigid and high 
standards of honesty and direct statements, which I expect to mean 
exactly what is stated or implied. (Part of this is probably my 
scientific training and discipline, that all statements should mean 
exactly what they imply regarding the subject matter under consideration.) 

Anyway, I still feel with >11 being that the problems I have 
encountered from the U.S. Patent 6f flee on this particular invention 
are noct definitely wrong ancl unjust. For such procedures to continue 
or expand will most definitely be to the detriment of oreativity o t 
the individual. 

The Patent Office is an Institution of Science In Continuing 
Physical Expansion! In many instances the Physical Realization of 
a .. roperty of Science, will precede the Scientific Explanation or 
Expectation of the Pact* by the Scientific Community. 

.J?* Exainlners atl<J Official, of the U.S. Patent Office have a 

DIW ®1 obligation to the encouragement of creativity of 
Ran.* W * 1 * 0 * 1 essence of the betterment of the Human 

.i th# gr * at advano8s In the betterment of the Human Race 
tnt etc bn?*™ n0t dlrectl y by kings, queens, politicians 

Individual U \!? ere m 2 e directly by the Creative Processes of the 
. 7 he greatest and most lasting contribution to the 


,.,ul °°”° ey 

S; x 

J^j\vi<* ua1 ' - 4 . 

l* to initiate 
©•tivity of tho 
ri*ht. of th. 


t t *d th# Patent Office r rh#* , *f‘ OP * * 

,!S v r srn.K;“S>2TKa 

r?«3tf8S»~ *» • 

:- h ,'; conduct tho»no#iv.. *» MCt \* #•$*• 

■"“ *• ~ — 

wordAOjj. of proof, #*#otly #• 111 

.-«r •*J*Sd"5? gr^puSSTtSS indiviaual Who 10 th. ^ 

ore * 1 ' 1 dn . ^ f.hrt mi 

ss-saua — ■-»« ««»»»««• 

i, dividual w»w — ■- ■ an , xtP0M , 41s- 

• xu-tf*} ha? 

^^ M S5S*W- iSKS; 

- - 7- 

b vut ”•*“ ne mu 

.1 U very impoi tnnt for the ®*5ionMrlnff R Xnvention. The 

and mao ter the,. New T.eoMng.ofa pioneering lnv^tlo.e • 

r.,.on being, -any other , J n j not pioneering Invention,. 

They will he mere improved * nv ®"**° n ?(,,,. r „ 1U y should apply to 
The fjprom# Court hut already rulad . ,, 0 f- castor th# 'leaohlnb^ 

noneorlhg Invention,. If the f*^ l '? ;'°^ r ^ d lnv.nt t Oh, .tart 
of a Pioneering Invention bafor* all the lmpr mor # fluatrnted 

pouring into the Fatent Gffioo, he wil rmloulv and exactly point 
beeauae it will bo difficult for him to ^^/^ventlont in light 
out what i» or 1, not patontable of the Improved 
of the existing Pioneering Invention. 

Mr. Paul L. Oomory 
Papra thre# 

July 30, 1982 

In oontraat to thlt jr r .J th0 C xu.h.ln5r and his "- i ~- 

Reje c tion , I waa J J f them had even r«*<l the 130 pag , 

suparviaor that wither o to ooinpl#6 « and wa« legally S*u 

Dooument, that JJ-JJfion. And la extremely Important i n 

• "SoJ E and S 5 Sy w and "Breadth" of this Bxtre^ 

underytandlng tho no f that Docurnant was literal?* 

Pioneering Invention! Kworypoe consummating In a work in* 

"» d P thS ?! ohS lS?l Proiaaa of Releasing a New Source of 

A? ill if Si rin.1 n.J.ction th. F.xanln.r hM " 

even road aeJci document, much laos mastered It, nor had tha Exaalna P 

avail rnactai-ad the teaching* of tha Sp«c ^hS^Flnal 1 ** lioii 1 
beoau'jo I talked with him shortly after the Final Rejootion! 

For the Supervisors of the Examiner ( who are In essence i »a rn 

of the thi: appllcpnt^ p^ L r§cv>yjlb) to TTartSftr- 

fcT~ fra Car 1 1 Tz w 1 th the T^.uTTncr . lb totally, urjuat _ toward the 
applicant (who Is tin cre&to: or contributor to tna betterment of 
th# human race;. For this to bo allowed 1 st to ignore the fact* of 
human nature: The lav; In the courts regarding; Judges lo quite 

oxpllcit in this fact. If a Judge can even be considered biased or 
prejudiced (ho Uoeu not have to be proven biased 01 prejudiced), 
he bhould exouati himself. Considering the oxtrorr.o importance in 
setting up a procedure that encourages oreativity of the individual 
and oti u reuult thereof iinpi'ovea the well being of e.ll, can we do ai 

l»u« than what is standard procedure in a normal court of law? 


There appears to be n problem because of the closeness of the 
Kxuininai 0 and their Supervisors all being on the >an? floor in tha Art Unit, of one thing I air. sure, no matter what the problem 

there is a solution. First, we must recognise there is a problem 
and, yocond, we must want to correct the problem and then search for 

the solution in a truthful manner and the solution will moat certainly 
come . 

h* W 0 U J a aoen *'° ,ne an easy and improved procedure could easily 

£>* set up along the following lineu: 

the na/’t 1 Im ? I)i !’ e ! t I < | r of ca $ h Apt Unlt must not have hio office in 
t. pS“ “ a , A11 ° f tbe D1 ™otora of All the Art Unit* 

then have can^re/i a1 , 1 of thelr °**flooo together. They would 

Jeopardising th. fTlnn*'^ ? oul<1 fraternl2 « «lt’> each oth.r without 
ng «h* falrneo* toward an examiner or applicant. The 

ijei'-Y 0 Also tng ; tll a i»o nave ® - 

■ssrfc 8up * rvl,or " . t also 

;h ° 

•«^ r '; r V: of the uxurdnoi^,^ honoot ln ^ ant tc K fraternize «ith 

Sr S 

fter work. ^* r do not fratornia* 

hftt r^-. t h e 


-js.«jas'«- — C ”* ,OT ’- ., ..«« «, 

, ,n(l needs cf the applicant v* . „ 0 r patent Ornoe wv * 

i\sv«m 2 s-srs ts^s. * •»*— - cr “ uv 

IS3C3 • 





Mr. Paul L. Oonory 
July 30. 1902 

The problems I •- tremely P pioS2^ 

on the P aten * appl J?f^2'in the record for all to see, who wl» h to ' 
Invention. The faots ar» 


. «h irh I have worked so diligently and dedlcatedl* 

T.,13 invention Which * wlll benefit the human raoe 

on for .ears, until . ntl £ n jt Is very Important to National 

more to an any other inven entire world. 

Defense and National Economy, as x* 

, „ which you could recommend that would be lntera s ^ fd 

in a .SM 5 E 3 if Import ant matter would be appreciated. ^ 



<3C : Mr. Ralph Oman 




. : SKSSi"— 

>8 " u ; n ‘' October *1*'^ follow ,ng Chapter 


,K a nUly encloSCd " better indicates that it was not 

P<? famine the vide ° n ^ a ° f s That “eindividuals 
quest to Souse" memo indicates < ^ fl , m con . 

?, Shite House tecog n “ d ^ to the 

i^^nMatc h 3 ,. 9 B 4 . 

In addition Washington 

^ the us ' patent off,ce 
) C "' C mediately reformed. 

She jewel of our civilization is its creattve m- 
ividuals!” Need I say more? 



The Judicial System 

"Every community has a right to demand ot all Its agents 
an account of their conduct.” 

— Thoms* Pain* 

from his book, Tha Right! o I Man 


.Tollowing years of injustice at the hands of the U.S. 
Patent Office, my fight for Justice took me to the 
U.S. FederaJ Court where, much to my dismay, I 
discovered further Injustice. The specific Facts of my 
Federai District Court case only serve to exemplify such 
continuing injustice. 

EXAMPLE: Enclosed is a News Release which indicates 
that I have been forced to file with the U.S. Court of Ap- 
peals a Writ of Mandamus against Federal Judge Thomas 
P. Jackson. Due to the precedent-setting magnitude of 
this case, my legal counsel has requested that all ten 
Judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals hear my case. 

I sincerely recommend that the news media and con- 
cerned citizens/elected officials secure a copy of my 
Writ of Mandamus submitted to the U.S. Court of 
Appeals. The facts of this case speak for themselves! 

However, for those individuals who are unable to 
secure a copy of the Writ, I have outlined several of the 
pertinent facts: 

(1) At the first hearing in Federal Court, Judge Thomas 
P. Jackson proposed that a technically competent 
"Special Master” be appointed by the Court to evaluate 
my energy machine since the Judge stated that he had 
no scientific expertise. (A "Special Master” is someone 
technically skilled in the subject under consideration 
by the Court.) 

T ( nL?H b l eCted '° theJud 8 c ' s P r °P°saI. I stated that the 
onlv tn Sm °' n “ d , scicntific experience since he had 
only to follow the Law and simply count the actual 
w, messes who have attested to the operability of my 
energy machtne. I had more than 30 such witnesses 
and the Patent Office had zero! w “nesses 

1 indicated to the Judge that a "Special Master" 

Teen t°c?d me e „d e ** ^ eXpenscs ' had alr «dy 

of th/uTp^t Offlc“ 3 rcSU “ ° f the i,IC8al aCti ° ns 

PaJn,%l h0ma J, P JaCkSOn insisted lhat b°‘h >he 
SS ? h bmit ,hrec nominations for 

on a singie individual mentheT^h' “T 115, ^ 
select a Special Master. J dge h “nself would 

(4) I nominated two highly-qualified individuals' a 
Professor of Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M and 
Ph.D. graduate from Auburn University who is pres ° 3 
ly a NASA employee at Huntsville, Alabama. To avoid 1 
having a "biased nominee,” I had not met either of 
these scientifically-competent individuals. For the sa 
reason, I did not nominate any of the more than thirT 
individuals who had already testified in my behalf V 

(5) The U.S. Patent Office nominated three individuals 
for the position of Special Master. Two were only Pa- 
tent Office employees who, by virtue of their em- 
ployer, would be suspected of being biased and preju- 
diced against my case. The third Patent Office nominee 
was Mr. William E.. Schuyler, Jr., a former Commis- 
sioner of the U.S. Patent Office from 1969-1971 with a 
degree in electrical engineering. Mr. Schuyler could 
also be suspected of being biased since he had worked 
for the Patent Office. 

(6) Judge Jackson refused to accept my two nominees 
and instead chose Patent Office nominee William E. 
Schuyler, Jr., whose credentials were described by 
Judge Jackson as "superb.” I agreed to accept Mr. 
Schuyler as Special Master since I believed him to be an 
honest individual. I had once met Mr. Schuyler in 1975 
and so advised Judge Jackson and the legal counsel for 
the Patent Office. The Judge and the Patent Office still 
insisted upon Mr. Schuyler’s becoming the Special 
Master. As a result, Mr. Schuyler was appointed as the 
Special Master to evaluate my energy machine. 

(7) Within several weeks after receiving all Disclosure 
Documents and case history presented to the Court, 

Mr. Schuyler issued his Report of the Special Master. 
dated September 25, 1984, which contained very 
significant statements: 

(A) "Evidence before the Patent and Trademark Of- 
fice and this Court is overwhelming that Newman has 
built and tested a prototype of his invention in which 
the output energy exceeds the external input energy: 
there is no contradictory factual evidence. ” ( Emphasis 
added. I described this Report earlier in conjunction 
with the Patent System discussion.) 


kf"* r 


3847 North Tazewell Street 
Arlington. Virginia 22207 

> ; -- . # 

cental * DFMANDS DAY IN COURT (April 17, 19 8 . 5 > • * * 11 \ ' 1 ''l 

thR C £>nh Newman, whose extraordinarily 

- *lf e handU n | o bi« r P a h t i e s nt c ons?rtut t i 0 on d a°l duly?"^^ short. Nevravan 
day in C ° Urt ‘" 

rma n fiahting for five years for a patent 

inventor Ne ' "the Patent Office wouldn't consider Y 

for merits and I can't get the District Judge to 

:nV s e i n d t e 1 r° n it either." 

i( , . Th e Court appointed the former Commissioner 

Newman said, ™e t hi /^ s pecial Master to say what the 
of the rf t f’ av n e us time and money. At least that's what ^ Judge 
jackso^said? The Master foun<^ for-. - ntlS- 

r/S-* - Sd B - h t* ^e d Si ci^n 

expenses." , 

John F 1 a " n 6 r y ’ " / s ° Tu e 6 w^t h \ ife °U fl "cou r t "o f Is 

'adjudged' nothing itself." 

Flannery noted in his papers that: 

"the Court said on October 31 ^ aS 0n n j an ^ary 31, when 

was 'unprepared' to conclude any h * 9 ’ d , since the Patent 
[Flannery] said n °thi n g has change^ said/l don't 

Office's first rejection in l 981 ' . the Master's 

know yet. 1 On March 14 th, the Court ^ , 9 and when asked 

Findings of Fact no effect wha i questioning 

if there were any facts the Court relied r ourt said, 'I’m 
the operability of [Newman's] device, 
not going to tell you now.'" on 1 

[ See Petition for writ of mandamus at p. 

Newman charged, "The Judge is ^Iwman ' s°counsel? 

Flannery, a former federal prosecutor , a duty" to 

said that "the law is that the District Cou that means, 

find out for itself what happened. Newman patent Office as 
"The Court can’t pass the buck back to the Patent urn 
it has." 




page two 

Flannery's papers 
entire Federal Circuit 
says the case involves a 
importance"/ namely: 

include the unusual request that w 
consider Newman's petition. Fl ann * he 
precedent-setting question of excepti 0 * ry 

"May a District Court that has appointed a Special Hast . r 
to determine the facts but has itself admittedly adju dg ‘*' 
^one of them, remand the civil action. .. [cites omitted].. ? 
the Patent Office where [Newman] has already exla.,.; 0 

damns at 

The Patent Office has stated flatly that Newman will have 
abandoned his patent application if he doesn ' t bring from Mississippi 
and produce by May 30th "his [5,000 pound] operating prototype 
[in MarylandJ , [Newman's trial] evidence, notwithstanding that 
it might be withheld during the civil action, if not dismantled 
or destroyed." 

f See Petition for writ of mandamus at p.4, 18-19.] 

Flannery's papers refer to a case, Maroolis v. tta nrri 
where the Patent Office tried this before and the federal appellate 
court stopped them "dead in their tracks", according to Newman. 
In that case, the federal appellate court prevented "the Patent 
Office from using the threat of abandonment to force the [patent] 
applicant to give additional evidence after a final rejection. " 
[See Petition for writ of mandamus at 37-38.] 

Backwoods Inventor Newman, 48, of Lucedale, Mississippi, 
has been stonewalled in his efforts to obtain a patent for the 
last five years. Patent Examiner Donovan Duggan, a proven incom- 
in;?*' J? one federal district court, told Newman 

that hp -/n K. i S u flnal rejection of Newman's patent application 
invention nn bte f«- he w 5* uld ever allow a patent on [Newman's] 
supplied)." ~ ter W | hat [Newman] submitted (emphasis 

the SDec^i^M? Newman ' U.S. District Judge Jackson appointed 
of the "subqt-fnf^ i aSt , summer to make findings of fact because 
before the Court 1 " N f nd con ^ radictor y submissions of record 
part because the paten^ nfHr 0 ^! 9 ® 8 Judge Jackson did that lr 
dieting one of lLwm^n « ° f f 1Ce submitted a false affidavit contra- 
too late — after f S ex P® rts but the affidavit was recanted 
after the Master had been appointed. 



15) I advised Judge 


: issxss 

.... ;;- , : iI ;V,«:Van , w)" <«*•*■* '" 

w. in iyipo«rf^ A» 

v l>v viww formcr Con L 

.... , idvWM> he court to -exercise 

*•• .. *'£&*£ fnm 

srlVS ., . . j n (Ik* tooth l'**! 1 ) 

• lir-" 1 '"' 1 ' weTenurk by the lcx.ll counsel for 

rtfe 3 S&XA i ~'~ 

chJii ,hc .\ 


, h Iud o C Thomas P. Jackson re- 
mu. myb / Mjs , cr - S flndlngs of &" 

^pcnbt,t,y..nbv peering Inven- 

icsi'cc 1 1> " J a< |ssvic j by a judge who had 

flatly admitted that he possessed no scientific 

credentials Jaekson had no evidence to con- 

i" o' 1 hl " I 1 * ' -' ' special Master Schuyler, and 

tradlet the ‘ • Q fn c e was also unable to pre- 
,h ;Xen^o refute the Kepor, of the Special 
,L Jackson still refused to accept the 
^ “ c % findings of (act and refused to Instruct 
rA^t Office to issue me a Pioneering Patent. 

urn Rule s^(c)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Pro- 

me A . provides that In a non-jury action, 

the Of foe, 

unless clearly erroneous . " ' Both the Judge and Patent 
Office failed to present fl»r "clearly erroneous 

(11) Judge Thomas P. Jackson then ordered me to pay 
$ 1 1 ,602.20 for the Report of the Special Master — a 
Report which 1 had originally objected to as an un- 
necessary' expense and a Report which was written by 
j man who was selected by the Court because Judge 
Jackson admitted that he was technically unqualified to 
judge the issues. 

(12) Judge Thomas P. Jackson then placed the further 
disposition of the case right back In the hands of the 
Patent office by ordering a remand to that office. In ef- 
fect. 1 was "returned to square one” and once again 
forced to face the injustices of the Patent Office. This 
remand occurred after numerous court hearings, 
thousands of dollars in legal expenses, and an 
111,602.20 Report of the Special Master which en- 
dorsed the operability of my energy machine! 

>1 the Honor; 


;ourt i 
only < 


then *o order me t 

•fused to accept and 

*•"*•* ,o cnd 

for over five years. 

(14) Because Judge Jackson rctused “ io We 

deliberate Injustice. I .,\ Vr U of Mandamus 

against Judge \ honvas J* * eals f or the Federal 
,n the United States Court *PP readily agreed and 
Circuit to which action n y _ t e ,, for all Ap- 

lurthcr requested a Hc '^ ln » of lhls writing, both 

pellant Judges to hear th * y s supreme Court 
Jlu* n s. Court of Appeals and lvWC continued 

have refused my Writ ot he Patent Office 

to endorse the Injustice ' in . ust ice proves 

and the Federal Dl * tr ‘ ct y ' must occur, 
that changes in our judicial sysic. 

. sincerely ask that the news media. 
"X^a-Tbe .n| of which , write 

is fully documented! Uen , attorney, 

l wish to pay tribute to my cxccu 
john P. Flannery, II, Esquire (202} 737-5708 

‘Us Fourth Street. N.W.. Suite 333 ^ 534.7464 

Washington, D.C. 20001 . . Mr Flannery 

Possessing an intelligent ant . t ^ ^ attom ey 


pletely “mastered a massive IcgaUa* cxamp i c of 
Mv legal case actually represents an ideal. P 

immediate curtailment of such power with a prope 
system of checks and balances. .. ... luc . flCS 

1 make such a statement not because 1 dislike Judges, 
but becausel have the , reams, respec, and adnu^on 
for those Judges who truly have heenanase.tote 
profession and have consistently exhlb.ted the very 

essence ol lustier Rather, / make the above stateme nt 

I, realise / "low. cherish , and am devoted 
while I totally despise ami condemn all Injustice. 

I, is for you. the public, that 1 write. 1 urge you to use 
your Mind to fueslion. think, and then act in a manner 
based on Truth and Justice. Do not be complacent and 
unknowingly permit the "powers that be to repress 
you and your loved ones. To permit Injustice to occur 
Is to show contempt for the principles developed b\ me 
Founders of our "free'' country. 


d verify the truth 


pact. Numerous N^ne out 

,n a manner ,ha ' 

reflects their fear of such P° a belie f is totally 

“Awesome Power. 
tb e Honorable Court s 
A Judge is only a custodian oj ^ , ()/ (he Peo ple 

Power. Tbe Courtbe \?^ K as a grown person would 
- "Ot °f ,heJU JZ a J Judgc Ls an even greater morat 
avoid hurting a bab) . a power Qf , ]lc Cour t. A 

; u dg?"s” S es such conferred authority shouid e 

Power of the Court ,s the Judg^ ^ cafl pro perly 

mediately disrobed an P f ,nai lawyer 


win my case in the Fe era further disposition. 

Jackson would very likely try even harder to serve 

fS™ FROM FACT 2: In itself, Fact 2 demonstrates 
g™^i^esponsible for their actions. 
Extremely strict judicial codes must be enacted since 
Justice cannot be served to attorneys clients (the 
People) when such attorneys believe FACT 2 and con- 
duct themselves accordingly. 

FACT 3. I have been informed by many attorneys that 
most Writs of Mandamus are rejected or opposed by 
higher courts because all Judges wish to protect their 
own members” to an extent greater than that in other 

CONCLUSION FROM FACT 3 : Such a Fact demonstrates 
the same conclusion as that expressed for FACT 2! 

FACT 4 : It is well known that Federal Judges are appointed 
by politicians. It is also well known that many politicians 
cater to “special interests.” Furthermore, many sensitive 
individuals anxiously await such appointments to deter- 
mine if a Judge is politically “Conservative” or “Liberal.” 
CONCLUSION FROM FACT 4 : In themselves, the words 
“Conservative” and “Liberal” clearly demonstrate 
biases and prejudices — NOT JUSTICE. The “special 
interests” support politicians who appoint to Federal 
Judgeships specific individuals which the politicians 
hope will issue Rulings of Law” which are favorable to 
the “special interests” that support the politicians. It is 
indeed a “vicious cycle” that is vicious in its denial of 
Justice to the People. 

T s Judges have the power to determine * , 

be tried by a Jury (the People) or by n " ' ' 4 
one of the reasons for the existence of the 1 ’ "V 
of independence is that the Founders of , )Ur 
knew that the Colonialists had suflcrcd the , niUsil ‘ v 
•1 corrupt judicial system. As it specifically states " '* 
Declaration of Independence held the King " 

uc . aoorivino ns in many - “‘*tvt 

,rcon«mp. ■fordeprwtrv, 

benefits oJTria, by 1^. 


0 / th 9 

in my case. 1 have been tlentetl a trial by a j ur 
People). The reader should find it significant u, „ ' 

official of the U.S. Patent Office readily admit,^ 
attorney that "they (the Patent Office) would ha, ’ 

official of the U.S. P 

attorney that "they (the Patent Office) would fe, 
bane mv case tried by a Jury (the People)!" 

' judges attempt to justify their trying a ease in Mcari 
jury by saying that "People (a Jury) can try a case h 
concerning Facts, but only Judges should try a Casc 
cerning Law 


~ they (the Patent Office) ~~ 
would hate to have my case tried 

rnNCl.USlON FROM FACT 5 ; The Founders ofourco^Z 
realized that Judges were often the pawns of • special i* 
terests” that influenced politicians, who in turn, ap- 
pointed the Judges. It was for this reason that our 
Founders stressed the importance of Trial by Jury (the 

If a statement represents the “Law,” then such a state- 
ment is a “Fact of Law.” Consequently, the members of a 
Jury (the People) are entitled to hear a case concerning 
the “Facts of Law.” The Jury would simply be provided 
with the “Facts of Law,” just as the Jury is provided with 
other Facts. A FACT IS A FACT, and any attempt by a Judge 
to claim otherwise only represents a ploy to deny the 
“People” a trial by a Jury (the People). 

The “People” should be granted a Trial by “Jury" 
whenever the client (the People) request It. 

Justice is not something learned from the blind 
memorization of a Law book. Justice is a natural instinct 
for anyone who devotes his life to living such Justice. 

EXAMPLE-. There are Judges who exemplify proper judicial 
behavior" and are true administrators of Justice. Consider 
a Judge who has publicly opposed abortion due to the 
respect for and acceptance of a religious teaching but has 
judicially ruled in favor of “abortion” due to an accep- 
tance of the “Essence of Justice” and the “Facts ot La ^ 
Consider the internal conflict experienced by sucd< 
Judge! Yet such a Judge recognized that the Facts o 
Law” have demonstrated in previous centuries na 
many religious teachings only served to promote ^ 
justice rather than Justice to the People. In re ^P c 
the “Facts of Law,” such a Judge rendered a ^ 
which was most likely — in her/his opinion ^ ^ 
erly dispense Justice to the People. T he Foun c 
country had very clearly expressed the ncccssi 
separation of Church and State. 



, . , *iwavs conauaeu — • 

., id aes u ho hare alu a} • • custo - 


».'■ ' ;; '"t are many religious indiv. duals 

, lU are that there vig0 rously disagree 

^eood intentions “ • -abortions." This is 

^statement concer . g . topic . I must s^es 
<v>‘ n JJf. * very sensitive an individuals. My only 

^r^^ug,. and taught no. to 

__ fls lo develop a sensi- 
is born and grows, the "Mind ^ thc Soul" out 

tivity to right and wrong, and thurcny 



Because tl 

fes r*''»»^2S&Z£‘ , 

fi^Tjreaous, o g Que stion and pursue Truth. 
> K ; ^^uno. heen taught .ha. God ^ , 

O05B® , ”1 reruin your answer would be Yes^ 

D °eK U and intentionaUy cause children to be 
{^dddOK^dy and misery for days> month s. 

„ crhinoia — omy 

bor " “ a„d°*en to'di’e of starvation? 

or years and men _ s , m^iv rh 

of "iimbo." ori^rstand why many people 

-r-^unces, such 
accept • abortion since , in Y . rcifu l? 1 ’ 

• abortion could be considered ^ ^ impose y0 ur 
QUESTION: Do you not unde * n by sayin g that ‘ ‘ they 

belief upon those who * cce P l d unjusl as those 

have an auui^- „„„ r(>r ; a . 

Perhaps you can nOW ha ^Qn S \7atTa P custodianship of 
tion for those Judges wh ° which sU ives to only 

lees who demonstrate * — 
ibe Power of the Honorable Court which strives to only 

serve Justice to the "People. that the People and the 

lt is m os, important, however that the P ^ ^ such 
news media apply safe^arfs to ^ 5erve 

judges serve "Justice to the Peo P‘ 
biases, prejudices, and/or specul interests. 

l ° believe it likely that a mercihil God 
S^beutdv and intentionally cause children to be 

would deliberately an f hysical handicaps _ 

2SSI which cause great suffering for the children and 

DoyouMeve it likely thac a merciful God 
^^TdeUberately and intentionaUy cause children to be 
:lCren^ho do not want them - or to parents who 
f ciinport them and provide proper teachings 
cannot supp mdlove? A child born to such 

Slenawould only experience a life of misery and hope- 
less as well as a life possibly devoid of ski 1 and per- 
£al pride in their ability to contribute to civthzat.on. 

Permit me to offer the following FACT for your question 
ins and thinking consideration: 

-ACT Miscarriages or "natural abortions” which occur in 
ariypregnancy are generally the result of abnormal 
levelopment within the embryo or within the protective 
tnd nutritional structure derived from the trophoblast. 
QUESTION: Do you think it possible that God (the Essence 
)f Mercy) has mercifully placed such an automatic govern- 
ng mechanism in the female human body and in the em- 
>ryo in order to prevent some of the above-described 
nisery from occurring? 

QUESTION: Do you not think it possible that God (the 
Essence of Mercy) instilled Mercy within us as well as a 
Questioning, Thinking Mind and Free Will? Is it possible 
hat God recognized that human action may be taken to ter- 
minate a potential human being born into a life of physical 
nd/or mental misery — a potential human being ‘‘missed 
y God’s “merciful and natural safeguard?” 

HOUGHT: Consider the possibility that the physical body 
inot the essence of the “Soul” which remains in “limbo” 
ntil the birth of the physical body. When the physical body 

The judicial injustices! have ^“^"ourt and Congress. To 1 
continue unchecked by th. . U I.S. Supre^ a signa , to the | 

inventions which benefit all humam 1 , d throughout the coun- 

I am also well aware of certain . h0 attempt to claim the 

B^rothers-Vorfunatettn history has dona justice io both .he Wright 
Brothers and Mr. Curtiss. country and the world to | 

I sincerely appeal to th ® pe ° P . tj e and WO rk to ensure that all 


log Patent Appliation as worth ess. h g paten , application 

steal my Patent Application r '9 y J negative philosophy 
which utilizes my Technical Proc ® s ®.^ . uSt actions of theU.S. 

and destructive action is fostered by 1 t0 further 

Patent Office/judicial system ; ^td^ua s t s he peop/e 


to directly issue that Patent. Throuqhout history. 

chy have resulted. In a quick and _ er 

July^4fl776*Mh^bec^r^ion r ^tnd^pendenceandj>aWJorby the 
say more? 


Chapter 26 

The Pursuit Of Truth 

1 e 

A * I conclude this final Chapter, I feel a burden 
lifted from my shoulders. In slightly more than two 
months, I will be 49 years old. For nearly 50 years, I 
have deeply cared for humanity and strived to improve 
the quality of life upon the planet. 

For over 20 years, I have fought for you, the People , 
who are now alive or who are yet to be born. 

Many of my closest friends have sincerely urged me to 
include only topics relating to pure Science in my Book 
rather than these other numerous subjects. My friends 
are concerned that you, “the People,” will dismiss all of 
my work if you become offended by any subject that I 
have discussed. 

I told my friends that I fully recognize this possibility, 
and yet it does not deter me in any way. The reason is 
simple. lam not promoting foseph Newman! I am pro- 
moting you, “the People, ” and urging you to recognize 

"I have always found that the honest truth of our own mind 
has a certain attraction for every other mind that loves 
truth honestly.” 

— Thomas Carlyl* 

Such a new, Single Language must be based 
sistent Logic” (similar to mathematics) rather than C ° n ' 
memorization and imprecision. Present language 11 
deficient in strict logic and only serve to interfere ^ 
the creative processes one enjoys when writing W * th 
work. I write from experience. This new, Single ^ S 
Language can be achieved if we “Question, Think 
Create, and Act!” 

The young children throughout the world who a 
taught such a new, Single Language will automatical! 
feel closer and less suspicious of the children of oth ^ 
countries. When such children become adults, they^ i 
be more eager to talk, share, solve, care, and produc 
“Peace, Love, and Goodness.” 

I have provided for the world a Unified Field Techn 
ogy and a New Energy Innovation which I sincerely ° 
believe — if used creatively — will do more to generate 

“I have provided for the world a Unified Field Technology and a New Energy Innovation 
which I sincerely believe — if used creatively — will do more to generate World Peace than the 
efforts of all the Kings, Queens, Presidents, Dictators, etc., who have ever lived. ” 

the Sleeping Lion ” that lies within you. I urge you to stir 
yourself “Awaken, " and begin to Question, Think, and Act 
to produce “TRUTH" which equals “Goodness." 

/ believe in you, ' 'the People, ’ ’ more than you believe 
in yourselves. 

We have been given a most precious gift: a Powerful 
ind capable of Questioning, Reasoning, Thinking 
Creating, Loving, being Merciful, Acting, Seeking, and 
Producing Absolute Truth, which equals Goodness' 

So, teach your young children and stimulate their 
curiosity - this will do more toward producing a 

dogma you U rec aPP V ife " ^ CMdren than 3,1 the 
nlo7Zn ‘ Ved ™ 3 n0n - ed “ 3 ' P r °cess of 

be!ng" C and e , n he‘ S r USSln ?. the " ha PP iness '” the "well- 
yet to be born T„T>, r L. 0f0 “ r ch,ldren and Of children 

to be born Tn u • vmiurcn ana or cnildi 

mem conventional language Th S ‘ S t0 

World Peace than the efforts of all the Kings, Queens, 
Presidents, Dictators, etc., who have ever lived. 

But for this to occur, it is imperative that we teach our 
young children to Cherish and Use the Natural Birthright 
of their Questioning Minds — and always, yes, always, 
seek the Pursuit of Absolute Truth which equals 

The energy technology I have innovated when com- 
bined with the “Merger of Economics and Mechaniza- 
tion will result in a most beneficial working life and 
Meaningful Life for all humanity. I can envision the time 
when you, the “People,” will only need to work no 
more than one hour a week (and possibly less) to 
achieve the material things of life necessary to enjoy an 
adequate physical existence for your family. 

There are those unthinking Doomsayers who will 
blindly state that “If people only need to work an hour 
or less each week to live, then such people will become 
worthless. ” 

1 shout in response: NOT SO! I see the Truth of what 1 
write via the “twinkling of the eyes” of our young 
children especially those who are five years old or 


, l'lr< 

,1 ,M 

pw ,, ‘ 

. mil work 10 Hvp Yffl 

Hilt ‘ "!.)y 1 1 II MlVtflfl 1 "! 

-• "'"• h V , I „),,•( •" | MV '' 

( ,n. ‘ ,l )u)m , j | | Mil 1 1 II iMl " • 

fnll‘'" ,n #, Iti mamrliyl „ 

hi 1 , pMifrolon mil V"*' I' 

i in- ,l " " Wl 7' r M " Mill will* I> will I”' 

- i" * ^ n “\|irl»rl..»l*l‘ 1 » (•••'• l ’*; , P |r, i , 

' , iin iiHir J.liiH" ,,nlv " r “ 

•.iliii" l,<,r . . , , , m veiitlonul ne. r»«l 

' t r u ; win) - Nk,, "7 

F I" ” l)(l II »'M l! ■“ ,|y |, r piodut tlvr, ' irullvr, 

i, H h. w<miM ‘ "*' | r) |(|ruvii"* I. , -n.l»-av. ,, « 

, , U , IK |,| wli*i l» m'ly Imi'iiri*® in 

II |'"'I'" „ ,«««• ihm •■ml"* " h '" l " K 

II" ■ """ Z „ - * mmcrlul 

|K .,,rfll 1,1 "" 

mil “" J !! l vr",Viifi->il ,r r' r ' ,ir llr«lyl'l’\‘ llllll y 

1 |mjI ;; L wii. ni .-I iv ; 

nu-nl" 1 '' i ,«/(/» wlirn I »" I'rn/, I,' 

■l" 1 "' 1,','vr, Ili.rr. mul produce 

"(UTillr, * 

" hpi uujic I Cin cnvIilnB the liiinlllt'n 

1 «•«•••• w|im a " 

»r nrr . null 'll ”1 "" ('i.’lvrmr! and ,h " 

phy.i. oiy a'" 1 

lUHlInim «>l M" It ' " r 'Kr ...„unrlU met'. 




lid nnywi* •" i • 


ilcvrlnpr*! .mil ln *7 < 1 w , ,1,1,1 he phy»»olo*“ -*Hy / 

( unirtl on .. prn *. mi whl*h Should he «> « hc 

puyt linloK 1 ' ally !»« "' I 1 M I mulhlllty for Hll< *’ a 
lnd.vUH.Ml who *\'LTr .S^Stn.r»y < an »* 

drvlrr Him " ,r r,, 7lVV^.„,UnK upon how .-...ployed | 

•ii.'IH lul <ii harmful. cU i« 1 Jffl11 . w that your 

I | rJ vr ni.lruvorrd I" In* J ( , moi , a» wcU 
"lioiln" Ik .. rn'^r/ul llh'< Y ..u. only Hmlla 

m ntNwtitw "i If.-' """'“JJV |, youraelf. I* »• »» orr 

Hon u .Mr iiiniiMii. "i you " y lblcl 

"‘“•'y « h “' * n \ f r “,n, . onunonp^ «* w “ l “ M 

..■ h,,;u. nuv - ‘ '' 1 ^ l|nllll s.inucf 

I wrniy ynnr. I M< "' will > ()|her solar SyMcm« <« 

1'nrrny ami H" .'l.illiy . ..| | rJV r nivrn thla 

o / ItHhl ^7dcvd<,pc«l a .<•< hno 

’ ' v , "•n::::'.’.: ^r.:: --- 
'* ,n « ,>r,,t ' u ' 

" v ,t,r "" . I- '± 

«•». ^ — — 

i„.. /<.■• rnil lMlI"" ../«»• 0/ 1,1 - 

lilt" [ ; Ml/1 ,,„,rr,sr I strive 

— , ilia minions Working <>J <>u> • ' . 


,r " ; tl|||, I'vrn .11 Hill. lii*iinii- / nmll» tmiivjnlly 

ZTm'r'"iy wii" '"y "y"] ft* "» y """ M 1 1111 

, lu ,„ „/ wnrlil "'ll" ur» vol h " " 

nf my Inner l»-lny.. ' 1 

cMklmi v 

u ,li" li I’"" with I" " I'I'lr V""' 1 "" ‘‘" l SU "‘ 

I, do.* mil .re m me ili*i Hie nyni 

«.■>! ‘ h 

in I * utilized I prop.-' 

iiimliriiMiii III i iimbliKlIon* *n.l propnrtlon* In . nmlv 
liny milHliimv III thv IJMiwsv 
li ilo.Ti not nrrm ImprubaMIc I.) in. - ih#l M W* n W l,lu 
"illaraw*" cun hr fully controlled mul revc-rwil vlu thin 
Miimr energy i 

How l« ihc humun l."‘ly compoaetl unit ln.w uocn it 
funi’tlonl' by Kin irotmignciU', (lyroacoplc Itorruyl 
ll d( m'n nol serin lni|n< In me lllUt the mind In 
fully eupuhlr of Ir.ns (lull have yri in even be ImuHlned. 

The pliyMlcul IhinIn of IC.S.I*. muy br ruHlly cxplulnnl 
l»y l hr Imvvn nl rln ironiUHiKMU' liuliictlon 
I him <|ullr • mull) I hill llir ffltlt lew will, b I l.uve 
^..ikrtl i mi tbrmigboul my life will be "toys to Inline 
lilli li 1 1 1 and me very likely ulieudy n.ya to eblltlien In 
mI»H lii|M, i it I hi Nolm SyaleniN 





I ||,|„|| y,m ".mile, ' J^luipr'yoU will "multiply" 

I send my love to you and i nope you 

youf lOM f(> Otbvrx. wrltlnus 

,eoneludc lllll Uook with a note trom my 

timed Friday, PM, April W. 

„ To all people, whole brain burna and achcn to 

mink 1 you l 

losi'I'h W’vstloy Nm'tnttn 
l.uccdulc, Miaalaalppl 
April 21, IW 

in li I'll NHWMAN 


(Th e items discussed below have been added to the Second Ed, non.) 

f ,he First Edition have requested 

Several ' cad “* ° ni „ g test H'F on page 17. The 

greater ^^reques.ed". 

0k " ' nf , h F convinced me that copper is 

The reason test H; F “ vcrv fac[ tha , I do not ac- 
...vtremely niagrK '^ ne can get something from ab- 
ept the belief that l4 . F clear ly proved that a force 

"Produced and exerted between the wires of 

was being P rodu force to exist, there must be 
Figure I1-F2- he energy must be released 
energy P ar,,C,| ” n H "his energy must be accounted for 
from a 50 "" of ,es, H-F clearly told me that the add,- 
The results * was not accounted for by the 

"otw/ette®' / inp^t from the battery 
electrical energy P ^ enab | ed me to mechanically 
Since my P r '° of magnetism, i.e., atom ahgn- 

undCB 7fhe subsequent release of gyroscopic particles 
"^"esenting the mechanical essence of E- M*) to 

(representing 3 e tj C fldd , immediately 

gene nn zed that the additional energy which produced 
rSnohvious Force had to originate from the atoms of 

the copper conductor. Consequently, I realized that 

while copper is extremely magnetic, it is also 
mechanically different from conventional magnetic 
materials such as iron, etc. 

Tone simply examines the Facts, such a recognttton 
of copper s magnetic nature should be easy to grasp 





If one shorts out a battery via a short conductor as in 
Figure 14-F3, the result will be high current or “high 
power output” into the conductor. However, such a 
configuration would produce a very weak magnetic 
field. REASON : There are very few aligned atoms (less 
than 1 ounce) within the conductor. Moreover, such a 

configuration would be incapab f 'on 

of the 700 lb. magnet as shown in p 8 
page 21 

14-F4. If the conductor is TlT 

8rJPh REASoTTherearTvasr numbers of aligned aioms 
ThTn Sue, or which weigh rhousands of 

Tub such a configuration, the ^.h-agner will no, 
only rotate and produce release gyroscopic 

aligned atoms of 

particles, i.e., electrical en g> P K atterY into the 
now opposes the input current from the battery 

massive coil. of the 


of the hydraulic pressure (voltage) 
commutator results “ sfl 

enerev in accordance with t - mc . i y 
produces energy at rhe moment that the HV^ul. 

Pressure (voltage) from rhe battery Is broken and the 
atoms of the massive coil become unaligned, re 
lapsing magnetic field induces additional current. 

TevLl readers have also asked, "How do the con- 
doctor's atoms align in order to cause a magnetic field 

encircle the conductor? 9< - p 

IRefer to Figure 14-B1 on page 15 and Figure 25-P on 

page 77.] 

answer The atoms of a conductor (which is normally 
Turfed copper wire) align in a circular confutation. 

EXPLANATION, This Fact can be demonstrated by plac-^ 
ing small magnets in a circle around a non-magnet, c tube 
composed of plastic, rubber, etc., in ° [der crea ' e * T. 
low-shaped disc. Using a thread, one should hang the dts 
3-6 inches above the larger magnet. One will observe 
’that the magnetic disc aligns with its center at right angles 
to the larger magnet as shown in Figure 14-Bla. 



\ f\\% 

Thre#-dlmenslonal view 

' ft ^ 

'/ i 1 v 

LARGER MAGNET ^ \ \ \ \ 

\ \ \ 

\ \ ' 

V ^aonetic disr 0,m 

\ duplicate the ob<*° ula 
\ N e "eciso®m b * erVe <’ 

\ compass around a 
. enerni*^ .. 3 v oi 

1 *, \ \ compass around I 

''i' ssssss 




This fact clearly explains why a magnet aligns at right 
angles to a current-carrying conductor and why a con- 
ductor aligns at right angles to a magnetic field. 

One should also realize from Figure 14-Bla that if 
numerous magnetic discs were placed side by side, one 
would have a cylindrically-shaped rod ( mmmmmn ) — 
similar to a conductor rod or wire — which would align 
itself at right angles to a magnetic field. Or, viewed from 
another perspective, the magnetic field would be aligned 
► at right angles to the cylindrically-shaped rod. This fact 
is further verification of statement 25-0(3) on page 76 as 
well as the entire discussion on pages 76-79 concerning 
the gyroscopic-particle-plane of matter. 

Recently, I observed and experienced Hurricane Elena 
whose seemingly erratic path of movement over a period 
of several days completely baffled conventional weather 
experts. As a result of such movement, such experts read- 
ily admitted on local news broadcasts that they had no 
idea where Elena would finally land on the Gulf Coast. 

As a result of the weather experts’ inability to accu- 
rate y predict landfall, inhabitants of the Gulf Coast from 
Florida to Texas became extremely concerned over uncer- 

"" nB WC3ther rCPOm ' ,n faCt ’ ‘"hah!. 

tarns of Florida were totally caught off-guard due to an 
.brup, and seemingly .. unpred|c 8 tablc „. f ha d du ' “ « 

tone Elena towards the western Honda coast One of 


caring weather experts , P P that 1 stf ess that 

combine this knowlel™ h^f my teaChln 8 s a " d 

— — - 

To "open the reader’s mind," I present the f 0 ii 
photograph and description from page 102 of th 
LIFE Book entitled Planet Earth. STORM C TlME ' 

In this August 1974 satellite photograph, the twin Pacific 
hurricanes Kirsten ( top right) and lone (bottom left) are 
linked by clouds as the hurricanes pinwheel about each 
other in a counterclockwise direction. 

QUESTION: How do the hurricanes attract one another 
and why do they not come together? (The two hurricanes 
began attracting one another at separation distances up 
to 900 miles, thus proving that the "attraction force’ is 

ANSWER: Understand their electromagnetic nature! 

Study carefully Chapter 3, page 13, beginning with the 
first paragraph in the left column and ending at the bot- 
tom right column. 

You will note in Figure 13-H1 that the ends of tw o bar 
magnets placed N to S to one another will attract one an- 

theenergy machine OF JOSEPH f 

. ... -sstrs? lursss sgggSSaSr' 

" ■' \ ,hc- same t ■• - r „V. r i-iinRS tnen u 

heel Cyclones have identical polarity orientation upon the hurt i » 
l|H 11 hie view ihat the P nw or j e ntation. seas at a dlsta 

if r ' d North .o North pretty, _ a 

■ soUI „r, that the Earth s lceab i c cu rv 

Acr 0 o" S ^ mi ' eS ' 

dis' anC " - 

F( GURE 13-H3 

:;s==s xssvsi 

side because of latitu de differenc es. 




i . n pe and storms upon 

- ”> • 

S -ms will need to be careful* studied In 

iifoTto pertinent meteorological data, 
et’s return to Hurricane Elena. 


The net attraction of two hurricanes Is 
due to a difference In latitudes. 


The net repulsion of wo hetrlcenes Is 
due tea elmllertty In letlludes. 

..... reintw-v miruiMF nF IOSEPH NEWMAN 

(3) VISIBLE LIGHT — 1985. Auaust 30 

(4) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, August 31 

,-rr- nurimfiRAPHS OF 



— 1985, August 29 

(6; VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, September 1 


1985, August 31 

(6) VISIBLE LIGHT — 1985, September 2 

(B) INFRARED LIGHT - 1985, September 1 



"the So Carohna storm system drops towards a latitude more equal to that 61 1 Hun 
rlcane&ena which now stalls oil .he FLA coast. The similarity " latitudes o the two 
storm systems causes them to begin to electromagnetically repel one another 

* Storm system o,e, » E "" a " S “"" 5 “ 

earlier northwestward course towards the Mississippi ou 

(A) Infrared light depicts Hurricane Elena electromagnetically coupled to the other 
storm system 

netic repulsion elfect between the two storm systems. 



At one point during its forward motion In the Gulf 
Mexico, Hurricane Elena became 

coupled to a cloud formation having |'" tcnS were dearly 
tivity on its northern end. These formations were 
depicted in photographs taken by satellites^ 

During the time Hurricane Elena P Y extended 
towards the Florida coast, the c, ° u ° North Carolina 
over parts of Florida, South Carolina, and Norm ^ 
with heavy thunderstorms in the northe nQ P rthwest 
At one point, a high pressure front cloud 

swung down and "pushed' the nort tivity 

formation into the Atlantic Ocean. e cloud for- 

within the cloud formation decreased an 

mation became placed in a closer latitude to that of Hur 

ricane Elena. D . n „, hpp | 

Just as the attraction force between the 
Cyclones becomes reduced when their resp Hur . 

tudes become similar, so did the attraction between Hu 
ricane Elena and the cloud formation become reduced 
the storm activity decreased within the cloud formation. 
When this occurred. Hurricane Elena was easily affected 
by conventional air currents and assumed a northwest- 
ward course. It should be recognized, however, that 
such air currents are generated by electromagnetic ac- 
tivity as well as temperature variances. 

As further evidence of the electromagnetic effect of 
hurricanes, I present the fact that hurricanes normally 
form 10° to 30° North or South of the Earth’s equator. 

Correlate this fact with the fact that Sunspot activity 
forms 5° to 35° North or South of the Sun’s equator 
(see page 145). 

This correlation proves that hurricane spin formation 
is not the result of the Earth’s spinning upon its axis. 

The greatest speed of the Earth’s rotation is at its 
equator. Yet the equatorial region of the Earth is not the 
breeding ground of hurricanes and is generally devoid of 
hurricane formation. 

The regions of hurricane formation are very likely 
related to the plane of the Earth’s magnetic equator 
which acts as a "block wall’’ (i.e., low-level, electromag- 
netic activity) in a conventional magnet. A globe of Earth 
examined with respect to that magnetic axis generally 
correlates with the absence or presence of hurricane ac- 
tivity. (The Earth’s magnetic equator is approximately an 
11 '/z °- 12 0 angle with respect to the Earth’s true equator.] 

I am convinced that the seemingly unpredictable move- 
ments of hurricanes are electromagnetically induced. 

Such movements are capable of being mechanically un- 
derstood and accurately predicted if a proper under- 
standing of electromagnetism is achieved by responsible 

I urge meteorologists to take this discussion seriously 
I am discussing the saving of life, property, and the 
reduction of mental anxiety for those individuals who 
have been subjected to those who meteorologically cry 
wolf when there is no "wolf as well as when there is 

no w arn , n d thc .. wolf „ sudden)y and u , 5 

appears at their door. F y 

We must encourage professional meteorologists to 

study an abbreviated, basic, electrical engineer^,, 
and to "Master" what 1 have taught. This know,, 'N 
combined with conventional meteorology wj „ 
such professionals to be more confident and p rc 
more accurate instructions to those whose life * r " 
perty may depend upon correct meteorological ^ 
But as I have taught in this book, 1 have no douK 
in future years, the weather will be created * 1 

at will! 

d c ont 


tr <%d 



ovnr.ENIC MAGNETS (see page 53) 

MA TERIALS/CRV ogEN materials and cryogemc 

1 Rowing 

„< '| 

icmP tr ‘“ Ll ^ f ex ample ; coupled with applicant's 

- — 


, ,ve to one side of an °^ e (Magnetic field) from the atoms of a mass » ic field) fro m that 

rt VoU will note, this energy ^ ^ tha£ the disa ppearance of that energy ^ * n20 of the scientific 

, T I;; S e to one side of an ob,e« « - ~ c field) from the atoms of a fro m that 

^ *>*> - - " 

mass, is the resu ... . mi.i.r is exemplified by the attached 

decrease °f en ^j' 0 ( increased energy input into that mass, see pages L/L,,/ 

S( " >te “• 

Con, ", ry ‘,°hm the vast disclosures for all of posterity to see. aDpUcat ion and its important scien- 

emplifietf within th and disc losed in great detail tn he P»«" PP 1 1 because of temperature 

Niobium tin on rotatable wheel No. 1 
Rotatable wheel and shaft • no. 

Liquid helium - No. 3 

Liquid helium No. 3 Is completely 
closed off In container No. 4 and MA, No 
4A is made of copper *o that when 
Niobium tin No. 1 touches between the 
ribs 4A, temperature Instantly di rop 
No 1 and magnetic field results and s 
pulled toward constant magnetic fleW 
5 and Is pulled away from ribs 4A and 
enters ribs 7. which is also copper a Flask . Thls causes 


NO. f 


No 8 are all insulators. , 

„ n 1 S U S« - NO. e 

- Dewar flask 



of niobium tin No. 1 instantly align when touching ribs No. 4 a of | itl 
. -ias ti-w-rehv releasing a magnetic field (E = MC J i wh„ i. MU,<J 

tion or amount. 

non or amoum. , 

This obvious embodiment is still only another example of the Technical Process which applicant has 
already taught. That the energy in a magnetic field is the energy that makes up the atoms of the material f rom 
which the magnetic field comes, and that it is literally Einstein’s equation of E = MO and therefore the energy 
moves at C That if you can cause the atoms of a material to align and disalign at your will, E = MC 2 will be 
released at vour will. But how is this done? Simple — by varying mechanical means of causing atom alignment 
applying or not applying pressure, force, or heat, or electrical or magnetic input, or by decreasing or increasing 
normal atom random motion or atom alignment. By varying or reversing those mechanical steps, the magnetic 
field coming from a Mass will exist or not exist or reverse direction. 

Also, by means of applying the proper force at the proper angle to the gyroscopic type energy particles 
moving in a magnetic field, E = MC 2 will be released at will. 

The point is — while these cryogenic results would not be obvious to an examiner not skilled in 
cryogenics, these results would be obvious to those who were skilled in cryogenics and mastered the appli- 
cant’s Specification! Applicant is sure that there are already other materials and experiments now existing in ex- 
otic labs, that he does not know about, but which will be obvious to others so skilled; that those materials and 
experiments will be easily applicable to the vastness of what applicant has so earnestly taught and disclosed 
once applicant’s teachings and disclosures are mastered by those so skilled. 

Applicant has taught a diligent, wide, Mechanical, and Technical Process of releasing energy from Mass or 
a Magnetic Field. Applicant has even taught the incorrectness of prior teachings: from the teachings concerning 
Work, Force and Power, to the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, to the teachings that a magnetic field 
represents only potential work and no kinetic work, to the ‘whys’ of conventional electrical production, and 
to the whys’ of gravity and the motions of planets and stars. Applicant has mechanically explained matter, in- 
ertia, heat, magnetic fields, electricity, and much more — all of which has been always directed toward a single 
goal of releasing a new source of energy from Matter by a Technical Process which he could teach to others and 
for the well-being of all generations to come. 

Applicant has indeed taught a diligent, wide, Mechanical, and Technical Process of releasine energy from a 



IrU ho* lei l ^hotogna ph , the " y /" "pound 

naDQr clips now demonstrats Its pull upon a J ' p 

without the assistance of a single watt of electricity. 

The reader an dearly necthm ,hc cxpicMlun on the lace of the technician holding the S.Hlson wrench at a right angle- 
^wyogcnle magnet, suvs II all! 

Hu* cryogenic magnet demonstration clearly proves the following to the questioning mine ; 

produced magnetic field originates from the atoms of the conductor. However, the- Held originate " lro,n ,hl ' 
u P‘ r conductor and not from the current Inputed Into the superconductor! 

Tlllt I'.NItlUiV MAC’.I UNI'. C »l' JOSI1PI t NI'WMAN 


In Ihe loll photograph, Bell Laboratory P h y #,B *? ®' e 
Immerse a small cylinder of niobium- tin ^ alio r In _Hqu.d 
helium, causing the cylinder to become a lormldab e magnet 
with a strength ol 24,000 gauss. Although an 
lor superconducting magnets, niobium-tin becomes tnstan 
u, hnmft ol its ootenev when pulled from the icy bat 


In Ihe photograph below, a single magnet (tern Dewar 
considerable magnetic field when placed , m 

flask of liquid helium at the Avco-Everett Laboratories In 
Everett, Massachusetts. (Each metal paper clip hang y 


I have also developed a reciprocating magnetic motor 
whose design is based upon the same principles which I 
have disclosed in this book. Refer to photograph 15-C2 
on page 3 >6. Mv reciprocating magnetic motor has a differ- 
ent mechanical design from the energy machine Pictured 
in 15-C2 since a cylindrical magnet has been placed inside 
the coil in order to generate a reciprocating motion. 

In this new configuration, the electricity is taken off 
the magnets themselves via (1) one conductor through a 
load to ground, (2) one wire taken off one terminal of 
the battery through a load to ground, and (3) a load 
hooked across the coil itself. In addition to the electrical 
output of the system, one must also consider the recip- 
rocating workload of the magnets themselves. 

This design could be a magnetic pump in which the 
permanent magnet is both a motor piston and pump 
piston capable of pumping numerous types of fluids for 
commercial production and simultaneously generating 
electricity for commercial utilization! 


I refer the reader to my discussion of undesirable 
commutator sparking and air ionization on page 69, left 
column, second paragraph, which starts with the 

Since the First Edition was published, I have inno- 
vated an advanced design which will eliminate the dam- 
aging sparking effects of the earlier commutator designs. 

speed of atom unalignment and releases 
output with respect to energy input (Wuh^'' 
hydraulic pressure [voltage], the commut lr " ' 
should be further increased in number 3t<J ' J 
The following is a commutator exam 
eating motor design: 

o i tor a n 

the GAP separating the brush and commut 8 '' " u 'l- 

have demonstrated to my satisfaction that^ tests 
mathematical relationship between the h h ' ^ is a 
sure (voltage) and the number of times the ?' ulic Pres, 
pressure (voltage) must be “broken” by m ^ raul, c 
other switching mechanisms. Such addition”* Cal °r 
increase the overall distance the spark travel ■ bre% 
instant of time while distributing this distan 3 8iver > 
greater number of individual but smaller gap ° VCr a 
I have no doubt that the above designs will f 
rapid production of commercial units With aC ‘ htate 
mutator designs utilizing approximately ioof!^ C ° m ‘ 
“breaks,” one can easily increase the hydrauii^ 8 
to 100,000 volts (or greater) with a properly insT^ 

commutator as depicted in rh, ,he ori 8 inal 

on page 64. The commutator ntw"™^' 31 ™ phot °8 ra Phs 
eight breaks and fires simultane ^ Figure 22 ' N has 
distance the spark has to ,„ , V SUch that the GAP 

of eight, such" mechamca conf mU,,iplied b >' a 

cal configuration multiplies the 

coil. However, numerous energy-consuming device 

would need to be connected into the system toabsi 
the coil’s high energy production. 

With such an improvement in commutator desif 1 

>roduction units of * L - h " 

mediately by those i 

production units of the energy machine can be buil 
hose individuals who have mastered 


lbc K ^I iunc community' 

, P f*rcn« ‘things without P rovidmR 
Accept my tcach,n ^H over twenty 


*iU ' 



Kno« le *^ , S^» l“ ck of recogn !!!°" 

. h „„«— "^&f recognition 

- ° f gr "' Ct ' 

Je (,|tl ... . _ 

^ furc heir understand"* - 

f Tf, !. n an »«**L e ^2S»W». P**“ 76 80 
la'"' , r iv h 5 is®* 01 

V tf" 1 Jn ‘ , universe Is nothing 

. tba '^ys Harvard physicist Sidney 

‘ St/*.?** 

C " ,l ' n “" „ „,tre universe was permeated with 

.vine that the enti ^ wilczek suggests. 

7 Kjnt magnetic f ' v that you couldn t 

<*• *./«-• 

^lam unl f SS J° sim tiar to that situation. We see 
i/iuus field is - that we can t ex- 

iilaiu. “ nd ass .,* u couldn 7 gel rid of this 

" would be part "I what you 
mythical magne t J IMng else away . In 

T, Cards' 'll would he part of the structure of the 

/ Guth People are talking 

ZwduesTns that ftve years ago were considered 
outside physics. ’ 

rh • following arc two quotations from an article by 
Ef , Sner Milled. "Magnetic Whirlwinds ,n Che 
July 19HS issue of SCIENCE DIGEST, page 26: 

•• In the summer of 1984, astronomers using the VLA 
radio telescopes in New Mexico observed filaments 
Olgas arcing far above the galactic plane. These 
twisting spirals appeared to he held together by a 
magnetic field, forming a magnetic whirlwind 
stretching across perhaps 500 light - years. The 
discovery, itself significant, also added to the grow- 
ing evidence that such magnetic vortices play a ma- 
jor role In the universe — an idea given little weight 
mil II recently. As Anthony Peratt, a plasma physicist 
til l.os Alamos National Laboratory, comments, It 
looks more and more that magnetism plays as im- 
portant a part in the cosmos as gravitation. 

Peratt continues: 

" It looks like gravitation alone is not the whole story 
it looks like it also takes magnetism to make the 
universe the way it is now, " 

machine composed of 

gigantic electromagnet * ‘™^ opic entities 
uncountable " umbC ;‘ " generate all observable 

mechanically mterac 

Ph ;lT evidence I have «*- 

the extensive evidence I have reader recognizes 

and diaries. . would o< tb< ~ 

the fact that I have P'°h« reb , f therc is justice tn our 

for the be— of 

the human race. 

I would hope that the reader of my book has 
understood the fact that the entire Universe represents a 


VII. SPACE warpage . Why isn't 

The following question has been soace' 

gravitation simply defined as the , po s- 

caused by a mass simply being m that Space^ 
ing such a question, reference « ^ Iaced on an 

Einstein's view that if a heavy I - crcate an inden- 
elastic plane, then the heavy ob|eci bjects in 

lion in .hi clastic plane causing >ny smaHcr ob|«cs 
the larger ob/eefs vicinity to move down towards 

curate and false pictorial hypothesis of gravity. Such 
blind acceptance has occurred because once Einstein’s 
thinking ability was accepted as being above that of the 
average scientist, such scientists unquestioningly accepted 
some of his beliefs which are not mechanically tenable. 

The known laws of Hydraulic Mechanics demonstrate 
that Einstein 's hypothesis of space warpage is totally 
wrong. I say this not to denigrate Albert Einstein, but 
rather to question the blind acceptance of his hypothesis 
by those physicists who may not be mechanically sen- 
sitive to what is actually involved in this instance. 

FACT : Space surrounds an object on a 360° basis. It is 
simply incorrect to view Space as a place capable of be- 
ing “indented.” 

In proper tribute to Albert Einstein, I will state that he 
was mathematically correct when he said that there 
would be a warpage of space. However, such warpage is 
created by the mechanics of the electromagnetic effect 
that I have discussed in this book. 

I have already demonstrated that one cannot bring 
together two electric or magnetic entities without a 
mechanical warpage of the electromagnetic fields (con- 
sisting of gyroscopic particles) surrounding the entities. 
Moreover, I have demonstrated that gravitation is simply 
the unequaling effects of this electromagnetic interac- 
tion. Consequently, Gravity, Electricity, and Magnetism 
consist of one and the same entity: “The mechanism of 
this gyroscopic entity is the essence of all matter and 
energy.” The observed differences in matter and energy 
are a result of how we perceive the mechanical effects of 
the Gyroscopic Particle from the perspective of an out- 
side observer. 



L AV— 1 


II"’""" Bel " g ' 

.Hintz a copy of my book. It is a statement of mv learning 
1 " "lift- IO the perfection of a New Energy Source which will be of tremenSuTb^ r°' ° V " '~° ***** 

• , heard of my 614-year struggle with the Paten, Office to obtatn a rton '° a " p «>P'<=s' of 

, hope you will assist me. This invention would dramatically benefit all Amec pat,:m for my '""BY 
"’'making available inexpensive and abundant energy. Bu, your help is needed' pcople <hr <»‘ghoui 

n ’ J \ v0 rld h> 


r nc invention and all that it encompasses is for the ’ People” of the World- 
i' 1 Nl ' \ -hijdren’s children. No. not for me, for you. r you and yours and your 

i and your c 

, a rd“ for my years of dedicated effort, an arm of our Government _ the u s Pa,™, rare 

H with premeditation sought to serve me injustice Thicioi, latent Office — has 

od!^ 'of^he^world 18 ^' 6 '' " 0t reslr ' ctet ^ to me > hut 

ir d” for my years oi ucuiuncu cuuu, an arm ot our G 
\> '' rCW nsistently. and with premeditation sought to serve me Inju 
delil w r,llt lv n ^| jon s of times over to you and yours, and to the “People 

is amp li,ied nl 

,k of the U.S. Patent Office have — to such an extreme extent - 
Tht muse of the existence of the U.S. Patent Office, that when viewed reTaiive'to' the "Fam'-'of'thte 

conducted themselves outside the law 

tlCiai> kai 

,, rv purpose of the existence c. ...v W . UW| mai wnen viewed relative to the “Farts” nf »u ie 

ploiiccring invention, one would assume that the U.S. Patent Office had embarked on a Documentary entitled, “How To 

Stifle Creativity-” 

After bringing these facts to the attention ot numerous Senators and Congressmen within the United States one was 
a enough and outraged enough that, on October 17, 1985„he introduced a Special Bill, Number h.r. 3590 into the 

' r flip Qpnofp onH Hnnc^ * • 

1 enough and outraged enough that, on October 17, 1985, he introduced a Special Bill, Number h.r. 3590 into the 
session of the 99th CONGRESS asking the Senate and House of Representatives ”... acting through the Commissioner 
Fl p ' n(S Trademarks, shall immediately issue a pioneer patent to Joseph W. Newman for the invention described in 
° ,P '‘ - - 179 474 ...” No, this Congressional Representative of the "People” was not from my State 

rino SfcltP hiif nrhpr from a far Morfhprn t c . i_ 

f Patents and 1 — ■» 

nt application numbered 179,474 ...” No, this Congressional Representative of the “People” was not fror 
^Mississippi, nor an immediate neighboring State, but rather from a far Northern State of the United States — the State 
Indiana — more than 600 miles from my home in Mississippi, a far Southern State of the United States. 

The “Facts" show that this Bill is not only a special bill , but that the man who introduced it must be a special human 
and elected Representative of the “People." That special individual is Congressman Dan Burton! Congressman Dan 
Burton is not only speaking for me, but for you and yours. This effort towards Justice goes way beyond the mere Joe 
Newman; it concerns Justice to Creative Individuals and the "People" who are the recipients of the value generated by 
those Creative Individuals as yet unborn. Hopefully, the Special Effort of Congressman Dan Burton wdll result, not only 
in a Pioneering Patent to me, but also in Patent Law Changes that will act as a Bright Shining Light, to eternally illuminate 
all actions taken by Patent Office Personnel. Such Patent Office Personnel are, in reality, the Custodians of the 
stimulation of the ‘‘Jewel" of our civilization — its ‘‘Creative People" — and thereby should never be allowed to stifle 
this priceless benefactor. 

If you agree with what 1 have to say, are persuaded by what I’ve said, if you want to help right the wrongs done b\ 
the Patent Office and want to help protect my work and thereby give hope and protection to others — you can. 

Congressman Dan Burton is only one individual, but only a few members of committees or subcommittees will 
really decide whether I get a patent. Please care enough to let Congressman Dan Burton know you appreciate t e 
that he is and must be a special individual . Congressman Dan Burton is proof that you count in Congress, a am. 
your Congressmen and Senators and ask them to diligently support Congressman Dan Burton s Bill. um er \ {ive jn 
pending at this time before the 35 members of the House Judiciary Committee. If you have a close men 
another state, call or write them and ask them to contact their respective Senators and Congressmen o 

You compliment yourself, the Human Race, and the Future by so acting. 
Thank you, the "People.” 

Joseph Westley Newman 



(This section has been added to the Third Edition.] 

Several readers have asked me about the article published in the January 6, 1986 issue of Physical Revie 
which presents the opinion of several scientists who have announced the discovery of a “previously unknow w Lett ers 
nature called the hypercharge’’ and their conclusion that “it also requires a modification of our theories of g^- ° rCe in 
Their evidence indicates that there will be minute variances in the speed of different objects falling toward E Vlt * tl0n ” 
such objects are placed in a vacuum. w hen 

In response to the above “discovery, ” I simply quote from the last two paragraphs of page 9 and the first 
of page 10 of my Disclosure Document sent to the U.S. Patent Office in 1979 and to the U.S. Copyright Officc^ 8 ^* 1 

The Earth consists of innumerable other negative and positive charges and is either slightly more n 
positive. n< -gative or 

“There can be an infinite mathematical arrangement, whereby, materials will vary as will their attracti 
Earth. (Emphasis added.) ' 0Ward 

' Consider now the fact that in 1974 I wrote to the National Science Foundation stating the prediction that 
Cavendish Experiment conclusions were wrong. / had no doubt that if the experiment was sensitive enough the ! 
would he different results for different materials used. ’’ (Emphasis added.) 

Refer to page 197 of this book for the response from the National Science Foundation in 1974 which offered a 
response to my statement to them that even the “speed and path of objects in their orbits” would be affected. 

Also, read horn Section 29-1 on page 93 to Section 29-K on page 94 of this book and read the proof that matter con- 
sists of unequal negative and positive charges. This is the reason that years ago I had predicted minute differences in 
C.ravitattonal force (the unequaling effect of Unobvious Electromagnetic Composition of matter consisting of different 
amounts of negative and positive charges.) 

(Jfcct is principally of scientific interest, rather that for practical mathematical calculations of accelerating or 
•stopping a mass or masses. 

However, I compliment the scientists mentioned in the Physical Review Letter article for their astute observations 
and conclusions that there are indeed differences. 

sn h L l c ‘ lst )ns l()l t [’ < - sc ( i \ eel minute differences are the result of the Electromagnetic Composition of All Matter. 
• SUth Wl " many varying results to the outside observer. 

tltc gatew at to gieat excitement and advancement for the Human Species. 

(The following sections have been added to the Fourth Edition ] 
mathematics to prove an important new analysis 
present “The steel wedge of truth hit by the sledgehammer of facts will 

X. ' ! r „ sS it colloquial 

I"' '"Enclosed minds."] 

own “mathematical equations” prove the validity of what I mechanically teach “The 
i(jflC community ^ ociatec j w jth the current in a conductor emanates from the ATOMS of the conductor and 

ThC ,n a mag netic 2 

energy ^ (he cu rrent. indoctrinates students with the following premise: students are taught that “a copper 

SOTJ ’L en t teaching system . pnP n r field emanates from the current and not from the conductor ” Moreover, 

* ~ the false premise described above, the student is then instructed (by “sleight of 

coiled r ather ,han strmgfrr, (See Figures 14-B7 and 14-B8, - 


A !~\ A ^ / 1 


«, j \j 





then the current and its associated magnetic field are 
concentrated, which results in a concentration of the 
strength of the magnetic field. The student is then pro- 
vided with the following statement: 

-The strength of the magnetic field equals the current 
fa nes the turns of the conductor’ ’ (also called amp turns). 

The above two underlined statements concerning the 
or >gin of a magnetic field vis-a-vis a current/conductor 
arc not the same' In fact, these two statements con- 
tradict one another! 

StESTiON: What comprises a conductor? 

Atoms, of course. 

JK'hat the statement “the strength of the magnetic 
ec iuals the n.rr~« !L__ .u- 


eg Element the strength of the magnetic rieiu 

Ua tfle cur rent times the number of turns of the con- 

ductor” really means is that "the strength of a magnetic 
held of a coiled conductor equals the input ™" e "‘ 
times the number of turns of ATOMS’ compnse 
the coil." [Refer to Chapter 8, beginning with page 49 

f °For r t l hose d who have been "mentally lobotomizecT by 
the effects of our present unjust teaching system, 


rent In the longer coll produces a magnetic field Iden- 
tical to that of the shorter coll. The facts prove such 
people totally wrong! (The currents are not the same ] 
The following yiucr.v and graphs prove that I amp of 
current must he maintained In the ’'atoms” of one turn of 
the conductor to sustain a magnetic field of strength Z. 
And 10 watts of power must be maintained to sustain that 
magnetic field of strength Z. [1 amp x 10 volts = 10 watts] 
At the opposite end of the mathematical spectrum, a 
miniscule .00000000000001 amp has to be maintained in 
100 , 000 , 000 , 000,000 turns of the atoms comprising the 
conductor to sustain the same magnetic field ot strength 
Z. In this case, a miniscule 1/10,000,000,000,000 of a 
watt of power must be maintained to sustain the same 
magnetic field of strength Z. 

In other words, the fact that the input current and the 
number of atoms (turns of wire) can vary tremendously 

field Is sustained In all cases — r 

- proves that thi. 
magnetic field emanates from the atoms of th rc * ull ^nt 
tor and is not produced by the input current * C ° nduc 
The following drawings, explanations, and 
which utilize mathematically-accurate, scle 
will "cement” the truth of what I teach Th* I ' C ^ acts 
field associated with a conductor-carrying cu ma8nc,lc 
nates from the atoms of the conductor and no? J! ° rlg1 ' 
rent. The current Is simply the medium which CUf ’ 
the hydraulic pressure of the volts and causes 
draullc pressure to align the atoms of the cond * 
Under such hydraulic pressure (voltage), the a | UCt ° r ' 
atoms release their gyroscopic particles — the h”" 1 
building blocks of all matter - which emanate h 
the physical boundary of the conductor and beta"* 1 
actly as a permanent magnet. (Refer to Figures ul'l' 
and 14-B10a/b.) 8 l4 ' B9a/ b 

_ n-ova ana w-bvd that a given charge will quickly exit from the end c 

2 condu ctor exactly as a molecule of water from a short pipe. 

slnwtTnH har :: C r al faCt f demonstrate in Fi gures 14-B10a and 14-B10b that a given charge would, by some degree, mov 
wat^r pipe. eX ^ ° f a " extreme, y lo ”g conductor exactly as a molecule of water from an extremely long 

in Fta!^i7.R 5 i U n Ch meC , 1 'l a " ical anal °gics would have one believe that the magnetic field associated with the conductor 
very strong ^ '*° U * VCr ^ wea k’ and t,le magnetic field associated with the conductor in Figure 14-B9a w0U 

The facts prove the se magnetic fields are eq mli 



, „ ced comment will alter the 
or pre-ludlc e of current at... 

*<<& the magnetic field Z 

mtf nt [S Jcarly P r ° j§ nQ| a re sult of the o 
T,H te d w ith 3 C °?he conductor, but rather is the 

z current 

f^^ndd comes from 

'jS' from the current afrald to think for 

the truth of these facts, 
have been and 

have been unjusfy and 

seriously affected by the present teaching system will 
uncomfortably feel that they must resist these facts. 

The following mathematics, based upon the teachings 
of the present scientific community, proves “mathemati- 
cally” that what I have consistently taught “mechani- 
cally” is absolutely correct. 

Remember — the following mathematical results are 
provided by the present scientific community and not 
by me. The present scientific community states that a 
magnetic field of a given strength is achieved by the 
amount of current multiplied by the number of turns of 
a conductor. Consequently, the following mathematical 
results are presented for your consideration: 

Using a 10-Volt battery the following results occur — 

- — — (volts X current = watts) 

amp X 1 conductor turn = 1 amp turn [i.e., 1 amp X 10 volts = 10 watts) 

, . ‘ mD) X 10 conductor turns (CT'S) = 1 amp turn [i.e., 1 amp turn X 10 volts = 1 watt) 

100 nM A (or 01 amp) X 100 CT’s - 1 amp turn [re, .01 amp X 10 volts = 1/10 of a watt) 

' . . r .001 amp) X 1,000 CT’s- 1 amp turn [i.e.. .001 amp X 10 volts = 1/100 of a watt) 

' A , r 0001 amp) X 10,000 CT's = 1 amp turn [i.e., .0001 amp X 10 volts = 1/1 ,000 of a watt] 

m M A (or .00001 amp) X .00,000 CT's - 1 amp turn (Z e. .00001 amp X 10 volts = 1/10,000 of a watt) 
— additional intermediate steps not listed — 

.00000000001 M.A. (or .00000000000001 amp) X 100,000,000,000,000 - 1 amp turn 
[i.e . .00000000000001 amp X 10 volts = 1/10,000,000,000,000 of a watt] 




ru carrying conductor emanates from the atoms of the conductor and not from the current which con 
, 1 mtnishes such a current could reach an Infinitesimally small number while the < onduc tor would pr , 

held. (Refer to Chapter H, page- 49 of this hook lor additional details., 

. , now consider the- relationship between Faraday's Laws of EMF (electromotive force) Induction and the 
, ' lh thc magnetic field as It expands or collapses through an Increasingly larger number of turns of wire 

(atoms) When one considers thc graph In Figure M Mil and Faraday's Laws of EMF Induction, one finds 
mathematical proof of the following: 

As a consistently decreasing current Is inputed Into a consistently -increasinp number of turns of conductor coll 
wire (atoms) the produced magnetic field remains constant. Even more Important Is thc fact that whenever the input 
current is stopped one produces an ever greater back EMF from the collapsing magnetic field through an ever 
increasing number of turns of atoms comprising the conductor occurs with an ever tlccrvasinn < urrent Input 
These mathematical facts verify my teaching that the power from a conductor can he greater than the power l„ 

- . / ... rxf fhk hr w ft if 'Iflclillnr ' 1 

these mathematical iaci» vemy my i 

puted Into the conductor! (Refer to page 51 of this hook for additional details | 

fo rephrase thc < olloqulal title of this section: "Thc sledge hammer of fads has now hit the steel wedge of truth 
even into closed minds 

Ihc mathematics I have presented in this section are from materials published by the present scientific community 
Ihese mathematics arc riot original to me, I have simply hut prec isely combined my mind with their mathematic* In an 
exacting logi< whereby the < onslstent mechanical teachings I have developed are proven mathematically correct 
The energy In a magnetic (electromagnetic) field is literally the mechanical essence of li MO' This energy can he 
mechanically understood, anticipated, utilized, and released at will lo generate the tremendous release ol energy 
without any harmful effects to humanity and to the environment, 

I remendou* exc Itement, hope, dreams and accomplishments will quickly ensue from whai I icat I) lint c no ;IS I M ‘ 1 
of science will remain unaffected by these concepts, A magnificent future lies at ihc "fingertips of our Imagination 
bc<ause the entire universe reac ts clcctromagnctlcally and has a fundamental elec tromagrietk composition which 
can be harnessed to benefit humanity. 

kh/ENTIONAL) TEACHINGS S ^ )F one wants more POWER from a motor, one designs 



QUALITATIVE depiction 

100 1 

THOUSANDS millions billions 




hnoiogy for earth and space travel (hosc concepa 

"comparison ^^Nariulon tv^Dr* Hastings dcscrlblriR Joseph Newman s 

by ° r H “ t,n8s 


Electric Charges 

Like Charges 

Repel — Unlike Charges Attract 


S N 

N S 

S N 

Like Pole* Repel - Unlike P oles Awy< 


Wire • Electricity • Magnetism 







way in a eonductor atuacts one P° ersed 

__ . m. TF ACHES that the basic building block 



The spins of the GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES which comprise and emanate from the atoms of the conductor are at right 
angles to the spins of the GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES which emanate from the atoms of the magnet. As a result of this mechani- 
cal Interaction, the conductor wire Is repelled from the magnet regardless of the direction of the current which passes 
through and aligns the atoms of the conductor. The conductor should be short enough to Intersect with the straighter center 
line of force and not extend out over the curved lines of force because of the changing mechanical relationships. 

The spin of the GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES which comprise and emanate from the atoms of the conductor are at right 
angles to the spin of the GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES emanating from the atoms of the magnet. As a result of this mechanical In- 
teraction, the conductor wire Is repelled from the magnet regardless of the fact that the magnet's polarity Is reversed while the 
direction of the current In the conductor remains the same In each Instance. 

results that de^pre'sent^ hm £V r °* C °? 1C ™ n !P osltlon of all matter explains these observ 

> presently accepted, but false “sclentlilc” teachings which claim to be absolute. 

occur bet ween* ni^aH^^d^^l^enablelaf^e^flr?*^ CffeC ‘ SCrV , CS *° demonstratc Uie opposite force 
cna ole safe, efficient space travel to become a reality. 

and demonstrated 
gravity which can 






1204 Circle High Dr 
Burnsville, Mn. 55337 

i a onH i Q 19861 visited Joseph Newman’s laboratory in Lucedale Mississippi, witnessed the operation of 

To Whom It May Concern. 

While at Newman’s demonstration in Jackson, Mississippi on August 20, 1 also witnessed the operation of a Newman 
motor which was built independently by a Memphis engineer. This motor was running a ceiling fan using 1.5 Watts of 
d c power taken from 13 nine volt transistor batteries. An identical blade was turning at the same speed, driven by a 
commercial ceiling fan and drawing 40 Watts of a.c. line power. The Newman motor was run continuously for about 
four hours without noticeable degradation of the batteries. This demonstration independently verifies the conclusion 
that huge energy savings can be realized by converting from conventional motor technology to Newman motors in ap- 
pliances, compressors, automobiles, pumps, and all other energy intensive motor applications. 

The levitation experiment demonstrated a vertical force exceeding the force of gravity on strands of *40 copper 
wire when a few hundred milliamps were applied. Application of standard equations for the interaction of the wires with 
the earth’s magnetic field gave approximate agreement that the wires were in fact levitated on the earth s field. Return 
wires were at the same time forced downward. Newman disclosed to me a design in which the force on the go wires 
should exceed the downward force on the “return” wires. I estimated that a vehicle of Newman s design (with perhaps 
some modifications to further reduce the force on the return wires) could be made with a self contained power source 
and passenger compartment which is 1,000 feet or more in diameter. Such a vehicle should be investigated immediately 
as a replacement for rockets, and as a future means of interplanetary space travel. 

The above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 

Roger Hastings, Ph D. 



en fall 1969 and FALL .966 concerning .he effor. «, -cure a pioneer pa.en. 

XIII. Events occurring bctw machine, 

for Joseph Newman s energy m 

Chapter 25 of THE mVoRT OF THE 

HFWMAH described the ^«m^M98 Coun ^ ^ 

S^cW C MasTer wTlliam E. Schuylec Jr wrote 

ZeZ , here is no contradictory factual evidence and 
“Defendant [PTO] intentionally did not consider the 
formalities l , PlLiffs (Joseph 

or , be patentability of Plaintiff s claims under 35 USC 

S For many months and expensive trips to Washington, 
D.C., Mr. Newman and his attorney, John Flannery, at- 
tempted to obtain a decision from Judge Thomas P. 
Jackson either accepting or rejecting the Special Master s 
findings. Rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 
provides that the Judge “shall accept the findings of the 
Special Master. ” Finally, in June of 1985, Judge Jackson 
rejected without reason [and as of this writing we still 
await his reason] the findings of his own Court expert 
and Special Master. However, Jackson did see fit to 
charge Joseph Newman 111,602.20 for this ignored and 
rejected Report. 

Judge Jackson originally stated that he chose the 
Special Master to assist in “the speedy disposition of the 
trial’’ and to “reduce the Applicant’s (Joseph Newman’s) 
expenses.’’ However, the Judge’s actions belie his 
words: After many hearings, two trial dates have been 
canceled with a new date set for December 8, 1986; 
moreover, the litigation expenses to Joseph Newman 
have been compounded by Jackson’s actions! 

Also, to return to an earlier event: In December, 1984, 
PTO Commissioner Gerald Mossinghoff arranged to 
have 5 100,000.00 of Energy Act funds — intended by 
Congress to finance the development of new energy sys- 
tems — misappropriated to discredit Mr. Newman’s in- 
vention. Mossinghoff made an unprecedented agreement 
with the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). Mossinghoff 
ran little risk from the NBS since he had the NBS “expert” 
Jacob Rabinow file a sworn declaration that Mr. Newman’s 
device did not operate. Jacob Rabinow gave this opinion 
without even testing the energy machine. 

After rejecting the findings of the Special Master in 
June, 1985, Judge Jackson remanded the case back to the 
Patent Office — Mr. Newman’s judicial adversary — for 

r act,on ' The PTO then recommended that the 
NBS formally test Mr. Newman’s invention. 

In the original test conditions, Judge Jackson 1) refused 
to order the NBS to prepare a testing program in ad- 
vance of delivery of the energy machine to the NBS 2) 
refused to permit Mr. Newman the right to have an ex- 

pert present for testing, 3) stated that the test results 
would be issued in secret to Judge Jackson who said in 
the court record that “It (the test results) will be held 
under seal until we determine that it ought to be ex- 
hibited to the public,” and 4) gave the NBS an open- 
ended period of testing. 

On behalf of Mr. Newman, John Flannery filed a Writ 
OF MANDAEMUS with the U.S. Court of Appeals, seeking 
to reverse Jackson’s unfair testing conditions in favor of 
those test conditions proposed by Mr. Newman. 

On January 13, 1986, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 
Federal Circuit issued a court order [In re Newman, 782, 
F2d 971, 974-75 (Fed Cir. 1986)] upholding Joseph 
Newman’s WRIT OF MANDAEMUS against Judge Jackson. 
The higher court sternly rebuked Jackson for ordering 
“highly irregular” testing procedures that denied Joseph 
Newman “fundamental fairness” guaranteed him by the 
Federal Rules. Jackson had originally ordered Joseph 
Newman to surrender his energy machine to the NBS so 
that Office might dismantle or even destroy it. Instead, 
the U.S. Court of Appeals rejected all of Jackson’s condi- 
tions for testings and supported Mr. Newman’s position. 
[As it turned out, this action did no good, because 
Jackson/NBS/PTO did exactly what they wanted to do!] 
The higher Court criticized Jackson for authorizing the 
destruction of Joseph Newman’s invention and giving 
“no reason for barring petitioner from observing all the 
tests on his device, or from knowing in advance what 
tests are to be conducted [by NBS].” The Court con- 
cludes, “Such procedures are highly irregular, and taint 
the evidentiary value of the test results.” 

Specifically, the U.S. Court of Appeals ordered that: 1) 
the NBS tests be prepared in advance of the energy 
machine’s delivery to the NBS, 2) Joseph Newman could 
be present for testing as well as have an expert on his 
behalf, 3) the energy machine could not be dismantled 
or destroyed without Joseph Newman’s consent, 4) the 
NBS would have 30 days AND NO MORE to test the 
energy machine [this was reaffirmed by the higher Court 
in a letter issued on February 12, 1986 during the origi- 
nal and authorized 30-day test period from January 24 - 
February 23, 1986], and 5) the results would be issued 
openly and publicly to all parties. 

During the original 30-day test period (from January 24 
- February 23, 1986) the NBS did not conduct a single 
test. The PTO and the NBS asked the Court of Appeals 
to change its mind and let the NBS dismantle and de- 
stroy the energy machine. On February 12, 1986, for the 
second time, the Court of Appeals said no: “[NBS’s] Dr. 
Hebner has not attested to his inability to test the device 
or that its [the energy machine’s] structure is concealed, 
or that a test program cannot be reasonably conducted 
to ascertain whether the device performs as disclosed in 
the patent application” and “on reconsideration, we af- 
firm the prior order.” 



, refused to test the energy machine and 
" e NB |n«le test unless they were permitted to de- 
,o rut’ a Sl1 08 y machine. Even before any tests had 
stroV ,flC r "led NBS representatives told the Court of 
t"" ^ ’.le energy machine was a hoax This at- 
Ap( *»ls ' h n „£ of the reasons that the higher Court 
titude »as °ne ^ ^ aaed m a biased man ner 
-r-nanlz ed tha on h his work Meanwhile, th 

^ c0g ^nseDh Newman and his work Meanwhile the 
toW rards Joseph d _ each Qf which Joseph 

NBS o ffere d — in an effort to run the clock while 

Nc wman arts jssion to dest roy the energy machine 

r hev waited r **" , ^mmunicatlnH by mail, rather 

*&< If nho ne In another instance, the NBS required 
tliah by M P l man to travel 1,000 miles from Mississippi to 
Joseph Ne ^ singJe wire a distance of one inch. 

^'hNewman and attorney John Flannery gave the NBS 
Joseph Ne^ reconncct the wire that had come loose in 
^ from Mississippi to Maryland. The NBS insisted 
5 P ^seoh Newman do it. Even after Joseph Newman 
rflr he traveled 1,000 miles - the NBS 
^.ied to test the energy machine or even tell Joseph 
Newman when or how they would test it 
Ne * ring this 1,000-mile trip to reconnect the wire by 
.inch an event occurred which would have great 
iflcance later on. The approximately 135-pound 
energy machine delivered to the NBS facility in 
MaXd would - if not restricted by resistance - 
-numD” back-EMF into the battery pack and thus pro- 
ceed to over charge and damage the batteries by short- 
ina them out internally. Normally, Joseph Newman plac- 
ed 4 ft fluorescent bulbs in the circuit to act as a release 
valve to reduce this back-EMF into the batteries. Since it 
was inconvenient to carry 4 ft. fluorescent bulbs on the 
plane to Maryland the day Joseph Newman reconnected 
in several minutes the loose wire, Mr. Newman simply 
grounded the energy machine to shunt away the back- 
EMF and prevent it from damaging the batteries. 

What is most ironic is that NBS officials saw Joseph 
Newman ground the energy machine and therefore 
assumed that he always grounded it — even for testing! 
The NBS officials were not interested in mastering 
Joseph Newman’s technical process and understanding 
the principles involved. Instead — like “monkey see — 
monkey do” — they later grounded the energy machine 
during their secret testing of the confiscated energy 
machine. This action would have important ramifica- 
tions re the validity of the NBS test. [It should also be 
added that Joseph Newman had no intent of educating 
the NBS personnel.” They were supposed to be the ex- 
perts; Joseph Newman’s attitude was, “let’s see what the 
experts do.”] 

The experts did nothing during the authorized 30-day 
test period that expired on February 23, 1986. On Mon- 
day, 10:30AM on February 24, 1986, John Flannery ap- 
peared at the NBS building in Gaithersburg, Maryland 
where the energy machine was being held. Joseph 
Newman had asked Mr. Flannery to return the energy 
machine to Mississippi. Armed guards met Mr. Flannery 
and refused to permit him to obtain Mr. Newman s prop- 

erty. Mr. Flannery was Informed that he had until 12 
noon of that day to appear at an emergency meeting In 
Judge Jackson’s courtroom. Should he fall to appear, 

Jackson would Issue a warrant for his arrest. 

Mr. Flannery did appear In the courtroom by 12 noon. 

He was promptly Informed by Judge Jackson that the 
energy machine of Joseph Newman was now the property 
of Jackson’s court and the Invention would not be turned 
over to Mr. Newman. Mr. Flannery asked Jackson for hls 
reasons for such confiscation. The Judge refused to give 
any. Mr. Flannery then asked Jackson to remove himself 
as the Judge In the case because of demonstrated per 
sonal bias and prejudice. Jackson denied that he was 
prejudiced and continued to refuse to tell Mr. Flannery 
what authority permitted the Judge to violate the Court 
of Appeals Order. As Joseph Newman said. "Since when 
in this country can a court take a person "s property, 
seize it without even a hearing and in violation of a 
standing order of an appellate court ? Something is very 
wrong here 

On March 3, 1986, as a result of the Court’s question- 
able procedures, Joseph Newman submitted an Affidavit 
in support of a motion to disqualify Judge Jackson for 
his demonstrated personal bias and prejudice. On March 
7 1986, the District Court held a status conference to 
consider giving the NBS more time to test the energy 
machine in violation of the 30-day period authorized by 
the U.S. Court of Appeals. 

Immediately before this status conference began, Judge 
Jackson’s law clerk handed John Flannery an order deny- 
ing Joseph Newman’s motion to disqualify Jackson as in- 
sufficient, but without any discussion as to why the 
pleadings were factually insufficient. Jackson even held 
John Flannery in contempt for merely mentioning the 
pending motion to disqualify him. Jackson then gave the 
PTO/NBS until June 26, 1986 to test the energy mac i 
_ 150 days after the energy machine was originally 

d Joseph Newman could not afford to be present ’™J* h 
counsel and expert for the 12-hour work-days the NBS 
claimed they worked each day. It would have cost 
Joseph Newman over *60, 000.00 to attend the tes and 
is one of the reasons why the U.S. Co “ rt of pTO 

authorized the original 30-day test £ 0 ° lo 

Commissioner Mossinghoff m*sapp«°P^^^ to 
run these unprecedented tests. 

Office, the tests cost approximate! iy * 5, 

Joseph Newman had the “right” to auend the later 
unauthorized tests on his confiscated energy ' nwchine, 

thp PTO for all NBS tests! 

It is. in fact, Joseph Newman’s position that ^ 
PTO/NBS/Jackson actions taken after e ^ property 
1986 confiscation wUhou, “ c ‘ p rcsult of , h | 5 posl- 
are Illegal and unconstltuti on ^ addulo nal days 

tlon and of the expense in attending vo 



of testing. Joseph Newman would not in any way wish 
to appear to endorse the NBS proceedings by being pres- 
ent for their testing. Also, it should be noted that before 
the NBS ran any tests, John Flannery forwarded to the 
NBS a schematic diagram of the circuit used to test 
Newman's device. It plainly showed not to connect the 
energy machine to ground. 

Prior to the expected release of the NBS test [con- 
ducted by three individuals] on June 26, 1986, Joseph 
Newman issued a national press release sent to over 
1500 members of the press which predicted that the 
NBS test results would be negative and that “a mockery 
of justice is expected to continue in the chambers of 
Judge Thomas P. Jackson. " On June 26, 1986, the NBS 
unsurprisinglv said that Joseph Newman’s invention did 
not work. Moreover. Judge Jackson set a trial date for 
December 8. 1986. (Up to this point, Jackson had held a 
series of expensive hearings to determine if a trial was 
warranted and had canceled two earlier trial dates.) 
Jackson continued to refuse to relieve himself from this 
case due to bias, and Jackson refused to allow Joseph 
Newman a trial by jury. In fact, a Patent Office attorney 
once told Joseph Newman's attorney, “We would hate 
to see this case tried by a jury. 

It is ironic that as a consequence of the Patent Office’s 
disregard of the Court of Appeals' requirement that the 
NBS notify Joseph Newman of what tests they intended 
to run during the 30-day test period authorized by the 
Court of Appeals, Joseph Newman did not know how 
the NBS "tested'' his machine until after the NBS issued 
its report on June 26, 1986. Consequently, Joseph 
Newman discovered that the NBS did not actually test 
his invention at all. 

In one of his PRESS RELEASES, Joseph Newman writes: 
“In his April 9, 1984 Statutory Declaration before a 
Federal Court, page 10. NBS expert Jacob Rabinow 
claimed the following — ‘It is my opinion since Mr. 
Newman does not use a tightly-coupled iron structure 
around his armature, that the efficiency of his motor 
should be very low when use purely as a motor.' 
Following the release of the June 26, 1986 NBS Report 
(which has been challenged by Dr. Hastings and other 
scientific expens), NBS spokesman Matt Heyman 
boastfully stated to the newsmedia that: “the energy 
machine invention was so inefficient that if one wanted 
to operate an electric fan, then don’t use the Newman 
Invention hooked to a battery, but rather use a simple 
conducting wire from a battery to a conventional 
motor. ' The above two statements by NBS represen- 
tatives Rabinow and Heyman are especially ironic 
because on July 30, 1986 — in conjunction with an ap- 
pearance before the Senate Subcommittee on Energy 
Hearing — Joseph Newman demonstrated his latest, 
portable energy machine prototype which operates as a 
motor (without Rabinow’s tightly-coupled iron struc- 
ture around the armature ) to power a home-appliance, 
electric fan at an efficiency rate that proved the Patent 
Office and the NBS dead wrong. Again " 

Dr. Roger Hastings, Senior Physicist with a major 

research corporation, concluded that the PTO's 
pert, the NBS — the preeminent national testing** 4 ' 
laboratory’ — failed to measure the energy i n i® 

Newman's energy machine although it had the c ' Ph 
machine for 150 days. His evaluation was that th^Np 
personnel did not know what they were doing * N&S 
Flannery said, “The Court of Appeals gave the p J ° hn 
Office 30 days to test the energy machine and rZ^' 
the Patent Office to inform us in advance what t 
they were going to run during the 30-day test p^ 
authorized by the U.S. Court of Appeals. But the!?** 
pert, the NBS. kept the device 150 days and never t*' 
us what tests they were going to run during this 30 ** 
period. ” In his evaluation, Dr. Hastings wrote that 
NBS “results reflect a total lack of communication b! 
tween the NBS and Newman or any other expert on * 
Newman 's technology. " As John Flannery' put it it 
they told us what they were going to do, we mightia 
been able to avoid this waste of time and resources 
Mr. Newman and the taxpayers as well. " 

Specifically, Dr. Hastings said in his evaluation that th 
NBS allowed energy to escape from Mr. Newman's 6 
energy machine and then, instead of measuring the out 
put energy from the energy machine, they measured the 
power consumed by resistors ‘‘placed in parallel with 
the Newman motor, and called this pow'er the motor 
output." Dr. Hastings concluded, ‘‘the primary r f. 

(radio frequency) power was shunted to ground." As for 
measuring output, Hastings said that the NBS's test was 
"equivalent to stating that the output of an electric 
motor plugged into a wall socket is given by the power 
used by a lightbulb in the next room svhich is on a 
parallel circuit.” “The NBS test results came as no 
surprise to me. ” said Mr. Newman, ‘7 never expected 
that we would get a fair shake from the Patent Office's 
expert. What I am surprised about is bow badly the y 
did the job. ’ ’ 

If the PTO and the NBS had complied with the Court 
of Appeals Order, Joseph Newman would have had a 
second opportunity to reinforce what was already ob- 
vious from the schematic diagram forwarded by John 
Flannery to the NBS — that they should not connect 
Joseph Newman’s energy machine to ground. The NBS 
could have been told that they were in error. But since 
the NBS and PTO failed to give Joseph Newman any 
notice — contrary' to the U.S. Court of Appeals Order — 
of the tests they intended to run during the 30-dav test 
period authorized by the Court of Appeals, they waste 
Joseph Newman’s resources and, by their estimates. 
175,000.00 of federal taxpayer’s monies misappropna 
by former PTO Commissioner Gerald Mossinghoff. 

wrote in its May 9, 1986 REPORT: Joseph 
received arbitrary and unfair treatment at t e 
the PTO and Judge Jackson. Congress should ac 
the Executive and Judicial branches ha\e responsi- 

American citizen. In light of Congress ConSt itu- 

bilities and the fact that it is empowered y ^„ rtncc of 

tion to issue 

patents, the fact that the preponderant 



over 2500 people attended. 

SS-W5S. >°*r* P" s '"“ <l l ’“ S coiw o“w. * •»' H 6, - ENE p °'‘"‘“ 0 '” 


”“ “ i, Jo*ph N,»™n Jacteob, Mississippi 

J a. / nvws confine. auPe 51“”™* „ ’ ory on Joseph Newman. 


1 !h’ « ^pmaemahons « now available 

— t ^^n'c favor and the fact that this in- 

evidence is <”N«^ benefici ai to hundreds of millions 
vention is in orde r for Congress to gran 

°, people, it f d w allow ^ American market- 

Newman a P a|ue Q f this invention.” 

p ,ace to dead* t nationally-syndicated col- 

Duringjune-Aug ,j^ , hree different articles 

umnist James J. P e with the Patent Office. In 


mat this issue remains a public issue until the patent s 
issued - this is Joseph Newman's only P rote ^ lon ^ 
the unjust actions of a Federal Bureaucracy and a Federal 
court The ENERGY MACHINE NEWSLETTER contains news 
updates concerning Joseph Newman’s work. Those in- 
terested in obtaining information about the NEWSLETTER 
should write Joseph Newman at Route 1 , Box 52, 

Lucedale, Mississippi 39452. 

Meanwhile, the Patent Office continues to issue state- 
ments that are totally false. PTO Commissioner Donald J. 
Quigg (a former top executive at PHILLIPS PETROLEUM for 
33 years) wrote in a form letter dated June 17, 1986 sent 
to people who wrote him about PTO mistreatment of 
Joseph Newman: "Mr. Newman has filed an application 
for a patent on his invention of a method and apparatus 
for obtaining more energy from a machine than is put 
into it. This application is related to several earlier filed 
applications, all since abandoned by Mr. Newman. 

This is typical of the Patent Office’s misleading rhetoric 
and represents a concentrated effort on the part of the 
Patent Office to discredit Mr. Newman and misinform 
the public. In a June 25, 1986 letter by Joseph Newman’s 
patent attorney C. Emmett Pugh, Pugh writes: "In sum- 
mary, you have never in fact or in law abandoned in any 
way any of your patent rights or your efforts to obtain 

your due paien. 

forth the disclosures o y dated information. 


“Sol"™ cou 9 NC. L W oy C the city °f new 

£££ — 

would DUt an end to the costly multi-yeat litigation over 
the Joseph Newman energy machine by r “°'™ 8 r a t ^ 
doubts in favor of the applicant and provt g 
issuance of a patent because it is the Council s firm 
belief that theses, judge of Joseph N^ 
invention is not a Court listening to ^P^^ es fytng on 
either side, but the American free market with its harsh 

but fair test of practicality.’’ M««u«inni 

The Senate and House of Representatives in Mississippi 
issued a CONCURRENT RESOLUTION *294 (dated April 
10-11, 1986) which stated in part: "WHEREAS, Federal 
District Court Judge Thomas P. Jackson ordered highly 
irregular testing procedures which denied Mr. 
fundamental fairness in receiving patent approval; and 
WHEREAS Judge Jackson has taken Mr. Newman s prop 
erty without even a hearing and in violation of a stan 
ing order of an appellate court and has subsequently 
ordered secret tests by NBS of the illegally confiscated 
energy machine, again totally contrary to the order of 
the U.S. Court of Appeals; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT 



Flann ery 

Janney House 
Waterford. Virginia 22190 

Dear friend. 

October 24, 1985^* 7 * 64 

joe has asked me to give you a summary of (1) why you should 
encourage members of Congress on the relevant committee (s) to 
support a private bill, H.R. 3590, recently introduced by Rep. Dan 
Burton, and (2) briefly state the facts in support. And So 
I have. 

There are four reasons why a private patent bill for Mr. Newman 
is worthy of your support: 

Firstly . no citizen should be so shabbily treated as has Newman 
by both administrative and judicial tribunals — the Patent 
Office and by the Courts — in direct contravention of the Constit- 
ution and the statutes of Congress, 

Secondly , if Newman had been fairly treated, the Patent Office 
and the Court would have seen that Newman's device works — 
as a former U.S. Patent Commissioner has so attested — and 
that he is entitled to a patent. 

Thirdly , if Newman secures the protection for himself to manuf- 
acture this device, it shall mean a new source of inexpensive 
and efficient energy, and 

Fourthly , this bill doesn't cost us as taxpayers a dime and 
may instead save us money — in energy bills. 

A Statement oL the F act-g 

As for the salient features, a statement of the facts, 
that I find disturbing: 

Newman's patent application when it arrived at the Patent 
Office in 1980 was assigned to a Patent Examiner found incompetent 
by the federal district Court in Texas. The Patent Office refused 
to look at Newman's evidence including a prototype he constructed 
to prove it worked. The Patent Examiner said he doubted he 
would ever grant Newman a patent no matter what proof he presented 
and the Patent Office refused to replace the prejudiced patent 
examiner. Thus did the Patent Office deny Newman a patent. 

Newman appealed his Patent Office rejection to the US District 
Court in January 1983. $££ 35 U.S.C. Section 145. The Patent 

Office again refused Newman's offers made during civil discovery 
to have them test his device; the Patent Office said they "roust 
rely on the applicant's tests. The Court said it was technically 
incompetent to decide the case and appointed former Patent Comm- 
issioner Schuyler to consider the case. The former Patent Comm- 
issioner concluded: 

( more ) 



helming evidence, without contradiction. 

<» its own rules in 
^ . s determination^ that Kewman marine 
^jTtSSt erroneous . and 

Court rctu* ^ 

k ffiSjswus.wa.' ss.' “• 

device opero 

Thus the need for a private bill. 


relief he needs and deserves. 

Thanks for your time a 1 and 





That we do support Mr. Newman in this endeavor and do hereby commend the Mississippi Con 

for their past and continued support.” J Sessional De| t ^ ( 

On May 29, 1986 the Senate of Mississippi issued RESOLUTION *3 which stated in part “be it rp 
MISSISSIPPI STATE SENATE, That we do hereby memorialize the United States Secretary of Commcr^ 0 bY t He 
the Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office*^ acting throuoK 
Joseph W. Newman for the energy machine and memorialize the United States Congress to adonH° ' SSUC a Patent? 
that such patent be issued.” P e 8>slation clir Cctj ° 

As of this writing, ten Congressmen — who are outraged over the treatment of Joseph Newman b 
and Judge Jackson — have introduced 10 House Bills to grant Joseph Newman a pioneering patent fn/v? Patent 0ff lCp 

H R. 3590 H. R. 3977 ” H.R.4081 ^”H.R.4200 


H. R. 4490 H. R. 4707 




H. R. 5032 -“H.R.S149 ~~ H.R.S31S 



These ten Congressmen include Dan Burton of Indi- 
ana, Trent Lott of Mississippi, Thomas Kindness of Ohio, 
Robert Livingston of Louisiana, Robert Torricelli of New 
Jersey, William Dannemeyer of California, Billy Tauzin 
of Louisiana, Hal Daub of Nebraska, Wayne Dowdy of 
Mississippi, and Henry Hyde of Illinois. From the lobby- 
ing perspective, the more House Bills that are intro- 
duced, the greater the pressure on Congressman Robert 
Kastenmeier (Chairman of the House Subcommittee on 
JUSTICE) to schedule hearings on these Bills. If the 
reader knows of people living in Robert Kastenmeier’s 
Southern Wisconsin (Madison area) District, urge them 
to pressure Kastenmeier to act. As of this writing, we 
still need our first Senate Bill — consequently we urge 
everyone throughout the country to write Senator Thad 
Cochran of Mississippi and urge him to act promptly to 
introduce a Senate Bill identical to the ten House Bills. 

The July 30, 1986 hearing before Thad Cochran’s 
Senate Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation 
and Government Processes was quite interesting. Sub- 
committee member John Glenn of Ohio acted very ir- 
responsibly during the Hearing which was attended by 

over 200 people in the Dirksen Senate Office Building. 
Following testimony by Joseph Newman, John Flannery, 
Dr. Roger Hastings, Milton Everett, and others, Joseph 
Newman demonstrated his latest fan-motor prototype. 

The considerable mechanical torque produced by this 
fan-motor version of the energy machine will have a 
significant inpact upon the development of motors for 
many commercial uses. At the Senate Hearing, Josep 
Newman demonstrated a fan powered by his energy 
machine and a second, identically-modeled fan p ugg 
into the wall. The watts needed to power the ew 
motor-connected fan at high speed is 6.9 watts (• ^ 

amps X 2300 volts). In addition to powering the > 
times the current goes back into the batter ^f? )s0 
comes out of the batteries. A fluorescent bu 1 
simultaneously lighted. At. 7. 4 watts (.2 af nps ^-nian 
— an input approximately equal to that o t ^ ^ 
motor — the conventional fan motor (P u 8e ^ cwman . 
wall) barely turns. To equal the speed o ' nt j 0n al 
motor-powered-fan, the input into the co v0 j ts j_ 
must be raised to 28.5 watts (.38 amps s rEL eaSE 
In August, 1986, Mr. Newman issue a i aCtjon s 

describing in detail John Glenn’s irrespons 




, . ingress ccr ning the en to q Senate 

i*S< valued ••politics 

as us 1 " 1 , ttcc of wi»- "sible conflict-of- 

Sobco^“ C Mr N cwman had 1 a po since Joseph 

W“ td S,o ,« several years 

wrrest rcU met the Specie feci 

int^^d once met the Specla ^ ^ (thls f a ct 

^ ting 

!nSchuylet' s impartial! y_ representative at the 

r^^rr -a s-. -- - 

SOOIC H«" n 8 slnK .‘ k. enecial Master had been a 


tc Hearing since ™ g Master had been a 

- ina,ed S Qf Schuyler while Schuyler was the PTO 
gobordinate of Schuy and although G1 

Congress to gran. Newman * 

vention to be tested where » markctp iace. 

tuLiai juage s treatment ol Newman been so arbit 
ind high-handed? Why did it take four months and 

182,000 *-«* i 

an iiivcimon wnie 
:trk, and where did the money come from? Clearly, 
r. Ncw man Is being denied his Constitutional right t 
■ process of law I Stmnolv thnl rnrtnraim i<Unn 

.here u . ■ 

,ong time ago - In the Am ' r £™ ^'sen*' Hearing con- 
his recent testimony twfo' congressman 

rrnlng Joseph Newman s paten P B succlnct i y 

rr wny UIU II IUU1 I11UI11II3 dllU 

000 to test an invention which supposedly doesn’t 

<t and where dirt th,* m , in , 1*1/ rnm/-* Pl<»<irU/ 

cerning Joseph Newn»». - vcry succinctly 
THOMAS K1NDNE ^, Sl ^ case Where extraordinary action 
when he says, ‘ This a lhc convoluted, 



trlate One neeo orny - ^ Rnow ^ Mr 

path that thls c“e h mema , fairness and 

i has been denied t ontent ial patent 

IS— of Schuylc. rlMrand although Glenn 

“ mmWi0 "m“e demonstrations and tests of the energy 
ashed to see more de flights of stairs to 

^-Ut- demonstrations of hls 
fan-motor prototype “i do not feel 
“^^"doXoIgh to process Mr 
Newman ^Patent Applicarion. Therefore, I feel that the 

hundreds of millions of people, I feel it is totally in 
order for Congress to grant Mr. Newman a patent. 

According to SENATOR JOHN STENN1S, “Mr. Newman 
has made repeated efforts to get his machine patented 
and has encountered substantial obstacles at every turn 
... If every inventor ran into as many problems In trying 
to get a patent as Joe Newman has, 1 doubt that we 
would have made much scientific progress in the last 
two centuries, and we certainly would not enjoy many 
of the products that we take for granted today.’’ 
tions: “Why has the Patent Office, which has been en- 
trusted by Congress with the important task of pro- 
moting scientific progress, gone to such lengths to deny 
this man the legal right to hls invention? Why has the 
:deral Judge’s treatment of Newman been so arbitrary 

:en f n of every potential patent 

objectivity that is thy g nab | e men differ, as they 

holder • He adds. When ^ ^ nQl be a dec.- 
have in this case, th ra ther an accommodation 

slon by bureaucratlc flat bm rather^y^^ ^ ^ Qr faU 

should be reached that a ll< 3 k , NDN ESS concludes 

on Its own merits! CON °“fr" met head of the PTO and 
■ The technically compete h , er sa |d that a pa- 

Special Master in thl?case, “ of judge Jackson’s 
tent should be issued and. 8 ec , to the findings 

refusal to follow federal la „ „„ „h™iirt steD 

refusal to follow federal law wu. ^ y shou i d step 

° f 5UC ^ir,llamm:tien thr P eop. 8 e can decide If it 

is ncing denied bis Constitutional right to 

lue P roccss of law. I strongly feel that Congress should 
ct because the Executive and Judicial branches have 
ailed this American Citizen ... It is totally In order for 

should have to endur united States Patent and 

undergone at th* : hands o ^ adds that "instead of 

Trademark Office (r t )■ . h „ p jq has spent 

dTdCth^PTO have caltmore doubt on its methods 

ofwbal could be a revolutionary energy ^ 

obstinancy would, In my mind, be crin »<«* ^ 

GRESSMAN dowdy concludes, In my op ’ 
has failed and it is up to Congress to take correct a 
Son 1 hope the Senate will support Mr. Newman and 
move to grant him a pioneering patent. 

Hopefully, Senator Thad Cochran will act soon and in- 
troduce a Senate Bill to grant Joseph Newman a pionee 
patent by Congressional action. As of this writing, y 
letters to Senator Cochran are very important! 

From the very beginning, Joseph Newman has asked 
only for the equal opportunity to present his invention 
in the marketplace with patent protection despite the 
fact that Mr. Charles H. Duell, Director of the Patent Of- 
fice, declared in 1899, “ Everything that can be invented 
has been invented.'' 

On Wednesday, August 20, 1986 at a news conference 
in Jackson, Mississippi, Joseph Newman demonstrated 
the practicality of a revolutionary electromagnetic lifting 
and motion device for Earth and Space travel. He demon- 
strated — contrary to conventional scientific teaching 
that the electromagnetic effect occurring between objects 
can be made to consistently repel regardless of whether a 
magnetic entity has its poles reversed or whether the cur- 
rent in a conductor is reversed. Dr. Hastings testified to 


the extreme significance of such an electromagnetic 
display and said 'such a demonstration can be visually 
viewed by everyone, and it either works or it doesn’t.’ 1 In 
his Declaration of August 22, 1986, Dr. Hastings wrote: 
"The levitation experiment demonstrated a vertical force 
exceeding the force of gravity on strands of #40 copper 
wire when a few hundred milliamps were applied.’’ 
Despite the fact that Joseph Newman has repeatedly 
demonstrated the efficacy of his invention, has over 30 
scientists who have tested and endorsed his invention, 
and has the endorsement of a technical expert to the 
Court and former Patent Office commissioner — our 
government is still denying Mr. Newman a patent at a 
cost of thousands of dollars to the taxpayer! 

As of this writing, Joseph Newman is endeavoring to 
work on a motor capable of powering an automobile 
and is in the process of forming and financing (based 
upon foreign support) a manufacturing, research, and 
development corporation. 

In conclusion, Joseph Newman wishes 
gratitude to the thousands of people who^ C * Pre s hi* 
and have called to show their encourageme ^ Wr,u en 
port. Such support is needed if this inventin' ****** 
become a reality to benefit the people of ' S 10 
and the world. And such support is necess * C ° Untr y 
come the same bureaucratic opposition to^^ ° Vcr ’ 
that has throughout history impeded the _ lnn ° Vat ion 
knowledge. P ro fcress 0 f 

As Max Planck said: A new scientific truth d 
triumph by convincing its opponents and m b** n ° t 
see the light, but rather because its opponent 
ly die, and a new generation grows ut) thru •* e ! er,tu ^>- 
with it." Jails fam lar 

With all due respect to Max Planck, let’s pr 0v w 
prognosis incorrect in this case, and work to e C ^ 
application and expansion of "an invention Jh^ 
has come. " Thank you for your continuing syx^ t>me 

Saturday ApriM2 1986 The Times-Picayune/The States-ltrv 


Energy Machine 
wows crowd 
at Superdome 


Staff writer 

Mississippi inventor Joseph 
Newman brought his Energy 
Machine to the Superdome Fri- 
day to convince the public of 
something he’s been trying to get 
the U.S. Patent Office to believe 
for 20 years: that the device can 
produce unlimited amounts of 
energy for free. 

More than 1,500 people paid $1 
admission to see the machine 
Friday, the first day of a week of 

They came from as near as 
Houma and as far as Switzerland 
and South Africa, and many said 
they were convinced Newman’s 
invention will work. 

But the U.S. Trademark and 
Patent Office has not been nearly 
as sympathetic. Officials have 
repeatedly told Newman that his 
claims are impossible, and they 
have refused his request for a 

However, physicists and engi- 
neers who once scoffed at New- 
man’s ambitious ideas spoke Fri- 
day in his behalf. 

Newman claims the machine 
swallows energy from any power 
source and generates up to 14 
times as much, without polluting. 

The Lucedale, Miss., inventor 
claims he has discovered the 
principle of magnetic energy, a 
puzzle that still baffles physicists, 
and uses it to create electricity. 

“I challenge any Ph.D. to get 
up on the stage and debate with 
me and prove me wrong," he said. 

There were no takers, and 
many in the audience said they 
believed him. 

Victor Melillo traveled from 
Cherry Hill, N.J. to see the 

‘‘This machine is the greatest 
thing ever to happen to man- 
kind,” Melillo said. ‘‘What the 


patent office is putting this man 
through is a travesty.” 

Cindy Dickinson of Atlanta 
admitted she didn’t really under 
stand Newman’s ideas but thinks 
“it’s crucial to get this to the peo- 
ple. If this machine works the 
people deserve to know what the 
government is keeping from 
them.” „ .. 

Stanley Higgins of New 
Orleans said, "If what he says is 
true, this is the biggest thing 
that’s ever happened. How can 
you miss that when you live only 
20 minutes away?” 



9 - 20-85 

20 1985 Joseph Newman disclosed and demonstrate 

" „ reciprocating magnet armature, operating - 

re me his 130 P-nd prob lem uhich bas been encountered in the 

hlg h voltage input. large and practical output power eve 

past with scaling the Newman ^ and che destruction which occured 

was the need to go to. ^ voltages . Joe has now solved the high 

- • - “” h r 8 ”' and lc appears 

V ° trarily high input voltages can now be reached. 

of high voltage on che Newman motor is chat our data 
The significance g square of the input voltage; 

Show that 1.) the output the volcage; 3.) the motor efficiency 

*•> - input p °: r rr::::;:: i.> ou CP ut PO wer u-i. *« 

increases linear y wi rHmated at ten to twenty kilovolts. 

t0 power a home will require input voltages estimated 

September 19, 1985 the motor was operated at 1,000 and 2,000 

- - - « ~r%-j7 ir 

„ these tests were 7 and 14 Watts, yielding efficiencies 

in addition, the motor was operated for the first time using a high 
[cage transformer plugged into the a.c. power socket. The transformer output 
Itage was roughly 2,000 volts. The input power was readily measured using 
a.c. mllliammeter to be 25 Watts, while the output was measured again at 
roximacely 200 Watts. The higher input in this case reflects the inefficiency 
the transformer 

It now appears to me that the Newman motor can be readily scaled to power 
levels which will make it practical for commercial and home energy needs, and 
this should be accomplished in the very near future. 

The above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 



6/ 19/86 

1204 Circle High Dr. 
Burnsville, Mn. 55337 


n J me 11 1986 I witnessed a demonstration of Joseph Newman’s 

latest motor prototype in Atlanta, Georgia. Newman's motor 
weiahed about ten pounds, consisting of copper and a powerful 
anet rotor. The rotor was attached to a 15 inch fan blade 
tJhen from a commercial fan. Newman's motor turned the fan blade 
at ' approximately 660 r.p.m.. It was connected through a 

mechanical commutator to 2500 volts of dry cell batteries. The 
d.c. input current was 1.8 mA , for a total power input of 4.5 

Also displayed was a commercial fan with a five inch blade. This 
fan was advertised as an energy saving motor. Examination of the 
motor revealed a precision motor design. It drew 25 Watts in 
operation. Newman's motor was obviously doing several times the 
wort of the commercial motor, while drawing 5.5 times less power. 

A later experiment was performed in Mississippi in which a 
commercial fan with an identical 15 inch blade was powered from a 
Variac and run at the same speed as the Newman motor. The 

commercial fan drew 30 Watts compared tp Newman's 4.5 Watts. It 
should also be noted that a 15 Watt flourescent tube, connected 
across Newman's motor coil to prevent sparking was 

simultaneously lit to perhaps one fourth of its full brightness. 
Also, as in past prototypes, a large negative current (r.f. 
envelope) flows back into the battery from the motor coil. 

My testing, and observations of Newman prototypes which are 
electronically commutated, indicate that Newman^s fan prototype 
can be improved to run on external input of about - Watts. Thus 
further development can lead to a fan motor which consumes 1/luth 
the power of an efficiently designed commercial motor. 

This result is significant in view of Mr. Newman's announcement 
of his intention to build an automobile motor prototype, 
firmly believe that the above quoted results will sea e up, and 
that Mr. Newman's car will consume at least Ij times le ^ 

than present commercial electric cars. This energy saving 
be utilized for any combination of longer running time ’ JJ , 
speed, or larger vehicle compared to present designs. at 

car motor will operate on high voltage, will have ig one 

low current, and will probably consume a fraction ^ 

horsepower. If such a motor powered our nation s become 

polution would be greatly reduced, and the nation would beco 
energy independent. 

I swear that the above statements are true and accurate to the 
best of my knowledge. _ 

Roger~Hastings, Ph.D. 

£/(>scril>e<J a*cf U6re mt 
Chi / Of 

' i rs 'A < i G^GOHY J. UfcNNISr^ X 


( 1 / j \^jjy DAKOTA C0IJMIY 

::l sota 


Mv .1 ,<**) 


7 - 4-86 

1204 Circle High Dr 
Burnsville, Mn. 5533 

aN evaluation of n.b.s. testing of the newma 

a hv R E Hebner, G.N 

h the Newman motor test results re P°™V £ 8 6-3405- While the 

m i 

titbulb m ulc " learly irrelevant to the erncicn W - — - resislors) is referred to in -k— 

madcTrn'L" mechanica, output of the Newman motor. 

5 in, :"^en,made m of heat generated in .he motor windings. 

1 - 1~ rmi irh of rhe 

internal — ~ made of heat generateu m — 

u as any measur excess energy generated in the 

Wh.ct I^robs^ed on Newman motors whtch are properiy connected . 

. . „ffVw>NpwmanfHOt 

•ontrast been dominated by extremely large 

in conclusion, the N.BS ^ a ^ e d t °^ e ^ uf e ^ e ou^^of^he Newman mo^ot^ and 

Jewman device. These results reflect a total lac ° co ™ importance of Newman’s Machine and its 
nv other expert on Newman's technology. Considering ; the P f Ncwman ' s device is an 

e. inesercsuRMuiccia.c/.— . rp n f Newman s Macnine anu iw 

rt on Newman's technology. Considering the ‘ m P° r “"“ ° f N N ans device is an 

rations, this waste of N.B.S. resources and misrepresenutiono future 

isult to those seriously interested in the machine and .0 those who may benefit y 

Roger Hastings, Ph.D. 



XV. Testimonies by Joseph Newman, Dr Roger l lastinoc bi„ 

before the Senate Subcommittee on Energy, July 30, 1986 ^ 3n<J Mllt ° n Evcr ett 


Good morning. Thank you for inviting me to appear today. My name is w m 
L ucedaie, Mississippi. It may be in the backwoods. But that doesn’t mean we are hart/ IT™ 1 COme here tort, 
of-the-way place, like, say Kitty Hawk. I am an inventor. ThauX^ No thanany^ fr °"> 

living, I have obtained patents for a number of devices and machines. None however ha ’ w ^ C ° Urse of makin^' 
I ve been fighting to patent for the last seven years. ’ ’ have been as dramatic ash my 

** lhe one 

J ‘^winan. i come here 

”* w.w ...vs., XY.LI y na w*. i am an inventor. That is how I make N ° more tha n anv°nth V frorh 

iving, I have obtained patents for a number of devices and machines. None however ha ’ k the C ° Urse of makfn° Ut ' 
I ve been fighting to patent for the last seven years. ’ ’ have been as dramatic asthl my 

I have invented a machine which uses the properties of magnetism and electricitv to o. 
machine is a technological breakthrough is that my machine creates more external outom 1 * P ° Wer The reason m 

ternal input energy required to run it. My prototype is powered only by dry ZTbZTic v!? Y than the ^ount of * * 
dent scientists have shown this machine can obtain efficiencies greater than 1000°/ Th ° U$ tests b V indelT' 
machine can release more than ten times the enerov rh™ i* low, ^ 000 /o ' That mea ns we have Drew P 

H Ven my 

. . ~ uuwiii ciucicncies greater than 1000°/ tu„. 11 

machine can release more than ten times the energy than it takes to start it The technr^n WC havc 

produce much more than that. Think of the practical application of my machine to r. 8V $hows m V device 7 

other use that requires energy. V machine power your home, you r ca r 0 

The thing that surprised me is that instead of being greeted by the Executive Branch . u 
osity and searching inquiries, I was greeted instead with incompetence, inconsistent^ * Palcnt Office witf 

car, or any 

curiosity and searching inquiries, I was greeted instead with incLpe^en^^ the Patent Office w it f 

bargain some misleading impressions have been given some currency Y ’ bstructl0n and worse. l n th ( 

Firs, ly my device does no. - as some sa y - crea.e energy I. releases avaiiable unused energy 
Secondly, I do not claim my machine is a perpetual motion machine as the Parent orr , , . 

Far from it. Through more than 2 1 years of hard work I have harnessed the properties of V ^ rCpeated, y Sa Vs 

Univac^oger ^^ing^with^^heretoday^and Melton Evwe^of th^Stet^ontr^^i 3 P h V sic ' sl for Spcrr 

present, have submitted sworn affidavits stating my machine works Mv nrnnf Mlss ‘ ss ‘PP' Geology Department, alsi 
sioner of the Paten, Office tha, my device worSl clta TWs former P r00fs P crsuaded than a former Commit 

electrical engineering background, nominated bv the ^tTnt Office ^ Commissioner, Major William Schuyler, with,, 
Jackson on his own motion over my option to rende an onfl^ ,h V ?*»«*<> »V Federal judge Thom, 

Special Master, concluded that there was overwhelmino - H P on for thl5 J ud 8 e Major Schuyler, who bears thetitleo 

eVide h Ce 2nd thi " ‘ he ^ 

overruled, and that the patem sh^ldUsue^Vthe^pIicant^et 1 !!!^^!^^^ t'h^patent s°atute. S> ' ^ ^ WCn 

patent applicaUo^on March^ 2 Y ?h WUh addlti ° nal detai,s ' Bul Iel me add a few comments. I filed my firs 

throw up barriers to hlnrk m > r u ° re than seven V ears a 8Q. Since then the Patent Office has done nothing bu 
works I also comnlird wiri rh ^ 01 ° ta,n| ng a patent. However, I assembled the proof I’ve discussed that my machint 
works More tZZrr7Z ^ rec l uirements There is no question that my device is new or tha. i 

earned reputations on ,h , r C SC ent,sts have listened to my technical process and ran their own tests and put their hard 
due by stating the evidenrl^K f St3t ? lhat my device works - Th e Special Master gave those courageous individuals theii 
claimed^ It Sid Court thC Patent ° ffiCe was overwhelming that the Invention worked as 1 

Ing astarrino mip Suffc f ed e, 8 ht different rejections by the Patent Office. Dealing with the Patent Office is like hav- 
and now December 1986 °r * CATCH 22 ' 1 have hada trlaI scheduled on three different dates: June 1984, February 1986. 
get a Court of Ann - i n ^ i ™,, n0t SUrC * 11 CVer gel a trlal And then m y counsel tells me there is the appeal. Even when I 
fice The NBS ^ i disciplinin 8 th e lower Court, it is ignored by the lower Court, the N.B.S., and the Patent O 

momcm and rLv l!" ^ ^ bch,nd closed doors - and the V dld il ^^ong as Roger [Hastings] shall tell you in a 

representatives nf ih^ 1 ^ l ° PUy f ° r U ~ S75 - 000 Imagine that. That’s not fair. That’s why I’ve turned to you as the 

chance^ tn TZ h , PC ° Ple ’ my Misslssi PP‘ neighbors and others across this nation, who I believe want to give me a 
cnancc to succeed (or even to fail). 

Please try to understand my frustration as an inventor who believes he has a new way to generate power 



I&&&. &SZ£ 

Thank you 

ENERGY, NUCLEAR PR0 ^ E E I JfJ l j L Y 30 , 1986 

r Hastings Thank you for the opportunity to ^ and then nI make 

Ne .^ of the recent N.B.S. « of Newman, devtce. 

mv observations about inc 

I. BACKGROUND f he nast 

**"* Corp regarding Mr “ or his 


Newmans motors all consist of a very powerful permanent aObaTteTypack.lnd the magnetic 

coil consisting of a very large number of turns of copper wir . reciprocate the permanent magnet. A 

field produced by the coil provides the torque or force required to half cyde , and in some models also 

mechanical commutator reverses the direction of current flow throug described as a two pole, single phase, 

chops the current input between current reversals. Technically, the motor may nrior art is one of scale: very 

permanent magnet armature, d.c. motor. The difference between Newman s design a p W eiehine up to 700 

large magnet and very large coil. Newman’s large motors contain conventiona ceramic mag t u an jpo 000 

pounds. His smaller motors use powerful rare earth magnets. The coils typically are wound with 
turns of copper wire. Since the coil resistance is therefore high, the machines operate on attery vo g 
dently high (hundreds to thousands of volts). 

itiy nigh (hundreds to thousands of volts). 

The torque applied to the magnet in these motors is proportional to the product of the strength of the magnet, th 
number of turns of copper wire, and the current flowing through the wire. In Newman s machines extreme y 
torques can be developed with very small current inputs. If we scale up Newman’s motor, it is theoretically possi e o 
obtain infinite torques with infinitesimal current flow (and not violate any laws of physics). However, according to con 
ventional thought, as soon as this magnet begins to rotate, doing work against some load applied to its shaft, the back emt 
(electromotive force) produced by the rotating magnet would produce a back current which nearly cancels the input 
Currenr onH , ,, . . , , ...m pvtr^mclv dnwlv 

“VJ...UUVL lorcej produced by the rotating maguci wuuiu [jiuuuct a , 

current, and the torque would be reduced to nearly zero. The magnet could not rotate, or would rotate extremely slow \ 
w >th the shaft power output less than the battery input. 



Consider what has happened to conventional thought in the past when people have experimented with th 
very high speeds (relativity), very small dimensions (quantum mechanics), very low temperatures (superco d" ,f 
and superfluidity). Newman's motors probe the limits of very large torque with very small current input \ r T Uciiy ity 
rotate at relatively high rates. For example, witness Newman’s latest prototype (on demonstration following th ^ ey 
today in an auditorium in this building) which runs on 0.0008 amps at 3000 volts and turns a 16 inch fan blad* hcarin K 
than 500 r.p.m. How much torque can this motor produce? Try to stop the motor by holding the two inch'd* 1 m ° rc 
shaft. This will not be possible for a normal human, although the motor is a scale model of a motor which New'^ 1 ^ 
tends to build to power an automobile. man in- 

Newman’s motors are unconventional in other ways. One notices the fluorescent tubes which are placed ac 
motor coil. These tubes are lit by the coil’s collapsing magnetic field occurring when the battery voltage is swift, 11 * 
They are used to protect the mechanical switch from damage due to arcing. The additional power produced inh^ 
tubes (and flowing through the system) occurs at very high frequencies, primarily in the range of ten to twenty 
cycles per second. This r.f. (radio frequency) current has been accurately measured, and exceeds the battery input 
rent by factor of five to ten in the various motors. One of Newman’s motors was monitored with a computerized' 
speed data sampling system, with the following results: 

(1) The r.f. appears In bursts, with the repeat time between each burst approximately equal to the length of 
the motor winding divided by the speed of light In copper. The r.f. bursts showed little attenuation dur- 
ing their travel through the coll, maintaining their shape and amplitude. 

(2) The r.f. current and voltage were In phase, representing the real power. 

(3) The r.f. current and voltage waveforms were offset from ground, indicating a net d.c. component. 

(4) The net r.f. power at the battery pack represented a negative power which exceeded the d.c. input power 
from the batteries. 

The last statement may explain why Newman has been able to demonstrate the charging of dry cell batteries placed 
in his system. Battery failure has occurred through internal shorts which develop within the batteries rather than bv 
depletion of the energy stored within the batteries. When you witness the demonstration of Newman's latest prototype, 
if you attend the demonstration following this hearing, bear in mind that the batteries will last many times longer than ex- 
pected for a drain of 0.0008 amps. A prominent battery company is working with Newman to develop batteries which 
will stand up to the r.f. power levels, and perhaps last even longer. 

Newman’s motor design is based on his theory of gyroscopic particles which he explains in his book "The Energy 
Machine of Joseph Newman.” Full utilization of his machine will require a detailed mathematical representation of the 
phenomena based on a thorough understanding of the atomic processes at work. This will require a parallel program of 
experimentation using the finest resources available. Application programs have already been conceived (for example, 
the car motor), and will require prototyping and manufacturing efforts. Newman should be immediately awarded a pa- 
tent and become recognized in the scientific community for his accomplishments to date. 


I have been asked whether the recent N.B.S. tests alter the opinions I’ve expressed before and I m repeating here to- 
day. The recent N.B.S. tests don’t alter my opinion because N.B.S. failed to test Newman’s device. 

I have read and evaluated the Newman motor test results reported by R.E. Hebner, G.N. Stenbakken, and D 1 
Hillhouse in National Bureau of Standards Report #NBSIR 86-3405. [See ” Report of Tests on Joseph Newmans Device, 
U.S. Dept, of Commerce, dated June 26, 1986, hereinafter referred to as ‘‘the NBS Rpt. at ] 

A. N.B.S.’s Energy “Output” Measurements 

While the reporters display fine credentials and demonstrate the use of precision equipment, they obviousMklnot 
test the Newman motor. Instead they measured the power consumed in resistors placed in parallel wit t e ^ 
motor, and called this power the motor output. [See NBS Rpt. at 7 (Fig. 4.) ‘‘Schematic Drawing of Newman^ e\ ^ 
input and output power measurements circuits,” reproduced with comments plainly referring to the esis o 
in the accompanying chart.] ^ g,ven 

In layman’s terms, this is equivalent to stating that the output of an electric motor plugged into a wall ^^nsumed 
by the power used by a lightbulb in the next room which is on a parallel circuit. The measurement o P° 
by these parallel resistors is clearly irrelevant to the efficiency of the Newman motor. eferredto 

The actual input power to the Newman motor (battery input minus power consumed by their r ^ is ^^ n m0t or. Nor 
in the report as “internal losses.” No attempt was made to measure the mechanical output of t ie e 
was any measurement made of heat generated in the motor windings. 



*ith 1 
flp* " 

■«— has also bc ^ t ^^°^oundcd through ’a Itf* 

, l1 ion sirJ d ; in piiriicular betwec , lf Newman s machine . g 35. testing, the 

frequenctcsOnP if g ,ven the additional motor output c NBS Rpt 

*P hs , Newman motors 

"no component 

j ^ 

7,:;;" „ -L 


I .« 




, ND (NBS shunted energy from 

ground wlthoa./ 

urlng and lost It.) j 

Prof. Hastings: 

In the NBS testing the 

Newman motor was connected 
directly to ground, thus 
eliminating the excess r.f. 
power from the system.” 

RESISTORS (NBS measured energy 
^nt in resistors but not In 
P or by Newman s Device.) 

Prof. Hastings: 

** This Is equivalent to 
stating that the output < of an 
electric motor plugged Into a 
wall socket Is given by the 
power used by a Ughtbulb In 
the next room which Is on a 
parallel circuit.” 


Principal points concerning deficiencies of 
the NBS test conducted by three Individuals: 

1) The Input voltage Into the energy machine was 
restricted. This Is exactly opposite to the Technical Pro- 
cess taught by Joseph Newman who teaches that the In- 
put voltage should be maximized and the Input current 
should be minimized. The three Individuals at the NBS 
did the opposite. 

2) As Dr. Roger Hastings wrote In Ills statement: “In the 
NBS testing, the Newman motor was connected directly 
to ground. ’ — as a result, the excess output power was 
shunted away. 

3) The NBS tests did not measure the output of Nyman s 
motor - Instead, he says, the tests measured Aeouyut 
„r oarallel resistors. As a result, Dr. Hastings says, 
"Their measurements are therefore Irrelevant to the ac- 
tual functioning of the Newman device. 

4) No attempt was made to measure the mechanical output 
’ of the Newman motor — only the electrical output. 

5) No attempt was made to measure the heat generated In 
the motor windings. 



DATED JULY 30, 1986 

Thank you Mr. Chairman and the members of this subcommittee for inviting us here today to discuss ho*v 
Office has failed to treat fairly or to protect, as is merited, the device backwoods inventor Joseph Newman has\m aiClu 

I represent Joseph Newman. I am his counsel. 

invc nt C(1 

I represent just one inventor, among many, who has spent his resources fighting a tangled bureaucracy rath 

devoting himself exclusively to his work. ’ Cri han 

Mr. Newman, 49, seeks a patent denied him for six years not because of Patent Office bungling (they ign 
own procedures), incompetence (the patent examiner who rejected his patent application admittedly doesn’t ha^ ^ 
lege level understanding of physics), bad faith (the Patent Office’s Deputy Solicitor filed an admittedly false^ 01 ' 
declaration, later recanted, knowing it was false in a desperate effort to rebut Newman), unlawfulness (former C SW ° fn 
sioner Mossinghoff misappropriated 1100,000 of federal energy monies to discredit Newman by an irregular a^^' 
precedented testing procedure just before Mossinghoff resigned the Patent Office in December, 1984) contemptibi ^ 

unfair (the Patent Office’s expert, the National Bureau of Standards, ran tests behind closed doors in violation of a r ““ u 
of Appeals Order requiring them to give notice of the tests they intended to run and to complete the tests within ti° Urt 
days; they did neither). 

The U.S. District ( 

n thirty 

t Court has confessed its technical incompetence, ignored the findings of the Special Master it 
pointed, seized inventor Newman’s property without notice or hearing, and defied the plain language of a writ issuedT- 
the Court of Appeals to correct the District Court’s “highly irregular” procedures. 

As a result of what the executive and judicial branches have done (and what they have failed to do), this the 
legislative branch of government has responded by introducing private legislation in the House that might accomplish 
what Newman has otherwise been unable to obtain and provided us this hearing in the Senate. We hope that this hearirto 
shall result in the Senate introducing private legislation so that Joe Newman may finally have a fair shot at the 
marketplace. Again, we thank you for this opportunity. 

As you may know, there has been a great deal of media coverage of Mr. Newman’s case including magazines like 
REGARDIE’S, local and national newspapers and wire services such as ABC WEEKEND NEWS, CNN, and even Johnny 
Carson’s TONIGHT SHOW. But I thought I might serve this Committee best by summarizing the facts of this case 


A. The Patent Office 

What’s happened is simple and tragic. Newman holds a number of patents and, in 1980, he applied for another one. 
But the Patent Office was entirely unable to understand — at least so they could claim at the outset — Newman’s claim 
that his device produced more energy out than required to run it. 

The Patent Office said you can’t do that, that is, get more energy out than you put in. They were, however, dead 
wrong. Newman’s notion is just like what occurs when you strike a match to dry wood; you release more energy from 
the wood (the fire) than the energy required to get it going (the match). The only difference is that Newman s device 
doesn’t release stored chemical energy (due to photosynthesis) but stored electromagnetic energy (due to permanent 
and induced magnetic fields). 

In 1980, Newman built a prototype proving his device operated. But the Patent Office refused Newman s offer to 
test it. More recently, they have been somewhat eager to test it but only on their own schedule, without describing the 
tests beforehand, and only if the public is excluded during the tests. In essence, they refused to test Newman s device 
fairly, and under circumstances that Newman could afford to attend, and have otherwise defied an appellate court or er 
directing them how to proceed — but more about that shortly. 

The Patent Office ignored the sworn statements of 30 scientists and engineers, including a principal physicis 
Sperry Corp., Dr. Roger Hastings, that Newman’s device operates as he claims. 

In one earlier affidavit by Dr. Hastings, based on several experiments he ran, he found; 

(a) for the same input power, Newman’s motor ran seven hours as compared with an 80 ^ rated etfic 

motor that ran only six minutes, Newman's 

(b) batteries run down so that they were unable to power even a 1 Vi -volt toy motor, when connected an( j 

device, not only turned Newman’s 90 pound rotor, but even caused it to accelerate within on y 

(c) Newman’s device — in 1982 — measured unprecedented efficiencies of 800% (output/input) 



vidcd hrad refused him one. incompetent, technically 

° ff ' C h in 19^2 . , inlu ne 1984. But Judge Thomas P. Jackson sai t commissioner, over 

ben se was first set down for tnal ,n . JU inte d a Special Master, proposed *he Commissioner william 

T oetent, to consider the matter ^ s device operated. The Master f . overwhelming evidence,' 

incompe e , to determine it evidence and concluded. (D ther make Qf use 

Master’s to p a y for the Master’s services and expenses, so this Energy Ac. funds misappropriated 

t° diSC l d r l He ^an little risk as he already had N.B.S expert j contradicting itself with tests. 

of Standards _ H e patent offlce ran little risk of wanted to know what 

devi ce did not operate^ ^ ^ wefe entitlcd to prepay their defense ^ ^ supposed national 

We beUeved as part of P 1 agains t their critical claims at trial. It ™ it Nor was it reassuring that this same 

^ were dohtg so « ^ * said fhe device its sister agency, the N.B.S. 

laboratory, theN^Si^h ^ meeting when the Pa ,ent Office struck g , he Patem office 

device operates until after they had destroyed tt. The N.B.S exp ed . 

judge Jackson obliged the Patent Commissioner and tssued the O u)ar M Newman would suf- 

In October 1985, as 1 asked the Court of^peabto^t^ the ^^ordtnaryOr^ 

fer irreparable harm if he was forced to co p y Writ of Mandamus. 

, also asked the Court of Appeals to take the extraordinary step of dssv ' 8 ^ Djstrict Court Judge Thomas P. 

On January 13, 1986, the Court of Appeals d^T^hcut.Com dures Re Newma n, 782 F.2d , 

Jackson for his unprecedented, 'highly trregular, and fundamentally 

974-75 (Fed. Cir. 1986). we could be preS ent for all tests N.B.S^ 

The Appellate Court also ordered the safeguards we requested Theys^ ^ ^ a „ [D run the tests and tssue^a 
had to tell us what tests they were going to run in advan ■ f y t ^ y x months to obtain. But as you w - ^ 
report. Newman thought he finally had the safeguards from the moment Newman time y p 

N.B.S. and the Patent Office ignored the court-order g 

device on January 24, 1986. 

C. The National Bureau of Standards . device. They told the Court of 

N.B.S. refused to run a single rest unless they were permitted to ^troyt^ wUh a thousand excuses , each o! 
Appeals before they ran the test, that Newman’s device ^ to destroy Newman’s device. For example. 

which Newman answered, to run the clock while they watmd for ^"“^nce, they required Newman to navel 
they insisted on communicating by mail, rather than V P jnch Newman and 1 told N.B.S. they cou ^ test 

1 ,000 miles from Mississippi to Maryland to move a wire traveled a thousand miles to do it, the> re 

Bu, they insisted Newman do it. Even after Newman did, after he travel 
Newman's device or even to tell him when or how t ey wo 


. riCVY/M AN 

The Patent Office and the N.B.S. kept Newman's device for thirty days without running a single te 
time, the Federal Circuit reaffirmed its decision refusing to let the Patent Office or N.B.S. destroy Newman' ! Jur,,, K 'ha, I 
issued an unreported Opinion on February 12, 1986. But the Court of Appeals Order made not a bit of dlff iCC ’ ,he > I 

N.B.S. didn’t describe or run a single test in the thirty days they were given to do so. On several occasions th Th < 
to tell them how to run the tests. We refused to tell, although we did tell them how we had run past tests i, Cy 
importance that we told them not to connect the device to ground. 1 18 of critj tJ | 

On February 24, 1986, when the thirty days that the Court of Appeals allotted ran out, without a sinal 
been described or conducted, I went to pick up Newman's device with the knowledge and consent of Natic) C '\u havjn B 
Standards Deputy Director Kramer )na lurc auof 

But before I could retrieve the device, the Court seized it without prior notice, much less any hearing Up 0 
at N.B.S. to retrieve the device, I was told that the Court had summoned me to court threatening my arrest if 1^° f rrivin 8 
pear in court within the hour. Upon arriving in the court, I was ordered, under penalty of contempt, not to ' | ^ 

client's property. We objected but complied with the Court's order. 

On March 3, 1986, as a result of the Court’s questionable procedures, Mr. Newman made an affidavit insu 
motion to disqualify the sitting District Judge for his demonstrated personal bias and prejudice. 

On March 7, 1986, the District Court held a status conference to consider giving the Patent Commissioner's 
more time to test Joseph Newman’s device beyond the thirty days authorized by the U S. Court of Appeals 
Newman, supra, at 975. 

Immediately before the status conference began, the Judge’s law clerk handed me an order denying Newman's m( 
tion to disqualify the Judge as insufficient, but without any discussion as to why the pleadings were factually insufficient 
The Judge held me in contempt for merely mentioning our pending motion to disqualify him During that same hearin 
the Court allowed the Patent Office to continue to have Newman’s device and to test it, day to day, until June 26, 1986 — 
150 days after Joseph Newman produced the device for testing. 

Newman could not afford to be present with counsel and an expert for the 12 hour work-days N.B.S. claimed they 
worked each day. It would have cost Newman about $60,000, or more, to attend the tests. Former Patent Commissioner 
Mossinghoff misappropriated $100,000.00 to run these unprecedented tests. The tests, we have been told, cost about 
$75,000.00. Sure Newman technically had a right to attend the tests, but it was a right he could not afford to exercise He 
is not a large corporation. He is an inventor who lives by what he invents. Worse, the Patent Office earlier said they ex 
pect Newman to reimburse the Patent Office for what the tests cost. 

On June 26, 1986, the Patent Office’s expert finally issued its report. Unsurprisingly, the N.B.S. said Newman s 
device did not operate as Newman claims it does. It is ironic that as a consequence of the Patent Office’s disregard of the 
Court of Appeals requirement that the N.B.S. notify us what tests they intended to run during the 30-day test period 
authorized by the U.S. Court of Appeals, Newman did not know until after N.B.S. issued its report how N.B.S tested 
his device. Only afterwards did Newman discover that the N.B.S. did not test his device at all. 

Professor Hastings will say more about this, but, as I said earlier, before N.B.S. ran any tests, 1 forwarded to N B s a 
schematic of the circuit used to test Newman’s device. It plainly showed not to connect Newman's device to ground But 
N.B.S. nevertheless allowed energy to escape from the device, literally to the ground, and then measured the power 
spent in a load (resistors) wired in parallel to the device. Therefore, N.B.S. did not measure the energy produced in (or 
by) the device itself. 

If the Patent Office and the N.B.S. had complied with the Court of Appeals Order, Newman would have had a second 
opportunity to reinforce what was already obvious from the schematic diagram forwarded to N.B.S., that they shou 
not connect Newman’s device to ground. We could have told N.B.S. they were In error. But as N.B.S. and the Patent 
fice failed to give us any notice — contrary to the Court of Appeals Order — of the tests they intended to run during ^ 
30-day test period authorized by the Court of Appeals, they wasted Newman’s resources and, by their estimate 
$75,000.00 of federal taxpayer’s monies misappropriated by former Commissioner Mossinghoff 
D. The Congress 

Newman’s device never had a chance in the Patent Office. Nor has Newman gotten a fair shake from l ^ c .^'of 
Court. Nor has the Court of Appeals Order compelled the Court, the Patent Office or N.B.S. to act fairly I c J ^ ^ )f |y 
fice continues to spend taxpayer’s money in an effort to grind down Newman's resources If they can t other 
meet and contradict his arguments. „ y c 

As Newman could not get his “day in court, ’’ I asked Congress to give Newman his "day In the markctplac 

respectfully repeat and renew that request today. 

, behalf. Jo* c P h 

That is why Representative Dan Burton (R-Ind.) last October Introduced H R. 3590 on Newman ^ p iient offl cc 
Newman seeks a pioneering patent. That is a patent for something that has not been done before. As t Supreme 
claims Newman’s device is impossible, but we have proved to the contrary, then it is a pioneering patent 


^ liberally interpreted 

<■ narrowest to the to uphold the tru of the litigation and last u Daub> Dowdy 

: claims ana as r This is also why Represent— 

its and labor of his genius. This ‘s als > f intro duced his 


, before a, he shah again shortly, .hat he shall continue ^ ^ considering lhc 

pioneering pa,em bi " in the scnate 50 that 

. 0U ld“Sd» answer any questions you may have. 

ENERGY, n dated JULY 30, 1986 

Thank you for inviting me to be here today. My name is Mihon Everett and I am wi 
11 - . . kora rcHov rtn mv nwn behalt. 

with the State of Mississippi Geology 

Department aithough I am a$ a5tounding for an agency supposedly interested 

Throughout Mr. Newman’s struggle, < 
n science is the total absence of curiosity by the Patent Office. 

i Sears, Solicitor for the Patent Office, 

My only direct contact with the Patent Office officials occurred when Mr. Jerry S 
attended my deposition at Mr. Newman’s Lucedale, Mississippi home. 

Mr. Sears assumed an adversarial, no. an inquisitive attitude toward me and the others present. 1 do no. believe this ts 
a proper attitude for an official of the Patent Office. 

Mr. Sears’ travel expenses were billed to Mr. Newman and much to my amazement, he was neither interested in see- 
ing or testing Mr. Newman’s device. 

It became evident in the course of the procedings that his sole intention was to discredit all evidence in support of 
Joe Newman’s patent. 

What I had to say, I suppose, didn’t suit his purposes. I testified about a water pumping test I had taken part in and in 
which I found the Newman device efficiency to be 10 times greater than the conventional electric motor. Indeed, the 
conventional motor’s efficiency was about 40% which yields a Newman device efficiency of at least 400%. 

I have submitted a number of statements in the three and one-half years I have known Joe Newman. I have attested 
to the numerous tests I’ve observed: mechanical tests, electrical tests, and thermal tests. 

But let me tell you this. In each and every case where the Newman device has been properly tested, it has shown an 
efficiency of greater than 100% and I’d stake my professional reputation on that assertion. 




r. additional acknowledgment 



Joseph W. Newman 



P.0. Box 6666. 272 Whitney Avenue. New Haven. Connecticut 065 II 


Nov. 16, 1985 

Representative Bruce A. Morrison 
437 Cannon Bldg. 

3rd Distlct: Fairfield, Middlesex, New Haven Counties 
House Judiciary Commitee: 

Washington, D.C. 20515 

RE: H.R. Bill 3590 
Dear Mr. Morrison: 

I am writing on behalf of the Inventor Joseph Westley Newman of Lucedale, Mississippi , to 
urge you to support the special private bill H.R. 3590 introduced in the House of 
Representatives on October 17,1 985. 

I am a resident of New Haven, Connecticut and work at Yale University as a Research 
Associate in the physics deparment, doing research in nuclear physics and also teaching physics 
at Yale University, and at times in Southern Connecticut State University and University of New 
Haven. As a scientist I consider myself open-minded and I welcome and support new ideas and 
inventions Intended for the well being of the human race. 

Mr. Newman has demonstrated many working models of his invention, an "energy 
machine" which is based on his own ideas. In spite of this earthshaking Invention, the U.S. 
Patent Office has denied him a patent. I know for a fact that many scientists consider his 
invention unorhodox and unacceptable, possibly because his theories do not fully comport with 
today's University teachings. However, as Mr. Newman has demonstrated that his invention 
works the way he claims, the Patent Office should not have denied him a patent. This invention 
means an unlimited source of energy and will introduce new ideas into the science of physics. 

I fully trust that you will support this bill and thus Mr. Newman will be able to devote 
more time to his inventions and in developing his energy machine for commercial uses, Instead 
of draining his energy and financial resources by fighting the Patent Office personnel. 



NT /amt 

Nicholaos Tsoupas, Ph.D 



h Slate of Mississippi the 

fmss 'BSssm. 

0' tr ?.1 e ^rve justice tojosep Newman . congress (Chaired by 

"" of Congress (Chaired by 

failed t° s patent to Josep study Committee of ^ G f Lucedale, 

^voludooaey 5 ®^ d ev i ce ’ then * ts t0 him of August 27, 1986, in which I wrote 

sena , or Cochran has chosen ro ignore 

ator Cochran has chosen to ignore nry letter to ^liberate violation of the 
Senate - reties to receipt of funding 

f hv the Republican Stuay 

relative io any tnsttM^^^ ^ ; flgra , , D an:v 

Patent Office, Thomas Penf, eld jackso , CO ndones these past injustices 

on :x z^r^r^Ts^rds, 

just as guilty as they." „ a «r atu 

/s/ as guilty as they. attempt to 

Senator Thad Cochran's position also flies in the fac ^ gf^*™nergy machine technology in the 

blish a Research, Development, and “anuiactunng P V , , lndustria l Revolution whre 

e of Mississippi. Such technology will create ™hy ^|Obs and sp 
flow from the State of Mississippi and spread across the 

. _ . fth^npnnle of the State of Mississippi and 

^from*the^ spread across the world.” 

The facts clearly show that Senator Thad Cochran is an e ° Cochran to inform him 

ph Newman, urge every resident in Mississippi to ca , . > f the of t ft e people of the 

l will not be elected in November of 1988, and that he people and not to 

of Mississippi and of the State Legislature since the powe 
or Thad Cochran. 

Thank you. 

Joseph W. Newman 





— October, 1986 


jcracen NEWMAN The Mississippi Legislature sinirT^^ AJVD SANCT, °NS PATENT Wi 

energy machine inventor Joseph Newman has suffered ‘ arbitrary andVnfa^!" 30 ^'" 3 ^ Sessi °n resolv'n E M,S( 
rhe Mississippi Congressional delegation In Washington to do sLethinfabout u -'i 0 by thc U s Palem oj?' SS2 
U.S. Senator Thad Cochran has ignored the State Legislature’s reauest inH h k 8ram Newma " a 2[ f ' c ^ r id> 
matters worse. Senator Cochran made the surprising admission on ttefW he S hel Ping the Pat< . P m k d 

that he couldn't figure out what the Patent Office didwr ^ngMorethan fha^h^H^ 5 Senate - even & ? ff,Ce to * L 
opportunity to do it again and then he introduced a bill - S. 2832 - to m a ke i n k; C ‘ ° U8hla be 
Where did the Senator go wrong? ° ^ U P ° SSlble the Patent 

During the Senate hearings Senator Cochran held in late July it was clear rhor , u t0d ° ila ga.n 

case, the Senator was not. Neither the Patent Office nor the National r c although his staff was r 

had been involved in the case. The Senator's "searching inquiry" of h eTa "„foft * P r °duced an^ e ™ iar With,,,, 
softball questions such as, "Did the Patent Office disregard its Drocedure, T csses who ap^" ' "»fy , 

unsurprising response. "No. Senator. ■ • Newman said, "The Sen!, or didnT seem thc New ™n cm" “"sisteda 

care to know what happened although we certainly sent him sufficient backwoutSm” , any ', hin8 about the car* 8 <£ 
Senator s staff a number of times. I guess the Senator was just going through X Knals and my counsel^ l° rev «-io 
my piece but never intending to do anything about it. That's whaf taratta vT' Y ° U know ' allowing m'" fM ‘he 
Washington. You get Potomac fever.” PP s w b en you spend too much time ^ t0 S ^ eal( 

During the hearings, Senator Cochran asked whether Newman — who hoc • 6 ^ ^ t0 

Bureau of Standards after 150 days of testing — would suhmir hi* h • h f ° h ,USt retnev ed his device from 
said they expect Newman to reimburse thlm for the $ 100,000 theTsDernTn^rv 68 ^ 8 elsewhere; the Patem Off ^ 
operate. Roger Hastings, a principal physicist with the SDerrv fnrnnL' y in 8 to prove Newman’s devir 
scientists always welcome more testing, but, as far as Newman’s patent aDDHrann POnded the Sena ‘or's quetten^' 1 
more testing. Newman has already demonstrated his device operattdTo the iS, r ‘ h f Should n °> blinked * 
and Congress shouid direc, that a patent issue to NewmanwSny^ 

Despite the testimony by Mr. Newman, Dr. Hastings and others as well as rh, h ' 

Cochran proposed legislation requiring Newman to select one ofTe univemt es for documents <hey submitted, Se„a, ot 

Senator Cochran is, by this bill, actively discouraging an^oth^ of u 1987 In meantime, 

on legislation that grants Joe [Newman] nothing butLothefgaundet m n,n wbh * Pat f Cm biH and insistin 8 instead 
line. This ain’t my idea of good government Itishtle wnnH?^h!lfh Wltb n ° P ros P ect for a P a *nt at the end of the 
from the Senator’s office. ” government ’ 11 15 bttle wonder that the way we found out about it was from the press, not 

confuse the issue^^d^os^d^^^ayem^r^monev 6 ^ h°l| S 2832 whi £ h represents an apparent attempt by Cochran to 
is straightforward and does not costan S no ?! I A bl Ca mg for 3 Con 8 r essional patent (identical to the 1 1 House bills) 
been referred to a 15 attempting to “straddle the fence” with S. 2832 - a bill that has 

In nthe l H K JU u dlCia ry Subcommittee and will probably die in Committee after months of inaction. 

made to pass a bill ^hen^uch a^effo^h^ 8 ]!??! ta f CtlCS ’ Cochran has wasted everyone’s time with this bill. If the effort is 
proven itself to be biased and in should be focused on a Bill granting a Congressional patent. The Patent Office has 
patent ’! We urge a5 ~ ?!? yCt C ° Chran WantS to have this same bureaucracy "re-examine the 
immediately introdurino a Sr- P f K ii v? contact Thad Cochran and demand that he demonstrate a sincere concern by 
Cochran's bill, these 11 bills do not '° gram J ° 5eph Newman a Congressional patent. Unlike 

these n?ne°Con^ ressm ^ erS Wb ° b ? Ve introduced th ese 1 1 bills are from states other than Mississippi. It is ironic that 
bill sponsors Cnnorr-cc C the interests °f the people of Mississippi than does Thad Cochran. As one of the 11 

Newman has undeS Tr h W D ° f Wdy ° f Mississi PP i - states, “no one should have to endure the treatment Mr. 

promoting Mr New™ ^ 1 he hands u of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.” And he adds that instead o 
Office denies this ? S ir } ve ^ tlon > r h e Patent Office has spent thousands of taxpayer dollars to thwart him. if the Paten 
mind be criminal C ° Un 1 e benefits of what could be a revolutionary energy device, then its obstlnancy would, 

the taxpayer Thad C ° Chran would have the Patent Office “re-examine" Newman's patent application at more expense to 
For further information contact: 

Joseph Newman, Route 1, Box 52, Lucedale, MS 39452 (601) 947-7147 



sections have been 

|Th e fo"“ w ‘ nB 

add cd .o the FTthEdHton., 

, ot *^ erm . Labor atory 

*vt" , rfertW"- Dire n C NIGHT*A T CH ^ 

O' * llhl K..s. ^government to ^PP V Uc 
. *#»e * ^“jjfve cyck*^^*, us "to 

S* f “Exactly as a power of this untt 

having ! which IS orovides tnc n — 


&n the O^^dany "imaginary con- 

magnetic lines of f energy. Joseph 

jtructs c 

ind consi 
produce work 

1 t fnree are essein*““/ . 

tie line* of force a ^ energy .•• Joseph 

jot®" comP “ e ,hat the magnetic lines of force 
N Cn"”of kinetic energy that can be harnesse 

Q CUiiw - 

oduce work. he accelerated particles in 

,t is absurd to assum una ff ec ted by the gyroscopic 
! ' Cl0,,0n TJngthe^yctott'on’s magnetic field. The 

titles comprising the y ^ ^ speed of Hght and 

roscopic entities P Newma n maintains 

1 greater number of gyroscopic entities > combine 
hf angles to the accelerated particle and thereby 
■ate around one another in varying numbers to pro- 
:e ever-increasing numbers of “new and fundamental 
■tides to further confuse the scientists! 

What the unjustly-influenced scientists overlook is 
t the fundamental unit is the gyroscopic entity. In 
• forced ignorance the scientists are using this 
iscopic entity to create larger particles in quest of 
‘elusive” fundamental unit that exists in the very 

C tUn fi / • 1 r\ i /j rvi r*\ 1 1 \ \ f P H I H 

dusive” fundamental unit that exists in tne ver 
osition of the magnetic fields employed in the 
tron and whose effect they continue to ignore! 

: proper purpose of a cyclotron is to be used as a 
o understand the basic construction of matter, 
h Newman understands matter in a way that has 
before been mechanically understood. However, 
understanding is still not the ultimate level — there 
ays room for new learning. Yet our own govern- 
continues to fight what Joseph Newman strives to 
plish for humanity. 

SSSff » — hcnd 

nenI '’-'l' nd r, n h t knowledge ,o obtain n 

ijjiimi iur numanity. 

billion cyclotron that is now being contem- 
1 should be built, and the reason is that it will pro- 
1 better understanding of matter. But this under- 

block of all matter s the ^ |M spel . d of light, one 
one accelerates particles ^ jn teract with the gyroscop- 
then causes such P att,cle , ic field and causes these 

ic particles comprising am R opica |ly-induced 

particles to spin m sp - re gyroscopic particle. 

directions. As this ha PP' n *L lds ° „in the mechanical inter- 
the cyclotron's magnetic fields | ^ ^ ^ mechantca , un- 
actions to sptr land |n this boo k that is tremen 

derstanding l have st r rstan ding of matter, 

dously important in the ^ with the cyc lotron that 

This is what should be the tes ts currently 

will be built: One can sul p nity but 1 am certain 

performed by the scientific d by forming. mailer as 
that there will be far mo ^ ne acce lerates 

the particles one accelera he tri Uions of par- 

more of these particles) reac one has only a 

tides in an intense magnetic he ^ ^ it for 

mechanically form more and larger part.e e oHmiU ir 
As one consistently observes these routaO ^ ' « 
that it is eoine to provide science and humanity 
greater 8 understanding of how mechanicai.y buUd any 

‘Tcan TnvisTon that the day will come when one takes 
electromagnetic energy, places it in a device, an 
will be able to generate any form of matter that one 
desires. This transformation is presently accompli, cc 
reverse by the sun. Every element that exists on the sun 
is converted into electromagnetic energy and radiated to 
the Earth. Many of the hydrocarbons, amino acids, etc., 
which are found on Earth have developed from this 
original solar reaction. 

One can take electromagnetic energy, convert it into 
matter and from matter convert it back into electromag- 
netic energy. The day will come when young men and 
women who have been taught to use their minds will 

and any material desired — lead, gold, iron, any ele- 
ment, any compound — by simply “pushing the correct 
button" to cause the proper mechanical reaction, the 
material will be electromagnetically assembled. As the 
reader may conclude, this is of tremendous importance 
to the advancement of humanity. 

The scientific community should open their minds, 
look at the truth of what I teach, and not be so attached 
to the biases and prejudices that are the result of years 
of memorized instruction. 

With a proper and explicit mechanical understanding 
of nature, we will literally have the Universe at our 

EDITOR 'S NOTE: Joseph Newman has hypothesized 
that it may indeed he possible to exceed light speed. As 
an accelerating entity approaches the speed of light, it 
proceeds to “accrete " gyroscopic particles. This occurs 
because the accelerating entity mechanically combines 
with gyroscopic particles as it approaches their pre- 
existing. light speed motion. The Universe is literally an 
“ocean ” of gyroscopic particles. To surmount this 
mechanical barrier (analogous to the sound barrier), 
one must provide the accelerating entity with an elec- 
tromagnetic shield that mechanically deflects the gyro- 
scopic particles' attempts to accrete to the accelerating 
entity. As the accelerating entity then proceeds to pass 
through this “light barrier, "conceivably there would be 
no upper limit to one 's speed. 

XIX. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY (see pages 53, 289-291) 

Researchers at the University of Houston, Alabama, 
and elsewhere have recently restated the fact that certain 
supercooled alloys lower electrical resistance and pro- 
duce superconductivity of electricity. Joseph Newman 
has been teaching this process for over 20 years and has 
consistently maintained that the larger the number of 
atoms aligned in a coil, then the greater the release of 
electromagnetic-atomic” (or electromagnatomic) 
energy from the coil. A supercooled coil reduces resist- 
ance and increases atom alignment when voltage (hydrau- 
lic pressure) is applied to the coil of material atoms. 

They have stated that this process represents perpetual 
motion! Joseph Newman states not so, because if one 
single gyroscopic particle is removed from its associated 
magnetic field, then the mass of the conductor is re- 
duced in accordance with Einstein’s equation of E = MO’. 
What is new, is that they have apparently achieved 
superconductivity at still very cold, but warmer than 
previously-achieved temperatures. 

In a national science magazine, atomic physicist 
Bogdon Maglich claims to have discovered a way to pro- 
duce nonradioactive nuclear energy. With this process, 
Bogdon Maglich says that “more energy would be pro- 
duced than was initially consumed. That is, the energy 
required to get the atoms to release their potential 
energy was less efficient than the amount of energy the 
atoms produced.” 

Joseph Newman has been teaching this 
over 20 years! P r °ces& f 0r 

It appears that members of the convents , 
establishment are finally beginning to rec 
validity of what Joseph Newman has deve^ thc 
20-year period. From the evidence that Josenh^ a 
presents in this fundamental book and the ' ew "*n 
evidence contained within his files and Hi, nSive 
hoped that there will be recognition of the £ “j 
pioneered the development of these concern, * h ' 
years ago. If there is basic justice, then credTshn 20 
gtven where due. Proper credit would further , 2“, ^ 
not only Joseph Newman, but all future inve„, ' , ‘" 
the benefit of the human race. t0rs for 

example: Quoting from Science News March 
1987, entitled “Superconductivity — Physics Rush “ 

“ Hi &> Temperature superconductivity is the 
physicist s dream that now seems to be comins 
true in a tremendous rush. The discovery of 
substances that lose all electrical resistance at 
manageable temperatures bos been a goal of 
researchers for 75 years . ’ ’ 

And, quoting from Science News, January 10, 1987, 
page 23 entitled “New Heights in Superconductivity’” 

“ Researchers have lots of room to search for 
ways of further increasing the superconduct- 
ing transition temperature. 'You can change 
the composition; you can change the elements; 
you can apply pressure, ' says Chu. With all 
this flexibility. I don't see a limit in the near 
future. ’ ” 

The reader should recognize the fact that I first 
published this book in 1984. In great detail this book ex- 
plains and predicts the results described by Dr. Chu in 
the above quote. [See Chapter 10 through Chapter 15 
(pages 71 through 90) in this book.] 

Throughout this material, 1 have diligently and con- 
sistently taught that changing the material and the 
pressure or force applied to the material will cause major 
differences in the results of the electromagnetic energy 
release from matter in accordance with E = MC 2 . 

As further proof of this fact refer to paragraph 4 on 
page 290 of this book concerning superconducting ma 
terials. “But how is this done? Simple — by varying 
mechanical means of causing atom alignment: appl>l n ^ 
or not applying pressure, force, or heat, or electric*^ 
magnetic Input, or by decreasing or increasing nornl 
atom random motion or atom alignment. By var y‘ n j ?t 
reversing those mechanical steps, the magnetic * e 
coming from a mass will exist or not exist or reve 

Refer to Section 25-T on page 79 of this boo > 
especially: "Many such materials will be use 
machines designed for 100% (conversion) eftici 


_ p = MC"- Such an 

f-auation or c, - 

of E instein s equ creatjon of new 

util ' 7 - 11 , , in a will also perm characteristics. 

U" d ‘ r ' , ' I „ ll li varying elec,r " s ® CIion 27-1 on page 84 
n 'S «' »* fSTi a system will require s, an- 
hL u„nk. To create Century by 


T, |h 10 worldwide concerning the 

b \ hat is now happem the advancement of Supercon- 

J«op breakthrough^ on the ^ QCCUr 

; u cuvi.yise«crtV wh^ d P ectr|cal and pre ss Ur es relative 
changing mate . 
t0 those materials. 

^nhasize the correctness of my 
T ° [“"Tadvise those individuals working In 
teaching 5 ' > * Supe rconductlvity not to only 

«* ad ’:« aTs ^d ihenapply pressure, but apply 
“ al! electricity for a given time and apply 
heat and/or ^ mater lal is still in the heat 

Pr ^“relec“ cal environment and then raise the 
heat environment for a further given time and 
h u tnnlv additional increases in pressure. By 
conducting many different tests, one will find, as I 
teach, that small changes in one or more parts of 
the procedure will cause drastic changes in the 
ability of the finished material to allow the 
gyroscopic particles comprising its atoms to come 
outside the boundaries of the material which we 
call a (magnetic) electromagnetic field and result 
in Superconductivity even at room temperature. 

The Scientific method is simple: Let the “Facts” prove 
or disprove the “theory” and the “Facts” of the mechani- 
cal methods of the tabletop breakthroughs of warmer and 
warmer Superconductivity prove the correctness of my 
Pioneering Invention and Technology. Why? Because the 
phenomena of Superconductivity at warmer and warmer 
temperatures matches exactly what I have so diligently 
taught: “That the most efficient design of the Invention is 
one in which the smallest amount of current input causes 
the greatest amount of atom alignment of the material.” 
And that is exactly what a Superconductor does! 

E DITOR 'S NOTE: In a discussion in Atlanta. Georgia 

on April 7. 1987 \ with Dr. Roger Hastings. Joseph 
Newman , and in accordance with the teachings of 
Joseph Newman . I recommended — for the purpose of 
explicitness — that superconductivity researchers con- 
sider applying very high voltage/low current to super- 
conducting materials as high pressure is also applied 
This procedure — as originally developed and described 
by Joseph Newman in his Pioneering Paten l application 
and this hook — could possibly cause the gyroscopic 
particles comprising the high voltage (hydraulic 
pressure) to mechanically “ carve out" the most accessi- 
ble atomic-alignment-paths in the superconducting 
materials at the precise moment when the atoms of the 
material are being compressed via high pressure. Ex- 
perimenters could also test various combinations of 
high voltage and high pressure to obtain maximum 
atom alignment for the materials involved as taught by 
Joseph Newman. As Dr. Hastings pointed out. such high 
voltage and pressure should also generate heat in the 
superconducting materials. ] 


(see pages 144-153, 284-288) 

To further demonstrate the connection between elec- 
tromagnetism and weather effects, Joseph Newman 
designed a simple test which he displayed in conjunc- 
tion with his electric car demonstration at Biloxi, 
Mississippi on March 11, 1987. 

A serrated, copper disc with sharp edges was suspend- 
ed in a level fashion above an aquarium tank filled with 
water — preferably distilled water. (See Figure A.) One 
lead from a transformer was attached to the copper disc 
and a second lead was immersed in the water at the rear 
of the tank. A mirror was inserted in the tank of water at 
a 45° angle which permitted the viewer to observe the 
underside of the disc and the water’s surface as seen 
from below. Utilizing the power fron an A/C electrical 
outlet, a transformer was used to input approximately 
12,000 volts into the serrated copper disc suspended 
above the water. The distance between the disc and the 
surface of the water is very critical to observing light- 
ning effects. 

When the volts are applied, one can quickly see an 
aurora effect around the copper disc. (See Figure B.) The 

energy emanating from the tips of the disc show el 
magnetic effects similar to what one sees durine 
trical storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Bursts o(Tu 
ning will also occur beneath the copper disc as the 8 
charge differential continues to build up between .v, 
disc and the water. 

In addition, the motion of the water created by the 
electromagnetic discharge is similar to what occurs C 
when storms pass over bodies of water. The particles on 
the water’s surface move in spin directions as indicated 
in Figure C. When the input voltage is eliminated, the 
motion of the particles rapidly cease. 

The importance of this simple demonstration is that 
all storm phenomena are the result of electromagnetic 
activity that can be understood and predicted. Such 
knowledge will enable humanity to control the weather, 
dramatically improve the development of agriculture, 
and increase the safety of life on Earth. The reader is 
urged to master the technology in this book and recog- 
nize that electromagnetism is the basic source of natural 





X* 1 

occ U rHn g ---"^rr P " G 

« on Wednesday, March 
, )E velopM^ts. O u demon5 , rated his 
loseph Newman su Mississippi 

II. electric car * ^/.Usmedia. A. the 

te f0lu hVfore 750 people and e motor 

C °" S „nTratio n ' the “* ^mounted on a Porsche 

current equivalent to that 

nuch less t un ."^° energy must come from the basic 
ic field suPP ly ' n * ^ than 200 lbs of atoms in the motor , 

imposition of mot of aIoms in ,he motor s 

topper coil and ,he ^e energy released by the motor is 
termanent with , hc matter-to-energy con- 

ek3S '" /ess described by Einstein's equation of 
“mc" and occurs without pollution to the environ- 

^‘“mionrteachings in present physics books state 
h Z nno! be done, Joseph Newman has numerous 
:Z transistor batteries connected in series which 
, ro vide high voltage/very low amperage and produce 
tower to move the 1800-lb automobile at low speed. The 
mtomobile at the Biloxi, Coliseum ran at walking speed, 
loseph Newman asks the question: what is the ultimate 
tower source that powers his electric car? He maintains 
hat it is not the small amount of current from the 
1 ft -volt transistor batteries hooked in series, but rather it 
is caused by the energy released from the interaction of 
the magnetic fields generated by the motor’s copper coil 
and permanent magnet. The magnetic field generated by 
the copper coil is caused by the coil’s atom alignment 
which results from high voltage/low amperage input. 
conventional science TEACHES: to have an efficient 
motor one must use large current input and low voltage. 
JOSEPH NEWMAN TEACHES: just the opposite! High 
voltage with low amperage (as low as possible) will 
generate strong magnetic fields in the coil and thereby 
induce the release of magnetic to electric energy 
through an electromagnetic (rather than fission) reaction 
•n accordance with E = MC 2 . 

It is important to stress that Joseph Newman connects 
1 e 1 '/2-volt transistor batteries in series — not in 
Parallel. A series connection is made by hooking a wire 
rom the positive terminal of one cell to the negative ter- 
ina °f the next ce || jn a c h ain fashion, until all the 
s are connected. The total current-carrying capacity 
rtivrcforu- .he same -as ,ha. of a single cell. 
to rh,- M W)<) * h Car alreac, y had run for eight hours prior 
on Naf drC , h 11 ’ 1987 demor >stration that was featured 
newsmln CBS Evenin * News ' A ^r two hours the 

ia and people were ready to leave, having seen 

possible. The stallstlc ^ ^ ^ ...miarnp, (a conven 
V °LTS IN. , ■ w | t h a surge of approximately 

tional electric motor . , y V OLTS OUT: over 

r^ n p S - U* AC was 

Z« .he DC input and the R E. (radio frequency, was 

' C ’l n" Decern be r 1986 the car motor was damaged in 
shipment from Lucedale to Jackson, Mississippi althoug 

haft remains bent. To repair the shaft would reqmre 

complete motor rebuilding. Presently, Joseph Newman 

is seeking the funds to rebuild the motor. (Most of 
oseph Newman's assets are now being spent to fight the 
Patent Office which is financed by your tax dollars.) Dr. 
Roger Hastings calculated that frictional losses due to the 
bent shaft alone exceed the power input. Yet t 
1800-lb car still moves and proves that. loseph New nan 
teachings are correct as did the first, 12-secon , 

Right of the Wright Brothers in 1903. In fact, the Wngl 
Brothers' first four flights lasted between 12 and ” 
seconds and each went only a short distance. But these 
flights proved for the first time that powered flight in a 
heavier-than-air flying machine was possible. The flying 
machine had, however, a very difficult time securing a 
patent and in 1903 the Patent Office informed the 
Wright Brothers that their claim to a flying machine was 
rejected because it related to "a device that is inopera- 
tive or incapable of performing its intended function. 

The Wright Brothers had to battle the Patent Office for 
3 1/2 years before securing a patent. 

Joseph Newman has continued to battle the Patent O - 
fice for over 8 years although he has or is receiving 
energy machine patents In Spain, South Africa, India, 
and Argentina. 

LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS: During the week of December 
8-12, 1986, Federal Judge Thomas P. Jackson conducted 
the trial of Joseph Newman vs the Patent Office in Wash- 
ington, D C. The trial went quite well for Joseph 
Newman. Physicist and magnetic expert Dr. Roger 
Hastings, electrical specialist/battery expert Ralph Hart- 
well, and mechanical engineer Milton Everett testified on 
behalf of Joseph Newman during the trial’s first three 
days. The Patent Office was unable to refute any of the 
technical testimony of these three experts. After the 
trial, written post-trial briefs were submitted by both 
sides on March 2, 1987. Verbal closing arguments still re- 
main (as of this writing) after which Judge Jackson can 
take as long as be wishes to issue his desision. In an 
unrelated case, a trial ended 2 '/2 years ago and Judge 
Jackson still has yet to issue a decision! Speedy trials 
(and decisions) seem to come at a premium in Jackson's 


expert testimony for Joseph Neuman represent the 
finest technical testimony yet assembled on Joseph 
Newman s technology' (We hope to make available the 
complete, 600-page trial transcript and excellent post- 

trl Du b rInga cross-examination, the Patent Office’s ther- 
modynamic expert belatedly conceded that 'fthcemergy 
machine worked as Joseph Newman claimed then It did 
not violate the First or Second l aws of Thermodynamics 
and therefore was not “impossible.’* 

During extensive technical testimony, Dr. Hastings ex 
plained how the energy machine obtained more energy 
output than external energy input: "When current Hows 
through the motor, there is a torque exerted in the rotor 
and then, in return, the rotor induces a back current or 
an opposing current in the coil." Dr. Hastings conclud- 
ed, "When the reaction of the rotor on the coil is 

smaller than the force that drives the rotor," then there 
is "more output power than input power." 

In lieu of Judge Jackson's actions to date, we are not 
expecting any "miracles." And either side could still ap- 
peal the decision. At the very beginning of Joseph 
Newman's contact with Judge Jackson over three years 
a^o, Jackson stated that he needed a Special Master 
(court expert) to expedite proceedings and SAVE JOSEPH 
NEWMAN MONEY. (See pages 274-277, 306.) 

QUESTION : Do Judge Jackson's actions belie his words? 
Now, over three years later, the Patent Office filed 
papers on March 2, 1987 seeking to have Jackson order 
Joseph Newman to pay the Patent Office S 102, 181,95! 
198,649.26 of this amount is to pay for the National 
Bureau of Standards' tests conducted last summer (see 
pages 317-321) and since discredited at the December 
1986 trial! Moreover, this docs not include the more 
than 1700,000 in expenses relating to the legal battle 
conducted by Joseph Newman over the past three years. 
Yet the clock drags on, the expenses mount up, and the 
political/judicial injustice continues to deny the people 
an invention that will revolutionize our lifestyle and pro 
vide us with abundant, Inexpensive and non polluting 
energy to power our homes, cars, factories, farms and 

gressmen Introduced eleven Identical Private Mills to 
grant Joseph Newman a Congressional patent The se 
Bill* do not make a .dcntlflc Mgmr... about tl,< enemy 
machine, but leave u up the American marketplace, tin 
the House. I ovate Itllls cannot be co-sponsored and 
must be separately Introduced; In the Senate, private 
Dills ran be co-sponsored. | All eleven Dills were Kll l 
by _ Congressman Hubert Kaslenmeler ol Wisconsin who 
refused to simply schedule an open hearing In b Sul 

docsn l belong In Congress " lt e/ ,fy Many Dills are both 

introduced and passed in Congress while litigation 
pending in the Courts; moreover, why should iht- T 
iean people be judicial hostages during years ( ,| (j| "" r 
since Congress constitutionally has the power e, ' V ’ />U ' lh 
patents? Also, Kastenmeier's attitude actually puujo'" 
Joseph Newman for his own litigation' It was , ,, |t ' , 
tent Office that initiated the suit, but Joseph Newn, " ^ 
who filed the suit in an effort to seek justice and kc^ 
his "patent pending" status valid with such legal 
Is it fair to penalize Joseph Newman's pursuit of thC", >n 
legal recourse available to him by refusing to schcduH ^ 
hearings on this issue In Congress? 

Robert Kastenmeier also says that the President's < 
ficlal representatives" oppose the Joseph Newman Bill* 
Who are these unnamed "official representatives?" \xt 
is the specific evidence of the President's opposition; ^ 
We have a right to know all details. And since when is -i 
Democratic Congressman (Kastenmeier) so concerned 
about what a Republican President (Reagan) thinks of 
pending legislation? Something is definitely wrong here 
member of the House Appropriations Committee. Con 
gressman Robert Livingston will attempt to attach an 
amendment to the Bill authorizing Patent Office funding 
The amendment would deny only that funding used bv 
the Patent Office to fight Joseph Newman’s effort to ob- 
tain a patent. 

To "scientifically summarize" the political opposition 
to Joseph Newman's energy machine: 

“If a pound of mass were completely converted 
into energy, about 10 billion kilowatt hours would 
be obtained. If one mass unit (i.e., one proton) 
were converted into energy, 931 million electron 
volts would be obtained. It has been estimated that 
one gram of matter, if totally consumed, would 
run a home for a thousand years. 

Our problem Is not an energy shortage, but 
rather a bureaucratic overage/” 

OTHER ENERGY MA(. MINE NEWSi There has been cx 
tensive coverage of Joseph Newman's work in Sweden 
Tom Leone of Lansing, Michigan suggested that people 
contact their local public and high school libraries and 
request that this book be ordered to enable more peopk 
to learn about this new technology. We also thank Mi 
Leone for holding a demonstration in support of Joseph 
Newman on the steps of the Michigan Capitol during > K 
Biloxl, Mississippi demonstration. Supporter Sands 
Smith writes: "I took your book to Tulsa Unlvcrsin 111 
my sons' electrical engineering graduate course d* ^ 
boys stayed up all night reading; their conclusion ij 
marvelously exciting discovery their comment. 1 ^ 
brought all four years' studies together anil made i 11 11 
make sense; he should write textbooks. 

The ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER (9/3/86) carriei o 
powerful letters to the Editor In a section entitled 11 
peach the Judge Who Stopped the Energy Machine 

I' or lost'l'll NI'WMAN 

n of Bloomington, California wrote. “Judge 
\ ' |,K K J’ (|H . ver y least, is guilty of malfeasance in 
keening such a machine from the American 
1 d industry . a machine that seemingly permits 
P< 1 IO cease being dependent on oil imports 
ot" ' “ n "’ even atomic energy.” 

a"' 1 j 1 ' jq/? 3/86 WALL STREET JOURNAL, Congressman 
1,1 , jvingston wrote in a letter: 

Rt ' V / „„ court need that the Patent Office has not 
[■‘owed norma I or proper procedure in the han- 
f () f \i,- Newman's application. As a result, 
n'cptyer money is being used improperly This 
Intuition is doubly alarming due to the fact that 
X invention just might be beneficial to hundreds 
oj millions of people From a legal standpoint. 

\iu< case is an abomination. But in the final 
analysis, it should be the marketplace, and not 
\he government, that determines the worth of Mr. 

Neu man s invention. 

David E. Cowlishaw in Silverton, Oregon writes: "If 
vou would like to see this invention survive the cover- 
up then do something! Communicate, explore, and 
never take impossible’ for an answer!” 

John Eckert of Oneonta, New York writes: “Through 
the efforts of dedicated people like yourself, the dignity 
of the individual will be enhanced . . . ” And Don Kelly of 
Clearwater. Florida puts it very succinctly when he 
writes: ‘We now have a situation in tl\e United States 
where second-rate bureaucrats are making judgment 
calls on the work of first-rate engineers and scientists, 
and if this situation is allowed to continue we had best 
call off the 21st Century, due to lack of interest!” 

We especially wish to thank everyone for their contin- 
uing efforts on behalf of Joseph Newman and for the 
kind letters we receive from across the United States and 
Europe. We will not give up and we are grateful for your 
continuing assistance in this battle where the durable 
future of humanity depends upon this revolutionary 
technology being developed to benefit your children 
and your descendants. As Dr. Hastings said, “if you have 
any conscience at all , you can t walk au ay from this. ” 


Thc follo „, n g contains inform,, ion relating to individuals who are a, tempting to Interfere with the expa„„ 0n 
oHMs technology and features a chronology of events. 

Joseph Newman Publishing Company 

Route I, Box 52, Lucedale, Mississippi 39452 
(601) 947-7147 

™Bi^MEDIA TER ele^ 

To The People Of The United States And The World 
And In Remembrance Of The Essence Of 
The United States Constitution And Its Upcoming Blcentenni 

As I have stated in my book, THE ENERGY MACHINE OFJOSEPH NEWMAN, "I view you, the People as 
a Majestic Sleeping Lion and / wish to awaken you!" 

Thc employees of the United States Government — in their eagerness to serve injustice to you, the People 
y j _ may be just the needed noise that awakens you. 

7 The subject of this Press Release and the object of attack by the United States Government concerns the 
technology I teach which will end all pollution on Earth, will permanently end the energy problem, will totally p re . 
vent any future Ethloplas, will generate many beneficial changes in our economic system, will cause the work-hour 
week to approach one hour per week, will enable space travel to become a reality within 20 years, and no aspect of 
science will remain untouched by this revolutionary technology to benefit humanity. 

For the last three years I have consistently stated that when the News Media dug into the facts concerning the 
gross injustice relative to the Newman Energy Invention Patent and Court Case, that the Facts unearthed would 
make Watergate appear as a mole hill to a mountain. 

's look at thc Facts. 

( 1 ) 








If thc Energy Invention came forward quickly, many financial people associated with conventional energy — peo- 
ple who have clout and political power — would possibly become insignificant. 

On March 21 , 1984, 1 received a "standard-type reply" from the Special Assistant to President Reagan, who returned 
all of the materials I had sent, materials that were neatly packed as though they had not been opened. Included was 
thc closing statement, "So many similar requests are received that it just is not possible to comply." 

As I unpacked thc material I had sent in (2) above, I discovered a foul-up on the part of the White House: 1 found ac- 
cidently enclosed with my materials, a White House Video Review of a tape I had sent and from which conclusions 
were totally opposite to (2) above and proved (2) above to be a blatant falsehood. The White House Video Review 
stated, and 1 quote: "Summary: A new energy source — Electro magnetic device — John Stennis requested funding 
Needs help to gel lis. Patent, some scientists believe this Invention could change the world as it converts mass in- 
to energy — runs on Its own energy, WWL TV-Channel 4, New Orleans, gives it excellent coverage." 

A section ol the Review marked "Special cases to Chuck Donovan, Room 94," was checked (»^) — meaning that the 
materials and the Video Review was a special case and was therefore sent to him. 

You and 1 both know that President Reagan receives very little, If any, material from outside sources that gets such an 
c xtrunc, Impressive review and that could be of such vital Importance to the "People" of this nation and the world. 
I resident Reagan appointed Donald Qulgg Commissioner of the U.S. Patent Office. 

i 'Yu ’* lop cxccul * Vt ‘ w * 1 * 1 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM for more than thirty years before being appointed to 

head thc U S. Patent Office. 

vent |, 1 onsisti ntly published verbal and written falsehoods concerning my Revolutionary Energy In 

amp ( t in gg, as well as the Patent Office, states that 1 have a "Perpetual Motion Device. 

E. Schuyler, Jr. (a forme^ent 

specifically disclaimed th _ . w . r 

Even more Incriminating: Reauan's r» W n «i,,rr», - ... ... . . /»* ohnvel. "as 11 


■"'V, unit I II.IVL ,1 IAI|'UU.1I mUUWll ’ 

< Mlic'c* I 1 *, .inM'iilioH 11 ln WaNhln 8 ,on . n.c. appointed Special Master William E. Schuyler, Jr. (a former Pat 
Master’s Kn>n, i rlvn '-U, ! ’ M,pt ' rh cr «^k*ntluls” according to Judge Thomas P. Jackson) who stated in his N* 
ewman has specifically disclaimed that his invention is a Perpetual Motion Machine. 

ninailng: Reagan s own staff member who viewed by work stated the Truth [see ( 3 ) above], 
energy runs on Its own energy." 



iminatlnH evidence: at the recent trial on my Pioneering n 
"" admins- If ihe energy machine worked as Joseph Newman ctalm5 > ‘!? ,l ""’ 1 ' ven lhl: ■’»«« Office , 
" 1 * p , |VVS () f Thermodynamics and therefore was not "Impossible." ’ 1Cn 1 dld not violate the First , 


further Incriminating evidence: the Special Master stated In his Ren 

' , office) intentionally did not consider the formalities o( the Plaintiffs u . "" * 

1 'Stability of Plaintiffs claims under 35 USC, Sec 102/103 ' (This means 

5 U,,UCT ” u ^' aec ,02,,w " (Th,s "»» 

™ ddibera,C fa ' Seh00dS ‘° thC '' PeOPle " and ,he " N ™ *«*»•• by Quiggand the Paten, Office 

Thomas Jackson, now a |ud R c. Is ptc.urea aoovc «... ~ ’ 

jS: MnSdfdcft) during the Watergate scandal. 

Z-V'T V 1 

U ®' ’ atent Office. I went to the u s 
Federal Court in Washington, D.C. in hopes 
of receiving justice at which point Mgc 
Thomas Penfield Jackson was given mv 
case. Let s look at additional facts: 

5a) President Reagan appointed Thomas 
Jackson as a Federal Judge in 1982. 

5b) It has been reported that Thomas Penfield 
Jackson was the attorney for John N. Mit- 
chell during the Watergate scandal and was 
also the attorney for the notoriously cor- 
rupt finance division of the committee to 
re-elect the President, which was named 
CREEP (see copy of the picture of Jackson 
with Mitchell). One of Jackson s law part- 
ners of that time, Kenneth Parkinson, was 
one of the seven indicted for the cover-up 
conspiracy in the Watergate scandal. 
However, he was the only one acquitted. 

Nixon was replaced by President Ford, then President Carter, and then very soon after Reagan was elected as Presi- 
dent Reagan nominated Thomas Penfield Jackson for Federal Judge. (During the Watergate Scandal, Thomas Pen- 
fleld Jackson was a person who had already proven to People in Financial and Political Power that he could be 
trusted as a Federal Judge to represent their Interests.) 

Thomas Penfield Jackson conveniently became the Federal Judge handling my case. 

Jackson staled that he had no technical ability and needed a Special Master (someone who was sktlled m the art to 
evaluate my energy machine.) _ fnnera hili- 

1 objected to his need for a Special Master and stated that the Court need ^ d °^ Office had zilch, 

ty of the Invention of which 1 had thirty competent scientlftc-minded tndlv, duals and P k 
Jackson stated In the Court record that the reason he was using a Special Master was to expedite the Summary J 
ment and to save me money. __ nonllnate d by the U.S. Patent 

Thomas Penfield Jackson then chose a Special Master — William E * S uocrb." Mr. William E. Schuyler 

Office, andjackson specifically stated the fact that the Master s ere ei _ j n e i ec trical engineering and years o 

Jr., was a former U.S. Commissioner of the Patent Office, wit a ">ae 

patent law experience. whiC h stated: "Evidence before 

Within a short period of time on September 28, 1984, the Master r s * u an £ as bu n t and tested a P rdtolypC f ° ‘, 

the Patent and Trademark Office and the Court is overwhelming cncrg y ; there Is no contradictor) 

invention In which the output energy exceeds the e xterna was true .] 

evidence." (This statement proved that what 1 had statec n( . d then 1 would be entitled to 

The U.S. Patent Office had already slated In writing that If my ln venl * on 

"Pioneering Patent.” ethina that had, js®t been done before. 

► The Supreme Court has already ruled that a Pioneering Patent wa, pioneering Patent should issue 

> Thomas Penficldjackson had open to him a perfectly clear ™ office had stated that 1 would be e nt,t 

the Special Master was nominated by the Patent Office, t ie* 


(6j ) 







Pioneering Paren, if.he ,nven„on worKed. and rhe Specia, Masier Pad ,a,ed ,Pe evidence » "««****. ^ 

invention worked. « 1 1 602 20 for the Special Master’s Report that he originally stated he m lK 

Thomas Penfield Jackson charged m< e ’ . Master's findings! This was a shocking violation of Federal u ' 

of a iury ,hen ,hc spcclal Mas,crs fin<IlnBS mus ‘ ^ 

cepted unless dearly erroneous. attorney to provide evidence that the Special Mastet was v 

When Thomas Penfield Jackson w Moreover, he has not told us to this day! Question. Wh 

When Thomas Penfield Jackson was asked^by Moret^TnVe’ haTnmtoldus to this dayl Question: Wl^sltouki^ 
FederaJ 1 . Judge^deiil beratdy violate Federal Law and risk attention to be drawn to himself, when he could have 1* 
lowed the Law and been perfectly safe? 

. Ohvious to me tha t my ordeal was now not only a patent ordeal but also a ,udiciary ordeal 
I, became extremely obt nous ^ at once wor king together in my defense. However, because 

Mr Flannery a person who has great respect for iustice as do I, took the side of Jackson and said tha, he feU the 
Judge was simply overwhelmed by the magnitude of what I had accomplished. 

Within a few minutes of having to deal with Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, Mr. Flannery knew I was correct and 
Mr Flannery nevertheless handled himself most impressively under the extreme un,ust conditions and actions of 
Jackson, so much so, that Mr. Flannery paid me our wager before we left the courthouse, and said that I was most 
definitely correct in my original assessment of Judge Jackson. 

Even though I had numerous attorneys - some from California, Alabama, Washington, Mississippi and Louisiana - 
tell me not to file a Writ of Mandamus against a Judge, because Judges protect each other with more diligence than 
attorneys do attorneys, or doctors do doctors, I did so, because I despise injustice, and what they were describing to 
me was a procedure of endorsement of injustice. Mr. Flannery, because he has guts and believes in justice, filed the 
Writ of Mandamus in my behalf against Thomas Penfield Jackson for throwing out the Special Master's findings 
without providing evidence to the contrary. [A Writ of Mandamus states that a Federal Judge is guilty of the criminal 
act of violating the law.] 

The Federal Circuit turned down the Writ of Mandamus on May 29, 1985, being signed by Oscar H. Davis and co- 
authored by Rich and Baldwin. My position is now as it was then, that by their failure to uphold my Writ of Man- 
damus against Jackson, these three Judges had endorsed the violation of a Federal Law and a Mockery of Justice by 
Judge Thomas P. Jackson! 






Look back at (6c), where Jackson states he hired a Special Master to expedite the Summary Judgment and to save me 
money, then refer to (6e) above, where the Master says the Invention works, then refer to (6i), where Jackson 
violates Federal Law and throws out the Master’s Findings and then refer to (7e), where more than eight months later 
than in (6c) a terrible injustice is endorsed by Jackson’s colleagues. And this occurred even though the facts prove 
that Thomas Penfield Jackson told a blatant Falsehood! And even though Jackson blatantly violated Federal Law! 
After refusing to accept his own Special Master’s findings of fact, Thomas Penfield Jackson then compounded in- 
justice on top of injustice by ordering me to turn over a prototype of my invention to an entity that Jackson knew 
from the Court Record was biased and prejudiced against this invention, since employees of this entity had 
previously submitted an affidavit saying that my invention was impossible: The National Bureau of Standards (NBS). 
Thomas Penfield Jackson then multiplied the injustice further by ordering the Invention Prototype to be turned 
over to the NBS so that they could keep it until the trial was over or destroy it as they wished, that my colleagues an 
I would not be present for testing, nor would we be informed of the test to be conducted. 

It was obvious to me that Jackson was determined to conjure up false evidence to justify his unlawful act of having 
originally turned down his own Special Master’s findings of fact that said my invention worked. Upon going outsit 
of the Courthouse following a hearing with Jackson, the News Media asked me if I would do as ordered. My insw 
comment was, “Not no — Hell No!” 

Jackson attempted to imply that if I did not do as ordered, then I had something to hide. Therefore, to f ur ,h ' 
onnn'iKD 16 T ^ omas Penfield Jackson’s judicial injustice and hypocracy, I used a tractor trailer truck to e ' 
9,000 lb Prototype of the Invention to the Capital Center Auditorium near Washington, D.C. and I held a I 
emonstration or the News Media with competent scientists speaking out on the validity of my years o w0 



( 8 ) 

( 8 ») 








the successful operability of my Invention. This demonstration proved that I had nothing to hide and further ex- 
posed the Injustice perpetrated by Thomas Penfield Jackson. 

Through my attorney, John Flannery, I filed a second Writ of Mandamus against Thomas Penfield Jackson for his 
ompounded injustice, in spite of the fact we both had grave doubts from past experience that I would receive 
justice from the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. 

However, on January 13, 1986, The US. Court of Appeals consisting of Judges Markey, Newman, and Bissell upheld 
in part the Second Writ of Mandamus against Thomas Penfield Jackson. (This means that the Higher Court agreed 
that Thomas Penfield Jackson was violating Federal Law!) 

The following is a quote from the decision issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals: “When petitioner had objected to 

the “extraordinary burden’ imposed by the test conditions authorized by the District Court, the Court responded 
that this unprecedented’ device “needs precedented [sic: unprecedented?] procedural adaptations of the Federal 
Rule ’ However, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are more than guidelines for orderly litigation; they ensure that 
the proceedings are conducted fairly, with the objective of uncovering the Truth, and in accordance with fun- 
damental principles of due process.” (This means that Thomas Penfieldjackson was not only breaking Federal Law 
but also violating good conscience.) 

However, this U.S. Court of Appeals restated that it was OK for the blatant violation of Federal Law and Justice 
described in Sections (6c), (6e), and (6i) above. 

Such a conclusion was ridiculous in light of the compounded injustice by Jackson that the Higher Court condemned 
in (8a) above. When it is obvious that because the Higher Court had already endorsed injustice in the turndown of 
my first Writ of Mandamus [see (7e) above], Jackson had been encouraged to do the compounded injustice that they 
had just ruled against in (8a) above. 

This ‘‘Truth’’ is verified by the fact that the date of (8) above (January 13, 1986) was more than 1 Vt years past (6c) and 
(6e) above and at a cost to me for a Special Master and legal fees well over $100,000.00, which makes Jackson s state- 
ment of (6c) a blatant falsehood and a mockery of Justice as verified in (6i) and multiplied by the Higher Court s OK 
and endorsement of that blatant violation of Federal Law and of Justice. 

The following facts verify this “Truth” regarding said “Injustice” and prove said “Injustice” is consistently 

Eleven different Congressmen, the Republican Study Committee of Congress, the New Orleans City Council the 
Lucedale City Council, and the Mississippi House and Senate have all sent Bills or Resolutions requeuing tha Co - 
gress issue Joseph Newman a Pioneering Patent, because both the Patent Office and Judiciary System 
serve Justice regarding same. 

Congressman Wayne Dowdy of Mississippi hit the nail on the head when he stated: “if The 

the benefits of what could be a revolutionary energy device, then Its obstlnancy would, In y 

in his obstlnancy, Judge Jackson has turned down my request to have a trial by 

this case, the attorney for the Patent Office informed my attorney that he would hate to have y y 

Referring again to (8a) above, the Higher Court (Federal Circuit) ordered deliver a prototype to t e^ 

testing. That the NBS or PTO could no, destroy or dtsmantle the 

testing began. Both parties shall have the right to observe all tests. Attention is directe q 

««bf comp.etcd and the report issued within thirty days after de.ivery of the device 

Still under protest, I sent the device to the NBS in the good faith that those reasonable requests wo 
ordered by the Higher Court (Federal Circuit). NBS ^ waste 

The thirty days from delivery of the device passed at the NBS js^must destroy the device or they 

time trying to convince the Higher Court that I was possi y a the original order of the 

would no. run tests. The Higher Court turned down the would have eliminated the 

Higher Court remained. Moreover, had the NBS destroye J evidence during the forthcoming trial, 
possibility of my using tha, invention in its origina, condition as -id«cedun ^ ^ ^ „ 

During the 30-day period, the NBS did cause me to travel more tl ^000^ ^ ^ nQ( making contact with the 
the device was not operable. When I arrived at the NBS, one M ^ fcw minutes wlth the aid of a pocket knife 
commutator by about 'h of an inch, which was very ° , dness ' office was there and stated to the News (Q 

to secure the contact. An aide to Congressman om . would have known how to hoo up 

knew little or nothing about electrical technology bu, that even he wo 

the commutator. f to f ur ther cost me money and time an 

Obviously, the claim by the NBS was false and simply a ploy to a 

hopefully .o discourage my efforts for Justice. Moreover the attorney for the Paten, Office was there and 
NBS employees what to say and do "like nunnets on string 

i ^ mu-iftnrnpv John Flannery, went to the NBS to pick up the device and return . 

" 0d> afmVNVshad mid him he 'could do and as ordered by and stressed by the Higher Court [see ,10, above, ""*■ 

,„ hn p| Qnn< . rv arrived at the NBS facility on the morning of February 24, 1986, at lo.An a 

<I0C ^ ro^i^^^n^iroxInmel^iaMhour o^^kso^wouTd Mn^M^rMials^o^reM him™ 35 Penficld J aclt son 1 sCouu e | 

r,on On arrival injackson s Court, my attorney received despicable in|us,ice from Judge Thomas Penfield Ja cks „ n 
Jackson ordered tha, he was taking custody of the Invention Device. Thts was clearly a flagrant vi„| atkln nf 
Higher Court order! [See (10) above.] 

(1 0g) And even more contemptible on Jackson s par, he was taking illegal possession of my property without due p ro . i 
cess of lawl 

( 1 Oh) To further flagrantly defy the Higher Court's order [see ( 1 0) above], Jackson stated that the NBS could keep ,h t 
ventlon until Jackson said otherwise. 

(101) My attorney, John Flannery, correctly and lawfully asked the judge to recuse himself (Jackson) from the ^ 
because of demonstrated bias and prejudice. 

(101) Jackson held my attorney, John Flannery, in “contempt!” This itself was clearly a violation of the law, concerning , 
judge being accused of being biased and prejudiced by an attorney, especially when the Facts show Jackson to b Ca 
Criminal of the worst kind! Jackson’s unlawful actions steal from the “People” of this Nation and the World 
However, the Higher Court of Appeals again OK d this Injustice. 

(11) My attorney, John Flannery, asked the Higher Court (Federal Circuit) on my behalf to remove Thomas Penfieiq 
Jackson from this case. Again, said Higher Court endorsed the Gross Injustice of Jackson by denying our request 
which makes them every bit as guilty of crime as Jackson! 

(12) My attorney asked the Court to correct the violation of its order by Jackson, the NBS, and the Patent Office. The 
Higher Court (Federal Circuit) did nothing and has of this date done nothing. Therefore, In my mind now as then, 

the Higher Court deliberately and premedltatedly set me up, lied to me and deceived me, by pretending to make 
reasonable guidelines for testing [see (10) above], so as to entice me to send the Invention Device to NBS. Then after 
I had done so, they allowed Jackson, the NBS, and the Patent Office to commit the same gross injustices that the 
Higher Court had earlier condemned. [See (8a).] 

(12a) The NBS kept the device for 150 days, running secret tests, without me and my colleagues being present and failed 
to conduct any tests in the 30 days ordered for testing by the Higher Court of Appeals. 

(13) Thomas Penfield Jackson then set trial for December 8, 1986, which was more than two years past (6c) and(6e) 
above: Clearly two years of compounded Injustice and violation of Federal Law and of the Constitution. 

(13a) In protest of the lack of Justice in the Court of Thomas Penfield Jackson, I issued a Press Release stating that 1 would 
not attend the trial of my Pioneering Work and its Pioneering Invention that I had devoted 22 years of my life to in 
its perfection for Humanity. My absence from the Courtroom was for the purpose of accenting the absence of 
Justice in the Court of Thomas Penfield Jackson. 



I wish to stress that it is not Thomas Penfield Jackson, the Higher Court, the NBS, or even the Patent Office In- 
dividuals involved in this proven conspiracy that is the True Enemy of the People of this Nation, but rather the In- 
visible Monster of Injustice that allows such small-minded individuals to yield such a massive ax of Injustice against 
Humanity. That is my worthy opponent and my enemy and your enemy and the enemy of Humanitv since time 


That is the enemy that caused caring individuals to write the Declaration of Independence. 

(14b) That is the 


enemy from which the Constitution of the United States strives to protect us. 

I stress to you that this Invisible Monster of Injustice is formidable and will crush and consume Humanity when and 
w erever it is taken for granted and not diligently watched for, searched for, and purged from society. 

^ ^ ave s ^ own > n the above facts is that this Invisible Monster of Injustice has filtered into the Highest l- cu ' sl 1 

tinn on e H nmen ^ and the Courts - a nd stands as a Mockery of the Constitution of the United States and of the Declara- 
tion of Independence. 

(HC) enat ° r "I there ‘ S no Con 8 ress man — there is no Political Individual — there is no News Individual;' 

can hannen f Uman ’ w ° believes in Justice and Truth that can take these facts for granted. F(>r one thing is • slirL ' 1 
o me, it can happen to you or yours and will most certainly continue ever-increasingly to others 


mnr If not faced, sought out and purged from the highest level* of our Government and Court*, 
l demon*rratc to you by what I do that thl* formidable Invisible Mon*icr of Injustice tan be exposed and made 
<i4f> vulnerable for It* own destruction 

llnw to achieve thl*)' Simple Use your mind that God ha* given you to quc*tion, challenge, keep balance* and 
<l4U> check*, *cek Truth and forge forward to It* accomplishment 

what I do, I make thl* lnv!*lble Monster accessible to you It I* all of the Good People of this Nation that must 
f 1 ***) quickly and expertly pull together and plunge the weapon of Truth Into this Invisible Monster of Injustice and 
remove from office all who arc found guilty of being a part of this attempted ln|u*ttc c to Humanity 
Yor the purpose of further magnifying this Injustice, I refer to the trial discussed In (15) above The trial lasted from 
(l * ) December H through December 12, 1986. 

I did not attend my own trial My extremely competent attorney, John Flannery, and competent Scientific In 
dividual*, Dr Roger Hasting* (Physicist), Ralph Hartwell (Electrical Engineer) and Milton Everett (Mechanical 
Engineer) did a superb job In making the NMS and the Patent Office appear foolish , and proving that my technology 
and It* Pioneering Invention work 

( 15 b) by the Fact* of the Trial Record, the NBS basically admitted that they had Improperly conducted their testing 

At one point the Patent Office even asked the Judge to postpone the trial and let the PTO employees have additional — ; 

time to gather further evidence to disprove my technology, even though they had already had almost eight years 
Their request was denied, 

6 Now the clincher of Injustice compounded upon Injustice, The PTO recently presented a bill to the Court of 
Thomas Pcnflcld Jackson asking that I pay the Patent Office 1102,181 ,9V 
( 198 649 26 of this #102,181.95 was to supposedly pay for unlawful testing by the National Bureau of Standard* 

' ; testing which occurred beyond the ordered time of thirty days and testing which violated the conditions 

ordered by the Higher Court of Appeals, [See (10) above,) 

( 16 b) And even more ridiculous, the testing by the NBS employees was Incorrectly performed, and the NBS will, for all of 
history, look ridiculous because of It. 

(16c) My Instant response to this criminal hill of #102,181.95 Is Not No Hell Not 

(J6d) This massive Injustice shows and proves the corruptness and evil that Is clearly traceable by the Facts back to (6c) 
above, which 1 quote again 

Jackson *tated In the Court Record that the reason he was using a Special Master was to expedite the Summary Judg 
ment and to *avc me money. 

The unlawful actions by the Higher Court (Federal Circuit) encourage and endorse this massive Injustice 
It should also be pointed out that presently there Is no law that a Federal Judge has to act In making a dec Islor i In any 
reasonable length of time, Judge Jackson himself has been known to take over two years to Issue a decision after the 
trial had ended, 

(I6e) Prior to all of this, years of additional Injustice was committed by Patent Office- personnel and was applied 

thfOUghOUtallth«abovc,suc|iasiKTjurya..dil.«-coniln violation of th( laWSCOtlCei g™ pUfp«« •' 

tent Office's existence: To stimulate creativity In order to benefit the People of thl* Nation. 

(17) The attorneys for the Patent Office In this case and Commissioner of Patents, Donald (Julgg, have all lied, |x r|mc <1 
themselves, and should and must he prosecuted 

(17a) Thomas Pcnflcld Jac kson should and must be Impeached and prosec uted 

(17b) The Higher Court should and must be criticized and Its Involved fieisonncl pu* <m probation, h \ i 

(17c) The Judges cannot be trusted to judge one another 1 When a ludge r> accused l>\ an I 11 " ” ' . ’’"j] Jj'i^ t | 1c dec! 
violating the law, twelve unbiased American citizens judg<- die c lalm, the very peop c v* io . 
sions of a Judge s ruling 

(1 7d) If a Judge Is falsely acc used then the accuser Is punished triple of what would be normal ^ ^ 

(I7e) If a Judge is found guilty of violating the law, then said Judge is Impeached by the i<o|>i<. 

posed to serve, He Is not to be judged by his comrades! | Hue (7d) above, | ^ 

(18) To exemplify how the Invisible Monster < if’ Injustice weaves It web and grows like .ilungn 
corrected, I present other facts: 

THK I'M'KOV MAI .111*1' Ol' H ISKI'fl Sl '« ' ,AN 

Mil'll le] Deaver one of Reagan s closes, friends and a top aide, was shown on National News In maneuvering a 
plicated legal lactic to delay his Indictment on a Separate Criminal Case from the recent Iran-Contra 
n nn thinir>i> Qnrl Wateraate attorney) convenlmriv 


plicated legal tactic to uc.ay ...* «*— - — •«. 

, . oat Once again Thomas Penfleld Jackson (Reagan s appointee and Watergate attorney) conveniently comes l„, 0 lh , 
^cture and'.akes an action that Is apparently unheard of: stopping an Indictment before It ever occur, 

,19b) Look back at Sections (5a) through (5c). The old saying • rbrc» os , breves" come, to mind 
n 9c) Michael Deaver had originally advocated the appointment of the Independent counsel and then when he himself 
was found guilty of a crime before said independent counsel, he then filed suit to claim the independent counsel 
unconstitutional and that President Reagan rather than the judiciary should choose the independent counsel that 
judges Michael Deaver. 

(19d) This is the same as a murderer saying, “1 want my friend to choose my jury or Judge ” 

(,9e) Representative Don Edwards of California said: “You can t expect the Executive Department to Investigate itself, 
there’s too much of a conflict of interest.” 

(19f) lohn Dingell of the Commerce Oversight Subcommittee of Congress said: “For the courts to throw out a statute as 
important to the order and to the cause of justice In this country as a special prosecutor statute would be a calamity 
of the greatest order. ” 

(19«) Oliver North filed an identical suit as Michael Deaver (one day before Deaver) concerning the Iran-Contra scam 
Question: Who is his Judge? Reagan himself gave Oliver North high praise. Look back at (19c) through (19f). Th c 
same Facts apply. 

(20) Ronald Reagan admitted on his latest TV address to the “ People’ ’ that he was responsible for the wrong doings of his 

(20a) I most certainly agree that Reagan is responsible! Especially since Reagan has personally, by the “Facts’’ - con- 
ducted himself so as to encourage their wrong and unlawful actions. 

(20b) Reagan stated to the People that there were no records kept concerning the Iran-Contra scam, which is very conve- 
nient, especially in light of the Fact that Watergate was exposed because records were kept. 

(20c) Reagan then told the “People" records are now going to be kept at the White House implying that you, the People, 
should be non-thinking, and excuse prior violations of the law 

(20d) It is obvious that a law must be inacted that with every action undertaken by the White House, clear and accurate 
records must be kept. 

(20e) Reagan should most certainly be Impeached! He has — by the “Facts” — deliberately encouraged the mass 
Injustices to me and to the “People” who are the recipients of this most beneficial technology to which I have 
devoted most of my adult life. (See quote from Reagan’s own staff in (3) above: “some scientists believe this Inven- 
tion could change the world as it converts mass into energy — runs on its own energy.”) 

(21) I gave a demonstration of my Pioneering Technology by running a 1800-lb automobile (with driver), demonstrating 
Electromagnetic Levitation, Weather Control and Causes, and much more at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum In 
Biloxi, Mississippi at 1 1 :00 A M. on March 1 1 , 1987. 

(21a) Interestingly enough, my demonstration in Biloxi occurred on the same day Thomas Penfield Jackson made his nil 
ing on the Deaver matter [see ( 19 ) through (190 above). 

(22) To you, the reader, I am well aware that my Pioneering Patent Application is under the decision of Thomas P en ^. 

Jackson yet to be handed down and after him the possible involvement of the Higher Court (Federal Circuit), 
which I condemn here. I go even further than that and point out that because of some of Reagan s recor 
respect to the type of compromising individuals he has placed in high positions, that this automatically ma cs ^ 
thc two Reagan Supreme Court appointees suspect. These individuals’ past records and possible outside n ^ 

connections should be carefully rechecked. It does not mean that they are automatically guilty, but at a 

honest individuals are not worried if they are checked out and a Supreme Court Judge should especially L 
thorough investigation of his background if the Judge has nothing to hide. ^ | 

(23) Many people who read these facts may possibly feel overwhelmed or helpless. Open your mind and r « ad * {hcn 
have accomplished. How have I accomplished it? Simple. By using my mind, documenting the “Facts, 

acting on them. 

(23a) You, the reader, have a mind that can do the same thing. I am only one person, but I assure you that I feel ^ qU iver 
no fear of what I do. In fact, just the opposite, the muscles across the top of my shoulders and down my pic rcf 

with anticipation at the thought of an opportunity to thrust this sharp deadly weapon of “Truth. * , vC axof 

into the formidable Invisible Monster of Injustice that allows small-minded individuals to yield such a m -• 
injustice to Humanity. 


1 this nation do exactly as 1 do, then no corrupt politician or Judge can exist against your nnighi^The ln- 
(23b) 1^ 311 pC ° P n Ster of Injustice will not be able to get small-minded individuals to serve injustice to you the People 

V ' S,bl f e midable Invisible Monster will always be there to entice government employees whereby the People must 
always be alert, keep balances and checks, and take nothing for granted. 



be alert, keep balances anu * » 

3 W . , jncoln stat ed what must be done: "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the 

Abraham ^ ^ over throw the Constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the Constitution 
COUr ' S ne who reads this material and agrees with its message should seek to get it published in papers, magazines, 
an'S on Sk shows. And to be absolutely sure of distribution, make at least five copies and send them to other tn- 
dividuals asking them to do likewise. 

dividuals asking them to ao ukcwisc. 

_ who r eads this material should contact their Senator and Congressman, and ask them to actively see 

,24b> served to you. the "People ' 




justice served to you, tne rcupic. 

' nnf he deceiv ed by any politician who may try to excuse the Factual Massive Injustices described above^ Do not 
h°dece?ved by their words or lack of responsible action. Recognize that such politicians are the endorsers of said In- 
justices and come election time then you, the People, remove them 

B assured that Truth” Is like a High Intensity Laser Beam and it will burn through garbage! 

, Liieve that physicist Dr. Roger Hastings’ comment concerning the benefits of my technology to Humanity is ap- 
propriate in more than one way: “If you have any conscience at all, you cannot walk away from this 
I nnHude this Press Release and tribute to the Bicentennial of the Constitution with the same words at the begin- 
n J a nd end of mv book “To all Peoples whose brain burns and aches to accomplish great things and changes for 
the Goodness of the Universe be with you. For you are the Goodness of the Universe and 
do good for the People in spite of themselves. And I salute you! 

And 1 sign my name to the destruction of Injustice as John Hancock signed his on the Declaration of Independence 

July 4, 1776. 

Joseph Westley Newman 
March 6, 1987 


Joseph Newman challenges anyone to run an 1 800-lb automobile pow ered b> a com en 
electric motor with the current equivalent to that from a 1 to -volt transistor batter} . 

By using his energy machine motor, Joseph Newman has already run an 1800 lb automo 
with the current equivalent to that from a 1 to -volt transistor battery! 

As Dr. Hastings said: "If you have any conscience at all. you can't ualk away from this. 











( 30 ) 

”“ 1 „ „„ — » «~ »;■•« 

On March 11, 1987 - T 1 further stall his indictment with Deaver now saying that he would go to the Hi ghe 
which encouraged Deaver to f ^ e [ s The ambig uous nature of the Judge's actions was discussed and 

C 7 tS d ”oX' Ma cTu ‘ W eTWedneZ evening MacNEIL-LEHRER NEWSHOL R 

analyzed on opened a "Pandora’s Box" by his unprecedented action to stay the indict- 

Obviously, Thomas Penfidd Jacks h P no w Q the doors to appeals and other indictment-delaying 

f . ldT k 

tactics d> „ lirromf » hv th e Higher Courts in the Deaver case, Thomas Penfield Jackson has attempted 

in «-»«• • — k ' r >' ° f ,he jus,ice upon wh,ch ,his coumry is toundM 

Recognize .ha. Deavefs purpose is ,o have one of his closes, friends and former boss, Ronald Reagan, pick , he 
dividual or individuals who will judge him! 

7 , . lnatlnBevldencc . Through his Subcommittee on COURTS, CIVIL LIBERTIES, AND THE ADM 1 N 1 S- 

raoWICE Congressman Rober, Kas.enmeier has been circulating an unsigned letter on an 8!V x „ 
a h Ch even lacks a letterhead This letter is being sen. to people who call h.s office to request that as Subcom- 
on the Joseph Newman legislation. The letter specifically states, 

■You should also know tha, official representatives of President Reagan have Indicated 
their opposition to Mr. Neuman s private relief bills. Thus, unless the President changes 
his position, legislation on this topic is unlikely. 

The questions to be asked are: 1) Who are these "official representatives" of President Reagan> 2) What is the 
specific nature and reasons for their opposition? 3) Why is a Democratic Congressman so concerned about the opin- 
ion of a Republican President concerning this legislation? IS CONGRESSMAN ROBERT KASTENMEIER LYING OR 

The old saying "birds of a feather flock together" comes to mind. Kastenmeier has vowed to stop all House Bills for 
Joseph Newman’s Pioneering Patent Kastenmeier endorses the injustice to the People initiated by the financial 
power brokers that manipulate and influence unethical and unlawful Senators, Congressmen, and/or Presidents. 

You the People must act. See (24) above: "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts 
This is not a Democratic or Republican issue. It is an issue of Justice to and of the People. 

★ For those who cannot understand why 1 fight so hard for the benefit of others, and do not tire or canno 

★ be intimidated, please read the attached tribute to my great-grandmother. Look into her eyes and you 

★ will realize that what I do is natural to me and it would be difficult for me to do otherwise. 

lor of the back wooas, 
who delivered, nursed, 
cured and inspired hun- 
dreds of Mlsslsslpplans 
during her long life, posed 
for this picture with her 
husband, a teacher, when 
she was about 40 years old. 



It is said that every middle-aged man and 
woman within a 300-square-mile section of South 
Mississippi came into the world under the gentle 
ministrations of Aunt Prudie Ladner, unsung 
heroine of the backwoods, whose life of great 
service reads like a classic of pioneer fiction. 

For over 60 years Aunt Prudie, a small and twin- 
kling blonde, was a redoubtable buffer standing 
between pain and the farmers of the countryside 
around Lumberton. 

She was more than a midwife, was Aunt Prudie; 
she was a doctor, as well versed in things medical 
as many a qualified physician, although she placed 
her greatest trust In herbs and roots which, after 
all, were often the same medidnals as those hand- 
ed out by the physician in a different form and 
disguised with a Latin name. 

As courageous a human as ever loved the red 
clay hills, Aunt Prudie often braved the night alone 
on horseback, swimming flood-swollen streams, 
slipping and sloshing through bottomless gumbo, 
to reach the bedside of an expectant mother or 
dangerously ill child. 

In all, Aunt Prudie during her 05 years of prac- 
tice, delivered 2bN babies anti nursed back to 

health unnumbered thousands in a territory which 
included parts of five counties — Lamar, Pearl 
River, Forrest, Marion, and Stone. 

Prudence Smith Ladner was born in 1852 in 
Smith County, Miss., and was taken when a child 
to Mobile, Ala. She returned to Mississippi as the 
16-year-old bride of P A. Ladner, and settled with 
him near Lumberton. 

Prudie, young as she was then, was an expert 
midwife, and she entered into practice. As there 
was no "diploma" doctor within 50 miles, she 
soon was called upon to treat illnesses - malaria, 
boils, dysentery, tonsillitis, and the mysterious 
lluxes and brain fevers of the day. 

Prudie not vet "Aunt" Prudie - took to read- 
ing "doctor" books and experimenting with an- 
cient folk remedies. As the years went by she tried 
and proved to her satisfaction many a crude but ef- 
fective treatment, using the natural materials that 
grew in the woods and fields about bet. 

Por a kldnev flush she brewed a tea of "four cor- 
ners of the earth," a grass. Boils were brought to a 
head with tar salve; malaria was attacked with a tea 
brewed from the black snake mot, Fever grass 
root was an admirable, if violent, purgative. Ion- 


torn Her energy was unlimited. Besides ranging 
as doctor throughout the countryside, she had 
time to tend the farm chores and give birth to nine 
children of her own. 

Mr Ladner, her husband, is said to have looked 
upon his wife with awe, but he was not complete- 
ly overshadowed by the strenuous woman he 
married. At his home he set up a school, the only 
one within miles. Among his pupils was young 
Theodore Bilbo, future senator, whose youthful 
ailments were soothed by the wife of his 
schoolmaster. When public education spread to 
the pinev woods, Mr. Ladner for many years was 
supervisor of a Pearl River county district. 

Legends were spun around Aunt Prudie while 
she still was a young woman. Not legend but fact, 
however, is the story still told about the night her 
horse slipped in a storm and fell on Aunt Prudie, 
breaking her foot. Instead of returning home for 
help she continued to her destination, was carried 

from her horse into a house where she delivered a 
baby, then was carried back to the horse which 
she rode home. 

•Aunt Prudie was sure the mother of this coun- 
ty ” remarked one old timer, himself delivered by 
her 'She was a lot more n jest a midwife. She 
give us advice on everythin', she made us believe 
in the power of prayer. If we couldn’t pay her. she 
treated us anyways.” 

And Prudie was also the jolliest citizen of the 
hills a lively, bubbling person whose laughter and 
capering were the making of many an otherwise- 
routine shindig. 

Mr Ladner died in 1916, and Aunt Prudie took 
over the entire management of her bulging house- 
hold. As the years passed and grandchildren came, 
she grew stout and was no longer able to make the 
tortuous trips across country astride a horse But 
until she was 80 years old she was always eager to 
do battle with fear and pain. 

Aunt Prudie died in August, 1945, at the -age mi 
93. She left seven children and 35 grume u e c 
- her family can not agree on how many grea - 
grandchildren. She left also a flowing memo 
the hearts of the thousands she aided in 
decades of doctoring. 




☆ A ^ ^ if ^ ir ft + ftieftir'tTir'b + 'bir'b + ft + 'b'k'& + 'b + 'b + 'b + '& + 'b + 'b' k ' i * + 

***’ *1 — — —— — I m '-1 

SSan?photogR aph v 

Joseph Newman with bis 21st Century automobile 


ON MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1987, 11AM. 

(Doors open at 10AM.) 

NATIONAL NEWS CONFERENCE : 11:00AM, Monday, April 6, 1987 

Georgia International Convention and Trade Center (404) 997-356 

,902 Sullivan Road, College Park, !ess than 1 mile from Atlanta In. 1 Airport near tntersectlonof l-TS and I- 

You ’re invited! Free Admission! open to the public! 

AS Joseph Newman has repeatedly stated: ' Truth is like a High Intensity Laser Beam and it will burn through garbage! 

ures butarethescta , 

FACT 3: The following figures used in the equations below are not Joseph /compelling 'Truthful'' 

tiflc community's figures. Joseph Westley Newman has simply used his mind and put them in a compe, g 

order so as to prove the "Truth” of his mechanical teachings, -nuation 

FACT 4: Example: There are 10,000 times more atoms within the conductor In the ^/O^mon^^en the cost per 

below. If the cost per month of the energy field produced In the 4th equation was one dollar per month, the 

month of the same energy field produced In the 1 st equation Is • 10,000.0 per mon recon- 

FACT 5: in the equations below we are using 30 gauge copper wire jwlth. 1 P ay y0Uf 
sisting of 1 ft. of 30 gauge wire] Volt X Current (Amps) - WATTS. The entl y y y 

monthly electric bill is Watts: 

Equation 1: 1 .5 Volts x 1 5 amps = 22.5 Watts Input Into I ‘urn of *0 gauge wire 

(small number of atoms) = 15 amp turns strength magnetic field produced. 

Equation 2: 1.5 Volts x .15 amp = .225 Watts Input power Into 100 .{"produced. 

atoms of 30 gauge wire = 15 amp turns strength magnetic field produceo 

Equation 3: 1.5 Volts x .015 amp = .022 Watts Input power }"'° J, a gne7ic field produced. 

atoms of 30 gauge wire - 15 amp turns strength of magnetic n ” e, “ * aIld 

Equation 4: 1.5 Volts x .0015 amp - .00225 Watts l"P“« P^/^^iHe Td produced. 

~auge wire = 1 5 amp turns strength o f magnetic neio v - 

atoms of 30 gauge wire = ljampturnsstre nmno....^^ — r ^ , 

The recent technological breakthroughs in superconductivity teachw is correct. Joseph 

warmer temperatures only further proves and exemplifies that wnat jo p 


dearly leaches that the best system design Is the one ln which the least amount of energy lnputed Into the condu^, 

rorTauTes the greatest amount of atom const „ently decreases as the number of turns of 

FACT 6: The current and power twatage,lnp of thc ma gnetic field neuer decreases Simply pj 0 * 

prfstng the cot, increase, and ye. ^"^Me Infinitely decreasing the current and powe, (wattage, lnp u V h ' 
same strength magnetic field ca P „ a ttagc consumed in the 1 st equation than In the 4th equation, whn. 

Note that there Is 10,000 limes .hf/.S -™!!lon has 10 000 times more atoms than the conductor of the 1st e quaUo „' 

at the same time the conductor o . absolute proof that the current and power (wattage) consumed to produce 

CONCLUSION: The above Inform * ^ d wlth a conductor Is Inversely proportional to the number of atom, con,, 

a given energy that the magnetic field comes from the atoms of the conductor, exactly „ 

j P o r !eph Newman teaches (E = MC 2 )! „ onV4 . rtina mass into pure energy on a 100% conversion process in accordance 

This technology lepwjfitj- a i means of , g tion to the environment or to the Human Race. This opens a universe 

with Einstein's equation of E = ^ Human Race! 

of excitement and a magnificent results relating to Joseph Newman’s technology are confirmed by those 

FACT 7: The accuracy of the (for instance, one month) and you the consumer having to pay f or 

results being applied for any reasonable length or t consumed in the 1st equation is 10,000 times greater than 

the wattage consumed Example: magnetic field is produced, (See Facts 4 and 6 above.) 

a* ‘onsumud in .he 4th equ.lion and yet ! ", ng de ® on stra,ed is running off 30 gauge wire and strong magnets to ac- 
FACT 8: The engine powering the automoDii : » afe anyone who wishes to use one's mind will recognize that the 

cordance withjoseph Newman s Teachings, as pro clf> why? Because Joseph Newman has more than 113,000 

automobile will operate as stated, !^. b Q er ° r ^_ oer 8 atoms) an d more than 300 lbs. of constant permanent magnetic atoms 
turns of 30 gauge wire (more than 200 lbs. or copper 


Joseph Newman challenges anyone to run an 
1800-lb automobile powered by a conven- 
tional electric motor with the current 
equivalent to that from a 1 Vi -volt transistor 

By using his energy machine motor, Joseph 
Newman has already run an 1800-lb auto- 
mobile with the current equivalent to that 
from a 1 Vi -volt transistor battery! 

As Dr. Hastings said: “If you have any con- 
science at all, you can t walk away from this. ” 

On March 11, 1987, the automobile powered by the energy machine performed as stated above in the 
:OLlSEUM and as verified on national CBS EVENING NEWS. ~™,nlHhed bv con- 

FACT 9= In addition to the Fact that Joseph Newman s challenge In Fact meter and a RF amp meter hook 

vcntlonal teachings of electric motors, there will be a DC amp mct * T ™ . f b is htf)U ted into the engine by 

?d In series and they will all prove that more energy comes out of he that in a single 1 'A -volt tran- 

che battery pack of high voltage and low current capacity (current is equivalent to that inas g 

sis tor battery). Battery Company for 

FACT 10: These battery packs of High Voltage and Low Current have been built by RA'* () 

loseph Newman and they are all numbered with “Experimental Battery' written on the top. Atlanta , Georgia 

FACT Hi A National News Conference will be held at 1 1:00 A.M., Monday, April 6, ie99 than 1 m ,,e 

at the Georgia International Convention & Trade Center, 1902 Sullivan Roa , B 

from Atlanta Int’l. Airport near thc intersection of 1-75 and 1-85. Battery Pa ck ^ ails 

FACT 12: Thc public is also warmly invited. The automibile will be run hour after hour until thc S ?q UQ Urs 0 r more before 

The automobile has already run 10 hours on this special Battery Pack and it is expected to run consistently comes from 
the Battery Pack fails. At thc same time, the facts of the meters (see Fact 9) prove that more ene gy 
the engine of thc automobile than from the Battery Pack. .. reflar( jiess of the fa ct [ a 

The dry cell battery pack is not considered to be rechargeable so it will, at some point ran, * 0 y AC Battery Com- 
there is more energy going back into the battery pack than energy coming from the battery pac • ver y good, 

pany is working diligently with Joseph Newman to correct this conventional deficiency ana res • 0 ff the cur- 

'ACT 1 3: The automobile will be running at a slow speed (walking speed) but keep in mind it '•! I 

nii/'ili-nf l/i m/h'.il i* in a I I/, .vnll Iranslfilnr I he size of VOUT thumbnail- 

‘At. i 13 : i ne auiomomie wm ne running at a mow spccu ^ warning 

ent equivalent to whai is in a 1 ‘/i-volt transistor battery the size of your thumbnail. . Mowing morning unt ' 
The automobile will be stopped at 9:00 P.M. each night and will start again at 9:00 A M. eat i o iec ked by the L 

....... . ii a a. U A«rii A 1QH7 The hat^Hes will oe tuev. 

i ne auiomomie wm ne sioppeu ai v:ww r.ivi. eaen nigin anu win 

>attery pack expires. The initial start will be at 1 1 .00 A M., Monday, April 6, 1987. The batteries w 

h-v have not been changed and will also be verified by representatives of RAY-O-VAC Battery Company 
up sure that tncy 

vied ' 1 to u Newman will be talking and demonstrating the breadth of his Revolutionary Technology 

fA CT 14: JOSep ity space travel — weather and other tremendous beneficial changes that can and will oc- 

conce fniD ** ® ra ?L c •• people” of this nation get behind the technology that Joseph Newman has devoted 22 
cur » s 90 °“ u fc t o bringing forth to the Human Race. 

year* of h,s ^ a 9 |i 9 the News Media to attend, verify, and monitor this historical event and to make the 
Joseph New ^ event, so that they and their children can come, see the beginning, and then come and 
people” * wa *^ desire to verify the extraordinary results of the time the automobile runs off the current 
go as often as . ln a j yi-volt transistor battery, the size of your thumbnail. 

equivalent to ’ vcrfunent has deliberately stifled and continues to vigorously stifle this technology from the 
The V.S. oat | on an d the world. Therefore, Joseph Newman takes the Technology to the “People” so 
ZTclaKC It and Mg' for themselves. 

For further information, contact: Joseph Newman at (601) 947-7147 
Route 1, Box 52, Lucedale, Mississippi 39452 

1 '4 -VOLT transistor battery 


Prior to the Atlanta presentation of the electric automobile, a representative from RAY-O-VAC prepared a chart 
which described the life expectancy of the batteries designed and built by RAY-O-VAC battery company. According 
to RAY-O-VAC, the batteries should be dead after 25 hours of supplying 20 mllliamps to the energy machine coll In 
the automobile. 

Before going to Atlanta, the car operated for 10 hours on the same set of batteries. While at Atlanta, the car 
operated for an additional 20 hours, 10 minutes on the same set of batteries. Upon returning to Lucedale, Mississippi, 
the car operated for an additional 45 minutes on the same set of batteries. Consequently, the total battery time of 30 
hours, 55 minutes exceeded the theoretical life expectancy of the batteries by over five hours. Moreover, at the en 
of the Atlanta presentation, the RAY-O-VAC representative tested the batteries and found them to still have substan- 
tial energy content! 

Two of the batteries designed by RAY-O-VAC were rendered physically Inoperative by the back charging effect o 
this system. The RAY-O-VAC representative will have his company carefully study these results with the Intent o 
designing a battery that can withstand the back-charging effect of this system. 


|The following sections have been added to the Sixth Edition) 


The Fifth Edition of THE ENERGY MACHINE 
OF JOSEPH NEWMAN — which represents my 
Life's Work for Humanity — was published and 
sent out over two years ago. The additional 
information added in the following sections tits 
perfectly with all that has been written in the earlier 
Editions of this book. Some of this new information 
will shock you! The reason: 

The new infomiation deals with factual Proof 
that the Decade of the 1990’s will decide if we go 
into 1000 years of Peace preceded by the 1990’s 
being almost total destruction of most life on Earth, 
or if we decide to choose Love and Peace between 
All Peoples on this Earth as our way of life for the 
1990's and into the following 1000 years of Peace. 

If your refer back to page 154 of this book you 
will read that 1 thought my life's work, i e.. the tech- 
nology 1 teach, would have seen worldwide use 
and that 1 would be dead and gone by the time 
people examined what else 1 had to say about Life 
that may also benefit them and their families. On 
page 154 1 wrote: 


(These words prove that my Technology means 
nothing if the Values of the 1 luman Race do not IM- 

Following these words 1 present my whole Phi- 
losophy of Life and Happiness This Philosophy 
relates exactly with what follows in this added 
section to the new Sixth Edition. Why? Because in 
198" God started speaking to me mentally just as 
even preacher now claims and has claimed through- 
out the history of all people upon this Earth. 

Turn to page 2S2 of this Book wherein 1 
explained how easy it was for God to communicate 
with each of us and vice versa — Electromagneti- 
cally 1 wrote and published this in 198-t! 

In IdS" God began communicating with me by 
direct, electromagnetic, mental communication 
which instructed me to sen e all of God’s People 
upon this Earth. The reader should also refer hack 

to the page before the Preface of this book _ 

Life’s Work — wherein 1 wrote-. 


It is now obvious to me and I hope becom 
obvious to you that it is NO accident that m 
compelled in 1984 to so dedicate this book contam 
ing my Life’s Work with the aforementioned word) 

God has made me from bi*th — has taught me 
— has inspired me — has made me sensitive to mi 
PEOPLES OF THIS EARTH. God has chosen me to 
serve you — to sen e ALL PEOPLES. 

Since the end of 1987, 1 have followed God’s di- 
rection and began warning the world of God' s 
Innate Wrath which will befall us if we do not love 
one another. As a result of my actions and warnings 
most of my loved ones and most of the news media 
throughout the world have turned against me and 
my Life’s Work. So have many of my previous so- 
called friends. Even my wife Ellen and my son 
Gvromas have turned against me and left. I married 
another girl — Annis — who in the last couple of 
months has also totally turned against me and lef:’ 
Even one of my daughters turned against me. How- 
ever. my other daughter — Michelle — has stood 
by me lovingly and courageously Michelle lives 
another state Now, in fact, I sit tota > 
(except for the Presence of GOD^ in the woods 
Sunday afternoon June 3. 1990 writing this portion 
y Life’s Work for AU umanity 
God makes me into "STEEL” whereby 1 can bos: 

se ve mi human nv " ' 

service to God and Humanity even when ot 
around me fall away because of the hardship - 
has asked me to endure for his Peoples 
World. . . -to 

My desire to serve God and Humanity 
exemplified by the 2o-page Rod 
Release which I sent out around the xvor ^‘ n; . Rl v 
This Press Release concerned 
agan's and the U S . Government ><■ 
stifle my Life's Work and Energy M '“ iSv - ' 

ogy The tol ow ng Red v eve - - . .• 

now inserted into this addition to lh - 

' . VV.'KOt v \v ' V v'V \\SITH VNTMAS 



(cannot be said in a few sentences) 

See FACT 45 for very possibly the next United States President 
as an independent, TRUTH AND ACTION PARTY. 




Route 1 , Box 52 
Lucedale, Mississippi 39452 
(601) 947-7147 

for immediate release 





Joseph Newman compliments Dr. Paul C.W. Chu of the UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON for ‘•Mastering" aspects of hu 
Pioneering Technology and. at the same time, Joseph Newman condemns Dr. Chu for claim, ng Pioneering credit f 0 r a 
technology to which Dr. Chu is not entitled. 

Joseph Newman charges a number of top U.S. Officials and others with attempted theft (under the g U i Se of 
"Superconductivity”) and cover-up of his Pioneering Technology 

The recent advancement in Superconductivity is a direct result of inventor Joseph Newman’s Pioneering 22 y ea r S of 
dedicated work 

I. Joseph Newman, back up my statements with “Fact exactly as I do in Science. [See the following information for 
more detailed Proof of these statements!) 

f\CT: Let’s examine the history of Superconductivity development and see how its history matches the facts — 

It took 75 years to raise the temperature of superconduc- 
tivity by 62 degrees. 

media) 106 DEGREES. 

Many other superconductivity research scientists around 
the world were testing the new French oxides, but Chu — 
by using PRESSURE on the new oxides that were dis- 
covered by others — obtained significant, Immediate 
results — then altered oxides to achieve ever better results 




” Towards - - 



28°F — March 1987 — Researchers at the University ot 

California (Berkeley Lab) report hints of temp, this high 

Researchers at the Berkeley Lab had received my book 
and had spoken with a WWL-TV electronics engineer in 
New Orleans who had worked v/lth me In Lucedale, Mies 


. _ 284 °F — February 1987 -Dr. Paul Chu at the University 

of Houston and his colleagues at the University of 
Alabama at Huntsville “stun" the world. THESE IN- 

. _ 390 °F — December, 1986 - IBM scientists In Switzer- 
land utilize new oxides discovered by French chemist 

- - 406 0 F — January, 1986 

- DECEMBER, 1984 

- -419 # F (1973) 

- -422 °F (1969) 

- - 427°F (1960) 

- -429° F (1953) 

- 433*F (1941) 

- 442®F (1933) 

452°F (191 1) 

For 'urther proof of the "Truth” of the fecit patented In this Report, eee pege 22 for fhe eitenelve He) of orgenlietlone. unlvereltlee end corporetlone tl 






ana extensive, ucumtu 
Reagan on November 17, 1983- 

Featured on page 169 of my same book Is a short, typewritten response from the White House dated 1985, March 2i 

Dear Mr. Newman; 

On behalf of President Reagan, I want to thank you for your 
letter and enclosures. 

The President appreciates the time you have taken to bring 
your invention to his attention. However, I am sorry that 
this must be a disappointing response to your request. So 
many similar requests are received that it just is not 
possible to comply. I hope you will understand. 

With the President's best wishes, 




March 21, 19e4 


Special Assistant to the President 
and Director of Correspondence 

Mr. Joseph Westley Newman 
Route 1, Box 52 
Lucedale, MS 39452 



received the material returned from the White House, everything was neatly packaged as though the vast 
"' nThad originally sent had never been opened. 

eDarating the vast material and filing it in the proper files, I discovered a White House “Goof-up” — an In-house 
1 P ° n S Video Review of a VHS tape neatly stacked in the vast material 1 had sent. 

' vrhite House “Goof-up entitled “VIDEO REVIEW” was obviously in total conflict with the letter sent from Anne 

ThC president Reagan's Special Assistant. 

Hjgglns. r 


Name of Sender: vjas&/s// l/j/. fj evo/v 

ADDRESS: /V / /3a X j5~ 2 M / 6 « 3 J? 

Date Received by the White House: //- 0 2/-J > 3 


Summary : ^ 


i/J ll) L TV- c/visr^jP V lituJ ^ 


If nothing unusual send directly to Lilie Bell, Room 58. Make 
a copy for JCD's file. 

J Special cases to Chuck Donovan, Room 94. 

Problems, i.e. threats etc. send to Secret Service Room 45 via 
Bob Gallagher. 

Keep original form with video. 

Anything intended as a gift, i 
Bible tapes, send directly to 

.e. a professional production, 
the Gift Unit, Room 457. 

,u "h»r proof of th. "Truth" ol tho fact* praaantad In this Rapori, ••• paga 22 lor tha axtanalva Hat ot o 



, j . Some Scientists believe this Invention could change 

compi? d by the tetter from Anne H ^heflogica^ condus.on than that there 

Even at the time I recei rfy exper ienced - I was |5 for '‘Humanity 

sincerity and the comprehensive na 

Route 1 t sox 
Lucedale, Mi! 
Phone: (601) 

written with literally years of experienced 
1 o^obably receive no responsible, exacting 
this request. 

. r have written regarding a 
fifth°P resident which I have asKed 
this country and the people of the 

you will be the fifth Pi 
New Source of Energy and the 
to help me help the people ol 

For over 18 years I have stood alone against a closed- 
minded scientific community and great odd 

My Government 
contrary, has stood 
the level of 

jivep me absolutely no help, but to the 
auu x,. .ny way and still continues to do so at 
U.S. Patent Office. 

several working prototypes of this New Energy 

Please find enclosed copy of a letter I ! 
Johnson, dated July 31, 1967. 

a Presidei 

President Ronald Reagan 
November 17, 1983 

work, even before 1 built these prototypes, a , 
to a Scientific Document (Now 130 pages long) 

wnicn puu=> - -. w1 _ y 

of letters from credible t 
and integrity and 1””“^' 

Most important, find enclosed a VHS tape of news coveraces 
made by Mr. Garland Robinette of WWL-Television (C.B.s.) 0 f N eu 
Orleans. There are eight ln terest 

coverage on this tape, 
a most scientific manni 
reported, he has taken 

facts. Any others who give 
without doing equally 
and does an injustice 
America and the peopl< 
this tape before you pa: 
office as has alwayr K - 
approximately 30 mil 

nette has conducted himself i„ 
relative to the facts on which he has 
.thing for granted, but checked out all 
ve an opinion disagreeing on this matter 
well, only reflect poorly on themselve* ' 

the peoples of the United States 
if this world. I recommend that you view 
i this information down to some lower 
been the case in years past. This tape is 
ites long. 

Emmett Pugh of New Orleans. Phone 

Mr. Paul Gomory t 
Mr. Robinette cai 

be reached at Area Code 301-320-4327 . 
• reached at Area Code 504-529-6300. 

Patent Officials of U.S. Patent Office have deliberately 
ignored the requirements of the Patent Law Procedure relative 
to their own actions relative to the issuance of this Pioneering 
Patent on a New Energy Source. 

Also a copy of a letter, dated July 30, 1982, I sent 
Mr. Paul Gomory (Expert Advisor on Patent Law for the Judn 
Committee of the Congress) and a copy of Mr. Gomory's repl; 
my letter which he sent to Mr. Ralph Oman, Staff Director, 
Criminal Law Subcommittee, Committee of the Judiciary. 

Also find enclosed copy of my listing in the Physics 
Section of Who's Who In Technology, 1980 Edition, and numerous 
copies of letters from credible Scientific Individuals concerning 

I wish for the Commissioner of Patents to have to explain 
the actions of U.S. Patent Office, with me present, in front of 
the Judiciary Committee or the President. 

I ask that you, Mr. President, have someone of honest integrity 
check out these facts in an exacting, scientific manner and to 
enact responsible actions accordingly. 

I still stand alone, no doubt I will have to continue to do 
so, until all is accomplished as a result of my efforts. How 
sad that millions of others suffer in the mean time and the world 
stands on t'he threshold of total destruction. 

President Ronald Reagan 
Page three 
November 17, 1983 

This invention will be the cause of the Industrial 
Revolution all over again, except at a greatly accelerated rate, 
and will do more to reduce the possibility of war than any and 
all other means existing at this time, space travel will become 
fJ r “ 6 J eallty ' and wlU touch and ex cite all aspects of Science 
this t’ ° Pen many d °° rS t0 th * mind that have been closed before 

Sincerely , 

^ Joseph Westl^y Newman 



★ For further proof ol Ihs "Truth" of the facts 

presented In thlt Report, e 

» page 22 lor the extensive list ol organizations, universities and corporations that have purehssed nty 




, , „ Fedcra , Court in search of Justice. The pic, has thickened even ,o .hi. very day con- 

The plot thickened when n^wo^^nder'the^ui^^f ^‘Superconductivity.’’ 

cerningan attempted the 

'"an attempted theft or my ™ 

As paraphrasea Qfl7 ^ D .n„nn e 

132 pageT 84 h and 88 . August 198T ^ faster than the Specd of Ligh , in Washington D C. in Reagan's 

Recently. Sound app : 0 , uica l proposals concerning "Superconductivity, 

attempts to spearhead a pack of poU__ P_ ^ #<> ^ restrict and/or eliminate 

attempts to spearhead a pack ° P ^ , 0 „ e . to restrict and/or eliminate 

geagan presses for ACT)abou, technology of commerc.a, value. 

the People’s rights under tner 

[End of paraphrasing ] „ nnprtP H inseoh Newman's Pioneering Technolc 0 , 

Technolog Huntsville, Alabama), Dr. Paul C.W. Chu •• th p FREEDOM OF INFORMATION 

push a Bill through Congress fWstm the PeODle. 

push a Bill through -"8— thc people , 

. how continue with additiona, facts of the Proof , present: 


mance of the issue of superconductivity is underscored by an article inTHENEW YORK TIMES, March 10. 1987 

^'Electricity Rushes Into A New Era of Discovery i.. cmtnH that the injustice againsi 

. „ u Newman, h 

ITXZty Rushes Into A Ne, Era oj Discovery. " ^ ^ [ha( ^ in|u5tice against 

ountain ■ ” tn mind. The following fact; 

ind the People coneciiunft*" / 

,onstrate this to be true: .. -nfcnprov which converts mass 

•he old saying, “Give a tmei ur - — 

nstrate this to be true: ^innovated a New Source of Energy which converts mass 

CT 2: The U.S., the U.S. government, and many . ieved bv tappin g into the basic building block 

. vv,;c mno/„ mnversion process was achieved y PP that this energy 

The U.S. Patent Office, tne u .a. guvcim..— - - .. d by tapping into the basic building oioc* 

r , have persistently stated that this 100% Be" 1 also disclosed that thbencW 

n^r — the energy (gyroscopic particles) comprising a nwgnettc^lectro ^®, d be tapped for the im ™ e ^^ p j pb mmon- 

magnetic (electromagnetic) field was litera y racc wou |d end hunger, would make SP» C Queens and 

anity without pollution to the environment or t . t “World Peace" than all the Kings. Q 

and much more. Also, this technology w «> d° m°reh g gover nment should be ' he fitst t °* U t P he United 

icians .ha, have ever lived. 1 have continually stressed ,h . ^ be g hcnomena „ y benefited. As a result, the Un,t 

> wouia once again g<*>" — i efforts bv misappropriating - 

Ji Some of the so-called "leaders" in lie, periure themselves P-"“ pa s. 

lepartment of Energy to fight my Pioneeri g Y and keep me tied up in Court to this v y • _ ploneerlng 

ests, falsify documents, violate Patent an dollars in expenses necessary to keep pus g - further t his 

fears, such opposition has cost me over one mi h opposition slows down my e 

nology forward for the People of the World. At the same r time. such o PP 

aology since 1 must spend time fighting sue crimin , — ; . ra , c 

ology since 1 must spend time fighting s ^ possible. Such delay give: 

have no doubt tha, it is their intent to delay th ” d " 

gy concerns' the time to realign capital assets ,nt area* converge ^ ^ Thc , damage * in- 

ion time to figure out a way to steal the techno gy descendants, and to civilization. Su h vinitv . It is for 

nan is small by comparison to the damage done to y . y nd advancements to bene it a 

ve of future innovators who would: iniustice. 

innovators and the People of the World that 1 fight sue „ ***** »> 

• „ lnllicrlrf , and deliberate criminal actlon/cover-up by government employees f r , 

FACT i. In order to coomerrhls massive I b|lshed ln 1984 (with the valuable assistance of Evan R Soule; j, , 

patent office bureaucrats to Preslden I ! p Machine ofjoaeph Newman." The Information In this book * * 

pioneering llfe . (As of th , s writing - 22 years.) 

developed over 19 • energy MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN - everyone with whom 1 was In contac, ad 

Before P ublish ‘"f h m > n ^° bey wcre fearful that there were many unscrupulous Individuals who would attempt to , tea| 
vised me not to pubiisn suite 

mV TO lv concerned friends and associates . responded instantly and consistently: the Information was too Important „ 
humanity robe in the mind of only one man and must be published. 

t , r h, vioorousiv for the expansion of this technology and my work has been featured in hundreds of 
^ c — - L manzinS Across the United States and the world. In addition, I have appeared on national television and have 
be\ P nXv"wed on numerous radio talkshows through the U S. and Canada. Many of these interviews were taped a„5 
played around the world. 

FACT 7- The People and many major organizations have taken my Pioneering work very seriously As of this date, I havc 
s^^rldwide approximately 8,000 copies of my book. Some of the organizations who purchased my book are listed on 
page™ To appreciate the "Truth" of this Report, I recommend that the reader review these names before proceeding t0 


FACT 8: Why do you think these numerous organizations across the nation and the world have purchased my book, the 
energy MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN? Keep in mind that there are many major organizations that purchased my book 
under names other than their own or gained access to my book without my knowledge, eg. , through bookstores. From ex- 
perience, I know this to be a fact. Observe that there is a constant interest to this very date. 

NOW for a MAJOR point OF THIS REPORT: Since the time of the broad dissemination of my work, others have filed 
broad patent applications which infringe on my "Pioneering” Technology under the guise of "Superconductivity." 
fact 9: On February 1 6, 1987 a news feature was broadcast by KHOU-TV, Channel 1 1 in Houston, Texas concerning Dr. 
Paul C. W. Chu of the University of Houston and reported by Space and Science Reporter, John Gitter, who narrated over 
much of the film and stated in part: 

"It [superconductivity results performed by Chu at the University of Houston] changes our 
understanding of the basic makeup of matter . . . and because of all that and more, University offi- 
cials expect the next big battle, (the first being recognition of the achievement), the next big battle 
will be ownership of an idea WORTH BILLIONS " [Emphasis added.] 

On the same Houston broadcast, Richard Van Horn, President of the University of Houston stated: "It’s obvious there 
is a broad-scale commercial application for this kind of an invention. " 

factto^ Dr. Paul Chu of the University of Houston rushed to file a Patent in January 1987, and as quoted from DISCOVERY 
NF.WSDAY, Part 3, claimed before Congress that his work is "Pioneering." 

— CT ll! The facts w111 P fove tha * Chu’s "Pioneering" claim in FACT 10 above is a Lie! It is also likely that the top level 
management of the University of Houston is greatly influenced by oil interests. 

The following is quoted from ENGINEERING NEWS, May 25, 1987: 

Chu studied the reaction of oxides under high pressure to encourage superconductivity. 

Mst winter he reported that under high pressure (a few hundred thousand pounds psi) a com- 
oun ma e up of lanthanum, barium, copper, and oxygen superconducts at 40. 2 K. His experi- 
tl>rh S < eaC K ^ Ven ^K^er tem Perature ranges. Then, after hitting a limit of 60K with pressure 

techniques. Chu varied the compounds." 

activities: januarVandfebruTr^Vs^t^ 1301 ^ 1, lt ^ im P ortant to note the dates °f Chu’s superconductivity/pressure 

prior to Decern .berJ^SS 'd^p ^lr'w^ the 2nd Edition of "THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN.” Several months 

explicit concerning operationarmethod ChU ^ ^ lJn,versity of Houst <>n called me at my home and asked me to be metf' 

materials. I told Chu to bo bark pressure ’ electrical and/or magnetic input, heat, and even slight change* 0 

Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 of the i rh—^ f What 1 teach in m y book and not to simply read it! I especially recommen ' 
well as crystals react to force, Dressure 0 ^^^ 0 ^ where 1 Presented scientific proof that materials and their ^°** sc 

noticeable differences even m^he'nnin^’r 61601 ^ 031 ° r ma 8 netic input and that slight changes in material would cause 
* proof ot th» “ T n,t h ” P of producing new materials. 

* Roport, see page 22 for tha axtanalva Hal of organization, unlvaraltlaa and corporatlona that porch**** my 6 


who has any reasonable thinking facilities can verify that I teach what I advised Dr. Chu 

FACTjii 12 (as published in 1984 in the 1st Edition of my book). Examine Figures 25-H, 25-J, 25-L, 25-M, 2S-N, and 

^onpics 74. 75. and 76 

rfion 25-0 on page 76 I conclude: 

In secu " 0 f the above processes — which involve producing double refraction in a normally isotropic 
dium via the application of mechanical deforming forces, magnetic fields, and electrical fields 
'have a basic similarity: in each case, physical (mechanical) strains are produced within the medium 
which accordingly becomes anistropic. 

/ Definition of anistropic as quoted from Webster’s dictionary: “exhibiting properties with different 
values when measured along axes in different directions <an~crystal >. assuming different positions in 
response to external stimuli.] 

Continuing from page 76 

“Consequently, there is a definite, scientific pattern which emerges in the above observations. 

to steal my work, Dr. Paul Chu and others still fail to comprehend the total significance of this fact!] 

(1) Observe that in all cases a force is applied which causes the electromagnetic composition of the 
material to react. 

(2) Observe that in all cases the presence of electromagnetic energy is obvious. 

M) Therefore, in all cases the reactions were due to the material composition (electromagnetic 
1 energy) being affected by the mechanical action of such electromagnetic energy (consisting of gy- 
roscopic particles). Such reactions demonstrate the “action/reaction effect” created by the gyro- 
scopic spin or plane which constitutes the basic mechanical structure of all matter!” 

All of Chapter 1 1 and those disclosures prior to Chapter 1 1 of my book cause me to conclude on page 79, Section 25-T. 
"Question: Have you Mastered what was taught in Section 25 above? If you have, then you must 
now realize the critical importance of understanding the mechanical, gyroscopic-action-entity com- 
nrising the atoms of all materials. Many such materials will be used in energy machines designed for 
100% (conversion) efficient utilization of Einstein’s equation of E = MC 2 . SUCH AN UNDERSTANDING 

“By studying what I have written, you have glimpsed the Mechanical Essence of Quantum 
Mechanics the Gyroscopic-Action-Particle. This “gyroscopic-action-particle ' is the basic building 
block of all matter and is the Mechanical Essence of E = MC 2 The behavior of the gyroscopic particle 
can still be mechanically understood and operationally predicted in accordance with Newtonian 

FACT 14: When Dr. Chu had called me at my home in the Fall of 1985 (see FACT 12 above) it was obv ‘ ous ' h ^ t 
tainedacopy of my book, “THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSPEH NEWMAN,” or why else would he have asked the ques 
he did? Actually, Dr. Chu told me explicitly that he had obtained a copy of my book. 

On page 53 - which is prior to Chapters 11 and 12 of my book, “THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEW MAN. 
specifically discuss “Superconductivity” and I state: 

“The most efficient conducting system design Is one in which the greatest number of atoms 
within a coll are aligned by the given current (gyroscopic particle) Input. It is there ore 
a properly designed superconducting system would produce even greater results. 

Please bear in mind that this information was published in 1984! ^ ^ 

In my book, I explained that Superconductivity is simply a result of atom alignment and 1 onfiguration.'' 
print on page 53: I stress that it is essential that one design and establish the correct geoi c . 

FACT 15: The facts prove that in 1984, my book, “THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN, was pubhs 
disclosed: onduc- 

(A) That matter reacts to any Force, from Its gyroscopic basic entity and to its atoms and cry 

tivity materials. hat ( teach 

(B) That new materials with varying electromagnetic characteristics could be created by understan ng 

. f E _ Mr 2 on a 100% conversion 

(C) That Matter could be converted into Energy in accordance with Einstein s equat on o 
process by what I teach. 

^ For further proof of the “Truth" of the facte presented In this Report, see page 

22 for the extensive list of org-nlzstlons. universities end corporations the. 

have purchased my book 



which . published in 1984 are now falsely claimed by Or. Paul C.W. Ch Uo( 

duT University of Houston , of Houston called me as described in FACT 12 above, see pa 

For further proof that Dr, Chu of the urn MCW /man •• which p«»«»r.n-ri even mnrp h~o;i K 


i FACT !5 that my teachings applied to Superconductivity, refer again to p age 

M1NC OF JOSEPH NEWMAN, ' which presented even more detail on Sup Cr 

"It has been recommendea tnai 

materials and cryogenic magnets. ^ uestion - an average electrical engineer who may know v Cr v 

Question: Who do you^think ^ r °^™ n e /4 ho was specifically working towards achieving superconductivity at warmer 


FACT 17 ; To further prove the statements in F 

290 of my book: material to align and unalign at your will, E = MC 2 will be 

That if you can cause tsimole — by varying Mechanical means of causing atom 

released a, your will. But how ,s ^don^SimpU by«£ f ^ ^ k ., 

alignmenl, applying or not applying pressure, lorce, or n 

, K L rarTs is and 14 and see how they match. The above quote (an excerpt from page 289 of my book) is from 
Refer back to FACTS 3 and 14 and se y whereby „ shou | d be obvious that I was teaching FACTS 1 3 and u as they 

an Affidavit I sent to the U.S. Pate R b , chu s pr e SS conference in Houston, Texas, where he attempted 

applied to "ed^ by him! L, refer again to the last two paragraphs of FACT „ , ta , 
e7„^ Net Mor als" with varying electromagnetic characteristics would be created - a statement anticipating and 
ptedinmg’he oxides .ha. would be later deyeloped for superconductivity purposes. 

FACT 18 : Quoting from USA TODAY, July 29, 1987, Section 2-B 

"In February [of 1987 ], scientist Paul Chu of the University of Houston, working with colleagues 
at the UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT HUNTSVILLE, stunned the world with magical new ceramics 
that become superconductive at minus 283 degrees. 

From the facts it is obvious that Dr. Chu also worked with chemists in this group at the University of Alabama in Hunts- 
ville Now examine the names of organizations that I have specifically listed on page 22 as having purchased a copy of mv 
book Observe that the Department of Chemistry at Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama ordered the 2nd Edition of 
my book, THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN, " in February 1986. This second Edition included the written discus- 
sion on page 289 about the question Dr. Chu had asked me by telephone several months earlier in the Fall of 1985 at a time 
that was prior to the publication of the 2nd Edition. 

When I recently called the Chemistry Department at Oakwood College in Huntsville, Alabama, I was informed that 
some of their Chemistry professors also taught at the UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA IN HUNTSVILLE this cle.irh 
demonstrates additional proof that Chu and his colleagues had access to my “Pioneering'' work. 

Now return to the name of ORGANIZATIONS/UNIVERSITIES/CORPORATIONS which I have listed on page 22 Observe 
that in September, 1986, the Redstone Arsenal Scientific Library of the U.S. MISSILE COMMAND at Huntsville, Alabama, pur 
chased two of my books entitled “THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN.' 

Upon further investigation I discovered that it is common practice for the faculty of the University of Alabama at Hunts 
ville to utilize the U.S. MISSILE COMMAND Scientific Library and vice versa. 

To paraphrase from the August 10, 1987 issue of METALWORKING NEWS, page 9, entitled "Atom Movement May MW 

Superconductivity Gains ’ 

The University of Alabama in Huntsville, Alabama, is receiving funding from the Strategic Defense Initiative (S.D I ) ^ 

— known as the “Star Wars’’ program — for classified work and is directing a consortium of a number of large torpor, 
entities such as Boeing to perform classified work. [End of paraphrasing | 

Return to the beginning of FACT 18: Quoting from USA TODAY, "... Paul Chu of the University of Houston. ivorkM 
with colleagues at the University of Alabama at Huntsville. 


!987 page C-6 concerning “Superconductivity:’’ “The leader of the group at University of Alabama was a former 
L" U KUCn WU ’ ° f the Universit y of Alabama at Huntsville. ” Therefore, given any similar task as quoted fr 
metalworking NEWS article described above, Wu would naturally turn to Chu. 

Whom do you think contacted whom in initiating this project? As quoted from THE NEW YORK 

the I 

i« lecle presented In thli Report, s 

universities end corporetlons 111 


The human "mind" is 

motto on my 

[whyt] FhowU WHAT ' 1 

I sEVe'nti HC research and 


[l.Tl can". Be Done. It lntere.UM.lJ 


Years of Work. Re.ul.mB <" • U"* 

F ,.ld Theory o. All Phv«=»'P h » n 

L . Ne w Source o<_ EnergvJ _ _ 


|Phone (6 01 ) 947 7 147J 

h stuol< ii,v and Noncaring or only panlally caring. 

Jewman and/or his ^7lTomccZToL\ Science Foundation, Departure T^soT'oepartment of Army, Navy, Air 

government files concerning Su P erc ”" -superconductivity.” But what applies to foreig f mation Act see an article 

— «— ««- 

MfGWER ^ , Au 8 ust ^nd NASA provided the funds to Chu for his superconduc- 

Ronald Reagan claims lha. .he Naliona, Science Foundation and P r 
tivity tests. , rhat were simply not true. 

Of course, Ronald Reagan has claimed several things m P- remo ve suspicion from .he^W^ 

Bu, even if Reagan's claim was .rue, I would ENERGY MACHINE 

of "Mar Wars (S.B.I.). However, the attempt ^ 1 f ^ Foum , ; „ ion have been cmlnen.lyawareof , g2 , 8 * 197 , 

totally documents that both NASA and the Naliona . statement, see pages 1 13. D5, 22 ’ DI ’ fWMA n '1 

in the 1970s and even as early as the 1960s. [To docu R ,.- l HE ENER GY MACHINE OF JOSEP 

198, 199, 203 , 204, 205 , 206 , 209, 210 , 21 1 , and 212 of my book, Hi informed him of my 

Therefore, If NASA and ihe Naliona. Science ^"^“e^as ^vemen, .n .he same issue, 

work considering the extensive national publicity 

The facts above clearly show a direct link to "Star Wars (S.D.l ). Re alVs and his cohorts’ strings are 

While Ronald Reagan and his cohorts are not them even more fabulously w ^^"he S ^o- 

anythingbut stupid. They know that the Star Wars e x raw * ^he American taxpayer pays t te prtc 

m multiply their power and Influence In a never-enc Ing. c .. n , pollution and world hunger. 

Pie of theworld arc denied access ,o an energy source which would end po hlsto ry matches .he act, 

fact Let’s examine again .he chronological history of Su*"*^!* 2 * years of dedicated work: |Because of .he 
The recent advancements in Superconductivity result from my Pioneering 

importance of this graph, 1 am repeating it In this Report. | C or P o,...on. «... *««• ***»•*■ my book 

1 . 1 . ol organliallone. unlvaral.iaa 

ol Ihe facie p.eaonled li 

or lur.hat prool o. lha “Tru.h" 

B exlonalvo I 


•run nMnnr.Y MACHINE 

advancing towards 


— 28 °F — March 1987 — Researchers at the 
University of California (Berkeley Lab) report 
hints of temperature this high 

Researchers at the Berkeley Lab had received 
my book and had spoken with a WWL-TV elec 
tronics engineer in New Orleans who had 
worked with me in Lucedale, Mississippi 

It took 75 years to raise the temperature of 
superconductivity by 62 degrees. 

ing to the media) 106 DEGREES. 


Many other superconductivity research 
scientists around the world were testing 
the new French oxides, but Chu — by using 
PRESSURE on the new oxides that were 
discovered by others — obtained signifi- 
cant, immediate results and then altered 
oxides to achieve ever better results 

_ 284 °F — February 1987 - Dr. Paul Chu at 
the University of Houston and his colleagues 
at the University of Alabama at Huntsville 
"Stun" the world. THESE INDIVIDUALS HAD 

- 390 °F — December, 1986 — IBM scient '*’j’ 
in Switzerland utilize new oxides discovered 
by French chemist 


. DECEMBER . 1984 

419°F (1973) 

422 °F (1969) 

427 °F (1960) 

429 °F (1953) 

433°F (1941) 

442°F (1933) 

452 # F (1911) 

Of further proof of the "Truth" of the feds presented In this A 

or the extensive 

„ i universities snd corporetlons ft 



B^. s r p «conduc.,vi.y 

.1.0 from 

Lets examine 

: comments from the conventional scientific community concerning the recent, significant advance- 

..conductivity GSf WS , „ a y25, 1987, page 25; I, I, clear,!,, 

■ say5 Roy we,ns " • 

that we are dealing with 
of natural sciences at 



(B) Quoting from THE NEW VO university of California at Berkeley. Ayear ago U wa 

(B> amazing discovery. would have laughed. It was Just science fiction 

totally out of the q»“^ E * f theoretlcal physics/ said Dr. Zettl, but r^t now the experl- 

“It’s already a 

lazing theorist would have laugneu. n «« w . 

Ially /of theoretical phyaica.' .aid Dr. Zettl, bu, right now the experi- 

mrn^l.t.^re way ahead of *>■' ^ ^ ent „ |rd .. Superc „„d„ctivity Race. Ex- 

(C) Quoting from USA b „, we stiU bave no complete understanding of wh> 

nvrtments work over and oter g , . Natlon al Science Foundation 

_ why these 

) ^ over again, but we stiU have no complete unuer*".. 

per , menu «»rt » Bloch , „f the National Science Foundation. 

, , „rr:itr.o 

^-OFJOSEPH NEWMAN” asked of me by Dr. C.W. Chu (see FACT 12, in the Fall of 1985: 

Edition of my book (Decern cryog enic results would not be obvious to an examiner not skilled in 

•The point is - ^hilethe Vg who were skilled in cryogenics and mastered the 

cryogenics, these results would be obvious m mo , ^ other materjals and experiments now 

applicant s Specification! Applicant is sur ^ ^ ^ whjch wjU be obvious to others so skilled; 

existing in exotic labs th applicable to the vastness of what applicant has so ear 

,ha \‘ hOK rSt“loX r “ea^ plican.-steachings and disclosures are ma.,tered by those so akffled, 

»*.' . «- ~ 


teachings that a magnetic ■ of gravity and the motions of planets and stars 

"d^h » o^ers and for the well-being of a„ 
^Applicant has indeed taught a diligent, wide, Mechanical, 

c ii r^c rN.Nctfxritv to see and to udge 

rtant scienuuc uuiumui. vz. f r , . . 

■The sincere effort of applicant is in the file wrapper for all of: P = to -and ,o .udg. 
Therefore, in accordance with Supreme Court's prior >«i°ns and the n ten JF yery br(yjd 
assured incentive for future inventors, applicant feels he is p work which will so 

coverage and interpretation of the genius and labors of hts many years of d, I, gent work, wn.c 
greatly benefit his fellow human beings.” 

FACT_22s Quoting from THE NEW YORK TIMES, Tuesday, March 10, 1987 concerning superconductors ^ 

The patent implications alone may take years to sort out. Not only bat * ctaw ^[However, the Initial super- 

^ ne«> material, but IBM and Bel, Laboratories are both trying to paten, the entire Cass. IHowe 

conducting oxide was discovered by French scientists.] . while 

An IBM engineer purchased my book in June, 1985, and also personally called and spoke w 1th me 
asking technical questions about my work. ..muled 

Further factual proof of my pioneering technology is presented in Nh\\ 'sc students can build 
“Do It Yourself Superconductors. ” This article provides directions offered v 
superconductors. Under the subtitle "‘‘Now press on ...” the directions state: 

' 'Obtaining nr mcM„ H the- [mperamcluctlwl pellet presumably presents thegreates, challenge 
In the project . 

”... a pressure of 15,000 to 18,000 pounds for a l /i ” diameter pellet trill more than do I hi J< 
When Chu called me in the Fall of 1985, 1 specifically recommended that pressure should be emploxee 
superconducting materials. 

★ For turth.r pioo, o, ,h. ••Truth" o. th. Let. pr...n,.d In thl. R.port, ... p. 0 . 22 lor ,h. Il.t o. oifl.n.z.t.on., unlv.i.ltl.. .nd corpor.tlon. th.t h.v. puich.s.d 



r.enrcia had four engineers come to my home and talk in 

M1 Sou.h,.n^«^^^ , ^ ;ing in February, 1984 and then had me crave! to the Atlanta O tfk “'» 
detail about my work. They runic 

Hi/irrh 1 fl 1 Q84 . I : 


March 16 , 1984 . _i„» Technology by reviewing the numerous oroani, 

EAcryr *8*", OFJOSEPH NEW “ N £ 

™ . . 


listed on pages a-e-o, m-i **»''- c- why? 


ssssssr-i — ~ZZZZ2. . „ 

It is I who have taught the broad 1984 and December 1985. Such teachings were original 

Appucation and !n my DisCosure to the Paten, Office in I9B2. Such teac^ 

were YEARS before Chu’s claims in January 1987! 

OF jOSEPH^^wI^^’^nd'in p^wnts appHec^for^and^some^mnu^d*^ ^®^^^^' c ^>^^dia^and ^rgenu*nj 

have approved patents for Joseph Newman.] 


“A person shall be entitled to a patent unless — 

fa) the invention was known or used by others in this country or patented or 
described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country, before the 
invention thereof by the applicant for patent, or 
(f) he did not himself invent the subject matter sought to be patented.’’ 

The facts prove that I have extensively and publicly disclosed the Pioneering aspects of Superconductivity prior to Dr 
Paul C.W. Chu and others. 

I would have no logical motive to claim — unless it were true — that Dr. Paul Chu had called me in the Fall of 1985 as 1 
have state above. Both Patent Law and scientific history, as well as tradition and protocol give credit to the individual who 
first makes a discovery public 

My blatant honesty is well known by People who have known me and dealt with me over long periods of time. This 
fact is exemplified by letters from such individuals on pages 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, and 179 of my book. This fact is even 
further demonstrated by my life’s work as disclosed worldwide in my book, THE ENERGY MACHINE OFJOSEPH NEWMAN 

On the other hand, for me to have knowledge of the revealing facts presented in this Report — facts that are of tremen- 
dous importance to the People — and then fail to disclose these facts would show me to be weak and dishonest. My life s 
work proves that I am neither 

FACT 25: All of the above facts resoundingly echo the findings of the Special Master (someone skilled in the art) chosen b> 
Federal Judge Thomas Penfleld Jackson to evaluate my energy machine technology. This same Special Master was 
nominated as Special Master by the U.S. Patent Office and was a former Commissioner of Patents. 

The September, 1984 Report of the Special Master to the Court hearing my suit against the Patent Office fora pioneer 
ing patent stated: 

and F ^'^ ence before the Patent and Trademark Office and this court is overwhelming that Newman has bu 
J* P rotot yP e of his Invention in which the output energy exceeds the external input energy , 1 cr 
no contradictory factual evidence.” 

»r further proof of the "Truth” of the f.cts 

presented in thle Report, see pegs 22 for the extensive list ot organizations, universities and corporations that have purchased 



pact 27i Under the guise of Superconductivity , there arc those who deceivingly say that they have a New Source 
and that It Is different from my pioneering I ethnology . f lllt . nulc rial or 

Their claim Is totally absurd since Superconductivity simply represents a greater atom alignment 

^ "Nrw Source of Energy.” In conjunction with the New 

In and of Itself, Superconductivity does not represent .1 New . _ , .vnniluctivltv assumes greater 

Source of Energy- that 1 described In my Pioneering Patent Application of 1979, supet conductivity 

fact 2Hs Since 1979, the ll. S. government has consistently, deliberately, and pie medltateellN 1< ^ S p.,| n south 

pioneering Invention. Other countries, however, have Issued or arc In t he P roc '** " “ , J T1 „„ ,! 1S p e nflcld Jackson 
Africa, India, and Argentina. I have consistently charged the U.S. Patent Oflkv, FcUc al Ju Jv Thwus r ^ 

(who is Involved In the patent application suit), and all the way up to President tiagan w ‘ ■ would make 

Federal and Patent Law On many occasions 1 have said that the Injustice against me and the Human Race wc 
Watergate appear "as a molehill to a mountain, " 

fact 29- This iniustice now becomes even more outrageous. By fighting me, the U.S. government has cost ~ 
11,000,000.00 in my efforts to bring this Technology forward for the benefit of humanity. 

Compare such government opposition with the following news item quoted from the Section B cover story in 
TODAY, July 29, 1987 entitled USA rallies champs of supertech “ 

■ WASHINGTON — Scientists are assembled here, 1,100 strong, as high-tech champions. . These 
superconductivity experts, handpicked for a historic two-day federal conference. ..” 

[Handpicked by whom? Moreover, the individual who for over 22 years has truthfully cham- 
pioned the Pioneering Technology that caused the “stunning” superconductivity results to occur 
was excluded from this Washington meeting ] 

Question: Who do you think is most competent to push this Technology for humanity — individuals who had d 
nothing before my work and then clamor to steal it and vigorously use it for purposes of war, or the individual who dev ^ 
his life to its fulfillment and the achievement of World Peace? 

Question: Why do you think that they have so deliberately acted to thwart me and attempted to steal my achievement’ B 
cause they know the speed with which I would push forward this Technology for humanity and remove it from their cont ml 

The USA TODAY article also stated that other countries such as Japan, etc., are possibly moving ahead of us since th 
governments are already putting money into the advancement of superconductivity. Interestingly enough, on tw 0 occa 
sions people from Japan have visited my home, taped my work, and my work has been printed in major papers in Tokyo 
and other places in Japan. My books are sold in Japan and the Chubu University has a copy of my book. 

Question: Rather than deliberately fight me in the advancement of this Pioneering Technology for the last eight years, what 
do you think would have happened if the U.S. Government had been behind me and had guided competent scientists 
towards the full development of my Pioneering Technology? 

The USA TODAY article stated that President Reagan made an unprecedented appearance at the conference and that 
Reagan stated, “We haven’t even begun to dream the possibilities.” The article quotes Reagan as stating that he will offer a 
legislative initiative to ease anti-trust laws, strengthen patent laws, and protect intellectual property. The article also states 
that the Government will put forth millions of dollars to push forward the advancement of superconductivity. At the same 
time the U.S. Government keeps me tied up in a Court struggle that costs me and the American taxpayers money and time! 

Now Reagan wishes to appear to the people that it is he who is pushing for this Pioneering Technology from the 
government’s standpoint. The facts show that Reagan and his cohorts are talking out of both sides of their mouths and they 
should be regarded as liars and hypocrites! They are also fools who echo the hollow words of historical “war fools.” 

FACT 30: In the early 1980s, Reagan appointed Donald Quigg as the Commissioner of Patents. [Quigg was formerly a top 
executive with a major oil company for 38 years.] Donald Quigg has consistently lied when asked about my Pioneering 
Technology and continues to lie and fight its patentability to this very day. 

In the early 1980s, Reagan appointed Thomas Penfield Jackson as a Federal District Judge in Washington, D.C. Jackson 
was knee-deep in the Watergate scandal as the attorney for John Mitchell and CREEP (Committee to Re-Elect the President). 
Jackson has consistently been a pawn to Reagan’s instruction. Even the newsmedia had to file suit against Jackson concern- 
ing the trial of one of Reagan’s closest friends — Michael Deaver. 

Thomas Penfield Jackson has consistently violated Patent and Federal Law concerning my Pioneering Technology and 
even to this day remains dormant by failing to issue a ruling on the trial concerning my suit against the Patent Office. The 
trial ended in December, 1986. Judicial action was expected by March, 1987. The months continue to add up and Jackson 
fails to act. 

During the December, 1986 trial my very competent attorney, John Flannery, of Washington, D.C. made a fool of the 
U.S. Patent Office and the National Bureau of Standards I intentionally did not attend the trial — my absence was to accent 
the absence of Justice In the Court of Thomas Penfield Jackson. And this trial represented a trial of my life’s work! 
FACT 31 : QUIGG — JACKSON — REAGAN: These are the same corrupt individuals that will cause me to seek wasted 
costly motions of filing an interference suit with the U.S. Patent Office concerning those individuals/entities/organiza 
which are claiming more than that to which they are entitled and claims which infringe upon my Pioneering Tec ^ ^ 
under the guise of “Superconductivity.” Had the U.S. Patent Office issued my Patent years ago, then such acrimony 
be totally unnecessary. 

FACT 32: The facts show that Reagan — as a result of having his strings pulled by others representing other interests ^ 
succeeded in delaying the Pioneering Patenting of my revolutionary technology while at the same time pus > n S 
Superconductivity behind the scenes. 

For further proof of the Truth of the fects presented In this Report, see pegs 22 lor the extensive list of orgenlzetlons. universities end corporetlons the! he 




History will guarantee 

the verification of this attempted or completed greatest Fraud and Theft that may be 
- if the world exists to have a history. (?) 

«^,,ribulcd to Ronald Reagan. That Is - 
d ork Is known throughout the world and has been published across the world. 

" e | e ase is being sent to several thousand members of the press, to every Senator and Congressman, to over 
The press re e ersjtjes and to approximately 8,000 individuals or organizations that have purchased my book, 


Wh is ironic is that my enemies — Greed, Power, Recognition, etc. — do not even understand that because I 

FACT34: Wr 

about Humanity, that if I had to do everything all over again under the same tremendously adverse condi- 
care so mu £ . he y s corrupt Government, I would do it all over again and again and again, 
tions, eg, ngnuiig 

their eagerness to steal my work and slow the advancement of my life’s work for Humanity, they ironically serve to 
1 ward the magnitude of my Pioneering Technology and benefit Humanity. From the beginning 22 years ago, I have 
pUS n keenly aware that this Technology Is of crucial Importance to the benefit, survival, and advancement of Humanity. 
35 - Justice is not only for Joseph Newman, but is for the further advancement of Science, the Human Race, and the 
i^nvet unborn who will live to know the results of whether there is Justice or Injustice to those who devote their lives 
°s caring individuals for the benefit of others The scientific community and all people who care about science and human 
^vancement should vigorously speak out about this Injustice. Not to do so condemns the advancement of the Human Race 
because this Truth will live on! 

This Is the Bicentennial Year of our Constitution and this Injustice Is a Mockery to Its very essence. 

As I have said before, I say again: Ronald Reagan, Donald Qulgg, and Thomas Penfleldjackson should be IMPEACHED. 

If my words of ’’impeachment” seem strong in 1987, I am fully convinced that they will be justified in 2087! Not to call for 
impeachment guarantees that others will be encouraged in the future to commit even greater Injustice, and it is you the 
"People” and the ones you love who will suffer the consequences. 

While I would prefer to receive justice for my years of work, I am prepared to be the last to receive injustice if I can 
ensure by my actions that no innovator in the future will have the fruits of his or her labors plundered by unscrupulous per- 
sons. Such plunder robs the innovator of incentive and thereby cripples the advancement of Humanity. 

FACT 36i Even now it is so obvious to me that many individuals who claim to be in the forefront of the superconductivity 
discovery still folly around with it. They still insist upon applying high current through the superconductor which inhibits 
the superconductor’s characteristics exactly as I vigorously teach throughout my book. Anytime one applies too much cur- 
rent in excess of the threshold point of the material’s atoms, heat is produced, the atoms become unaligned and the strength 
of the magnetic field is reduced. I have consistently taught that the magnetic field does not come from the current, but 
comes from the atoms comprising the conductor. That is exactly what is demonstrated. I consider anyone who claims to be 
a scientist is actually a fool if, after looking at these facts and my book, such a person does not recognize that I speak the 
truth on this subject. 

“Superconductivity” applied to my Pioneering teachings would work right now. Fine wire would simply be made 
very long with numerous turns and small current to make the magnetic field great with little or no heat. As a result, the su- 
perconductivity will last. 

— CT * 7i To further explain the rightness of my teachings and for those who wish to think and make advancements: do 
not only heat the material and apply pressure but also apply heat and/or electrical and/or magnetic field for a given time and 
then apply pressure while in the electrical and/or magnetic environment and then raise the heat and/or electrical and/or 
magnetic environment for a given period of time and apply additional pressure. By conducting many different tests with 
many different materials, one will find, as I teach, that small changes in one or more parts will cause drastic changes in the 
mished material to allow the gyroscopic particles comprising its material to mechanically emanate outside the boundaries 
0 ts materia * which is called the magnetic “electromagnetic” field. This will result In superconductivity even at room 
^mperature. The Scientific Method is simple: let the "facts” prove or disprove the “Theory” and the "Facts” of the 
mec anical methods of the tabletop breakthroughs of warmer and warmer Superconductivity prove the rightness of my 
tem nCerln8 Invemion and Technology. Why? Because the phenomena of Superconductivity at warmer and warmer 
whiclT^ h UreS matches exact *y what 1 have so diligently taught: "That the most efficient design of the Invention is one in 
H l C sma ** est amount of current input causes the greatest amount of atom alignment of the material.” This is exactly 
what a Superconductivity does! 

, the Facts resoundingly echo the Special Master’s Findings that my Pioneering Invention works! 

DnhiuK^. brcadth of m y technology was also recently verified by facts from the New York Times News Service as 
Published in the GRAND rapids press, December 4, 1986: 

our galax S8CnCC ***** * rt,cle 9tatc * that seven world astronomers (nicknamed the Seven Samurai) have confirmed that 
y and all other galaxies that we could see were orbiting some unseen or undetected massive object. Of course. 

F °' P ,0 °' o' 'ho “Truth" ol tho Lot. pi.. 

thl. R.port, ... p.g. 22 lor th. II. t ol org.nli.tlon., unlv.r.ltl*. and corporation, that h.». purch.a.d my book. 



I 1,11 I r» fly ll> ll ,p ,i " ' 

/rnilonul wlinlom " "" wrvrl : 

I hear ny In me M, .... c , f * my book, "Till' I'NI'MOY MA« MINI- < ).' K >*I'PII N.'WMAN 

for yrMru uml Mir explicitly " ' i 1 «uvr u ilrmonairuilun of how my trchnoli 

,, A , , 59l To prnvlilr even more iiepih K'im 

* 1 1 I r m | t i 

llA1 I to. I i i niDVIlH IV ' , 

- ippiictiio 

Mobile Register 


■ CollUlMied I'lnni I * ll || k 

(Illlllll lio ll mia|Mil lull linvIliH 
Hi mil liKuiily uml pi uKlIrnllly ( 

“ lv " , « - Bm ' •* iniMii iHiwm i.y 

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liminu 1 1 1« domnualrothm, . ... "I i'ui,,,, 
Nkwiiiiiii ua|ilelimil III III" mi .. imylunil ,,| 

iIIkiii'k Uml Im eould liilio m kiiII Tii*,,- ...... , , 

• .I w I ik uml 1 *i ii nmuiii'ltr , , || ‘ 

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lii IIiiuki 1 1 ii nl I ii u i> . n |irn 1*7 ".ml • • |iniimi l liiiinl i„ 
Ml IiikiiI Iiliynli I'll . will! Will olio v, ’ l,h lr v i iliiiiin I urn, II, r r |,,, 

ik ill. mil Illlllll anld, I liinillo mill lilt 

It ii v k rniKiilly wllimaaoil u “ u " I" "l"" 0 "iml tn Vulintio in 

tin ml i nlliin nl Newmnn'a '"’■I**" l‘l"<"\ nnvlaaliini 

kIiii'I ■ Uimllo nil mill mini n * I'Ii’vkiI Ii V "'""ll'ululi,,, 

vnllllln , 1 . nil Illlllll |>KI ■" r , lll.."".. "I I .■ nil., .ml, 

Inly l>i* " "• on ■ii|wiriiiiiliii'llii. wlr«. 

■»« «» - r ’: ' 

wi n,, ,,o.l with NO. III! Iimm. Urlo. w"| , l nl lie ,o,,n | ,«,il 
" i, When llio Army on, I Navy 

J»r Newman, l.mrdolr Inventor, wnli'lma lilo inlnl b|iiikci|iI|i liio In n dtlDOIIllr.lliill •" • 
u ml I r ii i p nl llir Allnili ul Hkiiiiiiko III Molilln WinliiKoiluy Mini ulnu 

tniiiiKi wlm Tim oyilnin l. 

nominally honvln. Him. ul. ■<»', 

who,, n w.,e ,.,. 11 1 - I’lninoi'ioii i SS'mZ 

Imllimi. "JaduSlI^ in- " W 

air. ll ollM.m win* ll*" <’*>""'• Nowi,,B " 

M.ou.mllK (loll. o. II M... If III. Nowmnn wh0 „a, 1,0,1 .11 
Klllionl II Kill Mil, Hullnm. Imllln with III. UN 

linilioitlotnly Imylim In foil II olflKe Im llm loll al|M 

1 1 1 k mu i mil direction la rovora V|1||| , , nt( | i„. i, .mi uvin, lilt 

Newman unveils new invention 

in" « in ' "in im in'" ■ "i ™ yoora, . it lit Im I. .1111 Inkini 
ml, llm linlliinii ioIiiIkb In nllyii [„ v n.ii Itino In llm IMlblli' " 
with llm KUllli'a flolil " ,,,,1,110 |a uni alii|,[it." lio *»M 

Nkwiiiiiii biiIiI, "lly aluiply will lull Ini Illlllll* Ilk* 

uliuiiiil'iu Hi® nm.iiat yo»» o““ 

- - 11 tula im kept from liuminUy. 

ninliK l| un nnywlmid ynu wnnl ,,, , Mm (|immnly inmli Ihl* 
ll In un I'm certain thlailevlre . , „ ,„ BV iKiwiml im i'“ 
InF »i ‘ '* 1 ‘ 

lly .MINI'; IllCVin 
1*1 aaa llrylnlri I in , ■ M|Milillnil. 

Jnau|ili W Nkwiiiiiii, llm I.iiiikiIuIo III VOIllor 
wlm iliilni. Im him IiivumIuiI iiii miKiay 
ni'lilno whh'h inniliinna inure Kimray ihmi ll 
inimuniKB, Wailiinniliiy lleinnimli uloil nl 1 1 1 
mmllmr llivenllon. Ilila one u mini a|ini>ealil|i, 
IIiiiI Im nn III iiaiin I liln auino lorliliuliiUV 
Nnwinmi nn l.l Ida nihil a|iui'ualil|i i<ni|iluya 

Ilia ■ a v o I ii 1 1 o ii n i y <> |i I nl kIih 

1 1 mu uuiiii l Inm uml (lie ayrii«l'li|ilu niunm 

"I Ii ii v n un mIhIkiI ihul 

wllldn ill ynma In.v .,1 will Im ua i uni 

! I' 1 "' ' '•» M'lllllMI on u uml flylnu 

e oily In omilliui hy Ilia imu nf llm |ilu 

mini Inn luoliiiuluyy Hint I leuoli," Newman 


"M|iukk linvul i nn Illinium u anfn ii'nllly 
iiiiw mil lie u Iinlimllal Inmli for unnil nnu|ilu 
hv |iln<i|ni4 iIikiii in ii linmaniliiiialy IiikiIIkIkuI 
lli|nhl 1 inmli, wlili li muliKit llm |ioluill litl nl u 

I u i ii k liunili wlili i i iiinpoil llvlnu 

fui II n linivu mid omililUnnim m'OUpaiiln,'' 

Nkwiiiiiii anlil nl Hill Ailliill ul HnniniKn I Inlnl 
III Mulilln 

My IkkIiuuIuiiv kuii Illlllll a|iUKH ilnvlooa 
ImivIiiu dlintnalnua uf ImnmnnK uikii llinruliy 
Ulvlny nmiiiia In kuii v ii yinul kiiiUii In llm 
I* « i mil Uml u nilnlulure wmhl uiivlrimiuonl 

1 ‘Ikubk | 

11 ,l "’ benolll of humanity 

I,nl yuii'i Iiualtlim im wnnl HOW vl «" 1 

InU Iiiib never Iikkii ilui.K Imlnin ,, 1 1 1 1 u u •" 

In llm Itlalury uf llm wurlil " a |uKklirulmra In Kino" 1,11 

Imlni a|im'Kaldiil 
b|ikkiI uf 1 1 u l*< Wl 

n 1 'iige III, l ol I 

In five ynnia Ilila iKKlmnluUV M , v „ ,,iililli< n > I""" " " 
omiht Im In aiim.K," Nowuiuo , |,„||i Hie funila >" N 1 ’ 1 ", 

nn Id "I iluu’l fual blow BHinkni | a ,,|„„,|„gy lulu •»!> I"'""" 

llinl a u fuel, I null itn ll,l"U« n,,,, "* *i«l*l 
llm BKloulirlo Kiimmimlly »uya 
ure liuiinaallile " 

II ii a 1 1 nil a o a |il n I uml , 

"Ni'wiiiiin r « iloalun Kiilla fu* 

Kiunlliin uf o umilimllo fluid 
width la un nVKinUK nliuiil 
Kiiiml In llm uuilh'a field over 
Ilia vnhime of Urn Imllooo 'I'lda 

i-A. I 40 i 1 1 I*, i ibvli nth 1 1 ml If i multi Krugun I un hern .iiIvInciI Ii i ii y Ii i tlhc* IiIn pollllf ul powlllon ti» » » 1 vliiln I 1 1,1 ( ( |* () ||ji . i ' 1 

li'K I >au*iiin Im IntllvkhulN flulmln^ my woili Ai I he n.iiiii* I line Knigan In hIvIiih mllltOPN uml poMlI'ly 
axiuiyc * 1 V. money in Im ihr Inien niN ol encruy turn chin, Imu di .1 nmirolleil rule ul utlvumr He " M *• 1 ' ..nun " 1 

1 , "" 1 ' •- l ' <lnnl I'enllelcl Jiu'ltNi hi uml Donald (JuImh imnIow down or Millie ihe I'loneerlnH ' ^'^iiilcil 

no liilmoloxy Ai the n.iiiic time Keuxun idIniini •• i h I n leclmoloxy uiut Iiu ic.incn die poNNlbllliy ol 1 11 jimnaf' 1 "' 

An l'*'h Olicn im curred In hlNiory ..Imu ni.c, Ic*., Hi..*,. Ic.ini qmillfled (o politlt ally lead minlpuM* 

luio u pi.Nlilmi ul leuilei'Nhl|), 

n hidhai Illlllll III lha "Truth" nl Ilia Itflll pitianlad III Ihla htiiuil, aaa iiaya UK In, Ilia a.lanalva llal ul oiganliallunt, unlaaialllaa ami imnieialhiiia III 

(hlrt^cn Congressmen have lnyoduced^bnis^WngCongresMo Issue 

-v- r - -- --^rre'^ ?o°ra C c^^Ten3“o r ana C.on B ress ma n a. d ma ,e , hi s ^ 
^ ‘« n y a“or and CoTO»^“^ They speak or .he oppor.unky present* ' ^ ^ , havc of , cn said . th 
1 c ' l ,hr-m at every opp , llrMf 1v made superconductivity a po ■ fulfillment should 


it** 5 "" 

— vo UH . E oo N B 1TF o RTHE 

to comC f0 ew ard an. peov^c th c ^ 

ct4 , 

in talking w,tn u 

. . IF YOU ARE MOVED BY THESE FACTS ~ an Supply this information to your local 

,ACT ’ :ir^--^:-::^a s Tcrmer:,o°rw „ f ~ *- — — us - 

Senator* and Congressman. „ CLASS action SUIT against the U S. 

» -o Xl b ; ‘rXlals^re denial of dtls technology to the American people - 

government — cnarguig 

- - - - — ^ ^ ^ ~ faC ’ 5 ' ' * ‘ ’ 
rr^ese facts to the heads 

Departments In local schools. e«”eges and un,ver . b „, _ or If they fall to respond. 

eo„ P cermngfacu,,y m c mher^ho.,p n ^ Jake certain that they obtain a copy of this 

St Contact individuals seeking the Preside y and Uten make sure .ha. they publicly respond. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 

niv work will stand In History as one of the most corn \ advancement of the Human Race long after a 

H Z Je If you .ove and care Rbou, Justice of my life for .he beneflr of humanr.y 

departed- then act and speak out for Justice concerning berrer than Y , hat m y pioneenng 

The "Peoples" Enemies have now made Scienrisrs and "People around 
technology works.